100 Hours in Dominica! (Full Documentary) Caribbean Street Food in Dominica!

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welcome to Dominica welcome to Dominica welcome to Dominica that's a hard country to pronounce today we're heading to Dominica a beautiful island in the Caribbean it's not the Dominican Republic and I'm about to show you why today we're exploring this island nation's incredible food scene saltfish crab box curry crab callaloo and even possum it's a lot better than it sounds trust me it was delicious so come with me and let's go to Dominica Dominica why is this country so hard to pronounce here follow me how you doing oh I can't wait let's see what you got here David pleasure nice to meet you so it's good it's everything I'm natural and local over here this is great some grilled planting some toasted coconuts toasted coconuts look at this incredible it's all natural it's all fresh it's all good and how do we eat this so you just um you just eat your coconut I just just peel it up okay you just have your um toasty coconut oh fantastic okay I also serve it in the Banana Leaf in the Banana Leaf planting in a Banana Leaf wow any sauces or just like this just natural natural fantastic you got some beautiful avocado look at this nice and ripe already look at that oh this one's like too much this is like ready to eat right now right under the oh yeah right under the lime tree look at this beautiful lime tree on top of us oh guys guys this is the best this is this is what we have in Dominica this is my favorite thing of the Caribbean right here I hadn't Trend that Barbados as well right here we got it yeah yeah okay so we're gonna have some of this perfect street food in Dominica we're gonna have it right here on the on that okay perfect yeah right on the Banana Leaf nice and toasty Smoky too yep all right so I guess I'll try them [Applause] I've never had before it's crunchy nice and dense the soap our blue soap they used to do it oil we do locally coconut oil as well a lot even though it's been here smoking you still have a lot of taste of coconut all the um fantastic and then next to it I wanted to have your tasty toasted coconut as well oh yeah still I'm driving with your driver yeah Bongo thank you that was amazing um I want you to treat them and show them how how you do the coconut they put the jelly yeah we're gonna do it right now so we have some fresh yeah right look this is what you get when you come to Dominica next coconut water nectar of the Gods right there so good yep what do you say that neutral lights energy that's good so I will um just cut you on so you can have one of our coconut water I'm in love with this though man and this is our green banana so these aren't sweet right no this is a sweet one this is the green one okay so over here we have three one sweet ones over here we have green ones green ones yes love it fantastic have to try this the smokiness because it's like Tropical Smoothie roasted plantain this is roasted plantain and this is our right planting so this is when it's not roasted cultural food this is what you eat when you get hungry you just roast it right on the fire have it for lunch have it for dinner and that's it good yes I'll try it hold on a minute oh take the block and bring it here oh all right yeah oh this is so good it reminds me of my doodle sweet plantain but it's not sweet so it's right and um this is how it looks when it's green that's perfect this is green so this is some green planting so right here by the green one yeah so it is from this to this this is this I'll say I mean it has a little bit of sweetness mm-hmm oh one this with some cheese oh I put this with peanuts butter or Nutella chocolate what yeah where's the peanut butter yeah I have Nutella chocolates I like this though natural jelly coconuts there you go yeah [Applause] oh that fast huh so here we go here we go foreign [Applause] I know our culture of our independence and this is our what year of Independence remind me I think this is uh it was 78 or 79 oh well this thing is filling huh so much okay perfect you had oil you just I drink it all yeah yeah I think I did so one open whoa amazing oh you're eating another one you're amazing thank you so much Kane juice cocktail yeah right on the spot right on the spot take the seats out first time I'm trying cane juice cocktail I usually just try to have cane juice on the street sure cane yeah yeah pure right this is pure yeah don't add any more sugar to sugar [Applause] I guess I'll try it here let me get in this in the air in the sun right here that's amazing perfect the lime juice oh the lime juice the lime juice over the sugarcane that was so refreshing in this heat and it's not even that hot yeah it's not that bad right yeah yeah it's not it's not bad but the humidity the humidity yeah yeah it's like Miami it's like it's the 80 but it feels like 100. you good night yeah I'm great I just think he kind of looks like a German Shepherd kind of a stock sort of sort of good night it's really good wow yeah it's really really tasty thank you so much really fresh it's so good I don't remember eating you up here but I know you foxy I know you are not right I know you okay so and your life is okay all right yes good what is the name of that um so I have some more just got a little bit right there oh yeah oh it's gonna have one more piece of coconut yeah amazing yeah it's only about 10 minutes from the airport so good thank you so much you're welcome so plantains Frozen coconuts banana leaves bananas sugarcane avocado cocoa jelly nuts breadfruit and puppies love you Dominica thank you so much appreciate it thank you so much you're welcome all right let's do it good job is that a toaster going up that was good bro in my life I've ever had a toasted coconut it's like Smoky yeah so delicious all right Bongo let's rock and roll he has a restaurant he just like come film thank you all right let's go guys I'm excited to look at this view Roadside restaurant with this view look at this arrived 10 a.m I had breakfast in Miami I'm having lunch here in Dominica incredible look at that one of you hey guys what are we doing what's happening no food have a drink you have a drink all right so unfortunately right now they don't have anything cooking so we're gonna keep going and find some more food I'm starving literally start yeah I just have some tender coconut I'm trying to call you [Music] so long ago all right just making stuffs all along the road this is awesome this is not a highway this is a very curvy Road along this beautiful country here we go how you doing my friend everything good what do we have today oh I'm rice and peas some big macaroni a little provision and some turkey remain and local juices local juices yes Um passion fruit water and Sorrel the best fruit on the planet comes from this island that's what I heard that's what I heard so you have passion fruit sorrow and guava okay so we'll try some fruit I'll make some juices yeah yeah and then maybe some provision let me see a little bit Yeah Yeah okay let me see that turkey we got gravy guys wow oh I'm actually okay I ate this morning I'll taste I'll have a taste you'll just have a taste okay that's amazing wow it's gonna rain right now so anything no Cloud to drink yes whatever you recommend um you want to try these Sorrel sorry Sorrel yeah I like sorrow I had uh already in Guyana I had Sorrel with like a cake keema okima so I'm gonna try some of this delicious Sorel so this is an incredible drink how do I open this oh there we go I've never seen it before like this it's different when you open it up perfect like a little off top oh nice it's sweet it's refreshing mmm feels like almost like cinnamon in here you know yeah it's cinnamon and nutmeg in there oh there is cinnamon nutmeg oh okay okay good stuff stuff oh this is so tasty look at that beautiful Sorel so I've had Sorel in uh Trinidad and I'm heading Guyana and now in Dominica but uh in Guyana I had it in a cake and it's like a hot cake and a drink and hearing a drink again and we're gonna try this is it okay if I try right here it's okay with you let's try this sorry guys the rain's nuts so I'm gonna get right here oh look at this look at this beauty right here so we have I know it's a turkey right oh I love this gravy thank you oh it's so good so you mix that with the rice right mm-hmm [Applause] oh fantastic right not too many spices in here right we also have the mac and cheese mixed with the gravy mm-hmm nice rich gravy oh yeah let's speed this up lots of Bones and so you know it's real right heavy duty you got some of that what is this um hey what is this one let me see wow wow I'm hungry so fast the rain pass sort of right we got some of that meat thank you I'm sorry I'm in your way no problem nowhere else to be right now because it's raining no problem and this is how roadside restaurants are yeah in Dominican I love it really quick just come order what's available take it to go I love it by the plantain I'm sure you dip that right here yeah yeah of course so you do this every day yes as we're doing every day I love it thank you my food is made from the heart that's delicious I'm literally in her way here I'll leave I'll leave umbrella good is what I wanted a real local experience right I mean we're gonna tell you with the rain is always a problem I mean I don't always always that's cool mm-hmm I think what makes your dish is that gravy the turkey gravy sorry your son's in the car right he's here is he good yeah he's so happy look at him he's so happy great hunger food so every day what do you usually make oh different meals sometimes I have pork I have four Twilight Fish and Chicken Fish and Chicken Chicken apples every day but then it's like 31 day pork Goods those type of things um and bongo's enjoying and I destroyed my food store the last half of it oh the French called hibiscus I thought we like it so much because we know what it is we just forgot the problem is all over these countries different languages different names for the same thing you know so something happens in India 20 different languages 20 different names of the same dish that's another one yeah yeah well my friend thank you so much no problem so what do we owe you um 45 total so two people good so two meals 45 what is the exchange rate right now I don't even know three to one three to one two it's two points one dollar is 2.75 of their currency cool got it got it got it we will thank you so much take care bye raining crazy right now this this is the island though lots of wet days what's up guys it's not me very interested there's some old French families here bro I don't know if you they're like um from the old days yeah so what do we got here we made see you again never been thirsty no let's open it at least I have to all right here we go hey cheers guys Cheers Cheers okay nice limited independent Edition oh I like that also there's a limited uh logo right there of this label incredible dominica's Pride kuboli so how do we say amazing over here is there a different word amazing give me some different words give me some different words come on and this right here is called rainbow restaurant we're actually coming here on Saturday we're gonna go get octopus right out here and some sea urchins incredible spot right here alongside the road so rainbow restaurant by Caribbean Flavor Cuisine and look at this got a little beach you have the restaurant here that's where we just have the beer love this spot incredible what a beautiful day huh well not so beautiful but beautiful setting right all right let's go is tall is her body right and as you already know we have a beer named so the kuboli is actually a breakoff from the name white I'm gonna help you remember the name I'm gonna give you a bad joke that will help you remember the indigenous name of the island and the badger goes like this A guy walks into a bar and he sees a cardinal man having the conversation with the bartender then he hears about the kalinago man says Reply the guy shouts one is not enough so why two kuburi okay right that's bad because it actually works I gotta ask you questions so Christopher Columbus came here and he's the one that named the island so if my understanding he called it Dominica because it was discovered on a Sunday so in Spanish it's Domingo in Italian it's Dominica right so Latin Dominica Dominica yes perfect Sunday also Dominican Republic is named after Sunday also yes well but the American public was Santo Domingo right and then they made it changed it was after yeah exactly they changed it shared the same root oh it's gone yeah this was flooded bro this was like a river right here on this bridge this was the river yeah that was right there wow oh by the week two hours can't drive on the bridge what's your side my brother but give back the money hey take back your money for that license you buy he literally took half the road there bro what's wrong with that guy there's 13 volcanoes in the Caribbean Eight are located here in Dominica incredible and right here we have the sun setting sort of right because it's Mountain so it's like going and coming what is that is that a pig oh there's one of the rats right there foreign so it takes around an hour to get from the airport to port's mouth Portsmouth is this the biggest city but it's not the capital what's the capital city actually what you need to know is Portsmouth was the first capital of Dominica okay that's changed by the British because the early settlers um because I'm possible has a lot of surrounding swampland they were afraid of contacting malaria so they move the um City to Russo you know rules of the capital of Dominica is named after the Russo Reed the rosary essentially is like the wild sugar kid um today we use Rosa Reed for roofing fencing at some crafts baskets and the likes it's actually for arts and crafts so Roswell was populated with that wild sugarcane and they had to cut it down forearm thing now the neighboring um village to um Roseau is called Canfield and like the Navy pigs it was a huge cane field today we still have the old main Cultural Center where that's where they used to grind the kid they can't stop they have some ruins there um it's a cultural center as I say when we go up to Russell side we're gonna stop there and see what's going on it's the month the cultural month our ministry of um culture and new Affairs yeah they actually have they have a branch in there so we can put aliens so this is the month to come October this is like the Creole food month right from my understanding um you know I'm gonna be here for five full days we're gonna be exploring um basically the whole island we're gonna try Manukau we're gonna try some octopus over here what's over here she's like okay oh it's nice it has beautiful gardens yeah the Chinese have that um Chinese yes this is you man yeah over here they did Simple Man oh how you doing man everything good all right so Paul's my super host all right are you good man good how are you guys I'm excited so this is our spot right here right and right here is the lighthouse this is where I'm staying on this incredible trip so my unit is first floor I have an incredible view over the Caribbean like that's Caribbean West Coast right we're in the west coast look at this my friends [Applause] wow Sun is setting beautiful just a wave crashing go up a little more wow this is just gorgeous huh mountains nice and calm not that many people not too loud here we go so house rules shoes off all right and