8-23-17 When the Good Things Keep Us Away From the God Things - Mark Stroud

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[Music] [Applause] my spirits low and it seems I can't hardly go bust [Music] glory many times I'm walking by faith we can't see what lies before me but still [Applause] I just gotta tell you say said you can't cross the bloodline because I'm covered by his blood you may stare and you may fight but you're gonna lose this battle tonight cause remember you can't cross the blood [Music] it's our battle skip hard and it seems we're fighting a lot and I remember I'm standing on the road - seitan if I were you I turn around and give up - cuz I do believe you're about to learn I just gotta tell you Satan you can't cross the blood because I'm covered by his you may stare and you may fight but you're gonna lose this battle tonight cause remember you can't cross the blood I just gotta tell you Satan you can't cross the bloodline because I'm covered by his blood and you may stare and you may fight you're gonna lose this battle tonight cause remember you can't cross the blood love you may stare and you may fight but you're gonna lose this battle tonight cause remember you can't cross the pile of you may stare and you may fight but you're gonna lose remember you can't cross [Music] remember you can't cross the blood [Applause] well not good tonight race God man I'll tell you what I don't know how brother mark you come on I don't know how in the world sometimes you just sit there I just want to jump up and run a laugh hey man I'm telling you I love being around where God's at girl's house also touch of God on that and I love you guys man I really do Wow just help every night's been good brother James thank for the music every night if you notice me a whole lot of young people singing and we're gonna see revival it's gonna be a generation come I believe that gets stirred up and you pray for the man of God night she preaches give me attention trying to be going in out unnecessarily and let's just let's see what God's got for all right if you've got your Bible open it we've been to the Book of Isaiah the Book of Isaiah in Chapter number six pretty good study about that bloodline I like that song you you go study that story of David and Goliath and you'll find that he went down in a place called FS dammit know what the name was you know what that name means the border of blood mmm Goliath's pretty good picture of the Antichrist got his head cut off at the border a blood a shepherd king went down into a valley the job did y'all hear what I said you go back and study a little bit that talks about being Jesse being the ancient one from the oldest one of the nation of insulin that day and he sent his boy the Ancient of Days sit his shepherd boy I think I read some 23 said the Lord is my shepherd and he went down into a valley and when it came out of the valley the devil was dead glory to God hallelujah third day I think I read another story where he went down in the pit and when he came out he had the chief praise God a band friend I'm glad for job chapter one myself I mean man the Lord I hope the Lord just keeps me out of his conversations with a devil can I get a witness right there if you understand something it was the Lord that brought Joba up not the devil a man but I tell you what I'm sure I'm glad to know that I'm serving the one that the devil has to get permission from to touch me I mean I like serving the boss don't you praise God I like them places in the King James where it's capital L capital o capital R capital D that is Jehovah he stood that were Jehovah that's three that's the three combination of the three Hebrew words to be which means was ears and to be I'm glad he was and he is and he forever will be he said I am the Lord and I changed not he said there is none of a God beside me praise God headband friend I'm glad that I'm serving him aren't you in this day I'm like the preacher I mean praise God for a strong America Amen it's about time somebody quit threatening us amen I mean we're pouring billions of dollars into the world and they're gonna thumb their nose at us god help us these new I mean I read something the other day just made me want to puke of college professor was gonna let his kids set the grades so so it would reduce their stress god help why don't we send them back to kindergarten I remember they said you know it's this this we don't keep scoring this day everybody's a winner I'll be honestly I learned a whole lot of things from lose and I'd say what I learned that I didn't like to lose I learned that I was willing to work a little harder to win a man I'll never forget what Carter was six he played his first basketball five you played his first basketball game and we got in the car is one of those no keep your score Nils and I said somebody said Amy said when we got in the car so well I guess nobody won't we don't know who won Carter said oh yeah mama we won ten to six I kept score they head back we've raised a weak mind listen to me history is history god help history is history I mean their time I mean we're watering history down some batter kids aren't even gonna know what history is a may God help no wonder what we got what would we do in America today if we did have to draft an army of eighteen and nineteen year olds we'd be in trouble this bunch a weak-minded limp-wristed lace on their undershorts you mean that we're raising and it's bedtime hey man don't get nervous I tell you it concerns me in youth meetings that I'm preaching the effeminacy of young men that will produce I'm not raising two brawlers at home I'm not raising two boys they're broads but I promise you this I am raising two that'll protect their family a man I promise you this you best not mess with their mama while I'm gone they do know how to load a gun and swing a bat or a golf club a man everybody okay I mean praise God I mean it's the it's the honest truth where do you want to think about it I mean whether you want to agree with her or not I mean we had counting these boys out there there's a little feather come up into junior camp he told the nurse he said I'm either killing me she said what's wrong he said I think I got sweat in my eyes and I know she's a pretty nurse but goodnight that wasn't a reason to go see her I don't winter never the broke leg or something's like in a state a while a man I mean a man we're in trouble I mean a man I'm seeing some of the best young men that we have I I worry for some of you young ladies that are trying to find a young man for a husband you better find you one or he'll be laid on the couch and you'll be working and you'll be thinking dear God out of this hell I don't know how I got on this but it's helping me hey man the preachers right amen I like the fact that they just he gives them altars the president I'm talking about it he said it right he said