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we're going to try a unique and extremely fun pass the game challenge basically a chain of game developers are going to work on one project together without any communication my brother liam will start making the game then he'll pass it on to me and so on what can six developers create together without uttering a single word between each other let's begin with liam alright guys i will be the first one to start a challenge it's currently 9 40 a.m and that means i've got until 1 40 p.m so yeah i'm not really good at starting projects i've got a hard time trying to find game ideas let's just get started i want to test myself and we'll see what comes up alright so my four hours aura once i quite quickly got an idea of what i wanted to create so in my head the game that i wanted to make was a base building game where you control a spaceship and protect it against the evading enemies so you can rotate the base left and right you can purchase weapons and place them on your spaceship all right now i'm going to pass this for our prototype to noah please make it look good all right guys so i'm going to actually get a first look at liam's game here i'm gonna see what he's added what he's done and then i'm gonna have to spend four hours expanding on this i completely understand what game is made here but first i was definitely confused about what was going on you control the player character in fact you're controlling an entire planet you're placing obstacles objects on it to defend it against invading creatures [Music] so i mainly added artwork to the project as well as some post-processing i only getting the projects to look relatively good early since it's a lot more motivating than just staring at squares all day also created this turret that increases the rotation speed of your spaceship you'll notice a bunch of cool sound effects and these come from production crate the sponsor of this video they have a massive library of art sounds music models that you can use in your own video game projects for example i wanted a sci-fi ambient track for our project and stumbled upon this great piece i found explosions pop sounds and building noises be it for their sound beautiful animations sprite sheet generator tool production crate often plays a really helpful role while we develop our games link to production crate in the description so i've just finished my four hours hopefully the nyx developer who is aaron from support is going to be able to figure out what the the vision of the game is and play expand on it or even improve hey everyone my name is aaron i'm part of cookbook collective we are a game studio in the netherlands and we make a new game every month i just got the project from noah last night i haven't checked it out yet i really don't know what to expect honestly it could be anything okay okay okay all right let's see if it runs it does run oh it has some screen shake okay so it's like a shooty shooty thing i wonder what this means oh it's like increased rotation speed heals one hp every second okay i'm about to die so oh you get the place where it goes oh that's interesting really there's still a lot of possible things to make with this my first my first thought would be maybe to make a rotate towards the mouse and then you can also move like all right just checking in it's been about two hours of working on the game now so i revamped the ui a little bit i also added movement and you now aim with the mouse which is also nice biggest changes i still want to do and which i already started on a little bit that you can now add modules to your ship the sloths is you can also add like certain items maybe there's one big problem though still well it's not a big pro it's kind of a big problem is that you can sort of overlap modules now so i want to get that fixed all right i guess i'm done i worked on the game for four hours it made a little system that they don't overlap and i also just realized i added that things get more expensive as you buy more of them honestly i'm super excited to see what everyone else will add now aaron passed the game to jonas tyroller a talented game developer very excited to see where he takes our projects so my goal is probably just to polish what the other ones made i was already thinking what should i add to the game i have no clue what awaits me okay it's some sort of space shooter there are even upgrades what what the game doesn't pause when i hit tab i can add stuff to my spaceship i have to say i found it very difficult to focus on the game and on the store at the same time you have to control the spaceship with wasd and then at the same time hold tap to bring up the store okay there's no game over state yet i can just i fly through them all i did some more testing and came up with a list of things i wanted to do getting a game over screen fade like the obvious thing to start with it shows your high score as well as your best high score and i also animated it a little bit finding your way through other people's code is always a bit tricky and i'm sure the fact that four different people worked on it without really communicating to each other didn't make things better either it's pretty safe to say that we produced complete spaghetti code but who cares as long as it works then i did a lot of things to make the shop more usable for once i made it a toggle so you don't have to keep your goddamn finger on the button i also slowed down time while you're in the shop to make it less stressful i made sure that things you can't afford turn red in the store which wasn't the case before i sometimes had the problem that the store buttons were covering the area where i wanted to build so i changed the store buttons to disappear while you're placing something actually somebody had already coded that before me but it was broken so i fixed it i found it very annoying that the spaceship kept spinning while you were trying to place modules on it my solution was to just lock the rotation while the store is open and the master of exploits so i