✔ Minecraft: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Bees

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hey what's going on guys my name is Anthony like if this is going to be a very interesting video Bart anyways as you guys can see by the title today I'm going to be bringing you guys 15 things that you didn't know about bees in Minecraft now if you guys do enjoy today's video then be sure to give this video a like rating now if this video is able to hit over 15,000 likes then that would be a very awesome no-good alloy I need to stop with the bee puns fart anyways at the for me rambling let's go ahead and get straight into today's video about the new beam orb in Minecraft 1.15 I hope you guys enjoy it bees or a new mob that have been added in the snapshot face for the Minecraft 1.15 update and they look like this they look very cute indeed but they are absolutely huge just look at them bees or neutral mobs in Minecraft which means they will only attack the player if the player provokes them first so for example if you hit a B then that bee and some other bees will attack you and sting you the damage inflicted on the player by bees depends on the difficulty you're playing on so if you're playing on easy difficulty the people do 1 heart of damage and will not poison you whereas if you are playing or normal the bee will also do 1 heart of damage but they will inflict poison on you and if you're playing on Hard difficulty the bee will do one and a half hearts of damage as well as inflicting poison on you on Normal difficulty the poison will last for 10 seconds dealing an extra three and a half hearts of damage whereas on Hard difficulty the poison will last for 18 seconds dealing an extra seven hearts of damage bees have five hearts of health which is the same as most animals in Minecraft so they're not too difficult to kill but why would you want to kill a bee anyway that's just horrible I mean they're so cute look at them now let's talk about the natural generation of the bees themselves so bees that spawn in groups around their homes and they can be found in bee nests of course and these bee nests can be found in Plains biomes sunflower Plains biomes and flower forest biomes in this part of the video we are now going to talk more in detail about the bees method of attack on the player okay so bees will attack and swarm the player as a group when they are angered as you can see and the angered bees texture will also change causing the be to have a menacing red eyes as you can see seriously they look terrifying when they are swarming you just look at their eyes man all bees nearby will be angered towards the player if the player hits one individual bee or if the player destroys a bee nest after the bee attacks and poisons the player with its sting then the be sadly loses their stinger and they will die within 50 to 60 seconds this means that bees can therefore only attack you once now let's talk about the behavior of bees in Minecraft what is their purpose and what do they do well I'll tell you just like in real life bees will fly around their nest in Minecraft and if there are any flowers nearby they will go towards the flower Circle it for a while and collect pollen from it once the bee circles the flower for a while and collects the pollen the texture for the be changes to include pollen spots on its back as you can see which looks really cool it's a very nice attention to detail if you ask me oh and another nice bit of detail is that bees will have a pollen particles coming off them once they collect the pollen from the flower once the cute looking bees have collected their pollen from the flower they can then pollinate any nearby crops causing the crops to advance one growth stage so yeah the bees can actually cause your crops to grow a lot quicker by pollinating them which is really awesome after a hard day's work the bee will then take its pollen and return to the bee nest or bee hive and increase the nectar level of the bee nest by one now what does this mean exactly well I'll tell you okay so bee nests have what is called a honey level and when the bees carrying pollen fly into the bee hives it will increase the honey level by one when the honey level has reached a level five the blocks appearance will change to be full of honey the honey appearance in the bee nest will produce a dripping honey particles if suspended above the ground from here the player can either use shears on the block to collect up to three honey combs as you can see or use a glass bottle on the block to collect a honey bottle however you must be careful when harvesting the Beehive as if there are bees inside the hive when you are harvesting it the bees will fly out at the block and begin to sting the player this can be prevented however because if you put a lit campfire underneath the hive then the bees inside will not be aggravated when you harvest it so there is a way to counter it if you decide to harvest three honey combs from the bee nest by using shears then you can use these three honey combs to craft a beehive which is a craftable version of a bee nest and to craft a beehive you just use three honey combs in the center surrounding it with six wooden planks as you can see if you decide to right-click on the bee nest by using a gloss bottle then the gospel will act as a source of food in Minecraft as it will contain honey if you consume the honey bottle by drinking or eating it rather then you will get three hunger points and nine point six saturation which is pretty decent to be honest but if you don't want to do that then you can put the honey bottle in the center of the crafting grid and obtain free sugar as you can see to avoid any confusion that the bee nest and the bee hive are two separate blocks in Minecraft the bee nest is the book that naturally spawns and the Beehive is the block you can craft yourself but they both do the same function anyways let's go into more detail about the bee nest so the bee nest acts as a house for the bees and the nest can house up to three bees at a time the bees will also fly into the nest at nighttime and sleep inside the nest which is really cool bee nests are able to be mined with any tool but it will only drop if it is mined with a tool enchanted with the silk touch enchantment I said before the Beehive is the craftable version of the bee nest and as the exact same function as a bee nest but it just looks differently as you can see once again it can house up to 3 bees at a time and bees will also fly into it at nighttime as well a nice little bit of attention to detail in Minecraft with the bees is that if the player is roaming around in the Minecraft world holding a flower and they happen to be near a bee then the bee will actually follow the player holding the flower which is really really cool and it's very cute not gonna lie I mean just look at this bee following me I'm sure some of you are wondering if you are able to breed bees in Minecraft and you are indeed because if a bee is given a flower then they will enter love mode if you give a flower to two if the bees then they will create a baby bee which looks like this all baby bees that are obtained by breeding take up to 20 minutes to grow into an adult bee but the growth of a baby bee can be accelerated by using flowers as you can see and each use of the flower takes 10% of the remaining time for a bee to grow into an adult be in real life bees are actually arthropods which means they are affected by the bane of arthropods enchantment as you can see they are able to die a lot easier with this diamond sword that has the enchantment on it if you are able to attack and kill a bee in one hit with a sword then the rest of the bees will not become a grow towards you as you can see another cool little thing you can do in Minecraft with the bees is that you are actually able to put a lead on them as you can see you can even do it when the bee is angry so yeah you can have a lead on a bee which I don't know why you'd want to do that because that is a little bit mean but yeah you're able to do it and the final bit of trivia for the bee that I have for you guys in this video is that the bee is actually the second mob in Minecraft there actually dies after attacking the player with the first being the creeper so the creeper attacks the player by exploding themselves and the bee attacks the player by sadly stinging you and dying after 20 seconds which is really so hard to be honest I love bees man anyways that just about concludes today's video about the new Minecraft 1.15 snapshot everybody I really hope you all enjoyed it and or found it informative now once again if you did enjoy this video and you want to leave a like rating on it then that would be much appreciated that this video is able to hit over 15,000 likes then that would just be really awesome and once again guys if you are new to my channel and you want to see more content from me then be sure to subscribe as well to keep up to date with all my videos lots anyways guys I am going to go now because I really need a drink after making this video because oh my god it took a lot of commentating but yeah I really hope you all enjoyed this video once again thank you all so much for watching and Cheers for the awesome support as always and that's pretty much it to be honest I will see you guys in my next video goodbye bees are in Minecraft I cannot believe it [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 852,330
Rating: 4.9035859 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 15, things, you, didn't, know, about, bees, bee, 1.15, update, minecraft 1.15, minecraft 1.15 update, minecraft 1.15 bees, minecraft 1.15 bee, minecraft bees, minecraft bee, minecraft 1.15 new mob, minecraft bee mob, Minecraft: 15 Things, new, mob, features, things you didn't know about minecraft, new mob added in minecraft 1.15 update, features added in minecraft 1.15 update, bee nest, bee hive, 15 Things You Didn't Know About Bees in Minecraft 1.15 Update
Id: s9wH_JDlGvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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