it right about that deal and they've crucified him for it each one of those up there in Charlottesville each one of those groups had a responsibility in that sea I would say some all the only free speech the left wants to protect is the one that agrees with them you better understand something in America we're viewed as the same as the fanatics that strap bombs on their self and go blow people up that's what they see us as we better have revival amen I'd say this shallow stuff that's passion for revival this day ain't gonna count listen I don't believe we're going through one moment of the tribulation hear me I'm not listening pre-wrath mine revelation 4:1 we're leaving I don't care what Stephen Anderson says hey man so I wouldn't call his name blessed God somebody ought to be Z's confused and a whole lot of people hey man what do you need don't find the word Church in Revelation 2 and 3 find the word Church after revelation 4 would she ain't in there just say why because we ain't in there hey man everybody okay I'm just trying to you know we used to we play ball we'd stretch a little bit I'm just stretching a little bit hey man everybody okay I mean revelation 4:1 we're leaving I heard of voice like a trumpet saying come up here therefore I'm somewhat to show what do you think that is that's the rats are on it everybody right after that Laodicean Church age we preached that for him hey we preach out rather layout of see in church he stands the door not any man I'm coming he said I'm gonna open I'm coming out something with it and we preach that as a picture of salvation that's a great application but that is not the primary interpretation he's talking to the church he's talking to the church and it's a great application young preachers preach it but I promise you he's talking to the church he's on the outside walking in we're rich and increased with Goods and have need of nothing that's today in which were living we need a move of God I'm talking about a genuine I appreciate what the preacher said Monday so we're looking for something if you knew how many eyes brother D McNeese and blood Wayne more to my dearest friends they preach probably to in to churches every week of the year except when they they probably preach 49 out of 52 weeks a year probably in two churches a week and I asked him I said I want you to tell me something I said I said I mean these are Holy Ghost men of God I said I want you to tell me something how often how many what percentage of meetings do you see a genuine move of God and both of them told me less than 10 percent that's 50 to meet 50 let's say 49 weeks two meetings a week that's 90 that's 98 98 weeks or 98 meetings so 9 meetings a year you might feel some semblance of a move of God and we wonder why America's in the trouble she is and we just say this so goes the family so goes to church so those the church so goes the country everybody ok it has encouraged me to see these young people singing with a touch of God I like it and what about that they're singing good songs holy songs that's got a message to them a man not up here with some dance team well you cut the lights down low and get up here God if I was gonna the out-of-state lost and watched MTV can I get a witness I mean man why water it down hello everybody okay I'd like you like it now or we might just drop the play on preach a little bit hey man you ought to thank God you got young people like that but the Sam you said it for years I'm getting there in Isaiah 6 we're going there brother said me said it for years you don't build a fire with backlogs so if you build a fire you're gonna do a Kinlan would you let about 10 or 15 of them get on fire for God you won't have to worry about them saints of God I was rejoicing about you children in the presence of the Lord last night and I said well Brooke brother Clark just sit over tears dripping off his face and miss winters said it suffered she said yeah she said men he just when he sees his kids get the glory said it's just terrible I tell you what you let your kids start getting the glory you wouldn't have to worry about the older folks they'd fall right in there a man ain't God you ought to protect what you have you don't thank God you got a man of God I appreciate last not even knowing I please shave Liberty it's not like that everywhere sometimes you feel like a dog has been tied to a tree they won't let you go I mean good night friend you must be glad you got one who knows what it is to have the moving of the Holy Ghost and how to follow it I appreciate that Isaiah six well that's two or three different messages right there everybody okay amen mr. windy Steve texted me said you made his day he said to see you smile and have that much fun and said absolutely made his day I wondered if we was going to get her out of the airplane a man I think maybe next week she may fly down here the preacher in Georgia I don't know she may come here to preach next week a man I said seemed to come get shake man on Thursday because he's flying me Monday Tuesday Wednesday a man will come get you and drop you back off on our way back through the roundabout that I tell you aren't you glad can I tell you something let me listen to me young people I have no regrets serving God Dean she used to sing it years ago before he died with a brain tumor he used to sing the old song I'd do it all over again can I tell you there is no life like serving Jesus I've got to do more go more meat more the best people on the face of this earth serving God then I would have if I'd have done anything else in my life are you listening there's nothing like serving Christ what a blessing isaiah chapter 6 let's stand together preacher thank you I'm honored to be here I'll be honest with y'all y'all don't suffer for preaching around here I feel like the little ant and the elephant when you walk across to walk across the bridge in that little ant that little ant looked at that elephant said we really shook that didn't we praise God a man I sort of feel like that following these great men of God I appreciate that I think you ought to thank the Lord and pulpits are filled with hirelings in our day they're filled with men that are afraid to preach because they afraid they lose their job but I tell you what if you got a man of God like you do this filled with the Holy Ghost preaches with unction and power you ought to thank the Lord because you are in the minority in America today I thank the Lord I see a chapter number 6 maybe the Lord give us a little fresh thought out of Isaiah 6 but I will sit in the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple above it stood the seraphim's each one had six wings and twain he covered his face and with twain he covered his feet and with twain he did fly one cried unto another and said holy holy holy i'd still write in our day a man a man god help us is the lord of hosts a