as soon as you enter here look at this we have an incredible living room right beautiful living room very nice and spacious modern look at this marble got Bongo over there chilling we have everything here in terms of kitchen if you want to just chill here and not go out to eat you can bring you know everything in breakfast lunch and dinner you can make everything there's two rooms right so at the first room right here spacious this is where Nate's staying sorry Nate joking over here we have washer dryer right here wash the dryer we have oh I love this bathroom I don't even see the bathroom oh this is nice oh can't wait can't wait for this and then over here we have the master right master bedroom we have a closet we have a nice queen size bed want to have a telescope here what is this dude this is incredible for the Stars and then come out over here for the very end unlock this I cannot wait to hear the waves crashing in the morning it is great what have you huh so we're gonna be here for the next um I think six nights right so we got Tuesday through Sunday whatever that is and yeah this is our home incredible just love it beautiful and that's sort of our day right so we had a super short day I arrived here at 1 30 from Miami so 10 a.m flight arrive here 1 30 in the afternoon got in the car and just stopped along the way on that main road right so we have a lot of different street food vendors you have plantains you have coconut uh they have Provisions they have turkey and just a big mix of things on the road you can also find some coconut vendors unfortunately for today it was raining so we didn't see any but then we made it all the way towards the mouth right so this is what we're staying I love it I can't wait to explore Dominica 93rd country and that's it guys I hope you enjoyed our first afternoon here in beautiful Dominica an island in the Caribbean that is not Dominican Republic I can't wait to show you everything about this island I'm gonna be here till Sunday we're gonna do a lot of different things waterfalls street food got Bush food I'm excited guys if you love the video please give me a thumbs up leave a comment below my channel for more awesome travel content and definitely book this place it's on Airbnb big surprise tonight a fan of mine his name is Larry he's from Dominica he hit me up and he goes David I have to invite you over for some incred edible Fusion Pizza Dominican Pizza Dominica what's up Larry my man I'm excited come here come in okay so what's amazing here as soon as you walk in look at look at all the avocados guys it's like a avocado Festival here avocados are in season right now so Larry what are we doing back here today some juices juices yeah okay Farm City or Golden Apple and ginger I'm sorry passion fruits and we have pink grapefruit pink grapefruit yeah and right here we have the sauce you guys have no idea this is one of my favorite things is pigtails right Bigfoot oh pig feet because they do pigtail and pig feet right the difference with this one it's smooth some of it is smooth what so it's salty and smooth it's the combination of the flavors it's like a pig uh pig feet Ceviche that is like the best uh I guess I mean as the closest thing you can get to it right because you have pickles in here so it's a bunch of pickles right so we got cucumber onions carrots some hot pepper some lime green juice I need to eat like ASAP like ASAP yeah let's do wings wings as an appetizer let's do it so you want to crab some wings uh yeah my man [Applause] that's gonna fry it in for ShopRite and remove them from the oil [Applause] I still don't want him getting crispy I I think the fan is messing with clean you know I think so too yeah Larry this is gonna be epic I cannot wait to eat this food oh here we go here we go wings are almost done [Applause] wow okay that's the first step do you want to go with the jerk jerk stylings and get him a fast spray get them a little crispy leave them here we're gonna give you frosting so here comes the dust to start Larry seasoned the chicken wings with paprika chili powder salt and black pepper seasoning to add depths of flavor is standard throughout the Caribbean you'd be hard-pressed to find any dish in the islands that isn't seasoned to Perfection Larry had a special treat for us to go along with his chicken wings his own line of Caribbean barbecue sauces Original Barbecue guava barbecue mango habanero and jerk barbecue first up was the original barbecue The Original Barbecue was Smoky sweet and savory and paired perfectly with a tender and crispy fried chicken next I tried Larry's guava barbecue which had a nice tropical Flair that added a fruity sweetness that really brought the chicken wings to Life as a spicy food addict I had to try the mango habanero sauce next it had the perfect blend of heat and tropical sweetness neither of which overpowered the other finally I tried the jerk barbecue which was a robust mix of savory and sweet with a nice kick of heat that tingled my tongue and the back of my throat all of Larry's sauces were great but this one was on another level okay so now we're gonna try some of the juices I don't know surprise me yeah let's go thank you so sorry [Music] that's passion for right yeah this one is a pink grapefruit it wouldn't happen and the ginger oh wow combination yes well then Apple and Ginger thank you it's amazing I can't wait Larry how should I start sorry so real hibiscus [Applause] I can't believe that's natural it's so deliciously sweet too man oh my gosh it's incredible so it's not the Hibiscus flower that we usually see right it's a different type of flower family of the Hibiscus family of the Hibiscus but not the tropical ideas yes because I have the Hibiscus flower my tortoises eat it every day yeah they love it but that is not the same thing and this one was fashion fruit passion fruit looking so good oh I love Belgian fruit they get my teeth into that meat but this is unreal wow another winner for me King grapefruit pink pink because of the polo yeah [Applause] I haven't had that before I've had pink grapefruit but it's been a while yeah so we have a white grapefruit and then we have a pink grapefruit there's a white grapefruit right here oh that's it right there here I'll show you guys right here this one right here yeah so this is this is the white yeah that's the white so the pink I've seen it as well when you cut the pink the flesh is pink of course awesome it's a golden apple and the ginger now this this will cure anything hangover it's medicinal this feels it's that Ginger very nice and potent yeah so I'll say I love them all but this is my favorite still sorry oh so real yeah oh I'll continue this with the food so next sauce so we're just gonna try straight like that yeah it's ready right all right so David that's a sauce the differences in our songs indominator with smoke and smoke the pig feet right so I'm gonna give you this piece this is smoke it's salty and smoke we have cucumbers we have hot peppers we have pimento peppers we have lime juice it's not that hot you could add some pepper sauce if you need to but that's that's the sauce right here sometimes we have bread and we take the bread and we dip it in the sauce so I'm gonna try this with you I'm gonna have this piece that's nice next we jump down the sauce which consists of pig feet cooked with various herbs and spices it had a mostly gelatinous texture but there was also a bit of tender meat on the bones the juicy fat melted in my mouth and the juices from the meat were good enough to drink how you put it into the flour [Applause] I'll see and then the demonstrated stretch and when it's relaxed you can stretch it some more do you really want to you're gonna have to try one of these you know me yeah yeah the trade stretches [Music] so now we have we have two techniques you could use it here and use a piece of here if you don't have a peel or use a pan but you know normally with the pizza pan this year okay so how you do flour in place of flower with red flowers and we're gonna stretch right here like this [Applause] there's some sauce on me for it yourself some sauces me oh yeah blending something new please salt and a few more ingredients so you're gonna notice I have a cookie filled upside down your second I have this upside down it's easy you just stop it's right and then you could you can adjust the shape to the next one on to the next one okay perfect let's do this yeah so the first leak is done if you don't have a peel use the pizza pan and a spatula and here we go slide it [Applause] yes it's amazing [Music] you like [Applause] so the first one we're gonna do we're gonna do the smoke my Mai with a few very toppings on there we have to smoke my knife what we call the one in Dominica a dolphin so that's a smoke my mind The Salted and smoked right and we're gonna go with toppings like bell peppers sprinkle something okay and then I do a mixture of cheeses cheddar yeah mozzarella and then it's back in [Music] [Applause] this time we're gonna do meat lovers with some ready toppings let's stretch it a little more this thing we're gonna have dv2 I don't know if he wants to I'm stretching it right yeah yeah it's kind of stretchy you can just tap yeah yeah so are we good here hmm reminds me of my great-grandfather back in Italy playing around with his dough [Laughter] all right so some flour right yeah gotta move this guy on right yeah two hands always stretch it out a little bit yeah perfect what do you guys think yep perfect very nice all right so add some sauce right saw some tomato sauce not too much just I personally don't like tomato sauce and my pastas or my pizzas I like creamy sauces with with pastas creamy or straight oil with some seafood you know look at that beautiful so next up over here oh yeah first bake all right oh okay remove the first one so we just took out the pizza and now we're putting in the second one all right so here we go open the oven whoa hot and then you just like uh sort of oh that's hot oh my gosh burning my tattoos bro because it's all [Applause] it's out to the Cross is crunchy but yet so smiling [Applause] don't worry we're eating that right now guys look at the beautiful this looks oh you know what it's still hot though um great dough yeah I love the fish it's not too fishy either yeah I thought it was going to be a little fishier no it's good bell pepper onions what else is in here cheeses what a combo this is delicious I'm gonna take a break too many pizzas pizza out oh oh [Applause] yeah it's a meat special some of the veggies mushrooms Peppers to our partly baked meat lovers Pizza we added basil salami chicken beef sausage bell peppers onions mushrooms olives cheddar mozzarella and finely pepperoni then back in the oven it goes mmm noise yeah what do you think yeah it's really good thank you so much you ever had a seafood Pizza yes oh wow okay I put it all right it definitely will [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] smoked chicken let's smoke chicken [Applause] it's surprisingly talking the moves some mangoes I like that onions hmm crazy rain that's it that's it back in we started with our barbecued pork chicken and mango Pizza which also had onions Peppers cheddar and mozzarella it was like an elevated meat lover's pizza but with a tropical twist that made my mouth water huge thanks to Larry for inviting us into his home and cooking for us if you're ever in Dominica look up his incredible sauces I'll see you on the next one [Music] good morning from beautiful Portsmouth Dominica today I'm going to take you to have some traditional Dominican breakfast eight in the morning in the second largest city I'm actually staying right here at the Lighthouse on this strip there's a few different breakfast spots they're all like super small local restaurants right first we're going to is this one right here there's U and H Local Kitchen look at that they have so cod fish salad they have roasted breadfruit they have bakes I'm going with some roasted breadfruit hello hello how you doing you ready is she ready for me okay so we're going to the back no no problem thank you so much what's your name my name is so that's breadfruit oh I love it roasted breadfruit it's the best I'm gonna put you some lettuce so fresh lettuce I'm gonna use my hands no problem because I wasn't um quite ready and my stuff is late no problems like a cabbage salad here yes I try to encourage um yeah of course these okay um a little shaky you're nervous why are you nervous okay actually um well because Nate are you nervous I'm a little nervous man big deal over here no okay I made this I'm dressed in myself okay so it's nice you can have this because it take me to selfish we're gonna have this then after I'm going to make it a smoothie okay the Smoothie as well I'm gonna make your smoothie here we go I'm gonna make with this smoothie oh so we're making smoothie as well so she started making breakfast yesterday yes so I'm one of your first customers huh no no problem so it's saltfish with roasted bread fruit breadfruit is a staple here Staple in most of the West Indies right all right so what are you doing there right you can have I'm gonna cut it and then you have it and the Smoothie you get to go and this is it our breakfast saltfish so cod fish you got beautiful size on the side and you have bread fruit so the best thing to do Nate is this add it to the top let's say that all right um I love it saltfish with the onions the breadfruit's So Soft it's really nice [Music] make sure the saltiness of the fish right you know they I feel like with red fruit they misnamed it bro they misnamed it well it's a fruit that has bread right it's like a potato what I have to do is I like to add everything because that makes sense look at this let me get some of the avocado on top too making a nice bite right here we go [Music] nice and filling we're incredible dish simple yeah delicious Dominica it's red fruit especially yes no bread food staple yeah we're gonna see if on this trip we'll find some guys roasting breadfruit they usually do it like it's somebody's house or on the side of the road maybe some restaurants do as well they didn't Barbados song Guyana too mm-hmm well breadfruit hot all those guys though too much yeah that's how it got the name it's good feeling though and we don't leave any food right so put everything on there throw in some breadfruit make myself a little lettuce wrap with breadfruit and some saltfish the vinaigrette it's nice to lose weight passion fruit salsa so what's up so what's up I like it that's my favorite food it's refreshing and just like lifting me up wow incredible super cold obviously smoothie it's like ice cold um you got the passion fruit the salsa it's a nice fleshy fruit so when you open it you peel it and then inside you got this nice like white flesh and you suck on it right that was amazing Nate you gotta try this bro yeah I got it for you oh so refreshing huh she said she said dragon fruit as well giant fruit it's a passion food passion fruit pineapple salsa here let me say bye to my friend over there Ursula if I'm allowed back in the kitchen I'll say body thank you so much thank you how much do I owe you by the way no she's too kind oh you're putting you're putting some uh milk in this one some fatty milk in there oh this is so amazing if I didn't have the whole entire breadfruit with the Cod I just have the smoothie perfect to wake up oh wow nice and thick that one no extra cold yeah yeah it's good and condensed milk you need