Pinocchio souls is finally here Lies of P

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2023 🗫︎ replies

did he say why he used a summon on one of the boss fights, only curious because he swears against doing that in souls games

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FishMysterious9629 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2023 🗫︎ replies
foreign [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] is Unity doomed they should be but the decisions they've been making they absolutely deserve to be doomed but whether or not they actually are who's to say [Music] thanks Louis foreign thanks for re-upping that membership welcome board Cheryl the demo for this game was a lot of fun so I'm hoping this will be good I've got high hopes thanks status and thanks gliby did you get Early Access it's just the deluxe edition that's all thanks Gabriella I'm doing all right my air conditioning broke for the fifth time in two months so you're gonna see a lot of glistening grease on the webcam tonight I don't know what's going on but that air conditioner really loves to play this old prank where it goes out on the hottest days feels good [Music] welcome board wxy foreign have any good advice for you but I'm wishing you the best [Music] [Music] thanks for the membership re-up has ancient [Music] has P been lying we're about to find out how deep the fibs go welcome aboard Leon when am I going to replay cyberpunk 2077 uh when does the DLC come out let me see because I'll do it like a couple days before September 21st so five days so I'll replace cyberpunk and like like three or four days oh thanks for 10 gifted members WXYZ thanks chatty what kind of game is this Soul's like the Dark Souls kind of game do you like sleep token just got to see them live I do like sleep token and I like ghosts of tsushima oh they give you the big 50 kin fat drop thank you for that man how do I season my chicken I don't cook so however the places I order from season it is a mystery to me maybe Brandon I usually don't do DLC but the cyberpunk DLC is like a whole new game so that one I will stream I got a case of the yawns [Music] I'm doing all right Frank hope you're doing well Kirko Barb playing a Barb for Baldur's Gate actually the big drop no this this is just the deluxe edition you get it like two days early or something I didn't get like a review copy or anything this is just the deluxe edition favorite delivery app I guess just ubereats and thanks good stuff and yeah I'll play the Elden ring DLC most likely Pokemon board gaming info oh sweet thanks Viper do you like Guilty Gear songs love Guilty Gear OST [Music] [Music] my day's been fine except for the air conditioning breaking again other than that though it's been fine I'm gonna throw on the spectacles for this one [Music] is this game actually bloodborne no no it's not at least it wasn't in the demo who knows maybe the full game is just a copy paste bloodborne we'll see best soundtrack and video games probably the first near me welcome board wreck do I know what era this game takes place in brother I am three seconds into the game I would imagine it's in the same era as normal Pinocchio lore if I had to guess probably not I don't think I'll moist meter that one it's been out for a while I'm going slow on it tell crot and I'll explain what's happening Thanks Gloria please escort him to the hotel let's get you out of there find something that might help streets are not safe arm yourself with one of the weapons over there would you want to use in the demo wait I can't remember I think I used like the Rapier so I think I did dexterity in the demo so we can mix it up we can get a little wacky what's a fun one strength yeah balance nah balance is cringe put all your points into one attribute call it a day we're going strength [Music] yeah I think in the demo I did Dex I'm not positive though I don't remember foreign [Applause] [Music] with the bottom one I remember that [Music] [Applause] damn it welcome board Vincenzo turn off motion oh right where's motion blur is it gameplay oh yeah you can turn off blood oh Pinocchio is not for children this isn't Weenie Hut Jr aesthetically the game looks pretty similar to bloodborne I agree which is cool because I think bloodborne has a great aesthetic when will I played Jack too I don't know I don't have any like schedule for it foreign Third Edition if I remember oh if I remember from the demo the Dodge in this game isn't great right don't you want to just perfect guard or am I mixing this up with one of the other Souls likes this one the Dodge is way better now oh they fixed it let's see I did stream the entirety of the first Jack and Daxter perfect guard still mainly what you want to use thank you I remember this guy the controls are set to Xbox for some reason trying to get that perfect guard timing Oh I thought there was a finishing oh there it is that's the Fatal attack foreign I still haven't seen Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio yet appreciate that thank you Phillip hope you're doing all right oh that's pretty cool here I'll just combine both of these welcome board in the one and welcome aboard bunny sorry I just saw that bloodborne's never gonna happen what do you mean like the sequel or bloodborne on PC because either way I think you're right unfortunately I don't think we'll ever be blessed with a bloodborne sequel or proper PC port of course everyone's playing this game it's a big game I appreciate it Stephen whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Buster come on now I really like the demo when I played it so yeah I'm excited for the full thing call the Stargazer estimates we are not strong enough to beat the puppet gather Ergo clever one Stargazer strength doesn't last forever careful with it I think we just fully dump into a strength which is which is what is it must be this right oh no it's motivity max out your health nah that's some I think it's got to be motivity because this is technique and this is Advanced so this is going to be for like uh the like shock stuff from the demo I'm guessing I want motivity yeah you're right my stamina is pretty low thanks agent and thanks Kang no the demo was great yeah hmm maybe I'll just do like a full tank build but I don't know that's always so lame I feel like it makes it too easy most of the time do the worst possible build yeah probably will by accident hey Duncan there's nothing like poison in this game so if you get hit using anything you'll get staggered which one of these is strength it's motivity right it's got to be this is the only one Professor sad build I don't remember how I built Professor sad yeah it's motivity nice oh God thank you Michael my day's been fine I hope your day's been all right it's gonna dump there we go now I can two shot them we'll clear zones super fast okay you didn't die from that one that's huge I've ever played the mafia series of course I have am I hyped for Big Mouth season seven oh they got Megan the stallion you know I'm hype welcome aboard Eric thanks for the gift sub Joey dropping this sarcasm it is actually insulting that big mouth is still not only getting made but still has fans it actually hurts me oh I totally forgot about these whoops foreign hey Patrick welcome board Ellie thanks for that mention so that's super sweet and tell your brother I said thanks foreign s I played that game but I don't remember it super well it's not a platformer my night's been all right Yonder air conditioning