100 Hours in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!! (Full Documentary) Brazilian Street Food & Favela in Brazil!!

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[Music] everyone today i'm taking you down to brazil to one of my favorite cities on the planet rio de janeiro a city of contrast mountains rainforest chrysler redeemer beautiful beaches and of course gorgeous people it was founded in the year 1565 by the portuguese and its most famous attractions include copacabana beach sugarloaf mountain and of course christ the redeemer it is also a foodie paradise and it offers everything from authentic brazilian barbecue to seafood to fresh acai i spent 72 hours exploring rio de janeiro with my friends real for fun and real for food now with that said let's dive into rio rio rio i'm here with my boy gile from real for fun real for food and today we are going up to christ the redeemer a new seven wonder of the world i am so excited i've been to four so far it's gonna be my fifth one it looks incredible and yeah we just arrived in rio at eight in the morning and we're going straight up there because the weather is perfect that's one thing that you have to do you have to go straight there as soon as possible if the weather is good you don't want to you know miss it in case there's bad weather there's six ways to get up there you can go by train cycling hiking what else climbing climbing uh train and van by van and by van yes uh the most traditional way to reach the top is by train but today we're going by car in then take the official vent from the attraction that leads us from the bottom to the mount from the mountain to the top of the hill uh man it's a beautiful day let's take advantage of that so we get there we're gonna go in we're going straight to eat a sandwich yeah grilled sandwich with coffee and mango juice and very important david uh always make sure man you arrive early to avoid kill right like the white line because you always get very crowded so it opens like actually on the walking dead in the morning yeah so over eight in the morning it was built in 1931. this is exciting i can't wait let's go see christ the redeemer one of the new seven wonders of the world we are now in the road called pineda's road that goes to the top of the mountain corcovado uh one of the cool things about coming here by car is that you drive through the forest which is the tijuca forest and it's the third largest uh urban rainforest in the road so two of the largest urban rainforest in the world are located in rio in so cool man a lot of snakes raccoon squirrel toucans sloth monkeys waterfalls everything jackfruit some more the fruits banana it's nice a jungle in the city it's amazing and right here to the right when it opens up you can see the city the views are incredible but the views from the top i can't even explain how beautiful it looks on images i just can't wait to get there i'm so hungry we got here eight in the morning and we haven't eaten breakfast let's go eat we made it to the top where you have to get a van to make it all the way up to the christ okay so this is the entrance right here you go to security here your tickets and you go up oh my god is that a monkey what the heck was that i think a monkey just dropped that okay super super nice no well this is amazing look at this view this beautiful so this is just a small fraction of the city right there over here we have the vans get the ticket office you can come here get a snacks like a small bakery they have some fried stuff some juices some waters let's get the tickets [Music] good i like it we need coffee to wake up oh so good so each one of these was one us dollar yeah it's damn worth it because i am asleep alright guys so we bought our tickets it was uh 105 for two people he has a guide license so he hasn't paid 105 for two people that's roughly like 21 all right let's go let's get in here the van that'll be nice so the way it works is you buy your ticket at the reception then you go through a security give me your ticket and you get in the line after you get in line take a picture if you want to if not you keep going and you walk through another like area big line and finally you get into the van the vans are coming you know every like two or three minutes so it's really really quick and here we go exciting another entry all right so how do we get up there um steps of elevator i have uh like two interest things to share with you guys one jim carrey got stuck in the elevator so he was stuck like in the elevator for like i don't know a couple minutes guess what he did just start making jokes right and then another time during the the olympics all the nba players were here because they came to play for the american team and man no one recognize them right because usually tourists don't know they don't follow nba one kid recognized one of the players which was kevin durant he was just calling kevin's during kevin's the rain they have to leave right away because people started like annoying asking for autograph and pictures you know and they had to leave so these are the two cool things that every time i come here remember and look at this wheel man amazing so the view is stunning and you have to keep making your way up and right here we have a shop and in this shop they have christ the redeemer that they made themselves right they did this all by themselves with the original stone take a look heavy yeah same material that they use to build the statue which is soapstone and cement and here the pedestal marble so it's a meter style the pedestal with 30 meters the statue this is the souvenir you have to buy when you come to rio i'm gonna buy it it's 210 roughly 42 dollars is great though i love it wow okay hey tell them when i come back i take it [Laughter] [Music] when you make your way up take the steps come to the shop buy yourself a chrysler redeemer made from that stone it's a must it's a must they also have other stuff they have t-shirts they have hats they have you know tons of souvenirs but that's something that you need to get all right let's continue let's go up i need to see the christ and right there it is right there uh here's like the most traditional restaurant inside the tourist attraction believe me or not people think just because you're in a tourist attraction this could be like a tourist trap no good food but you can get this in food so let's have some breakfast look at this view coco beach sugarloaf is on the other side we can see from here okay so we lost something outside yeah cool it's crazy how high we are yeah 710 meters it's about uh 2200 feet above the sea level here usually we order like mango juice or any type of juice but because at this time at the moment they're not offering any juice so here it's good to have like a grilled cheese sandwich as we ordered just now for us and coffee but as you are in rio you must have a local beer called praia yeah and which is delicious has some i think indian spices and praia means beach right yeah but it's different different spelling okay cool awesome yeah i mean i like this open air got the price right there incredible views we're gonna have a beer and some grilled cheese it's smoking hot it's only like 9 30 in the morning and i'm sweating like crazy and this is it beer so this is a wheat beer right beer and it has indian spices five point three percent alcohol and it's brazil so it's praia with the y ni right let's try it [Music] oh it's amazing super light not too cloudy 5.3 percent also it's the lighter side of alcohol right but this is perfect for this weather really really hot in real right now you know it's summer you need something to refresh yourself before you go hiking up to the christ and wow dude refreshing like delicious so this is a special grilled cheese huh yes yellow yellow cheese yellow cheese oh my gosh cheers you can tell it's just like yellow cheese uh really good i love plunger [Music] i love when they press it it's the best i haven't had grilled cheese in a long time yes it's been like two years since i made my daughter grilled cheese so yeah in good tea man you have to ask to bring like well done like we did yeah cause like more toasted right yeah better like this yeah i need this i waited so long to eat we woke up at three in the morning flew to rio and here we are yes delicious if you want to and then also do a helicopter tour we're gonna try to do if we have time and right there it is look at that wow beautiful helicopter nice man it's like a two-door helicopter so good um this grilled cheese is satisfying all my needs right now and with this view and with that view i mean it can't get better you have a 71 in the world right above us you have this incredible city below us priceless i'll pay 50 for the sandwich after beer grilled cheese now it's time to go up to see the christ the redeemer scorching hot get here early it opens at eight i suggest getting here right when it opens you would definitely feel better in the end train actually opens at 7 40. 7 40 7 40. let's take the elevator escalator so over here to the left we have another part of the city like i said before stadium the international airport's over here huge bridge look where i am it's gorgeous this rainforest mountain and this is christ the redeemer and here we are at christ the redeemer 30 meters in height it's actually 38 with a pedestal right pedestal 8 the statue itself 30 meters all made by soap stone and cement in the pedestal uh granite and marble and it's 28 meters in width from our from finger to finger exactly and you were saying one of the fingers is gone because of not a gone but a little bit destroyed by the lining so as you can see above both arms you can see the lightning rod but even with the lightning rod a couple times a year the statue got destroyed by the lining wow yeah because so high right we're like 710 meters i would say approximately like 2200 feet above the sea level and right now it's not so packed usually super high season you can't even walk here you're fighting for a photo and this is like a big time right now it's almost noon right and uh yeah i mean people fight to dispute like a spot to take pictures i've seen a lot of you know foreigners from all different countries just arguing you know like pushing each other and from here man you can have a like kind of 360 degree view of the city and the city uh divided by zones so here on our right hand side at south zone it's the most privileged area well known as like the jew of rio like the top six upscale neighborhood so west north east south exactly so i believe this is one of like the most beautiful views of the city because you have like kind of 360 degree view and it's amazing man every time i come here it's different you know the clouds the sky sometimes it's more blue sometimes it's raining cloudy it's every time is a different experience even myself i have been like i don't know 4 000 times for the past 20 years uh then i'm always i don't know i get emotion you know i don't know you feel like a really good energy about this place right super energy yeah i mean very unique super energetic the only thing is you got to be pushing your way to get a folder a photo right now but that's the fame and if you arrive like at 7 40 actually you take the train at 7 40 get here by eight just yourself that's awesome yeah so come here at 7 40 in the morning and you'll be here alone way better than now right now it's super hot i like drenched and look this is a good tip by a local guide uh usually right after uh easter which is uh middle of march or beginning of april the best time to come to rio it's off season not that many people just right after easter just right after easter avoid new year's eve carnival in easter which is our like the busiest time it's getting really really crowded right now it's almost 12. the place is packed it's hard to get a photo trying to get a photo over looking north part of the city almost impossible i mean there's too many people fighting for a spot and you always have somebody in your shot i hate when you wear my shots i hate it yeah i mean that's how it is get here really early be all these crowds amen amazing what a morning unfortunately the chapel is now open i would love to show to you the chapel there is a chapel in the back of the pedestal amazing the must visit when you come to brazil if you come to rio and you didn't go to chrysler redeemer you weren't here it's a must it's a must we show you the experience how you can do it the cost to do with the van there's six different ways you can come up here yeah obviously we suggest the van is the fastest way and driving yourself is the best way you you go with the driver hey ciao obrigado hey it's the man let's do it hungry let's go eat i'm starving let's enter nice traditional bar traditional bar like men they're antique right yeah yeah the best land also they have some nice cut fish corroquita they call cut fish balls and you have to have draft beer man because it's super hot today and they have actually chopped which is small right you guys and they have a dark one dark beer exactly i would suggest you have the dark one this actually reminds me of like traditional bars in portugal and spain very similar i love decor obviously over 100 years old 117 years to be exact and over here they have the lamb cordero from [Music] oh man that looks so good this one is the one that's going in my mouth some beer some food this is awesome rio de janeiro some cut fish croqueta some cut fish balls alright my friends we're in the kitchen we're gonna see how they make a few of these different dishes bakalau lamb oh look at this pretty awesome i've never seen somebody make rice like that so he's doing his finish right then he added some more rice and then he keeps flipping it and flipping it flipping it whoa look at this whoa david one of the cool things about rio man the majority of the people that work in the kitchen they are from loktachi which is northeast of brazil could be paradise state or seattle state these two states getting along together man what a match that means they're cooking grapefruit this guy with the rice is really impressive i mean he's just going to not stop the bites we're going to have the same exact thing though oh yeah he's just going non-stop adding more more spinach add some more rice flipping it over and over and over well it's like a walk right and over here the back allows ready he's adding some more lambs all right i'm going to try some bremen black i haven't tried their black beer so it's a stout it's basically a style and the way it works right when you pour it very similar to again it has to settle so it's just to blow down it's clear right right now it's just like bubbling up actually in terms of the head head on top can anyone see that yeah and then slowly it goes up boom done please though yes okay oh my god wow that's good yeah so it's almost like a dark lager waste of dark lager oh it's good it's it's light it's a little creamy on top a little bit of espresso yeah it's more creamy so i i would say this is similar to a guinness obviously never going to be a guinness but very similar i am so pumped this food looks delicious look at this we have lamb it has been fried we have bacalao fritters so cod fish fritters we have you said it's a broccoli rice broccoli rice garlic paste fried fried garlic spray garlic on top all these little bits right here yeah and then obviously some potatoes potatoes all right let's start with the cut fish balls my friend okay cheers you don't bite there's