the vitamins you guys out there you want to make sure you have vitamins seeds oh who's this for for Bongo yeah [Applause] the guy who's taking me around for the you know for these five days here in Dominica very nice well we have to see we have to see some breadfruit roasting oh you like yeah yeah um oh look it's roasted roasted so it's not peeled the peel it in the color in half and then you're gonna get salad on top you can do anything with it right I'm tried it from Little Mermaid she's Ursula what do you have to do you cook it sorry she didn't get a job and everybody's invited please come here you're welcome it's our second day here so it's still but that's amazing so I'm staying like literally down the stream I'm staying at the Lighthouse so like only a two minute walk oh and I'm right here I'm gonna come for breakfast more often and what time do you open it's a four that's that's good time close on Thursdays for somebody okay so yeah at this time who's having quesadilla right now she's gonna do that no you deserve a fist pump you're not shy let's go thank you all right let's go yeah let's go Bongo thank you you made him a man the market are perfect yeah all right let's go look at this so just want to show you the map of the Island right so this is Dominica right here in Portsmouth we came from this area this is like where the airport is and the capital Russell Russell how do you say it Roselle Roselle Rosso is at the very bottom we're gonna stop in this little I guess it's like a convenience store and this is robongo says he gets his breakfast so let's go inside so Bangla this is where you get your breakfast yeah what do you get what'd you get there bake they're bacon cheese or bacon cheese as well okay so it smells like a pound of queso it smells like a Brazilian cheese bread okay yeah or brown de Bono in uh pan de Bono in uh what's it called in Colombia that makes sense yeah yeah do the same thing same thing very similar and what is that Tangerine juice Tangerine juice okay on the trees awesome okay and you know what I'll try one of like what you're having I'm gonna try one so I can show you guys what it looks like what it tastes like and as you can see this is a convenience store so this is you know local small convenience store they got like the Necessities for the household right you got uh coffees you have beans uh what else we got we got some cereal uh each each section is different it got baby wipes you have you know stuff for the kitchen some tupperwares right keep going they have fresh eggs and then we keep going around you got more beans flowers different things and I want to show you something cool so this is the flag of the country is the flag look at this and this is their Bird right and it's the only flag in the world or there's only two flags in the world that have purple on their flag oh this is it oh [ __ ] that was the other one yeah [ __ ] that was the other one I was there here let me show you this let's do it right here ready let's try this so what was this called again a cheese bake right yeah all the way all right oh it smells great look at that so it's a mix of some cheese creamy cheese in there small bread right and then what do we do let's take a bite I love eggs crispy outside inside super doughy how was the cheese look at this guys look at all the cheese just like burst out nice cheesy fluffy a little crisp we're good and what was this like a dollar um it's good it's good nice little bite okay stop quick fast food let's go all right Bongo stop eating all my cheese man is that the main one on the island or um to snack it but currently they're they're a little busy so we're gonna keep going we're gonna walk around here to this Market okay so this is the market they say it's way more lively on Saturday Saturday is Market day so just so you guys know that so over here what do we got we have a vendor selling mix of things hi how you doing morning so you got some potatoes she has avocados some nice onions can I see let me see nice little onions great how's everything good fantastic fantastic blessed day how you doing man how you doing boss I'm okay I'm okay let me see what else you got so there's a bunch of different fruits and vegetables looks what they have over here let me see what this is it's like honey right could be honey busy pure honey you selling honey yeah how many bottles do you want how many bottles I mean what do you have well is it pure is it pure pure honey pure Dominican honey so so what does a bottle like that cost okay Okay small one twenty dollars um medium size that's okay yeah okay no problem no problem she's okay I think she was a little shy for the camera but it's okay so Bongo so this is where the market is yeah this is where you grew up yeah this wasn't me when I grew up this is like a fish market over here yeah the fish market is in here so this is the market for local provisioning so on Saturday it gets really Lively I think this holiday is going to be marketable difference it's gonna be decorated a lot of so we're coming here this Saturday right we'll see this perfect yeah and then um the boots they come in here the fishes and this is the complex where they sell liquor shops so this is where they sell the fish and here's where they what they clean it or they bring them on yeah it's just for food okay got it so this is where the fish is yeah this is everything else right and then over here at the very end we have like a little dock right a little pier so come come let's see the pier it's nice love this I mean wherever you are in Dominica you're gonna see Ocean Caribbean Sea Atlantic Ocean this is the Caribbean because we are on the west side of the Island right now beautiful hey how you doing morning bless the day bless the day so we have a bunch of bows these are all like little speed boats right look at this beautiful Santa Maria obviously very Christian uh um country right keep going all right I'm taking my clothes off I'm taking a dip bro it's incredible look at that look at that beautiful so that's like Northwest over there in the mountains that is how the whole island is if you go around if you keep looking look at this look at this all it is mountains we got rainforest we have eight volcanoes I think we should keep going see what else we can find in terms of food and uh yeah let's keep going man let's go the sun is blazing nine in the morning the sun is cooking me so if you wonder and why all these books are pulled up here on hurricane season oh and we had um when um this hurricane up went up yeah it's the iron yeah yeah yeah so when the hurricane passed they had to take everything out and um Fiona so then the Fishers they got their boots up here so they're gonna leave it here for the most part until the hurricane season is over and um October 31st that's the that's the day so just so you guys know if you ever go to any Caribbean island between July and November let's say prepare because there might be hurricanes this island unfortunately has been hit multiple times the last one to hit was Maria yes Maria was the the catastrophic hurricane that passed through here I think it's 007 am I crazy I don't even remember the dates um 17. 2017 2017 yeah also it also destroyed Puerto Rico right but uh yeah so very unfortunate but you know this is what we deal with living in the in the tropics uh let's continue you good man you're good [Music] five five well I could do 100 dude but I'm not gonna do with this I'm gonna do this [Music] I mean working all day look at this all day come on come on it's awesome that's awesome Dominica Dominica Africa Africa lion like a lion in Zion [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] it's amazing no one can get him out of the snow when you see my brother don't play with raw whoa whoa whoa awesome bro hey peace peace let's go let's go [Music] next we're gonna stop at one more restaurant here in Portsmouth I mean this is breakfast right so we start at eight in the morning it's already almost 10 we've been going around we went to like five different spots all in the same area right we just been driving to speed up the process plus it's really really starting right now really hot and look at this beautiful okay so we just like literally did a loop and uh here we are another little spot green light restaurant and bar they still got some breakfast you know breakfast starts here at seven in the morning and it's already 10 so they're sort of running out of breakfast but there's still some like street food style breakfast here which um which are basically baked right so here we have two different bakes I think this is a saltfish one which is what I like the most and then next to it we have like almost like a chicken empanada I mean it looks like an empanada right now over here we have Maduro so that's uh sweet plantains and uh on the side we have some vinaigrette and some hot sauce so when the gentleman comes out I'll order this and maybe we try something else or maybe just this this looks good stop it which one which one you like yes that's what everybody likes that's what I like too [Music] this is the bake with salt fish beautiful saltfish inside there you know I'm gonna take one bite without hot sauce next one with it crispy doughy salty now let's open this up thank you a little tough here mm-hmm and some nice hot sauce is that right there we go um nice easy quick street food probably really affordable how much is this one that's only freedom three dollars so you're a dollar fifty us yes for too much never too much never too much it was good it is fire I mean for me this is a quick thing if I have to like go on a I don't know Drive about an hour get something like this on the go quickly with my coffee yeah oh it's hot it's hot foreign hey thank you so much appreciate it so good so good tasty saltfish and bake green light restaurant I love it super chill way to relax for me I'm from Miami I need something super intense and you know what my friend here's from Guyana he's like I have a gift for you my man how you doing a hat whoa yeah this is nice no no we need the purple one we need the purple one no it's cool what do you guys think of the Hat let's see over here let's see let me see in the mirror well I was actually thinking getting one of these for my head you know a quick scarf this is cool though I mean if I'm going somewhere super hot let me see how I look is is this Dominican or is this a Guyanese well there's not now and now I'm in Dominica this is awesome this is beautiful I love the hat are you sure are you sure yeah this guy's too kind look at him look at him he's doing nice here oh my God oh my God that's awesome thank you on Friday Shuffle pie day so Friday we'll wear this hat I mean I think we look great right yeah I mean especially with the sun this is awesome because the rice party feels you know this is awesome oh and the flag too Nate Nate let's go this is it we're official Dominicans now officially Dominican from the West Indies not from the Republic my man no thank you so much thank you that's my morning here in Portsmouth we had traditional breakfast I got a hat this is great to cover the sun right oh my God it's tight let me take this off but yeah so we had breakfast right we walked around from eight in the morning to around 11 three hours we stopped at uh three spots right but again in terms of breakfast that's sort of how it is bakes saltfish you have bread fruit and then look over here like incredible we have the Caribbean Sea right there is how the houses are really old rustic you know we're staying literally right there that's the lighthouse that's where I'm staying it's my Airbnb not that building the one next to it we have incredible views this is the place you should stay at these are the places you should visit for breakfast you can do this easily again three hours just try a bunch of stuff walk around and that's it and guys I hope you enjoyed this video in beautiful Portsmouth Dominica I'm super excited this is really day one all right let's get in the car let's continue and I hope you guys love the video if you did thumbs up comment below subscribe my channel and let me know do you know about Dominica where is it can you find it on the map let me know in the comments below how are you guys everything good everything's good everything awesome awesome welcome well thank you thank you you're welcome so what are we doing here so this is our family farm uh it's free of farm it's about four years old we brought it shortly after uh cat five hurricane Maria so we'd sort of been traveling throughout South and Central America learning about permaculture and regenerative agriculture um sort of small Gatherings of people and sort of what it takes to feed those people and we loved it we felt more and more in love with it and eventually wanted to set up a spot of our own so about four years we bought this place and it's we haven't looked back yeah how many how many acres you have here Seven Acres okay and it's an old uh avocado and citrus farm so once we came through and mind you it was destroyed after the hurricane drops of trees completely snapped off um things like that but uh luckily we ran into a gentleman who helped us with an excavator and we were able to go inside of this property and sort of employ a lot of the Earth working permaculture techniques of hugel cultures and swales that we'll sort of walk through but and also planted I don't know 30 or 40 different varieties of tropical fruit so mangosteen and lychees and yabotika oh wow all sorts of stuff they're all pretty small but in a few years we have a couple grafted ones I think we'll have some of the most exotic collection of fruit on the island vanilla tonka bean coffee oh yeah I can't wait let's try something you like wet my appetite right now man amazing yeah yeah so then just to do the real quick of the property it goes down this tree line okay with all the big trees in the background got it yeah and then sort of loops around up here into this forest and then back up to the road so it's kind of like a little rectangle that goes down and that was one of the main reasons also we had that wind break that protected this Farm a lot from the hurricane and we saw that with giant avocado trees that survived yeah didn't get there so a lot of the other firms in this area don't have a Windbreak like this so that was a really attractive piece about this piece of land that we saw yeah and also for being in Syndicate we're closest that's actually the tallest peak in the entire country that's covered with clouds right now that's Mount Diablo 10. but this is a very flat piece of property so we have one of the flatter pieces in this room so first tree broad fruit yeah look at this red fruit the best guys this this is like I mean it's one of the national Cuisines right yeah sure right here red fruit guys love this so yummy after they roast it yeah oh so many things huh this is called a cranberry hibiscus cranberry hibiscus cranberry hibiscus so you can eat this oh you can eat it oh yeah um oh that's over in Costa Rica we used to use it a lot on our salads and things here listed as an ornamental and we're like no we've used that dozens of times like a little soury taste and it's just so beautiful and salads and sandwiches and teas you know what I love about it gives me like the sensation of like how basil is so you know you feel it right away you think about a basil you know this one I would know too yeah such a cool flavor I love it this is amazing I had such liveliness to a salad you know