150 Hours in Trinidad! (Full Documentary) Trini Doubles for Life!

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put that file there right under the shell that's the way it is I'm blown away I think that you want is ready you wanna try that let's try the Iguana but you know what let me get some of that roast right here you know what I call that sauce welcome back to Trinidad today we're hitting up the Island's TOP Food Spot and trying some of the best foods in the Caribbean doubles curry goat hob spread dog Puri Curry armadillo and even some crazy spicy mother-in-law pepper sauce it will make you cry just like your mother-in-law I'm taking you to meet the queen of chuoha try exotic Bush me in the jungle and to have Trini KFC way better than any KFC here in America but what about the rest of the Caribbean Jamaica let me know in the comments below which island has the best food but for now let's go to Trinidad good evening everyone this is David Hoffman from David's been here coming at you from Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago my boy Chef Jason Peru and tonight we're gonna have some oysters oyster guy he's a legendary figure here at the Queen's box Savannah you gotta try it yeah so we came the other night but unfortunately he wasn't here no no so he's here tonight he's expecting you let's go have some oysters let's go my friend right here how you doing you good I'm good I'm good you ready for some oysters oh yeah yeah actually I really like this one yeah look at these oysters his name is David what's your name Ram is his name Money Ram why do we have this light that is the third map that's a trademark people see the flame and they know he's here have you see this uh flamboo being lit or burning you know it's an oyster man traditionally that's always always been in Trinidad and Tobago that means oysters are good so let me ask you where do these oysters come from because they look a lot smaller Carney Farm the swamp Okay in the central plains of Trinidad a lot of swamp area we got these natural oysters just going on the roots of the mangrove so every day he gets them fresh brings them out and obviously shots them so we have our own type of hoisters right next to we have you know a few different sauces right medium slice what is foreign [Laughter] pepper floating oysters spicy soup any more glasses oh this is so good you want a glass yeah let's try it um nice small oysters oh I love the spice not too hot and we said just ripe and that barking taste the bark nice oyster sauce inside there I took slight pepper the boys are ready tonight get ready for me it's like just let it slide down the throat as well it's so good yeah you can taste the back of the Bob on the inside here everything comes together really nicely it balances everyone you're not getting any fresh flavor at all from the oysters they're freshly chopped and it's just like literally Mellows so well that's sweet and spicy makes it lovely and then you're talking about it oh my God you're gonna finish the whole thing I thought I was sorry you ready here we go oh yeah super cool night one two three yeah man oh it's good it was almost like sweet and sour time too yeah that's exactly it and it's shadow man he gives it a nice little twist the spice just envelops not too overbearing and it just again it brings everything together the lime the lime like cuts it right yeah really nice wow oh he's having him like that nice yeah that's the real way nice oyster so now I'm gonna try it alone just some lime and you think we should throw some some spice in there it's hot or medium but medium slight slight pepper all right here guys here we go um remember that oyster shell yeah oh it's good it's good nice very small super easy just like literally just drips down your throat yeah during that worship I mean they're amazing yeah a little sweet give me one of the heavy ones yeah I'll drop this guy here you wanna try it heavy heavy Spice One heavy spice heavy spice you think so heavy spice I think I should try one of the heavy space I mean you only live once you try not to be good and Bruce like you only die once so it's heavy well that's for me I don't know if I'm sure about this let's see how hot it is um no way I'll tell you it wasn't the spiciest thing I ever had but it was probably the spiciest sauce I've had with oysters here's what I do Tabasco that's really spicy what you want it spicy yeah okay spicy tiny oyster cunk inside there so you have conch shots shrimp shots together with the oysters shrimp as well take that one first tasty stuff first and now Taco yeah that was like no that's sweet sweet shrimp which sauce is this one again you only died once right not that not this one I know it's nice though oh it's nice so yeah super succulent shrimp nice and sweet small but that the spice Perfect Blend oh it balances really well and be careful with this fire right so how much do we owe you for all this that'll be 17 all right 70 11 us 11 us we have us for all of us though that was pretty good it should be 100 30 dollars perfect we're gonna walk right over to the coconut vendor right now right let's go through the Coconuts let's go here we go how you guys doing everything good I'm taking uh two nice cool nuts sure so you do it man it gets a lot of coconuts huh yeah a lot of coconuts there look at that nice and cool Worthy perfect Precision look at that those coconuts so beautiful man it actually has jelly inside of it it does it has some of that tender coconut right there oh I can't wait to eat that at the end he makes a spoon he's gonna show you how you make the spoon the jelly let's drink this whole thing see this up serious I love it I can drink this whole thing it's gonna take a second but let's do it ready I don't think you can drink all no it's just the way it is right you need a straw really need a straw now you got to do it this way brother this is the real way this is a training way show me you just got them wrong with it um that's it there bro done thank you so much it's beautiful so show me the spoons let me show you do this basically at this point inside open it up like that the spoon is right here just rip this part off let me do this I guess check that out yeah jelly put it up like that look at that nice Soft gel inside it so beautiful here we go guys so take off a spoon right clean it you break this open beautiful here you go thanks one of them and as you can see right here the jelly yeah go right here like that I've done this a million times in South India guys love it get the flesh right there beautiful also in Miami we have some coconut trees at my house I get a little bit every year so [Applause] oh the tender coconut right this one's a little thinner you know obviously there's so many species of coconut or species of palm trees are coming up look at that beautiful nice jelly oh it's so good and what's the cost on this so you're looking at about ten dollars for one that's about a dollar and fifty cents us so 10ct can't go wrong hey man thank you so much they broke my hand dude this night's not over yet we got some oysters so refreshing though right nice cool coconut Apple that's the best thing it's a palette cleanser it's the best thing for your organism I mean if it's really hot especially here in the Caribbean you need to have it right pretty much and I mean you can't go around with a nice cold coconut here especially at the Queen's back Savannah but I'm thinking uh maybe a double to close off tonight of course I could do a thousand doubles let's go double doubles every day all day David yeah you're wild yes I'm gonna keep going on and on and on oh it's nice and dark huh and we're back on the Avenue this is SNS SNS it's parked that's a good sign right that means the doubles are good boom that's the right there we have the butter we have the channel all right and you have three different sauces cucumbers and a masala yeah yeah the chickpea look at that beautiful scorching wow incredible and so this little uh this little bucket keeps it really hot huh so we're all getting doubles we're getting two loaded and one with no Peppers this one is like this so this one's no pepper right yeah he just wants a sweet treat and this is mine right here yeah let's do it I want mine pepper pepper how much all right thank you so much wow thanks guys and this is dinner SNS double well you just break a piece of the barrel you cheers like that so here I got the bottom piece this is kind of like stupid but ends together oh oh my life is sweet it's good that's a sweet sauce Tamarind I love the cucumbersome is really good yeah nice and crunchy you take pepper just enough I got mild I didn't want to overdo it it's so good good stuff this one's nice it's well balanced between the pepper the sweetness and the bottom man so good so soft maybe even popping doubles over and over over and over man try all of a Trinidad's vehicle because you just want to try one double so you have tried different Baptist I mean you gotta try everybody and it's not over I know I know every day I'm gonna have this for breakfast tomorrow second bar bro I'm gonna crush this one [Applause] a lot more pepper here 's the reason why this is number three I'm the biggest number one street food it's affordable it's available everywhere I figurines bacon right whenever you think about it so I mean they're beginner here you know you meet you enjoy this I love it enjoyable street food like I said quick affordable everybody can eat it on their way to work after work after the club doesn't matter right oh yeah anytime I mean it's late in the night right now and we said why not right it's gonna be maybe about this is it's still like 62 so that's one US Dollars can't go wrong right no I'm taking my paper it's so good sorry yes so what I do and I'm a professional killer well that was like a easy night huh we did oysters coconut and sometimes in them nights you just won't have like a little light snaps exactly the orange sauce is really good the whole spicy I know you burn up your lips is that I did any cooler down with that great coconut water right yeah so I cleaned my palette a little bit got rid of all that pepper then we came here amazing bada mixed with the chickpeas I mean this is awesome so S and S doubles right here on Avenue got a pizza Avenue home of great food brother oh great food so that's basically street food at night here in Port of Spain you guys love the video thumbs up comment below subscribe myself more awesome travel content we'll see the next travel food Adventure come on you have to eat bro [Laughter] foreign [Music] what's up everyone this is David Hoffman from David's been here coming at you from beautiful maraval Trinidad 20 minutes right outside of Port of Spain today it is seven in the morning and we're going on an incredible breakfast tour right now we're gonna start off with some doubles here our captains then from here we're gonna go with some coffee some ice cream and then another variation of doubles yes Doubles Doubles all day long and right here I got my boy David how you doing good morning sir I hope you had a good rest yes I did you don't seem to yet so what's this place called This is Captain's double let's go Captain how are you doing Captain how you doing everything good yes so what are we doing here today it's holding a spot on the spot oh this is great this is awesome love your spot guys amazing [Music] see delicious man I love it it's like a booty yeah so good so guys this is potato pie and you stuff it right yeah they have beautiful as golden brown right there not too crispy stuff some dough the captain is one of these staples I mean and I'll tell you Captain this manager coming uh doubles monster everywhere okay this is my fifth doubles fifth spot in three days so I'm trying my best to eat a lot all right I'm excited let's do it so right there we have the Aloo pie starts with China and that's it so fast I mean it literally takes them less than five seconds to put together five seconds of cooking I mean this is like the fastest thing ever Doubles Doubles today's Vlog yeah right so one of the reasons why our Baro is not very oily is because it's fried in a very hot temperature meaning that it all runs out very quickly so you have a very dry bar so it's more healthier to eat you know there you go look at this my friends what a beautiful doubles oh and it's nice and light not a lot of oil yes and it's just like you know crispy on the ends that is the beauty is this your favorite doubles of all time the answer to this I always tell people I mean I get that question a lot from Trinidad especially what's your favorite I tell them I'd be good to do my favorite food area Okay because Trinidad who's at Lisa's house double Spenders are they offer a thousand already a thousand it used to be a breakfast food it is no breakfast lunch thing as you said yesterday amazing so my go-to I have different areas once I'm in a certain area they are ones that I would go to like in this area Captain is my boy yeah yesterday exactly beauty of the barrel yes it's a light too exactly with a crunchy Edge because of the frying I mean this one looks beautiful look at that exactly you know it's really a masterpiece and I see you've gotten the full Corrections and you're ready good I'm a pro I'm Pro let's go oh good it fell through a little spicy and it's a little sweet yes correct which is a um appearing that we love spicy yes spicy and sweet no crispy still a little doughy mm-hmm another thing I love about this it's a quick dish you understand so it comes you get it you can clear this out in about a minute three bites done and it's not too filling I would say if you really want to get four have two so two dollars is three three yeah oh wow what Trini oh wow I didn't know that I've been limiting it obviously because we're going to so many places but yeah wow captains congratulations that was phenomenal um just like it wet my appetite yay just the beginning just the beginning oh snap let's try fight let's go try five yeah so Captain I think I have to try a pie how many again I couldn't make it a tea Spike here right I cheated all right you're gonna love it captain that was phenomenal by the way oh that was so good what a great doubles so we do the kids bite you right I'm doing too luckily one for you all wanted him thank you so much oh wow look at that yeah beautiful look how nice and fluffy it is the fight takes a little longer time to cook down the Barrow yeah right yeah because you want the inside on the outside and the privilege that customers have one day again the devil's probably hot on the spot they can determine how Brown they want to cry how like they want to try how crispy oh wow okay so when you get a fried right here you sell them I want a little crispier a little more fried a little Browner right just don't burn it this is golden brown mm-hmm yeah that's perfect so it's done basically yeah wow guys I can't wait to have this one let's see how it tastes you'll be amazed yeah so this is cheese pie and what they're gonna do is they're gonna cut it open and shove China inside just like fully loaded that's right dude I'm excited all right it's the best you go there we go that's gonna be so good you want to leave Trinidad with a couple of extra pounds no I already feed it this wasn't that tight three days look at that what a beauty love these pies nice breading um the butter the dough the China so it's not too long no nine inches like that yeah man you see it there beautiful no just taste this thing let's taste it um as a mozzarella cheese huh yeah which is we call it cheese what oh my God you see it has a sponge yeah yeah it's like so gooey sharp and you know you get that nice you must taste it it's its own flavor it's sweet it's spicy it's just so good [Music] look look guys look right here yeah man how beautiful is it wait no it goes with this at the coffee so that I think we should move on to check out the coffee last bite and then coffee so we'll check out Adams I'm hoping the owner is there Adams he's a good friend of mine okay yeah man let's do this coffee time captain that was amazing bro that was too good I loved it so that was not mozzarella cheese that was something else oh it was mozzarella cheese okay so it was no it's cool I thought so but yeah that's why you get a string and the pool in it yeah oh man so good so what do we owe you for this on the house dude you're too much so what is the actual cost though so my viewers can know the activities would have been 16 . so six each so six for the doubles and then for the for the pies is eight people don't mind because it's very tasty yellow dude it's still good it's too good a man this was amazing what a breakfast I'm super happy and what is nice is that Captain give it to you not on the house it's on the van on the van on the bed even better even better guys thank you so much appreciate it thank you so much hey so good I'm coming back next time I'm in Trinidad I'm coming straight here man thank you thank you awesome guys pleasure thank you so much all right dude David amazing amazing this place is so good Captain thank you so much Captain you're awesome your sons as well all right now it's time for some coffee at Adam's I need a coffee that's the one thing I need every single morning you two right well of course that's it Adams one minute drive yeah right there guys coffee-ish is a big Coffee Culture Revolution here in Trinidad right lots of little coffee spots like this beautiful boutiques I need either a cold brew or doppio espresso you cappuccino let's go so we just entered Adams over here to the right we have a bakery to the left we have like a mini supermarket and as you can see they have a big mix here they have some pizzas they have Ki Bay so they have like Middle Eastern food and they also have arepa so they have some Venezuelan food as well right oh look at this some samosas Samosa is amazing excellent excellent you want to try them oh I did it maybe later remember that I need a coffee right now so over here is a coffee right in the cafe so I ordered a double espresso my boy David ordered a cappuccino and I'm sorry what's your name Matthew Matthew pleasure nice to meet you awesome man it's great coffee all day so right here we have the owner Adam how you doing pretty good ready to go [Laughter] today I ordered a double espresso and I'm a cappuccino cappuccino let's do it oh perfect no sugar yeah that's how real men do it I mean for me it's no sugar always with coffee if you need sugar then you know that's bad you know [Applause] thank you so much thank you thank you all right let's go let's go that was a really relaxing enjoyable time here at Adams with Adam amazing spot you can get some coffee you can get some good food they have Middle Eastern they have South American big mix of food so good thank you Adam for the coffee now let's keep going let's get some ice cream of course we have to meet them with Jason and from there we are going to this little ice cream joint but what is nice about it is that they they give us all the Caribbean flavors you know the pineapple all the fruits Caribbean fruits pineapple but they have spicy wishes you know we're known for pepper so we are getting it we're gonna like what you call it papacho and then there's a pepper mango pineapple chow and then of course the Highlight for me is to see you take out the Scorpion pepper ice cream what spicy ice cream in Trinidad this is gonna be epic this is gonna be good and right now we're driving through uh Port of Spain right we're driving through it completely we just went through you know basically the center we're just going out into the main Highway this is the highway that connects North and South on the west side of the island we are heading to the Grand Bazaar that's where we'll meet jisk one of our major Plaza malls all right so quick change of plans we're gonna go first to Nick's and then we're going to get some ice cream and right here is Nick's Cafe oh long line that means it's good the chef back in Action listen yeah breakfast is a staple I mean we had that hot spread already earlier putting that channel inside of it it's a bit different from the doubles and you can put cheese and it's really an experience just go try it it's almost like a deconstructed doubles right it's a little different to some degree it looks very similar to the flavors of doubles but really it's a hot spread how you doing everything good so you're gonna use that thing oh thank you so much man yeah well it's like a China sandwich huh amazing here we have the bread guys the hot spread so we had to refill it in a little bit so we have chicken cheese huh what do you want to get it sounds like a veggie you can see huge line huge line people are just lining up for this amazing so it's a Chena sandwich over here we have the chickpeas antenna we have the pepper you have cheese you also have some cabbage delayed coleslaw right and then over here we have chicken oh that looks like almost like jerk chicken looks amazing man you're familiar with steel chicken it's a stew chicken yeah yeah it was a chicken with it with a gravy again it doesn't stop now that we've seen it being made let's get in line you're in line ready right here Candace what are you getting I think I would have the con on trees I mean I think I have to go with chili cheese right try and cheese of course that's like the traditional one the price is it right there all right so everything here is to go so we're coming right in here to the driveway and bring you right there what's going on are they really bringing a bench over here too much too kind thank you so much appreciate it wow so this is like the Mac right the Big Mac like a Big Mac Big Mac I'm just gonna grab it not pull it out this is huge guys oh my God it's loaded you have cheese in there you have chicken you have chow mein and what we go with as a trini hops oh wow I love this I believe it's eight dollars love the gravy with the chicken so good a little spicy the combination is amazing lots of different flavors and textures here wow hmm so so it's a little hard because there are bones in here yeah they are so I'm just gonna dive into this area over here look at the cheese right here let me take another bite everything's starting to fall apart here there you go I'm supporting you're supporting me supporting stuff oh the cheese nice dense cheese now everything is 12 Bar here I told you it's like the ultimate it's the ultimate like chicken burger oh wow all the mix between the Cabbage to be refreshing nice balance too not too spicy so what we have here is really is the Chana and cheese this one is minus the chicken this one is a little more basic this is actually uh my favorite one mainly because of the savoriness of the cheese let me show it to you all right so it's extremely well with the China this is always bad for you it's always Fresh So it section between the channel and the cheese and the Hops and you see the cheese oh yes nice oh man I got a little China Burger I like it though super thick right no skimping oh wow look at that guys super thick cheese mmm I mean the pepper right nice pepper fluffy bun it's flavorful right it's not extremely hot they're killing you overwhelming oh at all it's not too hot you know I've been saying it's like a burger but it's actually more like a slider like a China slider let's do this one you're gonna do it oh lover too yeah that's a lot of carbs Cheers Cheers Cheers this is the best one um so good right I love the red the iron so nice like a slider another nice lighter right so this one is pure liver what else is in here maybe some peppers It's a combination it's like a trucking spot because it's like take a long sandwich that's easy to eat that's what I love about the cuisine here is like a lot of it is just you know on the go right grab it they make it really fast and that's it yeah I think it's like this is like five dollars just economical for the average person especially like indicators to that Trucking community so if you know about truck stops this is a good truck stop this is great with my favorite one well and we just had a cow Cup this is the Hops with the stew chicken you know stew chicken is pretty popular here in Trinidad we actually burn the sugar caramelize it add a chicken in it it sounds a bit weird that you're using sugar with chicken let me try this one out do it that's really good are you possibly these two chicken with rice and callaloo and all these great things but it's just so good with the bread it just sucks up all that nice skew sauce inside there all the nice little fragments of pepper the garlic the celery side look at that you know what I like about these buns they absorb the gravy that you need everything so pretty much it's a receptacle I guess anything here let's go a shallow grapefruit juice I know you like fresh juices this is how we do it man fresh stuff oh my gosh icy this is pure ice in here romance it almost like a lemonade yeah you put it in the truck you move with it that's a good few hours it doesn't get hot on you oh so fresh grapefruit juice huh yeah a little sour it's perfect yeah it's fresh juice seriously you know you got the best of both Wheels an amazing spot Nick's Cafe we're in a tiny Savannah Road this is in chobones so I mean it's a it's a it's an institution people stop there you see the line pretty much every morning by 11 o'clock brother they're sold out and I mean pretty much you need to come down here if you're trying some good bread and China next is a place to go man so much thank you appreciate it take care bye all right let's go ice cream time Scorpion or scorpion peppers cream have you ever had that before never training boy wild wild after a one minute driver here A and J ice cream hello morning morning guys morning how you doing everything good I'm excited to have some scorpion ice cream scorpion Peppa 's like ginger turmeric we have some pepper flavored ice cream scorpion pepper we have one called spicy daki which is a proper chocolate we have our pineapple child this is Anthony Anthony how you doing everything good awesome I mean I'm super excited for the spicy ones give me some spicy ice cream this is gonna be amazing all right guys pineapple Chow [Music] oh wow oh it hits you it is man it is spicy what is that one pepper mango okay this is amazing oh wow that is delicious yeah I mean it's incredible it's tropical at the same time it's spicy oh this is hot my man it's too hot let me try something there yeah try something try something water of course what do you recommend for me because that's the one that's sort of like uh oh man it is so good listen that is a creeper yeah yeah it creeps it is beautiful for a second two seconds you get the pepper inside coming other than really punch and flavors but it's so balanced so you get the sweet and then you get this really raging flavors at the end like a typical what is this one spicy daki is the name yeah spicy duck no well it's actually called spicy donkey that's another lesson I gotta teach him what a dog he is that's not for this show okay okay spicy donkey okay let me try that ready ready let's do it boom so it's dark chocolate almost like it tastes like a spicy dog but it's not as spicy as olive oil no it's it's a little Milo and then well wrong the chocolate flavor inside there with a hint of maybe it's like maybe pepper a touch of black pepper inside there but it's not overwhelming it's enjoyable because at the same time also when you have milk it also quells heat exactly trying to balance it is finding the perfect line yeah that spice quenched by the milk right this one is faster yeah fruits all right here we go foreign love it oh nice and milky [Music] it's creeping it's slowly creeping the other's sort of like wrapped around the back this one just went straight down the hole Yeah it's right here Oh you mean your saliva instructions like the boys in your mouth is just starting to like oh my God yes it's like that pepper thing yeah this ain't creeping this wall oh but you know what it's really an experience to be honest with you it's not like eating food with peppers like actually a dessert so your mind is still wrapping around it and to some degree maybe it's the same as I mean if you want to try more but I do too yeah that's what you get what are the flavors you got what are the flavors I'll try another flavor that was so good you know it wasn't a killer I think the pineapple Chow was it was spicier or just hits you harder I don't know yeah this the Scorpion you just feel it here the saliva it's like having a chili I think the reason why this is because that was the last one you all try so you tried only foreign I don't know how I would do a whole cup or a cone that's a lot yeah that'd be a lot how many flavors do you have currently we have 117 flavors today 117 117. so this is ginger and turmeric yes that's why it's a little yellow Ginger and turmeric right now it's like pure Ginger here oh it's amazing I mean you feel it tasted simmeric but the ginger you know I mean I love Ginger but I've never had it before so really no I haven't I've never had Ginger it's like an ice cream yeah it's creamy though it's good it's just really good yeah it's like Milking for the melting them all kind of flavor he's gonna build one with three different flavors for me this is gonna be epic so we're at the Baltimore unicorn and the Blue Moon so many flavors in here breakfast tour guys okay Jason exception let's see I guess I got started before you right it's like creamy it's buttery what's the name of it this is the I think that's the Blue Moon on top the Blue Moon um oh my gosh I'm gonna go for the Unicorn now so what I'm having here is uh the caramel uh mocha cheesecake okay it's good good you're getting nice flavors it's not overwhelming everything is so perfectly balanced and I've been in a week it's something I really I think they have really unique flavors here I mean they're taking traditional flavor but mixing it and obviously adjusting different Flippa nuances inside of it exactly I mean my top one it's a it's like super creamy there's nuts in it and the bottom one the middle one the unicorn that is a cotton candy and the bottom one Voldemort I think it's like oh coffee in here yeah really good right man how's that called uh the corn not yeah let's see Super Fresh right oh it was thin that's not thick super thin cracker oh amazing beautiful right delicious easy to come here and just have fun with kids yeah they would love this place oh big chunks of Cheesecake inside there all right so that is our breakfast tour here in between Port of Spain and this area I don't even know where we are we should want us oh we're in Chicago okay so we drove on Chaguanas okay perfect so Central Trinidad and it's Vegas yeah so we did captains we did uh Adams we did Nick's Cafe on Karate Savannah Road and we're still on currently Savannah Road and we're enjoying uh Angie's ice cream amazing guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below starting my channel for more awesome travel content I'll see the next trout food Adventure somewhere here in Trinidad and I'm gonna devour this mmm so good boy so good oh I can't stop you need to stop good afternoon everyone I hope you're all doing well this is David Hoffman from David's bin here coming at you from the deep south of Trinidad with my boy Chef Jason Peru my man listen we took the journey down here we're in sipario and we're at dolls chulha she's known as the chulhakirani the queen of the chulha and chulha is this earthenware sort of stove that is made out of mud clay I mean cook on top of it it's fueled by wood and the wood just flavors whatever you cook so you're gonna get that nice roasted sort of five green on that smoke emitted into the food man she has so much stuff for us she's going to be doing bread she's doing coconut big various curries and dishes oh my gosh listen you just gotta see it I'm excited let's go inside we're like in deep Bush right now just Bush all around us here's their house hey how you doing and right here this is the the Clay Oven right yeah this is the Chula the Chula she actually sells these oh she sells them yeah this is made out of mud and as you know mud is an excellent conductor of heat so apart from just doing Pizza some Breads and stuff inside here it's an amazing vessel to cook in but this is just the oven I actually want to show you what this stove looks like let's go let's go hey here we go hello how are you good how's everything this is Sandy Sandy all right check this out this is a as you can see this sort of concrete shape with it the wood is fueled inside here in terms of the type of food that you use and on top you cook check it out so she's actually chunking some Curry right now at this point oh wow and the smell that roam of that gravy but apart from that is just the wood that you're spending on just the wood too right it goes into the food yeah look at the Amber's right here whoa this is so hot just put the just put your hands gosh you don't want to get too close to that you know what this is that's like the little griddle right the tawa tower look at the real teas and stuff on top here and this is also on top of the tuna amazing any size shape form she has it here specializes in her cooking I'm starting this big Trinidadian I love it so it's like a little u-shape right beautiful so she just puts wood lights it up she has four here pretty much this is doll here by the way doll how you doing everything good awesome we're excited we're super hungry and honestly I have our friend right here you ready to go she wants to put a bacon all right let's do it let's do it what type of beer is this coconut bake oh beautiful coconut bake huh all right it's a traditional coconut yes you see the ham inside there yeah I can see the ham damn yeah yeah it's gonna close it up you know I just want to flavor to be extremely well yes so what type of Curry are you making oh wow guys the aroma you have no idea that smell oh it's popping gotta be careful here so good so the fragrance is it gonna be spicy this one no no no no not too much okay yeah don't kill me dry coconut butter is sugar this is a long long time granny B homemade coconut bake it's a type of bread per se okay but what happens is that because it's shaped in this way and it's cooked in this traditional matter of either on a flat River or in the oven it's referred to as bake b-a-k-e even though it's it's name bake it's not actually like a pie or a big got it got it you get where I'm coming from yeah so yeah because I was thinking like flower based yeah so it's flower based but there's no stuffing right this is just purely like almost like a bread okay okay got it got it getting it getting it more and more now [Music] also Masala this is truly Indian influenced huh yeah I'm sure it's actually like dried mango powder so she's going to be cooking green mangoes well there's still a really great Curry it's amazing the balance and it's sweet and tart I mean it completely changed the color right the color profile will change from like this beautiful orange to now like more like a brownish or dark oh this is perfect but this mango was in the Deep Freeze like when we out our season of mangoes with a stick get some cut it up and put it freeze so that when we don't have mangoes we always have to use oh man let's just mix it up so Curry amchar Masala garlic pimentos Peppers inside here and you can make about spice do you want depends on like how cold is it it's a beautiful oh my gosh that looks so good so it's going to absorb that water right yeah this is bad we'll dry pasta foreign it's going to add a really great flavor right yes nice tasty oh yeah so this is what it looked like the coldest this is the what's it that's just to get get oxygen inside right yes that's a light up the fire I Wanna smoke it wow the queen of Chula clean up chew her cooking yes right both this is fresh that purino come on come on a big it is 22 inches so this is what let's have split peas in it this is the split piece here that is called a Dal this have garlic pepper pimento salt saffron and a fry it when I don't boil it down and I grind it in a long time Mela fried you see how nice she's like Millions it's super crumbly so that goes into the dough yes so it's like dull powder almost yes it's normally lentil powder yeah so next up we're gonna do some pepper Roti Peppers is that gonna be spicy yeah yes so it's more flaky this one almost more like a porota yes like Southern India paroda oh wow that's the bake huh this is a nice tasty mouth water and coconut