8-12-19 A Foundation Under Attack - Mark Stroud

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all right the book of Judges in Chapter number one we're gonna read a couple of verses in chapter one and then in Chapter two again it is my honor to be here the Bible said now after the death of Joshua it came to pass that the children of Israel asked the Lord of saying who shall go up for us against the Canaanites first to fight against them and the Lord said that Judah shall go up behold I have delivered the land into his hand chapter number 2 verse number 1 the Bible said and an angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to butch him and said I made you to go up out of the out of Egypt and it brought you out out of Egypt and it brought you unto the land which I swear under your father's and I said I will never break my covenant with you and ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land ye shall throw down their altars but you have not obeyed my voice why have you done this verse number 3 wherefore I also said I will not drive with them out from before you but they shall be as thorns in your sides and their gods shall be a snare unto you verse number 4 the Bible said and it came to pass with the angel of the Lord speak these words and to all the children of Israel that the people lifted up their voice and the web´s you can that be seated several weeks ago I got the opportunity to preach for my dear friend dr. Rudi Smith who's the pastor of the Mount Sinai Baptist Church in pick in South Carolina and the back in June brother Rudy called me and said brother Marc he said I never have really tried to put any bits in your mouth about preaching and he said no we're celebrating 70 years of being a church at the Mount Sinai Baptist Church and he said the Lord has given me the theme of how furn of foundation he said would you just pray and sit the Lord would let you preach one message or maybe and he said don't feel any pressure to preach the week but he said maybe the Lord would give you a thought around of that thought how firm a foundation and I get to thinking about such verses as second Timothy chapter number two and verse number 19 where the Bible said nevertheless I but the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his and let everyone that run name of the name of Christ depart from iniquity that I thought about versus a like first Peter chapter number two in verse number six but the Bible said behold I lay in Zion a chief Cornerstone elect and precious and he that believeth all here man I shall not be confounded and then the Saba share in Psalm chapter number eleven and a verse number three of the Foundation's be destroyed what can the righteous do I'm telling you we're living in a day thank God that listen the foundation of God it's still standing sure in my hand but can I tell you I listen I started but that we can meet again as I've listened upon dirt and braids are coming up the road these thoughts what God put on my heart under stay on the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal but that the Lord had know of them that our here's our free and we'd be foolish and we would not be being honest with ourselves tonight if we did not recognize it admit the fact but that our foundation is under attack amen but what we believe in what we stand on or what we're trying to build our family on or what we're trying to build the house of God on but what we're trying to raise another generation all that is under attack in 2000 and the nineteen can I tell you what the wicked and trying to destroy it and the world is trying to deny it and the Sep tried butts in a fight but she still stands but century comes in century goes but the foundation still stands a listen empires rise and in paris fall but the foundation still stands the leaders are crowned and leaders are deposed but the foundation of god that a steel stanza the dynasty follows dynasty and nation rises and nation falls but the foundation of god his steel standard sure our rings are crowned i Kings are buried but the foundation of God still stands agnostics laugh and profane punks market and may I tell you listen unbelief abandoned Center higher critics deny it but she still standing a man but the flames have Kindle around it and the truth of time it's not against it but the foundation of God still stands infidels predicted sub Andaman modernists try to explain it away but praise God as she still stands today unblemished and may I say when all of them are kicking up dust inhale it'll still be standing when the mountains are carried into the sea and the stars fall out of the sky on the foundation of God I will still be standing but can I tell you young people that just came out of camp I've got good news of the foundation that your preacher has preached all these years and his preacher and his preacher before him but can I tell you you can steal I set your course and you can steal a set of family and you can steal set a path by the foundation of God that a mental come and middle go but places will change and places are back up but can I tell you when you put your hope my hope is built oh nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness how can I tell you listen to every other foundation and his seeking sound but when you plant your feet and you plant your hope and