100 Hours in Trivandrum, Kerala, India! (Full Documentary) Kerala Indian Street Food Tour!

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foreign [Music] the capital of the state of Kerala in Southern India I spent two weeks exploring the entire State God's own country I gotta say I loved it trivandrum is a gem in Southern India you have to go here to eat their beef parotta their sadai and their Tata dosas plus explore their temples their beaches so many things to see do and eat but you know what let me not bore you let me give you 72 hours in trivandrum this is my story let's go so this is called padmanabha Temple so this is one of the most prominent Hindu temples in the entire world and this here is the richest temple in the world I mean around nine to ten years back they open all these walls and then they find all the structures and then it became the richest temple in the world it's a Temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu and the Vishnu is uh it's an 18 foot long deity it's in this Landing I mean lying position the vishnu's idol is in line position well I can't go in because I'm not a Hindu but it is short right here you can see it where is it you can see it laying down right here this is what it is right that from where you can see the uh you know first room you can see the head second room you can see after this portion and the third room after this position all these pilgrims are going to shabri Mala it's a Hindu temple situated right in the middle of jungle uh somewhere in the middle of Kerala and this pilgrims stake 41 day brother means they are living a simple life with the prayers and thoughts of God and they are becoming God devotee and the god becomes one person that's the concept A whole lot is the main deity in shavrimala and these people all these people acts of people are going to shabir Mala during this season this is the Pixies what are we going for breakfast we are going to have some nice parotta okay and it's a nice Victory I cannot tell you hungry how excited is a southern Indian breakfast yeah okay all right guys we're going around on a motorcycle whoa I actually like it but always wear a helmet be safe look at that amount of people so many people in this city but this house South India is right like just like this lots of people you guys they're so wild they were stopping they were like in it yes and I'm excited India so we made it here to what is this fast all day good morning name of the hotels good morning because it sells only in the morning so they start serving by 6 30 and it gets sold out by 8 30. two hours wow and today it's actually open late right you said it goes yeah okay awesome yeah let's go eat I'm really hungry is really famous here in Kerala and it's very similar to aparata stay Namaste Namaste so David we are making beef here and we are going to eat this with parotta that we are making here so this person is making the Dao into this rolls and then they flatten it out and then they cook it in the pan and then you eat this with this and this masalas are going to be dropped in this Leaf real soon and we are gonna eat it spicy it's gonna be super spicy and super tasty being in the back here is a little intense you got the smoke hitting you like super hard and over here the guys are slapping the dough and what he's doing is he's turning to he's like I've never seen it into these balls yeah I've never seen like this it's a little different right that's how you make fun of them yeah I mean it's amazing over here oh I can feel it's like the Chili's hitting me I don't know what is he cooking with that what chili is that it's like a green green that's proper green chili wow it looks amazing I actually want to try it just like that pure spicy but not hot taste sauce yeah taste spicy but not hot yeah especially like a tingle you know like it starts tingling oh so much smoke I actually love it when they cook with wood you know it's awesome it's pretty amazing watching him like spin around the dough turn into a ball and what he was telling me is he does like 700 bottle does in the the morning and around 800 in the evening what 700 like this yeah so you can easily eat five or six five or six yeah I could probably like 10. we are here mixing the beef the plain beef with the cooked Masala so when they are mixed together they are now rich in red color good aroma coming in and with this they are also making parotta over there and he just flattened out the dough cook it over the pan and then take 506 dot cook parotta together and then beat it beat it to a fluffy fluffy Airy uh state for this parotta it becomes so fluffy soft and Airy finally the weight is over we've been waiting for like 20 minutes everybody's super antsy they're super hungry I mean this is breakfast of breakfast here in Kerala and here we have it beef Masala or beef curry with Baroda so this is the way you do it right grab some rip it up one hand right always so hot wow you got a little bit here oh it's like super hot chunky beef oh wow it was spicy oh so tender so delicious if you guys didn't know this is like the official dish of gorilla right yes wow this is so good it's a little hard dude it's extremely hot it's like so hot I mean you just got it off don't worry I'm so hungry I ain't eating right now I'll blow later [Music] so it for me it's not like because it's it's more like lots of layers right you have lots of layers of dough and then it really absorbs the Masala well so again the best way to do it let it do it here I only got three parodas because he's saying we're gonna eat a lot of food later take it easy don't eat too much yeah my man this is so good I mean this is like why I come to India the food man the food blows me away and you know you don't get any of these dishes in America like it's almost impossible to find stuff like this but it's tingly yeah like you feel it oh it's got a lot big chunk look at this the layers it really absorbs the Masala well it's a little more chili now I would just like hit it hard you try to get here 6 30 in the morning right play money or the black teeth it has mint leaves Ginger and some helps and this tastes so good it's hard to play so sweet too the masalas with the sweetness so my turn to try the black tea wow it's so hot chunks I actually like black tea a lot you know the chai the regular chai It's just it's very milky the difference right and guys we have to hurry up because people are waiting in line here so it's gonna finish up my portota dude I would actually get more beef but I know no it's good good don't worry um as you can see this place is packed jam-packed they open super late today that's why you see people at this time usually it's 6 30 to 8 30. yeah man this black tea delicious great combination so they only serve three things black tea and beef Curry that's it oh I could eat it a lot more but I'm pacing myself first they need you can't go crazy if you eat too much you might either get sick or explode I don't want to eat too much I want to take it easy you know yeah so that we can eat more yeah yeah exactly try more things I'm gonna take you somewhere really special so it's not far from here so just go in case you guys don't know what Kerala means it actually means the land of coconuts there's so many coconuts everywhere you can see all over the streets and what does the city name mean they don't wanna it means that the city of Lord Ananda okay just earlier yeah so that means the city of the lord of the temple we visited earlier after a quick five-minute drive we made it here to a temple now why did we come to this Temple so the name of the temple is called Temple for Durga also so this Temple is so famous because it's uh like a pilgrim uh site for women women for come here lacks of them I mean you can see on March 9th this year 2020 around five to six lakh people yeah yeah almost 99 percentage woman they are going to come here and then they make brick ovens on the side of the road and then they cook uh in the earth and after they cook the sweet dishes mainly sweet dishes they offer it to the Lord and uh you can imagine five to ten lakhs of brick ovens all over Toronto spread I mean people are gonna flock to see this I mean if any viewer is free to watch this please come to trivandrum on Marshall and then you can watch the entire day will be full with women the bricks they all want to smoke everything It's amazing And if you guys don't know what lags is it's like a hundred thousand so you're saying like half a million women come right here and they have brick ovens and they make sweets it's incredible who's just showing me on Google the photos it looks remarkable I mean pretty awesome yeah you know obviously right now we can't really see that much except the outside of the temple and that's it let's go yeah let's go and it's the official Market of trivandrum you can get anything from here Electronics uh vegetables meat uh any stuff you off you name it you can get it here so we are gonna ride our bike through this market and we will stop once in a while and then show you what there is okay let's go he was saying there's hundreds and hundreds of Jewelers here there's also spices electronics and I'm sure there's food I think I can do another another chai right yeah always always Thai Time all day long so we just stopped here to see some bananas and what he's telling me is there's like how many different bananas I know I know around 14 what I do something 14 yeah how many are here uh five righties five varieties foreign foreign I love bananas guys every single day or the vegetable and Fish Market starts from here so this is the line that goes around 300 to 400 meters we can just walk by and see what they are so here they have some limes this is used to make pickles pickles whatever we are going to shoot today we will eat it in the lunch oh wow okay and then over here we have like some potatoes some cabbage some tomatoes and this is ginger yeah Ginger okay so David here we have different types of seeds and lentils um you name it they have it I mean all these descendants are used in different varieties of Cuisines all over Kerala it's a type of lentil that is used to make disease used to make Kerala pipes and this one looks similar but this is called sambar lentil this is used to make sambar so many of these vegetables are used in making sambar say vegetable stew and this is one of the prominent vegetables that we use it is called ladies finger we call it ventakya in Malayalam lady's finger because it looks like a lady's finger it is ladies finger it's more like a witch even have Nails in it this is crazy it's like the way we fit all right well enough with that truck over here we have an incredible spread as you can see these are like separated to be like 10 rupees and 20 rupee plates just eggplant there's shallots there's Tomatoes there's chilies there's never anything so you got the ladies fingers brinjal brinjal my favorite yeah your favorite my favorite that's so good I actually like this to the beets oh it's the best like a drink like a drink yeah it's the best a type of sub that we get here it's called narulandi a road plan and we crush it and mix it with sugar syrup and then it looks like this we are gonna mix it with some lemon juice and some water and ice then voila okay you said it's sweet right it's a very sweet drink super sweet but you're saying it's like if it's really hot and you're dehydrated and the perfect yeah almost like coconut water almost the same if you're hot and you are thirsty this is the drink wow [Applause] oh wow yeah it's medicinal it's herbal you could taste the syrup very sweet very refreshing I mean obviously gas water just hits you perfectly with this heat on my other what's up in the lime the line was perfect good mix good combination I gotta say now it's like 9 30. it's really getting hot outside like I'm starting to melt and this is perfect right here it's good sweet really filling oh it's too gassy it hits you and they're hot stomach but it's cold nice sweet all right guys so we've basically been exploring this entire vegetable market now we're going to keep going make our way through to the fish market I love fish markets it's really where you see crazy stuff happen the smells you know the people like cleaning the fish yeah you see everything people come here and get the freshest fish you know it's basically like seed to table you know the fish is caught today you come you get it you go eat it for lunch that's how fresh it is I love that I hate I hate frozen fish we are now going to eat this from the second breakfast center it's called Kappa here and in English you can say it both ways which is also Yucca all these fishes are straight from the sea it's amazing when the sand is from the show I know I know I never seen it like that like with the sand how precious because they put in the sand and they sell it there and they bring