man let me just say something you ain't got to go make up stuff to be holy I'm having trouble with the parts of the Bible that I'm well well aware with I'm strong living what's in here much less than going finding something else and making something up else up the prints against I mean god help I've heard me in prints against open-toed shoes chapter and verse neighbor hello I mean God help I'm struggling with what I do know much less making something up the thing got no Bible for it but every man hey man I told brother totally rebuked me one day I thought as a young preacher I was selling spiritual and I was sort of in a spot at the church and I was trying to make a decision and I just be honest we I had a man putting pressure on me about using a divorce lady in a Sunday School class everybody all right can I just be honest with you for a minute and and I thought man you know that might be right with what won't anybody ever be able to lay accusation toward us and and I told him one day I said preacher I said let me give you some advice and said you know I said if I miss it I want to miss it to the right that sounds good don't it until he rebuked me he said brother Mark I thought missing it was missing it he said if you miss it to the left you're a compromiser he said what if he missed it to the right you're a Pharisee he said but either way missing it's missing it you say what did you do I said father I forgive me for I've sinned a man hello a man I mean there's enough to preach against without making stuff up can I get a witness a man hold it hold it hold it when I was having pennies rabbits in this pulpit God Hill hey man is the Lord of hosts and the whole earth is full of his glory well I appreciate the glory of God that we enjoyed last night I'm glad that's not strange talk anymore you go a lot of places you talk about getting the glory they have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Bob Joel senior said every childhood got all to get in the blower at least once in a lifetime Oh Sammy Allen said every child got all get the glory least once a month a man he said the post for the door move and the voice of him that cried and the house was filled with smoke then said I was me for I am undone because I'm a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips for mine eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts then flew one of the seraphim's under me having a live coal in his hand which he had taken with the tones from off the altar and he laid it upon my mouth and said lo this had touched nine lives and that iniquity is taken away and I see una' purged also I've heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us then said I here am I see under me and he said go and tell this people here you indeed but understand not and see you indeed but proceed not make the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and convert and to be healed then said I Lord how long and the answered until the cities be wasted without inhabitant and the houses without man and the land up be utterly desolate you can be seated it was hot on that airplane hey man how old a preach for just a little wild if a God will help me I get to a port I'll give you my title in a minute but if I give him my time now to give away the thought but can I say God we look at what the Bible said in verse one in the year that King Uzziah died I saw serve the Lord that sitting upon the throne you understand God gave Isaiah a glimpse into the throne room of heaven I'm talking about a peak that very few me and even in the Word of God have never been to see into that place I think about Daniel I think about Ezekiel I think about John and me in the book of the revelation and brother you better believe when he Isaiah begins to peek in there he leaves that place with a sense of all a sense of reverence a sense of seriousness and never you better believe it was a view of adoration he-man but may I say it is evident that God gave ICEA a season in his life that changed him forever can I say if you study for the biographies of the great Christians the great men of God many times you will find there was a season of the God let them walk into in their life that changed the Ummah forever a man I tell you what the preacher said on Monday night has rained truth in my old heart and my own mind well God to give us a service or give us a week that changes us brother Dumont forever amen we come beyond and we feel the prints of God we go out and a couple of weeks it's gold or a couple of months it's gonna but can I tell you I talked and I've walked with some children of God brother can trace it back to a service let's race it back to a meeting let's race it back to a tribulation i trace it back to an affliction where God let them walk into a season and brother Clerk when they walked out but their Christian life was never the same it did wear off in a week it didn't wear off in two weeks it didn't wear off in two years I mean listen do you understand our pastoring people that had been saved twice as long as I've been alive the lady I buried today has been saved over 80 years 80 years almost twice as long as I've been alive I remember I told my my eldest Deacon he's been saved right at 70 years I'm talking about man I'd rather have brother RB pray for me than most preachers that I know you say why because somewhere back there I had me maybe before the week's over I may preach out of a fee since 5:18 but where it still says be not drunk with wine but where's an excess might be you filled with the spirit can I tell you that's not charismatic talk that was in a King James Bible long before a woman in California 1901 1902 let's spoke in tongues in the pen coastal movement was born what can I tell you we still need to walk in the power of the Holy Ghost in our life what can I tell you we don't know where unction comes from but I promise you this I know what I've got it and I know what I don't him and I can preach truth I can preach outlines of a honey it's only the Holy Ghost of God or that can impart truth but to the life of a believer but let me ask you something have you ever had a season in your life like I say ahead when you walked out you never were the same you ever had that kind of stuff ever had that kind of experience I'm not talking about lights in the sky I'm not talking about something extra biblical I'm talking about where God put you in that season of your life where he did a work in your heart that you made you different from now okay I'll give you three quick things by way of introduction three things and I see in this text I've been every one of those situations if you have that kind of season it'll be in your season if preacher had that season I believe he did it somewhere back to you don't preach that kind of power and not have that kind of season David said it was good that I was afflicted that I might learn about statutes