crunchy of chunks olive oil olive oil huh i was thinking grabbing tabasco behind us no no no usually in portugal they do this that's a lot yeah here we do olive oil wow yeah we put a lot oh man that looks good and it's like the elbows are sinking through mmm much better this is so delicious i've had a lot of bakala fritters in my life i've been to portugal spain to have it as well it's so good you know it's a cold dish a little different taste but for me it's the best in portugal they have like a hundred dishes like cakes and stuff right they have also pataniska which is more like cod fish then they they don't put potato right this one has a lot of uh cod fish yeah a lot of big chunks obviously potatoes like mushy almost like mashed potatoes and outside it's fried delicious i found a bone just be aware that just don't just eat it yes and some there's not cilantro but maybe spring onions not spring guns but some herbs and right here i have the brahma black llama black i haven't tried it yet i tried it honestly right now at the bar but it is delicious beer still different you know obviously similar to games that's what they're going for a stout lifestyle but i'm pretty sure this is a black lager they have that style lager american black lagers dark lagers right right it's so refreshing it's like dripping so how do we do with this this lamb oh let's do it just grab it yeah big chunks oh my gosh yes this is look at this look at this massive piece of meat and obviously they deep-fried it so it's already cooked and then they deep-fried it yes actually they they roast for four hours and then they're fried so they roast it for four hours and then they fried yeah damn that's gonna be so good i can't wait for the rice too the rice looks nice and uh yeah it looks a little moist it's not so so dry yes and i've never seen well the guy was in the back like looking like that yeah very different i mean i've seen a lot of different risottos paella being made it seemed that like he did like uh there was a workshop in bangkok right i think so maybe yeah maybe you can hear what we do okay here always olive oil lots of olive oil on everything yes just here the rice okay let's go let's go huh love it broccoli rice oh so good so good melt in your mouth you roast for four hours and then they fry bake delicious roast is so long the inside the flesh falls apart immediately the outside is crunchy great contrast love the textures wow isn't the best lamb in real real yeah right absolutely it's crazy oh some chili sauce do it always oh on the lamp okay yeah so we're gonna try it with basically chili's yeah it's chili sauce but it's oil nothing better i'm much better oh my gosh i like it so it's not crazy spice it does sneak up on you though bring it now gives you a nice tingly sensation under the tongue mint jelly mint jelly bean this for this yeah we're going to eat this with lamb yes mint jelly like mean jelly this is cool it almost like jello like straight jello yeah wow i've never even seen this before oh hey the heat's catching up huh yes let's see my mind is becoming like super crunchy hard to cut here we go oh whoa extremely minty i mean it's good but i prefer the heat and uh you cut the flavor i think some people like to be honest i don't mind i don't like mint at all by the way [Music] for me i'd rather have chilies all day yeah just keep adding the heat yes wow you are right man i mean obviously i haven't tried any other lamb dishes in rio my first day but this one is so good it's flavorful nice heat and a pair with the rice and the potatoes phenomenal just the way they do you know they have their own style and they're unique you know a toy my favorite meat of all time is lamb minecraft them and go yes absolutely man my favorite shoe having this nice and like salty add this to it cut the taste you know pie cleanser delicious damn this is this is their best beer get the black it's better than the original oh unfortunately now a lot of places subservient yeah guys i can't get enough of these chilies i know it's uh probably not good for my stomach but why not it's so good if you don't like spice something's wrong with you exactly it reminds me of the bird eye chili in india very similar looking that's spicier that'll kill you you know yeah this one is just enough it's everything you need you know what you usually call malagueta malagueta then you pair this with the rice yes my recommendation such a good meal 100 years old i don't know if the recipe's 100 years old but the restaurant is 100 years old 170 117 and this is what you have to eat here the cod fish the bacalao fritters come four per serving so obviously the three of us were sharing the fourth one i added some delicious chili and you see the inside man so much pot so much oh my god [Music] oh god the best delicious the total price is 250 reacts which is roughly 50 us dollars not cheap but at the same time it's an experience and it's lamb lamb is always way more expensive always remember that uh the cod fish fritters were like two dollars each the beer was not even three dollars so the land is what cost but worth it amigo all right guys let's go see the aquaduck the steps let's explore this beautiful city so what is this here's the arches so uh it's a naked duck so we used to have a river here called the carioca river they used to pass here that was around 1755 so the river used to spread out into the ocean right it's like old town what i like about this neighborhood lapa neighborhood is like it's a bohemian naval right and uh here's a great place for you to have a drink and why not have a shot of kasha [Music] guys this is crazy it's like i don't even know 20 foot ceilings of just alcohol and nonstop so you have beer whiskey vodka it's like everything everything you could want that's crazy i've never seen a store like this it's so cool man it's unique it's almost like 24 hours and people come here drink enjoy party happy hour and then it's incredible like the variety of uh drinks they have especially right claudia hey all right yeah he's having the cheaper one it's like one uh real this one's five rounds so it's five times the cost and there's a bug in my face right here it's important stuff this one's very similar [Applause] when you're in brazil you gotta try because every day i wouldn't say every day but all day not every day but when you're traveling and you go to different cities you're gonna come across different caches unique ones like i said that one is the one that he had is like the cheaper one right in this uh small barrel but the one i'm trying it's good not my favorite i've had better ones this is very strong it's just it's like hitting you like it burns you know like a little burning station i'm good with that so here's the thing this one called one real the one you had it was five so it's a really cheap one right so all you have to do first you you set the cup here and then we insert the coin what an amazing idea that's awesome wow it looks crazy strong very very strong you know i don't even want to try it it's just wrong yeah we're going to give someone else yeah this neighborhood it's like a it's a little dodgy right like like you have these like nice restaurants but then you have like this it's like an abandoned building it's crazy yes i don't know some crazy movie that like it's kind of like ghost city like abandoned yeah it feels a little abandoned a little bit so guys be very aware of this area don't just walk around without a local but it's cool man it's la pizza bohemian neighborhood it's where tourists you know just you have to be aware right like when you walk around yeah definitely keep up keep your phone in your pocket don't pull it out and yeah let's go through the steps they're right here right yeah so we enter this street on one side you have murals the other side pure graffiti and some souvenir shops and some tags and some tags exactly yeah graffiti tags murals is more just real art right that's correct i love this look at that it's actually meters uh in brazil say all over the road it's considered an art yeah so you're allowed tags you're not allowed yeah it's you can get caught that's just putting you putting your name up for no reason it's crime it's just bs and in front of us we have the steps yes third most visit uh tourist attraction in rio the history behind these steps it was a chilling artist around 1990 he started putting tires from the colors of brazil which is yellow blue and green that the the brazil flag and then red color because it was his favorite color and then after that became like a tourist attraction streets started coming donating tires from all over the road i'm very proud that you're going to see now two tiles one for hollywood and one from hawaii that i gave to him uh 12 years ago unfortunately he died six years ago but man amazing this place you have to come here flo rida snoop dogg farrell film video clip coca-cola kellogg's corn flakes uh incredible hook too with edward norton many other artists here man if you want to try one of the brazilian national drink which called caipirinha it's basically sugarcane liquor with fruit and sugar and ice once you get here at the saladon steps you have to try this drink with this guy here it's lovely you haven't had the traditional one right and how much is it five five a dollar help me out a dollar huge huge glass oh my god let's try this so it reminds me of a mojito yes very similar to mojito no yes similar similars but they don't put mint mint leaf right yeah yeah mojito has bacardi yeah but so it's a little different this is no but he was asking if he's stronger i don't think it's stronger similar depends how much you put depends how much alcohol you put because this one you put a lot yeah good i mean it's delicious but it's strong as hell strong this one's strong forte oh wow it's a strong drink lemonade lemonade i'm joking dude all right so we're gonna go over here yeah let's go let's go this is this one i made i make you make that with your name this guy is an artisan he's making this he's making his own wood i would not put your name in here if you want but here this is real generous gives you all the different i guess uh all the major landmarks right really nice these are all bathtubs right all bathtubs these are the two ones i gave to him uh 12 years ago this one i bought at lax airport in los angeles this one uh honolulu airport in hawaii and he was so happy that is the only tile out of the steps from hawaii 2 000 tiles 60 countries wow look at this dude it's crazy it's really beautiful man what a great idea no whoa look at that the colors of brazil love it you're lucky man because it's empty yeah usually crowded look snoop dogg in pharrell the steps went like 20 years ago snoop doggy farrell filmed the video clip called beautiful that was 16 years ago 2004 and then we had incredible hope 2 with edward norton international version of youtube many artists florida and she's the mayor of the steps your picture on the tile in 10 minutes in 10 minutes yes love these stuffs so beautiful i mean this is awesome i love all the colors all the different plaques from like all over the world really really cool i mean it's different it's unique everywhere you go it's like a different experience right so you have the michelin here you have coca-cola over there it says a little little off beautiful ceramics man beautiful this is so unique i mean this is a really cool spot to visit obviously you must visit here top three in terms of places to visit when you come to rio look at this wow at the very end you have the flag of brazil and that is gold blue green gold like gold you know obviously gold because the land has gold blue because it has the atlantic ocean and green because of all the forest whew so the steps go all the way up to the flag yeah it's over like 220 steps over 2000 tiles from over 60 countries very colorful green yellow blue like donations by tourists right like i did 12 years ago and if you notice like on both sides it's like hot tub like bathtub right amazing and then he fill it up with cement yeah yeah so i would say go up halfway get some photos come back down always stay around when there's a lot of people right exactly always when is desert man keep away yeah when it's deserted stay away from that exactly stay away exactly all right let's go to the next spot let's go all right where are we going let's go bro uh elijah park beautiful park potato garden yeah it's in the botanical garden neighborhood this one called a tejoto flamingo it's a man like huge outdoor park and it's beautiful it's a residential neighborhood it's called flamingo that's the name of the soccer team yeah i was about to say it's one of the four main teams uh in rio so flamingo vasco bata fogo and flumenense and what's that right in front of us is sugarloaf one of uh rio's landmark yeah this neighborhood now called bata fogo a lot of uh names of the neighborhoods in rio it's like indian name and also name of another soccer team so not not indian in terms of india it's indiana native americans right so the people who were here before you guys took the names correct like the language right like tribes right language and yeah right in front we have christ's redeemer at the very top damn i i would never get used to that that's crazy yeah and now on the right hand side right-hand side now we're driving by one of the slums where michael jackson filmed the video clip called they don't care about us with spike lee that was in 92 right here as soon as you look inside it's like straight up jungle wow the breeze coming through oh it's great look here they have caramel chocolate or nutella i like dosa de leche that's the most traditional one this delicious yeah i think it's better yeah they call you gringo amigo hello no [Laughter] all right so this is uh this is a legend two rows of celec i love this man it's delicious so it is freaking delicious i love this legend this is basically sugar yes that's all it is it is and this is fried dough with sugar on top i've had it in sangine in madrid hey my drink number one same no it's it's like the number one place the only place but they do it with uh sugar right sugar and cinnamon and you dip it in hot chocolate right like like oh yeah yeah yeah they do with chocolate chew chocolate nutella look he's making some more this one cost how much five so one dollar yeah that was delicious oh look at that every day bro oh absolutely so good this is the best in colombia in brazil always beautiful park as you can see these trees these palm trees have been here for over 200 years now what else do we know about this place yeah david uh this is called the royal imperial uh palm trees right like the king of portugal johnny the six when he arrived here around 1808 he brought his uh imperial palm trees uh there are a lot of jackfruits right they're originally from india philippines and indonesia so they're now originally from here there are so many and they grow so tall and kind of like that shade from other trees so it doesn't help some other plants and trees to grow because they don't get enough sunlight and there's another pandemic that uh we have a type of monkey that is non-native called marmoset and they're non-native and they're just eating other animals that it doesn't belong to the food chain right so these are invasive the monkeys are invasive invasive species and over here we have the jackfruit so if you guys don't know durian and jackfruit are basically cousins they look very similar but they're completely different we are visiting now the the