beef it's beautiful smell coconut can smell it right away it says who make who make going straight in let's go this bread looks so good so you're throwing all of it in just like that yes this is two curry chicken this is Korea and this is Corey command for that Curry pop yeah so you know you already fall that runs in the yard yes in the countryside that's what it is because of that great muscle that it builds up all the time it's a bit harder but it's just so flavorful and I know you guys you have sahina already imagine you're taking sahina and then currying it oh my God actually like Curry the sahina it looks like fish it does look like fish right here this is beautiful I mean the Curry's right the aroma and this one looks so good this is the this is what you call baigan choker correct it's a roasted eggplant so remember the the sahina leaves the Taro leaves that's what when you cook it down like spinach yeah it looks very dark like that this is beautiful it's like grated rice oh man let's say a creamy spinach right what Chutney is this that is um yes [Music] So Soft a little crispy on the outside oh man I love it this is Sandy who made the Chutney Sandy you're the best that's nice garlic in there yeah it's really good Sandy you're the best this is the Grinders what's the inside of it so I'll cut it here so you will taste it check this out looks good nice little sandwich yeah it's just soft but crispy on the exterior and you see The Dashing Bush leaves inside of it that's the Taro leaves I was telling you guys about so it's a fruit mixed with garlic okay it's amazing so I'm gonna Savory donut pretty much right oh wow and you know what she did she took this and then she carried it that's what we saw earlier on the curried sahina she's going to take it she took it to another level we're gonna taste that another wild oh my God so all right you know what I could eat this like this man oh it's like a great salsa right it's like a moist Chutney yeah super moist oh the amount of garlic potatoes everything it's Morris it's Morris she's the best so what is this Plum City Plum City so this is what the Chinese made out of this fruit you grate it on a grater and you make your grated garlic and everything I mix it up in there yes we just make pulory with this this is a polaria making this to throw it in the curry pepper salt everything and you put it in there make a mixture like this oh so that's it it's like a stew or like whatever you see this it's melt in your mouth this is what it is used for purse when you eaten on the leaf you use this okay so we're gonna try the split pea Fritter okay with some Chutney right there all right we're gonna go inside here yeah that's good one each yes so you know tell me about the food you're doing you just touch it it's tactile right oh yeah you know that you're just gonna get your hands so it's done right because when she puts it into the curry sauce they become like Boulders so the name of the dish is curry or boulders oh wow and you think about it the reason it's so dense is because when the sauce is absorbent it just gets so Curry logged with that sauce it just melts in your mouth after that dude it feels like almost like cornbread in terms of density you know very flaky inside that's a slippies slippies yeah and then you add Chutney Chinese unreal I mean Chinese I mean you could just eat this as it is right it's just so flavorful hmm wow so what are you doing right so we have some problems because usually mango this will be sour so it's just a couple of sawanas so we add the brown sugar there and you see how we're cooking all nicely we just have a little while again let's get a little more um dry it on and then take it out oh wow look at the bread guys this is my homemade pops bread from this oven this is what it looks like wow it smells so good so fluffy huh yes it is like little pillows the place no I don't mess around with spoon I accustomed using my hand so I have an average with my hand and this is the baking powder here so I'm going to need a little flower here so what are we making here just bread no I'm going to make some Diet Curry here Dal Puri perfect Dal Puri so lentils split peas so your boiled split peas you grind it you put garlic and onion on your garlic and pepper a little salt saffron yeah boil it and then you brine it and a long time seven children yes seven children are you serious yes this woman has seven children you're a brave woman and two boys are these the girls all in here yeah there's four of them four of them are one not here it's amazing so this is different right here so the mango Curry is finished yeah and is that like a appetizer or side aside right so the mango Curry's ready because you have no idea this Mayo Curry smells so good so it's Green Mango so it's not like completely ripe right it's gonna be so delicious wow mangoes are green you could use them like one and a half right but not soft yeah wow yes this is the Hops right here just put butter in it put some cheese on it oh cheese as well wow yeah I'm gonna taste it yes all right next up we're gonna see how coconut chutney is made amazing in Trinidad look at all these amazing the clay beautiful she makes all of these wow the roast of my beans and then they've created on the fine side like this and then you grind it on a seat oh you run it on the stone with a stone so you're like pressing it it's amazing so you're just breaking it down like completely um peppers and the best old-fashioned way is with black pepper it looks like it looks like bird eye chili yes it's gonna be a little spicy right a tiny bit not much yeah because in India the coconut Charlie it's mixed it's more like a cooler okay right yeah ready coconut right there yeah so that's the whole process right that's it once it's in there that's the Chutney no no you have to add some salt to tease okay okay there's some salt yeah great that's so good it is and it smells great you usually eat it with hot salad okay this is gonna be amazing so you add salt try the salad Roti so it's like a breakfast Roti nice fluffy bread so this is my way right the Indian style and you go in here scoop up a lot of that Chutney look at that beautiful roasted coconut chutney said it so many times in my lifetime coconut chutney is my favorite chutney [Music] it's Smoky coconut grain tiny kick not too much yeah where do you put the salt [Music] oh so nice so this is breakfast yes amazing so South India it's a Dosa with her own attorney here we have it like this right wait a minute what's going on here you guys made the coconut chutney yeah this roasted right that's what it's got that color right you was just on top of the Tula right yeah you can just taste the smoke inside of it you call it I love this this is the ultimate condiment ultimate this right here roasted that's why it's black it's why it's not white so next up we're taking the ham out of the oven yes we're gonna put it back in yes so all the sauce is going to dry out okay oh wow all those juices flowing yeah this is like amazing Happy Thanksgiving from Trinidad and from Auntie doll well now the breeze came in after the rain it's amazing amazing love this I love the bush for me the bush is the best place this is what I call a long time outdoor kitchen this kitchen this will right around here come from in Chinese that's how long time people is some people build homes like this and they put dough on the both sides like semen and the ballet where nobody good and see look when I concrete but I do it it's perfect all right so okay like this so you're making multiple right here [Music] almost like stuffed yeah none similar but not the same thing at all sale but then it like this hot my children and then that's a tower so it's a flat pan yes yes but some people let's call it bacon Stone yeah bacon Stone huh this is some dry flour here that is called a power tank some people say dried flower here so what's a Sara this is just have salt flour baking powder and raise it so she's oily natava so the road doesn't stick slap it on like that huh so how long does it take to cook a few minutes right it just starts bubbling right like airing air pockets right there look at that oh wow beautiful oh you're gonna put inside there also you're gonna get it Smoky and a little crispy too wow wow I've seen a lot of bread being made never seen it like this in my life so what's going to happen is that she puts it closer to the cools and the emboss this one shot of the sweater gotta go air pockets it's puffing up the little pillow huh yes as soon as seeking in the Roti that's nice oh oh how are we talking about this is all we're gonna do with the budgie put the eggplant anything you wanted coconut chutney foreign right here ham is done this is like oil nice tasty mouth water the juices wow wow now the bread's done bread is done that bread is so good that's the one we had right yeah okay this is nice let's get the flour in the bottom yes foreign [Music] that's not ghee that's oil nice oil plain cooked and oily oh wow wow the sizzle hmm it's like bubbling too this one's the air just popping in huh this is the ultimate yes incredible I love the color a little crispy a lot of air in there the Heat smokiness that fast huh one minute so I'll show you the spice chicken man oh my gosh I should say a casserole yes this is what if I look like nice tasty mold water and pie so it's like big macaronis yes it's a big macaroni with chicken and real spicy this lady is amazing you just blew my mind look at that so it's really long like almost like pasta yes so that's cheese on top yes it is and all these pieces you see in here that's chicken in it so wow amazing part yes it is what is that this is the biggest one of all time the biggest one of all times like pizza slices and I wanted to try it right here yes right right here right now [Music] um not so spicy no it is I love the layers it reminds me of like some breads I've had like in grease yes oh wow see the vegetables in here pepper of course yes yes that have carrots potato cheese love the layers yes wow eating a lot of food before the food that's a 22 inch pepperoni so Jason we're ready huh yeah but the pieces before us so here's what happened I see this guy's already started ready oh wow this is like I said I this is so Banana Leaf this is very South Indian right here yeah so we're actually going to do the Indian course first with all the vegetables the rotis the Paratha the dalpari the pumpkin the chatai and the baji and then we'll gravitate onto the other meats item so we're doing this in courses today yeah that's how we do it down here so this is also known as uh with Jackfruit around the world so it's carried out nicely and you see that big bread nut inside there and it's cooked with all the fibers texture so very meaty let me give you some of that it's China and Aloo obviously you've been eating a lot of channels since you come here Aloo potato Curry Chana and potatoes capture that there so this is karhi remember the pylori balls that we did all the splitty balls that we did so they were carried in that nice flippy curry sauce and some nice sauce on top look at that beautiful gravy this is uh murtani it has a bygone that's the eggplant inside it the onions the tomatoes and all of this is cooked and roasted on the chulha and then pounded look at that look at the character of the seeds and eggplant in there so vibrant this one yeah very tasty too a lot of flavor roasted flavor is it good I am your favorite you had this earlier remember look at this pumpkin this is just pumpkin choker pretty much you cook it down until it gets to a slight uh puree it's like fibers a nice texture to it and this is going to be brilliant with our Roti pumpkin choker look at that yum so this is Charlton it's actually a fruit and this is made into a Chutney or pickle a nice mustard oil garlic onions roasted up nicely and this is an excellent condiment to eat to bring with your Roti it's very spicy too Palm City Chutney you had a some pumps you take earlier on so this one has had great amchar missile in it hence the color all great condiments and sides so this is the curry sahina we've had surahina in different forms already this one is fried and obviously then curried look at that it's the the bhaji remember the spinach I talked to you about the Taro leaves we call it callaloo Bush or dashing Bush super dark green same green that we're using to make sahina your famous coconut Chutney that's the roasted coconut that you saw earlier on garlic Peppers roasted together nicely that's what the color comes from look at that introduce you to mother-in-law do you have a mother-in-law this is really fiery and feisty so that's why we call it mother-in-law in Trinidad and Tobago because it's just bad you know this is what Martin law is about it just gives you pressure and this has Heat this is the pepper Roti that you saw earlier on this has potato inside of it together with peppers minced garlic onion Shadow and bean inside there and it's cooked on the tower so this is the Dal Puri that you saw her made earlier on you can see the shards of the split piece just falling out inside there beautiful flaky power ethereal in nature and of course delicious yummy this is what you use to suck up everything hey we almost forgot the curry mango that's what she saw earlier making later on at amtran Masala the sugar and this is going to be sweet and tart at the same time it's a nice sweet rice look at that this is obviously cooked down with cardamom and they like the elaichi cinnamon nutmeg obviously rich full cream milk got it and we're ready to go this is like South India my friends this is beautiful we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen different things it's intense right it's intense um I guess I'll try davory just try this first right break it up beautiful flaky flatbread mm-hmm oh yeah oh nice like grainy doll right split peas and then you grab this and you go into this one right mmm oh yeah just break it up with that look at that nice and soft beautiful was it Curry that's good oh it's amazing nice softball um it's like a wrap right oh wow that's the same diaper skin that we normally would make wrapped Roti with lobster Roti so it's basically go to skin pretty much holds vegetables Meats inside here legumes starches anything that's what we wrap it dappery is always on number one this is the curry sahina right so you grab this I already had this earlier so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get something else like right here this is the roasted eggplant [Music] oh yeah so smoky it's amazing oh the pepper yeah feeling pepper now so that's root that has Aloo in it that's Chili Peppers Chili Peppers so good nice for me this is the best it's like almost like a this is an Indian dish very similar very similar yes I mean very smoky nice mushy mmm and some soft too try the mango mango the curry mango is really great beautiful always with the bread oh look at that beautiful huge mango so she just diced it up right okay um it's gonna suck it out right yeah there you go well trained oh you're a professional brother in the seed of the mango oh my gosh I truly feel like I'm in South India so we're eating here Curry right here guys oh wow like a nice big block right here gotta break it up right super dense correct it's like a thick bread right um okay as well yeah slippy flower inside there obviously traditional flower just to bind it and you got those sahina leaves inside there so it's fried up nicely and then dunk in this beautiful curry sauce that is sticking with splitty powder so you got a nice thickness that velvet you feel behind it you can have that as a meal on its own literally wow so filling too so right here we have Jackfruit you know I'm gonna eat this alone I've had this so many times in India my favorite was in a state called meghalaya Curry taster too correct yeah my favorite so so far so really it's like all different forms of Curry we take vegetables and we play with the levels of the turmeric the garam salad and drama salt inside here some are stronger than some are more mellow some are even thicken with split pea inside there but vegetables are really delicious when you cook it in Indian style pretty much this is all vegetarian food and our Diwali time we enjoy this it's a must for prayers and holy periods there you go yeah vegetables in India the best obviously they add some curries they add some spices it's just the level of taste is elevates you know yeah so what's next I haven't tried about you and I haven't tried the the pumpkin all right so try the pumpkin with a little bit of Roti on its own a little bit of rotting let's shine on soon look at that color the vibrant color all that wind perfect mmm it's like a pumpkin pudding there you go oh my gosh nice and sweet so sweet sometimes it's the Savory levels it's so amazing in the unit so you get all those nice peppery profiles sweet at the same time also it has a bit of fiber texture to it so it's not like just mush or puree that's a nice piece it a nice mouth feel this guy should have his own YouTube channel well I got this is probably the battery yeah you can make a little rice crack on that okay so I tried this and then we get you over Queen export oh yeah I got these four right yeah this is almost like a finished dip right in the states we call it spinach dip very similar you got it with like some chips similar to the spinach they got a spinach dip the Smoky yeah mmm so much flavor you know what's the cool thing about it is that oh gosh dashing Bush or colored leaves are really versatile so just as you've been seeing it used in the sahina and it's cooked down as a puree this is the Mother-in-law it's gonna quickly get at this not too much no be careful that brother that's really hot oh it's really hot yeah you got to take your mother-in-law in small doses so it's like diced up carrots onions garlic garlic sometimes they use a Daikon radish inside there also spicy crunch oh well you see you got a good mother that's about it that's why so that's the Palm City Chutney in there and then we have a little bit of sweet rice just to close off the appetite and bring a little bit of melaniness to the palate this is the fruit honey I already had it wow that's so good 10 out of 10 man man oh I love how it's the