8-21-17 When Only One Word Will Do - Mark Stroud

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[Music] God is faithful to hear his children victories will come our way he cannot send them until we ask him somebody needs to pray somebody go get go somebody go get go [Music] see big him for mercy will somebody go get God [Music] we have a promise from Holy Scriptures one that makes God's children pray and if we seek Him while we can find him we can move his hand today somebody go get somebody go get go [Music] here we're thirsty beg for mercy will somebody [Music] GoGet god seems were losing the sage Luzi our children but there's still hope a calorie if we'll all share these burdens somebody go get God somebody go get God till he was 30 and beg mercy [Music] will somebody go yeah god appreciate the trio singing tonight I want to say this to you tonight and I travel and get a chance to preach and I praise the Lord for that but when I don't places I don't mind being away when I have to be away I don't mind traveling as long as I go somewhere what I know somebody wants something I just want to leave my family and leave my church I can't stand to be awaiting my church on a Wednesday night when I know I'm where I'm at and nobody wants anything and so I promise brother Mart and I promise you that Calvary Baptist Church once got to do something and I believe we got God's man that God won't see her and I believe he's got a message for us preacher you come on up and preach and you got the you got the service the invitation you just remind the Lord whichever way you want to go thank you god bless you well it's good to be in the Lord's house hey man I appreciate the good singing I tell you I believe that's the cry of America somebody go get God I tell you what we need him more we've ever need him we've probably got more entertainment than we've ever had amen of the best buildings that we've ever had probably the most talented preachers we've ever had but I wonder sometimes if we're not missing the greatest ingredient we need him amen what touch my heart go somebody go get the Lord a man and I thank God I'm looking for the Lord to help us these days appreciate the good choir singing a man with a buck yet all right if you've got your Bible let's open it I want you to open it to three places don't you to turn your Bible of John 20 and put your finger in John 20 then I want you to put your finger in Matthew 14 and then I want you to put you will open up to Matthew chapter number 8 I appreciate the invitation of your pastor you ought to thank God you got God's man there's a lot of pulpits in America that are filled with hirelings that are done nothing they're just to fill a place but if you've got a man of God you ought to thank the Lord for it and you got one a man still preaches on the owning power the unction of the whole ago I'm glad that's not a strange word anymore you talk about that a lot of places they wonder what you're talking about and Raven Hill said men he said about that unction he said nobody really knows where it comes from and what it is but said every man of God's ever had it knows when he ain't got it a man we're looking for that help tonight I appreciate you being here I appreciate this turn I look forward there's just I told Prichard supper you know some means you go to it's just up he'll I wish it wasn't that way sometimes you feel like you're preaching uphill backwards pushing pushing the cart a man but I take some places this refresh your spirit man with God's blessed us in the past years and we've been able to be here and the Lord has helped us and I'm looking for a gown to do it again amen so Matthew chapter number eight Matthew 14 in John chapter 20 and when you find your place I'll ask you to stand with me I appreciate some of our folks driving in I thought the in preacher ball has come to see me then I saw him sitting over of them girls and I realized it wouldn't for the preacher a man praise God a man y'all ought to just bow your head over there praise God amen amen but I appreciate well I appreciate the nuns sisters they sung for us at camp and touch of God on them I appreciate young people who want to touch of the Lord in their life I appreciate these young men brother Joel or donphan JD these men I see men other preacher's kid I love preachers children I love preachers kids I got to sometimes it's tough on them preachers kids they live in a fishbowl and everybody else's kids can mess up the preachers kids came I loved preachers kids but they be tough and I appreciate knowing I mean I see brother Lowrey back there and I thank God for and I appreciate you being here man aren't you there's some anticipation in my heart the Lord wants to help somebody these days and I'm looking for God to help us Matthew chapter 8 let's just leave quickly I won't read a lot in each text but we're gonna look at three different texts and then the Lord help me I'll bring them back together the Bible said verse number 28 and when he was come to the other side into the country of the gurgles they're met and two possessed with Devils coming out of the tombs exceeding fierce so that no man might pass by that way and behold they cried out saying what have we to do with thee Jesus thou son of God art thou come hither to torment us before the time there was a good way there was a good way off from the UM and a herd of many swine feeding so the devil's besought him saying if thou cast us out suffer us to go away into the herd of swine and he said unto them go and when they were come out they went into the herd of swine and behold the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea and perished in the waters they that kept them fled and went their ways into the city and told everything and what was befallen to them to the possessed of the devils and behold the whole city came out to meet Jesus when they saw him they besought he would depart out of their coasts I'm afraid that's about the reception he would get in the majority of our churches today but the main Saxons said years ago in the 70s back when the in the heyday of many of our churches he said back my seventies he said most of our places are so cold if you let a milk cow down the middle out should get popsicles before you got her to the communion table a man said a lot of them wouldn't know the Holy Ghost if they'd met him in a one-lane highway driving the wrong direction you better believe if it was that way when those men of God were preaching where we at today a man Matthew chapter number 14 Matthew chapter number 14 will read just a few more verses here verse number 22 the Bible said straightway Jesus constrained the disciples