you plant your trust on the foundation of God it will stand a man it'll stand but she's under attack many years ago brother Edgar my pastor told me or I read or he listened he talked about one day he was going to feed his daddy's hogs he said in the pathway there was a large snake laying in the pathway and said that big snake was as scared of him as he was of that snake maybe I'm like Jerry cloud I mean ain't listen the only snake I likes one it's graveyard ed praise God my daddy says don't kill him kid snakes I said daddy I'm not hanging around long enough to figure out what kind it is praise God hey man that's why guns are made a man a man y'all should've heard brother Dean talking about shooting that day that he tell that story last night I won't tell that a man it'd take me 20 minutes to a man he said that big snake laid her neck in a path made a strange hissing noise and opened its mouth seven little baby snakes came from all directions and crawled in that Mama's mouth because she shut her mouth man the old preacher said there's one thing about it they wouldn't but one way that you were going to get to the little snakes was you all had to deal with the big snake can I tell you 32 years ago 32 years ago I got in here and he got in me and I've got news for all the powers of hell and all the Liberals and all the compromisers and all the ones that the nine God but the only way they're ever gonna get to us I mean somebody that's much bigger than I I need somebody that's much more powerful than I and the only way they're ever gonna be able to deal with us is they're gonna have to deal with the one that we really have glad thank God in 2019 I will listen they think we've lost our mind and we're all fully stuck back in the forties and the fifties I'm glad thank God we can steal I set our feet on the foundation of God and make an impact in this world make an impact in this world you begin to see the book of Judges it doesn't take you to listen long studying will you figure out that judges it's not a pleasant book I'm tell you if we're not careful in our day it's almost more anybody says anything about sin then we roll up men they're being mean-spirited they say something there's some negative books in the Bible I mean we ought to take warning from the UM can I tell you you listen young man preachers all of us we can preach on sin and not be ugly we can make seeing ugly without being ugly a man and God help us in this hour where nobody said much about anything about anything god help these young girls need to know where the potholes are they need to know where the enemy's lurk in the mountain and in the shadows how about the book of Judges begins but to tell us about one of the darkest periods in the nation of Israel but even in the spag even in the fact that it's a sad book and it's a depressing book but there's still hope a god still holds hope but that something could change I see listen he tells us how God had blessed the nation of Israel how God had blessed him with glory somebody in the book of Judges we see how the nation of Israel forgot her heritage and lost her glue youngins to whom much is given much is required y'all got a old time a heritage of old-time religion in this place dr. Kitty ball and brother Charlie made statement sometime this year that it stuck with me is absolutely just it has haunted me for months the park Eddie said that 78% of kids who have been raised in the house of God when they're 20 years old they leave never to come back these three roads right here are y'all all Calvary kids gateway kids all you gateway kids in Calvary kids stand up I mean man gateway the heritage of brother ray Stewart and now brother David Shelton God's man and man most of y'all he's the only preacher you've ever known 17 years one two three four five six seven eight nine ten all y'all sit out y'all stand up y'all to stand up one two three four five six seven eight sit down y'all stand up one two three four five six seven eight y'all sit down no no one of y'all stand up right there one two three four five two of you right there that this one and the one at the end y'all keep standing the rest of you sit down you sit down back here Bubba one two three four five six seven eight y'all sit down you stand up ten and you sit out you step back up man at all in young as it just stood up if that statistic holds true that's all that'll be left in ten years that haunts me preacher man I remember as a young preacher God was using steel youjin in the youth meetings all across the world think of how many teenagers you preached I tell you what breaks in my heart when I go back week at year after year it's not the ones that are there how weep over the ones who didn't come back men on Friday a Friday of our camp will we all take a big picture at the back of the tabernacle and there'll be 500 teenagers in the back of that building and man I stand at the front it ought to be a time of great rejoicing when I thank God for what the Lord's got all week but I sit there with my heart weeping I wondered how many are coming back next year not because they graduated not because they moved on in life but because they forgot their heritage they listened they had glory in their soul they had glory in their bosom they had glory in their mind my brother Charlie they forgot the heritage or the God you say