American Chef's Indian Food Reaction to Street Food in India!! (Full Documentary)

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actually have no idea what's happening right [Music] now [Music] two more hours to now let's go meet isan ready there he yes what's up by look at you boom Landing Landing was good um when you it feels like you're just going to drive into buildings but here's the thing it's a little like that in Boston it feels like you're just going to fall into the water so there's a little similarity there which I thought was cool [Music] yeah yeah uploaded a bunch of the video web life over here [Music] too things that are stacked up on the side some picture this this is full actually have no idea what's happening right now we are in [Music] fullblown so crazy taking it all in someone came picture this Keith and BJ first B in Mumbai in Mumbai you're about to have one of the oldest ones in M that's [Music] cool thank you this is is I don't even a words it's not good like genuinely everything about [Music] this it's really like it's worth the trip for this beach very first bite of B in Mumbai you got to be honest though from the old the old country here you guys don't want yours I'll take care of them Bo know when we made B for that last dinner what do you think be here in the never in my lifeb Mumbai so good so good if you want to talk to him [Music] [Music] new versus old the Aina [Music] buns are basically uh start go for itude so here's the gold budy hello hey shanji what are we eating we're having R some mle with leftover Ki because for some reason you guys are already full and it's just snacks it's very in the afternoon very sorry eating but anyway [Music] in India that's incredible perfect minty like the hotti is so good so good first romali Roti ever that's made from [Music] scrap the layer off like forant was like better the chew M We Roll yeah so beautiful rubbery rubbery sweeten condensed milk is kind of what it's like but taken down even more um really thick beautiful and and then gab Jam so here's what we do we take the gab jamun dunk get all that beautiful rubbery holy crap that is literally perfect pretty good is really good tax money yeah I think this is a Keith it's not even traffic just go for it nice well done go for it huh like driving a Bost nose out there hard to film and walk like your son the but he's a professional I would have fallen so one more who let things happen organically I never saw be having food so great oh God these are G's absolute favorite thing to eat here dream is one day come here and the order will be that they keep getting me one of these portions every time one is empty St she I once forgot to tell somebody and the again usually with the mustard but you can also do it with the uh chili if you want his pork is amazing mushrooms crunchy water chestnuts and uh pop toy and garlic I'll call you her used to teach you have to throw the meatball 100 times 100 times to like get that I never put flour in my meatball yeah is just that's a job together and you know 18 70 [Music] s [Music] thank you so try the difference between both so this one is a little firmer I don't know if I really like that texture flavor no [Music] [Music] so I found the spice shop and we have all the stuff that we're buying now Sri Lankan [Music] cinnamon from here I can smell [Music] it this one is also there you can take the Sri Lankan it is from Vietnam Vietnam oh this is much different oh so different oh it's so sweet it's like chy oh my God this you can ont 100 G this one or this one 200 on this one 100 on this one [Music] this is 300 this is 400 let's do 200 [Music] Grand Thank You by wow it's weird to have like a different that's mindblowing right there like so you're Chef yeah you see those two difference what was the difference from the Sri Lankan one to the the Vietnamese like you can use these for your the um this one's like more like sweeter I feel yeah the the Vietnamese one is sweet that's what you'd find in like shaved over like a latte or things like that in the west but anything else you want to see um nice note on the black pepper see how black it is that's crazy 100 G country you uh us so good this is amazing good quality so good quity so I'm getting so hard right now it's so beautiful Market Nice FL steam good one [Music] right [Music] jira rice Papa jira and rice Papa jira and rice Papa 200 g beautiful yeah we try a little bit of this wonderful this is the stuff we yeah well we can get some of it but not as good he Nimo Nim yeah yeah these I love AAR so much so much achar and rice that's a whole meal whole meal right there so I'm so excited for this little AAR you can put it in here no that has spices for you no no you you poke it yeah oh man can we do like you how much you want you want some yeah that is yeah that is 200 g that's half kilo so see which one 200 [Music] g 200 g for 20 rupes 200 g for 20 rupees can we do two 200 g do two of those package yeah yeah how are you good good Keith name oh oh USA us yeah yeah abah India India very nice r ah nice to meet you nice to meet you ma maa bet going to be amazing like everything in MA get it here we go here we go here we go here we go Bo honest reaction chaos I mean it's chaos but like calculated chaos it's crazy it's also a lot bigger than it seems like on video [Music] selfie sometimes you take a selfie as wild after the hustle and bustle of Mumbai it was so nice to take a trip to laava Dr kurush Dalal who is my teacher invited us to his Bungalow and we had to get a little chai on the way because you know we needed it it was an early trip and let me tell you having the experience of getting out of the city and going up the hills and the GS to getting to a hill station is an incredible part of the adventure of Mumbai I cannot explain how beautiful this moment was to hear stories from kurish and his wife Rea to the incredible love and Hospitality they showed me just wait until you see the parsey feast that he put out in front of us and we're