8-14-19 Daniels Believe It or Not - Mark Stroud

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Daniel chapter number one I felt like I believe the Lord have us to finish our thoughts out of Daniel chapter number one and I thank God for the youngins men I preached you said last night it's almost being like the first two nights I've been a youth revival and man I tell you what if we can't have revival for the sake of our children I think we've messed up I tell you what I believe they're worth it and for many years to come the Bible said in Daniel chapter number one and verse number one in the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem and besieged it and the Lord gave the hokum king of Judah into his hand with a part of the vessels of the house of God which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his God and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his God the King spake unto Aspen as the master of the eunuchs that he should bring certain to the children of his robe and of the Kings seed and of the princes children in whom was no blemish but well-favored skilful in all wisdom and cunning in knowledge and understanding science and such as an ability in them to stand in the king's palace and whom they might teach the learning and the turn of the Chaldeans and the King appointed thee of a daily provision of the Kings meat and of the wine which he drank so nourishing them three years that at the end thereof they might stand before the king now among these were other children of Judah Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah under hood the Prince of the eunuchs gave names for he gave the name I gave unto Daniel the name of Belshazzar into Hananiah of Shadrach and a miss yelled me shaq and Azariah of Abednego but Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with a portion of the Kings meat nor with the wine which he drank therefore he requested of the Prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself you can be seated hey man I licked last night and we took our text and we'll make it into that text tonight in verse number eight the Bible said but Daniel purposed in his heart can I say for years and years I've reached out of that text with a many youth meetings that I preached through the years and and I would stop at that place and talk about young people making up their mind to serve God and and setting their face toward the will of God and doing it but I'd like to dig a little bit deeper in that verse tonight and I'm interested in two words have you underscore in your Bible I'd ask you to underscore them it said the Daniell purpose it is hard that he would not I'm interested in those two little words a would that not if the Lord had helped me tonight I'd like to preach all Daniels believe it or not Daniels believe it or not I said last night as Daniel was being born into the nation of Judah nation of Israel in the land of Judah Josiah was having his last-ditch efforts but to bring revival back to the nation but an untimely death but seemed to nail the listen drive the last nail in the coffin of the righteousness of God another nation of Israel and after that man the nation of Israel plunged into gross idolatry it was not a gradual backsliding it was not just a gradual cooling of a neighbor they turned their back on the things of God and plunged themselves in the deep and the dark Siana and many he rolled heir Nebuchadnezzar comes and he begins to carry the treasures on the land of the godly God's treasures from the land of Israel back to Babylon and it said he took the treasures of the house of God and he took him and he placed him in the treasure of this the God is all God's house and may I say to us out of God but the Lord did not save you what the Lord didn't pull you out of hell but the Lord didn't let you pass from death unto life but for you to be a trophy in the trophy house of the fall and gods of this world but can I tell you he translated you he made you a new creature he didn't you know sin became sin for you that you might be made the righteousness of God in here and he did that so not that you could be a trophy for the world and the trophy for SIA and a trophy for shame but the Lord God of heaven he became like we are but so we could be like he is uh so you could be a trophy of the grace of God and a testimony in this dark and demon-possessed world in which we live in can I tell you of these kids were taken from the land of Israel in the glory days of the nation of Israel David was not on the throne of the Ark of God was not there but the glory of God was not resting on the nation of Israel but Daniel Hananiah Azariah and Mishael who were taken out of the land of Judah at one of the darkest points in the history of the people of God and these children these young men are anomalies in this day that they could be one of the greatest had the greatest testimony in Babel and they didn't come from a great background or they didn't come from a revival setting but they didn't come where everybody in Israel that was worshiping the true God of heaven but they came but when gricean was taking place as such that Ezekiel made a list underwood calls us to blush because of what was going on but can I tell you mom and dad look up and