moisture coming out of it so lastly I'm having this like rice pudding oh I love the grains the rice oh my God the cardamom the cinnamon [Music] oh wow it's Rich right you know there you go done wow no I can't be finished yet come on guys it is amazing I love this and when you're done just wrap it yeah throw it away let's get you ready for the next course you're not done yet don't you run away we got more food all right Jason round two what do we got okay so we have the Honey Smoked uh pork this is ham rather so this will be doing around Christmas time yes but she did it in the oven so you know you want to get that nice Smoky flavor this is the same thing for us on Thanksgiving let's do this hmm even even the chickens agree it's almost like a honey yeah it's more flavors in there right smoke flavors nice and juicy yes I'm dry at all right no way um like with some hot spread um going big right not here super fluffy bread that's nice I could have that for breakfast it's not crazy just right right let's get several other curries other gravies well most definitely scrub this and go into one of these right all right let's try the duck the dog this is a duck right yeah it's a duck there right again nice and roasted on top so you know you're going to get a nicer Bold Flavor coming through smoke cheers it's not hard right you know it's cooking so the spices yeah I'm not that but it's it's dark some good spices she mixes her masalas okay so it's nice inside there yeah it's like a more of a gameier poultry this one yeah because uh the Ducks tend to roam freely in the yardiness and freshness or a traditional American style duck because of the muscle build it always has so much more flavor and they take a good time to cook pretty much because it Cooks it takes time to break down right no tastes break down wow that is fantastic I'm gonna have another piece oh that's so good oh yeah oh this one's this like this one is the common vowel the common fails so the same uh chicken that rooms they are freely they're extremely hard because they're just running around they're not like confined or anything so that's a lot of muscle built inside there it takes really long to cook but maximum flavor um mm-hmm but you gotta cook this with the bones because it the marrow gives it a lot of flavor integrating liquid bones every time the best meat is always on Bones ribs right and it's still more moist too um I love it brilliant boy yeah man that's my favorite of the three so far yeah man that's good let's Curry try this one here this is the curry stew chicken curry stew chicken so it's actually a caramelized the same way how you would normally start to do stew chicken man I'm blown away with all the different tastes here you know yeah I mean we're very Innovative in our methods in terms of how we mixed flavors it's the easiest one to eat right yeah pretty much right yeah well chicken it tends to be a little bit softer as compared to like The Artful which is a little more complex and harder and it feels almost like a jerk chicken you think so a little bit I think I think what you're getting is probably that nice sort of a robust uh charcoalish flavor coming through because it was cooked on the that's what I wanted so you're gonna get that wood the schools those Embers coming through because of the smoke it's emitting into the atmosphere and obviously it gets into the meat that's what makes it so unique hmm let's go again check that out gravy beautiful look at that it just falls off the bone [Music] I won't lie to you guys I'm hitting walls here [Music] but it is all protein right yeah so it's not too much carbs I ate so much carbs before it was like carved over we did a lot of carbs and try and Tobago the dumplings the rice The Roots the starches the provisions exactly so pretty much that's our me and Paulson staple here so what's this one oh this is actually the uh the oven or the dude oven baked chicken also the baked chicken Ram so just apart from just baked chicken this one is done in the oven okay for some reason I thought it was like a turkey you know it does right it does look like a bit of a turkey hmm nice little wing so juicy I actually taste the smoke in this one the most this one's lighter on spices yeah put everything else it's just a loaded natural flavors of the smoke to do its work that's really nice I mean that's the best way right that'll go well with many things will be a potato salad casserole anything of that nature it's pretty healthy also too because I mean it's not done in any oil or anything there exactly but I think what we should try is Sandy sauce right here already give me some oh it looks spicy right oh my God the color for another one dude it's like all Peppers oh my god let's try it with a jeera pork I think you had this um wood Ben and she did um did your uh did your pork it's always good to try um different types across the country and we dip it in Sandy's Special Sauce yeah everybody does it differently right um cumin huh you know why was that man when people do a jira pork cumin pork this is balance of how much cumin sometimes you overdo it it just becomes so pungent I love it how it's like meat and then the fat too yeah it's perfect we got a nice balance you know what that goes well with the the macaroni pie just try that so just scoop up some wow I mean she has chunks of chicken there from what I'm seeing yeah check this out yeah it's beautiful oh it's not very crispy or cracks open a bake with Sandy sauce is great mm-hmm well I just love how the fats on the pool it's just uh it's a Supple it just melts anymore so we did 21 dishes here it's the most we've ever done and then my friend was Auntie doll's cooking experience down here in the south of Trinidad so if you want to do this experience you could definitely do it right here so how do they contact you four six two yeah so you're giving us your number that quickly that's what you do boy okay perfect yes awesome well guys I hope you enjoyed this experience it was epic I mean from cooking everything in this beautiful the clay a lot of things oh my God you've got a full experience today brother yeah it was epic so it's about an hour and 20 minute drive from Port of Spain definitely come down here we came around 1pm we got here and it's like almost five now so it's a good four hour experience loved it thank you so much to you and your family we really appreciate it guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below subscribe to my channel for more awesome travel content and definitely come to the island of Trinidad and come right here ASAP thank you so much no I need that hammock right now I need it you should just jump in the hammock oh my gosh I'm gonna jump in it good morning everyone this is David Hoffman from David's bin here coming at you from the quarter here boy Chef Jason Peru and today we're going to have an incredible experience out here we're going to basically try some fruits cook a lime right we're gonna bust that lime that is just you gathering with good friends and just synergizing and just having fun man drinking cooking lemon and we're here with our good french how are you how you doing I'm good all right so what are we doing well today we're gonna give you a treat Vibe of Cora what drinks eat the vibe organic food cooking and when you go you'll see our main menu course everything possible that you want we're gonna have some crazy stuff today we're gonna have some armadillo we're gonna have some iguana but first we're gonna start off with some fruits right all right let's go plantain so he has so many different variations of fruits so we have lime Grapefruit Tangerine Mandarin look over here oh you have guava as well it's starting in the rain but obviously we're in a rainforest so you're gonna expect that oh wow look at this upright this yeah it's good but it's still a bit sour bring my pasta some guava as you get to the center becomes very sweet amazing good delicious so you can try some Tangerine beautiful natural some seeds um 200 different type of fruit tree in here any kind of type of food you think about we have watch out of you David wow guys look at this video the coconut is going to climb yeah amazing cutting it up fresh coconut okay let's do this [Applause] ah so refreshing so amazing I mean shoe size is really prolific as you would see a bunch of fruits but when you could just walk out and just cut a coconut fresh and just have it like that what we refer to as portugals different parts of the Wilderness referred to as clementines these are intensely sweet it's like an orange and Clementine mixture amazing Citrus we made juices with this you just put it in your mouth Spell received intensely sweet amazing it's probably the best juice you'll ever have in your life when you juice this this is so good sweet little sour he eats everything except the seed and these are their little segments so they're really brilliant especially for garnishes you put them inside of salads also grapefruit grapefruit let's dive in right yeah dive in there look at the color this boy I don't know just mesmeric right um [Music] oh wow you could actually feel the Boost of the fibers this is still pots of juice yeah as soon as you buy into these pods they explode like gushers wow this is like a morning for you there you go get up and just have some fruit this is relaxation any problems in your having life anything you come up here and you relax with nature the natural medication for stress core River under this institute's up on this side brother cooking liming chilling just enjoying good food and good people good company good fruits I could do this all day guys out here in the middle of the rainforest bite into a grapefruit mm-hmm so natural so delicious mmm so healthy look at that look how pink it is nice and ripe so we have over 100 fruits to try and we've only tried three so it looks like an orange lime correct it's drying up a little bit now but okay there's probably two species mixed together I mean it's a crossbreed between a lime an orange so it's a bit dry now yes because it's no finishing ah it's coming out of season look at that just pop it and go up so natural it's nice though I love it oh wow that's the beauty about a lot of our fruits you know they're so unique in in nature but then they're grafted so you get something really distinct especially based upon the you know the whole botanical aspect of our people wear them and grow them and how they care for the fruits mm-hmm this is epic I truly love this experience just walking through this beautiful Plantation sucking on different fruits when you're done about a gray wolf just drop it right there so there's only six acres of land here that's that's where all the fruits are so I heard on the agenda today we have a fish broth which is our staple soup in Trinidad and Tobago we're gonna be doing some Curry goats as well as a chicken pilau that's our rice and peas and chicken this year staple here and I have some boys we're coming to do some Curry iguana as well as Curry tattoo coaster Provisions Curry iguana yeah yes that's that lizard that's on the tree that's the door yeah we know what the ligue one is we call it wild meat in Trinidad and Tobago yeah it is yeah so like armadillo well tattoo yes armadillo so what we have here is actually pomerac it's a sort of a waxy apple and it's bright pink it comes into season around February March each year and this is brilliant for just as eating as it is you can make Chows with it just like how you've learned pineapple chose but we also make a pomerac wine with it it's like a fermented beverage this is really nice and when it matures at the same time also it could also be sort of mid-ripe and you can do a host of different dishes with it I do sauces with it sometimes I even cook with it from Venezuela he's gonna go up to the top of the tree to get a ripe one oh no see so it depends on the water should I say goodbye into it hmm almost like an apple in terms of the consistency right oh no it's more like a pear have you ever had this fruit before no you like it love it nice and juicy man a lot of Flesh beautiful it's very waxy inside right very waxy nice color soft to sink your teeth in oh wow rough skin to color rough skin maybe because of the texture if it's skin on your side everything is used in that uh the zest would make a really unique limoncello and this our skin lemons would be brilliant correct person for us to try one of this for us yeah follow-up video there we go let's do it if you watch on the ground that's a cinnamon bunny shadow Benny you can have a smelly all seasoning oh wow so this is cool answer right yeah mostly it's what you had in the Chow you mix this up we're going to use this in the wild meat today this is yeah pretty much almost it quells freshness it's just so brilliant so you can see the the surface area on the sides are undulated it's serrated so it's known as serrated Leaf cilantro um some people call it blessed thistle but here in Trinidad and Tobago we call it shot on Benny or bandana correct that's what it means so we have it natural River bead everything come here you could cook at the river right now but at the end of the day you could come you could cook and you can have a lovely riverbat I mean look at that water crystal clear comes from the waterfalls right from the mountains Natural Springs beautiful later maybe you could take a walk in it I'm planning to just probably take a little dip later on yeah it's it's cool but it's so the purity of the water nothing revives you quite like some good river water and lovely white oak or Johnny Walker Street on Ice in the river to cool you down we actually have some way to open it correct and Johnny Walker Johnny Walker very very nice one right there cutting it out so peeling with your teeth huh um it's a little salt mmm it's like the ultimate Sugar Rush right here it is oh my gosh that's so good yeah so you don't eat this you just suck it right yeah you just bite yourself and spit it out okay so fibrous it rubs against the whatever plaque you may have present clean the enamel and then you know natural [Music] you got it yeah you got it the tree's really high he couldn't climb it right that guy hit that like a baseball boy look at that nice blush so that one wasn't good and there's not that many so we're gonna leave it alone we're gonna go back up to the house now so tell me tell me what do we have fish chicken oh guys look at that it has like it's a big like noodles right it's macaroni and you have some real vegetable okra [Music] smells so good everything I haven't tried this this yet not yet we're gonna try it can't wait does this car we're going to drink in here we're gonna start a season up we have to get a little cilantro but it's called chai right onion and garlic we have Curry there's a little Dasha Korea to season them up and Char Masala a little bit then we have roasted jira cumin now I like to use my hands when I get in this marinate in here a little bit in here this is going to be amazing oh wow Candice hi what do you got here this is the goat go Curry so you finally get it I'm finally getting it yes finally this smells oh wow the seasoning salt in them put a little bit of oil in here just to warm up and you leave it a little couple minutes this is Fireside cooking so if you guys didn't see my video with the queen of chuha this is like a mud clay stove right so it's in a u-shape it's put fire under it put the pond top you gonna put the fish in the broth look at that guys kingfish in this beautiful broth so Kingfish and you have all the vegetables it's like watery broth it's gonna simmer for a little while five minutes we're done you're gonna put some flavor what is that butter got some water David yeah hey so a shot of Black Label let's start today yeah chick all right good morning welcome in oh so everybody just takes a shot right I haven't had breakfast that's my breakfast right there so we're driving Curry yep and that's the curry Doug go Curry wow nice one so you're just running the sugar for the pillow so you're Browning the brown sugar right so you threw it in there and then you just heat it up to the Max and then you see it's like almost like the top of creme brulee when they nuke it right wow it's becoming like thick and purple right the light color is beautiful look at that no that room was crazy oh wow yeah but you see what's going on with these chicken there see all these sugars in case any chickens so as it Cooks It Cooks it that's that's sweetness know that so basically it's enriched with that sugar so if you use like fresh season like garlic onion pimento celery side with the seasoning all Peppers oh wow it's spicy I can see it right away can I take a bite it's not spicy yes no it's good yeah not the flavor here yeah this is the art here right some skill following my boy here he has a knife shop he's all the knives wow beautiful it's almost like a machete right it is so this is what we used to going to war until everything is mixed yeah yeah it's got a little white mountain in there you guys have no idea that flavor just bursting out into aroma oh my gosh it's gonna be so good this is one of our staple dishes you can't come through after the good old Cup in our peel out literally every country has their rice and peace cook up you know the Jamaica the Biryani India even the jambalaya in New Orleans we have pilau Rice pigeon peas coconut milk after the chicken inside here it's gonna be epic yeah um it's natural right everything is adding to this mixes is even more of a delicious pilau or you say pilau but in India it's Pulau right it's a little different in terms of the way they spell it but very similar concept black pepper yeah that's coconut milk right coconut milk gives that nice coconut flavor wow beautiful wow selling all the fresh seasoning Caribbean hot pepper that's the most important ingredient all right so what we're going to know is a Tippy tamboo so it's a tiny potato it grows just like potatoes that's when it comes in season around this time and you're gonna love them you peel it and then you eat it I know we need to Salt the water David okay and some seasonings oh so many unique dishes huh so we just add a little bit of minced garlic minced ginger minced celery minced shuttle that inside there it'll be water that's