6-6-21am The Shepherd of the Psalm - Dr Chris Haizlip

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take your bible if you would are you ready for this passage of the bible psalm 23 psalm 23 i bet some of you already think i can quote that six verses psalm 23 the bible says in psalm 23 verse number 1 the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the steel waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though i walk to the valley the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me that prepares the table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever i want to look at psalm 23 this morning and i want to preach this morning from psalm 23 on the shepherd of the psalm the shepherd of the psalm and in psalm 23 i want you to notice that it begins off talking about hearing this psalm the lord is my shepherd it begins to say that he is my shepherd my shepherd then it changes and it goes and the word changes to thou and it begins to change somewhat and so today with the help of god i want to preach on the shepherd of the psalm let's bow together and pray father thank you this morning lord for the opportunity that we have today to be able god to enjoy this good service we've already been blessed with and lord i do pray god today you give us what we need from the word of god i pray lord that you would touch and bless and lord i pray you be with timmy today lord he's got lightheaded be with him and bless him and lord i pray god that you just help him to feel better lord i do pray god should give us a good service help our folk get their minds on church and lord we thank you god for all that you're doing for we ask it in christ's name and all god's people said amen you can be seated this morning psalm 23 is one of the most read psalms in the bible matter of fact psalm 23 is read more i guess at funeral services than any other psalm in the word of god one of the things that i like about psalm 23 is i like in the very first verse the bible calls him my shepherd how many of you glad that he is your shepherd this psalm addresses three important areas it addresses the fold of god it just addresses our foe and it addresses our future if you think about it you see that we are in the fold of the shepherd if you think about it you know uh that we also uh have a foe that is always against us and then you also notice that the bible says we have a great future this psalm many times is read during the saddest times of our life matter of fact when you think about psalm 23 most of you could probably go back when it was read in a service of a loved one or someone you know that went home to be with the lord but today i think when you take a good look at psalm 23 you're going to notice that psalm 23 can be seen in a totally different light i want you to notice this psalm 23 can be a psalm of happiness psalm 23 can be a psalm of joy psalm 23 can be a psalm that is so great and so wonderful that you and i can see how much we are a part of the great shepherd's life now today i've shared this story years ago uh many times but i think it holds true to what i'm preaching i heard a story years ago and the story went like this the story was about uh a man that got up and was to recite the 23rd psalm and he stood in a great auditorium and he cited the 23rd psalm every syllable was perfect every everything punctuated correctly every word said with a resounding anthem his voice and this man i began to uh just quote it like you no one had ever heard the 23rd psalm when he got done with the 23rd psalm all of those in the auditorium began to applaud and they began to clap and they began to rejoice over how well it was said then another man came to quote the same psalm when this man stood up to quote the same psalm he stood up and about halfway through the psalm he missed a syllable or two and maybe he did not uh say the sinuses exactly right he even broke down during the psalm and began to cry right in the middle of the sob that interrupted the reading of the psalm when it was over no one applauded no one stood up but when it was over people sat there with tears in their eyes one man looked over at the other man and he said he said what's the difference he said what's the difference first man it was so perfect it was so eloquent the people stood and applauded uh what was the difference it was so wonderful i mean what was the difference it was so great what was the difference and here is what he said he said the first man knew the psalm but he said the second man knew the shepherd and can i say this to you today and i want you to understand this i'm glad he's your shepherd i'm glad he is other shepherds but i'm really glad he is my shepherd i'm glad the lord is my shepherd amen and i want to say this to you today i'm glad he's that way i'm glad the lord is my shepherd now as you look in the word of god today i want you to notice if you would several things about this uh shepherd here in the word of god brother corey's back there with them brother timmy's sitting against the wall his mama's beside him he's doing great stay with me all right i want you to notice today if you would i want you to see number one the secret of a happy life number two the secret of a happy death and number three the secret of a happy eternity i want to show you today that psalm 23 cannot just be a psalm that we read at the most summer times of our life but the psalm 23 can be one of the most happy psalms in all of the word of god say preacher how is that well let's look at