may I say teenager look up and may I say metal god but they will slab an old fashioned church in 2019 if Daniel and Hananiah Azariah and Mishael can be the christian or that they were in the hour in which daily of that I believe or the Clark that we can still raise our children I still believe we can have a clean holy a god-honoring Church that loves holiness but yet love sinners and tries to share the gospel with the Lord Jesus Christ I say we can how can I say the liquor crowd I may be selling their liquor but we can raise some kids for God on the opioid crisis I can continue to grow and get worse but can I tell you mom and dad if we all bear down they put our nose in that book how we can raise a generation for the glory of God if they can do it so can we so can we I said last night the first thing that babbling came after was they came after what their heritage gave up you see how how successful were they well when we refer to the three Hebrew children we still refer to the immense Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that was their Chaldean name not their god-given name that was Hananiah Azariah and Mishael and can i say they must have done a pretty good job taking what their heritage gave them because you and i don't remember their heritage we remember their Chaldean i say to us moms and dads and young people alike the world is coming after what our heritage they tell us that we're stuck in the 50s we're stuck in the 60s we're stuck in the 40s and you just can't do it that way anymore listen we live I wants to have a seeker friendly Church don't we supposed to have a Savior friendly Church a man I thought was supposed to come and bring honor and glory and worship the son of God yes sinners are welcome but yes sinners are well we wanted to come but I never want there to be a day but when a lost man kids our pews and feel comfortable and not feel unsettled I want there to be enough power of God and enough holiness in the preaching I'm going only love move of God other than a lost man can't come here and feel like they're at home and feel like they fit in all I wanted to get saved I want him to trust God I want him to repent and get burned again I'm a god help us we can do it in this hour somebody told brother Willard years ago at one time in our city we had an old it was some new McDonald's that was decorated like it was a 50s McDonald's mister lady looks at brother Willard had she said she said what about this it's a 1950s McDonald's he said man I've got one better than that about four miles from here I got a 1950s church everybody's wanting to have a 21st century Church Hobby honestly I soon have a first century Church I mean man going house to house breaking a bread people getting saved every day I mean my I've got she's a dream a fireplace run Charlie it's not necessarily large buildings and if God wants to do that I'm for it but I tell you what I'd like to see I'd like to see this I'd like to see the day where I never had to drain the water out of the Baptistery I'd like to see the day that every Sunday every Sunday night and every Wednesday night we were trouble those baptismal waters but we're sinners were getting born again you say how are we gonna do that but we're gonna have to be like Daniel and we're gonna have to be like a suryya and Michel at hand I a God wants us to be bold and babbling that and we better understand their ideals didn't fit in with Babylonian mentalities and they stuck out like a sore thumb and they come to the realization if they were gonna live for God but they were probably gonna walk alone what can I tell you if you'll follow God's will and walk in its word you'll never walk by yourself you may not walk with a mother or a daddy or a brother and a sister but thank God Almighty there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother that'll never leave us and never forsake us and he said I'll go with you even to the end even to the end they're coming after we all have to be bold in battle you just come after what their heritage gave them they came after what heaven seven times in chapter 1 that word eunuch is mission I believe that all my hard and Babylonian captors we're doing everything they could to make those boys eunuchs eunuchs and can I tell you God help us god help us young person you'll never lose your salvation if you're a born again child of God but you better believe the devil can cut your influence out of your life and you'll miss sometimes I know God listen to me forgiveness and restoration or two different things I mean the Bible said the Lord is good and ready to forgive he's more ready to forgive that he is to judge hey man but could I tell you listen if you're not careful you'll go after the things of the world and mom and dad will run after the things in the world but to the place where we'll compromise our testimony and you can come back say I got right with God loving everybody that was watching but while you were missing up and running after seein and running after flesh headin running out to the things of the world a friend they'll still be sitting there and saying I've heard this before and yes you can fall on an altar and God can forgive you police said listen he said he has the power to forgive us and cleanse