to get into a ship and to go before him under the other side while he sent the multitudes away when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into the mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone but the ship was now tossed in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary in the fourth watch of the night Jesus came out of them walking on at the sea and when the disciples saw him troubling or him walking on the sea they were trouble saying it is a spirit and they cried out for fear but straightway Jesus speaking of them saying be of good cheer it is I be not afraid and answered him and said lord if it be thou bid me come under the all the water and he said come and when Peter was come down other ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid of beginning to see and he cried seeing the Lord that say me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto he I'm old thou of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt and when they were come into the ship the wheels are seized now John chapter number 20 verse number 11 but Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping as she wept she stooped down and looked into the sepulchre and see our two angels in white the one at the head and the other at the feet where the body of Jesus had lain and they sent her woman why weepest thou and she says unto them because they've taken away my Lord and I not know not where they have laid him and when she had thus said she turned herself back and saw Jesus standing and knew not that it was Jesus and Jesus said unto her woman why weepest thou whom seekest down she supposing him to be the gardener said unto him sir if thou have borne him hence tell me where thou I slayed him and I will take him away jesus said unto her Mary and she turned herself and sent under him rabona which is to say master and jesus said unto her touch me not for I've not yet ascended to my father but go to my brethren and said unto them I send to my father and your father and to my god and your gods you can that be seated I want you to flip back over to Matthew chapter number 80 we're gonna walk from Matthew 8 to Matthew 14 and we'll find ourself at the end Lord helping us at John chapter number 20 years ago it was my light I was preaching at the Jubilee at the Bible Baptist Church where dr. Ricky gladly is the pastor and it was my duty that though that week I was preaching the last message of every afternoon service and brother gravid asked me to preach out of the Book of Ruth for several years there and a man-god was a helping us in that meeting but I remember one Tuesday morning in the morning service there were three preachers on that morning service and I thought my heavens or what a lineup of men we started out that morning with dr. James Jones for the pass through the Harriman Baptist Tabernacle in Tennessee and and a brother Jones got up that morning it took a Texan Ruth chapter number four had me preached an hour only one word he preached an hour owned the world until that you find in roots chapter number four but I looked at it just before church there's five instances of the word until in the Ruth chapter number four I thought that myself sitting my throat before church I thought praise God I'm glad there's enough grace until the until-- comes aren't you and while brother Jones was a preaching that morning I thought man hey man he was waxing eloquent preacher and I hadn't given us great truths out of that chapter and I thought man but one day if the Lord had helped me I'd like to grow up and be able to preach like brother Jones and then it came to sick of preach of that morning brother nun and it was brother Dean McNeese and he got up and preached the second hour had me preached on that one world he preached on the word Selah the only time that you find it outside of the book of songs it's in the book of Habakkuk and man I thought good hang tight I just heard one hour I preached it on the world on toi and then brother Dean began to preach and tilt to us about that word see loud what it meant in the book of Habakkuk I don't man by the time he got done preaching in that second Howard having the first down I was wanting to grow up and preach like brother Jones by the time brother Dean got done preaching I wonder if I'd ever been called to preach hey man I thought good night I've heard two hours of preaching they preached on two words Andy on the third preacher walked up but it was brother Dana Williams and the brother David said to open your Bible to John chapter number two and a neighbor he began to preach on that miracle and John chapter two he told us just look in that text if you go back and look John to it says and and and and and and and and I thought man I'd heard preaching on the word in teal I thought brother Dean had done a great job on the word Selah but oh brother Dana Williams said I want to preach today on this little world I called a man have you begin to talk about the joining ministry of what the Lord does in our life as a child of God can I tell you how I got saved as a 13 year old boy huh God called me to preach at 19 years old and can I tell you since I got born again in 1987 it's been an a on data and a a I'm then an and I'm glad he just keeps putting things on me and putting things in me thank God for the joining ministry but while he was preaching on that little word and probably he said I tell you what I want you to do he said open your Bible that tanks he said I want you to look at those red words that are in that text and he said aren't you glad when you open your Bible I had you see those words of Christ it's like the Lord it's talking just right directly to you I look down at my Bible I thought man I went from the first hour thinking I want to preach like that but to the second hour wondered if I was even called to preach and then the third word I look down I didn't have any red words I didn't have my red letter addition a man I thought good night I'm not even Sadie and there said anything to me a man and he began to preach to us on those that read words and some time ago I got to study a little bit of those sayings of Christ and those red words of Christ he made some statements he made some commanding statements he looked at him he said follow me in the blessing those disciples arose and they followed here Matthew 5 6 and 7 it wasn't commanding statements but neighbor he was preaching sermons a man I think somehow down the road we've got confused but we think the Lord's like those Harry Krishna boys are walking through the airports with a little a white robe on their little part little rope belt a little Daisy on their chest saying