how you impress me flavor you cover a dog and let it go for about 45 minutes to an hour and you're gonna taste for this now we're doing something really special we're chopping up the iguana look at this balloons are very hot this is the first for me this is like super wall game this little pizza this is the tester when you're cooking it on this starts to shredded it's finished cool that's when you need to stand there nice so he's using flour to clean it and the reason for that is that back then you know the slaves didn't have anything else so they used this and then it helped rinse through and get rid of some of the bones right Masala salt that beautiful seasoning huh yep so we have garlic we have a few different peppers in there Ginger um that's it okay so you're also doing a fish curry um okay same treatment it just cleans it breaks it apart and the color changes right you don't want to take it too wash out all this flavor yes you know slightly Snapper oh Snapper okay yeah you have a nice bone in the middle um yeah yeah so it breaks down a little bit right yeah [Music] I would eat it raw man that's so good it's gonna be the best right here [Music] look at that a lot of those noodles beautiful noodles huh all the vegetables the fish the noodles so this is what we call Ground provisioning from that and Tobago Heaven is as good if you don't have it dashing potato sweet potato carrots this is like a good good Revival of the night out this is like the ultimate hangover cure no special flavor for you okay so he added some like different type of beautiful lime with some spicy pepper oh my God it enhance the broth oh the broth is insane I'm gonna need it for sure I'm drinking from here giant cups right little bowls my little bowls massive balls what am I think it's an explosion of flavor oh my gosh this is actually Kingfish it's our pride fish in Trinidad and Tobago King Marlin right here inside here you have sweet potatoes you have dumplings you put macaroni inside there also but what makes the broth so prolific it's the fresh garlic celery the onions the Shadow and Benny the peppers the pimentos inside there it just makes it exclusive when you look at the character of the fish I'll rank this number one number one fish soup of all time I haven't even touched any of the vegetables yet the food just gets progressively better and better it doesn't say something whenever guys are liming I'm chilling talking drinking cooking the food is just propelled with even more great with greater flavor because usually when alcohol is involved exactly senses right no we tend to put a little more seasoning inside there it just makes it more exclusive I mean I love what he added the extra little dressing there this is basically lime and peppers my friends it's ridiculous I love this right here [Music] confused well bro oh yeah over here we have a lot of huge macaroons like almost like pasta right the best fish soup ever this is amazing careful with this big bone right the spine and it's going it's the best the best ever dude this and this sweet sweet potato is ridiculous right here all right I'm gonna drink the rest of this broth I'm going down to see how they want it because surprise wow look at me all right heat it up how you doing good good man cool oh I'm ready for that iguana yeah I'm going down there yeah let's see where it is wow right here now this is a cookout right this is a lime you set this up right here right now the river lime I like it curry with them black Masala smells great it smells amazing yeah beautiful Curry oh right here on the stones are hot and that's iguana right yeah so how long does it take to cook this hour so what are the ingredients again we have garlic we have Peppers Ginger Shadow Benny onion tomato it's one thing mustache does is a really really great Curry iguana and the beauty about this obviously with the Fireside and we speak about all that great wood that I'm gonna add flavor yeah so it's bamboo right right on Two Three Stones right here three stones yeah natural cooking natural cooking and you cover it and now so it's just gonna Steam for about an hour and then it's done yeah oh gosh what else the thing over there so we got some cumin seeds right there so we have some green habanero peppers tomato onion garlic curry powder jeera and saffron powder oh man I can't smell it so it's green habanero you said right yeah it's gonna be nice and spicy good curry armadillo first time for me it does remind me of like a roast right so there's two types of curries there's you know regular Curry which is a little more moist and then this is more of a dry right so it's roasted oh this is going to be so delicious like standing right over the fire oh you're gonna add some water yeah so now that's like a beef roast I mean the color everything reminds me of beef roast from Kerala beautiful nice and clumpy armadillo all right mm-hmm that's all we're gonna taste it yeah oh oh that was hot oh nice Curry it's very light it's very light yeah last key ingredient not much just like that iguana is done what is it again so much flavor mmm oh man yeah the milk it helped out a lot right yeah changed everything let's not put some fresh seasoning it's a nice light Curry and then this is enhanced flavor with coconut right flavor out of the meat rather than these guys with a lot of Korean yeah so I like to taste the flavor of the media cooking we're gonna make something called right now and it's a staple it's a staple right it's a type of a nice chewer yeah it's a nice fruit vegetable yes with it I've tried going before in Miami because we have a lot of iguanas they're invasive so he said you know it's basically you have a spine right so you have the meat on the side oh wow nice light Curry whoa it's very muscular right you get in here it's amazing I'm not even gonna have almost done me there's a lot here normally in Miami oh yeah put it on a stick put on the grill that's the tail right there it's not a crazy Curry more like Curry very simple and when you're done here in the jungle good boy you're not even trip but no time what's the thing about our crochet in the Caribbean you know it has so much character Snapper Kingfish grouper and this is doing Snapper today and just look at the colors and you could just tell it's fresh and the way it cuts up the ingredients in terms of the garlic the onions look at the tomatoes every Splendor it looks oh food is so brilliant so colorful so picture when you're a singing any Caribbean that you cannot help or just fall in love with it not only with the flavor but also believe it looks the carnival I'm getting water straight from the river [Music] look guys armadillo's ready all right there look at that oh beautiful so vibrant okay guys we're gonna start off with the armadillo also known as tattoo here in Trinidad as you can see the shell on the outside that's where the armadillo folds up right that's a protective shell now it has a layer of fat underneath this that just makes it so delicious and fatty so there's right under the shell right you're gonna hold the shell like that that's cool hmm it's all good right mm-hmm lots of muscle in here yeah best way to flip every side trappies with the meat oh wow you can't have just suck out the the essence of the curry inside there right and right here we have the meat right beautiful right the original roast mmm like creamy look at that shell it's amazing I love it it's a roast because you have all that Curry built around on it the thing about it is that why me tends to be a gamey fresh which sometimes when you treat it with a good curry you always kill that sort of freshness all right I'm gonna have more piece I have to that's yours hmm organic straight to the side put that file there right under the shell that's the way it is that's what makes it [Music] I'm blown away I think the big one is ready you wanna try that let's try the Iguana but you know what let me get some of that roast right here you know what I call that sauce yeah it's a nice thick sauce I love this place and right here we have the iguana look at that this is more of a light Curry let's get some of this so we have the bone like I tried earlier right so this is the tail right here awesome how many times do you eat this a year contract yeah I'm working a lot anything you wanted like more invasive here like it is in Florida or no I wish it was of course it was I know um it's nice and gamey in terms of meat well it tastes like I wouldn't say it's like chicken because a little more tender right it tastes like chicken but chicken tastes like it I like that yeah wow I like the milkiness to this um I gotta congratulate you this is amazing this is too good mm-hmm um well I thought it was gonna be well that's me oh no it has a lot of meat yeah and this wasn't a big big one right not a big one this is the ribs yeah actually a small one and the big ones have two two different teeth actually tastes like two different animals it's a smaller one more like like sweet or no more sweet and more white and when it gets bigger the meat gets a lot more darker the same thing with every animal right so when you eat like a veal in a baby cow it's gonna be sweeter because obviously it's just been drinking milk same thing with lamb right yeah the meat is more pink on it they call it a more dark color more darker wow all right oh my gosh oh it's so good this guy get in here and pull all right tiny ribs look at this how tiny the rib cage is all right so just break through no rip like this all right that's it yeah that's it oh my gosh now you're in the meat you know what I'm gonna have to have some more of this one I want more of both they're ridiculous um Wild game in Trinidad all right let's go up armadillo iguana done next we're gonna try the go pillow to try curry curry I think we have the Fishbowl already right yeah and we of course we have the Snappers it's called Tippy Tambo this is what we were boiling earlier on Ashok did this with the salt water as well as the mince garlic and onions and inside here peel it to remove some of the skin almost like bread nuts yeah because the skin is indigestible pretty much if you just bite it up the skin is going to be in your mouth what's this boil well see it's very good so you gotta peel it right very well yeah you get in here nice yeah man good good very nice Curry go here we go cheers oh my gosh fat meaty or the curry oh it's insane oh still scorching hot mm-hmm so much flavoring you got some beans in here a little bit bones um I think the only thing left would be to add the Pulau on the side so you can serve the gravy right what about some these pigs how the bamboo infused into the good yeah yeah how's that Smoky taste right so you only use bamboo and obviously you have a lot of bamboo natural nature so we use dude you're too much you're too much thank you so much you want to try some more curry good on top of that give us a spoon but you know we don't need a spoon we're gonna go in here yeah let's go in oh you have to mix up everything with a curry pilau I mean it's separate but you can try say that oh this is so good look at that why that rice oh my God so remind me of some of the rice dishes I've had in like Latin America you know a little more mixed right a little more moist right um that sugar at the beginning though that brown sugar lovely sugar mixed with this we got all the flavors printed curry goat mixed with pilau now you know they're supposed to use it too but it's an infusion yeah it is yeah I think it's good because you're soaking up all that gravy from the from the curry goat right now go Curry right very good curry goat I'm blown away this is so good right here with a nice piece of chicken melts away you're the best and anyone hands just like this um that's what we saw on the side so you have some beans in the curry goat right peas fresh peas pigeon peas so what's pigeon peas that's normal peas that you get out of the land yeah we plan okay they call it pigeon peas I'm blown away by this food wow I love this rice dish good good mix right you have some veggies in there African salad fresh salad everything you have a little mountain here so what do you think best Curry of all time could we go wow mmm this rice dish right so good so unique I think that brown sugar oh the beginning yes no that's what you have to use brown sugar brown sugar yeah and like right here litter this is the goat right yeah so you want some more no you're inside no you organized I'm just gonna put some more right there boom Yes Man yes so soft so good mmm the gravy yeah and then I just like move over the rice and soak it and I get some cucumber in there some tomato you're gonna get some bones in here because of the of the goat so you just break it up and remove it right by the way I love your property your property is amazing like I would live here just jump into that River every day early morning so today I'm here with all the chefs we're eating everything together bro so what do we got here go belly so tripe goat belly Curry right somewhat so we'll just grab a piece right which piece do you like the most it's all the same right cheers mm-hmm nice top um it's very chewy not too spicy this is more like a almost like a dry roast mmm so good it's a straight up stomach nice snack that piece felt like very spongy if it's right here right there look at that that is the stomach that's the outer layer right so a lot of people don't like organs I love it stomach heart liver intestine kidney give me all of it delicious it's nice and mellow it's not too hot our last dish is the fish steamed fish with tomatoes right and onions so how do we get in just go in here pull it apart is there a lot of bones in here and what fish is this it's not fun it's a snapper right so usually it's Kingfish you also have Snapper and uh it turned out right oh yeah there's a buttery fish yeah this is so nice so light so it's like a light gravy with tomatoes and onions and garlic as well yeah simple dish simple healthy like if you want to eat really really healthy you're gonna turn that go for this right because usually we're having so many carbs between doubles bacon shark Roadies oh I love it almost any bones raise a little bone right there oh it's so nice and light right dude super light gravy amazing bomb wow oh man this is an amazing fish congratulations the iguana and this man you're a master and he's not even a chef not professionally obviously you're a knife master right dumpling put this on top for breakfast yeah it was an amazing dish congratulations that was our lime up Cora all those great wild Meats I mean she was pilau fish broth we did the curry goat the armadillo tattoo you did iguana the goat belly I mean it was so much man we loved it this is what we do here in Trinidad and Tobago we just chill out enjoy each other's company good food good people good culture and of course Good Vibes well guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below subscribe to my channel for more awesome travel content we'll see the next travel food Adventure in Tobago let's go [Music] what's up guys David Hoffman here from David's bin here coming at you from beautiful Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago today I'm super excited because I'm eating KFC in Trinidad if you guys don't know about KFC here on this island it was ranked tastiest KFC on Earth they have 60 locations I'm here at one of their newest ones at the movie town area or complex and here we have Jillian Jillian how you doing I'm great David hi I'm Jillian I'm the marketing manager for this beautiful twin island Trinidad and Tobago and welcome to the tastiest KFC in the world so David what I'm going to do to you with you right now is we're going to go inside in our backup house and we're gonna taste our famous chicken we're gonna taste the 11 herbs and spices favorite chicken but not only that hot and spicy tornado is known for hot and spicy and of course the Zinga sandwich so let's go as soon as you walk into KFC just like every other KFC right you go straight to the counter place your order you have the classic combos sandwiches chicken share buckets Zinga sandwiches sandwiches hi guys how you doing everything good okay so we're going to the back we're gonna see how you guys fry some chicken right right so 11 Seasons 1100 1100 spices original good everything's good man all right all right so um thank you how's everything good great awesome so you show me what are we doing here we're going down the recipe chicken rice I'm ready so it's the original chicken the breasts the legs and the thighs black pepper seasoning is what they're known for in the original in the original recipe chicken that's the name of it all right okay sorry guys it's been a while since I've had KFC I think it's been like two or three years so we are now about to drop the chicken to put the chicken pressure cook the chicken for 16 minutes 16. yes well that was easy yes that's it 16 minutes and it's ready to go that's right ready to go okay yeah and that's how you make all your chicken right always butter right so flowering yeah then it goes straight into the pressure fryer so if you guys never seen this is a pressure fryer so it's a pressure cooker that it has a fryer inside right so instead of just dropping it and it's frying and pull it out it's like submerged and it's pushed down right so right here they're baking the biscuits okay perfect mix oh okay that's what you're doing right here so it's 25 pounds of flour 25 pounds of flour yes which is going to bread bread mix with our spicy breading mix and it's a secret this is where the secret ingredients is for the hot and spicy she moves it 20 times she keeps basically like folding it over and over [Music] twice also in there okay perfect so to ensure that the ingredients goes through yeah the color is different right yes you get more you get yellow right now she's ensuring that we both flour and the spicy breading mix is mixed properly in together to ensure that everything is properly proportional yeah so first it was flour and it was flour mixed with spices right so then it was like white and then yellow now it's more yellow right so it's going through and it goes through it to the very end now the sifter yes ready she's going to add the chicken yes she's going to add your chicken what's