amen we're weird we're in a day to day brother might we're trying to take shortcuts everybody that young me I'm going to preach with that kind of power they want to pass through this kind of church but they don't want to bear the burden a man I like what you posted the other day oh we're brother we're brother brother Kuykendall made that statement he said it'll be different when young men realize the ministry is not a loud ladder to climb but but it's a cross to bear a man what can I tell you there's gonna be some affliction along the way but you ever find yourself in one of those situations like I say I did there will be a manifestation of the presence of God understand the Bible said where two or three are gathered he said I am in the midst also what can I see I'm talking about something else I'm not talking about just being in the midst but what I'm talking when he steps out of the shadows and he manifests his presence but much like he did last night I tell you we need the Manifesta prince of god what can I tell you it's one thing and it's a great comfort to the child of God but that we can know that the Lord is in our presence but can I tell you it's another thing altogether or what it feels like he's just sitting right next to you and he's got you hugged up to him but thank God for when the Lord had a manifest himself I have wondered young man young lady has it ever been that way for you with all the Christianity you've got but what you hear from the preacher or what you hear from the youth director what you hear from your family I wonder that's God ever sat down besides you I had manifested his presence in your heart and you've never been the same I remember Father's Day of 2000 the day before it was Saturday home Friday night let's just go back to Friday night on Friday night I came home from a meeting in Callahan Florida I got back in miss Amy was 31 and a half weeks pregnant she came home that Friday night she wasn't feeling well and we we ended up having to go to the emergency room that night we've gone to the we'd go to the fire station and they took her blood pressure and it was 180 over 110 so we went to the hospital they put us literally in a broom closet and we stayed for a few hours they gave her some medicine sent us home told us to watch it well by lunchtime on Saturday she was feeling bad again and we got to the we got to the ER that afternoon and and they sent us up to the they sent us up to the L&D a ward there at the hospital and I'll never forget they put us in this little bitty room in about three o'clock the doctor walked out and she looked at me and said mr. Stroud she said your wife's blood pressure is 220 over 110 they said any minute she could go into seizures and convulsions and said we could lose your wife and lose your baby before we could ever do anything to it he said we're going to give her some medicine and I said tomorrow we're gonna give her a shot now he said normally we would give a shot now within 24 hours we'd give another shot and then we would try to induce that baby she said but it's so bad then we're gonna give her a shot now in 12 hours we're gonna give another shot tomorrow morning at six o'clock we're gonna induce labor so father's day I went home I packed the bag I came back I came back that night and we got up that morning about 5:30 they came me hon and they said began to give her that pitocin and they begin to try to induce labor and her blood where they were giving her that blood pressure medicine and may I say to your brother Plunkett all day long I'd stay in that room a little while and I'd get where I couldn't stay anymore and I'd go walk the halls I found every caught in that hospital I couldn't pray I prayed in the elevator I played in the corner I prayed in the chapel I prayed outside I'd pray a little while and I'd come back here and by the Dermott when I would open the door she would look over to my face but to see the countless on my face and what she was new and I she was looking to see if I'd heard from God and I just shake my head I'd come in and stay a little bit I'd leave again I'd come back and still no word from God that I didn't go back out come back in the same thing up at about 6 o'clock the nurse the doctor came in and said where this is not working she said we're gonna have to go do an emergency c-section on your wife and he said I'm gonna tell you something you need to be prepared she said because the medicine that we've given your wife will slow her that was has slowed her body down to bring her blood pressure it's now in your baby and she said I need to prepare you that when that baby comes out of that womb it may be black in color because it slowed the blood pressure the blood circulation down so much there's not much oxygen in the blood and it may be black and blue in color said and other things that when it comes out it may not cry it may be so lethargic that it can't cry Here I am 26 27 years old I mean this is our first baby and that daughter's just looked at me and told me we may lose my wife we may lose the baby my baby may be black and blue it may not cry and may not move and listen to the bad thing was I still had not heard from God I'll never forget they wouldn't take her to prep her in that room they sent me in that little recovery room me to put my scrubs all I sat down in that room over there a little stool all by myself I had those green scrubs oh and I set there on that stool I had my face bared in my hands and neighbor can I tell you it was this real that's the door click behind him when he walked he on that it was surreal that I stop I'm raised up out of my hands I look toward the door because I knew somebody had walked up in that room brace God what can I tell you God the Holy Ghost all right in the middle of my brokenness right in the middle of my difficulty right in the darkest hour of my life Oh God the Holy Ghost I walked into that little room and manifested himself and this is what he told me he said everything's gonna be all right it wasn't about two or three minutes that nurse came and got me and I went i sat down at the end of that operating table I miss Amy's head was in that chair put it between my knees and when she looked up she didn't say daddy have you heard from him oh she said daddy what did he say I'm telling you thank God I tell you the Lord didn't answer my preacher and the Lord didn't speak to my parents and the Lord didn't speak to my heroes but right there in the middle of that waiting room or God manifested his presence in my heart and it's never been the same a man a manifestation of his presence but then there's the illumination of his presence notice what Isaiah said when he got close to God look at your Bible look at verse 5 then said I whoa is me spending time in the throne room and in the presence of God will make you very aware of your own sinfulness we're living in a day preacher