peace and just being all sweet everybody we can I tell you I believe the greatest Hellfire damnation preaching others have a bit on the this earth was not done by Noah it was not done by Moses huh honey it was not done by John the Baptist ha ha but I believe the greatest Hellfire damnation preacher there's ever been was the son of God a man honey when John the Baptist came preaching I Herod thought that listen I would Jesus came preaching Jesus Herod thought that John the Baptist had been resurrected from the dead I tell you what I'm glad I'm serving one I would he took a text to preach he preached of the power and the demonstration I love the Holy Ghost sometimes he made commanded statements other times he preached an entire message one place even made a prayer requests only one prayer request in the Word of God he ever made sinlessly pray therefore to send laborers in the harvest maybe maybe that's something we all pray if it was good enough for the Son of God to pray maybe we ought to pray that a man I think about sometimes he would question those around him they said who do men say that I am someone said well some say John the Baptist some say lies some say Jeremiah but then the Lord looked at him and said who do you say that I am somewhere along the way young person the Lord Jesus is gonna come to you he's not gonna ask you what preacher Haysom he thinks who you think of that preacher hate something soul or Deus he's nothing to ask you what the youth pastor who he the youth pastor thinks the Lord he is and who your mom and dad things but one of these days God the Holy Ghost it's gonna walk up in the gable end of your soul and say who do you say I know Simon Peter looked at him and said thou art the Christ but the son of the Living God and the Lord said blessed art thou simon barjona he said for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto you but my father which is in heaven I want to say bless the day but I don't always get it out of a book I don't always hear it from a man i'ma thank God for the time but when I open a King James Bible I'll lay it open in my secret place and God begins speak to me and God begin to reveal to me what can I say there ought to be some times when you don't have to get it from the man of God you don't have to go to the bookshelf or a commentary I'm a man in that secret place or that study it's like God walks off the pages a rares back and reveals himself under you thank God sometimes he'll question you of course Allah other times he spoke in rebuke he told Peter that same man he said get behind me Satan he rebuked man we're living today folk don't light rebuked a man the men of God that you follow they didn't mind rebuking from the pulpit and you all thank God if you've got a man of God that will take a Bible and rebuke a man a man that Bible still said rebuke them hopefully that others may fear and man-friend him sometimes if the Son of God was good to rebuke I'll tell you what sometimes a man of God a pastor but that loves you he'll rebuke your children but when he sees them looking over that time my parents looking over into the fire country he'll rebuke you when he sees you get cold and thank God he loves you another hundred he'll tell you the truth a man in America we spend hundreds of millions of dollars are going to a doctor and listen they will to tell them what's wrong and we just say thank you dog Thank You doc but we come the house of God that had a man of God opens the King James Bible and under the anointing of the Holy Ghost up against the lair so clear night and lay us up before God and tell us what's wrong we get upset we get puffed up in my head I thank God for a preacher that I'll tell you the truth hey man hey man you see what in the world - all these checks heaven come there's a lot of red words when you look at Matthew and you look at mark and you look at John you look at Luke there's a lot of those red word statements Jesus had a I like that song that song that those little three little ladies out of Alabama singing some people have picked it up it said he didn't promise us this and he didn't say that but then that chorus says but he did say but he did he didn't say a lot of things but he said enough glory to God a man you say what in the world preacher what in the world these three checks these are three separate instances what do these three Tech's have in common I'll show you in just a minute with all the things that the Lord Jesus said in these three texts there's something very unique these are the only three times in your King James Bible where you'll find the Lord made a one-word response I want to preach tonight oh when only one word will do it's Monday night of revival and God helps certainly somebody came meeting something surely somebody came looking for something it might be a young man that God's are dealing with about serving the Lord it might be a young lady about selling out to God it might be a mom and dad that are looking for direction it might be a mom and dad that need a promise of God or listen to go out and do something for the Lord I tell you what it may not come in a song it may not come in a message of a God may have one word for you it may come tonight it may come tomorrow it may come Winson a Thursday night or Friday nights it may not even come at church it may come in a phone call it may come in a prayer time it may come in a testimony time but can I tell you if you've been saved very long well you'll find yourself in a place where only one words gonna get the job done number one let's look at Matthew a notice what the Bible said when he was come the other side the country the Girgis things there met him possessed with Devils coming down better to possess the devil come another to exceeding fierce you go back to that mark you go back to the mark five account and the Bible said that that that gathering met him immediately immediately now let's think about that Jesus didn't have a press car going ahead of him he didn't have facebook lied to make announcements that he would be arriving in a tail he'd have somebody going to before and since Jesus is coming they all come down the dock to meet him we're having Church and Jesus is coming everybody okay god I think one of the greatest hindrances of revival and I may preach on it before it's over with this week I've been studied about revival instead of the life of the lives of the lice at the same time and those studies have seemed to intersect I believe the greatest thing when the hinder survival we want an exhibition we want a great exhibition when God's just looking for somebody thought the throw their self wholly upon him and let him get the gold