7-28-2021 PM Revival with Brother Mark Stroud "Look in Your Basket"

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[Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right let's remain standing for prayer brother ej lead us in as we pray please oh yes lord oh god thank you oh lord do a work as only you can't serve amen and amen thank you may be seated good evening to you all good to see you in the house of the lord and do appreciate the meeting we've enjoyed the lord's blessing us and we want him to know we're thankful we want to give him glory amen he's blessing us and i sure appreciate what he's done for us already in the meeting looking forward to the rest of the meeting and we're looking forward to the message in a little while but also the singing has been wonderful appreciate the wonderful singing the good sweet spirit and visitors that are with us we're glad to have you again with us in the service tonight and we just want to let the lord have his way i had a good report today about brother dean got to come home from the hospital he's real weak but y'all pray lord and touch him and strengthen appreciate that i mentioned this in the prayer room for those that weren't in here uh brother roger todd is having that surgery tomorrow heart surgery and they're gonna have to replace the valve i think some bypasses and he's uh in a critical situation he's in a hospital in charleston and so pray for him and pray for his dear wife the lord would help them during this difficult time i know that he's out of the church here a lot of you older saints remember them and loved them and so anyway i'm getting just a little bit of ring up in my mic here rick and cut her down just a hair all right thank you okay uh let's just let the lord have his way with us and we just appreciate the goodness of the lord and give him glory and just praise his holy name for how good he's been to us y'all pray the lord just kept touching the man keep touching the man of god and let's make let's make it like this lord i need something from you help me tonight so i can be something better for you amen and let's let's ask god to revive us again amen i'm i believe there's some people hungry i've seen that this week there's some folk hungry for god to move and i'm blessing his name i'm seeing people move toward god boy it was a tough year but boy the lords are helping us and awakening us and and how would he do something that we'll never get over how would he do some eternal work here amen oh lord take over have your sweet willing way with us well it is wednesday night it's mostly our people here but don't forget sunday now as our homecoming day and we're looking for and i think uh sister tammy was at group two where group one and two are servant and so we appreciate and all you ladies i'm telling you what if you'll cook a good heaped up pressed down running over meal for about your family and a half a dozen others praise god we'll have plenty i'll tell you what we have some of the bet we have some of the best cooks in the world right here in the church and well i'm telling you what we're looking forward to the good homecoming day and then of course that night we'll not have service but uh we're looking forward to the wonderful meal and fellowship a little extra long service little extra singing and then don't forget also on friday night the aeg family will be here we always enjoy uh having them they're a blessing to me these folk are real real i mean they're genuine and they are dear friends of mine and i really appreciate them we wanted to get uh we wanted to get the reigns family we tried to get them and we just didn't get to them quick enough they were already booked up for the whole week and we couldn't work that out but we did try to get them to come and brother stephen tried a couple of other groups and it didn't work out and so we but i'll tell you what we've had some of the best singing this week right here out of the church and i praise god for that so we just thank god for the good singing appreciate our musicians appreciate uh brother stephen brother eddie's had to work out of town this week he's been gone and brother stephen's done a wonderful job and he's going to come lead the choir now you pray for them let's go to the meeting as they come to see 43-43 [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] with praise and worship now we lift him up worthy worthy is worthy so let us exalt the name of [Music] and jesus we lift him up well [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for the glory of his name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for the glory of israel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] white there are forces in the world today who oppose our christian faith they attempt to destroy everything that's holy and control what the preachers say but god still has a few good men who won't bend one bow won't burn who will fight to the end to defend that faith till the day that the whole world [Music] [Music] try [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] despite what the non-believers say our god has never changed his word still means everything it says it is now and forever the same the world may think they have won this fight but there are some who can still be found who will never give in and will never give up we will stand our ground [Applause] [Music] one way one [Music] [Applause] we will [Music] [Applause] [Music] all down [Applause] i [Applause] am [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right let's have our ushers