larger park largely because it comes from the name of hiki laj that became like from the high society like a family from the high society so they used to to live here like long time ago right beautiful place that's where uh snoop doggy pharrell filmed the video clip here called uh beautiful i think that was in 2004 yes it became very popular this place okay now we're about to go inside where they have like a beautiful swimming pool and there is a cool cafe in the back where you can have a nice cup of coffee wow looks like a palace it's a palace yeah that used to be his residence like long time ago imagine wow this is sick amazing what's this line for these lines for this instagram is stuffed picture yeah this place very tourist called plush cafe it's kind of like a french bistro i think it's okay it's nice for the for the atmosphere for the experience for the place right while you're having a drink while you're having a coffee you contemplate the architecture of this building it's a palace by the swimming pool it's cool i like the atmosphere the ambience and it really reminds me of alambra alambra palace in grenada granada spain very similar when you walk in you have this beautiful swimming pool but obviously here it's different because they have a cafe here to the left and it's very chill i mean you can come here relax get a coffee get water i'm not having to get shasta because it's uh it's five o'clock somewhere actually it's almost five o'clock right yes it's live it's 4 36 and yeah a lot of beautiful people like always in brazil so this is we drink sparkling water with lime juice delicious always and lots of ice that's how we drink we like it kind of like soda it's like a sparkling lime juice yes parking lot as we are in the middle of the jungle at 5 00 p.m which is now bring replent because the mosquitoes love to attack people's ankle like mine i'm surfing now and that's why i always walk around jungles with long pants i'm used to it i'm from miami a lot of people in miami just wear like giancretas uh sorry sandals and shorts i don't do that i'm always like you know cargo pants and shoes because if not you're going to get bit i don't get bit miami mosquitos here mosquitoes all day this is phenomenal this one's good it's not so strong this one not only having meat but some other food like seafood sushi different types of dishes from different regions of brazil this is amazing and man let's go i'm hungry mask on let's go inside let's go to the ball one night okay this is awesome i love this this is like an american steakhouse this is beautiful look at this really cool so is that is that is that george bush up there this is like uh the main musicians of bossa nova okay that painting they have a piano so usually they play bossa nova because bossa nova is like the new samba right awesome so it's a type of song from rio de janeiro the decoration of this uh steakhouse it's totally real this feels like an american steakhouse yeah upscale yeah number one in rio for sure so you have drinks over here mini bar right then you have this seating area right and we're gonna go to the back exactly so they have wines they have books and over here they have the dining room all right my friends we are going about to see them cooking all the meat the monster balls so right here we have all the meat on skewers chef he's just showing like some green cups which is the argentine state right yeah now it's put in the grill take a look just premium cuts and right here we have the best thing of all time look at these beef ribs so massive i mean this is just delicious oh i am so excited seeing all this being cooked right now is making my mouth salivate i mean look at this and when you get really close you're in the inferno oh i'm like dripping oh man the chicken hearts oh the lamb leg sausage piganya all the fat the dripping just so good and over here just more meats more meats nonstop let's go guys let's do it beef sashimi all right beef sashimi let's do it sorry man wow very good delicious juicy always why not crispy from outside huh mm-hmm a little bit uh you look like gelatin um [Music] i'm ready let's go eat let's go dude hey david this is something you have to try lime juice into the sparkling water [Music] by the way this is the best sparkling water in brazil so lime juice with sparkling water and ice oh my god so refreshing after being in that heat you know in the kitchen's really awesome because you really get to see what they're doing unfortunately you know unless you're vip you can't go back there but you get the point right so we're going to meet on skewers so high but everything comes out super delicious so what's going to happen now is gonna keep coming over here they're gonna bring us meat after meat after meat so we have something like eight to twelve different cuts from what i saw and they do have buffet so right now because of situation you know they don't wanna waste food so they don't have the buffet out but you can order everything on their buffet menu right here so they have oysters they have sashimi yeah it's out of cart but you could order it's the same price right 169 all you can eat so that's roughly like 38 but that's without water that's without alcohol yeah besides drinks uh dessert and the service charge right yeah just the buffet all right my friends so we're gonna start off with some oysters oh yeah we ate so many oysters in floripa and i'm ready to devour these oysters all day and the heart of bomb guys the heart of palm is so good in brazil country you're moist so we got picanha i have chorizo and we also got lots of different vegetables so we have artapalm uh cucumber mushrooms carrots everything looks delicious and they just keep coming right they come you some yes some no i've been to places in miami where you have a card green and red but here it's just like they come to you say yes or no that's it very easy can't wait to eat the food all right so how do we start man i would start with the pecan pecan all day right oh picking all day oh man with that all day prepared perfect from by mr silva wow this one's so good quality salty level yes this was like middle medium hidden rare right man that's exactly how i like it not too bloody and not too many well done you know her brushes don't like well done mm-hmm i know people who love or done where it's like almost hooked up too dry hard and hard sometimes it's like eating a soup you know that's hard for a lot of fat yeah i know you're leaving the fabric for me sometimes i use like a little piece you know sometimes too much dude for me this is the best brazilian food but no no mean jelly right no no ninja no mean jelly just the rock just the lamp yeah yes yes for sure they they know they know it's our favorite yeah this is the it's the best for the next dude yes let's go with this card now project square steak yes perfectly minimum okay so remember you also grab this so when it cuts wow look at that beautiful what a beautiful piece of meat yes and this is which one prime rib prime rib okay yes so i'm going to confuse with someone okay chef is like a father you know yeah we got really spoiled right i know i know he's too nice yeah he's very kind you know and he's just like offering non-stop stuff and every time you know when i recommend this plate to someone i always say hey if you are lucky to have mr silva serving you you're gonna have a bad experience you know by the way mr silva is in charge too for the meat for me yeah i'm gonna try the sausage saucy delicious as always not spicy mmm smokey can't go wrong with it so prime rib huh yes so good look at that beauty i love it it's not too thick the way they cut it so you just have the flesh and the outside you know a little crispy mr silva usually don't get happy when it's like just non-stopping right it wants like full plate yeah and i love the how thick they cut okay not too thick see yes i'm going to try the medium rare and you have to eat this fast guys otherwise get cold argentine prime cuts chorizo which is not the sausage we call before the chorizo right and then we have the entrance david very important you can't take too long otherwise it gets cold because of their condition you know so you have to eat fast so the rare the rarer one is better right in your opinion both our favorites so good oh yeah um so taste i just love it and lamb comes this lamb is from here yes this wasn't imported right yeah from brazil that's the biggest difference in the states we don't really get like super fresh lamb it's usually frozen like from new zealand in australia the best lamb i've probably ever had in my life there's a few places like greece faroe islands uzbekistan italy they look pretty good [Music] albanian too yeah we have to come hungry but hmm the price is it's good you know in the states i paid triple this yeah for the same but uh i believe man sometimes it's not about quantity it's about quality so it's better just focus on the premium cuts you know yeah and for you need to eat a lot you know no i love the size it's an experience you know mm-hmm look at that look at the fat here you saw this crazy yeah the argentine cuts are definitely the highlights here but yeah the french track always but this is crazy bloodiness another technique that i use usually i don't mix with carbohydrates french fries rice you know beans just grill vegetables and meat and it helps to digest right so this is entrance sorry we both don't know the name in english but i know in spanish because i've had it my whole life so the one i had before was called flank steak this is skirt stick entrance sorry guys my uh my parents um i come from venezuela so my whole life it's not coming brazil okay so you want to find yeah you won't find any like regular steakhouse because argentine argentine but as you have a huge influence right argentine with hawaiian yeah i mean it's the same area right so we are all neighbors yeah exactly it's like you guys in puerto rico mexico you know exactly so you have a huge influence that was perfect salt level yeah phenomenal perfect salt level super tender a little bloody you're gonna need to drink a lot of water guys you're eating so much salt drink a lot of water because you will be dehydrated a lot of sodium right yes very important i want to leave a tip for everyone that's watching us uh usually when you go to the steakhouse they tend to offer you like a sweet cocktail with lots of sugar and condensed milk as they know it's what we can eat usually it's like strategy to slow it down to slow down yeah also bread too and they're important bread cheese bread pastry there's no i mean there's no reason to do it well but i'm not saying you cannot have it you can have but one tiny piece one piece just because sometimes you come here but very hungry you want to eat the whole basket of uh french fries for example and then you get four tiny pieces you know yeah that's why like whenever you go to restaurants and they give you bread i'm actually surprised with that because there's no point because that you should they should want you to eat more yeah less yeah you know this is a difference and i believe man bread is like you go to bakery to eat bread you know yeah you don't come to a steakhouse to eat bread but that's okay you know it's just a suggestion for you to have a bad experience you know and i mean focus more in into the meat by the way fried banana the fried banana is unreal this is a dessert for me i had some vanilla ice cream on top of this mm-hmm or some duster these are the priscilla price because of this kind of like format yeah it's like that kind of like rough photos but like ruffles yeah but crap to one okay yeah that looks nice i stay away from that stuff be honest i don't love it um but yeah so far so good do we have more stuff coming i'm getting full ready yeah and we have this part of palm like roasted palm right this is from brazil like this love it all over brazil you can find cans of this like on the streets this is so good for you it's delicious it's feeling crunchy like this is fantastic as well but i prefer this style wow no we're not pretending here we are eating all this beautiful you smell better oh yeah give me some of that this is my favorite guys lamb legs and this right there oh wow so good our favorite huh lamb lamb leg right um i mean it's also good lamb chops lamb like yes all day but limp chops is number one yeah the meat being attached to the bone yes the flavor [Music] is yeah i'm gonna have to take a mini break because i'm being really poor there's another thing about shohaskari about brazilian steakhouse you can spend here like a few hours relax you can go outside brief a little bit come back you know so no time frame no time frame and there's like super busy you know yeah for sure but like right now you know i'm not so busy we can stay here for a few hours when i want my dad we spent like two and a half hours literally just eating and we're like let's have a break but there's no set set time what's the time no set time let's see what comes next they're bringing their lunch or two with a white oh yeah all right my friends we have two more cuts of meat this is the council right yeah wow bloody yeah david usually ancho has a lot of fat okay so it's good but usually medium rare it's better more juice next up i'm trying this amazing beef ribs there's nothing like it just falling apart and the best part about this is that you know they won't waste this ever they mix them with rice they mix it in a sandwich so everybody eats it no matter what yeah this is actually people that really love meat this is one of the most delicious ones um oh it's the best one it's the best one it's the best one yes wow wow yeah the flavor here is insane it's so soft you're getting old bro i am i am so it's like you're slow you know i'm also tired mr silva is a little bit worried like okay good everything's good mr sue is a little bit worried like you're not eating much too much i'll eat it all i don't even know how i explain but it's like almost like a marshmallow a marshmallow of meat that is how good it is the only thing compared to is like an a5 steak i've had before in terms of the marble and it's just like drips in your mouth right straight up butter you bite and just falls apart but it doesn't taste like meat bro that's crazy yeah you gotta be really careful when you come to these steakhouses yes it's all you can eat but you better have a second stomach yes they notice i like the banana yes all right this is my last bite that's not your last box oh why because he brought the what is this duck top selling steak duck okay all right guys i think this is my last piece of meat this is top side loin duck right not beef this is dog so it's been a while i'm having ham stronger taste huh mm-hmm it's definitely different it's you know obviously duck you're gonna get a poultry taste right you're not gonna get that beef it's good though i mean that's your favorite it's not my favorite but i'm so full i'm like just doing it for for you guys i'm drinking glass of water to keep hydrated and really really quick cool fact just told me this when you come to brazil you drink water you're always going to get this water right in local water local water local brand local brand yes you're gonna get this like size right like 12 ounces but if you are like an american like me and i'm like hey i want a big bottle because i want to keep drinking we share it he's like you should never order that because that's imported it's gonna be the most expensive bottle so rather than do that you know obviously support