8 Best Clone Troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic

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hello there friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is alan clone troopers are supposed to be identical genetic copies of one another but the second they are hatched from their nurseries on camino each clone assumes an individual identity and path in life so while all clones are made the same not all of them will perform at the same level today we'll be taking a look at eight of the best clone troopers in the entire grand army of the republic of course captain rex is going to be at the top of our list he's probably the most famous clone in the entire grand army of the republic now because all clones are genetically identical how clones like captain rex turn out is heavily based on nurture rather than nature captain rex has the benefit of being paired with some of the most talented and plot important jedi like anakin skywalker serkitano and obi-wan kenobi i mean sure anakin skywalker is oftentimes remembered for his crimes against jedi babies and domestic abuse against padme but as a military commander he was one of the best out there and he expected a great deal out of his men but at the same time carefully watched out for their safety because they truly did care about them i'm gonna go help them out most military commanders are trained to not get too close to their men this is so that they can put the mission first and sacrifice soldiers if necessary bananakin has the skill and compassion to achieve the mission and also protect the man he cares about of course it's not easy keeping up with someone like anakin skywalker on the battlefield he is the chosen one and he can be careless and overly aggressive at times captain rex was able to survive many battles alongside anakin skywalker from the vertical assault on teth to the second battle of geonosis an invasion of umbara it says a lot about his skills and tenacity but anakin and his padawan associate have also saved captain america's life on several occasions making sure that he could learn from those near fatal accidents and continue improving his own combat abilities we the audience have also witnessed some of captain rex's greatest deeds first hand like his desperate defense against the savage talls on autoplutonia or his defense of a small lerman village from us suffered a superweapon captain rex not only became a superb fighter fighting underneath anakin skywalker he also developed a very clear moral compass he usually comes down on the right side of history like when he didn't turn in cutler queen for desertion or when he stood up against general capone krell's ridiculous orders or when he fought the inhibitor chip during order 66. captain rex is the kind of clone you want to serve under because you know he's going to be watching out for your best interest clone marshall commander cody is the clone you would want in charge of your military if you were say chancellor palpatine and that's because commander cody was not only a great individual fighter and strategic mastermind he was also very reliable and loyal to the cause commander cody got his tutelage under the jedi general obi-wan kenobi general kenobi was a very accomplished jedi but far more cautious than individuals like anakin and ahsoka as a jedi master everyone kenobi would make it onto the high jedi council at a relatively young age but this was because he showed a great deal of maturity and adherence to the rules both kenobi and cody were by the book type of officers this is what made their pairing so great well cody spent the majority of his time commanding troops in larger battalions or legion size groups he also occasionally ventured to the front or behind enemy lines with smaller units in special operations during the battle of ryloth cody successfully leads an assault against separa's a.a guns during the second battle of geonosis as troop transport was shot down and cody managed to hastily create a perimeter and sent out a rescue mission to retrieve general kenobi from his own down transport commander cody is the type of commander you want in charge when you're playing a game like total war and you just want the ai to simulate the battle for you so you don't have to do all that work yourself he's dependable and he gets results and he's almost as good as the jedi general when it comes to commanding in the field is exactly what the clones were built for [Music] clones aren't necessarily known for being excellent pilots but they are a one-size-fits-all solution for the grand army of the republic this means the majority of the starfighter pilots in the jr were clones and amongst the most talented of those pilots was an individual named oddball he was a clone commander who was skilled in flying and leading flights of b19 torrents y wings and arc 170 starfighters while he was never really heavily featured in the clone wars tv show he was usually the one the clones on the ground called when they needed air support or cover during the battle bombard the 501st was in danger of having their position overrun by the locals oddball leads a flight of y wings on a danger close mission and manages to destroy a good portion of the enemy fighters causing them to retreat during the battle coruscant oddball and his unit were placed in arc 170s and provided cover for jedi master obi-wan kenobi and jedi knight anakin skywalker once they helped the jedi break through the separatist lines they were ordered to stay on station and cover the jedi while they were inside of the invisible hand trying to rescue the chancellor even though oddball did not believe that the jedi would make it out of the situation he still did his duty and stayed behind even though his arc 170 starfighter was quite vulnerable during this specific battle [Music] during the ryloth campaign mace windu took on the challenging mission of retaking lesu from the separatist mission was challenging for multiple reasons one mace windu for some reason elected to land his armored column miles away from the targets and so his forces had a journey by walker through strange and buried lands full of choke points and seppi ambushes roloth was also famous for dangerous fauna and weather when master windu's armored column comes under fire while on a windy cliffside road the jedi master quickly launches a counter-offensive with the help of arf troopers razor and stack using atrts the clones fight their way through head of the enemy fire and manage to destroy the sepi tank platoon later razer and stack would accompany master windu on his historic meeting with champs and doula finally during the assault on lesu it was razer and stack who would stare away on board a mtt with mace windu in order to infiltrate the city the two of them would end up breaching the control tower room by themselves and fight off several bx series commando droids and turn on the plasma bridge so that the rest of the twilight and clone attack force could cross the bridge and take the city now arc troopers are supposed to be better trained than normal clones some might even classify them as special forces because of the type of