it here they sell it again wow you got shrimp you have fish you have like these are like uh small lobsters like so right here we have like crayfish whoa this is incredible that's tuna right there tuna the fish market as you can see there's like 20 different vendors over here to the left they have mostly fishes ready for sale and over here to the right they have a guy butchering the fish right or he's cutting the tail other guy like cutting the fish in pieces and usually that happens after it's sold so you buy the fish say how much you want they'll cut it up and then once you pass that whole area you come over here and it's all dried fish lots of delicious dried fish wow these are like sardines they're like tiny fish I don't even know is that shrimp right there what's that I don't even know what this is like a snake it looks like a snake fish tea are you tasty fresh fish is very tasty fried but this is this is dry fish I don't like this one I won't lie I don't like it either I can I can eat the shrimp like that like a million of them but I don't like I don't like this it's good though I think we should continue let's go next the problem here is that there's like one lane and it's really made for like a car maybe and a half but because the vendors you get like stuck and you can't even go around look at this look at this traffic jam right here oh my God and this car parked here look okay no I'm gonna move now no no the move with this guy he's stuck yeah let's do this just a rock and roll I just did that yeah yeah so this place opens only at 12 o'clock but for us they are opening one hour early and they have prepared some delicious snacks for us let's go and try it out hello hello hello David pleasure nice to meet you nice to meet you I'm excited I'm so excited so this is iranera which means break time and this is definitely a different style of Indian restaurants you can see as soon as you walk in you get hit with air conditioning lots of light lots of beautiful colors I love how cozy it feels in here very nice tables and we also have you said like uh the movies from this area all over the wall yeah Malayalam movies the language of Kerala is Malayalam we have our own movie industry lots of beautiful movies and the posters are all over the place and over here that's that's my little right that's Manuel boiled water with some spices and this is boiled thoroughly so you can drink it perfectly safe taste a little spicy butter very good today let's try it yeah a little spicy not spicy like more like different spices yeah lots of flavor uh it's hot water basically boiled so you know it's good yeah kind of healthy traditionally here in Kerala they used to eat a lot of root vegetables and what this restaurant's trying to do is they're trying to bring that back bring that culture back so right here we have three different Roots we have yam tembu and then we have cassava which is Yucca and then we have three different chutneys here we have the bird's eye chili Chutney which is like the most famous one here we're gonna mix that with the cassava we also have the cashmere chili chutney what yeah and then we have the Gooseberry Journey breakfast is a she used one hand right so I just grab a little bit here spicy not so spicy nice onions whoa it is sneaking up on me okay I'm just gonna get a little more [Music] I love how dense cassava is and all these roots they're very Bland but make something with like spicy cherries amazing amazing combo I'm gonna like eat this also try on chili sauce all right enjoy [Applause] hit me in a second I put in my mouth oh my God even though it's spicy it gives the cassava such a great taste combination is to the black tea it will come soon yeah yeah so this one my father used to say that all he used to eat was that means so we also got some lime tea oh it's really hot it's still too hot though you guys love it hot I'm just gonna put it on here is that okay that's my chili what she was saying is that they don't get the powder for the dudes they they roast the pepper right the chili and they put it in here amazing and it's Gooseberry I'll try right now [Music] you sound great this Gooseberry is like almost like a small apple you know but the best one is this one for sure birds actually that was the best sweet it's fried banana spicy you get a combination of sweetness of banana so this is beef roast which is made of buffalo meat and you can see the pieces of coconut which is slightly roasted in ghee and the key and these Curry leaves are very much inviting to eat so let's pour over to the banana fry and the way to eat it you should break a piece of banana fry mix it with the beef the combination here is that the sweetness of this banana fry and the spiciness and the taste of beef together it makes this a deadly combo [Applause] so good oh man I don't want to stop let's grab a little bit get some of that Buffalo oh man it's amazing it's like more like a plantain yeah and it's sweet it's spicy very light dough and I'm mixing it with this incredible gravy still good I'm going for the goal with this woman [Music] [Applause] you're eating and you just like he's just enjoying it so much no this one is like unreal [Applause] this is Southern India right here in a play my favorite dish of the day man you grab the leaf and like no I'm joking this first morning in Kerala was incredible we started off at a temple then we went and we had some of the best beef barotas ever ever man together they were like mouth-watering yeah so good after that we went to see another Temple then went and explored the market that market was like elaborate you know so many different Lanes we went to the vegetable area we went only through like one lane but you know you could keep going and we all saw the fish and then after that we came here and we had probably the best buffalo Curry of all time mixing it with the banana fry was like the best combination you have this like you know crispy yeah sweetness crispy plantain it was more like a plantain it's banana more right and then mixing it with the curry and the buffalo buffalo was like it's super tender super like almost like buttery creamy buttery creamy salad but not spicy no that was the best man [Music] and right now I'm gonna get an Indian haircut I've got an India haircuts almost every single time I've been here and I love it I mean it's really incredible it's an experience it's not just cutting hair and shaving your beard they also give you massages they crack your neck they give you a facial massage you can do whatever you want here you guys are really amazing I think for me the best part is the massage I really need a haircut I came here I landed last night but I came here with a huge beard my hair's all crazy I haven't gotten a haircut in three weeks so coming here to Mr Barber I love it I love the name though it's really cool all right so let's go inside let's get the ultimate Indian haircut 4.0 let's go all right two-seater shot okay okay so he closed it for us yeah so for shooting purposes he closed it for us so no one's coming in here just us two okay us three actually all right my man let's do this okay haircut massage trim everything okay all right guys so I told him what I wanted I want to show a little bit trim it over the beard and give me like a super super nice fade I want skin and they use the blade as well I think he's gonna wash my head as well I think so we'll see this guy's legit though this guy's awesome he actually uh he was telling the other guy about his dandruff and uh give him something I have a little bit dandruff my skin is just dry you know it's so dry super long beards oh I can't wait for me the best part about getting a haircut is that it's so relaxing I just like fall asleep here no for real like I usually like almost fall asleep every time I get a haircut oh right there all the pressure on your head just goes away you know serving like skin skin I like your skin because then you know you don't have to get a haircut so often you just you know get that you look super clean and it tastes a while to grow you know it takes like two weeks to grow this right now is like three weeks yes that's the Indian way of doing things yeah if you got it too short we don't need to worry for another month yeah economical and this is actually one of the best like barbershops I've been in in terms of like cleansiness yeah you know there's air conditioning it's very nice yeah it's super down I think I'm gonna pay a little more than I pay in other places but I'm fine with it he closed the shop just for us I know I know this guy's awesome unbelievable awesome how long you've been doing haircuts a long time 20 years 20 years that's why you're so good I like this he's blending you with scissors now so he went with the machine slash like moving it up and away and then now he's blending it really nicely with scissors yes when you go blend with the scissors when you know the the rubber is really good yeah I don't know I know I'm bald and I'm using a lot of things to try to get better I'm actually working with a company called Irish store right now they use laser therapy to like fix it by the way you guys have to try it if you're losing your hair I've been trying it I mean I've been using it only three months they say it takes many months to start seeing results so we'll see you guys like meticulous you know going after every tiny hair that he sees coming out no it really is in India like an art form like people really like are like they're very you know prideful like of whatever job they are doing they are talented in that and they are prideful yeah I mean they know what they're doing I mean 20 years has had this shop this particular shop for three years right yeah it's great so now you guys know when you're coming down I will give you a clue no it's too hard it's too long but what's the shortened version they couldn't read it they were like what is this what is this I like it I like how people are down here people are really really really nice well circuit's sick oh so he's gonna shave everything and he can see things wow it feels great so he's pretty enjoy everywhere he's gonna shave he's gonna shave my neck It's Gonna Save above if I was shaving my entire beard you'd put foam the whole thing but because I'm nice just putting gel up here down here in the back as well right yeah awesome where it looks proper thick now the leveling almost black looks almost black the phone I can put the hair for my beard in my head looks good right so we're trimming it probably just a little bit half an inch now right now my beard makes you look really fat no serious I mean just adds like roundness to your face you know yeah yeah this is like a real trim that was like too long hmm I still have a beard but it's not shaving you know yeah it's a good uh like blend with the shape with like the skin here yeah yeah oh right there that looks good yeah so once he's done cutting my hair he just has to tighten it up with you know shaving the back and cleaning all the excess hair you know so it just goes through just going goes around everything this is gone oh yeah all right so the heck is not over I'm being a watch now oh this is another really relaxing thing you can do when you get a haircut get a wash you can do it either before or after I always bring shampoo you're famous this guy's just like the best he's a magician he should put the name board change it to Baba from he's opening a portal into a different dimension the way he uses hands is like it's really it's really incredible you know what he's doing yeah it's so like soft and gentle at the same time like takes off all the pressure of the head the other answer this I feel like a million bucks yes David's Bobby so yeah guys I'm asleep foreign oh my God whoa oh relaxing don't they have this such a this type of haircut in America no not like this no why no they won't give you a massage I mean that's funny extra it's extra uh-huh if they do it you know most guys don't do it uh yeah yeah yeah yeah I got one oh my God like here right now is like oh oh man this is insane oh I mean you have to experience it is gained every single piece of my skull the whole area of the back what happened there the orgasm right there like between my neck and my head oh right there oh just give me more how long is this massage just like a five minute massage this is great yeah I mean you don't know what he's doing but that is awesome oh my God same oh yeah oh you should see your expressions I didn't care what the heck I'm gonna just get massages every day and we came to the right place yeah so I don't know that sound that feel what is he doing I don't know it's like that noise it's noise slash air hitting here at the same time some vacuum pressure sort of thing this is like the best the ultimate Indian haircut 4.0 wow I'm gonna come back to this guy oh it's like right there guys no all right don't