us from all from all unrighteousness we're not careful I will not be able to be bold in babbling because he will cut out our ability to reproduce believe it or not I'm not gonna put a long time I'll give you three texts three spots and Daniel where I find that little word not that little word not you say preacher I want to be bold and babbling how will it be different how will it be used of God I want to be hungry for the things of the Lord oh I want to have the touch and a power of God on my way can I tell you that's not resigned to the preacher that's not resigned to the youth pastor that's not resigned to the assistant I'm telling you born to give you're a born again child of God but you can walk in the spirit and walk after the spirit and walk with the spirit oh you and in you amen oh that you can walk in victory and walk in power but so when you testify at work and witness show your coworkers it'll be seasoned with the power of God we see how we're gonna do it preacher number one look at your our text converse number eight the Bible says again I just say this again kids I said it last night understand this the world wants to take what it didn't give the devil wants to take see the devil ain't never created anything he only perverts things he only corrupt he has no power to originate so he has to corrupt what God makes and can I tell you if he birthed you into the family of God your soul is for a year Leah sand you're a saved as the Son of God saved and nothing will change that but you better believe he'll do his best to ruin you mom and dad he'll do it listen he'll get you sidetracked he'll get you running after everything else except the things of God let say some God didn't save you for your leftovers I wonder how long it's been mom and dad since we tired off our time well James you got your iPad you got your I watched her get that calculator 24 times seven seven times for 280 do that seven times four I mean that's I mean seven times 24 so a tenth of that sixteen point eight hours when's the last time child of God we tied off our time we think we've done God a favor when we tired I thought that time was the minimum that's the ground floor stuff everybody okay and then we come feel like we've done got a great service because we came to two hours on Sunday morning two hours on Sunday night an hour and a half always tonight at six and a half hours where's the other ten and I have coming from huh and we wonder we wonder why we battle the devil we wonder why we have no victory we wonder why we can't be bold we wonder our children don't have any confidence in our Christian walk okay but can I tell your mom and dad this is this telling our kids but don't do like you see do what I say that's not gonna hold water Oh daddy you need to take him boy somewhere and get along with God and let them hear you pray in the Holy Ghost a mom of them children on a walk in on you or somewhere in the house here at you call their name here and you pray for the work of God I seeing you witness I see you Christian how we gonna do it number one you're gonna have to learn something about the restraint of some wood knots you say what do you mean preacher can I tell you these boys they arriving babbling they've already got it settled in their heart as to who they are and what they believe and they're not going to give in or give up for anybody let me ask you something do you have any wood knots in your Christian life do you just have some things that you just absolutely will not do places that you will not go words that you will not use I said every one of your moms and dads there's one Bert there's one word I'll to never come out of your mouth you ought to never joke and carry on and threaten that divorce word you'll play around with it long enough till it'll be an option I mean if you ever draw some lines and said no mom said dance until they figure out what there would knots are good night they ought to have a few of hours they could live by a man honey man they're still figuring things out but brother Clark until they do they ought to be able to adopt some of our wood knots you see well yeah then you Chris y'all just so narrow-minded y'all just so how about that narrow-minded right there brother March by setting they're reminded right there there's just some things that you're not gonna be able but to do can I say you got to draw some lines hey daddy you need to draw some lines for your wife and for your children and your home thank God for a man of God Mike I said oh they'll come a day but when there'll be nobody that can sit and catch the line I want to thank God but for every time a man of God but stood in the pulpit with power and Dodson in truth some lines and said we best not go across these lines you ever thrown any how about it dad's what if our sons had our would nots how they gonna turn out I'm not talking about going further than the Bible goes I'm having problems from the parts I know much less making something up that's not in there amen listen to me if you don't go far enough you're a compromiser if you go too far you're a Pharisee but if you'll have a biblical stand you'll be a Christian amen that's what the Pharisees did they put more out of the God did but I'm afraid in our day brothers it's not it's