broke for the fifth time in two months but other than that I'm all right all right the Dodge feels a lot better than I remember it in the demo so that's good first boss fights coming up it's right around the corner if I remember correctly what the oh appreciate it Jason thanks for that thanks Ryan sorry to hear about the migraine hope it goes away soon thank you what were the issues with the demo you hope are fixed I don't remember enough about it besides just the Dodge being bad but right now the Dodge is feeling pretty good so I'm guessing they've fixed that definitely feels a lot better how's the claw machine Tech coming along it's coming along pretty well the I've seen the app is pretty deep underway so it still should just be a couple more weeks is this from software no this is not from software I actually don't remember who makes this if I'm being honest with you hey I remember this guy welcome to I didn't think there were any stalkers left to fight the puppets thank you figures the whole organization fell apart all that's left are wannabes and amateurs who think they can fight on their own you ought to buy something while you're at the festival you can't rely on yourself alone is your PS5 collecting dust yeah pretty much you're alone oh yeah he sells the other handles and I don't need any of that dump into motivity again baby glass Cannon underway thank you first boss is very weak to lightning is he I don't remember isn't the first boss the one on the bridge oh no it's not it's this guy there is a boss on the bridge right I'm not misremembering oh sweet thank you for that cows the big drop I'm wearing this guy's face oh wait that's right I can't Dodge that that needs to be perfect guard oh damn it just gotta warm up thank you I tried the perfect guard though completely missed foreign man I am not hitting that timing at all right that's all right first try it happens I've just gotta get in the groove again I could probably just run around him because he's pretty slow but I want to make sure I get the perfect guard timing right depends if you like Souls like I enjoyed the demo which goes pretty far past this so I'm expecting to like the full game there we go perfect card [Music] thank you oh what you didn't stagger foreign thank you [Music] I started Panic rolling man I am falling apart I'm just playing it real stupid too slow on the Dodge what are your final thoughts on Remnant 2 janky but fun really enjoyed it oh of course there's plenty of like really smooth Souls likes this is one of them this one's not well at least the demo wasn't janky or anything felt pretty good there we go foreign that's so clean see I just had to get warmed up with the timing very very clean run okay he's still going huh all right that's tragic I'd already locked myself into that foreign shit's too easy the Block's busted uh it's perfect guards blocks you still take chip but yeah Dodge definitely feels better than the demo but it still seems like you're gonna want a perfect guard everything oh all right one more thing hotel security hey Colton thanks for that have to lie to get inside a special puppet after all okay and then this is where we go and we can upgrade everything I remember the upgrade system was really cool in the demo so you can swap handles and heads so you can make unique weapons out of it well welcome then creeper who are you cannot lie welcome to Hotel Cloud if I don't lie if I'm just truthful is that game over for being cringe foreign [Music] [Music] of course I'm gonna play Spider-Man 2 when it releases [Music] that's sweet thanks David [Music] are you gonna go full lies or full truth play through I don't think you can actually do a full truth playthrough like for example you will never get through that door so you're gonna have to lie [Music] foreign [Music] did we beat it oh man this is the intro oh I'm super excited for black myth Wukong he totally done with Starfield until the mods really kick off [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] hey good to see you popo hope you've been well this intro is so much better than the cutscenes in death Loop why are you even comparing it to death Loop but yeah I agree oh thank you the big drop yeah I will be moist metering this for sure I'll go aboard dub I'm happy to see you too I never I can't see you thank you you must have questions Geppetto will have answers but we have to find him first he was last eight to ten I think the membership option is only there on desktop it's the thing that says join I don't know if you can do it on mobile that neighborhood thank you yeah it we've come this far just keep running it I think he's in shock that's proof you're broken the real Gemini isn't so calm I'm no inventor but perhaps I can fix him or perhaps he'll fix himself in time wait take this pocket watch our mobile is next to the sub button oh I gotcha too many updates on the claw machine Remote Play yeah it should be about two more weeks-ish they're already working on the app so the way it's gonna work I've already said this before but I I mean probably just weren't here welcome board Enrique and smoke so the way it's going to work is there's going to be an app for the claw machine the free app you just download it and then if you're a member you just you I don't know exactly how it's going to work because that part's not done yet there's a memory you'll get like a white label on it and then it's going to be a q system each plays 15 seconds and just Cycles through [Music] that's how it's going to go I'll probably set up a GoPro in there as well so you can see it on the app so it won't just be like watching from my webcam Oracle board spoon foreign guests are welcome we don't insist on reservations hi the man told you and this is my hotel welcome Hey Antonia I knew from I don't know if I'll do the Resident Evil 4 DLC or not have a few loose screws two skills are undiminished shame took off for Boulevard he never came back it doesn't turn up soon we'll have to make a new coffee I'm sorry plasti I didn't see him pop up I forgot I was keeping this for him it comes with a long story but I think it's better off with you please find that old man and do take care of yourself out there they're coming Ryan don't worry of course I'm gonna play the Killer Bean game I've talked about that a lot [Music] the only thing I'm worried about with the Killer Bean game is that there's not going to be a story to it because there was no voice acting but other than that I'm very excited the gameplay looks cool hey that's awesome glad to hear that David yeah I don't need to change any of this remember Allen tutorial videos of course I do why welcome aboard Kappa I forgot I can't level up from there level up from her I heard about you this is where I swap handles and heads well game's amazing so far one of the best Souls like games to release that was out of from soft's hands that makes me excited to hear so far my favorite Souls like that isn't from soft is Neo Neo one and two I think are truly extraordinary so this would have a long way to go to get up there for me well I hope everything looks up soon so thank you for that them on from oh God damn WXYZ I forgot to introduce myself holy thank you for having me from the workshop Union I know my way around weapons of all kinds I'm sure Master Geppetto would agree and hopefully you're right about the Killer Bean game thank you so much for the big drop WX I know my way no I'm not gonna upgrade anything yet how rigged is the machine gonna