what I mean yeah you add a little bit of that you have this like crunch of citrus in it it's amazing wow this is the sort of more aromatic oil lemongrass so you can smell that you could chew on it we make tea out of it it was good that's the time so I'm just giving you some time huh like a big leaf time that was tasty dude the size here must be epic whoa oh you should definitely set up something with salad like a salad bar so this is these are the Mounds right you can kind of see these two here we'll walk you through that real quick that's the highest point of the property is sort of in that corner right so all of the tremendous amount of rainfall that we get kind of moves down the property like this so it flows down yeah it flows down because you're on a slope so it gets stuck yeah and then it put feeds water to all of this and underneath these little Mounds we have like the debris of the hurricane so we have logs at the bottom and then we have like our stick piles that we make but this was all of the debris after sort of a CAT5 hurricane so there were giant trees and snap bits of everything we laid them on these contour lines right so that when the water rolls down these Mounds are somewhat level so instead of the water dialing off on either side it just sits and holds level and then slowly soaks back in and at the bottom is the wood then we put the sticks on top of that then we put sort of a muddy like viney grassy layer and then he came in inside these Alleyways and took like a nice strip of topsoil and put it on top incredible and then we went on top and we planted over 30 40 different varieties of fruit trees medicinals ground Provisions all the different things everything here is edible or medicinal and since you're a foodie hold on I'm gonna give them this one first cilantro yeah nicely done so that's the wild one but those are those sharp bits they are a little spiky but it's cool on Troy yes very nice very trainy yeah yeah yeah exactly I'm sure Shadow Minnie yeah we got shot this is a shadow Benny here but it's it's tough it is you should um well yeah like I said one of these that's amazing yeah you're addicted with that a couple of those those I love man wow this is so good because it has like a I don't know if it's like lemon or something interesting cranberry maybe that's what it is that's what it is that's a Citronelle Bay so it's kind of a rare bay leaf that smells like citronella yeah this is delicious you make a tea out of it the whole house smells like perfume it's wonderful someone's gonna eat it oh just smells good thing oh wow but they all have these fragrances huh that's why we want to open up a little little spot where people can learn about the different flavors and have kids be exposed to chefs and learn about sort of all the wonderful ingredients that exist here so we're really excited and it took us a long time to sort of collect all these things Okay so oh this is a gummy tree and this is the sap coming out people call this gum so as you can see it's nice and gooey gooey it's related to the frankincense family so if you smell it it smells smells a lot like frankincense yeah in Mexico this is like a smell similar to kopal we're gonna light it and it also you can use it extremely flammable careful put all that gooey acid is very very hot but you can use it for incense people say to cleanse the house it's good for your lungs the smoke of this give your lungs huh yeah yeah we even heard that somebody they lay like a paw yeah here and it was a sort of light isn't that nice oh it's good it's good wow so related to fragrances I saw frankincense in Oman okay yeah that's like the place to get it right the primo one the premium yeah yeah it's amazing in the in the South they have a I love this tree every fire that we start this one definitely helps out you can burn these you know this is perfect kindling so oh yeah this is a huge boom Oh this is moringa which is one of our favorite trees here on the farm it has so much nutrients in it has more protein than meat has more vitamin C than Citrus it's a coppice tree which means you can keep chopping it and it'll just keep popping out so you can see we cut it once two more grew out cut once three more grew up and then underneath here this is turmeric so turmeric is actually a root so the turmeric's at the bottom but this is what comes out so here's actually you can see a little bit of turmeric right here oh here it is look turmeric fresh from the ground this is like the thing my mind here yeah wow everything's edible huh yeah so incredible look at this right here keep popping yeah yeah so this is uh callalure edible hibiscus um you can eat it just as is but you can also my favorite way this is the smaller one that we have but I love rolling things inside of it and boiling it so like one of our favorite is we get uh green bananas we mash them down and then we mix it with different herbs and then we roll it in this and cook it in coconut milk wow that sounds amazing I would also use this like for like a like a veggie uh Taco yes instead of the you know the corn tortilla use that I love your place thank you this is so good this is a vanilla Vine right there vanillavine wow can I step here let me see so guys this is the vanilla Vine so just starting huh yeah like maybe a few months old eight months old something so this is a banana Circle so this is one of the sort of old school permaculture techniques basically it's a circle a pit right that's about for bananas maybe seven feet wide and you want to go down about four feet so what you do with all the soil is you take it out and you Mound it around the outside and then in that mound you can plant bananas like we did um but you can plant other things papaya Ginger all sorts of stuff but the point is is that back when these Mounds you can see how they're kind of clear in the first stages of these Mounds we had to weed like crazy because we had sort of put old uh weeds and Vines inside the mound so we had to clean them all up by hand we don't use any kind of herbicide or anything like that and you can't really get a machine up so we clear all the Mounds and then dump all of the debris into these pits right and these pits can take them all the way up we filled one up 10 12 feet in the air and then in a few weeks all of that biomass just goes right down and bananas love there's nothing mushy stuff with all the rain that we get just feeds our bananas and lets us have really nice racks so obviously this is the younger one that's a little bit older and right here is where the hummingbirds come and do their little magic and a lot of people in Dominica cut the flower off we actually keep it on because we like the hummingbirds to be around so we always keep those but I'm from a big city my grandparents came from small villages you know so I love small village this has been like the best stage of my life yeah it's an adventure and you become a centurion right you could live 100 years we want I mean with this like air quality nothing like it so we got here this is oranges are just coming into season this is actually my favorite one I'm sorry I don't have a skilled opening techniques so this is you got earthy fingers like fingers and she got you a grapefruit over there yeah yeah we'll keep walking and I'll give you biking oh wow look at that grapefruit and what's the other one orange this one's our like Flavor explosion orange like sour and sweet all at once oh wow all right so here you have uh some of the first of the orange season and of the pink graper season so take what you like so I'll try this one first right time filling over here on fruit nice and juicy yeah you're right yeah a little sweet a little a little bit yeah a little bit of everything right the other ones are a little bit more you know a little kind of gone myself so fresh I like that the skin yeah I love the little pockets Little Boxes yeah yeah look at that they're so good that's where the magic is oh it just pops right we're just popping everything today it's like it's like caviar it is right look at these little like yeah look at that one that was a good one open it up whoa one oh it's so fresh it's unreal that's amazing all right so I think we're good I mean I can eat this all day but I won't be able to eat later oh we have still avocados oh we should climb up the tree why don't we go get the baby right now okay going get you guys Baba Dean or the um when I say this wow all right here's Bobby Dean oh is that supposed to count it's massive I've never seen that catch and store and hold water all inside of these giant so even these trees like that tree is three years old right imagine 30 feet tall something like that and I believe that it has a lot of the nutrients a lot of the fertilizer sort of built into the system so that's why I think these permaculture techniques work so well because they use the sort of natural landscape instead of trying to fight it so often this one or is this one is let's try this one before sweetly the flowers are edible and also the leaves are packed with nutrients and we also these are like our signature salad or we usually in pestos it kind of has like a sweet kind of nutty flavor um we love it then it grows prolific so the goats love it the livestock love it too so anything that like has all these sort of multiple uses we love to sort of use as much as we can all right so let's see let me try this you think like maybe pesto something like that but it has a sweet thing a lot of greens have like take some time bitter break it down gotta break it down for sure that's why we chop it up usually and yeah it's just kind of like that oh yeah yeah but you feel it um a little sweetness a little teeny bite I mean for a leaf though yeah well everything's incredible all right all right this is a Trinidad Scorpion pepper or a chocolate pepper chocolate pepper yeah so it has beautiful color on it uh if you are brave enough you can taste it it's nice and spicy I'd say comparable to habanero oh right away right away no and now I have to run off my hands because now my hand starts up but nice flavor too if you could if you can find it you know I mean it's flavor here you just can't get to the seeds the seeds will kill you yeah dude why edible uh give me something give me something dude this is hot this is really hot whoa I told you yes why does anybody want this pain for what we make a lot of stuff it's a burner blush right now I feel it in my lips now my lips it's like oh you're break dude I'll give it a second no man I love chili I'm actually thinking of putting a pepper in like here you know that's great I love chili yeah we love it too wow everywhere we walk amazing amount of fruits and veg love this place so what's next Carambola oh yeah oh star fruit this is the first year of this sweet Carambola this is a sweet one that's delicious you put it in the fridge and you eat a little chilled and it's so wonderful but yeah this is its first year I got this from a lady's backyard over near the airport in marigot from a tiny little stick about this big and now I have three fruit um what three years later so you could Chomp into that it's delicious one of my all-time favorite tropical fruit trees for sure so we got them Lola um let me come in a grass cutter that's great so nice I love it it's like a corn on the cob that was so moist sweet juicy is this ripe like a fully ripe no I'm gonna go a little more but then the birds get them you know so I tend to go a little early on them just so I make sure I get enough you know oh man you're delicious yeah I love them I love them tropical fruit there you go into the garden into the garden Boop I hope I hit the garden what are you doing oh this is amazing look at this huge tree right here it's a big one this one's ready I see the birds going at it [Applause] I got it right in time it's only got one little dye out of it oh wow they already and you know you're diving in yeah because that one's ripe so then you know it's full right because they start losing their edges the birds go after it then you know it's ready I'm gonna chop this banana tree [Applause] right there guys look at that I'm made for this awesome wow look so these are the bananas right so you can see the bird already got into this one because it was completely ripe and you start seeing it as you as it gets uh right like a little more edgy you said it'd be done right yes yes all right so let's cut some more let's see this one here follow me in here oh I made for this man the farm life have it right here on the bottom and you whack oh it got stuck there we go got it look at this right there that's heavy That's Heavy wow we have a bamboo stick you want the bamboo sticker to do the top one first okay all right a little goofy guys of a fire nice everybody and the sap is flying yeah whoa are you okay oh my God incredible bias yeah let's leave it right here look at that that's all that's so far good harvest today huh it's awesome man this is great whoa okay so we're walking through the rest of the property to go to a swing like Jane of the Jungle right or Tarzan area of the place and this is in permaculture they like to have a zone five which we kind of keep forced it right so that you can always kind of be looking back at how nature would do the job itself right so that's why we're not we have any plans to cut any of these sort of old growth forest trees instead we want to plant things like coffee and vanilla and cacao all underneath but don't mind the shade and then maybe have little places where people can camp and spend time in the forest pair it to roost up in these trees every day those beautiful and peaceful back here so so it's only called zone five five is like it goes Zone one through five so the one is going to be closest to your house right all the things that you sort of get on a daily basis got it it's like I'm 10 again here we go oh wow oh it's dropping so I'm not that good at that literally she's like first thing keep your feet towards the tree I messed up it's okay yeah I did pretty good hey guys what's up disco what's up for you it's like give him anything hey everybody hey oh where'd he go where'd he go es milking goats huh themselves inside the tub made it to their house and they built this from scratch with their own hands and we have a booby trap here so be careful the ever in case Pirates try to come you know is amazing yeah a lot of local wood in the rafters the floorboards were all wow chainsaw milled you can still even see the marks of the Chainsaw on the wood a lot of the benches and stuff also local wood wow then there's the house I love it hey pleasure nice to meet you this is my office no no for sure for sure I wish this is my office look at this I'll tell you I'm in love with it this is incredible from scratch Pro I'm gonna hire you to build my house let's talk look at this wow look at this look at this look at this um the posts were from the property as well what a great design here at the two-story all concrete sort of our little safe space in there and then you use that as a roof nice so we poured we that's was Salvage galvanized that we used in the frame of the roof so so it looks like galvanized but it's actually Summit yeah that got stained by the color and the way that we held the cement up was huge bamboo posts 18 foot roof from bottom top she had like 30 bamboo posts holding up the galvanized and then we hand poured the cement I love it tables look at this guys super chill wake up there come down here you know leave your partner upstairs you