going to dissect it all but the stories and the time that we got to share together was by far the best part of my trip to India Kush is an encyclopedia of food and to have these moments with him is something I will never forget from the chai 25 times a day to the incredible amount of love and passion in his voice when he talks about food just listen they went to this big Dam where guess who they accompl was the r officer so they par the Jeep at the r officer's house put the boat in the water go across the dam into the forest so last minute they SW to avoid the guy and almost missed went over the PO guys head so they stopped vetted him skinned him make six portions clearly kuros is a master Storyteller but to understand the depths and layers of his knowledge of food was absolutely unbelievable before having a parsy feast he explained the history of the parsy community to have these moments were something that I cannot explain in the depth of this video of how much it meant to me kurush is a master Storyteller and here's another example of how beautiful his stories are those eggs something about that over the years that little aluminum Karai had turned into silk you know and she actually teased the egg out with a teaspoon she cooked fried eggs with a freaking teaspoon so Chef going on because oh we making uh something called Salu salip Salu which means eggs on s s is potato straws B was a sign of great affluence so if you were poor you made them beaten eggs on top and that was because then you could have fewer eggs going a further distance so my mother hated beaten eggs I mean that is very nice personally I think but she grew up in a family that was really hard up when she was young and they always had like three EG between four of them kind of thing so she would swear never to eat beat EGS similarly there's a dish called akuri which is a kind of uh uh how does put it in same way it's a kind of uh uh Spanish omulet or whatever you want to call it in English it's basically scrambled eggs with a lot of spices mhm and onions tomatoes chilies Etc in it in my grandmother's house mhm with a little bit of uh what do you call it uh very very tiny chopped potatoes so her ghee would melt her egg would go in the edges would start turning fril she tip it to the side and put the ghee on top one teaspoon at a time and then she just put a teaspoon in a little bit and slide it up they would be virally no freaking ghee left behind she was that accurate because she was from a poor family so you had to not waste and it was a very big thing to eat two eggs at her house I me know two eggs I mean she considered one egg per person every day as a luxury eating two eggs was like a I can't explain to you how full my heart was to have these memories shared together with people I love and as the food kept coming so did the stories like this incredible next thing that rehea explained that blew my mind then if you like it so these are something that's tyal to bomb there's a suburb in the north called wasai and uh they are very well known for these this is called Suk so Ki is banana Suka is yeah right from there kuros wanted to take us into town and to go get food that we're going to prepare for the evening and I really didn't know what to expect but to see kurish in his element knowing so many wonderful people from Spice vendors to meat fenders to produce was really inspiring yes we were in this small car and I am not a small man but I kind of just felt at home uh to watch people at their craft and to do so like this J gentleman butchering was brilliant his skill is just absolutely undeniable I kind of had this sense of awe where everything around me was just so new and so beautiful but now now it was time to prepare the meal and right before that we met this wonderful lady who lives in the mountains and she comes down and sells crabs these crabs were absolutely outstanding and to meet her was truly an honor it's these things about India that I loves so much every corner is a story and every corner is inspiring so we got all of the stuff from the market and we began to cook and to learn so many different dishes to study this food is one of the most remarkable things I've ever been able to witness in my entire life and yes it would take me a lifetime to learn to do this half as good but look at rehea with these beautiful pcha and Machi I cannot explain how gorgeous gous this fish was this chicken Fara was absolutely outstanding the dunck I can't like the dunck was lifechanging good everything that we ate was some of the memories that I will cherish for the absolute rest of my life and the food it just kept coming this beautiful brista these fried onions that were draped over this gorgeous rice dish I I can't explain how delicious this food was so as the food hit the table BJ and I were just in awe the smiles on our faces the way that we shake our heads in disbelief that something can be this delicious was evident with every bite see what I mean this is me just confused and how food can be this wonderful and I'm so grateful that I got this opportunity you and your brother look alike very much and as the day carried on so did the lessons getting to know kurush and his family and and the incredible things they have done in the catering world and Beyond were really inspiring and the lessons while they continued and all of that and you make a Bas color what you want to you put in a tray and then you make depressions and you slide in the yolks and then you gently steam this whole thing in a stack and you serve them you know you can of cut squares and serve them as you're going down the line and it's called chicken Maya and as Koch and I talked more and more the smell of beautiful Bengali food prepared by rehea was wafting over every single sentence that we had it's one thing to learn the history but to have the smells and taste the traditional flavors just meant so much more and let me tell you this meal was out of this world put a little full of Dal and with the Dal you eat the