inside the chicken is under 40 degrees okay right so the chicken is at 39 degrees so it's at the proper temperature for us to prepare the product that's cold huh yes really cold so this is for sandwiches yes it's our chicken sandwiches and how do you fry this one because you go all the way down it go all the way down and this cooks for seven minutes okay but it's not a pressure one because it'll have a top okay so this is the open fryer so what she did there she cleaned all the extra juices before she put it into the batter [Music] seven times beautiful and you clean it yeah so many times you do that okay okay so it's clean it seven times ten times seven times this is the way it works chicken's ready it's marinated she puts it into this container lets the juices come out throws it into the flour into the spices she moves it seven times right scooping full seven times then she puts it back into the little little bucket right she submerges it and then you like I guess move it around 10 times right 10 times to pull out any extra stuff right yeah and then from there back into the flour seven more fulls and Scoops or Scoops and folds then it's ready to go yeah and then we fry for how many minutes so 14 minutes and then this is done hot and spicy can't wait my lips are like salivating I can't wait Original's finished yeah pressure fries slowly this is actually scared of me you don't want to eat this when it's really hot you gotta wait a few minutes yeah beautiful hot and spicy huh there's the originals oh wow this looks amazing I need a sandwich thank you only eat everything give me a little bit of everything I can't wait to try it all and the fries they drop it in there for three minutes and 15 seconds everything here is exactly calculated so they never mess up and nothing's ever different always consistency consistency is the key oh just table salt that's all we add to it right three minutes 15 seconds comes out of the fryer she tosses it in here she throws table salt she moves it around you know mixes all the salt and then ready to go for any orders sandwich all right [Music] lettuce right and it is not as hot as spice so it's a mild sandwich like the original recipe sandwich so it's a sandwich spices we just dropped in the hot and spicy it takes 16 minutes and this is not pressure cooker no open fryer okay so the only one that's pressure cooker is the original that's the only one okay got it perfect okay so what are we trying today everything everything we're trying everything gotta try that sandwich oh I can't wait I can't wait okay guys thank you so much thank you I appreciate it thank you so much my friend thank you thank you again amazing I can't wait I can't wait to eat thank you guys thank you all right guys we are ready I'm excited Jillian what do we have here here we here we have our original recipe secretary 11 herbs and spices and here we have our hot and spicy um Chicken on the boom oh wow because POV in PFC right so this was developed born and bred in Trinidad and Tobago but this is the kernels original so let's go with this one first okay so Colonel's original 11 uh herbs and spices we don't know what that you don't know what that is original it is so what do we have breasts we have drumsticks yes nice and crispy okay ready let's do it um [Music] it tastes so good no matter where I am in the world I feel like I'm in Kentucky the colonel would certainly be proud of us right [Music] um also juicy that meat I love the crispiness right the butter so this is the one you can find in every single KFC around the world yeah correct [Music] same thing in Miami you'd have something called Etc which is extra crunchy but what we have is by farm with a extra crunchy hot and spicy hot spicy well I'll tell you I love this I eat this every day you know Fried Chicken I know you would right right I think you could try it with our um what we call pepper sauce we condiments is a big thing in Trinidad sauce yes hot sauce let's just get some of this yeah yeah be careful with that is that spicy well oh wow all right so it's almost like a glazy spice oh oh it is spicy but I need some more right it's very what we see Moorish Moorish Moorish is a term they say for more more more right all right um that's good I mean it's not killer I'd say in spice level probably a seven or six it's doable it's doable I think it's doable because it's original okay so because because this is the original so do I jump on that let's go here I guess I'll grab this one look at this beauty wow so hot and spicy yeah let's see how hot it is let's go [Music] you may need a few bites doable doable I'm starting to feel it but it's not killer it's definitely not this right this is like it's hot um so basically same as original bro no spicier obviously without those 11 herbs and spices right that unfortunately I can't say okay it's all the secrets if you see the difference here you actually see the spices okay in here this this orangey is all the spices in here as well so let's try a trendy way of doing our sauces so you have your ketchup let's go in with a little bit of that try some mustard you're not Trini unless you go in with that pepper sauce There we go the attorneys love their spice what a mix of color it's so vibrant yeah so there we go so now you try duncano I'll see you again look at that mix huh it's gonna be spicy it's gonna dip all right all three sauces oh yeah so why have one when you can have all three and I'll have it all together right and you have to this is amazing what a combination oh I love the the pepper man why I see you yes I'm feeling it I'm feeling it now it's not yummy mm-hmm I love the ketchups very different from the ketchups very sweet ketchup is very taut yeah yeah it's more like watery right in terms of like consistency yes water down compared to other ketchups look at that right there this is very very easy very palatable it's so good I mean the combination is great I've never tried this like this and this is I'd say it's one of my favorite sauces yeah I think you've been in Trinidad for a long time so you're fully immersed in our culture hey bring me more of that don't give me too much more we had white Meats like a side breasts we're all about spice here right yes I love it so what we have here is a bit of all sides now I didn't bring you all because I know we have a lot more to go right for sure we have some of the famous fries I mean you can't have chicken without chips right as we say internal chicken and chips right right we also have our corn on the cob corn yes nice and hot oh still super hot I feel like talking about hot these are our biscuits as well straight out of the oven so freshly baked every time and um if you want a little bit of a chill we have some Trini coleslaw Trini coleslaw yeah perfect so I'll tell you I love biscuits one of my favorite things on the planet is to put chicken inside and then the syrup inside it yeah yes like that that's some real stuff let's do that next let's do that next time next time all right so we're gonna break it up a little bit how beautiful and fluffy it is outside golden brown They added some more butter at the very end right correct oh it's great so fluffy this takes me to like the dirty south of United States like Zippy Louisiana this is where it takes some gravy on it you tell me you know like this that's a little crazy but um I love this mushroom by the way so remind me I said before like of Dijon yeah and then you have that through the cake without pepper sauce right exactly very nice the mix is amazing you definitely should try the mix now I'm going to try some of the fries perfect amounts of salt I was gonna say and they're not too crispy they're just right I always grab multiple right one is just not enough no it's too much time to get never um this combination is great yeah and now the coleslaw so nice and chilled let's try it with a warm biscuit so on top why not yeah yeah wow coleslaw on a biscuit first time I'm trying this like this um two temperatures coming together harm cold crunchy oh wow this is great yeah it was amazing it's like a Sunday afternoon for me right isn't it it is actually something else yeah I forgot the day um I like this it's a little moist right some of them are too dry some are too wet you know or too too moist right there's a perfect combination it's not too much Mayo right I think this is great and you get that crunch from the um from the Cabbage right meat coleslaw and like barbecue ribs and lastly from the sides bite into this corn yes it's corn they're super fussery cheers [Music] thank you oh so buttery my big corn guy it's one of these foods that even though doesn't have that many good properties for you it's really addictive you know in South America they have a million variations in Peru it's like forever in terms of corn probably parmesan and everything on it my favorite chocolates the big big ones yeah but this I grew up with this my mom is from Venezuela so we always have this you know yeah perfect with some butter exactly um sorry I think bobbing oh man so moist that's delicious this is the zingo the Zinger yeah so the way you know it's a Zinger is this uh the three lines right right so the Zinger is a sandwich made with a white meat fillet so no moon okay so it's easy on-the-go meal our version has lettuce and mayo so it has that perfect amounts of creamy meal to it so it's just makes the perfect bite and this thing is also spicy marinated and not spicy you know what I like about this no tomato I actually don't like having tomato on it it makes it this is watery you know I want my vegetables yeah on the side not with this right let's go mm-hmm another version I'd love is that cool so that you like let's try a little bit on top of that well I took a big bite I still want to go through that one here you want to put it on top so you get a little bit more vegetables in there a little bit more Mio as well perfect mm-hmm no I finally got to the Middle where we have the Mayo it's nice and creamy [Music] python [Music] it's actually came from Trinidad and Tobago so it was actually in 1984 that we developed the sandwich and it's now available in over 100 pfcs in the world 37 years old this this invention 37 going on 38. I know because I'm 36 I'm 85. yeah don't worry you never ask a woman her age so this is amazing I love it and bread just like hot and spicy was always a sandwich yeah so you have a lot of meat you have a fluffy bun you have a light mayo light amount of lettuce and then exactly what she wants and a chicken sandwich add this so today I'm going to town I'm really enjoying myself we have more right good lots more lots more now that you've had our world famous singer and our hot and spicy what I told you is that we are very proud attorneys are very very proud and we're very proud of our culture so I just wanted to share something with you we are very proud of our Carnival right and we also invented the steel pan so I just wanted to give you this no it's for me no here is our bucket with a steel pan on it this is amazing thank you so much oh you don't have to do that that's awesome Carnival yeah thank you for visiting uh the world famous PS no no problem next year I'll be here for Carnival for sure I'll be here like 100 yeah we're already planning it nice this is great you're awesome by the way she's great it's great I can't wait to put this on so David time for the grand finale okay I can't have um luncheon is it right nothing without dessert right yeah so let's go in for some sweet apple pie oh it's gonna be hot right it's gonna be super hot oh look at that oh it's still so hot let's put it aside okay ready all right let's go let's do it um let it sit there for a little bit of steam out so good nice and Flaky lots of the good layers here you know what I love about this gooey right just coming out like oozing out and if you want to take this home throw a vanilla ice cream scoop right right let's do it [Music] it's good very nice feels like one of these like uh one of these pastries right very nice let's let that cool for a little bit we're gonna eat that later but thank you so much for the opportunity this is amazing guys KFC in Trinidad is completely different what is the biggest difference well they just told me that every single chicken that they cook here was brought in Daily nothing's Frozen the hard way hey love it thank you so much thank you so much guys when you come to Trinidad please come to the KFC's they have 60 locations I mean completely different I think it's the pepper that's what makes a difference for me super juicy oh man what a meal and I have one to take home with me so yeah and join us next year for Connor Carnival that after you finish that bet after you had all that alcohol in your system and dance the night away with our famous Soca music where do you go you need to make sure you hit up our KFC it's the best after party thank you so much it's been real it's been real she's awesome all right guys I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below start on my channel for more awesome travel content I'll see the next travel food Adventure somewhere in Trinidad all right I'll see you later good evening everyone I hope you're all doing well this is David Hoffman from David's bin here coming at you from beautiful San Fernando in southern Trinidad today I'm going to street food tour of the cross the cross is an awesome Street that's full of vendors it's like 25 different vendors here selling everything chicken wings Burgers Gyros and today I'm here with Randall Randall how you doing hey what's up man very good yeah yeah we're gonna check out now those Peri-Peri Grill they have amazing Peri-Peri chicken burgers hot dogs you name it or you go and try it by the way so this is Randall and Molina and you guys have randallina reviews right now Perfect by the way your name's beautiful my daughter's name is Melina amazing well guys so let's go over to Nando's yeah Nando's yeah let's do it let's go let's go nalo how you doing I'm fine how are you very good what are we doing tonight right so we're here um we specialize in very very chicken and South African style very very chicken um so we have Victoria Wings quarters like a Thai bread or something okay we have a range of sides cajun fries mac and cheese mashed potato corn bread um fresh salad and then we do all the special people because this guy is six of smoothies yeah loaded hot dogs perfect good stuff so you do everything here I think one wants some uh some cajun fries no problem cajun fries right yeah yeah curry chicken yep okay let's do it oh you want the mild medium hot surprise me dude surprise me so I'm inside the truck and here we're making some burgers look at that spicy Burgers we got some bacon we have some eggs over here the chicken wings and look at the chickens uh sandwich with pineapple right right there yeah and right here we're doing our chicken wings so what are these what sauce is that um this is the Peri-Peri super spicy it's a little spicy we don't do it too spicy to accommodate everybody okay spicy but if somebody wants that's fine see we could do it really spicy and Trinidad everything's a little spicy so chicken wings over here we have some burgers right and then over here more burger oh it's like coating even more huh oh that's Peri-Peri oh my gosh wow huge burger here we go the Perry chicken a little spicy right and cajun fries wow that looks incredible so what do we have here we have a few different sauces we have some seasoning on top right yeah let's do it oh wow not too spicy nice and creamy smelly too it's like a barbecue BBQ while a barbecue for boil it and pizza guava nice and sweet mixed with spice a little chard anyway I eat this every other week and there's always these zombies and every time yeah yeah just Bloom away every time like what every time oh my gosh I can eat this forever wow it was like light breading um wow very good sorry when I stopped talking it means I'm enjoying you know at the bottom we have the fries it's a Cajun price oh yeah another all the sauces too right oh it makes it even better not too spicy I mean I would say in terms of spiced level here probably a five it wasn't pillar s the the hottest one now you see this is our five you're thinking you know what maybe at the end I'll try extra hot okay nice right yeah just so I don't destroy my palette right now oh my gosh oh I love these fries so they're not too crispy they're um wow I feel in the Cajun now but I feel like the mix is great because it's a little hot a little sweet super creamy I mean it's not like the typical barbecue we have here in Trinidad spicy like it literally chewy enough people yeah it's like I don't know it's amazing I don't know about you I'm gonna continue oh yeah you could go ahead man because I mean you visiting try it enjoy it well I just literally fall off the bone oh yes that's like your chicken wings yeah so we're through next all right so well we are going to irie dogs we're gonna try some of the hot dogs and their burgers a thousand Burgers yeah it's really cool so chicken wings the hot dogs and burgers yeah okay wow guys you definitely have to try these if you want to go spicy go to the next level this is amazing night street food tour here look how many people there are so many people and so it's a pedestrian street slash cars cars are coming through one way right you know I'm like when you're so drunk when you see them so like a lot of people started to sell burgers and stuff like that to sell to any drug resources that stuff like that okay let me try to legalize it everybody at around here and you know they made it a nice safe place still I'm at night now amazing yeah so and you said that they also do breakfast here some of these vendors of breakfast yeah yeah a lot of them do breakfast no so like you know because I mean things are all different so they're able to make more money exactly yeah all right Grill Masters how you guys doing everything good all right so here we have the hot dogs and the burgers what are we thinking hot dogs pork pigment uh I don't know maybe irie turkey dogs what do you think yeah well anytime I come here literally pull in if you're looking for something that's right that's it well I think we should do one hot dog one Burger yeah all right so let's do it let's