don't scare me whoa oh yeah what was the god's own country thank you namaskaram um but time means color so yeah perfect guys I hope you enjoyed this video whoa I enjoyed this song this is like the heck it was good but the massage and that was like a four or five minute massage it was endless this is something you have to do when you come to India anywhere you go in India go look for a barber shop but when you come here come to this guy this guy's the best hey thank you so much thank you give me a big hug big hug okay so this incident yeah I'm like oh my God I got so nervous actually I have the same bike but this is not my bike oh it's not your bike yeah my bike is around seven and today we're gonna be eating uh Satya Satya Satya yeah okay and Natalia what is that it's a massive Feast it includes 27 to 30 different types of curries and we eat rice along with these curries and there are different types of desserts I mean you name it it has it I mean everything but strictly vegetarian but you don't feel it eating like a vegetarian food because it is so massive and so good so we are gonna go into mother switch Plaza to try this so it's not a tally but obviously it's gonna look like a tally lots of different things it's gonna take us like 30 plus minutes to do it right like a long time to eat this whole thing there's a huge lime right now so probably have to wait and you were saying is the only place that serves at 365 days yeah yeah any day you come you can get Satya here okay near Bakery Junction perfect let's go inside yeah uh it's 220 rupees into two so that's 440 for two persons so as you can see this restaurant is like super packed and there's no queue you pay and then you wait around near tables that look like they're gonna finish and then you jump on it you literally have to do like that I've been at places in Bangalore like that it's pretty crazy but that's how it works we just gotta wait here and we see if they're eating once they're done we're gonna jump on their table what else we do right I mean we got here like at two we're gonna get here one guy or two it's still super back crazy I mean everybody's eating this looks so good so many different chutneys I love that little bread wow the rice there's like real Southern Indian we finally got our seat we got our Leaf Banana Leaf and now you just clean it all right here we go clean it dry it super nice and this is what you use as your plate right and they say it enhances the flavor of the food oh that's amazing [Music] and we have the ultimate vegetable mix called aviel and we have another thoran here and this is just a potato Curry sort of thing and the way to eat is this down part of the leaf we keep the rice here and when the Dal comes we use the papadam mix it together and take each whenever we like with the combination works like that this is also banana but dipped in sugar syrup so you need to eat it first then go to the chips and then we can go to it right all right after waiting for so long we're starving I cannot wait to start starting off with a super sweet banatcher foreign [Music] oh my God I was told this is the best place on it for banana chips so what I go first here break some papers mix it with the rice always use the right hand if possible and then mix it together really well and then start eating so good it's good you can always try all these pickles or anything of the choice we like but pickles work best with this pink chutney they're like Broken Oh my God it's like falling apart yeah all right so let's mix it up oh yeah this is gonna be good I love eating like this Southern India use your hands you know the best thing to do is just mix it all together let it all like get absorbed by the rice and then you go in here three fingers at the bottom hmm what a great mix a little dog very light you like crunchy and Airy so which one do you suggest I try you got one this one's gooseberry wow [Music] they all feels good just touch it and taste it let's go dessert foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign a little bit of mango mix it in oh I love it foreign oh man this is so fun it's like fun fun food after this till this time wow yeah so cucumber this one I don't know exactly what that was in the pineapple the pineapple's phenomenal so it's good that mix it in here oh wow wow to me Chile I mean it's just in his face just a little bit mix it with the rice all right yeah just a little bit just a little bit a little bit so mix it with the rice and then mix any vegetable and there's bite all right pineapple pineapple right okay foreign move it around like make it look still nice instead of mixing it all together wow [Laughter] okay mix this as well or no no no it's done somebody and the best combination that one this banana we saw at the market it was green one and we were not made it right all right so Banana right banana you can mix anything just a little more right let's make it super exciting mix everything mix it super exciting huh yeah just keep throwing things in here oh wow so we can just go all out just mix things grab a little bit more of that whoa you will not believe how to stay slime no I'm sure it's gonna be like a bomb this is like what I'm all about this is the bomb look at that bomb right there grab a little bit more of this so mix it all up keep mixing this too wow just put everything in here we do like fun look at that what is this foreign the pineapple man it's like it's like it's like straight up straight pineapple yeah pineapple puree made into a uh I don't know somehow it sticks so good because it's not like a Chutney so different right I'm gonna get everything here oh my God this is crazy look at that I don't know and all this for three US Dollars it's a joke look it's it's incredible we are not even halfway we're not halfway don't tell me that dude and then I'm gonna slow down I mean the rice is done by now travel a little with this do mixing mix it onto a nice ball what an amazing amazing experience but one thing I love about India is in the house don't eat rice without letting your inner or you have to take the rice and then roll it like this so that these sides will also get touched by food that's a Divine experience that's an experience so roll it like this and then eat wow huh just do everything together this place in here like in there I know I don't have enough let me just get everything moving out wow look at that what food tastes better sleeping rule no way dude I need you to clean you up leave yeah with that no like anything yeah I can do this I just cleaned this with my hand okay so for the desserts you gotta just get rid of all this all the excess because you don't want to mix it with the sweets I think I have a hole in my thing right here but it's all good it's all good no problem what the sweet huh bad one yeah take half the banana and mix half the python with it and have it so sweet super tasty the amount of ghee jaggery wow it looks delicious and take a piece of paper mix the other half so these two tastes completely different okay foreign Smash It Right nice oh it's hot it's hot wow okay next let's go in oh so sweet this is a combination the contrast with like the denser banana right another sweet banana this is just all sweet and what is that jacket These are nice flakes that's what I was gonna say that's like a ricey like a almost like a slimy rice you know and grab this guy after right a little bit like that yeah perfect keep going awesome so I've keep mixing it mix it the giant eats like cinnamon mmm it looks too good man banana so it tastes better so it's got a little bit and then paste they're basically cleanse your palette right there foreign this one like I brought up so much property that it absorbed this delicious now the crunchy crunchy banana strawberry dessert um that was phenomenal that was can you explain it clean it all right so so clean it three more pythons so that was one yeah I am crushing the banana with the python this is a lentil based bison called and it's super sweet no sweeter than possible and consistency is a little bit slimy like but it tastes good right [Music] I like it again start off with the half the banana right just drop it in right there smush it oh this one has jellies dude I love it it's hot it's like straight up like at least slightly delicious oh my God this is so good so there's something to get a little bit right it's like a super sweet syrup and then I get this right drop it right in there yeah I think what it does is that it absorbs the hell out of this look at this another ball another big ball it almost tastes like not banana pudding but like it's a close thing to think of because I never have a banana dessert you know maybe banana with chocolate banana pudding that was phenomenal that was the best one but we still have two to go yeah this is the third python it is called It's milk base and you don't need to mix it with anything you can just taste it it is so sweet and simple just by touching it I can feel that it it's gonna be like like rice pudding please make rice pudding that's all it is yeah oh wow sweet dude that is like extra sweet wow last one this is sort of a sweet bread and it takes slightly sweeter and soft and you can try it first then mix it with the pork pie something this is not the dessert dessert is yet to come you have to mix This Together brush it as much as you can make it so messy and then you take a bit I don't like wow it is beautiful all right so I'm gonna try this a little bit okay so this week all right sweet bread now we put the last spices spices and then this one has like it has uh yes the noodles but what do they call it I know the name of these noodles fried noodles so you just put it in here bring it up okay where's your body that's what I was going to say sweet stuff so you guys gotta keep mixing right break it up break it up it's hard it's like it's a hard one to get through all right time to try it but look it's still stuck it's hard to break all right delicious dessert man everything is so sweet that one was not so hot but I love the vermicin vermicently same here yeah so it's chapati it's a little thick it's the same like look at your body it's a little thicker than your body super sweet and you have this incredible sweet almost like pudding wow I definitely gained weight with this one this one yeah in here I know foreign foreign I guess it's uh digestive all right some of that throw it in here I mean we're just mixing all day here you gotta say it's an incredible incredible experience more so you're saying stir it right right yeah and then and then inside yeah yeah let's write that yeah all of it yeah good oh it's like a sandbar similar same thing next one yeah okay so let me see your finger then pour a little bit all right four more wow so basically you try the soups and then you eat them mixed with rice and this is what you call an Indian digestive yes that already stuff it's here man doing that my boy here is going alone there's tomato and this is uh skirt I feel like this coconut but it's not at all right I mean I'm tasting everything here really good The Sandbar man um so you close like this right yeah it ripped so grab yeah no oh the whole thing sorry guys sorry no so that's it done and then she comes and picks it up perfect done next thing we have to do is clean our hands wash up Benito whenever you have finished eating in a Banana Leaf like this you have to always hold it away from you not towards you so that the extra curries and all this stuff don't fall on your lap so keep it away from you and you are finished because hello thank you thank you from Chennai from Chennai yeah how is it compared to oh this is good this is good I don't know I've been here one day yeah I've seen your videos awesome man thank you thank you I'll go back another day thank you take care guys wow that Satya was Unreal I mean it's so good the different flavors the sweetness the bitterness tanginess I know my stomach is like oh my God and now we're gonna do is we're gonna get on the bike and go towards the beach area and we're gonna see a pallet I think right yeah we're gonna see a palace so the way we're getting around is on a motorcycle and it just made a law that everybody on a motorcycle has to wear a helmet thank God because it's been really scary again on these motorcycles without a helmet you know all right here we go it's pretty crazy going around on a motorcycle as you can see trucks bands two people everything everywhere you don't like you just gotta like really watch yourself this guy has to be a a magician on the bike magically gets to the next place so we are now at this end of trivandrum this place is called Napier Museum and we have a museum a zoo an aquarium and lots of other things right here and this museum is famous for its artifacts and things from the old age and but the problem is that the camera is not allowed inside so so like you said