fries that's your first go to truly experience the soul of Indian Cuisine you have to go home and no Bengali meal could ever be finished without sweets and here are the sweets that Rhea chose for us this evening what's that one this is called a Malay sandwich okay there's no world so beach has discovered Chum Chum out here and I got to say the mishy out here is insane so this is his second ever won and the first one he almost died here you go it just keeps getting better as I eat it too I do out do you warm it up so there is um basically what A rasgula is for the Common Man uh up and down and there is milk that's been reduced to a custard in the center and that's it yeah but yeah it's ch and and there's a little bit of custard it's just like three or four versions of milk yeah it's delicious like this and mil like that these two days in Lenovo were amazing and I asked a favor of kurish I wanted to sit down on film and record two separate interviews talking about his life and also what it's like to be an archaeologist studying food from the subcontinent and what I got was an incredible two interviews I'm going to play you a clip of just one section of this interview and if you want to know more and hear the rest of the interview leave me a comment in the comments below that you want more okay so all food is appropriation every single thing that we eat eat we have appropriated from somewhere and someone at some point in time and ingredients for example have been traveling so far across the planet that calling it appropriation is a joke U when you eat a quinoa salad in Deli are you appropriating the food of the Andes no it's an ingredient if you make a beef wellington in tasm here can you say no just because the Colonials came here it's ABB Willington no it's not really an appropriation is it they did get there but what if you made a beef wellington in Japan it is still a beef wellington your take on it your Riff on it is more of a homage to the dish than anything else yes if you decide to take something that is made in a certain part of the globe and you do a terrible job of it it's just terribly bad cooking it's not appropriation so I think that appropriation is a misused term it's a term of bullying when you want to bully people uh who are doing something very very good with the kind of food you used to eat you get on that Mighty High Horse of appropriation because you haven't been able to sell your food well enough and somebody else has back in Mumbai and we wanted to kick the day off right uh this incredible restaurant is one that was highly recommended and my Sue Chef BJ really wanted butter chicken and before you even say it yes we know that butter chicken in Deli is the place to go but we were in Mumbai and this was highly recommended I got to say it was really fantastic now the thing is this place is known for one of their indo-chinese dishes this dish right here the crispy chicken it was absolutely amazing just look look at my reaction boom it was absolutely to die for and so we uh we ended up getting two portions of this and of course we knew that we had to get the butter chicken um and I know I know Deli is the place for this and so many of you in the comments might be flipping out but before you do remember that cities can do great food I know that just because one is famous for it doesn't mean that another city is terrible at it had to get some ramali Roti with it and um next up is my reaction to the butter chicken so we take that beautiful butter chicken this is the most Gora thing I've done on my trip and uh but you know what good butter chicken still good food here we go will it be better than the states I've had a lot of butter chicken in the states that is definitely better than States oh my God Jam in America cut get better way better than the states after that Feast we knew we needed to take some time and walk around and um we had a blast because the thing of it is is is Mumbai is is this place that is ultra chaotic at times but in the midst of the chaos this beauty exists among the city you see so many people just working hard trying to earn some money people willing to talk to you and have a great time you know I I think divulging you know the truth here is that yes it was chaotic for a Wester but it was also something that mumai teaches you to surrender surrender to the moment surrender to the traffic and the chaos and once once you do that you find a beauty that I've never seen in any other city so we went deeper into the heart of the city and what you're ready for now is kind of a look of sheer Insanity at times so we are at Maji B Road and I probably butchered that a little bit right Peach probably um but just the amount of people is unbelievable it's hard to express how many people are just all around shopping and having fun and living their life and I think as a Westerner this is the one of the things that kind of takes you back for a moment but it's these moments of chai that just really bring you back and so I wanted to try to say hit me with a couple of cutting chai and let's see how I did and how I butchered that right here so I tried to say hit me with three cutting chai and uh probably but that quite a bit but as we continued on our journey one of the things that we noticed is how there's so much happening around every corner see India is beautiful because literally every 5 ft there's another story going on whether it's somebody selling shoes or selling Goods whether it's spice vendors or people chanting and saying different you know different things that I didn't even know whether it's these gorgeous just sacks of beautiful dried chilies that are on so many different stalls I I think the beauty of India is that there's so much to discover and in the midst of it yeah I kind of felt like out of place of course I am but I think that's what I loved so much about it you know a lot of times you'll see people look at you and they'll just have this serious look on their face it's almost like they're mean mugging you