be the claw machine I'm setting it to random so who knows [Music] I usually do glass Cannon builds this is nothing new and then I get very upset when I get one shot by everything it's the cycle Avid Brotherhood I hate these guys but don't be alarmed my name is Gemini we'll talk later when we're safe I don't know if I'll do any more for Honor I I only played it like twice it was okay my favorite bad good underground game no clue I have to think about it can I give me two seconds I gotta take a I'll be right back foreign oh all right I'm back oh wow I don't two shot them anymore huh tragic why foreign thank you for that speaking of Esports did anyone here watch the kcx3 the Carmine Corp Extravaganza today so far the game's great and the demo was great I haven't got past the demo yet you wanted fancy boutiques and shops no place better but that was long ago before the puppet Frenzy most people didn't watch it it's a so Carmen Corp is an Esports org they're a French org they're probably the biggest org in the world when it comes to like actual fans so they do an event every year called kcx so this was kcx3 I believe and they sold 30 000 tickets and announced some crazy of course I wiped my ass it was wild the French support for the Esports space blows everywhere else in the world out of the water and it's not even close 30 000 screaming fans all excited for the future of KC Corp okay Corp sorry in a and everywhere else has nothing to even come close they're building their own Arena for Carmen Corp an arena that's probably like a hundred million dollars it's a huge Arena the French support is crazy thanks Jack because nobody cares about sports brothers Esports like that's that's right in the internet's wheelhouse you see all the time people lamenting about like the death of Esports and at least in in a and yeah I saw a little bit of that friendly NPC but in France I guarantee Carmen Corpus printing money because those fans love it that is crazy how different it is there to hear nope still haven't beaten it Hamad EU dominates the entire gaming world unironically yeah like not even memeing it's not even close the support there blows everything else out of the water South Korea bruh nope is there any organs South any South Korean orgs that sell 30 000 tickets literally just to celebrate your org and get excited for upcoming announcements like maybe T1 that didn't happen what are you talking about yes it did I watched it on stream it was broadcast on Twitch they had 140 000 concurrent viewers for the entire stream kcx3 it's a French Esports org and they sold 30 000 tickets just watch the VOD the arena is packed it's a massive Stadium why are you telling it didn't happen I literally watched it it was the biggest stream on Twitch all day Baldur's Gate 3 is going to be game of the year that's my prediction I think the game's extraordinary any thoughts on the TitanFall 3 rumors it's tragic copium it's not happening I I wish as much as you guys that it would but I just don't think it is can I yank this guy off nope that was awesome that guy stayed ready foreign X hope you're doing well do my Souls stay up top or go down I wonder do I like Xbox or PlayStation controllers more PlayStation I'll check down first and then go up God damn it man [Music] I haven't seen the new Jujutsu Kaizen episode I saw that Viral tweet saying that they're dropping the show because one fight didn't look like the 50 million dollar budget fights that we usually get classic Twitter but other than that I haven't seen any of the drama with it oh thanks Rigby so far the game's great that's the join button next to sub David this game sucks in caps lock brother don't watch that man but it's not it's not my game you're not offending me that's fine to not like it I'll never understand the perspective of someone who does that just caps locked this shit's trash or whatever just go somewhere else so easy come on thank you well you could look at the job interview hope it goes well I didn't realize there was a ladder to get up here actually hold on I probably need to go down and open something I'm sorry Isaiah I don't know why anything new with the SIM racing team nope just my dad still racing every night and keeping me updated on all of it hope you're having a good night welcome aboard Haley thanks Barrett I remember I need to kill that guy up there first or I die happy birthday thania hope you have a good birthday oh the did that hit me welcome board DIA vocal board David didn't really have one mortem just mowing lawns really and that was only for a little while when I was very young then like some unpaid recruitment for my School I'll go board skaxis [Music] I'm stuck on him all right foreign keep getting caught inside of his huge thighs that's really unlucky okay thank you wow close shave yucky and uh again for the Husky thing it just depends Huskies need a lot of activity so as long as you're like a good dog parent they're they're a very sweet breed I'm a huge fan of huskies but they need a lot of attention they're also very vocal so if you're like in an apartment or something they can be kind of loud and your neighbors won't like that I'm sure they will babe they'll probably release another why can't oh do I always have to go back I don't remember that I thought I could do it from various star gazers thanks Dylan thanks flower yeah we probably will do more I'm sorry to hear that Derek hope that hard time's behind you soon wishing you the best hope things look up soon does the game feel fluid so far I'm sorry to hear that Raymond that's awful any thoughts on playing the new tcgs do you mean like uh one piece and flesh and blood and all that probably not I'm still learning magic for Commander so right now that's the main TCG for me no way no way oh my God oh my God why thanks Cal and welcome aboard Hamad foreign Persona 3 when it comes out strange jeepers is that a butterfly why is the Ergo reacting like that if you want to check it out I can take Point damn it there we go that was just a meme panda that wasn't real but I did see it oh I remember this guy gave me the business like for at least 20 minutes and I remember this lady has a side quest my family I need to go give her her baby I remember it's right upstairs should we check it out right ahead all right let's see how I go here great start foreign I could have had that I got really greedy oh maybe the 20 gifted members blade you hear about the game breaking exploit in Destiny 2 basically legal cheating no can't say I saw that how bad could it possibly be though amazing that missed it all right this time I got him foreign foreign oh boy not like this I don't remember that move from the demo I'm gonna stop going for perfect guards no foreign [Music] there we go now that Block's fixed or not block sorry now that Dodge is fixed this is so much easier holy thanks to the member hooligan please look up the destiny glitch I'll look it up later I'm curious to see how bad it is [Music] all right welcome aboard boog I've been really enjoying it cozy it's been nice I remember that guy sends out electric shocks foreign thoughts on Googling Quest outcomes for games like Baldur's Gate 3. I'm not your dad I don't care what you do with your games blame how you want the only time I care is when you're like cheating in a multiplayer game or something oh you little bastard I'll go aboard Michael is the game good so far so good yeah I remember the second boss coming up here not the second boss the third boss coming up here