before this is a museum it was a palace for me it resembles a big mansion inside a park as you can see around us we have Gardens it's a great place to come in the evening you know sun setting come here with families walk around enjoy I mean nice breeze coming through right now and yeah I mean our lunch today was phenomenal you know I mean it was one of the biggest lunches I've had in a while I mean so many different tastes good enough everything else yeah the biggest lunch hour the biggest I've had bigger no but it was really cool it's called the the sadio yeah so when you come to Kerala you have to have a Sadia and this is the one place in town that serves it every single day all through the year 220 rupees each at three US dollars what a bargain yeah it was amazing amazing I mean it never ends once you start it it comes and comes it just comes yeah you can repeat if you want to but I think you get full after the first portion of everything yeah it's too much you got too much [Music] all right so what we're gonna see on this beach is like fishermen there's coconut cream for sale I mean this is like the most popular beaches where all the foreigners come to right now I don't see that many foreigners I see a lot of people that beat oh they're on the other side there are three but you just this is the last one oh the second and all that we are not going to third these two beaches are beautiful well yeah very peaceful perfect time to come lots of hotels I mean hundreds of hotels restaurants you name it they have it all types of fishes so we first started off by walking all the way down to this area which is like the smaller part of the beach but as you can see I mean the waves keep going out it takes all the water you can walk out but as soon as you walk a little bit the waves start crashing in I got soaked like four times I had to like run out of there his legs were completely sunken under the water and yeah I mean it's a great time here I personally would come here around like four stay out here be in the water for two hours relax and as soon as I get a you know get a little pina colada pina colada you can get that here okay I was gonna say I doubt it but we're sure coconut yeah but the waves are coming in look at that you can oh and as you're approaching the lighthouse you can also take a speedboat ride it's 800 rupees for 10 minutes and uh 1600 rupees for 20 minutes and that's roughly I don't know so that's like 12.24 and that's per person yeah per person right yeah yeah and they take five just explosionable so this is the rock formation okay and we can get oh digital Park so as you can see big rock formation we have a huge fence here so you can't go on to that side of the rock formation obviously because of tides and lots of waves come in and you know it's really risky out there so you stay over here you get beautiful views of both beaches so you have this beach huge beach looks very packed more touristic than this one this one's more people from the area yeah right more locals that one's like all tourists yeah because of all the hotels and restaurants out there and they're all alone wow yeah at the very end we have the lighthouse The Seer tourist season you'll saw very few this year otherwise this would be packed and yeah everywhere so it's it's High season but very little tourist is here this year two people are going too deep I mean we can barely see their heads the waves are really starting to build up yeah it's getting really really choppy there's actually two kids over here surfing but there's two kids really really far over there all we see is their heads they're easy like 100 meters out and as you can see I mean the what's it called the the lifeguards are here like hey hey get back thank you it's all the beach yeah so how did you like it oh yeah I love it yeah I really loved it I really wish we had like 40 more minutes to go up there to the top of the lighthouse so I highly suggest coming out here for at least 48 hours yeah I mean the lighthouse it's beautiful as you can see people are up there but we still have time for Sun so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do what everybody does here they come to one of these restaurants they get a beer a glass of wine relax watch the sunset yeah let's do it Kingfish is strong yeah Kingfish are strong I personally believe it's the best beer in India the Indians made yeah you know there's also some crafts the most selling beer the strong one yeah it's strong it's like 10 10 days so we came to jibon beef Resort Restaurant right here along the beach this is incredible look at this guys I mean the sunset right there got a kingfisher Kingfisher strong I love this beer it's actually Deluxe strong hey cheers my friend cheers thank you for the best day first day in corella oh man this is a fresh beer no the sunset like so David we almost all the restaurants have these sort of boxes where they keep the fresh fish in the ice so you can come here choose any fish you like and they will Grill it or cook it for you as the way you like in front of you so it's awesome wow yeah I mean if we weren't gonna go eat dinner in town I would say eat here like a huge Seafood piece look at this they got some Snapper they have this like dolphin right this is Dolphin huge dolphin shrimp wow massive and all fresh alcohol right here yeah incredible and then guys that's it the sunset already passed we're gonna go back on the bike back to TV Dundrum so we're headed back to the Capitol and we're gonna have a soup right now at a palace a palace okay 18th century Mansion yeah all right let's do it so this guy doesn't know how to go up is it how to go up the hill in a station vehicle thank you oh keep going keep going oh my God keep going oh my god oh no he has to keep going keep going keep going oh my God that was so insane he kept like going off off the street on a hill intense all right let's go to TV Dundrum so we've arrived to the Villa Maya this is like a European style Palace very beautiful as you can see incredible architecture and it's a fabled kitchen so the food is Curly's yeah and we're gonna have some coconut soup I believe it's a tender coconut soup all right let's go inside and here we go Villa Maya 200 year old Palace this place is incredible by the way this is the third best restaurant ranked top three restaurant in all of India I cannot wait to try the food I'm super excited we're here in the outside dining area it's like a jungle out here there's like three little dining spots which are more private which is where we're at so nice table seats four so three of them and then you have the middle and then as you go inside to the building there's like a lounge area outside like a Terrace then you go inside dining area you go upstairs there's like a dining area but more like seating traditional style so more like laying back laying down like on the floor you go inside side more dining area and if you go upstairs it's like a what was like a lounge right I was like a lounge like it looks like a few humidor Lounge smoking tobacco and yeah so we're gonna do tonight is we're gonna start off with this incredible appetizer so what do we have here this looks so good it's a lemon Gooseberry and then this one oh yeah I love this Varanasi Brothers yeah with Tamarind Johnny crunchy oh I love it oh I can eat like 100 of those man oh this is nice super light lime juice blue spray is good it's super light yes oh wow it smells amazing exactly so Ginger spring onion cilantro and tender coconut so it's basically the meat of the Flesh of the coconut green chili hmm oh man the flesh is not ripened it's like a little hard it's good this is the flashlight oh yeah let me spring onions why are you in the land of coconut you gotta have this dish wow and it also has the juicy coconut right so you have the juice like the milk the flush hmm and we do get a little bit of spice like a tiny bit s take the tender coconut from the shell over here so smoothly that's experience oh man oh I should have given it to you and if you can't use your spoon anymore you go in right I think he overdid it man sure but wait a minute thank you oh that one had a chili oh but you like chili and here we have one of the most beautiful appetizers I've ever seen this looks so good this is like a seafood appetizer we have a variation right so we have squid we have prawns and we have a king fish and they all look spicy looks amazing really right over here you got some Curry leaves where do we start squid it's the easiest right no bones and no no yeah a little pepper right and it's Super Fresh huh right from here that's how I like it look at how much I got here wow it's spicy I love how tender it is you know yeah super tender mm-hmm and here go with the fish hmm it tastes a little like like dry fish right shadow fight not so spicy I think the school was spicier um oh but it's nice no bones oh it's hitting me now it's spicy it's all spicy man um about that dryness to it not so salty so I'll eat in this one we did right oh this I'm gonna do it just like that look oh the shrimp so shrimp gotta go in like this yeah oh no it's only that only the tail right wrong tail perfect oh great so you're saying today butter it is much better very nice I love the prawns out here I actually saw the huge ones today huge ones but big I've never seen it that big don't like my hand you know oh this is incredible this one's spiciest this one I think it's all certainly like combined you know so if you eat in case you're happy with our services and our food yo ring the bell this is awesome my pressure just a little bit yeah okay oh well there's a pan yeah what I love about this it gives you energy this is the best thing for energy well right I hate you whoa it hit me hard right there I have a little more yeah this is the best thing this is actually what I needed because yeah yo this bathroom is amazing it is amazing are you seeing this yeah look at this little Pond right here literally no no so you have the urinals here with the pond right behind it open air and this is called what and that's where you cook the biceps because these are thick bottomed so to buy some won't burn this is probably the most unique bathroom I've ever been in by far look yeah the koi fish right here too let's go all right that was one of the best most delicious Seafood plates I know unbelievable unbelievable like the food exactly the ambience the top three restaurant in India I can't believe we didn't have like a full dinner here yeah but it's good it's fine it's fine I'm super excited for the next spot where we're going next uh we are going to the local market that we're on today morning and there's a small shop there they're selling baby chicken legs five I mean they are so tiny we are going to have it with chapati made it to the market so we're gonna leave a bike here and we're gonna make our way through we're gonna walk in and this spot actually has multiple locations where you're saying the most authentic one is the one in the market we might have to wait in a line maybe we'll see we'll see can you believe it there's a line yeah there's a line at nine o'clock in the night nine o'clock there's uh easily 25 people in front of us but we're hoping it's gonna be quick he's saying that we're like one of the only people that's two people everybody else like three five you know plus hoping hoping that that's the whole so we just entered the restaurant we sat down as you can see lots of people here everybody got a banana leaf and we got Cake Plus chicken fry got eight pieces of chicken we also got five chapatis right so let's go in there oh my God baby chickens that's delicious look those are all this super spicy what a little bones mmm spicy another marination I think there's double spice here yeah that's in the marination and it's also all this like all that let me mix it up a little bit wow so with the chapati what we do is we go in bring it up take off a piece of chicken so get some chicken right get a little bit of spice right there like that wrap it up man it's almost like if you were eating the tiniest chicken uh drumstick ever that's where it is super small chicken it's good though people come here like flocking for this place huh yeah they love this place wow recombination with Scotty it's like mixed together get some more spice get some extra Patty oh and then the gravy so dip in the gravy like that yeah [Music] how spicy it is raw chilies paste got some more chicken I'm good even though it's only eight pieces it's filling thank you there's the best doll the drumstick [Music] this was lime juice yeah a little lemonade right lemonade is that good water it is I'm messing with you dude yeah let's hope you gotta be careful guys I don't just drink any water in India bottled water always go in here keep going oh it's getting really hot look some of these guys separated chicken so they see each one yeah