8 Best Officers in the Grand Army of the Republic

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hello there friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is alan the grand army of the republic was often led into battle by a jedi general or commander but when they weren't around clone officers would take over the responsibility of leadership today we'll be taking a look at eight of the most capable clone trooper officers in the gar when the cam and owens created the clone troopers one of the most important qualities they try to breed into their soldiers was obedience cc 1010 commander fox was a no-nonsense clone who was put in command of the course on guard this was an elite clone shock trooper force that served as a military police in the political center of the galaxy on coruscant their job was to work alongside with coruscant security forces to maintain peace and stability on this world this meant protecting the senate and also the chancellor they also guarded the republic judiciary central detention center commander fox was an excellent fighter and rarely hesitated to charge directly into battle because his unit mostly patrolled urban areas he was also an expert at cqb and urban warfare more importantly he also rarely challenged or questioned an order especially if he came from palpatine himself these were the qualities you wanted in a military police commander grander fox and his men were expected to arrest and detain anyone the republic required of them including their fellow clones and even the jedi commander fox would take part in several important operations on coruscant including the arrest of hut crime lord zero and the fraying of his hostage senator padme amidala commander fox would also track down the renegade clone trooper fives who attempted to assassinate palpatine fox would personally shoot fives ending his life and although fox was just following orders fox seems to show some remorse over his actions greener fox and his men would also take part in order 66 and help track down the last remaining jedi on coruscant we sometimes forget that clone troopers weren't just infantry grunts they also served in the republic navy as crew and starfighter pilots cc2237 commander oddball was the leader of clone flight squad 7 which was a part of the open circle armada oddball was an exceptionally skilled pilot and had mastered flying the v19 torrent interceptor the btlb y-wing bomber and the arc-170 long-range reconnaissance craft this is quite a feat for a single pilot because usually they just stayed with one platform or one type of starfighter oddball would routinely be deployed in ground support missions and was beloved by the soldiers of both the 501st and the 212th attack battalion during the operation on teth oddball would provide the invading forces air cover and protection from enemy vulture droids during the battle of umbara oddball using a y wing flew several danger close bombing sorties which prevented the 501st from getting overrun by the local umbarrans oddball would also escort the starship of jedi commander obi-wan kenobi and anakin skywalker during the battle of coruscant when the jedi landed in the hangar of the invisible hand oddball and his pilot stayed close in case they needed support oddball was an exceptional wing commander and he was even a better wingman the 21st nova corps otherwise known as the galactic marines were one of the toughest and most hardened infantry units in the grand army of the republic it wasn't just because their unit was designated marines it was also because their leader clone marshal commander bacara had been trained by the journeyman protectors the journeyman protectors also known as the protectors of concord dhanwar a paramilitary organization responsible for protecting the mandalorian system these were no-nonsense mandalorians who followed the old ways of mandalore they were extremely disciplined individuals and ferocious on the battlefield clone martial commander baccarat also bought that no-nonsense attitude and culture to his 21st nova corps and that was a good thing because the galactic marines would be sent to some of the harshest planets in the war like the frozen tundras of orto plutonium and renvar commander baccarat made sure his men were well equipped with some of the best cold weather and hazardous environment gear the 21st would also be deployed alongside kia de mundi during the outer rim sieges at the battle of megiddo bakarov's more militaristic personality did clash with mundi's jedi training but this would all be settled during order 66. cc3636 commander wolf was in charge of the 104th battalion's famed wolf pack squad who served under general plo the wolf pack would be instrumental in some early republic victories at cormondy and also at the siege of hassan they would then be deployed aboard the triumphant as a part of a task force that was sent after the separatist super weapon known as the malevolence the malevolence would disable the republic fleet with one shot from its massive ion cannon and the entire wolf pack unit would be destroyed afterwards only commander wolf survives this incident to make matters worse shortly after during the battle of quorum wolf encounters a size ventress causing him to lose his eye faced with the loss of his entire unit along with fifty percent of his vision commander wolf didn't wallow in self-pity instead he began rebuilding the wolf pack anew and retook his place by plo king's side what made commander wolf so unique was his ability to take on a variety of different tasks during the battle of felucia while plokun led a group of laats to extract republic forces who were about to get overrun commander wolf would take charge of the entire republic fleet during a rescue mission on cadaver commander wolf and his entire unit would enter the battle equipped with jet packs and utilize them to save several trigger to hostages from falling to their deaths commander wolf also led a group of shock troopers on coruscant to capture the jedi fugitive ahsoka tano one of the main suspects in the jedi temple of bombing and finally during the jedi rescue mission to the citadel commander wolf and his men would pilot arc 170 starfighters and