not they're going too far we we brother increase we've had such a knee-jerk reaction to some men that did go too far that we've come way back over here and fraid to say anything about any lines amen a man has got to be can I say these boys were faced with enormous pressure to compromise and to conform and honest-to-goodness preacher nobody want to blame them if they had self-preservation they know by gonna see y'all down here Bible and it's all right just say they made you do it what about drawing some lines I'd say what brother Pope if Daniel hadn't had some lines we wouldn't have the Book of Daniel we'd had the book of belt Shazzer if Daniel hadn't had some lines preacher there would have been nothing to separate him how that would have caused him to be different and Nebuchadnezzar's they come and interpret my dreams and Daniel not had some lines or there never been a furnace a fire they'd never been a lines beyond that there have never been a handwriting on the wall but because daniel said that there's just someone not sir and there's just some things I won't do the places I won't be things I will act like he had someone not sand because he did you and I have got what we've got tonight I'm really a stalker online I say very little I just sort of browse around and watch pictures but I'm about to tired of watching these folk come out and start living like the world and make these statements I'm free I just want to rejoice that I'm free of the IFB I'm free I'm free I don't have to do all that anymore but just something they ain't nobody in here big enough to make me do it and I'm not being blast and I'm not being slang listen I got past that a long time ago somebody making me do anything I don't do what I do because somebody's making me I do what I do because I'm in love with somebody then I've yet to see but I'm on my way praise God listen when you ever get to the place somebody I said it Monday night now say it again some of you afraid not to live right because you're afraid got a whoop here I gotta listen chastise you my God will correct you but where you gonna get to the place and you Christian walk where it's not afraid of gods go with you and God's goal chastise you and God's gonna correct you but you agreed the Lord but you a disappoint the Son of God the one that gave His life for you have you ever had anyone nots and I want to say to all and ones that are just to find their lifestyle the Lord said we've been called a Liberty he said but we're not to use our Liberty for an occasion of the flesh I tell you what brother Justin what we've got is Liberty to do right not Liberty to do wrong amen well I just st. been convicted of that if God wrote it black-and-whites you ain't got to wait to get convicted of it amen and I know salvation is instantaneous and sanctification is a process and God will take a lifetime but sir and ma'am if you're the same place you are after being saved 20 years something's wrong they know God's in mom and dad are young and sort of watch us toy with the world and toy with the world and toy with the world till one day they're grown and go and you can't make them come to church anymore and they've seen you play and they've seen you flirt with the world and now sit a flirt they're going to go after it it better be some wood knocks I know that's not popular in our day but I sure am glad some in a God took the Bible and let the Word of God you ought to let the Word of God draw you would not because if you'll do that when men change and ministries change your Christian life won't change everybody all right number two you say preacher how am I going to see everybody wants to talk about liberty and rights Liberty Laodicea in the Church of the people's rights liberty and rights nobody wants to talk about risk on sibility I thought he said that we're the salt of the earth and that we are the light of the world a city set up on a hill that cannot be hid he said let your light so shine before me that you may glorify they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven you and I have got a responsibility and young'ns the sooner you find you some lines that you're just not willing to cross the better it's gonna be Daniel chapter 3 quickly I'm hurrying the restraint of some wood knots young lady if he ain't saved you don't go out with it that's a wood knock that's a wood knock you say why I preacher it's just a date because if you listen you can fall in love out of the will of God and let me just say this to you every time you give your heart away you never get it all back the will of God is hard enough to find especially I mean eat not even counting the fact when you get emotionally involved oh I've heard them tell me preacher it's I'm gonna be alright I I'm gonna win them and now they're a trophy in the house of another God number two look at your Bible on the store the fiery furnace look at verse 18 Nebuchadnezzar looks at these three children you talking about standing out you talking about standing out you let as I started setting myself I started to say Shadrach Meshach Abednego I have to work at that I mean republics of work to say Azariah nice yellow hen and I can you imagine all I said last night what kind babbling was take New York Los Angeles Atlanta all them