yeah what I'm gonna do now is I'm just gonna break up all the flesh take off all the flesh get rid of the bones so I can make a nice little taco Corrado style put your patties and patties they're a little different yeah a little different these yeah not these are the same and they're also very small I'm trying I'm trying to break this up it's not so easy especially one hand you know you gotta go with the one hand action always foreign guys I am done I don't need to eat all that we're gonna have more to potty if I wanted to parties have a little bit of gravy just like I guess clean my palette really teams on the spice gravy and it's chicken gravy this chicken beef butter no I'm not eating that yeah I hate that when you're done you boil the leaf always cold this way right get it all lock it and then take it straight in here there and then you wash your hands and this is in every Indian restaurant every single place they always have a place to watch yet usually in Southern India they have a place like like this it's always a place where you can wash your hands before and after you eat mmm the Chili's Hit me hard man yo I think I had too much you have at least 170 rupees it's for the total combo five chapati eight pieces of chicken and lime juice all right what an epic night wow I can't even believe everything we did we did a lot of things lots of things we started off at the beach saw the beach had a beer incredible Sunset I highly recommend going out there and spending at least a night out there you know a little hotel relax wake up show the bees drink eat spend a couple of days spend a couple of days relaxing yeah that's what you see a lot of people doing a lot of Europeans there yeah lots of Europeans and then after that we came over here and went to the third best restaurant or third time in India yeah I can't even believe it I mean if I would have known that I would have just went all out and had a full-on piece but it's all good I mean the food we ate there was delicious started off with a small little appetizer yeah and then we went on we had the coconut and we also had some of the best seafood spicy Seafood before that Chennai had some amazing spicy Seafood but this is like the ultimate spicy fresh to refresh yeah I love the squid all the prawns so buttery I mean huge lime we waited like 20 minutes it can't like lie it's like 20 minute wait huge line once you got down you sit down you're served in a minute and then you get like either medium right large so or so small medium large so the prices are there very easy very affordable yeah very spicy very spicy very spicy non-stop huh you know how to get there I don't know no no no no but I know they obey that became in the morning yeah and today we're actually leaving the Capitol and we're driving north to kiliman kilimanu okay and we're gonna have breakfast there we're gonna see a rock sculpture the most traditional breakfast you can get in Kerala the most recent breakfast what and right now we're like on the way we have like a 30 minute drive so before we start we're stopping here at a you know a roadside tea stall yeah we're gonna have some delicious tea and we're gonna try something that his wife made for me what what is this first thing you do every single morning in India you go to a tea stall and you get some delicious chai and here is called they pour the milk in one glass then they add the black black tea and then they pour it like that up to one meter high so it becomes so frothy and the milk mix blends with the tea very easily so it tastes better yeah it's like a spectacle you come you order you watch him do it right right well it's amazing wow and what do you have there for me it's called each district has its own name but here it's called cereli This is Bailey's smells great and this this roll is made up of rice flour jaggery and sugar with a little bit of meat so sweet and it's steamed there is it's perfectly healthy so here we go I'm gonna try one oh wow did Johnny makes it so sweet they're super Gents sweet ball oh amazing I'm gonna dip it is that doable oh my God what is sweet delicious snap [Music] this is really I'm having almost like a sugar stick you know foreign I don't know what you did man so good [Music] you're a mad Indian man how much do I owe you how much do I owe you how much 24 24. so what is it like uh eight each oh it's too nice the tea is amazing amazing amazing oh man day's starting off great that was one of the best chives ever for real cinnamon cardamom oh so good it was so good I mean I'm happy hey man I mean that was like we're so lucky right on the spot random Sport and the tea was amazing eight rupees for that tea whoa wow I could have had a third I had two but yeah you can I have tried all day long so we are going from trivandrum town towards kilimanu so this road goes straight to kollam and at kilimanu we are gonna have breakfast and we have a lot of things to do there there's a big rock sculpture it's very famous in trivandrum now so we are going to visit that too so these are the two things that we are going to do in climate road is called MC Road it runs parallel to the proper Highway that connects India from Tamil Nadu to India uh to Central India so these two Road runs parallel so these are the two main roads of Kerala and now we are using this and in the evening we will use the other one and basically um this is like a highway right so it's a highway and you can see lots of jungle here this area is pure jungle I mean before people you know started exploding in population here this was completely jungle you know probably a little past going through here and there um but yeah I mean it's beautiful and right now the reason why there's almost no traffic is because it's really early it's only eight in the morning yeah so you know two in the morning and uh yeah I mean it's a very nice spot I love the breezes coming in right now coconut trees everywhere banana trees everywhere I mean that's what we're seeing right a lot of tea shops lots of like small um eateries and stuff yeah and some nurseries as well like Gardens yeah Gardens lots of gardens lots of gardens you do right I mean yeah yeah here in South India I guess because of you know the jungles again you have that right wow so many banana trees so many so we have reached kilimano uh it's around 30 kilometers from the Toronto town and our back from was doing this around eight kilometers over there so we are gonna eat it's a small town you cannot call it a town or a city it's a Township it's bigger than a village but not as big as a smaller City yeah yeah okay so it's like you know three-story buildings lots of retail on the bottoms commercial space you have vendors selling clothing books food nice spot I mean but this small right like one main street that goes through yeah but that's it it's also a palace here that's the palace incredible we're here we are here we got lost and we couldn't find a spot so we had to turn around and we finally found it it was an extra half an hour but we're here can't wait man I'm starting let's go let's go yes yeah he's ready come on he's ready let's go so this is this is the most traditional food you can get in Kerala and people used to boil rice the night before then permanent I mean salted environment permanent and have the next day like this it's lots of things we have the cassava which is Mash we have the pickle this one is Gooseberry pickle we have the curd we have a surprise here this is birthday chili onions and coconut chocolate and this is [Music] whoa that that is super spicy so when we mix all these things together this makes a proper proper meal and we can have it either with fish curry or fish fry or anything like that but this alone is one kind of coffee the cassava mashed cassava the curd the pickle this is the rubber side chili fried onions perfect Chutney you need to mix everything real good I mean use your hands really well don't leave anything behind and don't stop you might you might get tempted to stop but don't stop how it makes everything really well that's what the honor of this shop says mixed everything really well then only you get the taste of Pagani take it like this with the water and everything and then hmm oh oh man then you take some bit of fish curry and [Applause] it's too good right it is good what's your reaction oh this is not only stays here but the mix Fishery here we go my turn go in bam oh my God that is nice nice and cold oh so what is this um my hands super dirty all of it mix it up mix it it's just amazing no it's not it's not mixed at all right yeah right some side skin boosting them in yeah yes keep mixing it in this is really incredible man this is soothing this here is something yeah so I gotta go like non-stop until it's all like mashed together okay so keep going and by the way this is only 60 rupees for the fish curry and this this 60 rupees can you believe that that's like less than a buck all right so am I ready or no not really yeah ready the wall hmm this rice is unreal a little spicy oh wow what a dish so now what he said to do is get a little bit of fish right let's bring out some fish look ma'am um well it's saltiness combination with the rice and the spice hold it got it so just make it as dirty as I can so here we go by the time we finish this should be arrived should we all run my God that fish it's too good man oh it's spicy spicy I'm really enjoying this no sponge in here right yeah that might be some spines yeah found one yeah be careful the spines guys so but you have to pour more right [Applause] wow uh what a combination this is great bro this is so good they usually serviced with chilies because we're here late they're almost out right so they only had one two to go so he's gonna get it crush it [Music] guys don't crushing no then you need bite can we bite yeah a little bit yeah I'll put this aside here a little bit [Music] um oh my God question and over here we have some chicken right this is local chicken got some bones so we should do try to get some of the meat oh wow dude gravy go so well wow man this chicken is so fresh I'm gonna tell you the chicken in India is my favorite because it was you know raised today Farm the table basically right to break out some more chicken care for the bones lots of bones in this chicken separate to the right yeah um really for chili [Applause] chicken chili man too much mix it all together right oh it has to be red delicious spicy so many flavors so many combinations I love the texture of the grains like the rice different right fermented rice is so different [Applause] nice cassava throughout oh what is this pretty spicy oh Mercury nah I like the spice so I'm going with chili hmm I mean this is one of the spiciest cheese I've had in India unless you need some more cards it's got instant killer oh wow well that bird really like lowered the Heat so basically this was a traditional breakfast people used to have at home where everybody has it at home but then they finally brought it to restaurants no one thought it would do well because it's a messy dish you know and it comes down your chin lots of water um every time I bite I have a little bit of rice a little bit of fish a little bit of cassava um we need to break it up put in really crush it so I'm not gonna just have like a lot of rice you know whoa dude support everything right for Mash oh that'd be great safely fun when you drink this is the chicken look at that so soft so nice I promise we had the instant kill uh yeah um yeah but still add the curd oh this is too good um the chicken [Applause] the last thing I have to do is get some of this chicken curry gravy and let it drip into the plate like that right it's a mix it's got a really you know fuse the flavors together then get a big chunk right like that wow that's it another combination of sour salty and spicy they're here a little more salty sea salt man put it right here what a dish all right so I'm having one last bite but then what I have to do I mean man's so messy let's go watch it this is how you wash your hands in restaurants like this right so that's the first part right but then you get some soap so I only used one hand so I don't really have to wash the other hand right all over yeah keep going we'll mix it and we rub it really well always play your hands before and after I mean it is so spicy you would accidentally rub your eyes and you'll be like and that's how you wash your hands before and after a meal here in India my friend thank you oh thank you I cannot believe how affordable that dish is 60 rupees probably even for the extra chicken is like 20 Ruby total cost is like 150 rupee yeah wow wow what a meal that was a super super spicy dish I don't think it was so spicy I think having that killer chili yeah yeah was the brutal brutal part of my meal but you saw a small hotel it's like a super small Eatery very local one big table there