headband I mean we want a big that we want everybody to know what God's are doing we want everybody to see when God's just looking for one man to say Lord I'm gonna live or die seekers swim hi I'm going with you listen I'm going with you oh god help us free what brought that man down he had been banished from town they had kicked him out and put him in the tombs because they couldn't control him what got him down there well I sort of believe what happened in mark 4 is what got him down there you said what happened in mark 4 those disciples out there on the boat and that storm came Jesus was sleeping behind her part of the ship a man and what happened they started going down they tried to build water all they could and all of a sudden they went down there the Lord said master carest thou not that we perish and the Lord came walking back up on the bow that ship I had a neighbor he stood up there put his hands up said something to the sea rebuked the wind and all of a sudden the storm broke I believe up there on the side of that hill I've been in those those cemeteries in those terms but they're up in the heels of those places I believe it oh boy some hours of Parra and God let him see off the side of that heel out there on the sea and right out there he couldn't tell what I was going but he saw some men are struggling and he saw the store and a bearing down on them and all of a sudden those disciples disappeared and then just one man walked back up on the Bell that ship he couldn't understand what he said but all of a sudden he raised his hands and all of a sudden the Lightning quit flashing and the Thunder quit rolling and the rain could feel a cease to beat upon that ship I believe it oh boy look then I said man I don't know who that is in that boat I don't know what that man said of that storm I'm a honey if he can do that to a storm I wonder what he could do for me I want to some of us would look and see how God has brought people out I thought today as I was looking high up in the middle that Eclipse coming up the road I thought my heavens a god that it's not powerful in creation how awesome is it nothing he's mindful of something as small as I am aren't you glad thank God look at the Lord that can calm the storm of the Lord that can break up the clouds is the God that can speak a word into your situation and change your life forever hey man you got to understand something there's three powers at work on this demon-possessed maniac there's the destructive power of Satan we bout made a cartoon character out of the devil I mean Manny's young as they kill they kill all these demons and witches and warlocks and all that mess on them games and about in time them better got prints on the devil they just think it's some joke you need to understand something he ain't playing a game he's playing for keeps a man young as he's playing for keeps hey man can I tell you that destructive power boy these two demoniac something man what better was of hell what the devil do you but to a man's life I mean men they've been kicked out of town that but the tale could do anything with them and what happened they were full of Devils you better listen to me children he'll try to destroy your life as well the destructive power of Satan but then I see the deficient power of society these society couldn't do nothing with these boys all they could do was shackle him and kick him out of town put them up in the tombs and leave them alone all they could do was isolate them from the rest of the town they had no answers what about with all the scientific advancements a week I mean we put a man on the moon today they flew NASA airplanes up in that darkness right in the middle of that total eclipse they flew to NASA airplanes and they said they got pictures like I've never been taken before in an eclipse we can take vowels out of pigs and put them in a heart and put them in an individual and they live we can put a little pacemaker it's somebody's hard to make it beat regularly we can put different joints in people's bodies but to help them live forever have a good night we can take a child out of a wound do surgery on it and put it back in the womb till it will come out as a full-term baby I mean good night what kind of scientific advancements well that we made in this world but can I tell you wins the world gonna understand but with all the scientific advancements I know that there's only one thing but they never have figured out that they can't cope with the effects of Siana oh when are they gonna realize that one can wash away my seeing nothing or nothing but the blood I'm glad there still is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's Wayne and honey sinners plunged beneath that flood but they still lose all their guilty stains and learn what the world doesn't know you and I can proclaim it from the housetops we can shut it from the pulpit or the Jesus Saves Jesus Saves but there is an efficient power of society a man an efficient power of society and they'll never be able to permanently saw the world will tell you if you are drunk you'll be a drunk the rest of your life but don't you believe that because that Bible that one preach it out of its said if any man be in Christ he's a new creature old things are passed away and behold all things glory to God I'm not a great I'm not a big time learner but you know what those taxidermists do those those are those boys at church kill those big bucks they catch those big fish whatever it is what they do they'll skin they'll skin that big buck and you'll take a picture or that that Texan tournaments will take a picture of that buck and he will make a mold and then he will stretch that hide over that mold glory to God we may look the same on the outside but honey underneath that all had but there's a brand new inside hey I can tell you I've seen them but not have to go 12 steps I've seen a port of the liquor down the drain I've seen them walk away from the dope you see how do we do that honey society can't figure it out but you and I know the answer or they praise God they level the ground it's level at Calvary and he stole the world coming to me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden I'm tell you thank God or Christ is still the answer a destructive power of Satan the deficient power of society but there's one more power it's the delivering power of the savior man I tell you preacher jesus walks up in that and he walks up in that situation I mean man ain't no telling how many times had kicked him two boys out of town told him never to come back they couldn't figure out what the problem was but 30 seconds into it the Lord listened to that devil and