found an infinite money bug in the menu that allowed you to just buy items and refund them for more and more money needless to say i fixed that as well i added a more visible level border because the lack of that irritated me a lot during my play tests there was a module that gave you 10 gold every 5 seconds that's kind of pointless when the normal gun gives you 10 gold every 2 seconds though and kills an enemy so i changed to give you 5 additional gold per kill which makes more sense and discourages passive play styles and then the boosters had a similar problem because it just didn't make any sense to build them you just didn't need them my solution was to add a weight value to all of the expansion modules the more of these you built the slower your rotation and movement speed gets that allowed me to make the boosters a lot more powerful give you a lot of extra speed which feels nice another problem with the balancing was that the level stopped getting more difficult after a while so it was actually possible to maneuver yourself into a position where nothing could kill you anymore so i made it that it never never stops getting more difficult i definitely balance the game in a way where it's very very difficult now and the reason for that is that the game does not have a lot of content like there's only one enemy type and i think short rounds are better for this kind of game it's more fun to try multiple times try different strategies than one endless run that never ends you know now i can already i can already imagine people will play it and say jonas you ruined the balancing you made it you broke it i don't care because i like it this way and now shut up the game's done bye all right now it's cold monkey's turn let's go hello and welcome i'm your code monkey alright so over here let's open up the pass the game project okay so let's try hitting on play so some kind of tower defense things automatic okay that's interesting lots of really nice particle effects and obviously the art is gorgeous so this one is already a pretty interesting game really like how there's a mixture of tower defense with some survival a bunch of things so i came up with those various ideas and i decided that the one i was going to tackle was making a clickable missile attack but i also didn't want it to be just a boring missile getting straight i wanted to have a nice satisfying arc so i just made that using a bit of math playing around with lurping a rotation with an increasing rotation speed i did have some issues where the missiles would just rotate endlessly and never actually hit the target but with some tweaking i got it working for damaging the enemies it's just a simple physics query and damaging all of them in range pretty easy then for the visuals i made a particle effect based on the enemy destroyed particle that was already present in the project just took that and made one big circle particle to showcase the aoe effect and after that i also use the trail renderer to make a nice smooth drill another thing that i also added was some screen shake one of my notes right as i saw the project was that the camera was a bit too static though adding some simple screen shake really helps keep the game feel much more dynamic with that the missiles were working being able to fire an infinite amount is pretty bad for balancing so i made a simple recharge logic and a ui element they recharge one ammo per four seconds with a maximum of three i think that's a pretty nice balance and finally i got to work on the mega missile ability since the missiles were fully working this one was super easy to add it really just fires a hundred missiles towards random positions in the world so it's pretty simple and i think it looks pretty awesome and the final task was just adding some limits so that it's not too overpowered for this one i made it based on a cooldown so once you fire it you just have to wait for about 20 seconds and you can fire again and that's it those were my additions to this project this was fun so i can't wait to see the final game and now we have a final game developer yan hopefully doesn't mess up since the game is so close to completion and it's really awesome for now hello hello i'm jen so kind of space shooter i can move around okay yeah okay already super polished man it's like this feels like a finished game okay wow you've got this spaceship with a circular design and a mega missile oh okay wow i'm i'm impressed you guys jan finalized the game by adding polish and new enemy improved sound effects and lots more really cool projects fascinating i'm super stoked that we got like three together i don't even know who the other people all are but we together got a pretty cohesive game like i thought it would be so much more chaotic it just makes sense like it's a nice package really like it really like it so thank you so much um yeah to you noah and to everyone who participated it's really great experience and that's the challenge complete jan suggested we call the game piece by piece since as he pointed out it represents both how we made the game one developer at a time as well as the shipbuilding mechanic you can play it now for free with the link in the description hope you enjoyed this collaboration if there's any creatures you would love to see us work with let us know in the comments and we'll do our very best to make it happen remember to like if you enjoyed this it's a massive help and also subscribe so you don't miss any videos we're uploading every single sunday so stay tuned thanks so much for watching cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 710,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, indie game dev, 6 Developers make a GAME without any COMMUNICATION!, game design, game mechanics, jonas tryoller, sokpop, code monkey, blackthornprod, no communication, game challenge, pass the game, game jam, making a game, using unity, how to create a game, behind the scenes, making of
Id: inAdRWuO1ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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