come we'll receive our regular evening offering and while you're coming tonight i the songs y'all just saying the first and first one when you're saying finish well well i'll tell you that's the song gets bigger and bigger to me as i'll be turning 72 here in a couple of weeks and i know i'm told as dirt to some of y'all but my heart's desire with all my heart i want to finish well i don't want to mess up at this this late in the game i want to finish well god's grace has been sufficient hallelujah for 54 years of preaching and bless his name i just want to finish well i'm not trying to quit i'm just wanting to finish when i do finish i may not finish till i'm 100. well that would grab some of you all with it yeah but hallelujah and then you know there are some things we're fighting for and that last song we sang we shall stand our ground well i know what you mean and i know the songwriters wrote it but by the grace and help of god we will stand our ground that's what it's got we got to lean on him amen amen appreciate the mercies of god so miss i don't know why you may have sang before but i saw miss becky up singing in the choir tonight i mean god's touched her she'd been real weak and sickly i liked the lost god spared her and i appreciate i appreciate seeing his choir filled back up amen they've had the touch of god on them this week been a blessing god been good he sure has and i heard while i was sitting there next to brother mark i i declare i thought i heard merle baker say that's right that's right i don't know if it was tommy it was saying it but it sounds just like brother murr it may have been murrell right behind me do you believe they're looking over the banisters of glory and and hagging us on they might be saying go team go fight fight fight amen well i'm telling you what we got a lot more on the other side than we know of hallelujah what's awaiting us i have not seen you have not heard man i'm telling you what i'm glad praise god that we got that blessed hope amen well this is the offering for tonight this is going to brother mark you give us unto the lord and uh let's go to the lord in prayer and brother sheriff you lead us in our prayer pleaser yes lord thank you god yes you have amen thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] amen and you know two months ago i was anointed about my hand and my hands didn't burn and i just felt that thank you for it [Music] is amen amen this old world is filled with disappointments and trouble every day many times i get discouraged and i almost lose my way then i remember i'm just a pilgrim in this troubled world below that's one thought that keeps me singing as i go we're not home yet children so keep your jesus and our loved ones gone before us there's a better day coming we're not home yet there's a land filled with milk and honey just waiting for me someday jesus will come and take me over the sea so i must keep watching and waiting in this troubled world below that's one thought that keeps me singing as i go we're [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a better day coming we're not home yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] coming we're not home yet there's a better day and coming we're not home yet [Music] once i drifted out in sin had no hope no joy within and my soul was burning down with pride then my savior he came along and he showed me i was wrong and now i know [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i was drifting every [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign well i will never have no fear for my lord is ever near and in him so open high confined he's the keeper of my soul since i gave him full control and he's placed me on this win inside [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one thing i do just want to say that i'm thankful to be on the winning time he gets to see how wicked the world is but he says here it's just gonna get worse but i'm glad that it may get worse but god doesn't change and he's still there he [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] i started out with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] every battle that i have [Music] is [Music] is age 42. [Music] i stand here and think about just what he's done start counting my blessings [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] coming [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his grace is sufficient for he hears every prayer i pray everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he is [Applause] he is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today i was listening to the radio and i heard the song i don't regret a mile i've traveled for the lord and well i don't have many miles that i've traveled in my life but i've traveled on i'd want to say i don't regret them i don't regret the miles that i've traveled and i've trusted in his word and i've looked to him and he's always been there he's always brought me through time and time again and i haven't been through what so many of y'all have been through with it i just want to thank the lord that those smiles that i have traveled i don't regret one single one single mom he's been faithful he's been good with me he's been my best friend he's been everything i needed more and i just want to bless this thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] they didn't understand why he wouldn't come as they made their way toward the other side as they left the shore they faced the storm and suddenly they fear for their loves but upon the sea there's