most places don't want you to say a word about seeking a man and I want you to say anything about seeing I'm going to say some most of us probably couldn't have made it in the 50s in churches many of us would have got turned out and used to go visit my assistant pastors and the grandmother and I used to go see her she had Alzheimer's and he didn't tell her every time we'd go he'd say mama B this is brother marques the pastor that it was and every time we were this is what she'd say he would introduce me like that and she said well I got turned out the church in 1953 for square dancing she said it was a good thing too because I wasn't him saved she said after they turned me out of church and got saved a man everybody okay I said square dancing that's chained compared to what we do today I mean good night man I used to when I was doing things that I didn't want the preacher to know I did my best to hide on these kids sin today friend request on facebook when it plastered all over their friend page everybody okay aren't we having fun now I'm talking about having revival a man the reason we can get away with so much in her life we're not spending any time close to Christ you ain't gotta worry about the man of God naming it you ain't got to worry about a book naming it you ain't got to worry about some Vince or since I'm about it honey if you get with God God the Holy Ghost still name it he'll nail it down he'll cut her close but the fact is we can see what's going on in our life isn't indication it's been a while since we've been around Christ man and man can't say something if you looked at I say it's live he wasn't drinking he was at cursing he wasn't fornicating but God the Holy Ghost somewhere shined a light on him that he said man I think some of us think because we quit some of those big sins that that's the only thing God is ever going to do in our life I'm going to say something I'm struggling with things now after being saved for 30 years he's dealing with me about things now that never bothered me 20 years ago I had a choose thought processes he's not dealing with me with a chainsaw anymore he's dealing me with a fine scalpel and cutting that flesh off hey I'm telling you God will shine the light in your life if you let him a man that illumination you'll spend time in the throne room you'll be very aware of your own faults and weaknesses not somebody else's can I say proverb still says metal not studied be quiet it's amazing when we're fair circle we can see everybody's faults but her own but when you get around the presence of God he ain't gonna deal with you about where somebody else is missing it he's gonna deal with you he's gonna talk to you about where you're falling short he's go talk to you about where you've grieved it not one somebody else's do it can I tell you preachers call all the time you know how it is when you preach out they won't your opinion all this and your opinion over there what would you do you are telling boys I've got all I can do but to fight the fires that I can die that I can battle I don't mind means I don't need to be in the rest of that mess ed man you stay around the Lord you spend time with Christ you'll keep a realistic perspective of yourself are you listening it'll keep you it'll keep you humble keep your pride and check let me show you something look at Matthew 4 real quick something new that the Lord has showed me I'm talking about when you get around the Lord I'm saying you can around God you won't have to worry about the preacher cleaning your clock because God the Holy Ghost to clean your clock you ever go to church and you feel like your wives just told the preacher everything you had done the week before it wasn't your wife sir it was that man of God that got in a secret place and God the Holy Ghost told him he would not say the bushes reading your mail the Spirit of God was reading your mail how instantly this seems like he's always preaching the right thing at the right time could it not be God the Holy Ghost still speaks to his men help me right here boss I will let you read two verses but pluck yet I want you to read two you're gonna read five and six out of Matthew four brother pocket you're gonna read eight and nine don't stand up you're gonna read a good preachers voice you're gonna read a good choir directors voice amen little a higher-pitched I'm a little jealous about that good tenor singing let's look at five and six and saith unto him if thou be the Son of God cast thyself down for it is written he shall give the angels charge concerning thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou shalt dashed off foot against the stars aren't you read your two verses eight nine again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and show with him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and said unto him all these things will I give thee if that will fall down and worship Me but there why is it so important that we keep a proper perspective ourselves and stay humble and not prideful do you notice what the what the devil did to Christ both times he took him up to take him down when God deals with a man he's going to take him down to take him up are you listening young uns you better be careful when you start getting exalted mom and dad we better still be careful we start getting exalted in our own cell because the devil may be setting you up for a fall but you better believe when God the Holy Ghost goes to whack it on you and goes that tripping you down but could it be that it will humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God in due time he will exalt us that's why we need to spend time in the presence of God let me just say this while I'm passing right there brother Park can't tell me go back to that verse 8 and tell me what the devil told him right there he's the Prince of the power of this world now could the devil have just told on his self what did he show him brother pocket all of the I don't believe he just showed him the kingdoms of that day I believe he showed him all of the kingdoms but they're mine did the devil just tell us that he was willing to give everything for Christ he was willing to give everything in his possession for the Lord to get down and worship Him honey if the devil was willing to give it all and he's going to hell forever if the devil was willing to give everything that he possessed to have Christ worship Him what should you and I give him and he's kept us out of hell you know why you know why that we can come into a revival service and go right back out there jump on that iPhone get back in that same music that we were before Church we didn't spend any time around Christ you know why when you get alone that young man you can let him put his hands on you because you're not in the Lord listen whether the Lord's put his hands on you and protected you and keeping you clean you don't want