How Captain Rex is Single-Handily Creating his own 'Clone Rebellion'

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Another episode of The Bad Batch is out, and it’s   everything we could’ve hoped for. Per usual, there  will be spoilers for the episode in this video,   so if you haven’t seen the episode yet,  go do so. That’s an order, trooper. Well guys, Gregor’s back, and it looks like  the plot of The Bad Batch is finally starting   to come together. Today’s episode gave us  more insight into the situation on Kamino,   more character development for the  Bad Batch, and most importantly,   more clones who seem to have lost their way - or  found it, rather. We’re finally getting a good   look at what our boy Rex has been doing behind  the scenes this whole time, and in this video,   we’re gonna give you our thoughts on what  he’s planning and what’s coming next. First things first, because we know people  will ask - yes, that was indeed Scorch in   that one fight sequence. It’s good to see  some old clone characters being brought back,   even in passing. Scorch wasn’t the only clone  commando to feature in this episode, of course.   Gregor played a major role in last night’s  story, and he may well have a role to play   in the rest of the series, too. This was  hardly a surprise; we’ve known that Gregor   hooked up with Rex after the end of the  Clone Wars since *Star Wars Rebels*. Still,   it’s good to see him back - even if his voice  is annoying now. Can’t have everything, I guess. Gregor’s appearance in last night’s episode  sheds some new light on the actions of another   of *The Bad Batch*’s familiar characters.  Captain Rex has been a bit of a secretive   figure in the show thus far; he’s bumped  shoulders with the Bad Batch a few times,   but mostly he’s been off doing his own thing,  which he’s been careful to keep under wraps. It   doesn’t take much extrapolation to figure out that  his pet project has been making a network of clone   deserters, and this most recent episode pretty  much confirms that. However, we’ve got reason to   believe that Rex’s deserter network is a lot more  extensive than we originally would’ve guessed. As we’ve told you guys from the beginning, the  clones haven’t had their personalities completely   overridden by the inhibitor chips, and as the  case of Captain Howzer proves, clones deserting   the Empire is a much bigger possibility than you  might have previously thought. As it turns out,   clones didn’t even need their inhibitor  chips removed to see that the Empire   wasn’t the Republic they were trained to  protect, though that certainly helped. They   still had mostly-free agency, and plenty of  clones used that agency to desert the Empire.   It started with Rex and the Bad Batch,  and we’ve since seen Howzer and Gregor,   two clones who likely hadn’t had  their chips removed yet, join them. More clones, surely, are soon to come.  The likelihood would have increased   as it became clear that the Empire was  replacing the Grand Army of the Republic.   Provided that the last clones weren’t gonna  be rounded up and euthanized before they learn   secondhand, far more troopers  would surely have ended up with   doubts about the Empire once it became  clear that the Empire had doubts about them. We know that Captain Rex has been making the  rounds with known clone deserters already.   He stopped in to check on Cut Lawquane, he  linked up with the Bad Batch, and, of course,   he was monitoring Gregor as well. We know that  Commander Wolffe is going to join the crew soon,   if he hasn’t already, as Rex, Wolffe, and  Gregor were all together in *Rebels*. But   they surely aren’t the only ones. Rex has been  far too busy to just end up with two recruits,   and if the Ryloth incident was any indication,  there were far more clones out there *to*   recruit than just those two clones as well.  We don’t know how big Rex’s network is yet,   but it’s a fair bet that it will end up  being sizable, at least by the season finale. The big unknown is what exactly Rex  is planning. From what we’ve seen,   he’s got quite the network of contacts, at the  very least. He was tuned in enough to pick up   Gregor’s beacon, after all, and he had the likes  of the Martez Sisters on his contact list too.   Even if his network of deserters isn’t all that  big, he’s got some serious logistics going on.   What he’s building might even be the start  of the network a certain orange-skinned,   head-tailed former Jedi will use to build up the  Rebel Alliance a decade and a half down the line.   Perhaps Rex was the first Fulcrum, so to speak  - or perhaps he’s got something else going on. Now, in a few of our previous videos about *The  Bad Batch*, we discussed the possibility of a   Kaminoan clone rebellion, like in Legends.  Clearly, the writers of the series have been   building up to something like that. This  most recent episode continues that trend,   showing a worsening of relations  between the Empire and Kamino   and the Kaminoans’ steady realization  that they were going to have to act   sooner rather than later. Whatever their plans  were, the Kaminoans are looking to escalate them. Of course, this episode also showed us that,  whatever the Kaminoans planned on doing,   they’re not going to be able to take the Empire by  surprise with it. Dialogue between Admiral Rampart   and Crosshair suggested that the Empire might  have plans to sterilize Kamino, much like we   know they’ll sterilize Geonosis when the Death  Star is moved from that system. Furthermore,   the Kaminoans’ activities were discovered by the  Empire in this past episode. Rampart now knows   that the Kaminoans were trying to evacuate their  scientists, and he and his men appear to have put   a stop to it. They’ve also either imprisoned or  executed Lama Su, the Kaminoan Prime Minister,   meaning that the likelihood of the Kaminoans  making an impactful effort to rebel is doubtful. But we might end up seeing a clone  rebellion anyway - just not from Kamino.   It’s pretty clear from the writing, at least,  that there’s some sort of clone resistance coming.   The primary message of *The Bad Batch* has  been that good soldiers think for themselves,   and don’t blindly follow orders that they know  to be wrong. We’ve seen this in everything from   the Bad Batch’s desertion to the prevalence of  clone deserters to Omega’s constant disobedience   of Hunter’s orders. There’s no question  about it - there will be a clone uprising,   and we believe Captain Rex  will be leading the charge. There’s no telling yet what form this uprising  will take. Maybe the clones will take after   Howzer and put on a brief strike before the new  stormtroopers come to put them down. Maybe we’ll   see more cases like Cut Lawquane’s, where clones  cut and run, leaving the Empire behind. And maybe,   just maybe, we’ll get to see the clones turn  off the frakking stun settings on their blasters   and burn a few well-deserved new holes  in some Imperial officers. I mean,   seriously - the Bad Batch *knows* that they’re  not fighting regs anymore, and yet they’re still   sticking with the stun guns at every turn. Surely  they know that the cure for fascism is a nice warm   blaster bolt? In seriousness, though, it’d be  really nice if the clones pulled a sort of reverse   Order 66 on the Imperials, and see how they like  a little treason. Only time will tell, of course. However, no matter what form  the coming clone uprising takes,   we should keep in mind that it’s gonna fail. It  doesn’t matter how big Rex’s network gets - over   a decade and a half later, he’s still gonna  end up on an AT-TE in the middle of nowhere,   with just Gregor and Wolffe to keep him company,  and the Empire still Empire-ing in the background.   Whatever’s coming, it’s probably not going  to change the course of galactic history,   at least immediately. It’ll probably  be more like a last stand for the good   old Grand Army of the Republic, an  honorable but fruitless endeavour. Well, that’s a bit of a depressing note to  end on. Look on the bright side, though:   we’re probably gonna see more familiar faces  from The Clone Wars in the next few episodes.   But what do you think? What’s your theory  about how this season’s gonna end? There   are only two episodes left after this, and  we’ll see you when the next one comes out.   In the meantime, feel free to post  your thoughts in the comments below.
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 132,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, Star Wars, The Bad Batch, Kamino, Kaminoans, Galactic Empire, clone rebellion, Dark Times, Captain Rex, clone trooper, clone commando, Gregor, Bad Batch, Clone Force 99, Captain Howzer, Commander Wolffe
Id: XyNM3M7vUas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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