someone walk all the water as they listen for is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] see but with little faith in god's good [Music] face the grace and i wonder if i [Music] ever says it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] shelter the place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say oh hallelujah yes yes amen thank the lord amen amen he's the eye of the storm [Music] [Music] the biggest amen hallelujah he is the eye of the storm so my favorite parts of the scripture mark 4 and mark 5 and mark 6. mark 5 mark 4 they're out there in that sea of galilee and the lord went down there and went to sleep storm came the disciples went up there and said charist thou not that we perish cares they'll not would perish man they didn't realize they had the master of the sea and the boat with them he walked up to the front of that boat and spoke peace to that water that laid down then you got another storm in mark chapter six mark chapter six the disciples he puts them in the boat sends them across the sea about halfway to get out there too far to go back too far to go forward and the bible said that the lord departed into a mountain to pray they got out there on them stormy waters in the night sounds a little bit like what we are today when we got saved he put us in the boat and said go to the other side and he departed into a mountain to pray amen and the bible said he when he saw them when he saw y'all hear me the bible said when he saw them it was dark amen but he saw them they were tall and enrolling and he saw them i'm glad he can see us in spite of the darkness can i just say to you tonight there's not enough darkness to put out the light he is the light of the world amen and it'll be a glad day when we realize what these kids were singing we're on the winning side the score's already on the board it's already been turned into the paper amen it's already in the box score we're not playing to win we're playing because he already won amen and saw him in spite of the darkness but ms helena he saw him in spite of the distance he was in the mountain when he saw him and then he said he came to him and they supposed to be a ghost they were afraid can i tell you sometimes we're afraid of him as much as we are of a storm [Music] they were more afraid of him than going down in the boat here's the kicker there was a storm in mark 4 and there was a storm in mark 6 92 verses if it serves me correctly 92 verses between the storm and mark 4 and the storm in mark 6. but you know what's between the storm and mark 4 and the morning of mark 6 there's four miracles between mark 4 and mark 6. ain't that how we do in our christian life there's a storm over here or a storm over there and he just does miracle miracle miracle miracle and all we want to talk about is the storm that blowed up on the boat and the storm that blew up on the other boat and the whole time he's done that he's done it and he's gonna catch some devils out of a demoniac he's gonna let a little woman that's got an issue of blood he touched her and man that but she was made whole and then he raised that little jairus daughter amen something you said years ago i've never forgot god's delays are not god's denials amen and there's a whole lot of people thronging him they've been one touching a lot of people the bible said they thronged him but didn't one touch him he felt virtue go out of him and he said thy faith what about that right there and then jay said he said talitha kumar i would say my daughter arise what about that and then it didn't stop there he fed the 5 000 in mark six huh ain't not about how we are we'll talk about the boat got rocking over here a little bit the boat got rocketed over there a little bit but what about that between those two storms god did four wonderful supernatural miraculous acts one of my favorite things about that mark six storm got feeding done feeding the ten thousand feeding the five thousand in mark six the bible said they took up what anybody remember they took up what helped me brother landon 12 badges i ain't taking up an offer for landing amen like i did mercy kate amen took up 12 baskets they get out there on that boat and they're wondering if they're going to make it and what about brother james if they were in that boat god god gave them 12 baskets and baskets are sitting there between their feet and they're wondering are we going to make it through and there was more in that basket that they had between their feet that he had when he started there was five loaves and two fishes when he started but he fed the five thousand five thousand men and if there was women and children there anywhere between 10 and 20 000 that he would have fed and he fed them with five five loaves and two fishes but then the bible said they collected 12 baskets that have been 12 disciples on that boat and they're wondering in the storm are we going to make it to the other side are we going to drown all the way can i say this to you god never promised us smooth sailing but he did promise us a safe landing amen there may be some rocky waters along the way and there may be some thunderstorms along the way and sometimes like it was last night we were standing here the lightning was so close the the windows were rattling and there's some times in your life it's going to get like the windows of your soul are rattling but the whole time if you're not if you're not careful there'll be a basket sitting between your feet of something that he's already done already proven that he's the lord