local street i think it's not necessarily like you don't need to share it you each one order your own water you know your own drink i know i know it's part of your guys culture but it's a way man for you when it comes to bill yeah you don't get angry like oh the waiter offered me the most expensive water said no you order the big bottles and in brazil we don't have it only import plus when you're in a country man why don't you support the local brands you know yeah i'm all about that it's a it's a good tip for you to have the best experience possible right cheers another good tip for you know wine lovers wine like cabernet sauvignon it helps to to digest so we have to finish it off with some dessert we have two things what's this one uh papaya with cassis liquor okay and mine is something called cattle lingua de gato kinda like a cat's tongue okay which basically you know it looks like uh the cat's tongue yeah yeah like a help of uh ice cream vanilla ice cream so you have like chocolate so you have a scoop of the ice cream yeah you have chocolate that they poured on top and then you also have like chocolate bars right yes so i guess oh yeah so this is delicious this is the best thing after super salty meal nuts inside yes it's a number one choice yes top salad i mean that's why you chose it for me right are you in for rafa and i'm stick with this papaya i'm gonna have a little yeah yeah i have it it's a tiny one oh yeah that's good this is like a it's yeah i don't know how to say um cassis it's a i think it's a chair i think okay i think that's pretty good i mean this is very easy uh if you like chocolate if you need little you'll love this you're so tired let me work on your this oh please please work work my friends my man i'm excited too i wish we could have more time to spend here this rough top which is amazing lovely view have some drinks but let's go to sugarloaf first yeah i mean this place is really really beautiful i've been to a few uh boutique hotels like this but never like right in front of the beach with this look at this nice pool you have glass windows right here so you can see the view right there we have chrysler redeemer look at that bro chrysler redeemer right up there oh wow i didn't even see it earlier well let's go sugarloaf this tower oh what is this area called this is called botafogo what a fogo we're right in front of watafogo beach and now we're heading to utka neighborhood to visit the beautiful sugarloaf mountain in terms of getting up there the only way up is funicular right the only way you can hike uh you can hike and you can climb so like three options to reach the top next time i would take it to a hike very scary you need you need ropes and equipment so oh man yeah if you're scared of high height forget about it that's not real for fun we for fun adventures and after only a 10 minute drive we are here at the base of the cable car to go up to sugarloaf mountain look it's right up here cable car we have to go through here and it costs 120 120 per person to go on the cable car you want to go fast track if you want to beat the crowds obviously right now there's no crowds but 220 is the fast track pass so 120 roughly what is that 24 around we're working let's go inside oh it is hot very hot it's not even nine in the morning i know incredible yes and is it so it's about to take 120 so roughly 24 exactly lily cable car right above us whoo okay david uh we're gonna do the regular tour which is this one here but they offer different types of tour like fast pass when it's busy right like during holidays new year's eve in carnival and then they offer some other tourists but we're going to a regular tour so let's go and it's usually like every 15 minutes or until it's full but because right now there's not many people here it might take a little while maybe like 15-30 minutes between each each cable part okay this one was from 1912 the first cable car to be built that was from germany then you have the second one around 70s from italy and now the brand new one from 2004 from switzerland and here it is beautiful car yeah it's going to be a 20 minutes right that's it yeah okay so the first ride up is to the midpoint exactly yeah you know we head into the second one but before we head into the second one we're gonna explore a little bit of this station which is very nice have a lot of lovely views that was a quick three-minute ride up to the next station from here we're at 220 meters i think right here's 120 220. over here we have the original cable car from 1912 from germany very small it's a box right yes and then over here we have 1972 from italy this is the second generation first second and right now you're on your third generation from switzerland wow right in front of the helicopter we came from our hotel's right there exactly right there we have cracks the redeemer we have the city downtown area is over there jamigo beach flamingo beach and then over here is um copacabana but we will be able to see only from the second uh station okay because that's on the other side of that mountain right yeah yeah from sugarloaf mountain nice mountain just non-stop views non-stop views but beautiful so that's flamingo beach yes and then what is that bridge over there uh the bridge leads uh the city of rio to niteroi which is another city so this stop the entire thing is a viewpoint over here we have sugarloaf mountain and then just epic non-stop views and look at that plane wow the airport's right over here right so that airport is domestic domestic one that's the one we land the other day from port alegre right so right there yeah the international one is just further down yeah man it seems that like both uh airports actually it seems that you're gonna lean in the water right yeah yeah it's a little scary because literally it was lower than we are right now i love when they do this curve because uh they don't do that all the time because of the wind right in the conditions so when the conditions like that like really clear and the right wind they always do this rod you know so cool that's it you have the two old cars you have the views over here you have uh oh wow so this is the the flamingo church jersey yeah sorry so the store here flying jersey you can get some acai some fruits this is a jersey right here official yeah the the flamenco jersey wow love it yeah i like that one the first one the first one's sick flamingo is one of the best teams last year they won the championship they won yeah and it's the it's considered like the most popular team because they have the biggest crowd in brazil because there are a lot of towns in brazil that i they don't have like a big team so they go for they grow for flamingos yeah right so over here you have hawaiianas you have some other stores you can get something here like some smoothies some jewelry and now let's continue the sugarloaf mountain yeah now we're on the second cable car we're going to sugarloaf right there wow beautiful view and here we go sugarloaf mountain finally dude yes i've been seeing this my whole life it's like christ i've been singing my whole life and i can't wait to get there yes so here is another platform plus is a restaurant right a bar bar restaurant pizza place bakery this is the most beautiful view yeah the view of copacabana beach right so this is the number one view in rio well my opinion right but the best view from sugarloaf yes so right behind us we have a mana beach we have the red beach as you can see the vinegar is coming up yes and over there we have the city chrysler regime at the very top and you can see all the different hills there's a thousand hills in rio yes right one thousand hills almost almost one thousand hills yes and they're all connected by tunnels you have how many beaches 70 beaches 71 71 beaches wow i mean almost seven million people in rio that's crazy i like this beach this red beach it's kind of like exclusive exclusive private i'm sure there's a hotel down there there's no hotel oh there's no hotel it's actually a military circuit okay so engineering building uh navy army yeah nice and that's basically it let's go eat let's go right here we have a food court they have you know fast stuff casual stuff bakery style right so like you know about the queso a lot of fried stuff but we're going down to the bar bar et bosque so forester jungle bar it's right down here classical sunset yeah david now we have a we are at the classical beach club which is a kiosky restaurant here the sugar loaf and they offer some amazing beers from a town which is one hour drive from rio called terezopolis some amazing beer man crafty beer they have a donkle a buck bit beer right ipa and a vice beer i think i'll try the block i gotta say this is an amazing bar really beautiful yes it's a bar inside the forest overlooking the city the beaches i mean just stunning you can have some food here you can get some beers and caferinias i'm going with the craft beer local one called derazopolis this is their box so that's like a strong lager six point five percent so it's good okay cheers oh he's amazing we're having squeeze okay yeah it's always the best right yeah sorry i don't drink bro no the juices here in brazil are phenomenal yeah so fresh i mean especially with this heat you need like juice juice juice i'm having a beer because i like exploring craft beer scenes especially in brazil they're so big now right like literally i've tried i think like a dozen so far different craft breweries so many and what do we order uh we ordered deep fried shrimp deficient fresh wine when you eat shrimp in brazil it's gonna be deep-fried most the time yes most of the time if you want to get the best view of rio from a bar come up here look at this incredible enjoying my delicious beer under the amazing sun summer in rio oh super hot but it's the best time to come so the bar is made up of two different levels so you have the top where the bar is there's like a yawning here you can sit under the shade or you can sit in the sun at the bottom overlooking the view i'm going to send the shade it is way too hot this block is delicious all right my friends we are ready to eat some fresh cream [Music] love this cream mayo yeah we forgot the other line definitely add a lime and dip it they're still so hot you know mm-hmm mm-hmm is it good they're not like pink prawns nice size but the lime crunchiness and the creaminess that's ones that we had we've been in florida in our position different way to do it i mean obviously we're here at a you know tourist destination yes but this bar is awesome good beer good food looking over this park you're gonna be and you're gonna pay for it right you're gonna pay for that man i'm gonna pay for all the beers you've been drinking today no i mean we're gonna pay for it because this is like 15 for this little dish and then it's like five dollars for each beer so of course you're paying attention you're gonna pay we're gonna pay delicious nice good snack before lunch yes hey cheers to classical beast club i love this place man so relaxing the view the food [Music] you have to come to this bar oh yeah let me make it up here i love him and um you have to know how to get here because it's kind of like a snitch way to get here right like kind of like hidden yeah so once you get off you just walk straight keep going down yeah and you're gonna get here is in the forest so it's bar in the forest yes biting the forest jungle yeah all right guys we are headed back up to get some more views and then head out to the beach you ready let's go wow man incredible view what we made it yeah we made it so quick tip never lose your ticket you won't be able to get up or back down they'll charge you for sure and uh when they're about to leave they'll ring the bell so you can start boarding and don't miss it remember right now because of the times that we're in it's going to be every 15 to 30 minutes unless it's really impactful right now obviously not that many people look at the view never ending like wow and having the chrysler redeemer on the top just changes the whole thing yes i mean i'm never getting used to that man i'm coming back to real for sure please david always come back you're always welcome bro hey saudi what a beautiful ride really epic scenery the view coming down will blow your mind the natural beauty of this city is something so special concrete jungle with a real jungle look at that sugar loaf so cool all right this is the official store of flamengo yes flamingo flamenco so this is the official jersey the official no 250 so this is 50 us dollars it's a deal i paid like 140 us dollars for the beckham jersey of miami this is a large it might be a medium we'll see depends how much meat i've been eating here see it fits good hey if it's good like this though what do you think too big no no it looks cool okay okay i take one oh god flamingo the best flamingo yes i'm buying jersey for me i'm buying it from both of my nephews my nephews are athletes they play soccer every single day look at this yes best team in brazil best team in brazil the best and biggest team in brazil these guys are two too nice they're so funny they're like nah you gotta buy this jersey so cool so they have a few different other jerseys obviously and the ones that aren't official but this is the official one this is the one that claire's used i don't know it's so cool so cool what a bargain any other team in the world do you want the barcelona on the real madrid 150 euro yes official so good deal huh good deal man you got four what thirty dollars yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna be wrapping really near the rest of my life yeah actually it was 50 50 for this one 40 for the kids okay so good deal good deal yeah buying this with this view you're going to always remember this this is why i like traveling because these moments are never going to go away and very important helping the community right exactly you're helping yeah keep out of the business right mm-hmm how many times you've been up here oh probably like five thousand times for the past 20 years to be honest for me the best thing is how hospitable everybody is everybody's so friendly friendly yeah all stuff super customer service hospitality this place is packed hey bye buddy nice shirt you like it yeah i support this team yeah i support the team too man thank you it's like i was saying it's pretty packed not so bad i mean later in the day it always gets harder right it's already noon people are coming out it's getting really hot though now we're going to the beach let's see how hot that is i mean right now summer december in uh in rio and brazil you're always always getting scorching heats unless you're like buritiba somewhere in the mountains but i like it i'm from miami i swear all day we're now driving through urca neighborhood that's where sugarloaf is located and now we're heading to kopacabana beach and this is an exclusive neighborhood right because there's boats there's yeah super secure now very nice area really lush in terms of trees you have buildings you pass by lots of boats right here you have yachts sailboats small fishing boats the skyline and now we're driving straight through to copacabana beach south beach is better no i'm joking and we're here with a fan this is uh natalia obrigado see thank you for the ride what a beautiful day everyday is like this right just like beautiful sunny and this is copacabana beach it reminds me of barceloneta in in uh barcelona but this is way bigger and what i mean by comparison is that they