come down you have your coffee and you go out there Chill on the hammock yeah this is like this is the life look at this so the toilet obviously is you know a regular toilet but look at this the sink the sink yeah I mean I've seen this in like a lot of boutique hotels where they use this type of concept right so they use you know pieces of wood from right in nature and it works man all right we're gonna we're gonna build uh David's been here Airbnb here open-air shower I lost place so what type of coffee is this um it's a little bit of here Mountain grown our neighbor up the way has a nice organic farm and he grows beautiful coffee so there's a real Dominica Dominica Dominica I'm still having problems saying it Dominica Dominican well yeah I've got that I've heard it's very good that's a Pro Blender Man that was a that was a necessity yeah yeah so you have banana papaya Ginger Moringa um orange juice Carambola sweet and yummy every day huh every single day wow isn't that good it's funny her dad was saying like you feel like healthy when you when you're drinking now oh that's so good the Banana Man the banana yeah right the banana yeah I feel like for me every chick needs a little bit of banana gives it a nice thickness right and sweet this is the babadino locally hero or the giant passion fruit custom Flora Grande Julius I think is the Latin name it's the biggest passion fruit in the world so we're gonna cut it open we just picked this one but we were climbing the so all these little seeds you can eat in there delicious I say I'm not going to tell you what I what it I think it tastes like when you guys could have a taste and you can tell me what you think yeah I love this so I'm having some organic Dominica coffee so this is from one of your neighbors right yes so good need to wake up man all right 10 seconds please let's do this man oh wow I just fell apart like that you need to take a nice little bite cheers oh that's amazing it's crunchy too it's one of my favorite fruits [Music] so easily look at that The Flash I mean just seeds right yeah yeah you can actually eat this part too if you want oh you could but it tastes like like a bland melon kind of like a melon maybe they'll take both parts and they'll blend it up into a juice well we love the seeds so much that we never do that you know we just want to suffer through the explosion of flavor and the seeds wow pretty good huh so good yeah man we love this one so take a bite a little flesh just so you know it tastes like a little bit are you from here yeah get it without the spray about that yeah yeah you got it yeah see so it's like a bland little melon right it's like a melon yeah honey dewy kind of yeah we did like an apple sauce out of it it's crumbly yeah very crumbly this is that's amazing um oh well so unique that was our adventures here at Fria Farm we explored we ate we drank some awesome coffee thank you guys so much hey a man thank you yes so people will come here and enjoy same thing as me right of course yeah guys so definitely check them out link below Instagram right yeah perfect pictures of the farm from the beginning so fantastic thanks so much and one day we'll have a place to stay here right absolutely so what do you guys think have you ever been to a sustainable Farm before let me know in the comments Below guys thank you again no no thank you guys thank you no we'll stay in touch yeah they'll always be a next time for sure for sure next time it's gonna be like covered in a sleeve right maybe Pops hey Thomas Thomas thank you so much let's go let's go Bongo let's go I mean that one uh fruit was damn good I'm not gonna lie yeah that was so good so I loved all the fruits and that you liked it all they were so good man especially that passion fruit biggest passion fruit so good hey so Aubry and lubizza amazing people thank you so much for the opportunity guys definitely come up here go to their Farm explore it all and now we're gonna go out of uh this area we're gonna see what else we can find hopefully we see some guys with some coconuts or something right yes hopefully hopefully let's see I mean I love this though we're in the middle of a jungle right here you know all you see are Peaks we're in a valley over here we have some banana trees we got some palm trees everywhere gorgeous gorgeous everywhere you look is green super Lush huh so Bongo what is that mountain behind us right there it's a mon Espanol um you said that it's the first Mountain Christopher Columbus used for home Communication System we have antennas up there for um public radio and also for let's have a phone services we just exited now we're making our way down the Coastal Highway uh just you know it goes all the way down right on the western coast of Dominica and over here a lot of beautiful houses but so much lush green rainforest I think 98 of Dominica is Rainforest right so lots of waterfalls lots of hiking you can do all these different activities if you want to every single day go somewhere else right different trails and we're gonna keep going see what else we find on this road hope we can find some food because I need to eat something it's already 2 p.m man okay so here on the highway there's a small little shark there's some food but we're here for a beer need a little beer let's go what up man how you doing all right so Marlo right Marlo no no so what are we doing what do you have oh that looks good looks strong so Marlo said don't have a beer let's try one of these and like it looks like a medicinal drink right yes so it's herbs with Honeys Anis okay great so hey guys cheers foreign that'll clear you right out that will clear you up yeah that'll clear you that's intense then we have one more what is that a big shot it's a small shot this is ginger so Ginger drink it's like a shot hello hello that's good that's good yeah that's good that's better that one is nice yeah it's almost like a ginger ale yeah okay nice look I like it and this this place is called called these shots so he's calling these shots well you got me going oh my God my nose like it's good now now I'm flushing I'm coming Marlin so what do we got appreciate it super spicy well that looks good look at that hands thick bam right there all right so I'm gonna try the fish first nice fried fish right get some of that Peppa um what do we got here what fish is this I'm gonna say very dense I love the peppermint oh it's not hot enough next to it we have our bacon this one has Cheese look at this love this break so bake fried dough you can eat it all over the Caribbean West Indies specifically right um I love the cheese so it mix the cheeses in here right um crispy on the outside though in the middle amazing pepper this one it won't come out so I have to like it yeah it took a while to get out but oh right there right there um love it good snack and for me wait mix yeah right you get some of this tuna open this so this is not a salt bake this is a fried bake um um the contrast a lot for me oh so delicious and that's the way we have a ginger Ginger drink right oh that's good um so incredible so much Ginger so potent man we have the bake this is just regular bake right so best thing to do is open it up right there just have it like that just oh man because I like I like heat he's got a stomach of Steel this man yeah you know what they call me pepper God don't watch them man my man here he's not getting my joke man I love everything the bake alone is fantastic add some pepper love the tuna as well super nice here now you can have the rest of that and again he has shots he has super delicious drinks mm-hmm it's good so right here is Shadow Benny or culancho right as the cousin of cilantro and right there we have the hard one you can have that one so you know what I'll take it no I'm ready oh you need water are we gonna take a shot yeah appreciate the hospitality thank you guys so much thank you happy Independence to everyone yeah got some water what's wrong with you my friend is strong oh it's strong that's why you get the water to the side from my understanding after each glass of alcohol you have a glass of water and you'll always be fine right yeah but it has to be water everything else is not yeah it's the best thing [Music] oh well that's our little experience here that's I love it yeah call the shots is my street food he's my family yeah no he told me you're his uncle right not Uncle yes cousins cousins related related thank you very much I got this let's go Bongo this is amazing this is like a tiny little village huh there's like street food here but not right now right so we're on our way to Roseau on Friday we'll see a lot of street food I love it so it's like a small village right here on the highway so separated by the highway here's the lower part higher part very gorgeous yes come to one of the landmarks on the island over here um this is actually Max um about halfway between Roseau and Portsmouth uh take a look at it and tell me what animal do you see turtle no I'll just tell you to cut the trees this area is called gel Leon if you have some French background knowledge you know it says the lion's mouth so um like Simba in The Lion King where he's looking towards the sun if you look at the peak of the mountain here if this was the forehead of the lion come down here the news about halfway so it goes that way yeah so it's like Simba looking like this yeah and right here is his kingdom this is his kingdom so when there was not vehicular traffic to um um we used to go to Russo by boat wow yeah the captain would usually stop around here and that's the man to stand and bowl to the Rock to the wild mode I didn't do so you threatened to throw them or feed them to the lion that's amazing I'm sure man look at that water this video where are the um where do people do whale do whales here that's a big lonely assault and so it's a bungle what did we just do it's in the kit area free of farms tried all the fruit amazing experience then we came down on our way south and we stopped at that you know quick spot how to drink had some holder shots call this shots call the shots so we had drinks we also had some bakes really nice and that's basically our adventure this morning now we're gonna head up to some place called Mero right yes Mero and uh we'll see you there guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did thumbs up comment below subscribe my channel for more awesome travel content and we'll see the next one here in Dominica let's go [Music] good afternoon from beautiful Dominica West Indies look at this guys we are here on Miro Beach incredible Beach super relaxing the waves crashing we have a few different restaurants here we have some bars what we're gonna do now is we're gonna go to this restaurant right here called Indy and we're gonna have some grilled octopus we're also gonna have a fish dish to fish with coconut milk it's gonna be incredible follow me super relaxing here how you guys doing everything good hi what are you doing there oh you're gonna meditate I like that you're good yeah man I can tell you she has a beach man on the beach wrestleman I love that I love that yeah yeah Rastaman right here be frosting man all right let's go let's go inside here love this super rustic Vibe you have some Reggae Vibes here some chill right this is it you guys good all right awesome awesome let's log in here so here we can get some beers as soon as I walk into the restaurant they handed me a beer I can't say no I can't say no mm-hmm oh yeah it's good beer yeah fantastic dominican's pride and one is not never enough right yes so number two is coming soon one is not enough it's not I'm excited we're gonna go in the kitchen now we're gonna see they're making two different dishes oh yeah cheers and whenever you have free coupons we say chibi Sao come in come here oh it's good it's good refreshing so what do you have here this is a ginger roll Ginger wrong yeah that's what we will be using for the coffee all during the coffee oh yeah that's what we was using we were making this bottle three times for the week everybody was coming oh my God vaccine you got to go vaccine yeah I'm gonna try to shove the cover vaccine what's that one oh wow wow it's a bush rum but it's like clear yeah my man here D yeah and then we got in in Hindi perfect perfect okay so we're gonna try some of these incredible rums right yeah but that's good audience tell me I'm just gonna drink you know let's get a drink okay we'll just drink what's this drink and this one oh this is like a marijuana tea oh there's marijuana plants out there okay I didn't know it was legal in Dominica yeah right to plant fruit trees but first oh wow I've never smelled it dude this is this is different oh it's strong you can tell it's strong the sun you know this is sunny into the sky if you want to the Moon take this guy you want you want in an astronaut yeah all right I'll try something let's let's try a little shot I don't know why not that's the medicine I mean hey this is why we're legalizing It All Over America let's go oh wow it's like super nice it's like herbal I mean guys I don't normally do this but you know what in the West Indies I'll try everything how do you feel I feel relaxed that's what it is whoa you know what it is it's like almost like distilled grapes with a herbal taste yeah no but this I grew this thing yeah naturally we grow naturally I just throw those buds in there yes and throw the buds in there doesn't make it amazing oh like lifts in my eyes it was good stuff bro forget smoking so you're gonna try it Nate I'm definitely gonna try it and I cannot wait you will love it oh yeah oh yeah oh yes definitely it's you can tell it's smoother it's really nice delicious if only I had this boost all the time follow me into the kitchen let's go yes can't wait we're gonna make grilled octopus an incredible fish with coconut milk how you doing I'm very good I'm loving life right now thank you so much I love this country oh what are you making there so she's making that dashing balls okay so this it's called Taro it's a dashing bulb we mix it with green seasoning and we broil it into balls and we deep fry it so that's going to be part of your lunch today so there's a few root vegetables in the world right we got yam we have sweet potato what else we got we have dashing which is uh Taro right I actually love Taro I had Taro in Trinidad oh so good this looks incredible so we have a dashing ball so this is a mix of spices right yes and then over here we have so grilled octopus yep we have this is octopus oh yeah this is octopus boil yeah I'm going to grill it please you that's going to be part of your lunch I'm also going to make the fish Creole for you with the um fish the fish we have today is my my perfect mahimahi also known as dolphin yeah so you're dashing balls Taro balls you take this okay and so it's a light fry it's not hot enough right enough so what do you have there garlic butter then you take the onions and seasoning pepper you put a little bit of green vinaigrette and you take the coconut milk and pour it in there oh that's the secret sauce right there yeah you put a little bit of top there and you cover it until it boils oh it all smells good oh yeah oh yeah I know it's gonna be good wow bro this like the movements right now I'm ready for that huh smells amazing that smells so good I cannot wait I can't wait give me some dashing balls how hot are they they're on five oh yeah is that virgin no no you know my favorite drink ever was the Pina Colada version as an adult I like