but the minute you smile they break into the most beautiful smile ever and yes it's insane but the minute you realize realize that these people are here to have fun and they're here to just share your whole experience changes and now back to some food right so we ended up meeting up with Dr kurish Dalal again and his wife rehea uh to explore other parts of Mumbai that maybe people don't see as much this incredible Chicken Roll was to die for we did a chicken roll we did a um I believe it was mutton roll uh and the flavors were just insane so in Mexico they call a tava a kumal and so I explained to kures that it's called a kumal and it was something neat cuz it was a cultural exchange he didn't know which mind you kurush knows everything and the story is kept coming so getting to this point of being able to eat food and to share stories and it was just one of the most magical times of our entire trip as kurus continued to share how a city and food and people consistently evolve every time but just when you think it's over there's more food so we ended up finding all in this little area so much to eat I forget what the name of this area is so if you know please let me know in the comments but the food here is just absolutely outstanding everything's cooked over fire we have wonderful dishes that you're going to see here in a second that will blow your mind so get ready for that now this wait it be hot very [Music] hot no you can't eat it like that what do you mean whole thing a I got to start with this it's hot now what is this so this is what is traditionally a seab from Iran it is called a c taste so in the Stree you have the meat like that and they do the pearls yeah yeah but this is Balls of meat so it's incredibly juicy on the inside incredibly juicy wow enjoy I want you to imagine for a moment being on the streets having a food tour with somebody like kuren Rea their knowledge I mean they've forgotten more than I'll ever know as a student and so to sit there on the roadside and have this incredible food is mindblowing now if you have been a part of this Channel or this is your first time I need you to understand I love Nihari niari is one of my favorite dishes and to have paa in nari and all that on the left hand side is just marrow now if you're watching from the West you may think oh well this doesn't necessarily look what like what I'm used to I can tell you that the flavor technique and textures to these dishes are outstanding these dishes are among some of the most rich gorgeous dishes that I've ever had anywhere in the world and we needed to get a bunch of plates to try things now my sous chef BJ over here has never tried this before and uh let's just say um a swear came out of his mouth and maybe even a tear the first time he tried this but the thing of this is there's so much food around every corner and everything is so different so to try to say Indian food is just one dish would be completely doing it this service listen as we learn some more here here we go here we go beautiful all [Music] that so good it's just a bomb of like fat and acid and flavor and more fat people have asked me what's your favorite experience in India and without a doubt it's spending time with the people that I love it's having food at at my friend's homes it's spending time with kurish and Rea it's sitting down at night when the cameras are off talking with isan about his experiences being a native Mumbai C so I think it's it's you know to try to find this trip is almost impossible but sharing food with the people that you love no matter where you are in the world that's probably the greatest gift that we have I think that's something in the west we really lose touch of we're on our phones and we're not present but as we continue these wonderful talks we had to get some desserts and let me tell you Taj ice cream is one of the most remarkable places I've ever been just listen to my reaction to this ice cream and subsequently what kush surprises us with the ingredients that I never would have thought of in ice cream this one's really cool tell me what that's beautiful have you tried it oh H it right back that's worth summer P um it's a citrus there's pineapple pineapple there's no really it a single Citrus does not that's that's where the CH comes it neutral the CH neutralizes the pineapple from breaking down the milk that BR crazy thing that BR yeah l so it turns out that pineapple and Chu have this reaction that gives it this distinct red color to that ice cream and I can tell you that might have been one of my favorite ice creams ever but then we popped over to nor sweets and then I got a whole other lesson on what sweets can be and then they brought out this Malai and this Malai was cotton candy it was a Mojito and I cannot even explain the flavors this was something truly truly special that just blew me away I didn't know something like this even even existed in Mumbai never loan the flavors that's incredible the cotton candy peanut thank you P though thank you this one's actually really thank you right as we wrapped up you need to hear what BJ says Now BJ's a classically French trained chef and wait till you hear what he says about this next Suite yes so kaj basically is uh either cream or uh MAA which is wrapped in multiple layers of sweet Down the Hatch Down the Hatch frch are doing [Music] wrong wanted to take a minute and thank you guys so much for watching these videos I've got a lot more to come but if you could take a minute and just subscribe share this with your friends I want to keep getting more out there I love Mumbai and I love India and if you can see the passion for this hit share thanks guys there's something about sbar that literally like touches my soul every time I have it's my favorite thing in all of India there is something so amazing about sbar to me and in this video I want to go through some of my favorite moment moments in all of Mumbai Keith is opening the menu and Bong oh yes s guys um the coconut rice the coconut rice