already showed you that he's been a shelter at a strong tower and you're wondering man am i going to make it through is god going to pay the next bill is god going to save my children is god going to do something for my generation and the very time you're sitting there wondering the answer is a beating around between your feet all you've got to do is take the lid off the basket and right there is the proof that god will do what he's already done the bible said after that was over and immediately sailing was over when he got in the boat it was done they were there and can i tell you it ain't gonna be long he gonna get in the boat and we're gonna be there you know what you know what sister whimpy was doing she's just looking in her basket she just pulled back the cup just pulled back the lid and said man look right there some proof amen i mean they had they had a storm of faith a storm of faith in mark four storm of their flesh in mark six thought they were gonna die but boy what about that four times between them two between them two storms god worked wonderful miracles i wonder how many times we overlook what he's done between the last storm and the one we're in now and if we just take a moment and look back he's already given us what we need to get through the next storm you know what she did last night she just took her lid off her basket and said the lord helped me somebody think man that's not that big a deal if you'd have been driving in her car and can't see good at night in a bad storm pretty big deal i'm afraid we dismiss way too many things i've been preaching on the double calls of the word of god and i may preach to this one tomorrow night but but if the lord helped me for just a moment i think about the joseph's brothers that came to egypt and he's filling their sacks and they don't even know it's him they went away not even knowing it was him came back and then he took him in that he took him in that in that little room kicked everybody out revealed himself to him in genesis 45 1. what about that i wonder how many times he's putting stuff in our sacks and we don't even know it's him we don't even know it's him are you listening what's he done put in your life thou hast been a shelter you have been and he's already given you what you need to make it through the next storm hmm and what he gave you is more than what he started with dear time hallelujah i just want to say with kendra i've not traveled as far as some but i've traveled more than others and i don't regret a mile see you forget don't you we're pro what the man that wrote the song prone to wonder lord i feel it prone to leave the one i love see it was like that for me about a year about 18 months ago but joe i walked into my i y'all everybody all right am i right right now i walked into my i walked in one of our deacon's office he's a builder and we're getting ready to build the church we were hoping brother char for about 700 000 is what we were planning on i'll never forget brother i walked in there we sat down just back got back from vacation and man we were already three months late i wanted we wanted to start three months before where we're just talking about the money and we were hoping for three seven hundred thousand dollars and i walked out of there and he looked he told me he said or walked in there he said preach we're gonna sit down we want to talk he said what we're looking at is a million a million 150 and i thought it's a long way from seven hundred thousand i don't do calculus but i can add and subtract amen he said we'll just make this change and get it down to a million seventy and i thought that's still a long way from eight hundred thousand dollars seven hundred thousand dollars i knew the bank would loan us eight and i thought my goodness they said we weren't gonna have to put any money down we'd already paid the paid ourselves out of debt and i thought when i walked down that office i said lord y'all pray for me i said lord i told those these folks it was the will of god for us to do this the will of god didn't change because the circumstance is dead and i thought what am i going to tell them now because i can only get in the bank 800 000 we still need 270 000 and we're three months behind now and i walked out of there not remembering what he had already done for us see i done had a short memory i was suffering from selective memory and i'd forgotten how in just a decade before when we didn't have anything and needed to build a building because god was blessing our buses and we didn't have anywhere to put them and i didn't know what we were going to do we had paid ourselves out of another project and we were cash poor and i thought man what are we going to do all of a sudden on a sunday night one of our men walked them walked up to me said preacher they said preacher i want to see you in your office for a minute i said okay we walked down there and there that man was he they had a framing business for their two twins and uh levi and ashley's mom and dad had a little framing company for them when they were in high school let them work when the kids were out of college they'd go and do their own thing they'd sold their business brother jimmy said preacher we sold our business and that we've had for the kids and and so we've been trying to figure out what to do about investing this money so we've looked at lands we've looked at stocks and bonds he said but preacher the lord reminded me that i got shaved off of a bus and we need somewhere to put these kids on these buses he took a check and slid