have mid-level skyscrapers you know uh i guess mid-rise is right like 10-15 story buildings then you have the main boulevard then you have the beach and it goes down oh how long is the beach this one about five kilometers five kilometers the whole thing wow and a day like today is the perfect you know time to go out there enjoy eat some food play some soccer a selfie let's do it awesome awesome yeah and this is it i mean very similar to like south beach in a way not the same our ocean drive our collins avenue oh that's very different than this but this is cool this is different it's pretty big area but i mean it's all condensed right just you know lots of people restaurants hotels and beach never ending beach she's too nice way too nice and here we are on the beach the reason why this place reminds me of south beach is because of the buildings the architecture art deco art deco was like 1920s right oh yeah exactly yeah these neighborhoods start in 1910 well art deco it was uh between 20s and 30s correct and right here we have the beach you have some vendors you have a little you know small cafes here bars and then the beach exactly david that's the most popular hotel in rio de janeiro called copacabana palace hotel amazing bonjia obamtarji what time subban it's a cool place you know i like it it's always fun the beach is nice but of course i prefer other beaches you know to hang out i think it's a place that you you have to come at least to take some pictures and swim for a little bit in the ocean unfortunately i'm not swimming but i'm gonna experience it here's a lot of different vendors lots of people getting tan here super hot what's up guys oh my god look at everybody boiling here in the sun boiling boiling it's a tuesday 1pm this place is packed so many people are just diving in the water hanging out and having some caipirinhas let's have one all right let's try it yes so it's sugar cane ice lime and sugar stronger no no it's not just wrong he didn't add too much but okay it's good i think it is better than yesterday yeah the most traditional drink in brazil yeah we tried the next step but yeah here on the beach with this heat yeah it's perfect you know under the sun i'd stay out of the sun yeah always always no he's teasing you that he doesn't like your shirt doesn't matter what jersey you get here in brazil they're always going to rock on you these guys love this team but then some people hate this team there's the number one this is the number one team in the country right seven million people follow it yeah yeah right there right there that's the flag that's what i'm wearing baby oh my god it's all my cuban friends this is exactly the same as mojito the only difference is they have cachaca so good not so strong i mean yeah two or three of these you're gonna feel it for sure but this is great just another day in real beautiful so when you come here in front of copacabana palace come to these guys julio 69 so point of july 69 and this is for me for me no no way you guys give me a jersey yeah obrigado obrigado yeah obviously fighter he wants to fight some local competition united states awesome do it bro do it i'll tell you what's in here everybody's so nice here so now let's go and have some snacks i'm really really hungry i mean we've been building up an appetite it's been a long journey from sugarloaf down to here i mean it's just non-stop you can stay here for a lot longer obviously we're just coming here to see it i don't know how to take off my clothes and just go in the water right so beautiful very nice i came here i've done it david's been here let's keep going food time so this is the area of copacabana beach but this is obviously more residential hotels commercial area you have lots of shops like this you have bars souvenir shops clothing shops a mix right my boy here he lives right here there's an apartment so people live here everyday beach very similar lifestyle you know very laid back relaxing and lose bakeries wow food looks so good this really reminds me of a european city yes no it's just like which one this whole thing this one yeah i mean lisbon spanx barcelona yeah that's places like some places just very european in sense of the buildings all pedestrian yes love this jungle and concrete yes we're going to a place now where they have over 300 kinds of cachaca i call i call the temple of kashasa so i thought we're gonna get snacks but we don't have chicken no no no we are going to have his snacks and if you'd like to order kashas you can order but we're going to have a snack what do you prefer cockrell you got through the wheels yeah pacquiao or chicken hearts whatever you think bro okay let's go call her out all right man let's go okay what is this ah this is a cockrell so babe chicken with like a special sauce which is a garlic onion some spices orange juice and and cache oh it's super sweet this is like one of the most sweet ones i've had like no alcohol that's the boss uh the vodka yeah the owner is casa that's one of his favorite ones wow i mean this is smooth very light light i mean i'm sure there's alcohol in here but it's it's very like honest let's do this let's do it just grab a wing drum stick i love this sauce i want that yeah everyone fall in love with the sauce here this tastes the freshest chicken ever like a farmer table yeah oh it's like barbecue chicken sauce a little bit citric at the same time yeah little citrus good citruses because of the the orange delicious chicken so different to be honest i haven't seen a chicken like this before where they put on a skewer they cook it and then you just drench it in this oily sauce sometimes it's buttery like an indian super butter yeah like ghee butter right dig kinda oh the flesh is drowned in the sauce oh so good it's almost like a pesto too yes amazing huh what a spot man and what's the name of this place yeah this is like an old-school diner very traditional you have over a hundred different types of vegetables but then you have this you have sausage no they have meat like cup cilantro chicken broth yeah it's actually the meat's uh standing by the balcony you know yeah it's delicious they have cassava flour broccoli rice portuguese chips it's a place for you to bring family and friends to have a meal or drink so mix tapas mix and drinks this is some of the best chicken ever i mean to be honest it's the sauce the sauce is what makes this dish oh yeah to be honest i would just drink this but it's like garlic herbs oil and chicken delicioso here we go 300 can't just try one yes impossible you can't have only one oh this one's awesome oh this is different oh you have a different one that's strong though cool oh smells like i don't know cinema for brave men yes i'm the weak man the good we did it yes we made it this is something you could do entire morning right so three hours starting from like 8 a.m go to sugarloaf mountain feel oh 22.24. person to go all the way up to nicola because the experience you have to see the view just enjoy it so beautiful there's nothing better than seeing the view from up there first of all is amazing but this is a different experience you know telephenico i mean funicular yeah yeah yeah we can telepathical or uh which is a cable car yeah so we went up there which is actually sugarloaf at the very top there you go to the bar it's a bar slash b street you can have some food i have a beer really amazing i mean in terms of view that is my favorite view i've seen in brazil absolutely it's one of the most beautiful deals and then after that we made our way all over the copacabana beach to the sun the water enjoy your time relax you know don't do anything we're on a sort of a mission so we're like walking around yeah have a coconut water just walk around go swimming and have some caffeine and then after that we came here it was like a 10 15 minute walk yeah this beautiful spot yeah name of the restaurant yeah it's been over like uh five decades it's like a legendary place in rio so it's a place you have to visit you can get into copacabana beach this area come here have some snacks have this baby chicken sausage have a huge meal if you want or just go and try 300 different types or draft beer yeah why not amazing [Music] bang whoa this is a big restaurant wow huge dining hall we've got some champagne right here we have some meat right there this is epic oh i can't wait wow what are we doing here man we're going to eat a little bit just a little bit right i love this restaurant look at this what a beautiful architecture the top is like wood open lots of light on the outside we have sugarloaf mountain over there we have the beach more beautiful bay sailboats and everybody's enjoying lots of meat they just keep coming keep them coming they have a you know obviously yeah this time a face style yeah like ham cheese salad you can also like use a stratis like you can ask for like a house salad if you don't want to make your own salad they make in the kitchen okay usually right and they keep walking around with different cuts of meat right exactly and what's cool is that right on your table you know your place mat it tells you what they recommend they recommend these red areas right you like cooking now i know you like copying the hump you like hump hump hum it's not wednesday dude before we go in the kitchen i want to show you this they brought us a cheese and cold cut platter blue cheese is the best swiss cheese then over there we have brie swiss brie parmesan ham yeah like parma ham delicious with the jelly and now we're going to the back the best part of going to brazilian steakhouse is going to the back and see how they do this nah stop rodicio whoa look at this whoo wow we're here in the back we're seeing how they make all the meats whoa tomahawk we have lamb chop chicken hearts so many good pieces of meat it's non-stop jack go for my hockey oh oh oh hold on bring it down figure it out i got a house this guy's too funny thank you he's gonna bring to us the tomahawk on the table oh yeah yeah so what do we have here what type of cuts we have oh man we have ancho we do have chicken hearts uh lamb french rack tomahawk tarp salon steak skirt flank all types all types of premium cuts ribs prime ribs we have it all what is this the charcoal goes in here and then it gets spread throughout the whole thing so many different cuts so much delicious like flavors yes it smells amazing are you ready to eat let's go right now let's go let's go hey open it up to no one everybody left over all right guys it's time to eat let's see some steaks some meats all day wow amazing amazing man can't wait let's dig in we are ready to go what is this one flank flank plank lamb chops yeah [Music] um [Music] you know last night we had a lot of meat but i'm ready for more i thought you would say we had a lot of meat for the past 12 days or at least seven days we just took a meat break in florianopolis where we had seafood steak clean up let's go got this thing the best [Music] it's freaking crazy good so good huh oh man this the view i think the best time to of course you don't have to work after lunch it's come like during lunch so you can have the entire day to digest all the food you eat at night is hard salty [Music] oh my god and this lamb chops [Music] delicious every bite you just gotta enjoy it one thing i always recommend when you bite you close your eyes and you thank god thank whoever you you know yes so freaking good we got potatoes huh yeah potato salad and you know it's a little late it's like 2 30 in the afternoon yeah usually people come here around noon now it's dying down yeah it was crazy wow so juicy huh delicious i love this one the flank yes the flank in the hump and the no humber's the best yeah in the ancho they're like the most tasteful ones i believe personal choice it's crazy because the same animal yeah but this different parts of the community right yes keep green up green up yes it's not because it's a steak house that only people they eat meat people come here to eat fish chicken salad sushi right it's not only a place to eat meat there are a lot of people that don't eat meat yeah right so if you don't want to eat meat but you still have this experience come here i think it's cool it's fun it's worth it look at this man like it's like tuna sashimi exactly tuna sashimi so soft to me one of the best oh me too man nice and like roasted on the outside in the center juicy a little bit of fat and uh rare rare almost rare raw salt oh delicious sashimi right in this place asadora means butcher yeah the butcher they have the best meat the best view they have non-cup wine if you want there we go right there we're good though yes we're just eating in drinking water you guys are going to love this wife this knife yeah the night's the best knife is so cool souvenir maybe you can deal you can ask like i told you they don't stop this is a flank do you want a flank yeah nice piece on the side you're taking it enough kendall oh yeah that's good that's good for me i'm gonna go baby oh it's delicious it's a little a little juicy and oily is anything fatty yes crispy yes oh my god so good it's crazy i know i told you last night i hit a wall with me but i keep going in brazil we eat a lot of meat the best is to eat it right when he cuts it just eat it straight it's incredible and we have panda queso we have some palm heart heart palms what else do you have so good yeah if you want to like more inside the orders you just ask you know like i said here the you have to focus on like eating meat and if you want to know what each cut is right here on the place map you have every cut exactly and their favorites yeah that's to make uh people's life easier right they don't know like what they're eating right they don't know the meaning especially foreigners so it's cool they did the work for us wow i just worked on that meat yes my lips are like bloody and delicious we just start what yeah we just began i'm done this is just the beginning and this is cassava flour so good with chicken heart delicious combination wow it's like juicy thick and crumbly another piece of meat argentine argentine steak [Music] tasty huh super tasty this is like very similar like before like almost like two and a half hours they don't stop bringing the meat look at this yeah yeah yeah again i told you that sometimes they don't it's just it's heavy just like yesterday the only difference is that right now we're experiencing the sun the heat it's like you're ready after this straight to the bed you know yeah cool mm-hmm there's garlic relichon legend right here yeah in portuguese we called layton laytown laytown who's basically pork yeah um so soft yes that wasn't crazy it's like a crispy pork rinds fat and i don't know if you notice in this side which is the top it's chicharron we call this is our last piece of meat the tomahawk i love this meat fatty medium rare meat it's crazy it's so delicious but once you start hitting a wall like usually you're supposed to have like 12 ounces but i'm like 36 ounces i'm made huh oh man it's so good though but what's your favorite cut i mean today yeah ancho french rack hmm i don't know this is the best for me right now yeah i always like ancho and french rack like a favorite favorite you can bring like the best meat in the world like oh it's gonna be with ancho and french rag for sure for sure i mean lamb all day no doubt every piece is different some are just salty some are juicier some are crunchier i love this assador the butcher they give you this option so you just put stop or keep going green