says hey devil and the devil said my name's Leeds and how many men he already knew what was wrong with him I'm glad thank God I mean there's problems that come in the church we can try to fix for years but in one Holy Ghost service Oh God Almighty won't see anything and does in 30 seconds what we couldn't do in 30 years because there's a discerning presence hey that devil said my name he asked him said what is the name and that devil said he said my name is legion for we are many 30 seconds and god me what the problem was are you listening notice their response he said and he said up there he said are you here to torment us before the time we ought to take time out and run around the parking lot and shout so the neighbors call the police a man you say what about because the devil's know there's a time hey man can I say to all the drunks you better drink it up can I say to all the whoremongers you all just go and commit all the fornication you can't may I say to the dope heads you better do all the lines you can because there's a time coming hey they came to the Lord trying to kill him he said this is your hour and the power of darkness he said mine hour is not yet come but you better believe it praise God there's a time and the Devils are hell no it's a weed god almighty huh it's gonna step into this world and rule and reign and they'll be defeated thank God they think the devil's know what the liberals don't want to admit there is a time coming a man a man notice my name is legion leaves in six thousand six thousand Devils in him could have been more now you had a thought six thousand Devils in that man the Lord would have had to preach a full-blown message you might have thought brother pocket he might have had to sit down and wrote a theological discourse on why the demons I want to commit suicide in them pigs off of that cut off of that cliff and kill their self in that water your the thought here to wrote a dissertation about that he thought maybe that had a conference had a Bible Conference he'd call the twelve disciples together and what should we do in this demon-possessed hour I mean surely he had a week's revival meeting surely he called the higher power evangelists with a great personality and but to preach a message of them demons that what happened maybe he found one of those real low theological words like Christology ecclesiology theology maybe he found one of them words I mean he's talking to six thousand Devils and before you get before you get real tore up bout them demons and there's more Devils he said hey he said when the devil and Lucifer fell one third of the Angels fell with him let's do a little math one third fail that means two-thirds didn't there's twice as many angels as they are demons and over in the Old Testament one demon killed 250,000 men by himself I say we're doing pretty good hey what did he do what did he do for the puck head he didn't preach a message he looked at that demon-possessed man with all them demons and he spoke right to that devil and said surely the devil's bowed up surely they fought back and didn't do what he said when he said go they win what about that praise God hallelujah and can I say some of you won't team here tonight and the devil's been busting your hide all day long can I tell you if you're a child of God this ain't charismatic it's key James Bible if you're a child of God but the devil has no authority in your life outside that which you've given him I'm not a child I'm a child of the son of God the reason I don't rip your children's they're not not young and say man and the reason the devil ain't got no say in my life have not his young and praise God I'm a blood ball a spirit-filled born-again a child of the Living God and I'm glad I serve a god that well they can speak to the devil and say oh go and when he says go they live they live you could even you could put that in when mountain talk where our pastor and just say get I understand that cutter get are you listening can I say something those Devils were witnesses to the look over in Revelation 19 I just want to show you real quickly we just give this for we ladies revelation 19 verse 11 through 16 I say this I believe this defeat is the decisive precedent of another one that's coming you ready let's look at verse 11 stand up reading yes was called faithful Hey oh yes oh we're got to get there oh yes what hold up rewind and his name was called the what what was his name the word the word not the words uh the word duh glory hey man friend you can read on down there through verse 16 he doesn't fire a shot he doesn't call a tank he doesn't raise it army holy does that to ends its sword proceeds out of its mouth I'm glad thank God the same word that made those Devils come out of that man and going those swine are the same word oh that's gonna defeat the armies of the world and cast the beast and the false prophet in the lake of fire and bound the devil and threw him in the same place I'm glad we still got the power of one word if whoa if one word can do that I wonder what all them words [Music] they're the witnesses of the power of one word that some of you been battling and been battling and been battling and you name the Lord to walk up in your soul and you quit trying to talk to the devil and let him talk that how you know what we got let me help you youngest with temptation there's two items if you're saved living in you the old Adam and the last Adam you say preacher how do I win the victory against temptation when it knocks it all depends on which Adam you send to the door you send the old Adam to the door you're going to fail but when you send the last Adam to the door he could say things you can't say he says it with authority that you don't have I'm telling you thank God there is a God in heaven that will speak a word to the enemy in your life and he'll leave Matthew 14 I'm trying to her Matthew 14 Matthew 8 those Devils were a witness to the power of one word Matthew 14 we got to Jesus put these balls in a boat sent him to the other side could it be that they never should have doubted they were going down because he told them to go to the other side he didn't say go out there in the middle and round he said go what about you go back to that mark four five and six account he put him in the boat in mark six by their self but he had already been in the boat with him and Mark forward what about the fact he never sent him without anywhere without him until he had been in the same storm with him two chapters earlier hey my glory to God put him out tearing that got out there in the middle of that boat the Battle City put him in the boat and he departed into a mountain