it now I like it like it was a spike it's a spike I like her I like her oh this is not virgin this is a pina colada one of my favorite drinks on the planet I went to the Bahamas like early life early childhood this is amazing whoa yeah yeah I choose the Bahamas I was a ghost so good sweet a little bit of punch in there a little bit of I don't even know vodka Pancho's in like okay the Pina I suspect you don't oh yeah right oh that's so good that's that's more than good that's [Applause] it is a dream in a cup okay you know I like it you feel the the pieces of the Pina yeah yeah yeah yeah um it's pineapple man it's pineapple uh what do we need to do we're turning around okay yeah so right now we're going to grill the octopus we take our famous garlic butter garlic butter I need some of the green vinegar okay so this octopus has been um pressure cooked for about an hour and a half oh that's great yeah so it's quite tender it's gonna be amazingly tender right yep [Music] no this green vinegar is a special recipe from our restaurant we have it has a lot of um green herbs on the island that we grow naturally and garlic so we pour it on there yes together with some onions and then your next thing that's it your meal that's it yeah your milk will come out in a short while okay so you can go to the dining room and have a seat wow I'm ready but bring more of that cannabis stuff dude it feels good it feels good it feels great thanks for being so kind thank you in California what a great spot you guys have here she's my cousin she's Aunt oh wow oh snitch that's great [Music] it's sunny when you eat you know what to eat oh yeah we love it oh this is great I think it's it's a good story the story yeah but taro [Applause] oh wow [Music] it looks delicious wow I can't wait let's go let's go where are we going it was great right here [Music] this is it Creole meal and over here we have the grilled octopus you know what I love gorillac so much how's that nice spice to it mmm oh yeah that is succulent my gosh I think you should just dip into whatever this is almost like a pesto sauce mm-hmm cilantro um green vinaigrette right here oh yeah and then over here we have little Tower balls dashing this as well [Music] crispy same time super doughy and over here we have the amazing Creole meal so this is mahi mahi with some coconut oh yeah gonna move right here look at that just dip it drench it dude it's like coconut curry remind me of Thailand right here wow take it off right there um a little towel ball [Music] you're drawing [Music] let's see here I will try this ball hold on good really good yeah yeah it's brilliant the vinaigrette's good too I think the dog was amazing it's different like spiced um incredible oh do the spices they mixed in here too spicy is it garlic butter right garlic butter [Music] favorite dish so far in the Island right there I love all football stuff I gotta try some of these super yummy Maduros or sweet plantains everything with this yummy Curry so what's this like a macaroon like a pie right yeah [Music] um we are in this family we love all you guys come visit us anytime any day it's good all right awesome awesome I got this let's go Bongo let's rock and roll okay so we're gonna get on a mini bar raft I don't even know what this is the bongo's like surprising it's like you're gonna get a little raft there's gonna be drinks you're gonna be good right so what's up man how you doing all right cool you're good God bless God bless how you doing oh look at that never seen anything like that huh that one is Coolio sorry Bush that's like a family of the macro this one is the I am sorry it's amazing yeah sounds amazing you good just hop on yeah come come with me and you will see a different world of imagination don't you know what we do you good oh is it okay David's been here in the Caribbean they've seen all the foods from the deep Renditions [Applause] yo we're going no one more [Applause] it was amazing so we're staying on this boat this is the bar it gets dragged by the boat epic what's this a lot of drinks guys foreign [Music] Pride it's amazing we're on a uh bar it's being dragged by another boat music Good Times Dominica run guys you want a spicy wrap all right [Music] combination of sweet peppers onions and some nice fresh fish yeah freshly caught fish is already guys to prepare the keyboards I have yellowfin tuna which I get every day because the fishermen from the community goes out every day or every other day so I prepare it freshly on the stick yep welcome to fresh bite normally it's prepared already and I just put on the grill but for now you get the process been done so give it some colors I say normally it's already prepared so you don't have to press your oven with too long you're mixing so many things how many do you have on there well there's one two three four five pieces of fish and all in between is the veggies we say veggies but we basically I just have onions and bell peppers one more fish one little topping so that they don't slide out don't be really bad normally I could put it one time if it's you know what I do I do three and then put it at the same time so you get ready at the same time she loves ready for the grill [Music] I think I shot someone at the web honestly I like some more huh it's one more and in a few minutes spin how many spins there's one spin because it's cooking on both sides but you just want to make sure that you properly cooked check [Music] all right now I put the Special Sauce I will give you the name [Music] they haven't gone to Olympics probably I win because I spin spin the Drone like a big man oh what one shot let you fool me your medicine medicine your food what you eat split split speak speak [ __ ] got the lyrics for you to the beach yeah I got the verb that action word let's do it stop thinking about it let's just go do it like yeah it's like get it done ah Dominican to the world Bongo gets Dominica anything you want Bongo gets gets Scots skin Skin's weak yeah yeah the building again yeah welcome to fresh bite you don't understand it's a pleasure to have you here everything pluggy nothing blogger fresh Kebab on the grill always ready right by the beach side right by the seaside could see the sunset everything in life Don't Come Easy you gotta go for what you want oh and if you follow David on the YouTube he show you to do what you can take a trip see some people eat some food burn out evil and everything will be all right yo take a flight because I'm addicted to a girl like ganja trees like the sweet Cali smoke that are blow in the breeze what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine all you gotta do is call I'll be there on time romance is in the air and love is on my mind but you gotta lock me up if love is a crime I'm a chef and I'm a gentleman need pleasure and love is what I'm offering then the qualities I love with my charming skills my body next to yours give me all the drills for real let's check them with fun YouTube TV and everything all right and everything Corey make us a boom boom boom boom bam oh that was snap dude I didn't expect that that was wild unexpected fish Kebab fish kebab [Music] good food good vibes I like it here what do you got here we got any alcohol got some yeah oh beer yeah we have beers also Guinness and Heineken Curry as a Guinness uh for an extra I think it is good that's the only that's the only difference that matters outside of Ireland if you guys don't know my introduction to beer was Guinness yep for an extra okay oh what a great addition to the beer man foreign extra this is the beer in Suriname in Guyana and Trinidad in the West Indies Caribbean this part of the world is the beer did it so good why keep eating enjoy mmm we got some hot sauce here right mm-hmm hot sauce pepper sauce add some of that I've always tried something different right but I mean at the end like let's just get experimental mm-hmm that's pepper Peppa I'm gonna turn it on cayenne pepper cayenne pepper oh what happened here what happened here hmm let's try and Bubba right here powder all right I live once you die once you live every day that's the truth man respect respect and thank you for coming through trust me it was nice you know what we're coming back for sure I'm buying in Dominica let's make this happen let's bring tourism to this country let's go thank you my friends that's it we had it we did it we had uh what do we have we have Grill octopus we had the fish with the milk n and D amazing experience and that beautiful beach yeah one of one of the best one of the best all the best yeah definitely and um we are on live Beach you understand all that nice taste yeah one of the best and that's it guys we're done here we're gonna go back out the Portsmouth we're gonna have our Reggae night right now but you know what this is it for us we're out hey Nate we did it let's go another Country 93 country rocking and rolling [Music] from beautiful sunny Dominica West Indies today I'm very very excited because I'm taking you up this beautiful River the Indian River once we go to the very end we're gonna meet up with some people they're gonna make for me some roasted breadfruit we're also gonna have some salted cod and you know what the only way to get in here is to buy a side pass right so you have to go to the gas station right across the street buy a side pass private tour it costs like five dollars for the day and you know what follow me here so this way come on Nate gonna hurry up so we have to go through this entrance right this is like the national park or the park services so you go here with your pass give it to the Ranger from there you can jump on a boat I'm excited a little bit a little bit of a sore throat but I'm good I'm right here says welcome to the Indian River bienvenido welcome hello sir perfect and right here is our guide so it's going to be like a 30 to 45 minute ride up I'm sorry what's your name Sir Eric all right Eric whoo gotta be careful here there's that boat this one it's right here just uh thank you all right here let's do this awesome you're good how you doing man I'm good I'm good I'm ready here with Eric Indian Rivers cherry blossoms so what is this one called wild hibiscus wild hibiscus beautiful love the flowers the male and female that's the female good morning we have tap ons uh we are back we have the Snopes [Music] yeah so if you guys don't know brackish water is that's a mix of salt water and fresh water that's where you'll see like crocodiles and Gators also Turtles like in Florida right in the in everywhere the Everglades is you'll see some you know the mix right so here he's saying we can see some barracudas there's probably some sharks that come up the river as well um beautiful but no no turtles oh okay okay one time only one time I saw Twitter after one week this was done the river died so right now it's crab hunting season as you can see huge crabs coming out of this uh this little uh swampy area right this is the mangroves right well not really mangroves big big trees here though look at the hey big crops yeah they're humongous what's the species called so that's the species of crab here massive crab super white hey it says catch it and Curry it right okay I mean we're trying we're trying so what is this name it's a male hibiscus it's a different size right the male hibiscus is a bigger flower is a bigger flower then that was bigger it's really cool right now not as high as it was earlier right it's perfect weather amazing so as we go up it gets more fresh and fresher right the air quality just gets even better and better yesterday we were up in the so what is it called sanitarium uh uh syndicate syndicate syndicate up there Amanda the temperature incredible it was like 10 degrees less so no animals though no animals here there's some animals they just just crabs right there no so is the female hibiscus very nice so what what is that right there it's called wild sugarcane wild sugarcane unless you can eat them with no juice which is used by the Indians from making local handcrafts that's baskets three straps but try to begin for this plants it's called I'm losing the capital of Dominica the capital that's where you find his name the capital from this plant oh wow wow it's amazing yeah we just see crabs non-stop crabs here everyone who lives as a crab died in the crabs beautiful you see this part of the river has these beautiful trees what are the name of the trees again bloodwood bloodwood tree so I'm in the tree so tree of the swamp so it's not mangroves what is the tree what a gorgeous tree man look at the roots how it extends everywhere I mean it's a beautiful place for for animals to thrive right fish in the bottom crabs on the top great little how like homes right yeah when it rains it becomes really murky right oh yeah you see the bottom here oh man it's okay so that's wild ginger the red one so after around 30 minutes we made it here to where we're gonna make the breadfruit right so you have a nice little duck burning it up and they're cooking over there you can see the smoke follow me maybe I should grab this so bring all the way in right push it so where do you go up to over here right sorry sorry [ __ ] you made it no we made it we made it time stands still at the bush bar this is the bush bar good morning how you doing very good very good David pleasure Alicia nice to meet you all right oh this is great thank you a bar right here in the bush this is amazing Ginger Bush rum my God before breakfast so what do we have here with um locally grown Ginger and our local rum which we call classroom and here we go what's wrong Ginger mushroom oh yeah you need a chaser yes you do water ASAP that's good all right I love it all natural right all natural oh that'll wake you up I feel like I'm in Albania right now drinking Rocky okay so breadfruit let's go all right let's go on man red fruit right there in your hand how are you good come on oh you put it on there for me already [Applause] oh yeah how long will it roast for um okay so we're gonna let that breadfruit roast for about 15-20 minutes we're now running on the kitchen and make some uh salt fish right yeah selfish let's go okay so before we see of the conditioning let it boil for like about 15 minutes but it has been boiling for quite a while so I'm gonna remove it on the stove okay do you know the warm the hot water and shred it out so you're gonna put cold water in it yes basically shock it huh oh yes like straight out [Music] so while I cut this is cooling down we're gonna put our spices on fire so we could do our cocoa tea basically it has lemongrass um spice and our bay leaf and also our milk so we're gonna grate this in there [Music] this is a nice aroma guys this is our cocoa tea now our cocoa sticks they are locally made cocoa cocoa so cacao like chocolate chocolate oh wow so what's the dish we're making called tea yes and you use cacao sticks wow like cocoa butter yeah yeah yeah well I'm saying cacao but Cacao is Spanish it's cocoa so you let that boil until it sticks are melted got it now when it's melted we mix our milk coconut milk and we have our cookie so here we have some onion [Applause] nope you don't want to cut your finger oh no this is the hard part for me the cooking yeah I don't cook I don't cook nah I just like the heat I enjoy cooking I'm sure I'm sure I enjoy watching and I I like the taste of food after watching the whole process because it's something different you know like when you when it hits your table and you never saw the ingredients you don't