anybody else putting their hands on you everybody okay a man friend a man I'm talking about when we spend time with Christ he shines the light on who we are man I've got hung up right here I'm just going lumination of the prints of God there's there is the manifestation of the presence of God then I want you to notice the motivation of the presence of God notice what he said he said then said I here am I send me hey preacher man Isiah surrendered long before God ever told him what he was going to do Isiah signed a blank cheque said here Lord you fill it in that here am I send me is the same word it's a word picture of an archer shooting an arrow Psalm 127 centers arrows are in the mighty hand of the are in the hand of the mighty man so are the children of our youth I won't I've been wanting to preach a youth meeting on that verse and preach don't just shoot me and then I'm gonna preach on the next night I've been shocked a man can I tell you what I was 18 and 19 years old I just make it God to shoot me ain't mom and dad these arrows it's your work at all they're not there for the quiver they're not made for the quiver they're made for a bow and you oughta lay land altar and say Oh God would you shoot me but when you reach it in the quiver once you reach in and get me and shoot me to the world and then one day you'll get to where preacher is it serving God all these years and you can run and shout so praise God I'm enjoying I've been shot I've been preaching longer than I meant to let me just give you this first stalled and I how how quit notice what verse 1 said I'm talking about notice what count those words he said then said I count those words that he said right there here am I send me five words could it be there's grace for wherever he sent go read of God hallelujah just thought I'd throw that bring him on the way by amen number one I want you to notice the wind of this siding there was something that brought Isaiah to this point in his life God had brought Isaiah to the place where he was tired of the way things were can I tell you when lost people get saved when they get tired of their sin you Kate you Kate listen you'll never reach lost people until they're tired of their sin because as long as they're enjoying it that way they're gonna do their own thing they see no need to get saved but when they get tired of their sin you know where they're coming they're gonna come to find somebody who knows how to get them to Christ but I say I had found a place in his life where he was tired of the way things were can I tell you listen to me this chatter begins with a death of the notice of use either King outside of David outside of Solomon he was probably the most influential King that the nation of Israel had it started to ruin he was 16 he ruled for 52 years until he died in 739 under his leadership it was military story I thought it was economic strip people who wanted a job had a job I mean on every hand of the nation everything was burning everything was prospering and listen Isaiah had grown accustomed to the Norma and listen to me a God to a place where he wasn't striving for anything else but then use iodide whose iodide when use iodide what happened to him the Bible said when he was strong his heart was lifted up in destruction and he entered into that priestly office and did something he shouldn't have done and God struck him down better be careful that's why we got to stay around the Lord because we don't we'll get built up and pride think it's all about us are you listening when you saw a died the nation of Israel became the spiral down calling things that were evil good those were good evil I mean it was bad everywhere look things for bad omen listen all of a sudden I see this little perfect world was starting to crumble at the outlook look bleak but honey can I tell you look what the Bible said when I when Isaiah I was looking at you so I was dead I say his outlook was terrible but look what the Bible said he said his glory fill the earth I'm glad from Heaven's point of view it may be coming apart in your it may be the rivets popping out but I'm telling you if you'll just take it up look when the outlooks no good you might just find out it's a different perspective see the problem was Jews I had become Isaiah's security military strength he wasn't afraid of the Philistines the Philistines have been defeated see what happened was use I had helped sustain Isaiah Jews I supported the prophets momentarily so he was depending on you side and not dependent on the Lord can I say something Isaiah was satisfied how things were can I tell you this I think for many of us the greatest obstacles and we'll have to overcome it's not the things that opposes not the things that attack us not those things that would try to destroy us or undermine us but sometimes the greatest enemy to our own walk with Christ are not bad things but they're good things I wanna preach for about five more minutes and I'll be done on this thought when the good thing keeps you from the god thing I want you to look at your Bible look at verse 1 I'm about done in the year that what King Uzziah take your opinion and underline that word King in the year King Uzziah died now let's go down to verse 5 he said then said I was me for all I'm done because I'm a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of the people of unclean lips notice this next phrase for mine eyes have seen the underline that preacher man look at the King and one look in the King in five tell me the difference see there's a little key in that verse war but there's a capital K King in that verse five I'm talking about when the good thing keeps you from the god thing I'm afraid too many of us are satisfied with seeing the little K kings when the whole time the big K King is said I'm right over here and said if you'll get your eyes off that little cake King I'll let you see everything that I am and everything that you need there's probably not one of us in here that are not looking over our shoulder look into that little keiki see if it's all right to serve God think of it's all right to get right with God thinking of it's all right to sell out over here just just throw our family into the things of God I'm talking about looking at them little k kings i watch young people in youth meetings when god gets to dealing with them they're standing beside that one they think they're gonna spend the less in their life with when gods are really dealing with they're looking right there that little K King wondered what they're gonna do if they mind the big K ki I mean they're looking over here to smoke a key thing man what are they gonna do if I go down here and I get with that big K key let's just be honest with a some of us of merit we're doing the same thing hey hey Dad you ought to step out Aaron just put your family out there to serve God and get deeper in this thing that