to pray what a dispensational picture that is a man all them years ago when you got bored yeah he said well the Chris get in the boat and I'm sending you to the other side and he said I'll tell you what I'm gonna do while you're headed to the other side I'm gonna depart into a mountain to pray you say what are you talking about the Bible said he Everly seated the right hand of the Father have you ever liveth to make intercession for us you say what's he doing he put us in a boat I got in the boat at 13 and he's sending me to the other side you say what's he doing he's departed into a mountain to pray you ever feel like you just don't think you know he knows where you're at oh yes fourth watch of the night that's the darkness in the midst of the sea that's the position that's their position the wind that's their opposition it was contrary to them there's some alliterated points but I just rather preach it this way you think man the Lord just don't know where I'm at the Bible said if you're looking at mark six text it said they were out there in the fourth watch of the night he came walking to him but right before that said he saw he was in a he departed into a mountain to pray he's in the distance it's in the fourth watch of the night the darkest time of the night and in spite of the distance in spite of the darkness them the King James Bible said he saw them pull and praise God hey man that's not even what I'm getting to I'm just getting to there can I tell you what I ain't gonna be long he's gonna look down here for the last time and we're gonna be bailing water he's gonna say that's it and he's gonna come walking across him stormy waters and once and for all praise God when he got in the boat they said they were immediately at the other side mm oh yes what about that he's gonna grow up in our boat one time we don't immediately be on the other side praise God hey man hey man those demons were witness to the powerful word I'm getting there a distance from the shore midst of the sea too far to go too far to go too far to come back to Rex in the wind there's gonna be some opposition amen the darkness of the night it's gonna get dark as a child of God are you listening he said he came walking to him on the sea and they cried out for fear supposing it was a spirit and then he said he said it as I be of good cheer it is I be not afraid what about that word it be it is I that's the same Old Testament phrases I am you say I am what he's I am whatever you need and then some he's whatever you need with about four helpings of leftovers praise God hey band friend glory to God the Peter said if it be thou bids me to come under there Peter wouldn't a name it claim it guy the only way we can only way we can claim it is if that Bibles named it faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God hello I've known some great men he preaches one of those men I remembers a 19-year old preacher but Chris you probably won't remember this house maybe 20 it had been some time I we I used to get to see I think up at the Weaverville meeting when I was a young preacher ain't seen you in a while but then brother team died and we were all out there in that in that outside hallway before that service and you come walking in I thought man that's brother Chris hey that's God's man I mean I you've been around God's man for the xeno you've been around brother Edgar we've we've heard dr. Sattler pre those great men brother Mayes brother Joe I've know some great men but I've not known any of them to walk on the water the park yet I mean I know some great preachers I've got to hear I mean man it scares me to death when brother I go preach her brother Sammy Allen he scares me to death I'm afraid I mean I'm honest to god I'm afraid I'm gonna get up there and preach it he's gonna stand up sick the bark it's not the right message you say what would you do I'd preach another one praise God hey man I just stopped saying which one should i preach scares the fire out of me a man I never forget the first time I said kid preacher ate me preach along and I went up to brother Teague's they were still in the old building they had that Jubilee and man that morning brother T said brother Marcus go get up he's gonna call me naive in principle a few months he said Martin's gonna come preach the last message the morning service and on that right side on that right side where the editor was sitting right here Grady Carter was right there AC Carter was right there Z no groceries and there was CL wrote so they was 500 years of preaching on the front row and he called old meet up what am I gonna say and I was really afraid of brother because I was afraid if I said anything wrong hit stand up and correct me because I was he us are you listening great man but I never saw any of them walk on the water but I'll tell you what I have seen I think I saw all of those men because they Peter really wasn't walking on the water he was walking on a word just notice where the plot can't Peter didn't get out of the boat till he was spoken to he didn't get out of the boat till God gave him a word you say what was that word surely it was a long word but surely it was some great word oh no honey God look to Jesus Christ looked at Peter and he said come you say what happened he put his right foot on Karma he put his left foot oh come he just walked out there oh come Haiti was been fine he just kept walking on the word but all of a sudden he looked down and saw all those waves boisterous around him I and he forgot about the word that God gave him how can I tell you may never walk on the water you may never do great things public and I tell you thank God preacher Deacon Sunday school teacher bus worker or whatever you may be you can walk on a wire walk gonna walk on a word I wonder I wonder what you need to hear him say let me say that again he really wasn't walking on the water as much as he was walking on a word and he was in a witness to the power of a word Peter was walking on the promise of a word I wonder what God I wonder what what were if the Lord spoke it into your life this week I wonder how I wondered how different I'm I'm so tired of meetings preacher that in two weeks the results are done I want some young people and some moms and dads to have such a confrontation with a holy God that their life is never you know as well as I there's been some words back in there that you still walking on that word man if you pass through this church on Thielen if you try to serve God you'd run out but somewhere back care he drove up a stake in a word in your heart and man when you don't feel like it there's a word when you do feel like it there's a word when