missions they usually encounter the fact that razer and stack could keep up with someone like jedi master mace windu just shows us why they belong on this list [Music] the 501st legion is going to have many individuals on this list simply because their commander anakin skywalker was usually sent to some of the most difficult and important fronts of the war what makes ct's 6116 kicks unique is the fact that he is a clone medic one of the unsung heroes in the grand army of the republic who does not get nearly enough recognition for his actions as one of the few combat medics we do see in the clone wars kicks his main focus is not just the mission but keeping his men safe and alive while on our routine patrol of captain rex on bark speeders a group of commando droids ambushed them and managed to knock out captain rex with a sniper round while the rest of the clones pursue the enemy kicks immediately went back to defend and treat his commanding officer kix shows great calm under fire and is quickly able to assess rex's injury and stabilize him for the time being kix also makes a quick judgment call and realizes that the wound is severe enough that rex will need to be sheltered immediately he can't be brought back to base when captain rex wakes up later on he tries to get back into the fight even though rex outranks kicks he's still a patient in getting treatment and so in this case kix is the one who has the ultimate authority and he does tell rex to get some rest without kix's quick thinking medical skills it's possible that we would have lost captain rex it's nice to know that you have a medic that places the safety of the men before anything else during the battle of umbara kicks had a really tough time serving underneath the command of poncrell who had the tendency to use up clones like cannon fodder but what really makes kicks one of the best claws is the fact that he intently figured out that the biochips inside of the clone's brains were designed to kill the jedi unfortunately count dooku finds out that the clown medic is getting close to the sith's secrets and so the separatists kidnap him and put him in a stasis pod and transport him towards serrano unfortunately that cruiser with kicks on it gets ambushed by the republic and before the ship is destroyed the droid crew on board decided to jump into hyperspace to an unknown area kix would wake up 50 years later and become officially the last living clone fives has to be on this list of the most talented clones in the grand army of the republic five servers on rishi moon shows exactly just how special he was when the outpost was attacked by commando jurors it was overrun leaving only a few clones including fives left luckily rex and cody were checking on the base for a routine maintenance run and discovered what had happened rex and fives would meet for the first time and they would work together in retaking the base which actually gets fuzz recruited into the 501st legion this shows that five was able to impress rex and cody pretty early on with his skills and ability to adapt to a situation later on fives participated in defending camino during one of the crucial stages of the battle fives rallies with a bunch of clone cadets and gives a rousing speech to them this is a great example of how fives took leadership into his own hands and motivated other clones to be strong and believe in themselves during this dark time after the battle of camino's efforts did not go unnoticed and he would be promoted to arc trooper during the battle of embara following a failed attempt to reach the umbrella in capital city fives and the rest of the 501st would hold an unborn spaceport against increasing enemy resistance frustrated with his commander pong krell's decisions fives would take matters into his own hands and take a captured enemy aircraft and target the enemy fleet above the planet despite fives his lack of familiarity with umbaran technology his plan proves to be successful vibes along with several other clones managed to destroy a good portion of the separatist fleet it took a lot of guts going up against general pong's direct order not to pull off this crazy plan he also had no guarantee that he would make it back alive fives is a selfless individual who also happens to be very individualistic and so he's able to do whatever he thinks is best at any time following tufts chip malfunction and his killing of general tiplar 5's accompanies his friend back to camino fives quickly grow suspicious of the care afforded to tough and begins to suspect the kaminones are possessing an ulterior motive the arc trooper manages to convince a droid to remove an organic mass that he's detected in tub's brain tub eventually dies from medical complications but fives were smart enough to realize that something was not right and so he gets that same medical droid to remove the chip from his own brain as well fives would go on to almost uncover the inhibitor chip conspiracy but ultimately palpatine was one step ahead of him fives would die on the run as a fugitive after supposedly attempting to assassinate the chancellor but those who fought alongside fives will remember him as one of the most selfless clones in the 501st no matter what obstacle he phased survives always had a strong moral compass and he would always try to do the right thing if you had known echo as a cadet on kamino you would have noticed how keen he was to follow orders and study the regulation manuals he was the type of club who would get lost without the rules and guidance books he lacked initiative basically but somehow echo managed to survive longer than anyone else in his cadet squad ekko would take part in defending the reese's moon outpost and prevented the successful separate invasion of kamino he would be promoted to arc trooper because of his performance but then he would go mia during a mission to the citadel his team had been pinned down by heavy weapons and placement and cut off from their transport echo bravely tried to take out the enemy position and secure the shuttle but was blown into pieces everyone thought echo died but instead what happened was he was turned into a cyborg by watanborg and hooked to a machine that predicted the strategies that the clones would use on the battlefield echo would later on be saved by captain rex and the bad batch but the experience left them scarred and traumatized most people would have been deeply depressed and unable to handle their new body and augmentations but echo showed a mental toughness that was rare even amongst clones despite all that happened to him he decided to continue fighting and joins up with the bad batch as one of their regular members so there you have it guys these are a clones who really went above and beyond the call of duty of course i know you guys all have your own favorites out there so let me know in the comment section below who are in your top eight as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 38,230
Rating: 4.9749742 out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars
Id: WPcVJjnRtC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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