it won't happen to me it's happened to better than me it's happened to better than you if it can happen to a nation they walk through the wilderness day by day with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and God fed them from the heavens a bread and flesh a listen don't you think he could happen to us why do we need to have revival be worth it is your daddy here where's he at come on let's go back here to see him come on everybody all right I'll get to the message how old are you about thirteen seven years he'll be 20 and he'll fall under that umbrella that dr. bollen said to be gone let me ask you something he worth you having a revival you and mom is he worth it see you love him there's no getting to be a place as a young man there's times when you're afraid to do wrong because your daddy what the fire out of you and that's still right I think child abuse a man he says child abuse you all have to do it but once or twice if you do it right they'll get the message hey man I mean man my dad had his name on his belt I think he tattooed it on my backside about three times I got the point because I got reminder the next morning when I was drying Alton I've got whoop the night before but you know what it needs to get to not where you're afraid that he'll correct you you know to get to the place where you're afraid to do wrong because you don't want to break his heart because they'll come a day when he can't whip you I remember my bought my dad he looked at me that's 19 years old he told me one day I spoke a little sharply to him and he wheeled out of his chair and looked at me and said son he said when years of oh how I whipped you like a boy he said you ever talked like that to me again he said I would be like a man you say what happened I never talked to him I gotta get a man I tell you this you stay right there you doing good I got the spirit of both Sammy on me hey man come here little pocket you did pretty good got Carl to preach and got you a pretty girlfriend hey man hey look at brother park here about tonight mr. Park it had to hold him down he's about to walk me in him yeah but Clark hey man look at their Brooke Clark she worth you having a revival is she worth putting the heritage in her oh let's how old are your teenagers I ask you that is not offensive 17 you've got three more years and I won't ask you anymore three more she's she's unless five years maybe she'll be gone ten years most likely be going and maybe even have a family that's what I'm saying brother Clark the window is closing the window is closing I one of these kids that are standing up mom and dad how long has it been since you've been full of God how long has it been since you've been on fire for the Lord you say preacher he said man it's 2019 I'll embarrass my teenagers if you being full of God and if you putting the heritage of them embarrasses them they ought to be embarrassed amen how because they're about just a few years away they ain't gonna be coming to your house look like they're gonna be going to their house and if they've never seen a mom and dad walk in victory and walk in glory and walk with the Lord how in the world are they gonna know how to do it you can be seated you can come back up here before any heritage they forgot our heritage preacher I'm watching young young my age and younger brother Dermott that are absolutely turning their back on everything we've been taught to be the truth you say why ain't never fought for a blessed fired thing it's all been given to us and we ain't got nothing invested so we just walk away and say it really doesn't matter you see what's happening we're leaving our heritage we're forgetting our heritage about the problem is well James we're not just going mom and dad but we're taking a generation that listen doesn't know about the Gloria and doesn't know about what God's done and we're about to take him to the wilderness and drop him off and never bring him back I'm not talking about something I heard about I'm talking about something I'm watching are you listening listen God brought them out of Egypt with an outstretched arm God brought him out as a type of salvation a man then he brought him out of the way hey bless him brought him through that Red Sea he baptized him now he's about to take a booth at Jordan they're going through that victorious Christian life I wonder mom and dad have you ever gone through you might have gone through the Red Sea I want if you ever been through the Jordan the death waters of the Jordan I mean he gave them some things he gave him his self he gave him the Lord he gave him Canaan he gave him the land he gave him the Word of God he gave him the law but in spite of what it gave him in spite of the Lord that he gave him it's part of the land that he gave him it's part of the law that he gave him they forgot their heritage some of y'all young men 17 18 years old in these days right here you're about to start making some directional and the destination 'el if that's a word decisions and I'm praying you've got one of the best preachers in the country but somewhere along the way you're gonna have to get off his coattail get on your own two feet with God and embrace what he's been trying to preach to you since you're a boy are you listening foundations under attack brother Dean preached us last week I'm Micah