you ever have and have an experience with God that's never gonna change you're gonna have to quit looking at the little cakey and realize there's a big K King too many of us are settling for good things instead of selling for a god thing what are you going to settle for don't settle if you sit don't settle for some jackleg that's not gonna serve God with you and love you you need to see how he treats his mother if he don't treat her with respect probably not gonna treat you with respect son you need to see how she treats her daddy if she doesn't honor him she won't honor you but you'll get to be about 21 you know you're an old maid at 21 and think I'm never gonna get married and all of a sudden you'll settle for a good thing and never attained the god thing hey some of you young men let me say Lord I'll teach Sunday School I'll ride a bus I'll do this I'll do that but God's calling you to do something with a greater calling honey that little kid ain't gonna never get the job done it's that what that big cake he wants don't remember when Saul died Samuel in the book of Judges there was no king First Samuel there's man's king second Samuel there's God's king you go from no king to Saul to David you know what happened happened to Saul before David could ever take the throne remember what saw what happened to Saul what happened he fell on his own what'd you say preacher how in the world do I kill that little cat King I've tried to defeat him I'm trying to walk off and leave him I've tried to get my eyes off that little Kate King but it just keeps chirping in my ear can I say the only way you're gonna kill to kill that little K King is he's gonna have to fall on the sword and when Saul falls on the sword you might just turn around and find David sitting on the throne that he was promised some of you trying to tell that little King know in your own power it ain't never gonna work are you listening what's your little K King I'm not talking about bad things I'm not talking about liquor I'm not talking about dope I'm not talking about fornication I'm talking about good things news I was a good King but the good King was keeping him from the real King boy I could preach against fornication I could preach against social media social media is about out of hell it keeps our youth groups tore up and I know it's amoral it can be used for fun and I and be used for right and I understand that but most folk ain't using it I mean we got a bunch of guys that got keyboard courage they'll spout their mouth off others sitting there with a keyboard but I ain't got a backbone to say anything when they're standing man a man I know it can be used right but god help it sure is being Ewing about using it keeps youth groups tore up families tore up and I listen I know it can be used right we announce meetings on it and I mean man you can I understand this it's a more or less how you use it what little ki k King are you looking for man I could preach against liquor I could preach against dope I could put you against fornication I could preach against rock'n'roll B's but all those are bad things what's the good thing that's keeping you from the god thing what have you settle for what have you settle forth in the lest and the less than God's best in your life I'm talking about having revival well you have revival you get past good things and you get to God things am i making my point I mean there's three other points I'm talking about the who of the sighted he didn't see he who did he see so Christ the wider side of you go to Isaiah sick you go Isaiah five and you find six woes but then when you know the seventh well that he pronounces you know who it's on it's not on everybody else he said it's me and then all of a sudden the Lord reaches over and takes that coal off the altar which would have come off the brazen altar in that time to have blood on it Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty better begin that's a pretty good theology in that you can't put a broken life back together but he can you can't put a broken egg back together and you can't put a broken life back together when I serve a God he's got some coals on an altar that's got blood on some coals and he can reach over there and put that blood coal I hold your lips and take away your sin why in the world would you want to settle for a good thing you could have a god thing it probably it would probably scare some of you if you knew the dreams that the Lord's got in his heart about this place I kept brother never mind I can ride over the hill at our church I did it this morning over there on my way to that funeral early this morning and I just sort of slowed down the top of the hill you just sort of dreamed a little bit I don't want to settle for a good thing I won't ever think y'all let us have are you listening you you think you'd have this kind of place if you didn't settle for a good thing or strive for a god thing what's your little key what's your little kicky use I had to die so Isaiah would get his eyes on the Lord let me ask you something tonight I'm about done come on back to the piano sister where'd you go you're on my ride over there there's three other points I'll be honestly I'm more interested in preaching what God wants and I am delivering an outline I'm talking about when a good thing keeps you from a god thing if you really got right with God tonight I wonder how ashamed we'd be if we had to answer the question how long has it been since we've really been right with God what little Kate King would have to die in your life for you to see the Lord I lift it up mystery filling the temple I read I read an account of a man by the name of Kaler Sardis the Great was king silent Keller was like the Osama bin Laden of his day a wicked man a bruiser and a brawler a murderous man finally Cyrus the Great got a feeling of you ready when you play you play on sweetheart Cyrus the Great finally put his armies together and sent him by the pocket to go find this man by the name of Kaler he was tired of all the havoc this man was wreaking in the kingdom finally went and captured that man who brought him to Cyrus the great brought him in that brought him in the palace before the King Haigler was a great man dressed nicely a strong man a man of strength and girth and Cyrus the Great was impressed with that man in his strength Saracen great looked at Keller said let me ask you a question he said what would you do if I sparred anew and spared your life [Music] what would you do tacular what would you do if I pardoned you and I spared your life okay CAG Euler looked back at Cyrus the Great and he said I'd serve you for the rest of my life dangler brought his wife and his two children with him Cyrus the Great look down at Keller's two children he said what would you do if I pardoned you and pardons your children CAG you looked at Cyrus the Great he said if you pardon my