is pretty brutal I remember that from the demo [Applause] oh thank you have a major pedal yet from the demo yeah I I got to him in the demo I finished the demo so I've still got quite a little ways to go before I'm past that point I don't remember where the doll is though the Woman's baby I can't quite recall where that is I think it's over here somewhere you got stuck on the next boss for like a whole hour in the demo what a load of baloney that's not true wait what no I did not even the last boss in the demo I was not there for that long you're spreading fibs you're now the P that's lying how can I talk to you I'm not Murphy but I'll still speak to you oh here it is that you Murphy oh I guess not sorry I I thought you were my friend Murphy Murphy is a super cool police officer the game's all right Tyler happy birthday I just killed him by the way sorry I wish I was like him you should leave so you don't catch the disease from me if only we could play together feet if only we can repeat can I take him Murphy's head or something he'd probably appreciate that oh they give the 10 gifted members Aaliyah thank you for the generosity change the mask no this looks cool I'll change it when I get something cooler than this you can find Murphy's whistle later on for the boy ah I actually do remember that where's the doll though for the Woman's baby why [Music] I know what you're thinking but I'm not a burglar I'm just crashing in an abandoned house for a while don't worry I won't cause any trouble we survivors need to look out for each other for your information I didn't steal this um don't need any of that welcome aboard Sheldon it's near the second boss okay it's before the big police robot boss for the baby doll I keep doing that I'll use my power just keep running it hey welcome Jonathan do you like Interpol never played it unless you mean the actual like Interpol agency and in that case don't know enough about it I guess spirit kinda oh you man so needlessly stubborn I remember the boss on here I'm about to get Geppetto spoilers you've got a lot to answer for you know what caused the puppet friends you don't you you're their maker practically their father I'll get the donkey mask from this guy don't I Miss scheming together tell me the truth what's your problem I'm here for the old man get lost wait Omer like I know what you are you're the devil's puppet you can't sneak past me die already yeah oh didn't expect that foreign that move comes out really quick he's got one strong oh wait I can backstab him oh forgot I could do that to this guy thank you I'm stuck trusted puppet back again poor guy that's true yeah I forgot that guy's just wide open for backstabs he was like that in the demo too do you recognize me Geppetto what do you got for Logan Paul versus Dylan danis unfortunately Pride Logan Paul I'm not convinced Dylan danis has ever fought but we'll see son it's a dream come true oh look at this YouTube like this understand why some people despise me I invented the puppets after all I should take responsibility as their maker but in order for me to do that I need to take care of the puppets at City Hall won't you help me son take this you'll find it most useful ah thanks for the Mad donkey to hear all about your experiences but now isn't a good time use the stalker's key to open the bridge door then get rid of the frenzied puppets that have seized City Hall we'll catch up at hotel cry when you're done sounds good mad donkey goes kind of hard with that we'll do mad donkey with that I still like this one more mad donkey's kind of cool but I still like this more welcome aboard foe local board chain and for KSI versus Tommy that one I don't know I feel like that one's gonna be a tight squeeze I think that's going to be a close one so about that weapon assembly tool you were talking about find any more weapons let's try using them here know what I meant to do here we go this is where we start mixing and matching handles so all I have is the police baton head and handle and then the starting blade the Baton handle still scales with motivity and it gives me a different Fable art so instead of the absolute defense I get strike chance I don't know what that one is is that the only thing the handle changes is the Fable Arts I can't remember because I know the blade changes like the type oh that one's the counter changes the move set and scales so the handle changes the scaling oh oh no no I thought I could do this for free until I upgrade I see for now I'm not gonna with it I'll just keep the same one I got right here also I can just put this on how do I switch between them yeah yeah I actually hate the Baton well hated the Baton I wonder if it's any better seems a little bit better than the demo in the demo there was like absolutely no hitbox on the Baton at all I had to be inside of them for it to even register a hit I did Rapier in demo and it was good I actually prefer the great sword though great sword's been treating me real nicely you like Philly cheesesteaks yeah they're probably like one of my favorite Subs this guy's having a real rough go of patrol tonight okay foreign 's feeling pretty good actually sports fans I'm not gonna lie it's hitting hard pretty fast this and there's the baby let's go for that baby puppet I don't know I'm kind of liking this baton I might stick with this this is so much better than it was in the demo new amulet oh my God I'm I'm so sorry to hear that sir holy godspeed I'm wishing you the best it's awful do I have to do the I'm just gonna do the baby doll now and then just come back I'll also spend all the Ergo I forgot to open this shortcut foreign this off to that girl and then we'll come back and beat the boss where was she gonna choose here right yeah happy birthday Emmy and of course I'll play the new cyberpunk DLC you found her guide one I could sense her for miles away oh my sweet Elena foreign ER my baby no we lied to her and tell her it's her real baby that's right kind one granted me my only witch hey glad you glad you both enjoyed it Ewok do something fun like a one punch man season one or something for your next one thank you so much thanks to the member ghost man thanks for that hope you enjoy it bye oh wait that that one shots baton is great oh this is bad do you think baton handle plus great sword might be the play uh that I don't know I haven't looked at the different stats I don't think so it's really kind of the speed of the Baton I like if I put the great sword handle on it I imagine it's going to slow it way down I'll use my power [Music] foreign Cry of Fear like like 10 years ago that's an old game I played that long long time ago only give me two seconds let me fill up my water real quick of your back foreign foreign foreign all right Rogan's Not Dead it's just a meme build all motivity full motivity welcome board bandrid thanks 17 hope you enjoy it and yeah of course it does Rusty I'm sorry to hear that hope whatever's doing that to you subsides soon don't you know oh thank you oh that bastard oh I didn't see that oh my God I remember this guy starts dropping lightning what what is going on rolling hey first try baton is so much stronger holy nice foreign pretty good hey glass Cannon builds going pretty nice do the Baton handle plus shock coil oh yeah I can put the shock coil on it but that's not gonna do much for me because I dumped all of my points into motivity oh 50 and no I don't really play Kingdom Hearts games for this Ergo welcome to Hotel crop really appreciate