Lies of P vs Lords of the Fallen Ultimate Comparison | Which one is Better?

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my journey with dark souls genre started in 2011 when I accidentally bought Dark Souls instead of Darksiders at a local game store until then I wasn't even aware of Dark Souls but well I can say since then I have been playing Souls games nonstop as much as I enjoy main Souls titles themselves I was never into Souls like games they all felt like cheap cash grab attempts trying to capitalize off of miyazaki's success I played majority of the souls like games but I could only force myself to finish a handful of them however my VE for Souls like games changed entirely with this year's releases liop was the first Souls like I cared enough to see all the endings follow all side quests and unlock all the achievements it delivered a quality I would never expect from a Souls light following lies of P nearly a month later we received another really wellmade Souls light Lords of the Fallen it quickly hooked me with its World design and I found myself enjoying another Soul like this year was amazing for Souls like genre two great games released back to back and I'm already hyped for their future sequels fully completing both games left a question in my mind which game is better as much as I enjoyed both games I have a favorite I liked one of them much more than the other and in this video I will try to explain why I think one of them is a better Souls like but a quick disclaimer before you get your pitchforks and your torches this is an entirely subjective opinion your opinion May differ from mine and it's a great thing that a single genre can appeal to so many different people so let's get started comparing these two games is not as easy as it sounds yes they're both soulslike but they are influenced by vestly different from so games it is more like comparing apples to bananas they're both fruits but they're nothing alike liop is a game inspired by SEO and bloodborne among the souls games they are the most action-packed and fast-paced titles on the other hand Lords of the Fallen is a game in inspired by demon souls and Dark Souls mainly Dark Souls 2 to be precise I will do my best to point out the differences between these games throughout this video so it is not only about which one I like more but also it will give you an opinion on what each game is like without keeping this section too long I want to jump directly into the [Music] topic atmosphere is one of the most important aspects of a Souls game after all these years I still remember remember my first time exploring Dark Souls 1 right after you escape from your prison a dark depressive World welcomes you it sets the tone right away you are in the ruins of what once was a great Empire Lorden is not a scary place but it is stripped from all the hope it isn't demons or dragons or another outside force that destroyed Lorden but their demise was Humanity slowly going back to their Roots you are just a single soul attempting to recover an already lost world if a Souls like cannot present a well- written World it already fails one of the most crucial aspects of the genre there are so many Souls like titles that just put bare minimum effort into atmosphere and World building both lies of PE and Lords of the Fallen managed to create a unique World lies of PE takes place in a fictional city of CR inspired by 19th century friends from the moment you leave your train game sets the tone right away you have just stepped into the most advanced city of its time but there's something wrong puppets that are tasked to serve you are hostile there's no sign of Life inside and 10 seconds into the game you already know the disaster that took over the city of CR throughout your journey you will travel to a variety of different places game never fails to put a convincing story behind why that place exists why are you there no matter where you go there's a story and reason behind it world and lies of Fe is part of your story it doesn't serve as a basic tool to feed you the game play there isn't much comparison here as I said both games have these beautiful worlds main difference between these two worlds is how they set up the disaster liop keeps the World building more grounded liop tries to stay away from fantasy elements as much as it can Lords of the fallen on the other hand can appeal more to people that enjoy Dark Fantasy setting in Lords of the Fallen you will venture into world of demons dragons and creatures of the Void at first Lords of the Fallen World seem simple Crusaders fighting demons your first Stars into the game you will find yourself in a conflict between good versus bad you will travel across the land that has been overrun by demons you will see Villages destroyed by their forces but there's something wrong here these people were left behind by Crusaders that were supposed to save them as you progress more and more in this Dark World you will realize there's no good in these lands starting as a simple good against bad story soon it shapes into two Tyrant Gods fighting over power and even if you don't follow the story itself World design does an amazing job to show you on any opportunity it [Music] gets when it comes to gameplay I have a clear favorite in this part I enjoyed liop P's gameplay way more than Lords of the Fallen when I was playing Li of P it felt like a game made by from soft I couldn't believe how good everything was for the first time a Souls like managed to offer quality close to main Souls titles liop had its flaws but overall I enjoyed it quite a lot character mov was so smooth and Flawless animations fit perfectly to your input and traversing between Maps was a pure joy I think liop shines when it comes to combat developed by a studio with no prior experience in Souls like genre it is criminally underrated how good combat is surely there are minor flaws sometimes enemy attacks are just too hard to read and their attack mov set seems a bit faster than it should be but it is something you get used to quite fast I also saw a lot of complaints about Dodge in liop however once you unlock the link Dodge ability it becomes really satisfying despite its limited setting and no magic liop comes with a huge variety of combat options you will have a massive arsenal of weapons you can customize As You Wish throughout my playr liop managed to keep up this premium feeling despite having so many different weapon types and enemies regardless of the enemy combat always felt satisfying sadly Lords of the Fallen combat best I can say is it is okay it's a decent combat that delivers what it promises but that is all it doesn't go out of its way to become a unique combat experience at times combat and movement feels really clunky you as a human almost have super speed running