go let's go in the back hello hello oh my gosh how are you doing good how are you doing all right all right let's do this awesome very good man wow look at that Burger so we're getting one Burger that's our game right and a hot dog's in the burger you will see I'll see I'll see okay okay this is a big man thing mixed Burger massive Burger two patties two hot dogs you got the turkey this is like a Chili basically a chili this is beef we have chicken foreign sauces he added also nachos more cheese than a bun it's gonna be crazy all right because it's one massive Burger we can't share this I have to eat this alone look I'm gonna try to pick it up how do you even pick this up [Music] just ginormous oh my God it's falling apart oh my God hey oh wow two would be fives how many ounces are each of those like six or eight I don't know 10 ounces each each oh five each I was gonna say this is crazy oh everything's falling apart the hot dog sausage hello it's chili it's so good it's like a huge mix between a burger hot dog sloppy joe mmm the nachos nice garage wow this is so filling though mm-hmm [Music] I love the burger love it man and all the sauces it's like a huge mixture between spicy sour sweet dude whatever so good so tasty what's up with the recipe of the sauces the meat sauce is mom's recipe so big up to Mom it was amazing the burger is like the ultimate mix of flavors Trini flavors right here wow Randall a winner oh yeah no no I'm gonna have more bite so what do we have there yeah ready for that hey guys thank you so much appreciate it appreciate it so much I feel like 10 pounds heavier that was a big burger hey that was a massive Burger hey hello hello hi how you doing I follow you on YouTube no way pleasure nice to meet you thank you so much for coming thank you appreciate it thank you my man thank you no pleasure meeting you too you ready to eat that yeah ready for the big mountain I mean [Music] two dogs it's a massive hot dog it's too big so it's nachos massive bun two hot dogs two ready I can do I can do it oh um I love the crunch you have a mixture too another sweet a little spicy not too spicy at all no flavor so much flavor so much flavor with a bun it's so big so fluffy wow it absorbs all the sauce too much too much right oh wow wow wow wow are you dogs vegetable big mountain is the best dinosaur oh I understand yeah you understand I wasn't supposed to eat a hot dog right now has it a massive burger oh but it's too good and you know what it's that chili you know that chili right there yeah it's too good yeah it is it is oh I hate the whole thing it's too good dude you didn't even have half that burger come on I know I don't know where it's going okay I'm going back in the kitchen how you guys doing the cabin here we go those fries so we're in the cup and as you can see they're flying up so much chicken chicken chicken chicken over here to the right we have fries so busy fries and chicken and don't be so shy come on we're in Trinidad everybody's so friendly so tell me tell me a second two minutes are done yeah okay so what do we have this is just chicken wings right chicken with some drumsticks everything perfect wow just checking it huh wow chili flakes huh and there's our order we've got fries so we got two pieces yeah of course always silly place and bread oh bread oh wow hey team thank you so much thank you thank you don't be so shy no so sorry oh I can't wait for this chicken it's gonna be hot though here we go we need to have some carbon chicken um one of the Great Fried Chicken and spicy but they have some amazing sauces they definitely need to try the Italian brand the pepper sauce if you can handle it let's do it it's out on top all right so we got two chickens and Fries oh it's the scorching though oh gosh oh yeah yeah they say it's the bestie like this but I don't know I don't love burning my gums right slowly I'll let that sit there for a second I'll have this one cheers foreign [Music] a little spicy oh my God so good oh it's still so Smoky though very tender chicken very juicy listening so juicy how good that looks and the best thing about here I'm sure that all the chicken is fresh nothing is nothing's Frozen zero meter order it's not steamy super steamy I've got some fries that's all set up dust it up remember that yeah yeah sweet you know what sauce me up with some Tamarind too [Music] deserves more oh wow you know what's awesome is The Tamarind sauce is so different everywhere changes a lot um delicious so hot though this is the best chicken and salt so guys you know what it's too good just add some of this Tamara sauce just drizzle it in go to that very bottom so not just Hammer we're gonna throw some garlic in there too yeah and then I'm gonna go in and grab oh oh still hot you know what I like I like the fact that you eat with your fingers and you don't need forks no forks no we were born in this world with hands yeah not with utensils yeah use it right I mean what I've learned especially because people have commented about that with me was that you know in South India people say how many people have eaten with that fork Millions that's not good and The Taste changes everything too yeah I love this mix garlic tamarind you want some pepper sauce now uh-huh go Brave right go burger go home it's gonna be spicy yes very spicy [Music] it's hot you okay I'm good all right but I've got some of the Tamarind just cool it down right yeah like a few seconds after yeah yeah I started feeling that in the back I have one friend I have one fry one oh you're getting the one without the pepper tree all right I have pepper fruit right oh wow it's so tasty it's so good oh my God this is the cabin it's addictive it truly is and dolphins like running all over oh the pepper the pepper guys I feel like oh water water you saved my day right now I was like dying right here oh my gosh you good chicken's phenomenal yeah yeah very nice I'm gonna chug this down really fast and then we're going to a seafood boil Seafood let's do it I saw we're here at Seafood royalty Bessie wood well I think I want to say the best seafood boils in Trinidad Tobago it's a good word yeah and you need to try his butter sauce is the best thing here nevertheus water sauce I don't think you're ready for this one I don't think I think I'm ready for this Lobster and butter sauce let's go all right all right guys how you doing so what'd you put in there um just butter sauce I mean it's butter sauce but I mean it's like red it's spicy spicy so spicy butter sauce seasons of perfection I love it whatever they what are you making some shrimp sauce smells great wow that Aroma wow look at that Lobster what a beauty so you're in some more of that spicy wow look at that he's adding some shrimp inside the lobster all right Randall you ready guys sorry thank you so much I don't think I've ever had like a spicy Lobster before I don't think so this is the first time for me yes Randall let's do this let's eat this monster uh I don't even know where to start like where I think the shrimp okay we just grab one shrimp Beach okay yeah right Cheers Cheers oh my God oh yeah so succulent a little bottle of sauce it's like that I would buy this butter sauce I think I would do it just stick my finger in it right there that's so good oh wow yeah it's like a buttery sauce that has a little bit of spice not too spicy I mean two thick amount of spice perfect yeah wow so good I don't know you want to get into the shrimp or you want to try this what was this is it like wow yeah let's break it all right yeah let's get some of that sauce too to get enough right yeah dip in the sauce right move this over remove this massive Lobster over oh my god let's go got some potatoes right it's like a root vegetable and then you have to crack that back yeah how many we stopped it it's taking my shrimp man come on bro that's my food Jesus let's pull them out yeah let's let's just do our best here that's right oh yeah oh and look right here oh my God it's full even in here it's like completely full rip it out right now so buttery wow whoa hey best butter sauce of all time right here oh my God it just melts it literally just melts in your mouth so good it's so good so good hey dude we're sharing and this is a spiny lobster right spiny so I suffer the spines here rip this guy open okay okay there you go ah yeah and then we get in here Lobster oh look at that tail so good so good let's go as much as I can like that yeah oh nice it's too good I don't care if it's messy we're meant to be messy good [Music] perfect this is the ultimate spicy lotion oh my gosh sugar have any other words yeah let's see this in French and then just go in here and pull more stuff out right yeah piece of yam shrimp shrimp love any shrimp oh I love the shrimp you know what I like about seafood boil very unique in terms of the Cross should have nothing like this all new clothes amazing oh my gosh the sauce all right that butter I think I'll leave it with this box because I'm good I'm cool thank you so much all right best lobster in Trinidad he's in shock thank you so much thanks team thank you team thank you team ready to go what we got next all right so I'm in we eat breakfast we have for the cross so you know it's time for dessert and some drinks all right so we're gonna touch this vehicles it was amazing guys it was amazing I'm full like I said the cheesecake okay let's go let's go right let's do this so basically we have a fusion of cheesecake and the traditional milkshake so we Infuse that together put it in a cup and put cream and basically put a slice of almost like strawberry cheesecake on top it's cheesecake and milkshake and it's absolutely amazing what are you serious is she crazy or what you have no idea what is this now see the dive in right I really don't know how to eat this I guess sour the straw yeah that's not a drink yeah I mean this is your gift for coming down to salt and trendy tastier food wow it's thick mmm oh my gosh and so I just go into any of this no just keep on drinking until keep on drinking yeah and it will just automatically fall in I'll do but I don't know how much I can drink give me another straw I need to drink something you have the drink all right please yeah please stick it in dude stick it in does that did you have a new home it's delicious right so I guess you could just pick it up because it does not stick already so what's gonna happen no you can just raise it up raise this up yeah I'm just here it on a stick figure oh just drop it in yeah is that how it works no you can drop it in or you can just eat it just eat it yeah wow ah what's that how's that that's good yeah the cheesecake on a stick oh my gosh was it Oreo there too yeah oh my God I don't even know what's in here your dick is so decadent and just drop it in yeah dip it get a nice little thing and you could drink again and be like this oh my God right as Oreos caramel chocolates you have everything you need this is like the most decadent yeah I guess Shake smoothie milkshake really I don't know if I can do this dude oh my God so filling wow I mean if you eat this whole thing that's it right yeah that's dinner it was the ultimate dessert and they're opening up in Pennsylvania right yeah Connellsville Pennsylvania wow I mean I should have had this and that's it yeah the best best cheesecake it is truly the best look at that look at that it is so ridiculous Randall I can't leave this former bite at least enjoy yourself so it was ice cold oh wait I think I have to put this down it's too much or replace somewhere here at sundo yeah here Sandu Sando yeah Sandu let's do instead of San Fernando okay that's awesome so there's some sweet stuff for drinks and stuff like that but we're gonna have a Time assessment or the lemon blueberry I've got a hibiscus mint okay nice cool all right how you doing she's awesome by the way she's amazing I love your tattoos we're gonna get a drink yeah let's do it you're gonna put ice in a cup huh of course and uh thank you so much thank you all right let's try this I missed us mint tea from Sando TT perfect let's try it and the mint very popping right yeah yeah that's feeling cool yeah he cools it down right especially if it was a hot day this would be perfect exactly and my man Randall we did it yeah I'm on David the cross in southern Trinidad yeah yeah thank you so much for coming to Trinidad no problem tell me something the food tasting better and Soto no he's trying to get technical here dude you know I just tell you tonight my favorite thing I mean everything was spectacular right right but that Lobster that butter spice sauce is so amazing oh my God this is one of my favorites but I have to go with um now uh irie dogs the hot dogs I love the pepper chicken the cheesecake the drink I mean everything's fantastic and there's more right it's like another 15 vendors yeah we didn't have no time to check everybody else we didn't we didn't no but we tried to check the best and we're not glad you enjoy yourself man no problem man thank you so much thank you Melina thank you again thank you so guys please definitely follow my friends here rendlina yeah we're a millionaire reviews on all ninja yes platforms yeah Randall and Molina Brazil you know randallina amazing guys if you love this video please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below subscribe my channel for more awesome travel content we'll see the next trout food Adventure somewhere in Trinidad hey dude thank you so much oh man I'm full oh my God [Applause] good morning guys David Hoffman here from David's bin here coming at you from beautiful Board of Spain Trinidad and Tobago today I'm so pumped because I'm taking you on a doubles tour yes doubles is the ultimate street food here in Trinidad if you guys don't know about doubles it's basically bada which is the abatura and Chana chickpeas mixed with some chutneys but they don't give you one Bara they give you two bottles that's why it's called Doubles all right guys so there's doubles everywhere it's like a thousand doubles places all over Trinidad and Tobago we're gonna hit up like three four five spots I have no idea you ready David yep that's another thing about Trinidad cars don't care and we don't care as the people walk it morning how you guys doing sauce team you guys make good doubles I heard yeah of course and that's it Shadow Benny cucumber Shana slight pepper and the butter so let's get the top one right go after this one is how you do it this is the Pro Way guys learn almost like a taco right oh yeah my whole nervous look at this and it's so nice so soft oh nice pepper mm-hmm goes real well mm-hmm oh yeah my friends I am so happy thank you so much guys this is amazing awesome this is the best thing ever created wow it's not soft it is let me get in here and you just fold put up and everything's gonna fall right so you got to be careful it's falling but so nice look at that so soft texture wise like an omelette but obviously it's made from dough right sauce team thank you so much this is amazing oh love it tender not too hard a little sweet as well let me go in get this like this yeah oh my God I love it these channels look there's a Broadway yeah they don't stop literally every second somebody's coming then ordering about a just non-stop Doubles Doubles Doubles lick your fingers Gonna Leave the plate just like that oh that was so good what a way to start today so once you're done get some soap and clean it right here just like that David right you're doing it well man doing it well I mean I've had practice I've been to India this is great this is great so sauce team you guys make so what are the economists what do you have what chutneys do you have so okay here we are Tamarind sweet sauce Peppa right Papa sure so I had all of it right yeah I had the full thing the fourth thing okay yeah because I feel a little bit of that roasted pepper yeah I already feel like my tongue and it costs how much for a double six six and you guys also do pies and you do triples so if somebody wants to get a triple Botta wow triple butter yeah and what's the average that people buy one batter I mean one doubles or two doubles average three that they would buy like two doubles or sometimes someone they don't want that flower they will buy a cup of channel so it's basically a sanitary cup with China and they put their condiment the condiments on it and they check it out or eat it out and right here we have a pie and then the other part okay yeah the potato pie beautiful to fill up the same thing right yeah same ingredients my man thank you so much appreciate it thank you guys thank you so much thank you my friend thank you thank you bam so for one US dollar you can have an incredible double or a pie for triples just a little bit more right so it's eight that was fantastic I love The Roasted Pepper a little sweet with the Tamarind always time red brings out these sweet tips it brings all the time perfect so let's go yeah man first Double Down I feel good I feel great oh that's so good David yes it is that's one one okay next one we're going to is a it's a little distance it's in our karanaji which which is on the western point of Trinidad okay but to me he is my favorite it's a husband and wife team and they're really excellent they're pies are excellent their bubbles are great but it's their pepper flavor but damn it's hot okay I can do hot hot all day here the peppers are anything in Trinidad that you eat has some heat it has to have heat right now we're driving to an area I haven't been to yet in Trinidad it's the Western Peninsula right so it's like fishing towns you have a lot of new developments beautiful Coastline the road is like right on the coast right so you can see this is the Caribbean Sea you have some islands right off the coast wow I haven't seen those what are those but we have um a couple Islands I can't remember the amount it's about five or six islands that are off um they're like our little properties some we actually have people living on but most of them are actually just Baron just Baron wastelands yeah this is the rock that's all right yeah that's usually how it is right and so you can come out here and get some fish a lot of little fish vendors obviously the fishermen go out for their catch and they're just like small bars little