children spare their life he said your enemies would be my enemies he said I'd go home and get my men together and I would fight on your behalf your enemies would be mine I would wage war against your enemies Cyrus the Great's wife was there excuse me Keller's wife was there and Cyrus the Great looked at her and he said CAG Euler what would you do if I spared your wife's life that man of great strength looked at Cyrus the Great he said if you spared my wife he said I'd freely die for you Syrus a great pardon the whole crowd they went home walked back in the house Chandler's wife looked at him she said did you see or calculate looked at his wife and said did you see that palace did you see the tapestries on the wall said did you see the throne that Cyrus the Great was sitting home and the beautiful gyms and everything it was in that palace he said did you see all that Cyrus is his wives excuse me Chandler's wife said no he said honey if you didn't see all of that he said what did you see Tanglers wife took her hand put it on his face and said what I saw was the face of a man that was willing to die for me [Music] you know what if we got to peek into that room that I say I did you know what I see by the park yet I'd see the face of a man who was willing to die for me no wonder Isaiah said woe is me no wonder Isaiah said here am I send me I promise you this the capital K King will do far more for you than that little K King I like Wednesday night services of revivals I like it when I'm at home I tell our folks it's sort of like family night we'll just come sit around the table it's just us and God speaks to our family hey it's probably not gonna be the people out there that's raging against Calvary Baptist Church that's gonna keep it from reaching everything it is everything it could be it's probably not gonna be the Liberals railing against into the sodomites railing against it or the rock-and-roll crowd or the trends and the transgender people a man that don't know it's bathroom to use hello hello it probably ain't gonna be them that hinder probably what it's called hinder Calvary Baptist Church just like it's going in there Wow whose baby's Church we're gonna let good things keep us from God things we're gonna let little cake kings keep us from capital cakes some of you young people the devils already slipped up in your house and he's trying to convince you at 18 and 19 just settle right here this will be far enough you'll be okay right here you're in church that's a good thing you're separated that's a good thing have you ever have you ever had a service that he just changed you forever where he manifested his presence in your heart it may not have been a service it might have been a time of secret prayer Bible reading don't let the good thing keep you from the god thing heads are bowed eyes are closed they're about to see it's all right there I'm just gonna be honest with you that's all right there used to scare the living daylights out of me I mean you listen to the words of that song it says take the dearest thing to me if that's how it must be to draw me closer that's mighty big words cuz I'm thinking right now what is the dearest thing to me and it's just like you when we shut that door on that plane today and all of a sudden she wasn't in a place where you could protect her anymore I don't know what I do tomorrow if I woke up and that little redheaded woman was not there I have no idea let me ask you something I wonder how many of us sitting in these pews tonight would say preacher I'm letting a little keiki in my life keep me from the capital K King would you pray for me tonight nobody's looking I'm not coming to you I just would you just slip up your hand god bless you son god bless you sweetheart god bless you on god bless you young man young lady god bless you sir young man young lady young lady you put them down why don't you come bring a sword and let that little Kate King fall on that sword how many of us would say this preacher if I'm not careful I'm gonna settle for a good thing but I don't want to settle I want to make it to the God thing which somebody lift up their hand and say preacher that's me god help me not to settle god bless you sweetheart sweetheart yes ma'am yes ma'am how about it young men god bless you Oh my left over here Lauren I don't want to settle for a good thing I want to press on to a god thing I'm having a time preacher do it I mean I'm having a time doing what I but I don't ever want to get satisfied I won't everything he'll let me do [Music] he's singing were standing it's just us tonight well it's your mind God don't let the good thing keep you from the god thing well you take a step move toward him ask the Lord to help you don't settle for a good thing God walk closer to me see this world are behind Sarah to climb in a new place don't settle Oh with the devil when the victory will well this is a good place I printed a place tonight that it's got as many people always a nice most churches I'll put you I might preach in one large or occasionally it's a good thing but one of the God thing is for there be twice as many do it twice the work reach it twice the sinners with twice the glory [Music] no shirts Oh preacher told me years ago he's got a good fire be it spoken everyone take the dearest Eve Oh God comes if that's Oh God I'll be honest sweet I went home last night and I thank God for the good service but I tell you what what bothered me we walked out of here with an old lady that lifted her hand and said she is lost well I rejoiced I rejoiced and how he helped assume the grace of God the my heart was broken the gun tears ladies [Music] god help us Yanis look at me don't settle for do it settle for God to draw close don't settle for good press old to you lay hold of him can I tell you what the greatest joy of electricity is Christ it's not a call it's not a ministry it's not a name it's not a title the greatest thing about being a Christian is Christ then I get to walk with him and talk with him and talk with it praise God it's about Jesus I'm talking about when the lights are off when you're by yourself in the darkness I'm glad there's a voice that pierces the darkness I'm glad there's a presence that pierces the loneliness you say who isn't it's nice and we honestly I think when I say I saw your mother Clark I believe you saw was a faint memory if I call me some God don't you to a land far Lord I'll go your will all day or whatever [Music] is to draw closer to you that's what [Music] for whatever [Music] it's what could you means to be [Music]
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 4,349
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel, revival, Mark Stroud
Id: KhXXcVDffaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 44sec (4244 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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