here the curd rice the Cur rice the r Rice in Su this just like [Music] South Indian food isn't just a cuisine in India to me it's an emotion and to be here with some of the people that I care so much about telling stories and experiencing bites of food together it was really a moment that kind of grounded me and took me back even being back in the United States right now I miss these moments so much just getting to share my love and my passion but also learning so much like nimbu soda like nimbu bani like the amount of Nimo that that isan likes to drink and then how good it was with the jaljira and like this wonderful soury salty you know flavor to the water was amazing as the food kept coming I kept thinking this is just Heaven I think if heaven was a food it would be sbar for me and you can tell from my reaction especially coming up of what sbar kind of means to me um as somebody who still is you know discovering so many flavors and that's the beauty of Mumbai from vow on the street to wonderful South Indian dishes and I know you guys might say you have to go to Kerala you have to go here of course that's what I want to do but to have those moments right here and experiencing them for the first time were truly magical as the phones we always say phones eat first where they get all the pictures and the videos and then we try these things and to be in that moment to sip this food oh look at my face as I close my eyes for that sunbar it is just it's a truly magical experience and then we captured this on film and I wanted to share with you right now this passion there's something about sbar that literally like touches my soul every time I have it's my favorite thing in all of Indian food not get I'll take this over G Ros I'll take this over butter chicken any this a and that is very much the truth I really would take that over so many other dishes not to say that other dishes are bad of course they aren't but there's something about sbar that hits this part of my soul that I didn't even know existed as the food kept coming so did the stories and check out this part sou need food is basically the greatest thing on the planet so we're going to start with a little bit of Dosa masala dosa here we go you expect me to always react like everything's delicious but everything's actually delicious one of my favorite bites in all of India so far has been so much like cabbage like potato and masala's amazing [Music] [Music] amazing one of the things that was so remarkable about this is just getting to experience all this with people that you love food is incredible on your own but when you have people that mean so much to you during the course of this a trip like this it just makes it so much better and yes if you watch this channel you know I'm obsessed with South Indian filter coffee I cannot explain how much I love it and I had two just at this meal Alone um because by this point in the trip definitely getting a little tired so that pickme up was perfect um and if you haven't had self Indian filter coffee before you are missing out I will do an entire video on the love that I have for that um but as we continue to eat uh this ravad DOA was absolutely incredible um I've had ravad DOA all over um one of the best places I had it ironically was uh the Ganesha G temple in New York um I loved it there in the canteen and here it was just out of this world special to find this quality beautiful South Indian food in Mumbai and I I just got to say um meals like this are super special then we came to Pongo and if you were to come to my house you would see that I typically always have Pongal and gosu in my refrigerator Pongal is kind of a little like kitchy um but Pongal uses mall and uh it typically uses a uh a short grain rice um sometimes I'll use idy rice sometimes I'll use Sonam masor rice uh beautiful toasted cashews in there it is a absolutely incred incredible incredible um dish that I just can't get enough of typically eaten for breakfast um in South India but for me it's amazing and I love BJ's face as he continues to try these things after uh that wonderful lunch we wanted to keep moving around and we went to Dart now I know why dmart U one of the things that I said to ishan is I want to just go to a normal store um kind of like our Walmart and when we went to dmart it was a couple days before Dali and believe me it was what we would consider packed Ison kept looking at me saying oh no this is normal this is normal demart was an exceptionally fun time um but also if you're not used to crowds it can be a challenging time and one of the things that we wanted to do is do some C shopping for for BJ um he's never had a g honestly never have I and uh we wanted to go experience that and I got to say I'm super excited cuz BJ picked out an awesome GTA uh really really that black one right there he ended up buying and he ended up wearing it uh to a friend's house that we had a wonderful dinner at that you'll see in a future video but to really have these moments check out this dialogue are you doing diali shopping here he's doing regular everyday shopping we got a [Music] rock so like I've no idea what you do look at that one yo that one's nice you can look for these half jackets also it's really nice there he is this you wear over C you wear with that yeah yeah what color yeah that's tough it was an incredible time and it's times that I'll never forget I'm really proud of be for stepping out of his comfort zone back in Mumbai and this is actually the second day of the valali uh we wanted to go shopping and uh make sure that we celebrated to the best of our ability but the coolest thing about this day is this is a market in which I do some shopping along with my suf BJ over here and we're going to make a really great meal at the uh apartment that we rented um so ishan is shopping for some stuff and BJ and I are shopping and we decided we wanted to go into this without knowing what we were going to cook a lot of times as a chef I let the ingredients tell me