and then in the back there's a family table where the family is actually eating and yeah that's it I mean you should definitely come here when you're on the way to where we're going now which is actually the biggest rock carved bird places called the janayo it's the name of the bird the reason it's called it's Sunday is because by building the sculpture the big sculpture of the General in this rock they have prevented mining not only in this area but the neighbor Hills also we just parked here at the jediu yet Center and assuming Parts we're giving a little slip it costs 20 rupees for two hours apart yeah not bad not bad there's two ways to get to the tops of the bird sculpts you can either walk which costs 250 rupees or you can take the cable car which costs 450 rupees each round trip and that's like six dollars and 30 cents USD you can also do Adventure Center so you can go like rock climbing 500 a person or you can do a heli tour for 2400 a person which I don't think is bad at all it's like something like what is that it's not even about 30 bucks 30 each not bad all right so let's get the tickets yeah David this is the entrance there are two ways to buy it inside you can go through that walkway or you can go to the cable way right over there so here we have a waiting area there's a cafe there's some seats you can chill here and wait for your turn to go on the funicular there's three cards each one fits eight people so 24 people uh they don't wait for 24 people I mean if there's a few people they send them up this is it we're going to the cable car oh I'm excited bro I love this let's go oh this is exciting this is super exciting this is really fun I've done it in Korea but as well and lots of places this is it the cable cars so it takes around like five to ten minutes to get to the top as you can see lots of Boulders over here to the right we have the helipad and we're over at 1 000 meters above sea level this is beautiful lots of wind coming in it's really dry right now really hot a lot of the cable cars right here green and there we have the bird so it's the biggest bird in the world biggest rock sculpture Bird Rock sculpture in the world wow it looks massive huge it's massive and right here below us we have the walkway and what they're telling us it takes around 30 to 45 minutes to walk all the way up the only problem is it's really hot you'd have to purchase a hat they actually have hats for sale downstairs they're gonna have put it on and walk up it's a pretty nice hike I mean I wouldn't do it just for time constraints you know we're gonna take the funicular I personally like this better lots of views yeah you know the breeze this is awesome David get ready to shoot and roll not rock and roll what a bird That's crazy dude and this is it the biggest bird sculpture in the world this is a massive look at this beast and from here we have epic views over avakirala lots of wind lots of sun and what is the story behind this bird actually this bird is dedicated to women's safety and honor so in the Epic the wife of Lord Rama was subjected by Ramana all the way while objecting towards Sri Lanka his home he was stopped by jediu this bird and this bird tried to stop ravana but ravana just cut the swings and then leave him here and when Rama came looking to see the thought about and he just died on sport revealing that see that has gone that way this is the sport believed to be that was foreign when you come up here what you can do is walk around the ground and then come out here to the amphitheater from here you get beautiful views over all Kerala and a really good view of the bird you can see its wings you know the claws at the top the big what they're doing is they're actually constructing the inside so in the future you're going to be able to go up into the eyeballs you're saying right yeah and what else they're building there is something else like a theater in there this is the theater but the inside in the Kentucky the museum and it's going to be a museum and a theater inside [Music] himself when he came what [Music] I don't know is the myth right it's a legend it's a legend it's a legend legend and I mean from up here you have incredible views but the wind is insane insane I mean the wind is crazy right now like does it stop coming I can't even hold the camera it was made by he's an artist and for the next 30 Years this he's going to be the owner of this property and after that it's going to be transferred to the government the sculpture is 75 feet tall 200 feet in length and 150 feet wide the medium of the sculpture is concrete we actually got exclusive access to go up into the bird to see the view from the eyeball let's go this is really incredible wow such epic views this is a bird's eye view literally well so we have a temple here just beautiful views really really gorgeous I love the way you see all the rocks and you see the claws so close up here the claws both coming up one's bending obviously he's dying here right from here man it's amazing amazing we saw the bird and now we decided to walk all the way down to the parking lot and the reason I decided to do this because I really wanted to experience this there's a lot of wind right now the sun's out for so much nature it's really beautiful here and yeah I mean we had an incredible morning right we started by starting with some tea some chai in trivandrum like like right outside yeah right delicious chai came to kilimanu we came to kilimandu and then we tried some delicious that was so good so spicy though I still feel it in my stomach right now that's why we're walking that's why we're walking walking it off right and yeah I mean after that we came here we went up in the funicular all the way up to the bird beautiful bird I highly suggest seeing it the biggest bird sculpture in the world it's brand new 2019 they opened 2018 they finished it and yeah this is really incredible incredible incredible for incredible India incredible India this is the most popular restaurant here and they serve the most traditionally awesome Cuisine Kerala Cuisine and they have almost all types of food available here mostly non-veg and we are going to eat meals with lots of different types of curries which are locally made by women inside the kitchen we are going to see that too so let's go all right here for this road this is like the main Highway here be careful oh so we just entered the kitchen as you can see right here we have some dried fish we have some super hot chilies onions we have this huge pot I don't know what's in there but it looks really spicy and over here we have tons of pots this is fish curry right here all right so we got way deeper into the kitchen and here we have a few guys making parotas as you can see they grab a dough they throw it around they stretch it out they cut it and they rolled it up into these beautiful balls and you walk a little more and they have these humongous pots lots of seafood here right here we have wow this looks incredible it's like calamari it's good with the coconut mix it's the head of the big fish it is made into a big Curry so you can this sold in a big plate and you can have it I mean we just saw him serve it pulled out a humongous head through a lot of Curry on top looks incredible I mean every single dish here looks phenomenal lots of seafood lots of non-veg food so I'm ready to start eating I think it's time yeah I want this we will get the squid for sure making rice and all other vegetables in bulk here so almost all the work are done here now that's the question that they make rice look at this the size of yourself and the size of the the wood fire burner I mean I mean the wood fire is just too much I can't be here for more than like a minute this is insane so hot that is humongous pot each pot gets smaller and smaller but the rice one is ginormous yeah oh look at all the wood fire it's the most traditional way of making Kerala food yeah wood fire in traditional Earthen pots I mean it's the most earthy way right she's gonna Stir It so David this is the prawn fry so the marinated prawns are just poured onto the hot oil and it takes around four to five minutes to cook and the cooked prawns are ready to eat here now so let's dig in yeah yeah right now too hot but you can take this one we have a little one oh my God nice delicious Curry man the Masala Masala oh my God buttery Prime they're crisp in the outside it wasn't fried too crazy no it's not a huge layer of fry very little so this is so this is made of and coconut and this is really tasty really loose and we can mix it with fish curry underneath so we have an also vegetable curries here we have tapioca cassava with rice we are gonna mix the rice with either Dal or lentils or sambar or something like that or you can use fish curry so we have chosen a lot of non-wish items to accomplice fish curry liver chicken curry duck so we are gonna wait for that in terms of seeding here there's one big dining hall but there's also family rooms on the left side we're gonna serve it there but it's completely packed over here it's pretty empty right now it's a great spot I love this bread lots of rice tons of vegetables can't wait for the non-veg I'm excited man the shrimp prawns the oh my God the squid the squid looks phenomenal the duck too much good food foreign and just mix everything together and have your first bite without anything and there is no rule you can have everything at once I'm gonna take one script a little bit of Curry some veggies and then mix and match this is good the coconut I don't know I am so freaking excited I cannot wait to eat right now look at this squid shrimp duck fish liver dude I'm just gonna go for a little liver like a little liver foreign [Music] all right let's do this bro mix it in I love this what's delicious first bite so now let's go in right yellow shrimp I'm gonna sit in here if you've never had spicy sweet food you'll be in shock it is so freaking good it's the ultimate yummy yummy dish it doesn't matter if a squid it was fish or shrimp but I suggest green shrimp um image what's this one doc right here Doug so I'm gonna just try a little bit of duck Alone um I love the gravy it's more like a greenish gravy right a little different not spicy it's not spicy at all just want to grab a little bit of duck black pepper black pepper curly black pepper rice you should have got this one right yeah it's great time it's a good time oh just mix it in right so mix in the squid are you done mixing I mean for this I was just keeping a light because you only have a limited amount of rice you can get more rice if you want but you don't have to do that right squid time yeah the coconut like overtakes every flavor you need dry red chilies Curry leaves dude what is this [Music] so fresh good job it's in Frozen this one is very like softly straight look at some of this what is this like take the fish gravy yo because fish is well tasted with the salt and then mix it thank you okay it's good you got some of this fish gravy you said it's gravy fresh gravy I just asked for the game oh man coconut gravy wow this one chicken this is wow okay so I got some bones in here so what you do is you go in and you start taking off the flash 90 bones good though spicy this one spicy the redder it is the spicier it is this is a tiny chicken lots of shiny bones just move them all out right there all the bones mix everything with the cassava right no bones no bones no bones yes right here oh my God what a blend like flavors all over the place I think my favorite so far it has to be a squid go ahead and here we have fish here we have some pretty little pressure palette I mean cleans your palette oh that's a strong one I actually need some rice calling down right so it's fish fry right the backbone did you go in here oh like that okay it's like a fish stick yeah it is the lipstick do I mix it same thing yeah anything you can't do anything I like this no rules oh my God and salty has this barbecue Smoky taste to it that's the wood right wow oh my God guys this is like in the combination of flavors the best thing to do is get some of this and just go on to that right now make it spicy I like the spice what about the spice that's why I came to South India um so somebody here right my hand all right and then you drink it that was like spicy and sweet at the same time thank you man you want a meal what a meal small paper chicken oh I mean the egg yolk is full oh yeah yeah I expected wow that's good that is good chocolate egg that's like the best hard-boiled egg I've had in my life ah you know what it is because this stuff is so fresh everything is farmed in the area yeah that's it I know they literally have Farm outside um oh yeah tasty not spicy at all I mean it's light yeah I know but I feel like all of the flavors are blending now that's the problem it's whoever man oh the liver you're saying it's not his