it first of all let's see that psalm 23 shows the secret of a happy life say preacher what do you mean by that the bible says the lord is my shepherd i shall not walk he's making me to lie down in green pastures he leaded me beside the steel waters i want you to know this when you think about the shepherd you understand that the shepherd takes care of our secular needs in our life how many of you glad that god puts food on your table and he puts clothes on your back and god meets your needs every day and takes care of you every day how many of you are glad that the lord is your shepherd and he takes care of your secular needs in your life amen god has been good to all of us god has blessed all of us and the shepherd takes care of his children the shepherd takes care of us secondly the shepherd takes care of our physical needs the shepherd takes care of all of us the shepherd ah watches over it friend i'm convinced of this the vehicle i drive the food i eat the clothes i wear the roof over my head you say how you want to say it but i am convinced i am blessed because of the hand of god upon my life and i thank god for that this morning now you say preacher but what about people that don't live for god and have a lot of stuff the only difference is all their stuff they believe is self-generated but i know who's blessed me in my life i know who to give the thanks and i know who to give the glory and i know who to give the praise in my life so the shepherd eye helps me in my secular needs but the bible also says that the shepherd can make us happy because he takes care of our spiritual needs look at the bible the bible says he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the past of righteousness for his namesake what does that mean what is the secret of a happy life it is being a part of the fold of the shepherd it is knowing that he takes care of your needs i not only secularly but it takes care of your needs spiritually how many of you gladly know that the lord in your life each and every day takes care of you spiritually i'm glad of that just like in this service this morning already the lord has took care of us spiritually through the singing and through the song miss robin sung and through the word of god it's the secret of a happy life that's why some people in this world kind i preach right here that's why some people in this world can have all the stuff they can have the nicest home they can get on the nicest boat on the lake they can have the nicest stuff and yet they are still going through as many divorces they are still struggling with their health they are still struggling mentally they are still unhappy why is that because friend unless you appreciate who is taking care of you and your life and appreciate who's good to you in your life you can never really enjoy all the things that god has blessed you with and god has given you the secret of a happy life is having a great relationship with the shepherd of psalm 23 amen the secret of a happy life he takes care of our secular needs and our spiritual needs i'm so glad this morning that the shepherd takes care of me i'm glad that he restores my soul i'm glad he leaves me in the paths of righteousness i'm glad he keeps me in the line that i need to go i'm glad that he takes care of me and friend listen anything that i am that will ever be good i owe all to that shepherd anything that i'll ever be i will all to that shepherd free and i was lost undone without god wandering in the wilderness of siena but thank god the shepherd came to where i was and rescued me out of that sin and saved me and become watch this my shepherd amen the secret of a happy life number two the secret of a happy death you say wait a minute now preacher that seems like an oxymoron that didn't even seem like it should go together a happy death how can that be let's face it without rapture we are all going to die one day if you'll notice when i began the first few verses the bible talks about he he the bible said this is my shepherd i shall not want he making me the light and green pastures he restoreth my soul but then we notice the bible says yea though i walk through the valley of shadow of death i will feel no reason watch this for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they come for me thou preparest the table uh before me in the presence of mine enemies notice now how the psalm has went from he and now it's went to thou as my shepherd he is gonna take care of me he that's going to do these things for me but guess what when i go through the valley the shadow of that death it is not just heat it's going to do it but now the shepherd is going to come into where i'm at and he's going to help me through what i'm going through and it's going to be a part of what's going on in my life so now it's not just he but it's thou shalt the shepherd is right there with me in the midst of it all right so i want you to notice the secret of a healthy life sure but there's a secret of a happy death one writer says it the shepherd gets even closer when psalm 23 continues when psalm 23 continues the shepherd gets more real and the shepherd gets closer listen if you'll notice this the bible says that the the death is nothing more than a shadow nothing more than a shadow the shadow of a dog cannot bite the shadow of a sword cannot kill the shadow of death cannot harm a child of god it is nothing more than a shadow and free listen i know we look at death and we think oh that's terrible but friend listen that's one thing