really feel that is true the same I guess I don't know it's a feeling like I saw you make it with love so it actually tastes better you know that is true so here we got some garlic starving that breadfruit [Music] a very slow very we're gonna do the Indian River haircut in Dominica wow yeah right now we're gonna do I'm gonna shave my head with a razor and trim this beard I'll add some oil yes nice oil whatever oil is this this is um Cleo soya bean oil yeah everybody uses different oil right yeah for health purposes I CED um olive oil olive oil yeah or avocado oil no olive oil is nothing like it no nothing compares but sunflower oil I like it just for cooking oh oh it looks amazing love it salt cod fish with a garlic nice crunchy onion some oil perfect I mean I would eat this alone but obviously this is gonna be paired with the breadfruit right yes and avocado and the fried dumpling as well oh wow the avocado it's gonna be nice and creamy super tropical though I love avocado avocado but it's super super fatty yeah it's one of those fattier healthy fat dogs yeah it's healthy well I mean if you're having avocado every day I don't know I have a mango every day and then I gain weight I feel it a mango yeah yeah because the mangoes are also very very super sugary you know so that's the thing but this is amazing look at this guys smells so good crispier crispier this looks so good it tastes good oh I'm sure it tastes good you have any pepper no coconut milk some people use flour or Arabic powder to thicken their cocoa but on like me I love custard so I use custard to thicken it and now we add our condensed they are not condensing for our liquid oh it's not gonna smoke no it smells amazing wow it's gonna be nice so we're gonna do a fried dumpling now we're gonna add our oil so that it can get hard to put in our dumplings put it as many of much oil as you can as possible so it could fry The Dumpling both in and outside it's also like a nice layer exactly yeah lots of oil is needed for this making these beautiful dumplings which are basically bakes right yes they're bakes it smells great smell it huh super thin huh yeah foreign [Music] who doesn't love avocado I know I know right come on come on who doesn't yeah and these are because they're so ripe they're like nice and creamy it's it's so good that's why avocado toast has become so big in the States now the avocados yeah avocado is a big thing and you add some eggs yeah maybe some saltfish whatever you know oh okay no okay it is bakes yes really nice small bakes not too big not too big I love bakes like this so so tasty I mean nice and crispy on the outside a little oily inside doughy you just stuff it open it up stuff it you can stuff it in the cut fish as well you could stuff a sandwich yes yes fry sandwich let's go the breakfast ready let's get into this fire there it is it's almost there almost there we're already one of the best thing also to do just like a fruit cocoa you go straight in the heart that's meaning I'm done cook yeah you know done so this last two for me so we just finished making four of the bakes right off the fryer now we grab the dough right then we roll it out a little bit right just come on and do that perfect and then you slip it down like that perfect enough another one some flour here it was good so it's slow it takes like 10 minutes it's not too far too fast because you don't want the outside to cook on the inside is not cooked that's it we wait these are my bakes these are David bakes wild breadfruit breadfruit tastes like bread that has been made through a fruit basically and it's filling it's really filling yes it is and with this you could do like breakfast chips there are different dishes you could do with this yeah maybe some butter on top um pies you could do um what do you call it chips so you can use a dough for a few different things right yes yes yes awesome I love love it when it's Friday you love when it's fried wow looks super super tasty it's almost like chocolate milk yes okay all done all done yeah yeah so now it's time to eat yes okay guys so we're gonna go here right here right here on this beautiful table love this bush restaurant which is incredible so it's a nice like huge Hut right got the bar you have three round tables uh all this all the stools are made of wood look at this bro incredible and then we have this massive table here this is where we're gonna eat we're gonna eat some food we're gonna have a drink we're gonna relax so here we go with the food right so roasted breadfruit love it it's super filling uh it's like a carb right [Music] um so tasty here we have a selfish all right so here we go so Alicia how do we start with uh this beautiful meal okay okay I'm gonna put in the sawfish okay with a super tasty selfish so this is like uh the dish of uh Portugal If you guys have never been to Portugal cod fish is King in Portugal for real yeah yeah they're all about that sorry about the bacalao yeah Bruce Bradford the most breadfruit probably get one of these right yeah no I got two of these right here that's good maybe a little bit of cucumbers nice salad right yeah fresh salad that's good and then a bake and the bake how hot is that bake not so bad not so bad tell me okay so how do I do it just open it up like this that's right if you want to just eat it just like that it is like this okay mm-hmm fried dough so it reminds me of um elephant ears at the fair yeah we have something in the United States where every like city has their own like Youth Fair like a carnival whatever and there you have fried dough but they usually mix it with some like sugar syrup or something right oh almost like pancake pancake almost like a pancake yeah but I mean Super fried right so do I stuff it yes you can it's okay right this is what I was waiting for literally stuffed this oh whoa there's another one no problem at all no problem very good no it's it's okay [Music] I was waiting all day for this uh-huh it's so fresh not too salty with the bake nice and fluffy inside crispy outside crunchy as well with the onion I love this and if you want we add some of this right like that and yeah well that's good yeah I mean it's nature right that's why we have so many flies it's always like this I guess the Flies are hungry as well mm-hmm nothing like how big and selfish you guys love it right like every day yeah yeah almost every day yes days fry bakes on the menu yeah it's probably it's like street food right yeah it's basically we had it for breakfast we've had it a few times just along the road right yes you're ready for breakfast you could have it for lunch you could have it for dinner basically comfort food no it is I will try the breakfast with the catfish breakfast and crawfish together okay so I'll try that mm-hmm to a combo another breadfruit very dense still a little smoky but you know I think this one I really like the the baked more and the you know what's called the breadfruit in the breakfast I don't know I'm enjoying this one tacos don't forget mm-hmm this is unreal guys unreal um wow and we still have this whole plate foreign so it's like very like grainy cocoa yes right that's what we use to make our local chocolate mmm so it also has Ginger we do have our Chocolate Factory here in Dominican Dominica I was gonna say I was like where's the chocolate come on put this together I love the pairing I see that even in your pepper sauce where's the pepper sauce with my pepper sauce up sorry I was hungry no I love this combination and like I said before the best other cars in my life have been here just they're all super super sweet and creamy they fall apart yeah yeah no both sides yeah I mean some people do right but yes most people but most people don't they're going to sustainable farming yeah that's right wow congratulations this is phenomenal thank you thank you super simple everything is from the area right yeah yeah yeah all natural all natural God guys can go forever with this no it's nice oh that's really enjoyable how do you just like this maybe make it into a bowl but I'm super happy with my meal right now thank you thank you thank you so much you're welcome oh yes but we're missing that we're missing that Dominican pepper um oh it's so good and when you're done you can sit down for a spice rum yes what are we doing you wanna do the spice room I'll do whatever you say all right let me get that for you you're literally are controlling what we do today spice rum spice rum some more bush bush rum right yes you and me it's probably strong guys um foreign that is pure medicine [Applause] oh it's intense oh these all have like a back kick right the very end it's like David what are you doing to us how is it good yeah yeah it's really good the thicker bread for the last one but this is better solid tea right when in doubt and we had no sugar in it right I just don't want sugar so what are we gonna try this with like a little bit of this with this right fruit oh yeah yeah no it's perfect amazing food right super big lunch meal or breakfasty lunch it's like a brunch right now it's okay well the other ones were just like roadside bars they'd probably been sitting out all day under the heater definitely different making it fresh every time it sits out in that little window oh yeah yeah it's been there all day all day here's thanks to my friend over here Alicia for setting up this incredible meal it was so good delicious now our time here is done we're gonna make our way out to the beginning of the river but we're gonna go hiking so we're gonna see what else we find maybe some animals maybe some plant life you know of course right well thank you so much thanks for having you thank you it's been a pleasure guys hit up the Indian River right here the Bush restaurant right the bush bar Bush bar yes all right all right yeah so now we're making our way through this beautiful Trail all the way back to the beginning of the river as you can see lots of beautiful flowers right this is the wild hibiscus right over here we have another one forgot the name of this one the red one right there pink not red pink and that's it we made it to the end of the Indian River tour we started off at the beginning got on the boat went with our guide Eric he showed us a little bit of the plant life the floor and fauna we saw a bunch of different crowds we saw fish then we made our way into the bush bar in the bush bar we saw them roasting some breadfruit we made uh salt fish which is basically Cod mixed with some onions some garlic and then we had some bakes fantastic experience thank you to Alicia thank you to the whole team there it was incredible I'm super full I'm ready to explore more of this beautiful island but for now guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below and let me know have you ever tried breadfruit saltfish do you like cod fish alright guys I hope you love the video thumbs up comment below start my channel and we'll see in the next one peace good afternoon guys from beautiful Dominica today I'm doing something really special I'm getting a haircut here on the Indian River my boy Daryl here Daryl hey how you doing man I'm good how are you I'm good I'm good I'm ready man I've been growing this beard and letting this hair grow for like I don't know a week or two getting ready for you okay all right what what you want to do you want to shave it clean today shave clean man shave everything different kid again right why not I'm looking forward to see that different look yeah right yeah like you man like you I like it I'm gonna do it so right here on the dock right so this is the Indian River obviously right now the river has gone down so as you can see just like crabs lots of plant life lots of green right I'm gonna put your cake yeah yeah for sure this is super relaxing I've never done it on a on like a deck like this before I mean even though we are close to Portsmouth still feel like it's pure nature out here right like just the sounds of nature crickets Birds frogs so we're gonna trim the head first the head yeah this is where you notice the difference look at this massive beard this is three weeks this is like four days this is three weeks okay here we go it's amazing that I think that's long you know what is long yeah like it's too long for me I keep it shaved all the time now yeah thank you so much for coming out here most welcome that's my pleasure it's amazing he's like I'm gonna give you a haircut on the river I thought we're gonna be in the river yeah this is this is my my passion so I'll do it anyway awesome awesome I work at Lotus barber shop what are they called Lotus you ever heard of lotus barber shop he told me about it Bangla was telling me about it anyway I think we passed by it yeah this is one of the most popular barber shop in Dominica okay yeah in Portsmouth one of the most popular in Dominica but it's important you know it's amazing how just you put in that against my head just relaxes me yeah I know it's like a massage it is it's a concentrated massage oh I'm supposed to have a duster I just realized that I left it of course but um obviously a toilet paper to brush it off perfect hey no worries man I mean we use this all natural ingredients here let's use nature it was amazing yesterday we're at a farm and they were like if you have to go to the bathroom we have some natural toilet paper I'm like perfect hope that was the material uh Syndicate yeah so you went to the falls hey we didn't go to the falls we ran out of time it's too much okay yeah we're gonna go to the falls though we still have time to go to Falls so usually when you when you do that clean cut like that you use um shaving cream yeah okay I mean I always just sharing family we have sensitive skin no really I mean right now I just my whole face is dry you know muscle's very very white so anything you like do like you'll see it for a little while you know [Applause] I think I saw a little video that you did that you can jump and knowing um so what do you think about them I like it it's different you know I think the mountains the nature it's very unique compared to other flatter Islands you know yes okay please yeah no for sure there's so much hiking here it is right yeah it's right behind you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] most times people use the stream when you're using a razor so I'm record Glide better [Music] [Applause] sleep thank you yeah so I put it against my my brain you know on the skull [Music] [Applause] [Music] so if you want for the dead I'm still giving you the option you could line it the edges and we could use the scissors and just clip on the white one if you like or you can really lift up your mind you just take it out clean we just trim it and just like I mean pretty good trim doesn't have to be shaved you know yeah foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow wow felt good it's a sleepy right now okay so we're ready for the bed ready for the beer yes oh man I'm falling asleep man it's so relaxing out here you literally after you just lay down on his bench pass out hmm [Music] [Music] thank you foreign laughs man the air coming through right now I breathe put it asleep right no for real it feels good feels so good how's the beard it's looking good already okay foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] this problem you have to improvise because you do not have the Ideal tool because we're out in the open so we have to use the comb and these two that's fine remember right yes foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] foreign