liver your kidneys no I think you even have the heart there yeah let's go in keep eating what I mean stuff like this I almost don't kill forever because of the freshness you know you always never feel full I'm like a bottomless pit coconut and chilies [Music] [Applause] dude I think I'm done with the rice but I'll keep eating everything else problems right spills you up fast you know yeah another four leg s oh wow the whole thing's job is that possible I don't know it's really weird you know like this is the cross mix it spicy of this tacos is awesome wow I cannot believe we almost destroyed the entire thing I mean I'm being really really poor about to say this is one of the best meals I've ever had in India this is so good so delicious spicy lots of flavor the coconut aspect the coconut all over the place wow what am I doing right now is I'm gonna grab the rest of this delicious squid the rest of this prawns mix them here get a little bit put them over here in the rice where's coconut there it is coconut with chili get a whole handful like that really just mix it up so you just gotta keep blending it all together right get a good ample the best thing ever ever and the chilies coconuts wow they're just going with oil on everything the one place you have to visit when you come to Carolina here so once you're done with the meal here in Southern India you have to fold the Banana Leaf and always fold this way right fold it get it all you're done pull it together right or like this yeah yeah together and from here straight to the trash so right here in the back another trash throw it away right there done and over here you have a place to wash your hands what you do obviously so before and after a meal always wash it up try to get rid of everything because you don't want any spice in your hands if you touch your eyes it's gonna you know pick up it's gonna be in your eyeball sorry it's freaking Spanish dude done wow that was good I think I have to come back here tomorrow what a meal it was a grand meal it was like it was the grandest meal hide I mean I have to say this is one of my favorite meals I've ever had in India so we are at kilimanu so this road connects This MC road to the proper Highway and once we reach the highway we can quickly reach wakala how long uh about 45 minutes not bad not bad and what's this place called kilimanu so it's this Junction that we are going to the side take the side road to the highway we've been on the road for about 45 minutes and I think this guy was wrong I think it's a little more than 45 minutes because it's we're still like away from the beach and we have to get from this highway and go all the way to the beach and then find our Airbnb then it's gonna take a little more time right but what we're passing through is a lot of different small towns lots of them I think we passed like six or seven and this is like the main Highway which here in Corella this is the highway it's basically like a big road that goes between each town right this highway connected to Central India Mumbai a long Highway wow so it connects yeah all through Kerala and several States and then reach Mumbai I mean and of India is through the snow half of India is connected on this road yeah wow and as you can see I mean really really hot right now lots of bush I mean this is just a pure jungle you have you know pockets of like towns and you have nothing for a little while like you know little like Shacks some people selling stuff you have some houses some buildings some Billboards but that's basically it palm trees so got lots of coconuts yeah lots of banana trees and lots and lots of sun like never ending Suns I actually like need to get away from the sun because it's like it's too hot it's too hot too hot so we should be in varkala in the next like hopefully 10 minutes no no no no no 15 to 20 minutes 15 20 more yeah man the hottest guy say 45. I don't know we uh we went the wrong way for about 30 minutes we had to go back and then find the junction and go right to varkala the biggest issue was that it said to take a certain road but there was no signs and what we did we turn our GPS and we saw that we're really far so we turned around oh man we're trying to make up time but it's really really difficult it's too many cars too many motorcycles people walking it's just crazy but we're almost there we're about 16 minutes from our Airbnb and we're staying at Airbnb on the cliff so barcala is like beaches and a cliff right yeah and we're staying up at the top and that's where like there's restaurants you said there's a lot of things up there there's some restaurants this is very touristic touristic incense that it's a lot of Indian tourists right not just foreign turns all right guys so we should be at the Airbnb soon hopefully we get there in time [Music] so we're almost at barcala we're about like four kilometers away and we had to stop here for a train to pass I mean it's like a billion people here really long traffic jam [Music] oh my God they're closing the gate for the next train ah blood boiling jumping onto the car we're here we are almost here all right so made it here to the barcala helipad so it's this area obviously H right there for the helicopters you can park here and my Airbnb is right down here we actually have to get the bags and go down there somewhere so as you can see we're going through a tiny tiny Alleyway around all these houses Resorts and I think mine is this one JetBlue Resort you can get together it looked like one of the best places by The Cliffs let's see so we're going how high can you get that all right so we made here the barcala and I'm staying here at the Palm Bay Beach residences looks like a great spot like a big house lots of different rooms I'm staying in a really nice room with a king-sized bed got a really nice bathroom they also have an apartment and they also have like many other rooms I think they have like 12 rooms in total today we had one of my favorite Indian meals of all time I gotta say thank you for taking me there everything was so good the entire experience I mean the manager was amazing he took us to the back we saw them making all the different fish amazing kitchen I mean the kitchen whoa the kitchen was crazy yeah it almost felt like going to the golden temple no I'm joking that's not that good not that good that's not good but it was really it was epic it was really epic I mean all the huge pots you see them cooking you see the wood the fire the smoke the smoke and the experience of eating all the different foods it was like it was like a southern Indian tally I know it's not a tally but it's what it felt like huge Banana Leaf lots of different things there my everything for sure for sure it's good squid in this room it goes to like I could have just taken the shrimp put it into like a little jar and eat it on the road you know like just keep eating yeah yeah and then yeah man we had an awesome drive out here and yeah so tonight what we're doing is we're going to be exploring varkala Beach The Cliffs we're gonna go eat some food I think we're gonna start off right now with some delicious coffee where are we going my man we are going to a place that sells amazing Cardamom Coffee so let's go try that this payment is like the shopping area of for tourists so both the site is fully packed with restaurants and shopping centers people come here to buy all the time mostly tourists and we can find these sort of steps right along this beaches I made these Cliffs and when you step down you'll reach right to the beach and it's a perfect location for any tourist just to come buy souvenirs buy stuff go to the beach and then take rest so right here we have the steps that go down the cliffs right because that's all the way down go to the beach beach looks beautiful this is more like a it's like a boardwalk on the cliffs with restaurants and shops yeah coffee Temple yeah right here right there yeah right here so this is coffee Temple and as you can see it's like an open-air restaurant but they're famous for their Cardamom Coffee it's like a really really black coffee oh my god oh it's gonna be strong wow super strong taste the cardamom but I don't know if I can drink this whole thing right now it's 4 30 in the afternoon actually served with milk so this is a black coffee that's why it's so strong so today we are not serving we are they are not serving the milk one so we are really bad I mean for me Bill coffee is my favorite you know once you add in the sugar the taste of cardamom comes out well that's the strongness of the coffee is a little bit Supply so this is straight up like a chill Beach Town very you know it gives me like an impression of like more like a hippie town right like Rasta laid back it knows that the hippie Street yeah okay okay the street yeah I'm sure man I mean this is really cool about this part of India is that you're literally like right on the street with the water right there yesterday we're another Beach and the beaches you know right in front of you obviously here we have Cliffs a little different but I love the setting good coffee I mean I would love to have this in the morning maybe tomorrow morning at six in the morning we'll have one of these yeah and then you can come here you can eat you can walk around that's basically what you do here so we found a shop here that's selling scarves shawls and what we're going to do is we're gonna look for something to cover my head because I'm burning up and it's really hot it's gonna get hotter as the days go by that you think it's good if I want something like traditional you know something cool do you need something important soup without our need s fix up you mean fake how much does this cost 700 and we also smaller ones how much for this one this is in Kashmir wool it's either silk or wool you are seeing them the silk is fine because silky goes through but it's more expensive whoa it's really hot I don't need that Cotton's fine dude cotton yeah I didn't really love the stuff there I mean silk wool silk is nice cashmere Kashmir was a little crazy in this temperature man no I don't want people I just want something that that I like you know that I love oh please right there no downside okay thank you thank you thank you man 450 200 200. so I'm still looking for a headpiece because I'm boiling right now guys this is like a super hot beef I'm finding shawls but they're really really expensive but obviously where we are super touristic so I mean I can't really trying to go straight too bad saying 450 we are going to reduce it to 250. I said 200. you'd like to see some more just want the headpiece yes for the cheapest I want the one you showed me [Music] yeah that's better right yeah so how do I put it on my head it's like it's happening but yeah let's go yeah yeah if you want to get full cover you can tie like that I'm just like yeah come here dude help me out come on guys I will do it look at that right like this okay whoa [Laughter] I'll be very happy come on and this is such a nice one you can wear at home as a scarf 380. [Laughter] so you like it do you like it or not very much I need to take a photo when you come to varka you have to come to this road obviously it's very touristic but it's a must do you come you get some coffee you walk around you do some shopping if you want to you can negotiate like I did I really didn't negotiate that much 50 off that was like nothing nothing like I ripped me off I know they start really high you should go really low but it's all good now we're gonna do is we're gonna just leave the boardwalk go down lifts all the way to the beach let's go down so we have the stairway wow man it's high we're really high wow beautiful the sun's gonna stay in about an hour let's go down there that was quick it took less than a minute Beach nice wow what a beach super wide very empty no comparison to other beaches usually when people come to the beach everybody looks at the sea but here you go to the Sea and you look back that's where the beauty is wow so let's go and we made it to the Arabian Sea but the best thing to do is walk all the way out here and then look back and see the beautiful Cliffs look at that the only scary thing is that there was like a landslide over there really scary actually it is still really scary we should be careful while standing at the edge I mean you walk all along the beach and you can see different forms of cliffs all over the place so we are going to walk through to that place so that the cliffs are more Cliffy I mean it's more Jagged edges yeah Jagger is just and it will be more beautiful from there so we can go over there you know I highly recommend coming out here for at least two nights two nights relax eat explore really relax because as you can see everybody's just playing having fun family's here so the beach is very wide and once you enter the water you still have a long way