all them big cities and put them together you got babbling can you imagine what it must have looked like when that sack but an adult summer and all that music began to play and all a babbling bound except three boys man I just said I almost think well I'm sick man we ain't bow we ain't bad that ain't our God that's not to God we're serving I don't care how big it is I don't care how beautiful it is I don't care what you think they're playing we're not bow Sam I run a percent hey medication no then three Hebrew boys that you put over everything guess what they didn't bow and o Nebuchadnezzar was mad you say preacher what are you talking about see listen you know what you need to mind you need to get some wood knots and make some decisions you know what decisive is its mates making present commitments to avoid future failure I don't believe those boys decided that the first Toth note was played that we're not going to bow I believe before they ever left the house that morning Oh answer I look today or Lynn said Hannah died he said what do you think he's a man I ain't bowing I don't care what you dude I don't care what I don't care what Hananiah does but I'm not bowing I don't care what Daniel does I'm not bowing I don't care one all about yes I'm not bowing never Kadare said boys I'm gonna give you another chance I'm gonna put you out there and if you know what's good for you you better buy off you said what are you talking about preacher they didn't just know something about the restraint of some wood knots they knew something about the resolve of some if nots they looked at Nebuchadnezzar said it doesn't much matter to us who boughs and who don't we're not we're not gonna do it can I say how do you ever let me ask some have mom and dad have you ever made up your mind that you're gonna serve God do you ever find yourself mocking the ones that are serious then it's a house of God I serving the Lord's you think man I'm glad I'm saved I'm glad I'm not going to hell but I'm really just not gonna go that far that's a little bit just too far I don't think you really got to do all of that I'm too giddy on that I can I see you have you ever decided other the only life is a life other spit given to the Lord the bringing glory and honor a listen we ought to make the decision it doesn't matter who goes and who doesn't go if not I'm going they looked at him and said but if not okay you know what they knew then three Hebrew North boys knew three things number one they knew God could deliver out of the fiery furnace but he said if he doesn't deliver us out of the fiery furnace there's one thing for sure he is going to deliver us out of your hand and if he doesn't do that he's got a better plan that we don't even know about but either way we're not bowing glory glory glory glory aren't you glad that you get to serve under a man to listen a lot of his peers have decided to go a different route me and that he's sharing a platform with me I'm that he's preached at a meeting we are that and they've gone a different direction but but he's still sitting here us standing for what he's always standing for I preached in what he's always preached in the same power but that he's always preached I would that God would have some young me honor and young ladies and some mamas and daddies or they would say if my family don't go I'm gonna go if my best friend doesn't go I'm gonna go if listen my neighbor doesn't go or my Sunday school teacher doesn't go or for God's sake if the preacher don't go I'm gonna go I'm gonna go it's gonna take some courage to be bold in babbling have y'all started back to school yet let me ask you something you that have started back to school are you still walking in the boldest that you set out to a couple of weeks ago at camp or have you got under there and that pressures come and you're afraid they gonna make fun of you how about I'm talking about some if not some of you moms and dads it exists these youngins there's some of us we're doing this right here the Lord is calling us to do something was to live for God we're doing this right here we're looking over shoulders seeing who's gonna go who's not going to go brother Justin I I don't know a lot of things I'm not a I'm not a just a superbly intelligent individual but the things that I do know I know pretty well and I've given over the last 26 years as a priest a lot of youth meetings and I've watched them in invitations I've watched them kids look down the aisles look down the rows to see if that other one's going or if that others going and then I watched adults i watch that husband look to see if his wife will go and I look that wife and watch her pick her eyes up and sit that husband will go you better get some resolve that she don't go you will go I think Brooke Brooke Chris I think we've almost put in the minds of our young people if they will get married in the will of God it's just all gonna be like that we say something I got married in the perfect will of God but that is no insulation or guarantee that trouble will never come to our home and separation might not come to our house you say why because that depends on two individuals staying right with God that depends on me staying right and her staying right when you stand into that altar