all day or red all day i go green until you really can't because it's it's it's tough and right now it's 3 p.m 3 30 in the afternoon as you can see it's becoming emptier yeah less people it'll pick up again at 6 30 dinner yeah i highly recommend when people have a lunch here or dinner go outside they're like a bunch of uh couch kind of like a lounge you know so you can smoke your cigarette cigar or have a wine have a beer have water or maybe just walk along the borough walk you know there's like a pro walk facing the guanabara bay you can see the sugar loaf and it's beautiful you know yeah i mean the flowers the view yeah it became kind of like a an attraction yeah i mean this place is a great experience you know like food experience as a restaurant i compare this to like in terms of look yeah like the hillstone to miami yes it's an american steakhouse restaurant very similar love it with wood all open window glass outdoor right beautiful the furniture is all made by wood some banana yes and now uh after we finish this meat time for dessert dessert yeah they have some really nice creme brulee mmm creme brulee no crema catalana yeah how do you call in english creme brulee creme brulee yeah that's the french version yeah i'm more spanish yeah but today you're going to have the brazilian version okay okay all right so we have creme brulee the guy just came over here he like nuked it with the flame [Music] and this is it this one is different from this one yeah caramel what yes vanilla and rafa god line awesome so how do we start start digging in with the spoon oh um [Music] it's crazy good i love it because the top is crunchy the sugar it's sweet look just straight sugar yes salve [Music] amazing next one let's dive in oh wow who's the dish is the best yeah this is the classic this is better i'll mix them both oh [Music] this is like a fluffy cream mm-hmm and that was a thick super it's kind of plum bun right yeah this place is like almost like like a super like a super dense that's the open way right yeah it's basically what it is yeah yeah yeah yeah so this one is lime a little different let's go let's go no but this is key lime pie this is a sea lime pie it's a sicilian sicilian lime no mexican lime this is florida man this is the keys i think my favorite for sure is this electric this one's just too good look at this juicy leche just so sweet you know i'm not a huge sweet guy but after having so much meat within that saltiness mmm you still have it in your mouth you know i think they offer this type of dessert in a purpose you know they know you need some some nice sweets right and always water i mean to be honest always water during these steak houses i won't drink alcohol i don't touch bread you can't i mean it's just not good uh you're not having carbohydrates carbohydrates but also like having the wine you're just not going to feel good like i almost feel like like meat drunk yeah it's weird feeling yes you eat so much meat they just feel like they inches no come on yeah like it just like expands your body yeah yes expand your body i mean it's amazing it's an experience always with all you can eat limit yourself you know go slowly yeah take time you can stay here forever you can stay here for three hours if you want no problem yeah so your favorite was the ancho ancho for sure ancho and french rag yeah so french dragon tomahawk for me were like today is the my best my favorites and the dusseldech those are like for sure oh my god this guy's wolverine right now all right my friends we are here at the youtube by intercity it is humid it is hot yes it is 10 p.m at night and we are going to copacabana beach let's go to have some delicious street food let's go kebab first about first brazilian kebab and then and then like a big uh hamburger okay or hot dog let's let's have the local hot dog from rio all right yeah let's do it uh and then another place three places tonight it's gonna be epic it's 10 p.m street food in rio at night let's do it let's go oh where are we going and i don't know how to sing the rest of the song birds all right so we're getting uber so i'm gonna get there right now it's a five minute drive really quick and every single one of them are five minute separations right hopefully yeah we are here at youtube hotel at the lobby waiting for the uber should be here in about two minutes we're going to cover havana we're perfect right here in botafogo puerto fogo very nice neighborhood yeah beautiful beach in front of us yes thank you youtube by intercity amazing i'm excited where's that uber how long five minutes right now just got here just got here all right mask on iphone let's go see the bono my uber doesn't like my jersey why not brad what's happening here well because he's vasco he's vasco he's fast if you guys don't know who vasco de gama is that is the portuguese explorer who discovered the spice route to india going under africa to india 1650s around there yeah like 16 something yeah yeah yeah uh i visited that spot he went there as well kerala india we love it yeah and here we are in brazil what a good night what a good night right now we're going to go under a tunnel to cover cabana beach all right you're having a good time i am having a good time dude i'm loving this david kopacaban is like a 24 hours neighborhood you know it's like very lively people love to like drink bohemian you know that's one of the things i like about copacabana it's a neighborhood that never sleeps hey david now in a few minutes you me your twin brother over to go go oh yeah let's go let's rock and roll let's go let's go ready ready let's go all right we're walking here in copenhagen and right there's the street food right in front of us yes yes david i think you're gonna have for your first time uh sambikira sambikira kebab which is the chicken butt chicken [Laughter] i can't wait so we have sausage we have chicken oh chicken oh the ramen yes excited this is awesome super vendors all around here you have these buildings all right so we have chicken butt correct chicken fried kebab that's known as sambikira sambikira yes and so what's on top cassava flour wow so good different huh yes i've never seen this before yeah it has some tiny bones you know a little bit crispy from outside uh tender inside but might be a little bit dry but it's good i mean look i like i think you should put some chili sauce chili sauce yeah oh it's fire oh it's like crumbly outside the butt i only think it's a thigh feels like a chicken thigh that's so bad no more have some bones huh fine little small bones it's fine at least it doesn't hurt you right that's the main thing but i like it so it's uh oh rotisserie chicken super tender i love adding the cassava flour on top it's a nice crumbly feel almost like parmesan right yes wow and the flour this is like cajun twist right here yeah bones right it bounce little bombs little balls i love it this is uh less than a dollar fifty each anything like couple bucks more you add like a a meal a full meal so here we have lettuce pasta rice and dings we call like uh ape which is pratofat like a meal full meal her beans called feijoanto pero which is originally from miners that i stay and it has some cassava flour on the top and it's delicious beans huh look at these beans down there it has sausage bacon cassava beans staining wheels now onions kale and i love i love the whey and the pasta like glues onto the beans because of the cassava flour you like paste it together 2.50 for this whole thing in one kebab one kebab yeah man you just had like a dollar to have this well you always eat with protein right with the with the kebab delicious so good luck sausage so it's a nice mix it's a nice mix yeah because you have a lot of diverse textures here like going from rice to lettuce tomato cucumber which is crunchy you know pasta love pasta man mixing it with this cassava it tastes so fresh and also her pasta she cooked with olive oil and garlic that's it yeah the best way keep it like natural easy natural light light on every ingredients you know we add too many things too much home cook it's like she's cooking for you at her house you know oh man but she sells on the street amazing huh oh yeah delicious so good having an epic meal here on the streets of rio de janeiro brazil covered times do it buttery garlic sometimes mayo delicious it has to be the mayo yeah it depends sometimes they you know cook with butter or garlic some good food guys we're getting full though and we still have to go two more places so i'm gonna take one oh it's good so we're delicious we are going to the next spot we spent about an hour here we made a lot of friends here we go this guy's awesome rock and roll buddy let's go wait thank you the lad dave it's so funny our uber driver uh he's trying to lose weight he already lost 12 22 kilos and i'm just pointing out where is the good food here go pacabana here he goes man you're not helping me you know i'm trying to stay away from this [ __ ] so funny he's lost 22 kilos in how many months is next so roast beef yeah with cheese and then amazing sandwich this place used to be 24 hours unfortunately another day it's not too busy no but they're traditional i've shown here since when i was like a kid yeah and you got this katasa so this is it roast beef sandwich with cheese and pineapple pineapple pineapple oh my god so like tropical right crazy so different so it's basically a lot of roast beef got cheese got bread and pineapple layer on top of her so it's like i say 80 percent roast beef here it has kind of like a smoke taste right yeah very smoky very nice chocolate in terms of like pineapple like burst crunchy spices okay delicious delicious do you like this do you like the mix the salty from the chili sauce and the sweet from the pineapple very juicy you have these strips raspy [Music] the cheese just like keeps melting look portuguese chips oh man and you know next to it that's their restaurant so here's kind of like a tapa bar okay but if you want to have a full meal you can have here there's a dining dining room place there's a dry room in the back in the back in the front you have a stop bar i think it's better cooler experience so i think we're trying some beef rings or kidney i prefer kidneys yeah i mean as an organ i think it's better kidney yeah oh yeah man one of the best everybody here is so friendly hey moto brigado i will say am i speaking good you're speaking great 12 days they don't talk too much i know they don't like they're nervous oh they're they're tradition you know yeah they look at gears and right here we have the vicante look at this jar he closed it but it still smells really really spicy so it's like a really hot red pepper lots of seeds so guys this is it kidney kidney butter with butter huge yes with parsley as well parsley right or cilantro cilantro good it's massive it's delicious it's exotic real generous food huh i personally like the organs because they give me like the most weirdest feeling ever you know a little bit chewing right [Music] the most exotic dish i've had in brazil look at this big kidney nah man i need spicy like on my complete thing right there cheers [Music] definitely spices everything up wow so spicy stuff so we're really enjoying ourselves just having a great time another place traditional you have all the kegs over here for all the beer you have a theory at the back showing some like uh like game show yeah all these guys have been here for like 30 years 30 years so very traditional yeah the oldest one 33 33 wow legends look at the legends the food is delicious i'm another bite we're gonna go next door [Music] next door huh right next door here like we said they have over 300 different katasas they have chicken hearts beef chicken bread sausage nonstop food and we're going to try the grass this is the house potassium another sweet one baby cake with garlic sauce on top at midnight this is a chicken heart it's well known for like if it's not the best one of the best in rio let's do it but they claim they have like the best ones yeah bro i already got you one yeah thank you cheers the garlic is not too crazy no but it's right oily what i like about this place and about the chicken heart is not fried it's uh out of the charcoal right that's better real yeah to be honest it tastes different yeah we're not big fans of pride we don't recommend it i always try to do more grilled more you know on the pans overdoing fried it's not good for you but you know if you have to do it this is the best i mean we must have like 200 literal chicken hearts here brazil you would never expect it mostly stuff like whoa what a twist you know hey everyone and david signing out we had an epic night here in copacabana beach we did like three places the first one it was food street food but it was a chicken chicken butt big butt we also had next door his wife serves rice beans bean salad yeah but the beans with sausage kale onions then we went one place next door we had kidney uh we had the amazing roast beef sandwich with cheese i forgot about that pineapple and pineapple it was amazing [Music] the most popular street food in copacabana which is uh the famous grill uh sausage sandwich that's right behind us exactly okay let's do it let's start let's start sausage with bread he added some lettuce cassava flour what else picante where's picante right here i like spice i'm gonna add some chilies maybe a little more just make it really spicy breakfast and champions nice so basically is that creamy it's like a mayo i wouldn't say it's exactly meal but a little bit of garlic as well oh i love the spice turns it up a notch oh man this is crazy eating this eight in the morning nice sausage this is actually way better than the industrial sausage because a lot of hot dog stands they have just like you know whatever hot dogs this is really delicious you know nice spicy sausage um you see it's impossible for me to to not get dirty yeah man you always get to get dirty with hot dogs every time how do you like it it's good you love the bread oh it's still super hot i mean obviously it came off the grill right amazing and this is all for seven so one dollar and 30 cents for this massive hot dog so creamy i just enhanced the flavor right and i just definitely suggest adding the spice i mean it's really spicy though this chili's really gets you oh that my lips are tingling now minedo here he's been here for like three years uh been offering this amazing grilled sausage sandwich uh basically bro it's just sausage grilled sausage into a french bread the mayo with herbs that's why it's kind of like a green uh mayo and lettuce and some parmesan cheese that's it very simple we've been selling this from seven in the morning until uh it's sold out so imagine people that live in this community here like coming down at seven in the morning on the on their way to work having this for breakfast it's just amazing oh yeah yeah ciao all right let's do it let's go dude i loved it it's good huh that's good different i mean i love the sausage that's that's what i like the most about this one it wasn't just industrial hot dog it's a nice you know crafty sausage a little picante but then when he adds the the creaminess of that you know mayo with herbs oh so good the best part was adding the spice though exactly so this neighborhood we're driving through is on our way to san johan that's that's the name of the neighborhood where the islam is located and government beach is like a huge south beach and it's actually a real city i mean it's a neighborhood but it's like a