they're coming there's a word when they're leaving there's a word amen hallelujah for a word I'm about done number three John 20 maybe you need to walk out on the promise of a word maybe you need to be a witness to the power of a word John chapter number 20 and I'll be done weird weird my little piano player there's just come back come back and play that pen it might help me quit and it might not I really don't know my folks in church Amy I called Miss Julie Ann to the piano at home and my folks know that Noah doesn't mean a thing it makes them feel better about it but it don't help me none it just calms me down lets me preach a little bit more a man hey man John chapter 20 there's a little lady a little lady standing in the garden this little lady been possessed by seven devils but Jesus had delivered from that bondage he made her whole she loved the Lord with all her heart and she was hurt and disappointed her heart was broken everybody else had gone home there she was alone in that garden and I really believe with all my armor the puck yet after all that the Lord had done for her she wasn't leaving the place that she had known him she wouldn't leave in that place without a word from God what about that I mean Caesar should have came from Rome to be here all of Jerusalem should have been there Pilate his wife should have been there the disciples should have been there but what nobody there but her notice what she saw she wept she stooped down and looked into that Sepulcher and she see her two angels in white the one at the head and the other at the feet where the body of Jesus had lain now help me boys she's speaking in the - there's a slab of stone with an angel at the foot and an angel at the head you be where I was headed what about was she peaked in there she just wouldn't see in a slab of stone but she was seeing a New Testament picture of an Old Testament mercy seat and maybe the Lord was said I just want you to know I'm here and because I'm not here there's a new and living way there's a mercy seat that's never been opened under me before and listen to me can I say in your brokenness he may let you sleep down and see something whether it'll change your life forever y'all come help me just do it they'll come be my angels they'll stand right there be my angels she she came and she came in there you stand over here she came in there to talk to her this is what's yet he said they asked her why she wept she said because they've taken my lord away she said I know not where they have laid and she's talking them to Ange said I know not where they laid him you go back to read that text nowhere in that text do they ever feel the need to correct her she said they've taken my body out about his body away and said I don't know where they've laid him now they could new good well what had happened but they never said a word to correct her you ever thought why maybe they were looking past her and they were seeing something that she hadn't yet seen and maybe they realized somebody had just walked up in the garden that was going to answer every one of her questions what about I mean she's standing there talking to these angels and the son of gods done walked up behind her and they said man there's no reason for us to talk to her because we don't have what she needs but he does look at what that man you'll still rather look at that Bible jesus said unto her woman she said verse 14 he said when he had said thus said she turned herself back and saw Jesus standing there and do not was she looked at him and didn't know what was in him she didn't know it was him and these were the first words of the post resurrected son of God he said woman why weepest thou and then he said who seek his thou what about that he was telling her it's not what you're seeking it's who our problem is a lot of times in our Christian life we get caught up seeking the wat but if we'd get focused don't seek in the hoop and you find him you'll get it all now notice what your Bible said she's talking to these men jesus saith unto her look at what he said Mary that's it Mary hallelujah a practical word I mean it wasn't some long word that she had to go get a definition or look up in a thesaurus or she had to get an explanation for the Angels what's he trying to tell me I think too many times in our Christian life the answer is right there before us but we think it's got to be some great some great deep truth well he's right they're just saying the whole time right here's your answer it's a practical most of us miss it because we're looking for some subtle fireworks on it and the whole time it's some practical word he's speaking in your life what about this it just wasn't a practical work it was a personal work how many times do you think she had heard Mary in her life now there's just a way but Chris that when miss windy says your name it's like no other body saying no one else saying your name I mean man I'm just gonna tell you miss Amy says my I mean it just praise God mommy man I get the feelin good about it and I mean her daddy had called her Mary and her mother had called her Mary her friends had called her Mary John the Beloved would have called her Mary but when that Mary rolled off those divine lips it had something on it that it never had had before he said Mary it wasn't just a personal word and a practical if you look in that text he said Mary and the Bible said she turned herself it was a powerful up until that word she was focused on a - up until that word she was focused on the effects of sin and the power of death but in one word it turned her from death to life it turned her from sorrow to joy it turned them from night today what are you focused on what can't you get your attention off of and maybe God standing behind you tonight with one word and you haven't been able to turn yourself in a moment you'll turn see those demons were witnesses to the power of a word those disciples Simon Peter was walking on the promise of a word but Mary was waiting on the Peace of one word some of you don't need him to fix it you just need you just need to know that he will it's coming up the road today thank you fellas that's coming up the road today and I was talking to brother Roger Henson how many of you know the Henson family Micah Henson wrote their son that died of leukemia at 29 years old 2009 wrote wrote that song and if I had only one word Jesus and you know he's though he's he's all that matters real good several good Psalms it's told her brother hints in the day brilliance and has diabetes real bad and they've had to last nine months he's been off the road and take his part of his leg off because of his causes diabetes we