guaranteed if jesus don't come every single one of us in this bill that are going to die one day but we don't have to be at a place where that is such a sad place with a person that dies why because to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord and we have the shepherd with us amen listen also have you ever thought about this and this is one of those statements that just shook my spiritual world when i read this statement when there is a shadow there has to be light where there is a shadow there has to be light if there's a shadow of death there's got to be light who is the light thou hey man who is the light he you say preacher what do you mean i want you to get a hold of what i'm getting ready to say and grab this hey the light's never going to go out for the child of god because he is the light he is the way he is with us and he can take care of us amen i want you to notice real quickly the secret of a happy life second of all the secret of a happy death and then thirdly the secret of a happy eternity the bible goes on to say thou prepares to take before me the presence of my enemies thou knowest my head with oil my cup runs over how many of you love when your cup runs over and the lord's real and the lord's there and the lord's faithful and you enjoy and then he says surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever amen you know there's one thing all of us have in common in this auditorium everyone in this auditorium will have to spend eternity somewhere everyone in this auditorium every human being in here every person in this auditorium will have to spend eternity somewhere right amen in eternity's forever and every one of us will have to spend eternity somewhere friend you can dwell in heaven or you can be doomed in hell but you will have to spend eternity somewhere my question this morning is simply this do you know the shepherd of the son you ever seen how many times religious events uh funerals are people that are dignitaries that die people don't never attend church don't know god at all but they always read the 23rd psalm and everybody just looks so somber and sad and like it's the end and they don't know the shepherd they don't know that surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life they don't understand that they don't know in their heart they don't have an idea in their heart what you and i have with christ as our shepherd i started with an illustration i went with one when i first came to calvary i met some great people i've done a lot of funerals since i've been here for some of those that we like to call backlogs that we like to call those that kept calvary what it was from that little building over here to where it's at today one of my favorite people and one of the teenagers at calvary drew a picture of him and his pictures in the hallway of this auditorium now this gym now and it's there because i asked it to be there i wanted that picture of him there he was one of the deacons of this church and his name his brother roy keaton now we know that deacons are not god called it's not bible deacons are church appointed but we also know that they need to be certain kind of men brother roy keaton was one of those kind of men i remember many a time coming into this church back when he's in the other building i remember many times coming in and brother keaton would be setting up on the front row of the church playing his guitar and singing nobody else in the building and i wouldn't let him know that i was there i'd stand in the back and it was like he was singing for the great catal tabernacle it was like he was singing for the largest congregation the only congregation he had it was a big one but he was singing for the lord and he was enjoying jesus and i just stand in the back and listen that old man of god sing he and i got really close he was really good to me my first encounter with him was find miss wendy a house she'll be happy with when i moved here from south carolina my second thing was go get you a lawnmower to mow that big yard he went with me to get it and i'm still mowing with the same mower 19 years down the road same one don't you listen brother roy developed cancer right before we were getting this building up he and i were walking one day beside of the office being over here which at that time was was the um fellowship hall we were walking beside of that building and brother roy stopped i said brother roy you're right he said preach almost romeo i can't get my breath so brother roy went and was checked and he had cancer and that cancer was almost doubling his intensity just every month just strong it wasn't long brother roy got to the place where they had to hospitalize him and then back when preachers could go by people's bedside i went down to the intensive care and i sat outside his bed and i pulled a chair up and recently held his hand i sat there for hours with him i still remember it brother roy had a mask on his face that would give him an oxygen he was dying he was close to death as far as i know the last three words brother roy ever spoke he spoke to me but i'll never forget it i was there at his bedside and he had coughed a little bit and and that mask got a little bit kind of foggy looking where you've seen it before when somebody's struggling a little bit and i'll never forget it i looked at him and i said to him brother roy is everything okay i said it in generality i i just said it and said is everything okay he did something that probably will be something i'll