y'all all know how y'all just getting started in your lung life there ought to be some resolve that if he doesn't go you're gonna go see we we let circumstances affect our live our Christian life ought to be higher than circumstances man we love God's long as everything's going well and going right but you let a little conflict a little catastrophe the little tragedy come and all of a sudden we begin to wonder and we begin to stumble and we begin to run away from the Lord would the godson you get a little bit listen a backbone about that wide and say if my best friend doesn't go I'm gonna go and then my girlfriend said she's gonna go date somebody else if I want to be a Christian let her go a same road that broad can take her away and God can bring you on that other wants what you want and live like you want to live for the Lord or we need something I'll say I'm going if nobody else goes if we're not careful we'll get to looking over our shoulder wondering what old brothers so and so what if I don't embrace these new it's amazing all these ones embracing the new ones are cussing the ones that hadn't and we ain't changed I mean we ain't change your what you've always been and God help I want to be what I've and I mean if they don't do that go home take back this off you sign don't identify everybody okay but don't expect me to cuz I've just got some if not in me so just if nobody else in our county wants to go we want to go if nobody else in my family and I've they look they said you're gonna you're gonna die a young man you need to slow down which is something judgment seats right around the corner I don't want to slow down have to give them account why I let off the gas but the winner said years ago when you remember some of your old timers remember when the cars had a pull out throttle maybe y'all remember that brother winter sent used to go where where we used to go to church you'd go out of straightway to take almost a direct right down through a little part of a mill village he said back in want him old cars about as big as a house he said about a them boys got one them cars and said never gonna see how fast they could take that curve he said man they pull that thing out and said just in case they ever thought about backing off they said they took that throttle down and bent it down so they couldn't back off the throttle you know what we ought to do we ought to just pull her out just pull her out and just bend it down and say if our family doesn't understand and their bosses don't understand hey yeah you walking away from them big jobs and say I'm gonna go serve Jesus they'll look at you like you've lost your mind oh they'll look at you like your weight ruining and wasting an education when I say happy day happy day when I buckle the briefcase for the last time I took my nametag off my desk and my cards and I'm not look back I'm like that old song about my favorite chef I rejoice let us see the days when the bridges burned I don't have anything to go back to you need to have some if not about you if not if not it doesn't matter if it's Paul in prison knowing the art Daniel in the lion's den he'll be with you in the midst of the fire can I say this to you I'm gonna skip a little bit right there can't say these two young uns and mom and dad these three brutes children were not saved from the fire they were saved in it and it was wouldn't know they'd explain this to me how Nebuchadnezzar look in that fire and say they didn't we cast three in he said they's four and that fourth ones like another son of God how do you know how do you know what's the Son of God look like I want to maybe he'd heard Daniel and Hananiah and Azariah Michel sit around huh down there to Palace talking about the God of heaven mmm you know why he got to realize who the Lord was because there was three that had some resolve of some if noise Daniel 10 Daniel chapter number 10 brother Brady won't y'all come up here and get ready to sing I'm about done I'm told my being bold in battle that's why we need a revival man I want I want I want our kids at church I wanted to see some real Christians I'm talking about some real Christians that'll live in the power of God with victory and be bold can I say this to you we can be bold without being what mama why don't you just get so full of God that you could win his heart with that spirit feel spirit that you've got and make him want to serve God because he's seen Christianity in you amen hey some of you young is it they got moms and dads at her say many it floored me preacher we I stood him up at camp yet last year I said how many I mean there's 550 teenagers out there I said how many of you kids come from home that at least one or both of your parents are lost I bet you there were 200 kids that stood up let me say something young as if that's the case or he's man you baby it's a wife that I'm preaching to that your husband's not saved or a husband your wife's not saying don't worry about them getting saved if you ain't got some wood knocks and some if nots play on Bree and I'm not done I'm not gonna preach this last I'm just gonna give it to you Daniel chapter 10 you look in Daniel 9 daniel learns about how god's purposes are delayed you get in Daniel chapter number 10 and Daniel