looks silly and out of place some attacks cover so much distance that moment doesn't fit the environments you are in if you're in a tight space or near a cliff good luck because your character will go out of its way to jump off of that Cliff combat by itself is nice it is better than many of the previous Souls likes and it is definitely 100 times better than previous LS of the Fallen sadly it is not on the level of lies of Fe in terms of how smooth combat and animations are when you jump in LS of the Fallen a massive roll completes the rest of the animation you will end up much further than where you were aiming with that jump this is a clear issue developers were aware of if there's a tight platform in there's a good chance you would do the jump then roll off the cliff developer solution was to add an invisible wall to edges of the cliff to prevent you from falling off after you jump it is a solution indeed but if the solution to a problem is adding invisible walls around your world the root of that issue is already a failed mechanic and it needs to be changed entirely both games follow a similar approach to block mechanics if you block an attack you will lose a portion of your health you can quickly attack and fail your health back up again if you get hit before you do so you will lose all the recoverable Health however if you block at the correct time you will Parry enemies attack and possibly break their posture while blocking Andor is same in both games they different Stars right here main idea behind this system is to tell players that it is okay to make mistakes it lets you experiment different moves and expand your play style Lords of the Fallen fails to understand what is the purpose of this mechanic though for some reason in Lords of the Fallen whether you parry and attack or block you will still lose a portion of your health in early game your healing is extremely limited and your damage isn't enough to quickly feel back your R Health taking a lot of damage means you will have to retreat or rest at the first vestage point you can find first real boss of the game has a slow move set to teach players how to Parry however when you lose Health even after you parry the enemy it will absolutely discourage players and there's no reason to Parry attacks if you're just losing Health by doing something game wants you to do even if you parry and eventually break enemy posture critical damage is really low in early game and overall you sacrifice the majority of your health to deal a mediocre critical damage in Souls games when you stagger an enemy game gives you a room to lend succession of attacks before you lend a critical hit for some reason it isn't possible in do of the Fallen when an enemy is staggered you barely have enough time to lend your critical hit let alone extra attacks haran Repose system is a complete Miss in LS of the Fallen for this reason however it is a completely different story in liop Perry system is almost as satisfying as it was in SEO not only it acts as a traditional Parry system where you end up dealing massive damage to bosses Perry and liop takes this mechanic and expends on it as long as you parry enemy attacks you can break their weapons which changes their moves at makes them weaker for the rest of the fight liop pushes you to utilize all your options there will be times you have to dodge there will be times you will have to Parry but the game doesn't force you to play with a certain play style as you progress game offers you different upgrades to change your play style so if you don't like the Parry system you can fully improve your Dodges and play it just like you were playing bloodborne lastly I want to talk about bosses in this section I will be really harsh towards Lords of the Fallen there are 31 bosses in total in Lords of the Fallen however majority of the bosses are just regular enemies with a boss health bar none of these bosses are an actual boss with a challenging mad they simple straightforward regular enemies and even if they possess a false sense of challenge it is not because of various mechanics of the fight but it is simply because they have more health and they deal more damage than they should Lords of the Fallen follows the footsteps of dark souls to and add so many meaningless bosses that the game goes with quantity over quality mindset among 15 reskinned bosses 12 actual bosses and four MPC bosses light Reaper judge cleric her and tank CR were the only memorable bosses for me I find it unacceptable that a $60 AAA game has reskinned same enemies from beginning to the end of the game lies of p on the other hand has offered me so many great boss fights there are 25 bosses in total I enjoyed majority of the boss fights in lies of P they were all handcrafted carefully balanced well-made bosses I can say that boss fights in lies of P at least felt like actual boss fights compared to LS of the Fallen [Music] now that I brought up boss fights we have to talk about the difficulty in these two games video game journalists with all two of their brain cells created a pulse expectation for players and developers that a Souls game is so hard that you want to smash your controller over the years from so perfected the difficulty in Souls games they are difficult however they are still fair this is what so many Souls like developers fail to understand a Souls like and the Souls game is fair there's no difficulty slider in Souls games because developers handcrafted each encounter and balanced everything based on a single difficulty then they offer you tools to make your game easier or harder based on your preference in Dark Souls 1 you can shoot this Dragon's Tail for 5 minutes and then you will have the most powerful weapon you can veiled in the early and mid game Dark Souls 2 you can join Champions Covenant to make your game even harder fromo puts a challenge in front of you and then gives you all the tools to overcome that challenge Lords of the Fallen fails to understand this it mistakes difficulty with frustration Lords of the Fallen is not a difficult game it is a frustrating game it constantly puts you in annoying situations to overwhelm you pretty much in every area of the game there are hordes of enemies waiting to gank you in every Souls like there are some enemies that are such a pain to take down anytime you see one of them you know it's going to be a painful fight for Dark Souls 1 it was real skeletons and dogs in Dark Souls 3 Black Knights were quite challenging in Elden ring when you see these Abominations just run the opposite direction there are some challenging enemies in liop p as well but in LS of the Fallen the challenge during exploration comes from always being outnumbered and pretty much every area there are multiple ranged enemies attacking you from a mile away when you combine