were talking coming up the road today I just had him on my heart and prayin Foreman I just called him to say hello we got to talking and just we were talking about dr. Don green pasture the Parker Memorial Baptist Church in Lansing Michigan many of you've got those church Bibles and dr. green pastor the church that prints those Bibles and just last week they they moved him and transitioned him into the pastor emeritus role after 62 years of being the pastor and brother Hinson told me told me this afternoon he said when Mike we first got the word about Micah having leukemia said we were going to Florida and he said we sit Mike and the girls on down in the cars and miss Kay and I drove the RV she said we would he was saying we were just so tore up he said we were just satola we didn't know what to do and brother Hinson told me said preacher dr. Don green he said I looked at miss Kay and I said he said mama we need to call dr. green and let him pray for us they called dr. green and said preacher he said we just got this word about her son my Mike he was 20 he was 21 at the time just told him he had leukemia they said brother green we just want you to pray for us and brother Henson said to duck brother green said now Lord started out praying like this now Lord you know where the rods are miss Kay love their son like you love your son as sitting there Lord sometimes this just feels like it's too much for us to bear but let they said Lord somehow someway if you'll just work in this situation and touch that boy and he said brother as I said was a simple prayer and just said amen then this is what brother green said he said brother Roger I got through and he said I'm not a prophet and I can't tell all what the future's go home he said but for right now it's okay he said I don't know what's gonna happen he said but I'm just gonna tell you what the Lord said that right now he's gonna be okay God gave him eight more years and then he didn't even die from leukemia he died from a lung infection and brother Rogers said we were able to hang up the phone with joy and our soul he said her son was still sick but the man of God said I got through and it's gonna be okay one word okay 1950 there was a man out in 1955 there was a man soldier out in Fort Ord in California this soldier many was in love with his wife he was stationed in California she was she was stationed back home and the only way they had contact with one another was he would write her letters love notes and send them home to her January the 28th 1955 he took a letter said he took it to the post office at Fort Ord Synod never thought anything else about it little did he know that that letter never got delivered fifty years later that soldier his wife were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary they were sitting on their couch in the little living room listening to some old songs from the 1950s it used to be their songs and they they were talking about how she used to get letters from the man she loved and how on her heart and they joked about those letters that were coming they sat in fellowship and they thought man we're listening to our song but there won't be any more letters that gone [Music] what they didn't knows back in California there was a construction crew that was tearing down that post office at Fort Lord so they tore that post office down and brother nan stuck in the wall there was a letter dated January the 28th 1955 from that soldier to his husband the construction people took that letter to the nearby postmaster in Monterey California and they asked him said is there any way you could get this to the rightful owners that post office man began to work and found the right found the right records and phone books and got that letter sit sit into that family just three or four days later after their 50th anniversary that little wife walked to the mailbox she flipped the mailbox down and run her hand three days after she said there'll be no more letters she stuck her hand in there and pulled out a letter dated January the 28th 1955 she opened that letter and began to read and she said preacher said his like I was twenty-one years old again she said I felt like a little girl and all those emotions that what it felt like to be young and in love came rushing back to my heart she said we just wept and rejoiced this is what she said she said I think that letter meant more to me fifty years later then had it had come it was first mailed 2,000 years ago he wrote me a letter and this morning I went to the mailbox this morning I went into my study and I dropped I dropped them for the lead into the mailbox and I ran my hand in there and what do you know thank God there was a letter in there that was dated a long time ago and sometimes when you read the word of God it'll mean more to you that day than the very first day you ever read it you say why because in your Christian life you're gonna find yourself at times but only one word well wouldn't it be a good start to meeting some of us just found our way land alter and say Lord I need to witness the power of a word hold I sure would like to walk on the promise of a word again Lord I've been waiting for a while on the Peace of a word and maybe this week [Music] you'll give me that word that I've been waiting for heads are bowed eyes are closed for the puck yet come on we'll sing I guess this this good song or another song let's stand our feet I wonder how many of us would find herself around an altar I said French I sure would like to have a word this week I sure would like to have a word maybe you're tired of being defeated by the devil and you need God to speak the word so that the enemy will flee the devil get if you want now the boat that you just need them to say come may not walk holding the water but I promise you this if you walk on a word [Music] maybe your hearts have in trouble Torah there's peace and a word if you let him speak it to you by the pot yet singing you mind the Lord won't you come tell us the Lord it'd be a good week for you give me that word signal my brother [Music] which I need a word you may be 16 you may be 46 or maybe 86 there's a word I'm not a child of God there's light for [Music] power [Music] right [Music] Jesus loved falling is [Music] is everything so first we'll go straight [Music] whose glory [Music]
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 4,459
Rating: 4.5918369 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel, revival, Mark Stroud
Id: Z2aVIsXRm2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 44sec (4184 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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