big big neighborhood in terms of the buildings right so every building here is roughly 15 20 stories it feels like a european city really really european and now we're going to cross through another tunnel i'm guessing get to the other side correct we're going to get into another tunnel from gabia to san johan and this is it right here favela yeah yeah just just arrived now we're gonna find parking space so we're gonna meet with our guide and then we're gonna take a motorcycle to the top yeah exactly yeah great rafa she's a little nervous but i'm good i'm good it's all good it's gonna be a lot of fun and it's just another neighborhood you know yeah cool people hard work people beautiful people a lot of culture a lot of good food a lot of man beautiful views you know like viewpoint from the top i love this place you know like make yourself at home mikasa okay all right so right now we're walking through like a you know covered market just one long tunnel and this is basically their flea market so they have like clothing stuff for schools watches backpacks and that's it right it's really short it took us like two minutes to cross the whole thing now we're gonna move the guide right now yeah ah david you hear me already said that you came with the right jersey that means it's flamingo yeah you're the best one okay so we're gonna jump on a motorcycle now right yeah uh we're gonna go to the top of the favela and we're gonna take the motorbike because it's the most important transportation to favala uh where everywhere use the motorbike so we're gonna go to the top now let's go let's go let's go let's rock and roll fresh alex exciting also very scary the favela is packed packed so many people here whoa passing by a bus motorcycles winding roads this is epic it's great feels amazing it's like i'm facing my fear break your fears [Music] finish wow great cool very nice beautiful view of the city take a look yeah there is an american school right there american school so like i told you earlier it's like upper tide there's no upper tide in rio right everything's all together like mentions that cost millions of dollars uh private american school and the project right next to it right so right there we have the school american school yep over here is somebody's mansion and then right here is a favela literally just a little yellow next door each other each other really amazing yeah david look up massive jackfruit tree man there's like 50 drag fruits above our head so much jackfruit here real huh so much jackfruit everywhere all right guys let's go let's go explore this place so we're just walking down right so you can't go higher yeah we're not going to go deeper in he's walking down now there's a way to go higher but not interest sites okay so we're gonna walk around we're gonna see some houses some of the vendors and just explore the favela and really see what life is like here for locals so there's only two ways to get up here either you take a public transportation bus or you take the motorcycle motorcycle is better it costs around six per each yeah and more adventure right yeah way more adventurous and it would be debris is the wind yeah what's crazy is how steep this part is i mean going up i was like whoa this isn't i don't know if you noticed by especially girls they have like a big squad and big legs because they're up and down oh it's like a outdoor free gym two hours up yeah they don't attend gym they just do that like ten times walking whoa and look at the view here you have the favela you have the mountains right this is i mean the view we're going up here whose house is this whoa so steep here too man yeah somebody tell us that they there's a nice view and they used to share for the people to the visitors so i think that was it before this is the better view yeah so you have all the houses here whoa over here you have atlantic ocean and again the contrast what this is crazy this is crazy this is oh i've been in a favela in caracas yeah yeah very different but it's very similar to the same time because it goes along the whole mountain you know time for breakfast breakfast breakfast okay what's for breakfast okay this is great look at that one what that's crazy so this is a souvenir shop yeah up here on this terrace so they have like paintings they have chrysler redeemer you know all the stuff you always find but i think these are the coolest yeah i was about to tell you that bro it is like uh made by the artists right wow so this is like helping supporting the the community right like local artists this is amazing amazing okay do they take credit card they take credit cards this one for example it's augusto it's like one of the famous uh painter you know i mean these these are my favorites i'm gonna buy some of these like leather leather and then over here we have cachaca right yeah obrigal for breakfast yes look look so it's christmas i'm gonna buy my family some gifts so buy them paintings right supporting the community that's why i'm going with these and they're really beautiful perfect for their houses i like this one as well very nice so when you come to the store buy something of the favela either you get a painting you get this shirt these are pretty cool bangsu favela right there but these are nice as well right here look at this so i mean this is just a little ornament you know souvenir you put it in your house to be honest i'm good with that paintings yes for the family obrigado all right so about two paintings i don't know for who i'm giving it to yet but a hundred each right so twenty dollars pretty good deal supporting the community let's continue care for your head it's the official entry of the islam okay be careful yeah be careful be really careful try to stay to the sides always watch the street people are flying by motorcycles okay this way so this is basically a tiny alley in the middle of the house is full of cats and it looks pretty solid really solid beams that's sort of how it is in india yeah have you noticed about the wires yeah yeah so many wires that connect with each other tons of wires yeah okay here we go guys this is we have a lot of like shops like this that they used to to sell salgado's local snacks in the favela this is called it's basically kind of like a corokita made out of potato shred chicken and it has kind of like an eye drop format look a big eye drop that's just for a chicken with potato and it's delicious it actually reminds me of uh lebanese but this is actually potato the chocolate pasta 60 cents and you get it and you get a drink 60 cents this is called guarana it's a guarana syrup it's just a syrup drink they're sweet a syrup drink okay this is like it's almost like a fanta it's an herb from the amazon it's a fruit i don't think it's good for our health either but not good for healthy either but people here love it people love it yeah you get the combo so you got for 60 cents with guarana or you can have cajun uh passion so for most people this is a quick breakfast exactly get it fast and go or quicker lunch sometimes you know people don't have money or no time to have a meal bro for 60 cents you have a meal i mean to be honest not my favorite either so i'm going to let it go yeah thank you in the all the kind of service we have internet telephone electricity everything but there are some taxes that we don't pay water for example because we don't have maps a lot of people they don't they don't pay full electricity because they make illegal connections it's very difficult to control it so all electric buildings are crazy like that one for example so all buildings are like this the electrical lines all connecting to one pole it's like 100 electrical lines i don't know how that works somehow but it works okay so we're walking through the favela and we came here to one of the rooftops this gentleman 89 years old he owns this now we are really in the middle of it all whoa look at this this is the killer view this is the best view best view ever i've never seen a view like this this is insane this is my favorite view of like rio you know like we are really deep inside the favala this is fantastic it's unique so cool man so all these were built by people they just keep building they keep building building and that's it the sky's the limit and what are these blue things this is water uh water tanks where we used to reserve the waters yeah water tanks all the our water comes from the street people that have like machined the bomb pump the water comes from the tree goes to the roof and then go all over the place this man owns this rooftop so they come up here cause right fabrial oh my god daddy you got your word father 89 right 89 89 years old that's amazing here we have like the main street it's the the most important industry in the favela but the majority of the people in the favela they live in alleyways and we don't have maps so little alleys live pretty close to each other now we're gonna continue down the main street and then connecting to another alleyway that one was super tight wires everywhere this is going to be very similar right super steep again always steep here in the fellas they literally built this community on a hill whoa so it's a maze huh yeah it's like a labyrinth in here as you can see super tight it's a mix right so you have like restaurants tiny shops barber shops people's houses i mean everything is literally next to each other here's two different houses right yeah wow another door another door cool graffiti nice murals i love the murals the paintings all over the place yeah and look at that right here you can see how like you can see how people live pretty close each other different experience huh yeah different world it's like something i would never have have known about i mean you hear about the stories favelas and stuff but you don't really know until you enter yeah it's important when you come to visit rio and come to visit the favela because later you can't understand the city the future everything people are sometimes they are afraid to come to the palace but don't do it because it's important we are very important in this alley we don't have address but in the beginning of the alley close to the main street they used to share the address so everybody can come here put the box come here and just like try to find your name that's the difficult part trying to find your name but same address same number same address and number main street be careful again cars are flying down motorcycles whoa the wire the wires is insane i can't even believe it connecting everything and everything actually works we're gonna try some local food now level food yeah this guy here i met i met him 18 years ago when i was attending university he owns a bar in copacabana he just made some delicious food we will try right now [Music] this is basically fried rice with beans right fried rice with beans delicious i'm hungry i'm hungry i'm hungry i'm thirsty bring a lot of water or just buy water everywhere you go because it gets really hot in december in rio most of the people that live in in the slums in rio they're dissidents migrants from north east of brazil right and the people that work in the kitchen they're mailing from seattle state so when we have people from seattle state in the kitchen that means they cook delicious food and this is one of their their dishes from seattle steak which you call payon jodoys kind of like a risotto it's like a a rice very rich rice with beans curd cheese sausage tomato cilantro and it's delicious you know so it's moist it's moist it's gonna be moist risotto is always moist always moist what we call bayonjodois and you have hot sauce hot sauce okay so let's try this let's go let's see oh it looks good cheers cheers as you can see look so delicious wow you get chunks of like meat right meat uh tomato cilantro onions garlic beans oh there's so much flavor here usually we eat with meat but it's not even 11 30 so they open 11 30. okay as i know this guy for like almost 20 years you look at me and like hey i just opened a bar this is brand new it's just open yeah i mean it's a hole in the wall right yeah it's a restaurant small one yeah two tables yes you have here where you have like uh i guess coke water beer yeah this kitchen uh-huh pretty awesome dish i love it delicious this actually reminds me of a lot of rices i've had in colombia yeah and it just dried by the sunlight well yeah let's add some hot sauce a little bit always a little ting right why not mix it in nice and yummy yeah very similar to risotto a little more tropical love the beans also the big chunks of uh like sauces in here oh so good with the hot sauce just mix it in right yes delicious delicious usually we eat with meat i'm melting so a lot of these shops on the main street are like mechanics small vendors small restaurants that's basically it most people who live in the bus live inside the alleys no one lives on the main street and here we have another beautiful view wow i mean just view after view after view dude man another killer field that's one of the things that i love about rossini that every time you walk around man you have find like a viewpoint you know and it's a type of view that you never get sold and you never get used to right so amazing i mean you really don't get used to it i mean it's just forever stunning views and here i think it's the coolest because you really see people just coming and moving and up and all the noises it's like it's wild how many people live here around two hundred fifty thousand two hundred thousand so a quarter of a million people live here this place is huge man you can easily get lost and if you want to spend the whole day here there's so much to do in sea like crazy race yeah so we're just making our way down you know went to the very very top with a motorcycle and now it's just a downhill journey super super sloppy there's sections where it's like you know almost like 90 degrees yeah like so many alleys you know so many arrow streaks you know and everything i see here are like car washes mechanics yeah moto moto packs uh watch so many motorcycles motorcycle watch there's never any motorcycles here no never end great here we go we kind of joke around it reminds a lot jakarta in or bali in indonesia because there's so many motorcycles you know like crazy uh every time by every corner you find like a motorcycle uh watch so like car wash right only for motorcycles this is the first church of the favela it was made in 1940 1940 yeah and the thing interesting the favala that uh it's a i can say that the majority people they are catholic so it's uh do we have church everywhere have different segments we have catholic churches we'll have protestant churches uh batteries some african religions for example ubanda candomble so people here they are very very religious people okay so we're entering another alley yeah another eddie super narrow super narrow steep steep the same every time it's pretty intense man yeah it's intense the only thing that could happen to you if you come to the favala and you don't know if you don't know the place is to get lost it's super easy to get lost yeah yeah no for sure always come with me with you yeah okay and i highly suggest watching your stuff because there's always something some garbage or you know some some poop from dogs uh but besides that very easy not too bad you might have to be in shape to go up and down this because i'm pretty good shape and i'm struggling but also the heat right now the heat is just like dude unbearable it's easy 100 degrees fahrenheit