it across my desk for the sum of forty thousand dollars and i said well in two weeks we'll have our first building fun offering but see i wouldn't remember in this 18 months ago two weeks later we took up an offering eight thousand dollars cash on the barrel head for above our ties and offers for the bill fund had forty eight two weeks before it have a dollar now we got forty eight thousand dollars wednesday morning a little man called me but joe with a weak voice he said pritchard you think you could come by the house we didn't get to be there sunday we've been sick i've been able to come to church you think you could come by riley was about 6. he said you think you'd come by the church i'll come by you the house on the way to church i want to do something for the building front office i said yes sir brother red i can do that we pulled up in the driveway just it was in the winter time dark i pulled up knocked on the door brother red came to the door on a walker handed me a check and said would you put this in the offering i said i will brother red i'll be happy to he said i love you preacher i said i love you brother red i got in the car y'all pray for me it was not in an envelope so i looked i'm a banker man amen i i mean i'm a commercial banker amen and i joe i cut the map light on riley sitting over here buckled up and i said i looked at that check and it said pay to the order of wahoo baptist church for 250 000 i like to say it like this a quarter of a million don't that sound good amen three weeks two and a half weeks ago we didn't have a dollar to start a project in two and a half weeks god gave us 209 thousand dollars but you know what i was like the disciples i couldn't remember the miracles in mark 5 and the miracles of mark 6 i'm out there thinking i'm going down and i walked out of that office and i said lord what are we going to do what are we going to do well i'd forgot i'm just talking about what was in my basket that i was toting around with me and didn't have enough sense to open it broke out i'd forgot that how two years before back in october of 18 i guess it was october 17 one of my men said preach we need to pray god let's pay this building off we don't open about 120 thousand dollars i i looked at him almost with disdain and thought do you not think i've been praying for that for a while i like to listen as a banker i like to lend it as a pastor i like to pay it back amen and i almost i almost thought with disgust man i've been praying for that for a long time we get the first son in november the man left our church some years ago died left us a hundred thousand dollars and i thought we i think we ought to probably pay this thing off in in november amen next week two businesses in town nobody even nobody in their families that only busy work with us sent us two checks for five thousand dollars a piece two weeks later we took up an in twenty thousand dollars we didn't just pay the debt off we had ten thousand dollars to go to the new building but you know what coach i'd walk down that office and i was wondering where's two hundred seventy thousand dollars coming from and god done already and already in the last the last six seven years had given us over 300 over 400 thousand dollars and i'm wondering where 270 is coming from y'all pray for my faith my basket's between my feet but i'm looking at the storm i left out of there brother poor and i thought lord what we gonna do we're in the middle of music camp in june that year and i said lord what are we going to do and the next day before 12 o'clock at 12 o'clock the next day i had two checks in my hand from people that don't even go to our church for thirty thousand dollars and the lord said you know he clears his throat in my heart sometimes i don't know if he does ever y'all he clears his throat in my heart to get me to listen and he said i just want to remind you this is my work not yours and i'm carrying every bit of that around and in the next six weeks the lord let us let us raise that two hundred and thirty thousand dollars to do that work and it just so happened it just so happened that when i signed the deal with the bank we saved a whole percentage point on the loan that if we had closed it when i wanted to we'd have paid a whole percentage point more and on eight hundred thousand dollars that's a lot of money saved us a thousand dollars on our payment you know what the lord said i do a pretty good job don't worry but you know what i had every bit of that had every bit of that between my knees in my basket but i didn't take time to look what is it that's in your basket you need to take a look at remember i stirred up your pure mind the bible said by way of remembrance remembrance what's in your basket some of you praying about some big things and you're wondering can god do it and the whole time you're carrying the proof around with you that he can already i mean man some of you are sitting on the pew with the proof some of you listen to the proof sing to you [Music] amen yeah some of you parked on the proof amen you only go let's go look out well maybe it's all the church go stand back there and look amen you're sitting in the proof amen james said neither is there any shadow of turning in him he's the same i looked at this you got you got that little crowd right there in that choir and then you've got this crap this line where the where that was that crowd 10 years ago you got this one and then you got this crowd that was the teenagers 10 years ago and then you've got a few of them older ones up there