that my name is Butler to Lady Antonia please let me know how I may be of service at hotel crot comfort and calm walk hand in hand welcome to hotelcraft how may I be of service okay let's go talk to dupero wonderful he is on the second floor no I'll start watching sub one piece when I get past the dub I just finished another Thriller bark by the way I finished Thriller bark today I really liked it I thought thrillerbark was a great Arc a lot of people don't like it for some reason I thought it went hard ah you've returned forget the sentimental father for worrying about his son the pacing during that Arc is what makes people hate it always remember yeah I guess I'm just more forgiving about considering the entire beginning was a slog for me do something dangerous there's a factory just beyond the least young bullet I like Thriller bark it's packed with countless puppets my friend the inventor venini went to stop them but he never came back nothing happened in Thriller Works save him and shut down the factory oh you're making a meme oh I see this is where the demo ended P organs are the source of your powers I'll show you a P organ to get the strength you need unique remember the hotel game's been great so far safe place in crop are only only refuge in a city full perils it'll be extremely dangerous if anyone has ill intentions be careful who you tell about this place especially if they're stalkers or Alchemists be wary of dangerous people and always be a good boy to me no I'll be a great boy thanks Samuel disagreed though foreign Dodge in the middle of a Dodge motion welcome aboard Chester that sounds really strong [Music] [Music] stop this one wait what yeah I've heard of amore wait I'm confused what are these um do I get these for free or something or that would be pretty wild Kermit yeah foreign is this just all free oh it's not free but then welcome board Brayden Holland let's just do [Music] let's just do this so now do I have this extra Dodge or do I need to like put two things on it you can get from City Hall to the factory with the key I just gave you the Nini gave me that key you need to slot another then you get it okay rescue him if you can and what was that currency that I used to put in there what was the resource you have another court so you can do it now they were still grayed out or can I only have like one offensive and then I need to choose from a different pool wait oh here oh yeah I do have another quartz yeah you can't equip multiple courts from the same type I see thanks Tim and thanks for the five gifted members Chase [Music] might as well just do this [Music] okay so now I get that [Music] now that we have mass nobody knows what caused the disaster everyone in crot is just trying to survive that's why I found you Our Only Hope Geppetto's puppet we're both unique I am able to wield the power of ergo power I used to call on you that's all I can say for now please save crot no problem Sophia this is this is so dumb it's just all motivity it's already starting to scale like I'm already starting to reach like the uh soft cap I think run it [Music] I'm Gonna Keep stockpiling and then I'll start upgrading once it starts to get challenging right now I'm just cruising you see live action one piece got a season two I did that's great news where's my second Dodge yeah I just made a whole video about that bones it's outrageous only in combat I'm doing all right salt hope you're doing well here it is to ask him not just puppets almost every machine and tram and crowd is supplied from here you gotta be curious about the guy what kind of person is he I wish we could find him you want to know a big fear I have about one piece live action continuing though I don't know if anyone's mentioned this but I think there is a non-zero chance that season two has a lower budget than season one and yeah for sure Kermit that's exactly what happened with Walking Dead Season one season one was extraordinary it was amazing season two was still fine but it was like half the budget so what they do a lot of times is they'll make the season one Bang like go all in on the first season and then once it pops off then they cut the budget yeah I know one piece of course I know one piece and yeah I do mask it's been very good so far they got the whirly gigs from bloodborne I need to kill the guys throwing that foreign excellent prank yeah I finished Thriller bark today that's why we were talking about one piece how do I get over there oh I still made the okay oh that's good to hear Benjamin I thought there'd be someone there oh I didn't even realize there was a jump in this game huge thanks [Music] foreign what's your favorite one piece Arc so far probably in his Lobby [Music] see how the badass part with Zorro experiencing Luffy's pain yeah that was very cool all right foreign yeah I'm enjoying Liza p I'm enjoying it a lot actually any plans on coming to Australia nope I'm afraid of flying that's like a 30 hour flight oh no 30 a 30 hour trip in general congratulations [Applause] for me [Music] riddled now you know what I've called you and I and I will hear your for as soon as I learned that one riddle burn and I do love me don't you okay only the living saw riddles as everyone knows man this guy is real quirky okay [Applause] oh I've heard this one before what the is it oh the way it's okay well it's easy it's just a human then it's not a monster I thought it was gonna be a lot harder that said how do we know you didn't just get lucky even a stop clock is right Baldur's Gate I think is going to be game of the year my next riddle won't be so simple to track our Latinos the king oh that's super awesome Havoc uh depends on where he's at big Trinity key oops don't know what I'm assuming that opens something up there foreign I really love the aesthetic of this game I just love Clockwork you see NRG leaving Apex yeah it's tragic not surprising though unfortunately what's your take on crypto mining uh I don't really care as long as you're not crypto scamming you can mine I guess I hate that it drove up the prices of gpus so much but can you do I need to get this little guy off me there we go holy this little guy's actually popping oh my God thank you sounds good appreciated havoc secret trapdoor oh not good you little have you seen the video two days ago in the first Mortal Kombat one tourney no I haven't check that out oh new blade and handle the salamander dagger Let's test it out there's no way this is going to be good for my build yeah descaling with motivity thoughts on Jiu Jitsu Kaizen season two so far I've been loving it I think it is incredible that one's definitely alive police gives me the creeps oh my God pranked again I like this weapon quite a bit it doesn't fit my build at all because I'm all motivity but this is nice thanks Peter I appreciate that if you're watching Jutsu Kaizen movie yep of course I did I was a little underwhelmed at the movie if I'm being honest like it wasn't bad or anything but I guess my expectations were just so high because of Mugen train I still really liked it but I don't know I wasn't Blown Away by it like I was from Mugen train even though I think Jiu Jitsu Kaizen is overall the better property this is a mini boss oh no thoughts so far in the game I'm liking it I think it's very good boss oh my God what did that do lit my knife even more on fire oh go down what oh it's in the front foreign this guy can't really be lit on fire it seems never mind I just lit him on fire perfect guard let's