rather than me try to force a dish and so we wanted to explore all that this Market could be and uh I got to tell you it was an amazing time um the moments we shared here with my broken Hindi like you'll see right here no perfect 1 so I've studied Hindi and uh try to speak it as much as I can especially in in in this area but of course there's so many other languages that are spoken across India and many of these people spoke morati or some other languages and so I'm doing my best to communicate throughout the course of this um going into the fish markets is overwhelming and exciting and fun to see such fresh quality too I mean this stuff was caught just hours ago it was really amazing uh like this interaction here now you can talk love how the cats are just like hurdling around everywhere and then there's just a million eyes on you at every Point rightfully so but this is beautiful one of the things about India that I really try to get across um that I learned is a lot of people will stare at you and in the beginning they won't smile they won't do anything but the minute you smile the smile that creeps over their face is just the most beautiful thing they so many people have such a wonderful smile but you need to go out of your way a little bit and and let them know that you're there and you're friendly and you want to engage and talk and once you do it's the best trip so he's breaking down chickens and his knife skills are incredible like coming from the West like we're good that's like perfect those bones are coming out clean that's incredible knife let's go right there that's amazing the talent that a lot of these pryors have is just unparallel that gentleman that you saw breaking down chickens it was truly an honor to just watch him he was scraping those bones and there was nothing left that is an art form I mean I have pretty decent knife skills but nothing in comparison to what that guy is doing over and over again every day and the people who wanted to showcase the products that they have here their willingness to just take on a foreigner and see that I had this sense of wonder in my eyes they wanted to share part of their life and believe me this is not moments that you take for granted uh we stumbled upon jeffson jeffson is this Masala shop that was located in the shopping complex and I got to say this was one of my favorite moments of my entire trip we probably spent at least an hour there going over things I bought so much stuff jeffson is just it's an incredible experience to be there with somebody who's a generational spice blender uh the stuff that he had a smell and try he really rolled out the red carpet when it comes to hospitality and it was such a great time um him he's just super friendly wonderful but like all of this is handmade and you get like everyone has a different blend this is all typical Muslim dises I can't even explain how incredible that moment was for me Happ happy diali happy diali my friend yeah yeah okay thank you okay okay you keep you keep oh that's so good what are you having so having one of my favorite dishes and all of Indian Hal is just incredible it is the brista on top of it everything about the dish is so perfect now you ate just now y mutt oh mutton Hal is so good after the halem we had to head back to the apartment and uh with all of the stuff that we bought we wanted to make a meal that would be typical for us and so obviously ishan living in Mumbai that meal is going to look very different than the meal that I would make one of the things I found here was these strawberries that you see on screen right now and to have a strawberry that is this beautiful is a really rare experience for me so I'm from New England in the USA and strawberry season here starts right about Father's Day in June and typically I don't eat strawberries until June and so when I do I make a strawberry Chutney that I love almost every year and the strawberries we get at The Farms where I I come from are really delicious and beautiful but these ones I was amazed by the quality so I wanted to share that wonderful Chutney that I make every year with ishan and our friend Bali who is doing camera work with us as well and obviously my Sue Chef BJ um ishan is marinating these beautiful mackerel here with um a traditional flavor and profile that he grew up with see to hear ishan's background is really an amazing thing there was so many so many wonderful dishes that he explained that his father would make and when you guys finally see the interview that I'm going to be releasing with ishan you'll understand a lot more of his background and how it was really just an incredible moment for us to cook together now one of the things that you might not know is ishan and I have known each other for about 3 to 4 years and we always talked about this moment being in India together and cooking over just a classic Indian stove making things that we loved so this moment you're watching is 4 years in the making and for us well it was everything we wanted uh I decided I wanted to make not only that beautiful strawberry Chutney but I also wanted to make a simple Alo subj um something very simple of course you got to take the Selfies while you're doing it um but we wanted to I just wanted to make something that was really something that I ate a lot in the states it was kind of one of those first dishes that really meant a lot to me that I learned how to make um this is the dka for the strawberries uh Chutney that I'm making and the aroma was wonderful cuz when you get spices of this quality at this level oh my God man it is it is such a beautiful blessing and the this Sizzle of the Tarka oh it is just that moment the entire kitchen just bloomed with fragrance and it was really nice to be able to share that with isan I um I I think that there was a lot that I experienced in India but from going into people's homes and having this food to being able to cook in in our home um even if it was our home for only a couple of weeks it was a really