you know what i've got good news for that crowd he's the same god for them as he was for there and listen if they need to see what the proof is all they got to do is turn around and look at the group behind them and all they've got to do is look out here at the proof that what god has already put here yes there's a storm here yes there's a storm there but there's four supernatural miracles tucked between the storms that's right that's rightly divided i mean he showed in mark 5 that he's got power over the devil and that maniac could get there [Music] and i'll say i've said it before probably said here y'all heard everything i got it's amazing to me that the maniac met him at the dock go back and read it the maniac showed up at the dock when the lord docked his boat and that was before social media where he knew that he was having a meeting you ever thought about how he got there maniac those those greys were up in the hills and i wonder if that old boy is sitting up there cutting himself and breaking them bonds and looking out there at that boat on the water and that storm them disciples were in didn't have anything to do with them but there was a demon-possessed man up on the up in the tombs looking out there and thinking man i don't know what's going on out there but man there was a man that just stood up there on that boat and put his hands up and all of a sudden the black clouds are gone and said man they've kicked me out of town they can't help me but if that man can do that to that storm what do you think he could do for me and that old boy met him down at the met him at the dock i wonder if the storm you're in ain't got anything to do with you but somebody has got their eyes on you and god's going to do a work in them because of what he's put you in and through everybody all right oh i'm ready to preach out of genesis 15 and 16. don't worry i don't ever come in here not ready to preach but i always come here with attitude lord if you want to do something else i'm game i'll do whatever you say if there's anything that i learned from 2009 god's god he does a good job being god amen and i don't ever come in unprepared i'm i'm too scared of the lord for that but i wonder how hey boys look at here look at here fellas and they're between them feet there's some proof laying in there you're wondering can god do it for me like he did it for him oh there's a basket full of proof and if the basket ain't enough there's a bible full of it y'all wondering man i can't believe y'all grown me in like you are this absolutely blows me away but you're right there riley and carter you all about these boys like almost they've grown up just like right just alongside riley and carter just a half a state away and you're wondering can god do it for us stand up with me just take a good look at the proof hey boys you all two ain't gotta look any further than right there right there a christian amen god gave you two wonderful examples amen you ain't got to look any further than right there mom and dad's been faithful to serve the lord bring you up in the house of god every once while boys y'all checking baskets out at your feet you say preacher is it always easy to look no because sometimes i forget to look but i tell you what when i do get down there i find something that'll help me amen you wondering if it'll work some of your basket was amen and then the preacher's ear men to go it saw him home it saw him home and it'll see you home [Music] you're wondering if god can do it do you think god let you be in all that a decade ago not to do something for you nah you didn't even understand all that you were in but god knew everything you were gonna be in and there's a basket everybody all right i'm not just rambling how many times do we have the proof brother lin you think god brought you from murfreesboro saved you like you did brought you from murfreesboro to anchor to a spirit-filled church i mean you've been part of three spirit-filled churches and most folk don't even get him one in their lifetime amen [Music] and then god sends you to a spirit-filled woman amen amen you think he just did that just to be doing it no there's things to be done and you're gonna have to look in your basket every once in a while to be reminded and maybe you need to remember the trip from murphy's birth to anchor maybe you ought to get the atlas out and just look where god's brought you from and what he brought you through but the blessing thing what he brought you to amen hallelujah i just say it this way preacher ain't no need to doubt him now no need to doubt him now what about it emily god saved a young man just for you what a god that had one for you it just saved the fire out of him and he fell head in love head over heels in love with jesus and they're going to let y'all serve the lord together oh my what a wonderful wonderful lord what a wonderful lord pretty good-sized basket in your house ain't it how about it miss linda pretty good-sized basket isn't it and sometimes it gets mighty hard to look in there but when i do there's some overwhelming proof in there that he's going to get us home hallelujah bless the lord how about it caitlyn and e.j sitting back there good night caitlyn fed me like a horse tonight what about that what all god did for you in your heart that was many years ago now he's put you together to serve the lord and raise that little boy [Music] he stood at the table tonight and he said noah pounds race noah pound race in the eyes of the lord genesis 6 8 and i thought my i'd rather hear him say that