foreign should feel a little lighter right now it feels lighter right yeah is that good so I'm gonna take this off right now just to um ease up the heat yeah sweating no problem wow I fell asleep there yeah you know I was like done do the Finishing Touch now um we should be good [Music] do you give any massage or no massage what's that massage [Music] [Music] so how long you been doing it cutting hair I've been caught in here for 21 years now 21 years yeah nice really long time 21 years cutting hair guys learn some of the skills from my brother my brother is also a baba okay um you might see a guy looking just like me wow yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so this is a little colder touch so we're gonna get the edges nice and crisp this is where we're going to bring up this is actually the best part so what are you doing what am I doing yeah like you added some baby powder yes it it gives a smooth comfortable cut and it gets the edge all nice and crisp and sharp yeah I mean that that bone feels good yeah vibrations yeah and usually when we cut in here out in the outdoors powder helps a lot between the Heat and the sweaty skin looks like engine light yeah right [Music] [Music] [Music] yep we're done you're done bro okay sorry a little alcohol now okay close your eyes good to go is that good very good like boiling right now man that was I mean alcohol is crazy she did a beautiful line right so you shaved my head the line I won't lie to you most of the time I was like asleep like literally asleep between the beautiful nature a little bit of that you know the machine just seeing against the head feels good it feels good Daryl thank you so much so you guys can see Daryl here in Portsmouth right in which Barbershop Bluetooth Barber Shop bloated Barbershop so you can also go and do stuff like this right I do my stuff mobile you could call me come to your home I come to your business out in nature anywhere you want it anywhere awesome man thank you so much man I appreciate it well guys I hope you enjoyed this Haircut video have you gotten a haircut somewhere abroad where have you done it what was the experience like you know sometimes they add other things you know like Wax massage but here in Dominica it's a standard regular you know not too much but dude I really want a massage what happened there what happened it was enough I fell asleep well guys I hope you enjoyed the video if you did thumbs up comment below subscribe to my channel for more awesome travel content I'll see you the next one with a brand new cut good afternoon from beautiful Caverns National Park in Northwestern Dominica today I'm super excited because we're gonna go catch crabs and then we're gonna make a crab Curry I'm excited I've never actually done this before I've never gone into the Wilderness into a park and pulled crabs out of the mud let's look it's super muddy here gotta be careful oh for the floor look at this this is very very slippery uh let me grab a branch here gotta be careful here Nate this is not easy so I came here in shorts and once we get to a certain point we're gonna take our shoes off because we're gonna go into the water like really really in all right let's keep going you guys are waiting for us over there yeah all right guys I'm sorry what's your names sledgehammer and you're in your mother's mushroom right awesome awesome and you I'm slim slim yeah super slim yes all right guys so we're gonna go all the way what type of walk do we have um so 60 seconds we're there 90 seconds 90 seconds yeah this is nice man look at this it's like feels like the Everglades here you know super nice swampy Marshland you have trees you have a few Hills here lots of rocks very very slippery look at the holes look look these are like crab holes right here right down there see and usually what they do is they catch them at night but he told us that there are spots in this area where we can get them during the day I mean obviously they're just coming out they're walking around they're eating and they go back in their Hall can't wait the crabs I try to crop back the other day here amazing crabs is King in Dominica yeah how many are you gonna get it well as many as we see right you know that's him bro I don't want them to get me with their claws and there's some massive massive crabs here like right here yeah trying gotta be careful well there's rocks everywhere is that we're going right in there bro the world know me as a whole day getting ready get it ready yeah you know what aerodynamics right yeah this is scuba Dynamics absolutely oh my God so check out the shoes shoes yeah I think I'm going shoes off bro let's just oh my God we're gonna go in the mud guys and then this thing my batteries has to go like across like this in a way because I'm not everything is soaked got the phone has to go in here right put it somewhere all right let's go I mean it is a massage right take it slow take it slow there's a lot of branches everywhere right walking straight in I don't know if I wanted to do this I guess I'm going in how do we walk through here without like falling oh yeah I'm good make your way there bro no for sure it's more that eat this there's lots of things on the floor you know and it's hard unless you're grabbing something it's hard well oh there he is he's pulling something out I like fell man oh gosh is it in here you gotta get the crabs man my feet oh it's like a sunken boat right there I don't even know what I'm stepping on just pieces of wood I know it's just it's hard man I agree I just don't wanna [Applause] luckily there's no snakes or Cayman in here so we're good on that bro all right snakes great this is like where I'm gonna see a snake just roll up on me all right guys let me let me let me get ahead of you in some way I mean yeah yeah I'm sinking got it I thought this Anaconda here man we're in the Caribbean they didn't swim the sea man 's eyes they're scary man right there bro right there trying to get through here without falling too deep into this muddy pit oh my feet I'm on a route too man just don't want to be impaled yeah me too poor bit by snakes one of those two things I guess stay close to the edge right [Music] oh my gosh this is no joke guys getting through this swampland it's not easy yeah definitely you're gonna do this bring some some boots right some big huge boots oh oh I gotta grab something it's shallow but it's too many branches man there is he going he's running he's running freaking like like bare grills in here right yep you got it I'm gonna cry let me get there ah oh damn guys there's no way for me to catch up I want to see this all right so I'm trying my best to get through this crazy Marshland but everywhere you step is a branch you got to be really really careful it's like oh got any more crabs you guys find anything all that how can you get it ready oh I just oh yeah there's a big hole right here okay it's like do not go in there dude I just got stabbed bro I got stabbed oh no that's a hole that is a hole these little branches saving my life tiny branches holding me in place oh my gosh I'm like sinking here [ __ ] there it is yeah wow that's a big boy that's a big boy there's a big one [Music] I'm almost there guys oh look he's sticking his hand into the into this tree trying to get a crowd [Music] oh he's biting huh yeah [Music] oh look how big they are how many crowds we got well we got about 15th and grabs right now dude he's doing it so fast he's finding him that one hurt you dude my legs help me you good yeah okay you don't look okay another one oh it's hard wow he like his claw grabs so hard onto his finger that the claw fell hey boy hey boy big boy crab hunting in Dominica [Music] there's no joke Bear Grylls no we got Mike Corey up in this place purely so far what do you know about this [Music] swamp collab Everglades fearless and fire now okay so I'm swamped for it bro going through here we go get that out there you go do this yeah [Laughter] Caribbean the little ones see the little one but this one he can't hold me he's too big we did it oh my feet half of those fire ants oh that's the thing is you can't ever touch the branches full of fire ants look at this look all the branches in here [Music] Mother Nature oh wow man so many so many sticks see when you hold it out of the back then I can't do you know and again these clothes are too big I'm making my way through these branches look at this he's ever Really Brave he's like no one's ever come in here with shoes off we're like well we don't want to ruin our shoes but risk our feet it's about see we can't do this in Florida because we're just gonna run into Gators the whole time no you literally would just be running the Gators wow ah my feet this is intense I don't know we're swimming that's when it gets chest deep at least suddenly I climb trees supposed to go through here what do you think yeah wow that was amazing there's no way to get through these branches guys so oh it's deep oh it's like where am I supposed to go here overall this way all right let's get through this let's get through this water this is not easy these are the moments you remember the most okay thank God I got you that would have been it dude that would have been it oh thank God I gave that to you teamwork bro are you ready Nate are we getting through here it's deep it's deep oh [Music] all right grab on to this guys how deep is it over here it sinks literally messed up my foot yeah so we're trying to we're trying to stay on the edges here right so you stay on the edge as close to the tree as possible there's just gonna be the most shallow I'm the best I've ever been like imagine going through something like this without knowing what's in here oh dude there's fire ants everywhere too oh this is deep ah Nate why why I keep robbing things oh I mean crazy experience coming in here to get crowds but damn is it worth it for these feet I don't know right here about two hours in this Marshland we're done we caught 30 crabs now we're gonna make our way to the beach and cook some curry crab follow me [Music] I'm I'm here all right grabbing rums fighting little boy he doesn't know where his hole is it's the problem your first time there huh what's that hugging the rainforest barefoys okay it's okay yeah it was more oh my God those sticks we're supposed to be walking barefoot you know what that's called him you know it's called Miami so we call people who walk into like Winn-Dixie or like into Supermarket with no shoes on the bag you know let them go no no no no we don't do this you know that's America [Music] see that's the way you do it you take off the limbs clean it up [Music] I don't have a brush at the moment you do this the brains this Nicole is the fat supposed to remove that this is a fat remove it and season it move the crab s for carbox right no no please go away we're cooking the crab from um all right so after that incredible crab hunt we have this beautiful beach with this purple Turtle Beach oh I'm gonna go in [Applause] [Music] oh amazing this is Dominica wow all right that was amazing let's go over here to This Little Shack let's make some curry crab or crab Curry you told me which one is it so I'm here with Masha and she just cleaned the crab and now she put it all into the pot a few different ingredients we have the claws we have the muscle the meat everything in there right so now this is going to boil for a little while yeah we're gonna do some Quarry crap curry crab okay wow look at that very crab [Applause] it smells so good the curry do you really put the coconut milk in here not yet not yet that's the last step perfect wow so this takes about an hour right yeah it's fantastic just keep moving around that there's beautiful crabs huge claws guys huge look at this in the fire all right so we're gonna let it sit here for about an hour we're gonna add right now some more stuff like uh seasonings and then coconut milk perfect so I'm Gonna Leave This to the side all right so she's cutting out some onions over here super small onions a little shallots some garlic in there as well so what's going in there what's your flavor yeah some garlic onion yeah look guys this is our curry crab or crab Curry what do you say what do you say cupcake so it's really really hot oh best thing to do is get in here into this and just hmm um it's amazing we got here look what he's doing here well it's diving in huh [Music] um we got this today huh the crab Whisperer can't eat the crab I can only catch the crab I can't eat these you know why my lips get swollen Hey Big Man as you know it was awesome around Leaf like this job [Music] so tasty yeah [Music] I'm really enjoying this thank you yeah man you're welcome yeah we deserve it after like impaling my feet I'm gonna get in here get all the meat right well you don't have the what are they called crackle open the crab whatever when you don't have that coconut milk and taste it Curry so good and we're eating it wrong we don't have nothing to break the shell just our tea just our teeth like that yeah get in there and that's it um oh so much meat and scrub very nice come on go here break this and I go in and just crack cracks yeah nice I lose a tooth guys that's not fun dude then you go in here what about me mm-hmm um so tasty mmm love it so some swampland to table basically right you want to eat one of these right you like the knuckle right oh yeah this is one big crab we've got like 30 of them huh is he mad big mess bro big mess doesn't matter right I put something strong first time for you huh [Music] go ahead and catch it I mean I'm sure most Dominicans haven't done this right you all me [Music] it's good food I'm good making joke thank you so much oh look at this look at this it's like this oh man nice Curry throughout coconut milk can you go in here the flavor is coming out wow you cry meat lots of it super soft [Music] um you have to go in there and ready break it down mm-hmm wow bro each one of these cool [Music] suck right we beat what is this [Music] happening here bro I love that cup you know what kind of rum it's the Dominican that was crab hunting here in the cabritz National Park Northwestern Dominica it was insane I won't lie to you I was nervous the whole time but we got 30 crabs we only cooked a 10 of them curry crab crab Curry so delicious I loved it oh I can just suck on it all day and then again with the rum Cheers Cheers my man behind the camera salute salute and guys I hope you enjoyed this video what'd you guys think would you do this experience would you come up here to North Dominica and go in that water with no shoes on let me know in the comments below if you love the video thumbs up comment below subscribe for more awesome travel content we'll see you next one let's go Dominica thank you [Music]
Channel: Davidsbeenhere
Views: 322,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davidsbeenhere, dominica, dominica food, dominica street food, caribbean, caribbean food, davidsbeenhere dominica, dominica island, dominica caribbean, food in dominica, caribbean street food, street food in dominica, dominica travel, dominica travel guide, dominica island food, travel to dominica, caribbean travel, street food dominica, street food, what to do in dominica, dominica travel vlog, dominica vlog, travel dominica, street food in caribbean, food travel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 25sec (11785 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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