constantly being outnumbered with long distance between bonfires it becomes exhausting quite fast if you stop to look around for 2 seconds and enjoy this scenery there's a high chance something somewhere will hit you with an arrow or a spell from like a mile away when you only have three healings and you have to pass a 100 enemies to make it to the next bonefire it is more exhausting than difficult exploration aside my biggest complaint with Lords of the Fallen is how easy all the bosses are they're almost in slow motion at times when I look back to all the souls like I have played Lords of the Fallen has some of the easiest bosses in the entire genre I find it disappointing when I finish exploring a difficult Zone and the boss waiting at the end dies in Two attempts on my first playr there were only two bosses I had to try two maybe three times before I beat them bosses are some of the most important aspects of souls like I really wish bosses in Lords of the Fall were a bit faster and they had more mes because bosses like rainhall the UR and P look absolutely stunning let's talk about lies of Peace difficulty a bit there's not a lot to say about lies of Peace difficulty I was quite satisfied with what game offers distance between bonfires were well placed enemy density was well balanced zones never never felt too difficult or too easy but it is a different story when it comes to boss fights I've seen a lot of complaints about boss difficulty and I can understand where it comes from not all of them but boss fights are hard in liop some fights such as leasia the second coming of Millennia are quite difficult I believe on my first ever playr I died to laasia more times than I died in the entirety of Lords of the Fallen bosses are difficult and they may even be too difficult for a casual player who wants to experience Souls like personally I'm f with difficult bosses I enjoy slowly doing better on each attempt and finally beating a boss over a period of time this is why I have beaten Elden ring at level one before and I have beaten Li of Fe without weapons I like the challenge for this reason I'm also planning to do some difficult challenges for LS of the Fallen if you want to see those upcoming videos consider subscribing you won't be disappointed both games do good and bad when it comes to map design I enjoyed exploring port for and I have seen every parts of each map I want to start with lies of P each area of the game feels unique and interesting I absolutely love the shortcuts in Li of B they feel like they were pulled straight from Dark Souls 1 different sections connected to one another perfectly and every shortcut serves an important purpose when I was exploring liop it was quite easy to see Inspirations from Dark Souls series there are locations similar to San Fortress plight town and some more you can find in Soul series all the existing locations in liop are amazing problem is the ones that don't exist you see liop has one massive issue with its map design it is too linear there are no alternative pads or optional locations everything you see in Li of p is all there is locations are absolutely gorgeous and beautifully done but having no alternative to your exploration might even be the biggest downside of this game when it comes to Lords of the Fallen map is huge there are so many locations to visit and explore Lords of the Fallen has a semiopen world map during your journey you will find many optional locations and hidden passages that will lead you to secret encounters or Treasures even Lords of the Fallen does a great job in building a massive world every location is connected to each other just like you would expect from Dark Souls 1 or two sometimes locations become a bit too confusing because of the axium and umbrell mechanic I got lost quite a lot of times and some maps just felt like a maze but eventually I was able to memorize locations I don't have a lot to say about world design other than one or two minor things that bother me vage points are wanting sometimes game puts them in such places that it makes no sense quite a lot of times actually I found two bomf fires back to back in less than 10 seconds of running time another issue is shortcuts I had the impression shortcuts were only added to the game to call it as Souls like good number of shortcuts serve absolutely no purpose and often times when I unlock a shortcut I told to myself cool I will never use this both games have great Maps but they also both suffer from minor issues souls and souls like are the genres I've been playing for longer than a decade now I invested so much time in these genres and I enjoy them a lot when I talk about games of these genres I don't hold myself back from talking about their flows even while comparing these two games I was talking about their flows more than they're good I must make this clear that I enjoy both lies of pay and LS of the Fallen a lot I think vs so lucky to have two amazing Souls likes back to back with the success of these two titles the future looks bright for the souls like genre I'm already hyped for the next game in lies of Peace universe and I am also curious about what the next LS of the Fallen will shape out to be will they fix all the minor issues or are they satisfied with the current stays of Lords of the Fallen between these two games I must say I enjoy Li of te more than LS of the fallen on all my playthroughs li of P always felt like a game that matched from software it developers made this game with passion and did their best to release the best version of Li of B Lords of the fallen on the other hand even after all these improvements over the first game it still feels like their main motivation is to just make money if you have made it this far consider dropping a like and subscribing to my channel every bit helps a lot and also let me know about your opinion on these two games everybody has a different taste in games and your favorite may be completely different from mine I read all the comments and I reply to to them so consider sharing your opinion on the topic for now thank you for watching see [Music] you
Channel: Brollo
Views: 3,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lies of p vs lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen vs lies of p, lies of p, lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen 2, lords of the fallen 2023, which one is better, comparison, vs, lies of p soulslike, lords of the fallen tips and tricks, the lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen tips, lords of the fallen beginner tips, lords of the fallen combat tips, tips and trick, beginners guide, lords of the fallen gameplay, lords of the fallen guide, lords of the fallen trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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