help extract the rescue team it's very impressive that commander wolf would be able to take on so many different tasks within the gar it's not surprising that commander wolf somehow managed to also avoid order 66. he's also one of the few clones who was able to remove his inhibitor chip on a side note i think commander wolf is probably one of dave filoni's favorite clones dave filoni loves wolves and he's the one who personally designed wolf pack and i think he spends a lot of time like redesigning their armor for each season that's pretty cool commander cody is just downright dependable he's like the star wars equivalent of a honda civic as the commander of the 212th attack battalion he worked alongside jedi general obi-wan kenobi and learned a great deal from him the 212th and commander cody would be deployed in almost every major battle in the war ranging from the second battle of geonosis to the battle of umbara while commander cody was a very skilled combatant he truly embraced what it meant to be an officer he was a strategic and tactical genius and helped implement many of the plans advised by his jedi commanders commander cody and the 212th attack battalion routinely fought with combined arms tactics which required a great deal of coordination between infantry units and fire support commander cody would also be responsible for devising many of the codes and emergency protocols used by the gar and later adopted by the empire he was also a strong supporter of clone force 99 and other special forces units no other clone commander was better at finding the right tools for a mission and then seeing that mission to its fruition our trooper captain rex of the 501st legion is probably one of the most famous clones in the entire gar and for good reason he was essentially anakin skywalker's second in command and like commander cody involved in almost every major battle in the war captain rex was a terrific soldier and officer who's extremely intelligent and an emotionally mature clone he was able to embrace his own individuality but at the same time he was extremely loyal to the gar captain rex was an extremely sophisticated clone he didn't just follow the rules or his orders all the time a lot of times he used his own personal judgment when he meets cutler coined the deserter on salah come on instead of trying to turn him in captain rex listens to his story and eventually understands his point of view during the battle of embara captain rex is forced to serve as an intermediary between jedi general poncrell and his own men while captain rex respected the chain of command he also fueled the complaints from the clone troopers of the 501st and even sanctioned some illegal missions captain rex seems to always walk a fine line between heroic and treasonous behavior and so it's not surprising that captain rex would try to resist order 66 as well the most important job a combat officer really has is to make decisions decisions that impact the lives and well-being of his men captain rex had a very uncanny ability to always make the right decision even if it doesn't seem obvious at the time he was an exceptional officer and even more rare human being ct411 commander ponz only has three numbers in his designation means he's one of the original originals that means he didn't receive arc training like the other clone commanders and said he was trained by jango fett himself not a bad trade-off when the battle gnosis started it was literally the first time the jedi commanders met the clone army a lot of things like basic logistics and procedures on how a clone officer should interact with the jedi had not yet been implemented commander ponz was able to quickly step in with mace windu and helped him coordinate a good portion of the ground assault against the g ocean factories maze windu was one of the strongest jedi in the order and also one of the most demanding commanders the fact that he trusted commander pons right away and makes him his own personal commander after geonosis says a lot about how competent commander pons was mace windu would take control of the 91st mobile reconnaissance corps and commander ponz who had a specialization in military reconnaissance would take control of lightning squadron a group of advanced recon scout troopers that were part of the corps pawns would be alongside mace windu during the rylov campaign and also during the battle of malistar later on in the war pons would be stationed alongside admiral killian on the beneder star destroyer endurance when the ship was sabotaged by boba fett the unaltered clone of jango fett commander ponch refused to take an escape pod and stayed behind with admiral killian on the bridge although pons survived the initial crash he and admiral killian were captured by boba fett and a group of bounty hunters commander pons would later be executed by aura singh [Music] we don't know what captain keeley's official number is but that doesn't really matter what does matter is that as an arc trooper captain keeley was not only extremely brave but also tactically quite brilliant facing extremely terrible odds captain killee would be deployed alongside jedi general iman gandhi on ryloth during the opening days of the clone wars the separatist forces greatly outnumbered the republic and their twilight allies and a blockade over the planet cut off any potential for a resupply or reinforcements captain keeley was put in charge of the delaying action that bought time for syndulla and his resistance to escape and fight another day ultimately captain keeley and nima gandhi would be gunned down by the separatist forces but they bought just enough time to make sure all of the tweet-like refugees made it out safely so there you have it guys eight examples of what a terrific clone officer should be let me know in the comment section below if i've missed any of your favorite clone officers i'm sure there are a few more out there that deserve to be on this list don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 495,627
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Keywords: generation tech, star wars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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