chapter number two those evil men they come after our fields do you realize how many churches would give everything they've got in the bank to have that many teenagers sitting on their pews understand this evil men are coming after your fields see Judges chapter number one I'm hurryin Judges chapter number that one we're days of glorious conquest I mean they marched out of Egypt and now they've come out of the wilderness and now but they're entering into the the promised lay on the land Ranas promise Liam and can I tell you I'm asking God to give us another generation but those days of conquests are not just stories it's not about going to a library and getting a book off the shelf and readin about what God did for everybody that's gone before us but I'm asking God for the generation that is behind me under these young men could know what it is for the glory of God to fall in a service and a powerful service it'll change your life but not for the weak and not for the night and not for a year but I'm talking about as an ancient man you'll turn around and look to a service where the power of God alters you for the rest of your days days of conquest listen look quickly verse 2 they enjoyed God's providence I have delivered in verse 19 they judge or God's protection and the Lord was with Judah and he dream out the inhabitants of the mountain I'm glad God's not only got the ability not to point out the path but I'm glad he's got the ability to protect us in the path how can I tell you young men and young ladies if you want to set out to serve God I'm telling you I served one who will point the way and did I serve one little guard the way and make sure you get to where he's got you intended to go I'm glad verse 19 tells us that God is actively involved in what we're doing I'm glad he's not a bystander I'm glad he's not just a cheerleader in the shadows brother behind but I'm glad he hauls off and gets a listen I ain't never been able to watch the ballgame that these boys went and played ball the night after church in the parking lot I'd probably rip this suit I'd tear these shoes up I like to get in the middle of it but can I tell you I'm glad there's a God in heaven who is in the midst he's got the ability to protect and provide the way notice verse 4 they enjoyed his power notice what he said verse 4 again I've delivered boys if all you gots what you're doing fighting you ain't got much but sudden when he comes up starts fighting with you you you're on the winning side in Chapter one they're enjoying God's promise think about it he didn't make that promise in this chapter he made that a long time ago to Abraham see can I just say this to you God's not one litte concern about time all he's concerned about is timing God will take your entire life to make out of you what he wants you to be your whole life waiting on God's the crucible of the Christian life maybe I'm not brother hug I don't struggle with lagging behind my struggle is I want to say come on Lord are you listening and he made Abraham that promise and now we've gone through Abraham we've gone through Moses we've gone through Joshua and now we're to Judah and he's nuts just now bringing it to pass what are you about to quit on God for because he ain't brought it in the past just as quick as you thought if he made the promise to brother ma it doesn't matter if it was fifty years ago a hundred years ago or five centuries ago can I tell you every promise that he made about the first coming of the Son of God every eye was dotted every T was crossed and I've got good news everything he's promised he will bring it to pass because he said that word Oh Lord is forever settled in heaven he made that promise in Genesis 12 we're in judges war but it's coming true young and I wonder how many of you God's made some promises to but you're in danger of not being here when he brings it to pass everybody all right not only days of blood brother preacher one thing that encourages me about coming here I want our young people to see churches that are thriving in 2019 not boarding it up not toning it down not quite Ihnen it down not not making the choir smaller not selling the buses but buying some I want you to see some places in 2019 that are staying with the old-time religion and flourishing number two it was days of gradual compromise judges chapter number one in Chapter number two oh they didn't just up and go hot too cold no it was a process it was a process you say what happened look at verse number look at verse number 10 verse number 10 the Bible said there arose another generation after them which knew not the Lord nor yet the works which he had done you say what happened they forgot their heritage they walked all day won't listen but they turned a blind eye to the wonderful glorious heritage and victory that God had given the honor of the Bible said there was no king in Israel and every man did that which was right in his own ass but that's the day in which we're living and we've raised a generation in America who does not though the Lord and does not know where God brought us from but the Liberals are rewriting the history books and trying to listen a race yard of the whether they like it or not the world I listen the Word of God that was the foundation of the country that we call of the land of the free and the home of the