go no no yo it man this guy was super slow scale with my and yet it's still doing work for me oh let's go you little no there we go what stats have you leveled in just one motivity and nothing else I wouldn't say I'm hyped for UFC fight but I will play it most upset I've been from gaming news is when they announced City of Heroes is shutting down thanks Cameron yeah I'll definitely check it out havoc what region Emerald oh they needed a hundred pound holy thank you for that who do you play for Emerald I'll use my power really appreciate that pant thanks for generosity [Music] so you said the handle changes the scaling right so if I go baton handle into salamander dagger blade will I keep the fire keep the move set but then get motivity scaling because if so that'd be big planting 100 bosses for this probably you can also use those cranks to change the scaling of all weapons oh so I could just straight up change the scaling of the salamander dagger even with this handle [Music] and probably zap yeah [Music] that's awesome Emerald well it's not up to me that's on the squad because we we've got a team 12th in the world right now baby and I'm excited for next next season so Duncan if I replaced baton head with salamander blade will I keep what moveset will I get will I get the salamander move set or the Baton move set thank you [Music] you'll get the Baton move set okay so the handle dictates the move set entirely [Music] okay well let me let me see something here I picked up traces of high-powered energy originating far away that's one mystery solved why don't we make a legion arm with it oh Mr vanini is the expert when it comes to Legion arms but I'm pretty sure I can make one the puppets get fried easily by electricity if you use an electric Legion arm it'll make your life easier laughs all this motivity scales as well let's go you're going to the factory to save Mr venini Right he's the richest man in krat a little eccentric maybe but a good person I heard he went to shut the factory down no this is not from soft I wouldn't want to lose my best customer I know my way around [Music] hmm I can't decide what to do hold on let me look something up real quick for the game okay I'm not I don't really need to get too deep into this yet because I'm not struggling or anything I'm just trying to plan for later like I first tried everything pretty much so I'm just trying to prep for late game but I think what I'll do is I'll eventually just use the cranks you can freely test weapons to see what feels nice wait what do you mean freely doesn't it cost to disassemble no it doesn't oh it let's go so then let's try baton handle salamander blade I don't think so if it does it's basically nothing I get the feeling that this is probably a bad combo actually the more I think about it foreign yeah I think this is gonna be I think I should do it the other way if I'm going to try and make this work I should do it the other way oh that was just rude I really don't feel like wasting a uh sell of course I'd Cameo for that that'd be great all right let's try the inverse of this so that was not not the move at all let's try this this is gonna be trash but I want to see it anyway I'm stabbing with my baton that'll be cute so I was hitting 110 on these little guys with the last one hitting 112 this time oh missed the perfect card all right do you get your you know it's worth testing I don't remember if you get your power cells back or not at the stargazers foreign [Music] okay you do all right let's go back to just making them normal you get the weapon from the merchant boss before the electric boss uh no what was he selling yeah I'll play Payday 3 when it comes out it's the other baton from the demo is this a different baton because I like this one a lot and I hated the one in the demo hey man come on now you little oh I thought that staggered him this guy drops a lot of good you could really Farm off of him try using the great sword and Baton handle it's an interesting idea this is gonna be a tough fight with no corruption protection puppet of the future how do I how do I fight you here you got to use a resistance potion nah I'm not a I'll be all right oh my God I'm stuck I'm stuck on his hitbox oh God he corrupted me okay might as well commit now is this over here oh I am gobbler that's probably not happening until I use a potion or have corruption resistant stuff I appreciate that Emerald I'll definitely take a look thank you I'll try one more time see if I can kill it fast enough [Music] wow that came out much quicker than I thought foreign can I not Dodge in here I don't think I'll kill him fast enough regardless I just need the resistance do these afflictions stay post death and yeah I probably will Kermit happy early birthday Chronicles thanks jet stream foreign that didn't work is that not the right item isn't that what it said I needed oh wait no shock decaying corruption you use it when it's built up what's underneath my fable bars then is that not afflictions what is that and no worries at all Emerald I'm definitely gonna check into it those are your ambulance son of a it was red so I thought it was an affliction oh wait I can just travel foreign don't use the items you get from the bosses don't know why but it's not like I've been using them anyway very early sewer level is this corruption too yes it is that's so sweet thanks Joe no they're here pinned foreign I thought this was the power up one come back hey AJ oh wow a little little one hit me [Music] thank you [Music] I need to get out of the corruption he just died gross I didn't expect to no no scary that was just a millimeter off from stacking corruption on myself keep missing perfect guard all right that was rough okay a lot of moonstone oh tragic appreciate the 10 Again Emerald is that all I was here the butterfly that doesn't seem worth the journey at all is there jumping yeah what's that foreign I was just about to say this looks like a spot for a big ball to roll down I might as well just well there's no reason to refresh I'll be fine a rick O'Connell character in Mortal Kombat would be great what hi natural easy enough game's been great so far hey happy early birthdays Anders no I'm doing all strength I've fully dumped everything into strength and nothing else legitimately nothing else I really want to kill that robot I just need corruption resistance that didn't surprise me at all I was ready for that are these friends survivors seem to follow me everywhere well hello man carrying the latest ambition of Benin 's Landmark guide it's the most popular non-fiction work in crowds these days medulla wrote the actual guide the venini published and financed it it goes for a premium at the shop but Maduro might not get his cut he went missing recently which of course made that volume more popular than ever you can get all three volumes collectors want can get full now now 5 000 for it is the shop but you're in luck I have a conscience and a powerful sense of self-preservation I'll let this one go for 500. that's a good investment don't sleep through it you wish you had this and the price is a steal should I is it worth it I can't imagine it is right there's definitely a scam is there a reason to do it I'm not gonna get scammed pleased to see you my stalker friend You've Got Talent I've never seen you before but who cares this may well benefit our former client did you catch that subtle whiff of money in the air Moneybags himself lorenzini venini is in what a name this very