beautiful and amazing experience and I also thought it was great because I wanted to test these flavor profiles and things that I've been doing in the states to see how ishan reacted and and um the beautiful thing about ishon and there's many is that he's very very authentic and if he likes something he'll say it if he doesn't he uh he definitely says that as well and so he wanted to make a classic emrin dish um and he's draining those beautiful little shrimp that he almost made a stock with um oh God this was rich and delicious and you know the Aromas in Daisy Cuisine let's see if isan likes it I love it it's pretty good right yeah it's got a lot going on little bit of heat lot of sweetness compliment everything else that we're going on Lovely when it was finally time to sit down and eat I think there was a moment of just we did this we flew 7,000 miles across the entire world to cook together and to have this ability was have this moment was really enriching and amazing for me I um I was really proud of all of the work that we did and proud that we were able to make this meal together the other thing is I never once negotiated on price when it came to to produce there I feel like you shouldn't do that you pay the price and everything was super affordable and it was really wonderful um this was an incredible moment in my life first of all opedro is a beautiful restaurant um I have followed them for a long time um I love going food deeply and being a student of this great Cuisine dishes like balcha and Po and these things that I've I've studied for a while I really wanted to get firsthand so chef and I spoke via Instagram he told me to come on in and uh you know his hospitality is second to none uh so Chef if you're watching this thank you so much for really what will go down as one of my favorite food memories of my entire life and I really do mean that um the first thing we did is really Bond over our passion for not only just going food but Regional Indian food and so here's a little snippet of the dialogue of him and I talking about our passion speak about equation yeah feel it I feel coming dude when I started learning Indian Cuisine I had to unlearn everything in my life all these French techniques the way that it's like onions right there's so many ways to cook onions in Cuisine this has been so much harder than anything I've ever had it's the best food in the world thank you so I appreciate looking back on it this is Two Chefs just talking about how much we really loved this Cuisine and the first courses were mindblowing he gave us this incredible uh wonderful two starters one was a marinated mushroom mushroom Ceviche if you will um with this gorgeous gorgeous foam and the foam uh was a bean foam and the thing that I can't say enough about it is the texture of this foam was out of this world Jeff BJ over here look look at his face and the dialogue that he had about this I thought was spot on um here's just a little clip of that but the texture on that phone is so nice and then this the chori spite that blew my mind I can't even talk about it here is the actual audience Beach you got to join me one oh this looks so good we have S which is little potato straws on there some gorgeous cariso uh this is going to this is what we call a PL pretty little bite ready bu Cheers Cheers best bite of food in all of India right there oh my God literally of chills that's the best thing of you and it really was I can't begin to explain how good it was but on to the next we had a kmore and this is my first time really having kmore it was done in two ways it was done with young coconut and it was also done um with Fish And I thought that was a beautiful presentation for it um more I believe this was either ravas at that point um when you're having food this good you kind of just blank out and you hope to take good notes in the back that cast iron pan is the balow and this bchow was you might not view it as the most traditional balow but here's the thing it had all of the notes of balow except this beautiful Smoky and sourness we wanted to start with the PO the PO is something that they're known for Chef actually went and studied with some really incredible Bo makers who've been doing this for generations and I got to say everything was really really that good this this was like food Paradise beyond anything I've I've imagined and it's evident on BJ's face right here that bread was absolutely you could tell the love and the work that went into this I you know at this point I'm speechless because I remember this moment so well here we go oh smells so good [Music] yeah it really was that good and of course you can find good food all over Mumbai but to us this this was just a whole other level of special this is now becoming one of my favorite dinners I've ever had everything is just a hit I think I might cry I think that summed it up for us we felt almost moved to tears the amount of food that we ate was insane but more than anything you could taste the love and the work that went into this this wasn't just somebody preparing traditional food this was somebody who understood the master and the craft and more so they understood the Atma the soul of this Cuisine uh at the end of the dinner chef and I along with Chef BJ and and the rest of the crew like ishan and Bal we all sat down and talked and Chef and I went back and forth about the things that we love ideas Concepts um things that he's seeing in the industry and you know these moments mean a lot Chef thank you so much for spending time with us and and sharing your passion I hope that we inspired you back even in the smallest way because that meal will go down as one of my favorite meals I've ever had in my life and that is not hyperbolic I really mean that you have to go two weeks in Mumbai um I feel like there should be something philosophical to say right now and people experience like this Revelation and Awakening but I'm sitting here isan holds the camera and Beach Scrolls social media trying to find