right now december 16th in rio de janeiro so we made it right back down to the bottom this is where we started we're gonna get some juice orange juice right here okay every day hmm cheers so refreshing oj everyday with this heat you need something to refresh you wow oh that was good right that was good so good cold freezing lots of ice three eyes right each okay not bad not bad so it's like a dollar ten for two yeah not bad perfect and that's it my friends we explored the biggest and most beautiful favela in brazil rasina as soon as we got here we got our motorcycle went all the way to the top and from there we walked down going through different alleyways seeing the main street trying some food and just seeing local life thank you so much dude thank you it was a huge pleasure to stay with you uh have a really nice experience uh walking the streets seeing the local life it was a huge pleasure thank you to visit my place and let's see i hope you like it hope you enjoy it thank you so much yeah but he's shusha that's his nickname no it's good yeah that means the academy of cachaca wow they have like over like i don't know like a couple hundred questions well i'm gonna have one because my last day let's go let's go this is it oh nice this is it right right here yeah just in this terrace beautiful so here it is academy since 1985 as old as me i was born 85 and over here we have all kasha sas never ending sauce delicious sugarcane liquor this little shot here comes with the basically it's a cachaca with lime and honey and it's delicious it's uh cold refreshing perfect for this hot weather so this cachaca oh wow it's almost like a limoncello yeah oh nice sweet very nice this one like alcohol wise super low so again they have over 300 types of cachacas it does not end you can see their entire wall you go inside you can just walk around choose one say i like that one or go through the menu and see you know the different prices different alcohol grades how old they are says everything right here eight years two months so obviously older they've probably been aging in barrels right i'm excited man vegeta first time trying i can't believe i haven't tried it until now but obviously we've been trying to dive into the food in every single place so we haven't had time for it we kept it for the last day all right first time trying fish water we have a mix of things kale orange rice cassava flour we have pork with uh with black beans and it's different pieces of the pork you have here the sausage let's start with the sausage let's start with the sausage on your smoking it's been uh basically been like bathing in the in the freeholders in the black beans yes we call feijang [Music] put that you're going to love it spice a little bit just put it all man oh yeah put it all let's do this so excited he was telling me that usually they have every piece of the organ here yeah but this one they're keeping it super clean yeah in fact not not organs like more body parts body parts yeah tail ear tongue usually people are kind of like afraid to try all these parts because it's very unusual right but in my opinion it's the most delicious part you know i think so it's kind of like more gourmet yeah yeah but i like as well it's just different style right i gotta say this mix is delicious so many different flavors and textures in terms of having the orange is a nice burst really refreshing tropical kale as well very tropical i love yeah ribs sausage uh jerk beef you know then i like the mix with the cassava flour to kind of get the crunchiness the orange cut the saltiness you know so do this mix kale cassava flour and orange all the same time kale sauce flour and orange look it has some poor cracked cracklings as well look okay oh yeah and now a piece of orange sweet and sour at the same time it's crazy good mm-hmm really heavy in brazil we serve feijoada on fridays and saturdays okay so you can have saturday take saturday or sunday to rest this is a happy meal so that's the reason but yeah the reason why we came today which is wednesday is because they serve every day but there's restaurants over there yeah most of the restaurants there are specialized officials they only serve i'm talking about rio okay we go to sao paulo i think it's a wednesday and saturday oh wow yeah and here in rio usually friday or saturday yeah i love it i really really love it it's good man yeah man it's different good so it's like a portuguese african influence here you have two right the mix of cultures which is what brazil is in the french casole yeah right phenomenal dish i'm super happy that i tried on the last day because i feel like i would have wanted this like every day yeah i'm trying so many things man today we're going to try some other things that we're going to like blow your mind some street food some masai smoothie you know delicious and this is a huge portion there's at least four people we're three of us and we have so much wow grab a piece of these uh ribs costellos costella stella look at this mm-hmm i've actually never had ribs that are like the blocking sauce yeah so good and i love the cassava and the texture you know that gives to you drinking chili sauce you're wild this is a strawberry i love this dish the national dish of brazil so good like too good i mean it is just phenomenal man and is it expensive this or no here it's like thirty dollars for four people which i believe is good deal but if you go to like some really local authentic places you get for like man one plate five five six dollars that's it so you really are actually for two people you eat them like this for five bucks yeah it's not gonna be beautiful it's gonna be colorful no no it's gonna be colorful but i don't know i mean the way they do here is also nice but more gourmet style right but i like it oh let me say it's probably my favorite dish obviously i love the meat but this is like wow it's mind-bending how how unique it is at the end of this tour man i'm gonna take you to a place where you're probably gonna say it's going to be your favorite brazilian snack not food snack [Music] there's more seal yes all right what a delicious meal 171 for that so like 36 something like that pretty good deal i think it's perfect for three people don't eat that you're gonna eat a lot of food the rest of the day we're gonna have more like snacks today we ate the whole thing though it was freaking delicious something you have to try obviously national dish of brazil that's what let's go try some acai now we're going to have acai which is a fruit from the amazon it's our favorite place in rio and it's usually like the best city in brazil so acai has become a huge phenomenon in america recently acai bowls for breakfast you know you mix it with like granola fruits i like it straight i had it in suriname in the jungle it's not really the amazon jungle for them because it's not considered actually part of the river but it's part of ever you know the big amazon rainforest and you know i had it straight from a vendor that pulled it out of there and a huge bag and just drank like that a little different right right uh here we'll be able to have like uh plain some people put uh syrup they don't do with the syrup they do with the like kind of like a honey right yeah and then um yeah it's great i mean the only one better than this one just when you get out of the tree like straight from the jungle then you have to fly to belain to like combo island or to the amazon right but man outstanding product like really good like really high quality and it's considered superfood so it's healthy antioxidant right uh yeah it's delicious after a 10 minute drive we are here ready to try some acai the best super fruit hey come on the good one the best one yeah let's do it love it love is fun it's like a juice bar right [Applause] we ought to like plain acai and acai with uh sort of like honey which is the sugar cane cereal right and then here we have like a granola mix of nuts uh yeah man it's very rich and here tapioca flakes you know what's amazing is that it looks very thick and really dark purple very dark purple yeah i love it man and when it's like with nothing it's really good obviously honey makes it a little sweeter and if you add the rest of the stuff here you just make it into a bigger meal yeah let me see if this one is playing this one is playing try playing first [Music] this is playing yeah so it's just like very thick let's go but i'm sure this one's gonna be up my alley the sweeter one sweet one for sure man i love it it's thick so good there's something interesting about this granola yes oh the granola this is a project with maybe the federal university best so one thing the owner was telling me is that the asset that leaves brazil is pasteurized this is like the purest form i mean it is amazing sweeter for me is better but you know it's honey so it's good love the granola man yeah so good super thick super thick super rich you can feel the superfood you can really feel it in every bite yeah [Applause] i would say it's like in terms of texture it's like a between like ice cream and yogurt like in there you know and it keeps melting right so eventually you'll become like very liquidy have yoga tapioca flakes they look like marshmallows very crunchy crunchy huh the one they're having is pure no honey i recommend with honey sugarcane syrup so it's a great source of iron great so so if you want to be really healthy eat this every day yeah even though it's dilling if you get an hour i'll be hungry because it's straight fruit you know oh wow delicious i literally have another one that's not good oh the best society i've ever had in my life right here wow cocoa almonds crunchy chocolaty delicious this is a tapered shot which is fruit is a exotic fruit from the amazon okay guys let's try this sweet yeah it's almost like a smoothie that's what it tastes like thickness wise and it's smooth the smoothie nice and cold so you can taste a little bit alcohol it tastes alcohol yeah but it's super fruity yes [Music] nice to have you here thank you i heard you went around 80 countries is that true yeah oh this how lucky you are no man lots of work hope you'll bring some good things all over for sure wherever you go the best acai in rio or in brazil is right here let's go all right let's continue this epic tour let's do it it's called larencias we are driving by the fluminense football club soccer stadium it's right there yeah right there in uh on our left-hand side is the governor's palace so we hear our third spot let's see what they got yeah here we kind of call like the little amazon where we have the all the products from the amazon right so you're going to have the brazilian fall which is the mini oak starch with jumbo leaf shrimp uh tapioca gum we're going to have this amazing deer called serfa and we're going to have a shot of uh jeonbukashasa the one that kind of like giggling your tongue yeah here we have takaka which is a maniac starchy with shampoo leaf shrimp tapioca gum so just get in here get this how do you get that nice living right yeah oh man it's like tingling already yeah yeah you've had the the shot of uh shampoo oh wow yes have the shrimp how do i eat it straight yeah oh the whole thing and drink the yellow liquids yes with this yes oh wow so it is very like vietnamese yeah it's kind of like the you know the brazilian fault so it's um my mouth is so tingling that i can't taste a lot of stuff but it makes your tongue tickle right everything but it feels almost like the szechuan pepper just numbing sensation that gummy oh yeah so next time we're trying to serpa export oh wow very nice refreshing lager hey it's different it's a little crafty with this heat outside this is a must this is fire but you gotta say take the sensation hard to get used to oh and we have some chili so if i want to literally right there put on top like that then get it but good i like it wow so different what do you need fish and this comes from palace state right what i say so that's the amazon that's literally the state right next door to amazonia's right that's good but you gotta slow down because the noise sensation is pretty intense one of my favorite snacks very hot yeah very different and this is like a i guess like a diner right so you have a bar area and that's it just stools people sitting outside people sitting here next to me in the back the guys are making acai bowls they have cachaca they have beer and they have this delicious one more stop one more stop before the airport from takaka we're now head heading to have a karachaya so from paradise state to bahia state let's go this is atejo de flamengo which is the main street here in the area of flamengo so that is i guess it'd be like more north from where we were staying where's both the fogo when that is more north from cabana right yes so this is going up up right they have a beach here they have this super long street it's almost like a highway in terms of how big it is four lanes four lanes and yeah can't wait to try this croqueta we made it we are here like at a flea market and this is the vendor sign delicious croquetas he has the best sakaracha in rio de janeiro yeah the best number one coconut coconut milk salad kind of like pinto and now shrimp yeah it's like shrimp okay okra paste coconut milk with yeah like french bread coconut milk shrimp onions nuts all right this is it oh how do you even do this just do a big bite it is so delicious oh wow i love the shrimp a little spicy fried on the outside mushing the inside i love this i've never had a professor like burger before kind of like a burger huh i'll say my favorite snack today for sure [Music] he stuffed it right with all these different ingredients okra paste so ogre paste sorry okra paste shrimp nuts cilantro it's so good [Music] yeah these uh snack has some huge african and indian influence number one yeah number one airport yes so good huh yeah delicious all right my friends i hope you enjoyed this non-stop diverse food tour here in rio de janeiro it was epic fetchwada acai and that is all the different like styles of food of brazil you know brazil is super diverse 27 different states obviously in the north it's more jungle more is amazon so each one was from a different place so where is uh fidget water yeah facial either represents like menageries in rio de janeiro state and then takaka para state the acai the amazon in general and then akaraja from bahia awesome so that's one of the cool things about brazil very diverse lots of culture lots of different foods and that's it my friend 72 hours in rio it is an incredible city i fell in love with it it is a must visit add it to your bucket list and guys if you love this video please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below subscribe to my channel and obrigado [Music] you
Channel: Davidsbeenhere
Views: 540,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davidsbeenhere, david hoffmann, davidsbeenhere brazil, street food, rio de janeiro, brazil, brazilian food, brazil food, things to do in brazil, best brazilian food, brazilian cuisine, brazilian food tour, what to eat in brazil, brazilian, food in brazil, travel brazil, brazil travel, brazil travel video, brazil food guide, brazil tourism, brazil 4k, food of brazil, brazil food street, brazilian bbq, street food brazil, brazil travel vlog, brazilian dishes, brasil
Id: 3zHfLw2_kf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 56sec (10496 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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