learns about how our prayers are delayed and Daniel 10 gives us a little bit of a glimpse into the spiritual battles that go on behind the curtains when we pray man Daniel had been praying he had afflicted himself for three weeks verse three city ain't no Pleasant bread neither came flesh and wine in my mouth and neither die nor myself at all until three whole weeks were fulfilled then all of a sudden out of nowhere somebody showed up in Daniel's life now you believe what you want to but I believe there's two distinct people in that Daniel team while I get Alan Bible don't you right there that first one it shows up about in there about verse 4 down through about verse 9 you look at how it describes him not believe that's none other than the son of God [Music] boy it describes him like the Revelator described him the man what he thought nobody was listening and when he thought nobody had heard what he did back in God Father the Son of God stepped out of the shadows now here's the kicker notice what verse 9 said but you would verse 9 say yet I yet I saw him is that what he said yet I heard the voice of his words you say why is that important because Daniel got the same kind of help that you and I can get I don't know about you but I've I've never seen the christophany you say what's the christophany a pre-med Laham appearance of the son of God I don't want to I don't want to upset you apple cart but Bethlehem was not the first time he showed up go ask Jacob and ask Joshua I believe any time in that Old Testament where you find the phrase the angel of the Lord not an angel but the angel of the Lord that ain't talking about Gabriel that's not talking about Michael that's talking about Jesus well Joshua met him over to gates Joshua lady he said him in he said whose side you all take sides he said I'm here to take over he said I'm the captain of the Lord's host I'm here to run the show Joshua said have a key and the walls of Jericho fail they never fired a shot just walked around on that last day they shouted and the wall fell down it always made a difference when he showed up asked Jacob don't you know Oh Jacob walking around like before and I somebody should pop off by you live like you do he said sit down here child and let me tell you about tonight that I wrestled with the Lord are y'all he said this one angel killed a quarter of a million men that was an angel how much wrestling do you really think Jacob did with the Lord I don't think he did nothing but latch ahold to him and hold on for dear life but right in the middle of all that see Daniel figured out that he was the Lord in the delay [Music] you gonna be bold and babbling you don't have to have you gonna have to have know something about no strain of some wood knocks and you're gonna have to know something about the resolve some it's not there's going to be some times in your Christian life others and yet moms and dads and we start praying he may not necessarily answer in the next few verses we live in such an instantaneous society I went to Taco Bell last night I thought man I want to talk over that's heartburn in a bag and I said I have more wisdom than that they got a clock that tells you how long you've been waiting and you know any kind of food that they can fix you in 90 seconds it's probably not good for you no wonder it gives you heartburn they put it a nuclear reactor to get it ready by the time you place your order till the time you pay them but hope we forget at times with one flip of the page of the Bible you're flipping a decade in time and if you're not careful y'all have grown up in a day where if you ain't heard from your BFF in the last 30 seconds you think they're mad at you some of you boys gonna ask your girlfriend to marry you by text [Music] come on FaceTime it will you man boys she smells better in person that she looks on FaceTime goodnight they go come on they don't come home from they come home from work sit out on the couch and Tex and why what's for supper I tell you what mine would say nothing she likes to talk to me but we live in such an institution we think if the Lord hadn't hit you in our prayer the first time we get back to our Pew that he's not hurt us [Music] but what Daniel found out after all in weeks inflicted himself that the Lord stepped out of the darkness and said Here I am he was the Lord in the delay but look at verse 10 he was he found out something about some love in the day here he hasn't heard anything from God and notice the first thing that he said Oh Daniel greatly beloved don't you know that Daniel thought man and the Lord is upset I've not heard from him and the first thing he said was hey Daniel I sure do love you I sure do love you I sure do love you but verse 12 is where I want to get to see Daniel found out there was a timely visitation Daniel found out something about there was a tender voice but look at what he said in verse 12 then I believe in angels talking to him I believe the Lord's calling and then angel has set him up to talk talk to him if he says this fear not Daniel for from the first day that they'll did set that heart to understand the chasing I said before the God thy words were heard he said look here fear not I heard you three weeks ago let me ask some how many have