restaurants and lots of doubles but we're going to one specific one out here and I'm excited it's gonna be good you said the Pepper's nice yeah yeah we're all roll has great great Peppers you'll see all right we made it here good morning guys how you doing everything good all right so what do you guys do here well this is Western Peninsula doubles and Indian Delicacies um my specialty is my different sources okay Peppers coconut chutney we have Rose pepper we have the Masala chili and this here is the modern law mother-in-law mother-in-law okay right locally supposed to be hot this is made with uh local ingredients Correa garlic carrot and hot peppers so basically mother-in-law because she's supposed to kick you right this is like oh man I can tell it's hot wow what are the ingredients like lots of peppers lots of peppers peppers and then over here you have roasted pepper massage chili and then you have coconut Chinese if you guys want you can also buy from you right you guys sell them right wow this one looks good too Masala chili I'm gonna take one for sure when you're buying your bottle if you're taking the Masala chili I will rest it here put it in a bag and you take it up from there because the tradition is if I hand you pepper we are going not to be friends anymore we will fall out okay so in order for you to remain my friend I don't have new pepper we're gonna be friends for life dude all right thank you oh it's nice yeah it looks different looks more like um like almost like a like a Fritter a burger like a burger they start serving at 5 30 in the morning he said they have to get here around you know eight because if not they'll start selling out really fast right now it's nine they still have a few doubles so we're lucky we're really lucky all right let's start I mean and when you see She lays this out it it's pretty it's really pretty good to look at that is the time bro Cameron Shadow Benny and then we're going towards the peppers right this is pepper sauce yeah give us tell us this is coconut here this is right this is first pepper here and this is the Masala actually here and we have the um seven condiments seven condiments so all triples huh yeah see the separations peppers Coachella Rose pepper chili Coachella mother-in-law everything on top of Shadow Benny Tamarind sauce and Chana imagine that a whole Orchestra flavors there seven and each this is soil and Tamron mix oh wow so Tang of the Tamron sweetness of the sorrel you gotta taste this all right we're going for the triples let's go wait for the trip oh now it's triple is three of these Barras and then we'll wait of course because it's a triple it means that you get extra of everything so okay so you just pull up this look at all that how beautiful that is oh wow it is just a monster I see a monster this you've created your boat look at this this man is a training you're not training in training you're treated let's go well all the time but you'd be like I'm gonna use the coconut Masala it is and these are a little more like denser yes well every doubles man is a personal you get light barrows you get then you can get darker in terms of the keepers in the we are very doubles in our area we like to have we always will talk about the ones that we are growing up with you know in our area now it's like this it's just like that that's how you grab a double eat one of those in two bites two bites two bites um okay we'll give you three it's just that's it well done um so good so soft sweet pepper not bad spice we always have the paper on the bottom that's your plate right and you just do like this this is real street food real street food no it's hot yeah you're coming into the that area where the pepper was concentrated and we say and to wash it down we have a heat yeah a personal um a personal juice yup yup many varieties this one is sorrel and Tamarind Sorrel sweetness Tamarind Tang so it's gonna be ultra sweet thing don't tell me yeah a little Tang but very sweet you got a beverage one of the roasted peppers there yeah it tastes good I love this because it helps you cleanse your palate all right you know gets rid of all that heat heat wow that's good refreshing especially on a hot day exactly there's actually a cool day it's about to rain right now beautiful I love this we're like literally on the street eating triples it is and you get that you get in that after Taste of the uh of The Tamarind um so the only thing to do is to buy something to buy something yeah yeah I'm gonna buy one of these I think we're sold I think you would like it maybe mother-in-law because she's gonna kick me yeah I loved it but I'm feeling the heat now I'm feeling that oh right here wow so which one do you recommend what do I take home I would recommend for you the Masala chili and if anything you can carry some coconut chutney okay the Masala chili is even hotter than the roots yes this is like perfect with everything so I'm gonna take the coconut and The Roasted Pepper 30 each right with 25 and 30 or 30 each 30 each okay perfect so that's uh roughly 10 US dollars a little less than 10 US dollars for both that's right all right I'll take it thank you so much very much and then I have to grab it my man thank you so much thank you very much for visiting I hope you enjoyed everything on on your next visit we'll do something different it's a different what are we doing a quad a roti yes okay next time okay perfect thank you so much girls thank you so much take care take care thank you take guys bye all right let's go loved that triple it was absolutely phenomenal oh so hot though some of that heat like you have to tell her to like lower it right so we're going next back to Port of Spain we're going back to Port of Spain and we're gonna dip into the Digger Martin area which is another suburb okay pour the spin and we are going to tackle one really great itself father daughter team and they have a very popular little double stand as well that was all day here I mean again there's over a thousand double spots in China Tobago literally almost every corner but obviously we have specific spots that we have to go to all right guys so the one we're going to is actually closed right now so we came to another one down the street and it's called Castro's morning Castro yeah you look great you look awesome Castro is one of the Staples area I mean you have been operating with here for gold she was at another location Indigo Martin area about for 27 years and then he has been at this location for seven years now cashews again unique taste and doubles every double stand has its own flavor so it is at its own pepper so 27 years the other location seven years here so 34 years making doubles well I'm excited let's have a double everything yeah everything load me up oh nice I'm overeating today it doesn't matter I want to eat lots of doubles so we have Shadow bending we have cucumber we have mango and we have pepper and you see smaller chickpeases and a little fluffier less oily from the last one so this is what we do right just go in with that and you grab what's this these cucumbers are a bit thicker they're not Julian like everybody else keep your foods to chop his and that gives a bit more bite the flavor as well wow what do you think oh it's hot this was hot I'm feeling heat I mean I'm feeling way more heat than sweetness again pepper is by choice right so when you get a custom you know we actually say no pepper sliced pepper medium or give me or give me what's amazing is that doubles has these beautiful colors right super vibrant colors chickpeas nice and yellow I got a cucumber green white as well and then you get the pepper that's like that roasted pepper a little black and you just fold it like this right this is the real way to do it crazy thing of it like a I wouldn't say a taco but basically the Trinity right yeah say that oh everything's falling out so two bites right this is supposed to be a two biter um correct niceness and you get everything and at the end you can literally go in there with a spoon yep he's doing well I'm a choo training now you look good oh wow literally takes about the India right here it does yeah well you know how much I enter India is really we are a state of many states you understand so through the years we have had a very vibrant history when it comes to any of the of those who came as indentured or those who came to try to conquer exactly yeah but they might have left but their Foods stayed with us yeah and we have created our own oh my old style okay yeah it's a fusion of colonium you know Indian African even Chinese Portuguese Chinese Latin American our neighbors are coming over here again we're a hotspotch of foods I love it well that was good all right so what do we go six cashier is still five dollars we have had a one dollar rise in double because of the economy but they have some of our true doubles vendors they decide they will stay at the original price Castro thank you so much boom thank you loved it yeah all right let's go that's cool that was so good I liked it a lot oh a little sweet a little spicy perfect it was actually really nice I'm not very liked it David where we're going next okay so we are now leaving the capital we are leaving Port of Spain and we are heading east again double says all over the islands we did Central we did South Trinidad we did Porter Spain which is the West so let's go eat some check it out I want to go to Europe there's a place Cairns Ken's doubles um he is they agree they still create doubles on this spot what's on the spot and they also have pies cheese but and you know you love your eggplants so oh all kinds of too you have a good choice and all this is on the way to the airport so I am leaving today I have to be the airport in around 90 minutes so two double spots on the way to the airport it's a great way to finish my adventure here in Trinidad I mean the one thing you guys have to do when you come to this country is eat doubles every day as many times as you can oh it's so good I don't know how many more I can fit but I'll try tens doubles cans doubles and this is Ken's doubles where are we we are in curep seven minutes here we have another popular strip yeah and we are actually coming to Kent's hot doubles and pies there it's not just doubles but you'll see the process of making everything awesome you'll enjoyed it here in the back we can see them making the doubles right so we have ties because usually what they do is they make it at home and they go out early in the morning and they sell and once they sell they're done this is different they have it here they're literally making it on the spot all day correct yeah so what are you making cheese cheese fries so they're cheese pies right beautiful dough she has the Chana she adds uh some pepper what else a sweet sauce ten yes pleasure nice to meet you so how long you been in business 18 18 years 18 years right here right here amazing so what do you guys do here pies doubles yeah so what do you recommend I guess I'm getting a doubles for sure doubles automatic all right this is my fourth double of the day okay four right all right so I'm gonna go in oh wow so we're making doubles so that's the dough for the bottom they're all pies right so all these are cheese pies and potato pies yeah over here she's making the bottle so she makes these tiny little balls extremely small throws it into the oil two seconds later it's ready that's it super fast to be honest this reminds me of being back in Delhi India batura right so it's beautiful bread right so you gotta dough throws it in there and he pulls it out I mean after five seconds pulls it out puts on the stick that's the oil drain out and then they put the here so it cools down and then they put it over there in a cooler and as people come they pull out and serve literally everything is like five seconds quick quick quick and go Go I mean they don't stop huh thank you so much for the opportunity this is great these are cheese pies delicious cheese pies so if you want you can go with one two whatever amount of attorneys you want so you want spicy or you want sweet or you can mix everything like I'm doing just mixing it all I need a doubles today's all doubles day all doubles you good man yeah so nice the people here are amazing that's how we are I mean that's Trinidad for you everything everything oh yeah yeah here we go here we go it's too hot yeah oh it's hot these are hot doubles made it right here I know so good we are eating street food right so it's time to get nice and dirty love it here we go pick this guy up beautiful fold oh this is full the good thing is that whatever falls out falls into other one right mm-hmm level spice level here oh so nice so creamy keep it all inside and then we fold pick it up oh yes right there look how beautiful that is remember the technique here it's two bites that's it two bites so ready oh cucumbers love the jam I mean to be honest with you it gets better and better each Place gets better and better wow oh my gosh this one's lighter and spice a little sweeter and you have all this Jenna so if you have that you can either just use your hands like I do I'm going out Indian style right here is Trini Style here's the weight of your double good right I know man I'm a pro now this is spot number like 12 right there you go bro thank you so much exactly my hands you're allowed to lick guys it's allowed oh dude amazing I'm so happy so good so good you know it wasn't too spicy a little sweeter that's okay for me give me all the sweetness mango Tamarind whatever you want good right yeah great awesome bro thank you so much appreciate it yeah did you get any quadruple [Applause] wow now you know when you get out of the airport come straight here to Ken's hot doubles and pies in Cure episode thank you thank you so much okay I'll see you guys later bye bye let's go oh that was amazing so good I'm hitting a wall now in the nine bottles all right guys it's four down one to go and we're actually gonna eat doubles at the airport the food court at the food court so you when you arrive you can have doubles or when you leave before you go that was in fact I'll tell you a little secret a lot of trinidadians they would take they would bring bowls those Bulls would start with a snap that's not seal and they would put Bara which is the dough one side and then you can get fill your bowl with China and that is how people carry it with them especially when they're going to 30 States their family members will say you have to bring some doubles so it's not wrapped and Soggy everything is separate and it's a great way to carry doubles to the to the US that's amazing Genies are addicted guys we're here at the airport and that's it the food Corners in front of us food court full of doubles it's amazing so this is the food court there's one two three four five six seven different spots open and we're going here to S hanif and Sons hot and tasty doubles and pies too many doubles perfect thank you so much you you love me let's go my man number five let's do it yeah so this is your final double your last double before you get back home well boy I think the doubles will be happy that you're gone because you've been consuming I would have finished that was in this country yeah all right so we got four bites right right okay one well what is in this you know you're telling me I was new to be honest I don't know I'm seeing some Tamara and I'm seeing China and I'm seeing um of course and uh Benny right and oh yes and pepper and pepper of course let's go this was actually lighter yeah I'm doing a spice too it's from Essence they are located they're one of a few doubles when there's a look that are located in the food court so you can land and have a doubles while you wait for your car or you when you're leaving you can come across here before you go inside and exactly go through immigration so if you have planning I do I have a flight 315 you get here at noon like it is right now it's like in 12 15 and have lunch all right let's do it man let's do it last one cheers oh I'm guessing it's I'm right now very nice nice yeah they're all different right somewhere spicier somewhere sweeter yeah a little more oily I mean this one's good it's light yeah I think my favorite today it's in the second one the one with the spicy one and and umarama I think so big up roads so now you guys know or you can do it once a day but these are some of the spots right I think I had 13 on this trip roughly 13 14 13 14. 26 Para 26 Bara but this was the ultimate doubles tour of Port of Spain here in Trinidad and Tobago the capital guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below it's kind of my channel for more awesome travel content and please come to Trinidad and Tobago explore like I did I went in depth I spent eight full days two and a half days in Tobago the rest of time in Trinidad and there's way more if you go to the east side of the island we got beaches I mean it is a big place and yeah thank you so much David pleasure it was a pleasure for us and I think I feel the words of every event that you have visited in seeing that what you have done for Trinidad is much better than what we have done for you now we thank you we thank you very much for showing the world what we can offer the thanks to you I'm coming back Carnival 2023 yeah that's really good it's gonna be crazy no before you go you have one more thing to do lick the plate oh my gosh we're getting good enough that's good oh but now my stomach is hurting [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Davidsbeenhere
Views: 154,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davidsbeenhere, trinidad, caribbean, street food, caribbean food, trini food, trinidad food, trini street food, trinidad doubles, trinidadian food, trinidad and tobago, trinidad street food, trinidad cuisine, cuisine of trinidad tobago, food in trinidad, cuisine of trinidad, davidsbeenhere trinidad, trinidadian food vlog, street food in trinidad, best street food, trying trinidadian food, trinidad breakfast, food of trinidad tobago, trinidad and tobago food, caribbean cuisine
Id: DjSgamSutRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 25sec (11785 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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