moment you caught us on our returns lorenzini vanini to deny his ridiculous request in person just to be sure it wasn't a joke what we could do was love keep your whiskers up if you're heading in there he is the richest man in crot or so they say who knows maybe he's handing out bags of money to lift his spirits that seems unlikely no way we do not well anyhow best of luck best of lucky we didn't have a whole lot for me man there's so many places to go here holy oh my God all right let's uh your favorite System of a Down song either Aerials or spiders oh another new one let's go fire ax that's gotta be a strength one hey happy birthday Victoria I did watch the whale I thought the whale was great you have a good weekend as well zealot oh my God why what is going on attack why did that happen oh it works two eyebrows so this is where the Riddler hangs out I guess where does this go oh this is the robot I fought earlier The Shield one it looks like I do need the page for this room got some quartz though and a new shirt all-time best game my favorite game City of Heroes thanks coop foreign the door be one with the great ones I'm just gonna go buy that I guess I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it I wish you had this where does this go thanks you come on keep taking so much unnecessary damage I must atone for my sins all puppets must die every single one I I hear the sound of Springs inside you you're a puppet too no I'm not I'm a man you can't fool me oh kill the pup s I wish I hadn't run away oh my God he's popping off all right I wish I had to run away just got to keep going for backstabs ah how did I not get that backstab known surviving is a hell of its own how am I not getting my back Sab what a bunch of baloney oh God I'm stuck damn it thanks Christian ugh that was really unlucky I had that what [Music] come on man don't be such an who's burning down there I can't tell with blood and what's oil play it safe thank you I wish I'd known that surviving is a hell of its own foreign what is going on [Music] holy couldn't block any of that I wish I'd known surviving is a hell of its own oh my God I can't tell with boys that poor guy just Spam back stabs on him he gave me some cool stuff though all right that's all of that use the fire racks oh I forgot to try the fire ax yeah I'll try that in just a sec how how did that not stun him that dirty rat foreign yeah so far I'd say so Philip they I think they've been helping oh fantastic the pipe fit like a glove well well pipe that fit idioms you know I hope he's all right another little boss huh I think I'm gonna go spend this Ergo first before taking this yeah I've watched monster I liked monster but it got a little too samey towards the middle like the hits like this little Lull in the middle but I still really liked it it was still good quite insulting no easy now don't need to kill me hey vanilla really we can discuss this like reasonable people hold on to is a friend of yours did he send you I I'm I'm fine help me find my butler no no no that is salt he's a puppet and a friend no stalkers were supposed to be working for me but well they bolted and left me to my fate that was not helpful my butler went to barricade the back door and I haven't seen him since a loyal companion I'd hate to lose him the factor is of course my priority we must take it back but please keep an eye out uh I don't know about that Tim but it's still good I'd consider it a personal favor and owe you in kind before all this I'm told he's still building an hour out in this nightmare come to be if I was gonna sell me something all right let's dump more into strength foreign game Pyrex right I keep forgetting oh I already have it assembled that's right somehow this is not even as strong of scaling as my baton that's weird I would have expected this to be like full strength scaling thank you foreign let's backtrack a little bit there's still a lot back there I didn't do this area is huge oh my that's such a shame I ate all of that doing all right TZ hope you're doing well wait where was the big pipe 20 res oh yeah mags for sure that was risky for no reason really are you oh okay I certainly didn't expect that the double I Robot Hot Drop Jesus Christ nothing Liza p is bringing anything new to this Soul's born category um so far nothing new it's just doing pretty well with all of the established stuff I wouldn't say anything too crazy yet the weapon system yeah but a symbol and dissemble weapons isn't exactly anything too crazy mixing and matching handle the blade though yeah it's kind of that's kind of novel I hate these things they don't get stunned by anything foreign like how am I even supposed to attack them thanks for the five Gypsy but I'm definitely not doing that sorry to tell you oh I still couldn't get back in time it might just be too slow to do that my favorite Souls game is either bloodborne or Elden ring it's hard for me to decide which okay oh I did not time that correctly foreign oh man that timing is brutal this guy's me up I'm going back to Baton fire ax is okay I like here what I might do is I'll Stack Up Fable with baton and swap the fire ax for the Fable because the Fable was pretty strong thanks diver how much does this do to them what foreign man I can't get that timing right at all that time I got it favorite Souls game boss I'm not trying to think about it it's early I can't move I can't move huh I couldn't get up what that's a that's a wacky one hurry up drop there we go got it okay I still took the overheat damage from that thank you that timing is brutal holy I can't get that at all [Music] this guy's harder than any boss so far I'm just gonna have to just dodge that that's tragic yep that's the end of that if that hits if you get hit by it one time it's the end that move is busted man I can't get this guy it's good Dylan you can just lead them out into a more open area that we can actually Dodge also let me take this off thank you no way man that won't happen angel or not angel agar let me try and fight him one more time in the pipe there we go got it not not that time though where did all this damage come from oh all right [Music] here we go I'm getting the timing down absolutely him on that man that was by far the hardest enemy more so than the bosses thank you no trust me the titty milk's good you'll like it thanks to 10. foreign there we go welcome aboard Kurt that's everything on this side let's go across the pipe I have not watched thehsoka oh this is just a shortcut I've completely lost all interest in Star Wars I've heard Ahsoka is good though welcome board for meme foreign now we got some space no no no no no no oh that's tragic thank you there we go that was so much easier outside of like a really confined quarter outside the pipe that was free this is the stock Apple alarm sound effect I respect that so there's a boss here because there's a well here [Applause] can I make this jump if I had jump straight yes oh okay we'll go all the way around them the game's good so far I'm pretty impressed with it most oh whoa holy thank you for that vermeem maybe the 50 gifted members Jesus Christ huge drop appreciate the generosity God damn you need a gamer Subs promo code use code moist godspeed Soldier all right let's kill the boss actually let me spin my Ergo I have so much I'd be ashamed to lose it all right how do I become a member it's the join thing next to the sub button God damn verme holy you're slinging big meat thank you for the generosity again [Music] all right let's see if I get the boss first try until you go full glass Cannon yeah I think what I'll do is I'll just level motivity up to 40 and then I'll just start doing Vitality because I'm starting to get diminishing returns now anyway so might as well are you kidding me I'm assuming this is the only thing star fragments are used for I usually don't use summons and souls games but I figured why not I'll get the full experience here okay [Music] is it always geralt that I summon foreign [Music] thanks Dylan yep come back come back come back no okay didn't expect that damn he's blasting what are those subtitles no where does this go again oh it's just a shortcut in this rain thanks citizen thanks w ow oh I'm lucky I was gonna surprise him all right foreign [Music] I can't see oh that's still hit huh God damn appreciate it Alpha they're still coming oh Master Splinter man you gave ten dollars just for that dumb there yeah yawn hey what do you mean why did I cover the unity situation brother you realize half the games I play run on Unity right and even if I'm not a developer I still care about people getting I do it for plenty of things what is this absolute brain rot take here where do you come from Jan what pocket of Twitter is that why would you cover it with no involvement affection interest or implication I am I literally play Unity games all the time do you work for Unity or something you donated ten dollars for some absolute garbage what the is that you John holy thank you it's a decision that affects legitimately everyone not just game devs which I don't think you are greedy and this guy's popping off on me on this one thank you foreign he keeps using that every time I get him to stagger which is unlucky how do I avoid that is that just hit the whole Arena I'll go board Max absolutely all right I got way too greedy I thought that would kill yep tragic appreciate the generosity Max thank you for that hope you're having a good night Max oh my God this guy I'm going no Summit on this one I think that's making me too rambunctious well I immediately blew the timing on that start oh yep wow thank you foreign oh [Music] my God I just need to avoid him blasting me now oh wow that had some crazy range to it man he's he's really going crazy what the I don't know I can't see wait what is this oh you can do this more than once I thought that was just the phase change oh my God not tonight Miriam and probably not on stream oh my Lord holy bro I thank you for another massive membership drop I hate I hate this one right here and I don't know if Pinocchio's nose grows or not even Beyond generous for me thank you for that thank you that was greedy that was greedy thanks for that Mac I can't see foreign [Music] these are five different vendors Austin how can this not be copyright claimed by fromsoft because they can't own an entire genre man and yeah I think it's been very good so far Sam appreciate that grape juice I'll use my Power Gel oh my God hey no worries at all Mac thank you for that and hope the new job's treating you well thanks Sid I think the game's good it's not it's obviously not up to a level of like Dark Souls bloodborne sekito or even Neo I'd say but it's still good there's nothing wrong with being like good I'm not sure of her meme I don't think it's the same sound because there is no Parry in this game so the perfect guard sound I think is just a normal generic sound effect I don't think it's like lifted from from soft but maybe what's your main issue with the game so far I don't have any I don't have like an issue with it or anything I think everything in it is pretty good thanks Dylan is it weird not having a Parry it's not that big of a deal you little whoa Neo was awful especially the main villain did you did you play are we talking about the right Neo yeah the story is kind of stupid but it's cheesy charming and the gameplay is incredible God damn it what the this guy's going crazy God slap video game win uh give it another like 10 years we gotta let the god slap IP become the biggest in the world and then we'll get the best developers from soft on it I know you ranked bloodborne is one of the worst Souls born is it bad or just not as good as the other ones what is happening what is what is happening brother bloodborne is one of my favorite games of all time that and Elden ring I think are the best Souls like games in existence Logo board ghosty oh black myth Wukong is what you're thinking about for the other one that game does look good I'm really excited for that thank you for that Dylan I'm gonna go up first foreign hey big pipe I know that strength I know for a fact that's gotta be strength let's go that is a big pipe wrench wow that's slow oh good Alpha and not in complete star field that I'm not going to didn't get into it there's nothing bad about the game it's just I'm very tired of just playing the same Bethesda formula every single time okay okay I'm fat rolling you plan on playing the new Mortal Kombat yeah I I was played at the last two nights beat the campaign last night and was doing a little ranked ladder climb I'm very much enjoying it I was also labbing some combos earlier today for Raiden I also totally forgot to be switching these in and out I appreciate it Lenny and yeah again that all just depends on what infomercials come out this one seems better come on this thing's Gonna Keep Me fat rolling if I take this off will I still fat roll no thanks Matt no I did not play Stick of Truth Dark Moon moonstone in the Covenant what's that for do they have confidence in this game God I hate these guys foreign I'm stuck oh Phantom Blade yeah yeah I forgot about that oh I'm dead that's so that is such a move so I think pipe will be good on my baton I bet this will go hard if I swap pipe head for Baton body I bet this will go crazy oh um let's see okay it's kind of slow I thought this would speed it up a lot speeds it up a little bit but it's still pretty slow I know I thought sekito was great all right about the opposite but Todd ahead in the crank handle now that'd be trash oh let me look something left though about that yeah no I don't know about that one don't do it don't do it okay I think I I I'm actually liking this I think I'm gonna upgrade this I think this will go really hard oh yeah I think sakido is extremely innovative I see the new Platinum Dark Magician card I did not foreign what okay no no shot [Music] scary oh I didn't get the the Stagger that's all right these guys keep dropping amulets for me increase weight limit eh and I don't need to increase weight limit that's sweet thanks w ow appreciate the kind words are there any projectile weapons uh my left arm so I have a grapple that I can use to bring people to me or bring myself to people and I'm assuming there's going to be other ones like that too so they probably will be projectile weapons no no I'll use my all right I think that's a good stopping point for tonight yeah the game's been really fun I've been really enjoying it all right thanks for tuning in I appreciate the generosity hope you all have a wonderful rest of your evening sleep well everyone and thanks again I will see you all tomorrow have a great night and thank you
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,482,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kQ7Jd4Y64oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 1sec (13621 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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