5 Tactical Upgrades the Clone Troopers Made During the Clone Wars

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hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation deck my name is alan when the clone troopers first hit the ground running during the battle geonosis they were full of hope excitement and innocence they had been training for this moment for almost a decade which also happened to be most of their lives the clones individually were some of the bravest and most disciplined troops to ever exist in the galaxy their battlefield knowledge and tactics had been heavily enhanced by years of training and flash simulation but nothing could really prepare these clones for the real actual thing and more importantly nothing could prepare the clones for the terrible jedi leadership and tactics instead of utilizing the terrain their advanced training weapons and equipment the jedi would lead the clone army in costly frontal assaults against heavily fortified and prepared separatist fighting positions many clones that day died needlessly because of incompetence but those who did survive would no longer look at war the same way they had been blooded and now it was time for their training and genetics to kick in from now on the clones would begin to adapt to this new war that they were fighting in today we're gonna take a look at five major changes the clone troopers adopted throughout the clone wars in order to increase their effectiveness and survivability [Music] here's the thing the jedi aren't callous individuals but they are taught to distance themselves emotionally from each other and all other living beings military commanders are actually taught to do the same thing they're supposed to appreciate the soldiers beneath their command but they can't get too close to them to the point where they wouldn't be willing to risk or sacrifice any of them for a mission objective it's not to say that the jedi are willing to waste clone lines but this mentality of emotional detachment combined with a lack of training and military strategy and tactics led to some really terrible decisions on the battlefield the jury for the most part are god-like individuals with the ability to perceive incoming threats they literally can reflect any blaster bolts sent at them and they can enhance their speed and strength to cross large open spaces in a very short period of time the problem is the jedi especially the very talented and skilled ones oftentimes forget that the clones they lead lack these same abilities it might seem like a good idea for anakin skywalker to charge up a sure cliff face to attack an enemy with the high ground but ultimately this was a terrible decision that cost many clone troopers their lives in all fairness though jedi commanders were very competent even though they had unorthodox and sometimes stupid strategies they usually got the job done and this really won them a lot of respect from the clone troopers that they commanded this meant though that the clones readily try to argue against their jedi commander's orders instead of trying to convince the jedi from using frontal assaults all of the time the clones adapted to this strategy by incorporating ballistic shields similar to the ones that swat entry teams use ballistic shields are essentially portable cover the ones that we see the clones use can withstand a large amount of incoming blaster fire without being compromised and these are used alongside blaster pistols it's a welcome development that will save countless clone lives in the last year of the war so if your commander doesn't believe in cover bring your own the dc-15a was designed for the massive set-piece battlefields of the clone wars it was the weight of a light machine gun and as long as an anti-material rifle here on earth well it performed well in large open spaces like on geonosis the dc-15a was way too unwieldy for operations and more cramped spaces like on board ships or in urban terrains most clones would eventually switch to the dc-15a carbine variant this was much shorter about the size of your typical personal defense weapon there were of course some disadvantages with this smaller blaster for instance the longer barrel of dc15a made it tougher for the weapon to overheat also the larger blaster had a shoulder stock which created a much more stable firing platform but ultimately the range of dc-15a and its accuracy wouldn't change much when it went from the full-size rifle to the carbine now the r troopers would take the miniaturization of their firearms a step forward and utilize blaster pistols instead of larger blasters either way this gave the clones a lot more mobility and much less weight to carry around the most visible chains that we see the clone troopers go through throughout the clone wars is their armor the first generation phase one clone trooper armor was designed by the kaminoans but their lack of empathy and knowledge about human anatomy meant that their designs weren't exactly the most comfortable or functional although rex does really swear by the phase one clone arm or his protective abilities phase 2 clone armor added a lot more ease of function design features and was far more comfortable than the phase 1 clone armor it was also very modular and accepted all sorts of customizations for the individual clone units depending on what type of missions and environment they happen to find themselves in clone troopers also started customizing their new armor with decorations and special markings it was oftentimes encouraged by the giant commanders who wanted the clone troopers to embrace their individuality more the one disadvantage that phase two clone armor did have was that it didn't have an internal life support system so additional attachments were needed if the clones wanted to go into vacuum or some toxic atmosphere [Music] the reason why most mandalorians wear jet packs is because it greatly enhances the mobility of the fighter which is really important when fighting a superhuman like the jedi when priest vizsla died fighting maul it was most likely because his jetpack was disabled the same thing could be said about both vets well actually boba ends up surviving his jetpack situation the point is a mandalorian with a functional jet pack is a lot more deadly the clone troopers would begin adapting jetpacks as well pretty early on in the war but it would become more common practice in the later years of the war to see jet pack troops being used in mass on the front lines in the same way that jet packs helped mandalorians fight the jedi jet packs also helped the clone troopers keep up with their jedi leaders crazy shenanigans jetpacks allow the clones to get into cover or to high ground positions within a matter of seconds they could also be used in flanking maneuvers as well there are a lot of great benefits with fighting alongside the jedi sometimes jedi commanders will use the force to either assist their troops or save them from dangerous and otherwise unavoidable deaths during the battle ringovinda a jedi commander uses the force to lift a group of jordicas off the ground so that they can no longer fire at them and then clones would roll droid poppers beneath their shields destroying them quickly during the battle of wildlife two scout troopers almost fell to their death but were aided by jedi master mace windu who used the force to give them a lift the more familiar the clone troopers were with their jedi commanders the better they fought together as a team and also with the force a smart jedi commander will place their clone troopers in difficult to reach places usually places that have a view of the entire battlefield where they can give overwatch some jedi also used battlefield meditation so that the controversy beneath their command were better coordinated and immediately knew about any holes in their line the force is the ultimate force multiplier used correctly it will give the republic a huge edge against the separatist alliance so there we have it guys in three and a half to four years this is really how the clone troopers change and evolve to the situation on the ground in the clone wars let me know in the comment section below if i've missed any other changes you've seen the clones make throughout this time also don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech you
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 100,090
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Keywords: generation tech, star wars
Id: hZSOfX_Ax_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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