remember and cherish to the day that i go to heaven he slid that mass down getting ready to die he's on the point of death he slid that mass down and here's what he said last three words happy happy happy and he put it back on brother roy knew the shepherd amen of the psalm there's more to christianity than knowing about god but it is knowing god so it's a lot of people's lives aren't any different when they say they're christians they know about god but do you know the shepherd by the way he is my shepherd brother barry he is your shepherd amen amen and he's the reason you have a happy life some people say happy wife happy life there's some truth in that especially ones that amen loud that are nitpick there's some truth in that i'm just kidding there's a lot of truth in that but i want you to understand something with me today i've got a good wife most times she is happy dave was riding down the road and i said what's wrong with you she said sometimes you just make me mad and about 30 seconds later she's having cutting up about that's about intensity miss wendy being mad i don't know if she gets mad at anybody but me well her mama before she went to heaven but anyway i can have a happy wife and still not have a happy life but it's kind of hard to have a happy wife and to be happy in my shepherd and not have a happy life amen i'll say it over and over again your relationship and how happy you are is always vertical amen if you keep it right vertical horizontally all the relationships and things in your life will be better amen i'm telling you amen if you keep it right vertically god can keep the rest right you don't believe that's right as a child of god let that relationship get messed up vertically it'll mess up all your other relationships it'll mess them up nothing will go right it'll mess up all those relationships you want to go to home marriage keep it right vertically amen young people you want to live for god and do right and sometimes it's hard to do right because the world's always trying to get you do wrong keep it right vertically amen preachers you in the ministry song directors leaders assistant pastors whoever you are you you want to be effective in what you do in your life you got to keep it right vertically amen because if it gets wrong if it gets wrong this way it's going to be wrong with everybody you come in contact with you have a bad attitude sorry spirit you're not going to do anything accomplish anything for god amen the lord is my shepherd everybody say those words my shepherd say my shepherd he's your shepherd amen amen that'll make you happy i said that ought to make you happy i said that'll make you happy i said that three times for brother roy amen amen happy happy happy thank you mr whitney i'm right now i remember that all my life happy happy happy i thought lord let me leave that way lord i'm getting ready to leave this world instead of blaming god for cancer blaming god that i'm blaming god for this just help me to say you know what it's been a good journey amen god hey hey i felt a whole lot of holy ghost in here today i have felt a whole lot of help let me say something to you how many of you truly and be honest realize the real happiness in your life that relationship to christ and when it's right everything else does a whole lot better amen it just makes a difference amen what is that song brother james happy am i will you sing all the time so happy am i you know what is it and that's him a happy sounding song all my sins forgiven i think i go something like that can i tell you this listen to me he's your shepherd everybody say my shepherd how does that feel to you i don't want to say it again i'd stay in church long i'm ready to go home maybe he's just a shepherd you've heard about because if i'm bragging on your shepherd has you ever met in your needs secularly brother dermott has ever met in your needs spiritually or to give you a happy life amen if you're here today listen to me you've got to spend eternity somewhere everybody in this building you have got to spend eternity somewhere you say well preacher i i i believe i'm going to heaven well i'd rather you know preach on the can you really i don't mind say can you really know that amen oh yeah you know i'll be honest with you i'm dumber in a box of rocks sometimes certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer the older i get i get even duller can i get a witness i make announcements sometimes when he looks and he said where'd that come from we ain't done that in three months i said don't ask me what happened three months ago i don't know i was out on a bike ride the other day and then when i was out on a bike ride wonderful tattoo and they were talking about their age and they said hold you and i said 57 they said you're just 57 like he thought i was 65 or something i said yes i just grade early do you know that shepherd today you know how the shepherd takes care of you he lays across the door at night so when the wolves come the only way they can get to you is you got to get by the shepherd amen you know what they say in jewish tradition the shepherd became the door now we ought to know right off what that means right amen he is the door amen the lord is what the lord is what my shepherd amen amen [Music] you
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 94
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel
Id: ILgNhRJTlvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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