than hit a grand slam in the world series how about it brother keith a lot of proof in the basket standing up just end up hit right there look at your proof sitting there preacher boy amen yeah preacher boy yeah hallelujah proof all around us it's all around us they never forgot they never forgot i remember one night in particular you said but mark would you help me pray i had no idea what we were asking for but the lord did but the lord did and my had no idea be this good i'm like the little boy i just pray a b c d e f g and let god put it together i just pray what i do know and say god you do what i don't know amen and what are you struggling with and don't think because i'm not sweating and my my veins are not popped out and my you know my tires riding up my belly now that i'm not preaching what is it you're struggling with and brother charles the whole time the basket of proof that god gave you before he ever put you in the boat to go to the other side is sitting at your feet youngins just realize when the question marks come up am i gonna make it he's give you a whole lot of proof to get you home come here come up here preacher miss tina come come to the piano going to burn the pulpit won't you want you to say this thing yet no need to doubt it now yeah i want you to see we'll stand let's stand maybe you're like me i don't know whether another way to preach and just to be honest i don't ever want to be a preacher that makes folks think that i'm bulletproof and then i feel like i've arrived because let me promise you something i know good and well if i know anybody i know me i know my own failures my own shortcomings my own doubts [Music] kicker is this it didn't even cost a million to do the job what about how the lord just worked it out right when the coveted shutdown came that's when we needed to merge the building to knock the walls out so we just went outside in the parking lot for four months and finished the building and nobody was worried about getting back in [Music] [Applause] [Music] man called brother mike to the store he said well mike you know he said 30 years ago you gave us our first commercial air conditioner businessmen don't normally do that in pandemics what'd you do with that i filed that in my basket [Music] there's lots of proof [Music] specific situation specific heartaches and you're wondering man am i gonna make it through maybe maybe for a minute you might just pick your basket up and come in here and get your basket just lay it out forgive me for not seeing what you've already given me to remind me [Music] the heartaches and tears the lord has never once let me down though i don't understand still i'll trust in his plan for he said that his grace [Music] [Music] as glory [Music] [Music] though your path seems unclear someday god's plan will [Music] unfold he has never never failed he will always prevail our lord is still in control signature and there's no [Music] need safely [Music] one more time and [Music] [Applause] [Music] somehow he always does safely this far jesus has [Music] how many of you would admit like me that we forget to look i know i do and the problem is the problem is scott i don't just forget once hear what's there sometimes it's a pretty bad habit [Music] but the old soul writer said roll back the curve and then show me where you brought me from and where i could have been remember i'm human and humans forget so remind me tomorrow when you get up that hard day before you go out the door spiritually speaking just reach down there and get your basket and say i'm gonna make it through the day next time that storm pops its head up and can i tell you something most of us it's not a bunch of different storms it's one or two of the southern ones i'll be honest with you i don't i don't struggle with 50 different things [Music] glad you got a basket [Music] we praise the lord for his mercy to us bless his name sometimes it's good for the man of god just to get down and talk to us where we're at and tell us what we need to hear boy we are so forgive we're all so fleshly aren't we we're all so fickle i said we all are it's at times we're just so faithless we we you know i fuss at you where's your faith and then i wrote i find myself doing the same thing and the lord reminds me where's your faith then hey he's still god he's not failed me not one time i failed him so much i felt him so much but he's never let me down not one time he was talking about the psalm a while ago remind me do you remember many of y'all remember brother dean's sheriff thank you he would get him to sing and brother dean used to sing nothing good have i done to deserve god's own son i'm not worthy of the print in his hand yeah i need to sing that so remind me dear lord roll back the curtain of memory now and then show me where you brought me from and where i should have been remember i'm human and humans forget soul remind me remind me dear lord you see all of us that are saved by the grace of god we're in the same boat we're bad about forgetting but the lord just wanted to tell us tonight hey just look just look and see what i've already done just remember i'm still god and i didn't quit being god amen amen so take that home with you shake hands one with another wheel
Channel: Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
Views: 118
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: eCSBp9fZY2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 33sec (5193 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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