brain thank God listen it doesn't matter what they do that is our foundation well they won't tell you in your history class that the first thing that George Washington did after he put his hand on a King James Bible and swore his oath that he took the whole Senate to church are you listening they won't tell you that 1960 the Gallup Organization asked Americans they asked the question is there any fixed standard of right and wrong nineteen sixty sixty five percent of America believed there was some fixed standards of right and wrong in nineteen ninety-two only thirty-two percent of Americans but here's the kicker in nineteen ninety-two only 57 percent of church folk that doesn't sound like the president taking the whole Senate and the whole house of rivers to church you got a preacher that'll preach you ought to thank God that He loves you children enough to tell him the truth you see what happened why did they compromise look in verse 19 of chapter one I tell you one of the compromise tell you one of they forgot their heritage because there were some Canaanites that they feared there were some Canaanites they looked down in that Valley and there were some Canaanites who had some iron chariots and they looked down there said ain't no way we can drive there my house are those are Sapir that's superior a water machinery than we have we cannot drive them out somebody please tell me where God put a disclaimer in the promise of God or where he said I'll Drive him out except the ones that have got the iron chariots no God promised them brother Charlie if they would obey and do what he said but then he would drive them out but there was some Canaanites that they feared what is it in your life that the reason you're contemplating walking away from your heritage or the reason that you're not experiencing victory what is it in your life that you're scared to face see an American we think there's some iron chariots like sexual perversion are you listening we we think there's certain things like drugs and crime and immortality or immorality we get preaching abstinence again we might not have to give contraception out in our high schools I wonder what the I wonder what the rate of disease would be if we started preaching that listen keep yourself for your mate I wonder what the numbers of abortion would do yeah we would have to be killing innocent babies because husbands and wives would rule them but see we've come in America where we don't think we can do anything about it their air their chat their their chariots of iron so we just sort of get used to some of them freezes that you're afraid to face you're scared and you won't face them because in there in your heart they're a chariot of iron so instead of driving them out so you can have some victory you just adjust your Christian life to let them fit in verse 27 verse 27 through 30 not just the Canaanites they feared but what about the Canaanites they favored and they submit ain't no sense of driving them out we can just make them our servants we'll just make them our tributaries as verse 30 said we'll make them to work for us you ever heard of what they call a sin tax they tax the cigarettes and they tax the liquor we can't drive them out so we'll just tax them and make them work for us what is it that God told you to drive out but instead of driving out you said it really ain't that bad I'm just gonna make it my servant we tell you something young uns the chains of sin are too weak to be felt until they're too strong to be broken your flesh is a wonderful servant but it's a terrible master instead of driving it out well we can't drive it out they'll think we're old fogies we can't drive out out they'll make fun of our children if we live like that man they'll they'll think we're abuse and our children because we don't let them go here don't let them look like that don't let them talk like this don't let them listen to that so we'll just we'll just not drive them all the way out we'll just make them our servants but see the problem is they went from fearing them to favoring them until the latter part of the chapter there fellas shipping with them now it ain't just the fact that they're their servants and they're afraid of them now they're living with them what is it that's keeping you from revival you used to fear it then did you favorite it but now it's moved in you say preacher don't you know where you're at oh you better believe I do and the only way it's gonna stay a great Church like it is is if we start kicking things out of our life your children are worth it let me say something mom and dad that thing you play with may be the very thing that masters your children just because you can handle it doesn't mean they'll handle it it may handle them some of you might as well put the car seats hitting the car for your grandbabies huh cause that something don't happen it won't be your children bring it up it'll be you bringing your grandchildren to church all the preacher it's not that big a deal it may not be a big deal to you but it may be the very thing that derails them because see you may just be favoring it but they just might break the wall down in fellowship it look at your Bible judges - I will show you in verse seven there's there's three generations in Chapter two look at here verse seven the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua that's the Lord's generation and all the days of the elders that outlive Joshua who had seen all the great works of the Lord that's the last generation verse number 10 there Rose a generation everything which knew not the Lord nor yet the works which he had done for Israel that's a lost generation that first generation was that initial generation and second generation was that imitating generation that last one was an ignorant generation you say why is the foundation under attack because the devil don't want you growing up knowing what the Lord did for your fathers and your predecessors preacher just see they'll tell you they'll tell us just give in a little bit just calm down a little bit just back off a little bit only problem is if we back off the generation has following us is going back off worse it doesn't get better with each passing generation but duremar they give ground with each passing generation what's your chair devour that you're afraid to haul off down in there and drive it out what is it that you used to stand against in your life but now you've just embraced it and said I'll just tone it down a little bit but it'll be all right I mean man preachers in the sixties and seventies they used to I mean they used to Hammer TV but you're young as they've got in their pocketbooks and backpacks something more dangerous than a TV you ever dreamed about being and now they think they're pretty pretty they were such they were such fools they're foolish but we've let the TV go and we've embraced something a whole lot worse than that it's amazing they call it the Internet the Internet is a tool internet as a tool is wonderful but the Internet is a toy is a tragedy I'm about done days of glorious conquest do y'all realize how many places are not like this preachers clawing for their life trying to make the payment yep but y'all are flourishing I better say we better March off in that valley and run the thing the canaanites out of our life so it can march on he said he'll go up for us hey boys in 10 years he's gonna be lookin for you to be my team in 10 years 27 28 29 you'll have a young family you're gonna be the you're gonna be the workhorses the ones that he's gonna need to put in a to put in a and okay and pull the plow but if you don't drive the canaanites out you may not be here when the barn door opens days of gradual compromise days of glorious conquests number three and I'm done days of grim consequences verse two and three he said I I'm done I'm not driving them out anymore I'm not driving them out I told you to drive them out I told you if you just do what I said I will not break my covenant with you I told you to drive him out and you didn't so I'm done then what they do in verse 4 they lifted up their voice and well can I say something our only hope is repentance you know what make David such a great Christian he was a great repent he was a great repent when he messed up he just got it right we need to keep short accounts with the Lord and short accounts with one another and you would have thought brother Dermott that after the Lord said I'm done I'm not gonna drive you out there call on God you're the thought they got better but it got worse let me show you what kind of God he is look at verse look at verse 16 nevertheless we ought to shout on their ass nevertheless can I just remind you that nevertheless is not that large generation and it's not the last generation this nevertheless is for that lost generation he said even though you don't know who I am even though you don't know what I've done I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna raise up judges that's gonna deliver you out of the hands of the ones that'll spoil you what about a God that says even though you've turned your back even though c-can I say this to you he wants to forgive more that he wants to judge the psalmist said the Lord is good and ready to forgive he would rather forgive you that Judge you now I could understand that if that was Joshua's generation and I could understand that man if it's even the ones that still knew Joshua was but man this is the ones that said we don't want him what about the fact that he'll say even though you don't want me I still want you even though you broke my heart even though you've gone against me even though you don't know what I'm willing to do or what I've already done he said I want you to know I'm still working behind the scenes and still giving you an opportunity for victory I'm still giving you an opportunity forgiveness I'm still giving you an opportunity for a miracle I say bless the good name of the Lord come on to the piano our foundations are under attack I read Abraham Lincoln was at a at a slave auction before slavery was abolished he walked into that he walked in to that that auction house in men were buying and bidding and buying and Abraham Lincoln there was a young a young female slave being auctioned and neighbor ham Lincoln made his mind up that he was gonna buy that slave he started to be it in the man trying to bid he'd try to bid against him and finally Lincoln just finally outbid the other man he offered such a bid that other man wouldn't bid and that young lady you played says when you get ready that young lady when the biddings closed for the Dermott she looked over there at Lincoln with a