to go at least 50 or 60 more feet before you start going down so we're just relax in this area as you can see they're walking along the water along the coast it's like actually a longer stretch of the beach within the water yeah it's very shallow very shallow maybe 100 feet even more as you can see right there yeah over there was that a temple that's the temple that's Temple yeah okay around 2000 years old so we're gonna go there perfect let's go so we're here to like the more Cliffy area as you can see Jagged edges lots of cracks in that area there's actually a paralider up there earlier guy was a little wild he was like right in my face he was gonna hit the pole crazy but luckily he didn't I think he's an expert this guy's selling what cotton candy cotton candy we still have about 30 minutes before Sunset so we're gonna do is we're gonna go up to the temple 2000 year old Temple all the way up this cliff and the only way to get there is by climbing up that rock yeah my God we have to come that's fine I'm good at that you know I can do that all day long but some people they can't do it be in shape when you're going to climb up the rock here what is this bridge do [Music] is it is it sturdy this is another little Boardwalk on this side so this side of the beach is a side away from the cliffs obviously past the cliff area now over here and if you're coming here by car you're not going to the cliff area you'll Park here and go to the beach what's up man you good yes everything is good awesome man awesome so it's a 10 minute walk for the temple so we are gonna get an auto so we negotiated 60. go wait for us for 10 minutes up there we better be only 10 minutes it doesn't take things yes it's only gonna take five minutes the name of the temple is janardhana Swami Temple it's a Temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu and it is more than 2 000 years old so it is one of the oldest symbol you will find in Kerala and we are just gonna go inside and look around and then see what we find I love the music they have playing yeah it's the evening Puja music [Music] this here is the temple dedicated Lord Vishnu Vishnu is called in this place so Temple dedicated Lord wisdom so this is called the janatana temple and there is this big old banyan tree right beside the table usually all Hindu temples as a banyan tree beside it part of the tradition and they usually planted when they started so that's probably two thousand year olds Maybe I'm not sure about that but it could be quite older I mean easily hundreds of years old so right behind me we have the main building this is the 2000 year old building and you can't take photos or video right in front looking inside because the idol is there and all Hindu temples you can never do that never take a photo or video of the idols you can see beautiful Gods outside very colorful right here we have a flagpole right and over here you were saying there's a tree with what what is that that's the the pictures of the babies those that the baby dolls they're hanging there so if someone has no children the brand hang the baby doll and they will soon hopefully get syndrome that's nice man I like this it's nice I like this relief for people exactly I mean you know what you have to have faith you have to have faith right yeah all right let's go when you come to varakala you have to see that Temple really peaceful it's ancient I mean 2000 years old how could you miss it and now we're gonna go back to the helipad area The Cliffs and from there we're gonna catch the sunset let's do it what a gorgeous sunset beautiful unfortunately there's a lot of clouds so we couldn't see it like dip past the sea but that's it beautiful for a color beach with the cliffs and now we're gonna do is we're gonna look for some street food he's saying we could probably find some dosas there's like small doses here very traditional Keralis Dosa what Dosa is that which is the small about the size of this disc and we used to eat it with shamandi that is chutney with made of coconut and then some chili sauce and then one single or double omelette wow nice omelette so we're gonna see if we find a place like that and also some more street food and then we have a special surprise for you guys special surprise ah so we are going to find a small roadside Eatery shop tattoo means but stable table you can say table so they put a table on the side of the road put a roof and then it started and we are going to eat small dosas and one thing I gotta mention wow the food is amazing but one thing I really want to mention is that in Southern India it's very different from Northern India once you explore Northern India you you taste a lot of street food like literally on the street little stores selling certain things like you know Pani Puri uh babuji like uh you know like different things right but here they don't have that here street food is mainly like doses yeah and then I don't know like I haven't really seen that much else like sauce that's it right they don't sell like everything usually it's restaurants which you know smaller eateries but restaurants so we found a spot they sell dosas and Chutney right here whoa crazy spot right here this is look like and we're gonna try come on so basically small cut with two tables and that's it they're making doses right there this is awesome so this thing is kalputo it's made with rice flour grated coconut salt it's a great breakfast food you can eat it with anything so we're gonna try it with chicken foreign this one is made by steaming in this photo machine so this is chutney made of coconut and actually foreign [Music] lots of it salty Dosa underneath to just soak it that's it and this is the Dosa and the putu Dosa just go in here this is a spicy Chutney right yeah oh I love this Dosa wow spicy it's a fluffy Dosa very different from a regular massage Dosa usually it's like crispy on the outside a little dough in the inside or super crispy or super doughy this one's very doughy oh my God delicious Pancake Man not so sweet you know obviously because it's not a sweet thinking it's made out of lentils and rice right yeah oh my God I'm in this is good this is good we are gonna eat this with omelet also with almond also on this one the you should not eat with Chutney we can mix these together and it has beets inside so what do you do see [Music] tonight because you're here all right so crush it well just like break it up there might be bones in there there might be bones don't even tell me that but it's chicken so it's gonna be tiny bones right yeah yeah all right it's fine yeah yeah then mix it and then fly okay hold that oh it's like a very dense rice nice beer room like shaved beetroot and then I'm gonna I mean this is like a it's not a chicken curry this is more like a chicken chicken pot and mixed metal coconut okay chicken is just cooked simply with Masala and then coconut grated coffee salad bring it up grab some of this chicken Toran so basically chicken with coconut mix it up it's a little hard to put together it's not like the rice it's a lot easier to like you know make it dense yeah it's harder so you go like that and you go in that's like spicy spicy it's like a flaky grainy rice so it's like steamed it's dense but when you bite into it falls apart whoa that's nice and it's for breakfast right usually breakfast awesome so we got here to throw it in throw it in okay right first driver take one piece of water so so break off some of the Omelette some of the Dosa now just go in whoa nice combination the omelet the onions there's chilies spicy I love the combination though yeah different textures right you got a spongy texture of Dosa and you have The Omelette which has been silly I'm gonna die here in South India everything's spicy I just love this man this the dosa coconut chicken with dosa how it happens right that was a that was like doing breakfast and dinner in a plate yeah make it cool good right before no I'm it's great it's super spicy omelette they had to right I like it I like it I actually like the combination of the fluffy Dosa omelette it's good very different I've never done this before that's what I like about this area everything's so unique and the great thing is because it's nighttime there's a nice breeze coming through here it's not so hot make it spicy oh spicy spicy yeah put some Curry leaves for the flavor but not that spicy she'll leave us like for him not spicy is like the spiciest thing in the western world guys last fight I can't eat all this [Music] very good even though my friend's not giving this place like a five star rating I think it's pretty good for a local spot cheap it's been like one dollar here right it's good good they also have barotas as you can see the guys next to us were eating these delicious parotas with some gravy you guys are going hard at it making tons of parotas they're making some omelets and tons of dosas so when you come to this area or whenever you're in Kerala you can find spots like that all over the place where they serve dosas and a few other things now we're going no we are going to a temple where there's a festival going on and see maybe elephants there too people are saying there are elephants but now so we're gonna go yeah yeah so we are almost couple couple Temple so I have no idea which deities there is the Lord or lordes god or goddess I don't know but what we are going to see there are elephants all in ornaments and then maybe a temple position and all those beautiful lights that surround us around the temple so we're gonna enjoy that hopefully real soon all right so we're getting to the temple as you can see lots of lights they have lots of music pumping and the lights are actually for the pilgrims to see this is the way to the temple whoa what is that float it's got a float does it float like a floor floats yeah I know it floats are dude I've seen parades foreign [Music] [Music] this is really really amazing as you can see elephant right there he has this thing on his head and he has two guys on top and then over here to the right and the left you have the people doing the offerings this guy grabs it and throws it that way right and then yeah lots of music we're in the middle of it I don't even know how we got here people are actually welcoming the door or is coming this way [Music] so this is the temple educated to Lord Shiva it's called Kapil Shiva Temple and we have a festival coming right to us Temple and there is this big Banyan Tree like in every Temple and the position has now reached here above the elephant Lord Shiva is coming to his ground so people are waiting their lines with lights and welcoming here so it's a beautiful fight we are plus two videos this is pure luck we had no idea is gonna happen we finished dinner right in time we flew over here and we got in I couldn't believe it like one minute later maybe four minutes [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign it was truly an experience getting here when we did was perfect timing we went in we saw the elephant we saw the band playing the band was going hard hard they're going nuts those kids in front doing like crazy jump yeah and now we're gonna do is we're going to try to end it with some chai yeah yeah yeah right here right here yeah let's do it oh wow it's good oh man you put a nice head on top nice and frothy wow I mean I can drink Chaya all day long all day today we only had like three cups I could usually do like 10. we can do 10 later I mean when they're like five rupees each you can do that so guys we had an amazing day here in barcala we saw the beaches we saw the cliffs we saw a little path there where you get the coffee yeah great coffee as well wow that was a good coffee it was very strong from the time we had it though foreign [Music] Festival experience I mean you have to do one of these when you come to India if you can't hear the area please go and that was my 72 hour journey in trivandrum Kerala India what did you guys think would you visit trivandrum please let me know in the comments below and if you love this video please give me a thumbs up follow my channel and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Davidsbeenhere
Views: 220,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davidsbeenhere, david hoffmann, street food, street food videos, street food tour, indian food review, kerala food, kerala cuisine, street food india, best street food, indian street food, food, india street food, street food in india, indian food, indian street food 2022, trivandrum street food, kerala street food tour, indian street food in kerala, street food indian, best indian food, kerala street food, food india, south indian food, food street, india food
Id: GX34BtpEtCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 34sec (9574 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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