I got some moms and dads that would be honest mind uplifted hand and said I've got children living in the world that I'm praying for put your hand up how many have you been played praying more than a year more than five years more than a decade I just got good news for all of you he heard you the first that you have a call and let me just say this to you his delays are not necessarily to the house [Music] he heard you the first time I've got I've got some young ladies in our church right now that I know that'll settle down they're praying for a child I know one of our come they're just kids they asked me to pray the Lord would bless I got one couple they've been struggling and I know they've been praying for some time you know the good thing that I can tell them is God heard the very first time they what is it that you think he's forgot about what is it that you think he's never heard that made me tonight in the latter part of this service he might just step out and say I got a word for you fear not fear not because I heard the very first time it's one thing about it in this chapter three times Daniel is touch to the long [Music] I don't know about you but I need his touch three the number of divine it said that behind touch I said if you gonna be bold and babbling you're gonna have to know something about the restraint of some wood knocks hey young uns right now is time to come up with some wood knots moms and dads if you don't have any it's time for you to get some because that way when the Heat's old you ain't got to make a snap decision it's already been made if you're gonna be bold and babbling you're gonna have to know something about the resolve of some if not do I have some best friends right here show me a best friend right here y'all to stand up how long y'all been friends a year that's good how old 13:12 you know what's gonna happen as y'all get older life's gonna happen there's a lot of things pull at you but both of you need to decide that whether the other one goes if not do I have some adults that would say preacher my best friends in here how about it he wears your best for you right there where's he at shorten right there y'all stand up ain't it good to have a friend they'll serve God with you knows Jesus wants to be right new light I hope it's always that way but you better get it in your heart if he doesn't go you are when y'all said I do you meant it for life I know a lot of folks who have had to sign papers that they did not intend to sign but for the sake of them if one of you quits somebody better go [Music] restraint of would not resolve if nots but if you're gonna make it you're gonna have to learn how to rest in some fear nots oh you might not have heard yet and you might not have seen yet but just go ahead and rest in the fact that the Lord hears and answers our prayer don't give up keep calling keep praying but rest learn how to rest in some fear nots I'm having to learn that right now I mean Brooke Pritchard the step we're about taking the church that's a big step and I'm I'm bad to want to get a halt get my hands on it but I'm just going to rest and this is the direction that God's given us and it's his work and he could take care of it let me back up make one statement I'm done I said his delays or not his denies Jairus would to get the Lord because his baby has died no girl was dying on the way back to Jerry's house a lady touched the Lord and that he should blood the Lord stopped and dealt Lee don't you know chairs over there going or we got to go my daughter my daughter is dying my daughter's died we don't have time for this and surely he thought we're not going to get there in time but it doesn't much matter when he gets there he's got the power to do whatever he needs to do when he gets there and just because he was delayed he had so much life in him when he got there it didn't matter if she was dead or not he just resurrected her so just because you ain't seeing it come to pass we're standing believe it or not do you know anything about the restraint is some wood knots the resolve of some if nots what about the rest of some fear knots they're singing would you come would you come three Hebrew children face trial of all they said give them one last chance surely their faith before but they were in a bow and they would not Bend all they said was we would stand for the God we serve is able to deliver [Applause] but if [Music] we're still gonna bless his name through the darkness [Music] be done Greta sorry [Music] [Music] that I have prayed this prayer so many times before I am before you now my case once more or do you know how important this warning is to me and I believe or to keyword [Music] it [Music] I'm through the dark I will hey grab me ma [Music] [Music] the rage exceeds at me sometimes it's hardest and but I know you'll come my travel [Music] dear Lord bless Lord through the darkest night [Music] granny ma [Music] but if not I'll trust your way is bad you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 1,496
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel
Id: NcdW7JxxmDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 29sec (3689 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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