scowl on her face she said what are you gonna do with me now he said ma'am I'm gonna set you free she said set me free from what he said I'm gonna set you free from tyranny she said you mean to set me free to be what I want to be he said yes ma'am you're gonna set me free to say what I want to say he said yes ma'am he said you're gonna see said you're gonna set me free to go where I want to go she said yes ma'am she said do you really mean it she said I sure do she said I can go anywhere I want to she said yes ma'am she said if that's the case she said I want to go with you she said because I want to spend the rest of my life with the one who set me free she said I want to spend every day that I have left with the one that set me free I don't know about you but they wouldn't but one that had a darling son that hung him on a tree and shed his blood and kept me out of hell and brought me out of the condemnation of my see I don't know about you but I want to go with the one who set me free what is it what came tonight is it in your life that's keeping you from having reliable what came tonight is it in your life that the Lord told you to drive out but you just toned it down what is it what came tonight is it in your life that you just didn't even fight anymore and you've just made it a bedroom in your house and now you ain't got any victory because Kenya Canaanites living with you instead of driving it out [Music] tell my having revival if we don't have revival those days of conquest are gonna be a faint memory a faint memory [Music] the God of heaven had called you to preach is more than a story off of your hero's lips he wants to do for you everything that he did for them but them heroes drove some Canaanites out let's put it away the heroes marched into Canaan and the Lord drove them out I wondered tonight I wanted tonight how different tomorrow would be [Music] if you woke up and didn't hear the rattle of the chariots of iron that you've been afraid of somebody said the other day maybe was brother Dean last week he read a he read a he read a definition of fear he said fear the rider he was reading said fear his faith in the devil I thought oh my he said because when you fear something you're really putting your faith in that the devil is more powerful than the Lord I had to chew on that a little bit had to chew on that [Music] he ain't never let me down [Music] I think probably instead of fear in that chair of iron maybe I'll just trust in him if he can whip Goliath and he's going to destroy the armies of the world and never fired a gun in that battle of Armageddon just with the Word of God proceed out of his mouth I don't think a few chairs iron gonna be much for him mom and dad are you children worth it you ones that are holding these little ones you better not blink or they'll be grown they'll sit back here holding them little uns you gonna sneeze about three times and you'll hear the pomp and circumstance playing and they'll have a cap and a gown and then you'll take a deep breath and a boy's coming out to them little girls and it won't be a cap and gown it'll be a wedding gown and you'll turn around and that house will be empty and then all they'll be left with is what heritage you put in them you say it won't happen the first time I put my hands on my boy my oldest one he weighed 3 pounds and 10 ounces I held him in the palm of my hand like a ball the two months ago I watched him walk down a graduation walked down a field and graduate from high school and it seems like it's gone you know what my children deserve a daddy who knows what revivals about my children deserve a daddy who was willing to drive some Canaanites out for their sake I'll be honestly my church ought to have a pastor that knows something about big tree glory mom and dad are they worth it are they worth it [Music] we're standing won't you come drive some things out get you some victory don't favor him don't fear certainly don't fellowship with him he said preach away what about that he said I'm just gonna keep raising two judges he's given us an opportunity what a great place we're in how much more could God do when he raises up this generation and partners it with a generation that's going ahead absolutely no telling what God could do a white Cemile Road maybe one day the Lord let me bring my grandbabies up come to meeting with me and I can say boss right over there we used to go to church in that building but God did so much for them we're up there on the hill now and I'll be preaching to these teenagers children you say Kate do it you did you talking to the wrong to preachers can we believe he can and i below step further i don't believe he just can I believe he wants to he wants to sing on brother James single home how about it moms and dads how about it young uns are you gonna go you don't know I suppose go go up for us Joshua's cold stare they should judo go judo go they're very sore you go go to Reacher you go go but she came out a gay would be my loss if I lay down crawls so I and serve him with a heart of [Music] I just wanna please alors [Music] you
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Views: 2,812
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel
Id: 6pnmElIkeeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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