something profound to say but I think at the end of the day it's the strip was insane it was amazing um it was challenging it was hard I freaked out at a couple of points um but the memories that we've made the family that we found I uh I think finding India you know you find it in parts of the food but I think more you find it in the people um the people who are sleeping inches away from insane traffic yet looking like they're peaceful as um the the people who invite you to their home and cook an amazing meal the friends that you make who become family yeah I don't know if I have anything philosophical but it's more like to find India you have to find parts of yourself to let go cuz if you try to fight the traffic and fight the chaos you're going to have a miserable time I think that's one of the biggest takeaways let it all go and maybe that's the story about grief too you can't let it go I can't walk out here and not be affected by it but I do think that you you can choose to go out there and see um the squalor and dirt and homelessness and all those things or you can choose to see the people who are making it work it's the spirit of jugar that no matter what happens you make it work as a chef as a chef on a more technical front what are some takeaways um I think going in I thought I had a pretty good grasp on a couple of dishes and then having them here there's always something like romantic about being in the city that creates dishes or being in a place that originated a certain thing like vow um and you have it here with the hustle and bustle of the city the noise the honking like that the incredible chaos that somehow just works and the minute you take that bite you're kind of brought back to why this city is so cool um I think that it's one of the best food cities that I've ever been to um people are are incredible and really excited to share I don't feel I think everyone probably watching will be like oh you're inspired to go back and cook all this stuff and to be honest not I think the reality is I want to go back and just let it digest we had a lot of great notes but I think I'm leaving with a sense of how much more there is to to learn rather than how excited I am to share it was wonderful uh and I didn't I didn't go in with any expectations of course uh Keith is amongst my closest friends so I um I knew that spending time with him irrespective of whether we shoot and what we do end up eating uh is good or no but just meeting him would have been enough for me but the fact that we got to spend so much time together learn from each other me as his Junior to learn from him and then of course to spend time with Kur shria and you know both of them are our mentors so it's it's it was just um right from the time the landed I feel that both ke and BJ had they have rather they have what it takes to um uh to live in India and to learn from it you know it's not not just about I mean you know you you come from a different continent it is it is going to be difficult it is going to be intimidating it was hard for me when I went to Europe for the first time as well um but I'm quite in awe of of of how much G actually already knows like he goes into a Spice Market and he knows this is that you know he knows a certain type of chili he knows the parital he knows what to ask for we can separate and identify things which is quite remarkable for someone who's never been here you know I know people in the city who wouldn't know half of that they just order stuff online I think what surprised me was how um personally as a filmmaker that how much fun I could have and how much I could learn uh from an experience while doing what I love to the very core you know marrying both my loves for film and food and then of course being the company of such great friends that just takes takes it to the next level but um yeah I I actually for a change saw the city that I live in and I'm bored of tired of rather take for granted through new eyes you know I never eat at the places I I mean I often don't eat at the places that I've taken key to yes all great places fantastic but I live here so I I just cook at home but uh seeing the small minute details of everyday life crossing the street opening a coconut um through uh you know through their eyes through Keith's eyes and almost relearning it you know as a writer who likes to write about cities I sort of um started to you know fall in love and find Mumbai again and also find my country again which is great and also I'm coming out of a deep personal trauma myself so so for me to sort of um find an Avenue to get out of that cocon uh in a safe space while also making good art and eating good food I I mean it's it's it's a dream you know it's it's the stuff that uh you work hard for to get that one good project and this is that one good project for me so I'm sure the same for Keith as well so yeah what's the what's the biggest lesson you'll take away uh be humble um be open um sometimes don't push people sometimes push them uh and uh be brave you know uh you need to put yourself out there uh in one way or another and reach out to people and they will more often than not if you have an if you have an honest heart then they will help you you know uh that is one thing thing I learned and also um knowing which moments to capture and which ones to let go of I think that's a great learning as well yeah
Channel: Keith Sarasin
Views: 724,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indian food, indian food vlog, american chef reaction indian food, indian food reaction, mumbai street food, indian street food, chef keith sarasin, Mumbai, Street food, street food video, best indian food, trying indian food latest, indian cooking reaction, indian food tour reaction, indian food in india, american try indian veg food, best street food in india
Id: 1kVLcxz0w04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 7sec (4687 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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