Manila’s Most Expensive Buffet!! Filipino Fine Dining!!

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in this video almost every review I do I'm lying the whole time this is really good I've traveled all the way to Manila here in the Philippines my God we have to do a security check before we go to this Buffet just to go to this country's most expensive Buffet welcome to the spiral Buffet at Sophie tell sorry is it okay if I add sound effects but first let's back up last time I came here and I tried to do a $100 Street Food Challenge I could hardly even spend $9 on about eight different foods this country has incredibly affordable food but one place one buffet decided to do things a little bit differently how much it costs it is nearly $90 I'm going to go inside now and see if it's worth all the hype let's go check it out good intro right sir it's unsafe here sir it's unsafe yeah cuz I'm here oh my God we have to do a security check before we go to this Buffet this is the most secure Buffet I've ever been to we have made it past security now we got to find the buffet this place is huge and it smells like it smells like rich people there is an unbelievable amount of variety here honestly there must be hundreds of items there is no possible way you could even eat 20% of the food they offer here but I will still do my best to show you what they have so I'm here with Chef Juliet at the spiral Buffet I'm very excited to be here sir put there it's nice to meet you one of the things that stands out when people talk about the Spyro Buffet is that it is the most expensive in Manila coming in at nearly $90 how do we get there okay so first of all we have different prices so it start for the lunch which it start around $50 something like that for the dinner the price increase a little bit for example we add fagra we add a US prime rib on the weekend evening we have what we call the Dive night so it's more on the seafood the price is higher we are about 5,000 and then our very weekly highlight is the Sunday Branch it's more expensive it's 6,300 p right but it include a free flow of champagne it include the fagra French oyster Prim cut of beef we have also a massive Cheese room this is the Cheese room let's go inside and I'll explain why you need a separated room just for the cheese why do you need a Cheese room two reasons one the Philippines is hot and humid we don't want all this cheese melting too it smells that's why I have my own room I smell I go to my room let's start here that is a freaking leg am I going to get demonetized for this no cuz it doesn't have a face until now all right YouTube now what stalemate mhm can I have some in this leg very nice what is the most stinky cheese that one okay can I try it sure yeah that's pretty stinky what do that one gorgonzilla a kind of Gucci okay I'll try that sorry is it okay if I add sound effects yes okay thank you very much [Music] ma'am thank you we are now officially ready to start this meal this is a glass of wine it cost 780 pesos [Music] cheers real good first of all I want to say already people are out in full Forest it is going to be a challenge to keep this Buffet put together and looking nice two the music it's really loud I hope we can turn it down or else we're going to get demonetized number three they brought me a basket of bread this is smart this is what they do like you know oh I don't want to get up and walk around I'm just going to eat bread really cuz they have multiple different types of lobsters up there don't do the bread moving on to our first course right here in that Cheese room there were a couple of nice looking legs I'm telling you when a guy says his favorite body part on the woman is her legs he wants them to look like that nice I don't know what I'm talking about let's try it out oh yeah thinly sliced salty Savory oily delicious but what about the cheese this one is a gorgona it looks like it was left on the rooftop in July I shouldn't be using my fingers at all a bit sharp creamy gooey in all the right ways now we're advancing up to the most stinky cheese that they have in that room let me give it a stiff test [Music] yeah good it's a thank God do you ever lose confidence this happened to me like two weeks ago I was like God who stinks and I was like it was me do you know why I put on some kind of weird organic vegetarian deodorants it was not that effective vegetarian deodorant that's pretty stinky that's a Cheese room we have so much more to see let's keep going so one of the things this Buffet is famous for is a wide sele of foods if you had to guess how many foods are available here for people to consume so basically we have like 21 different Ates or sections so we'll start by there we have all the Asian corner so Thai food Korean food Chinese food after we have a Indian section we have a Carving Station also for all the meat after we have a huge Corner also of the French section European look at the magic at work right here this is a giant piece of cheese can I bring that to my table he laughed me off oh here's another pasta right here sir what kind of pasta is that can I have some please he is scooping it up half a pasta straight out of half a wheel of cheese thank you are after that we have a Japanese section we offer the regular Japanese items and more we just went from the French area to the Japanese section you can do both at the same time they will not execute you if you take a look here they have like their shrimp shot and then they have this cute little piece of bread with some tuna on top this is going to have to be round two let's go back to the table I ran out of hands this right here is perhaps my favorite assortment of random dishes I've never seen at a buffet ever first of all come take a look at that they put some cheese on top it was literally inside half a wheel of cheese there's chicken there's pasta quick reminder five wheel of cheese for personal consumption had a write something on my list guys all right let's try this out cheers M oh that's nice it's cheesy there's multiple different types of cheese the noodles have a nice bite to them soft tender chicken very impressive definitely Del delicious cleanse the palette and move on to our next dish this is interesting here it looks like some tuna that's been seared on the outside on a little piece of bread it's the world's tiniest little open past sandwich from the Japan section and it's cute cuz it's small and you could get a lot of them if you wanted cheers M perfectly seared a little bit of an orange fruity marmalade on top soft bread and tender delicious tuna that is very nice this is really unique I have heard of a shrimp cocktail but I've never heard of a shrimp shot that's what we have here so we're going to put that into the shot I want to mix it all about it may not get us drunk but let's take a shot of shrimp that does not remind me of Japanese food at all it tastes like a sweet Pico Deo inside some kind of a semi fruti sweet salsa that is a very unique dish I've never seen anything like this this is course 2 let's go up for more all right we have come to the Asian section and this is Korea you know cuz they have little figurines wearing what's called a HBO and this is what I'm most interested in right here it says they have Su Sal with banan s Sal means pork belly and banchan is side dishes where is the pork belly way over here the pork belly man it's Korean barbecue but not at your table they take care of all the mess all the grease splatter it stays over there then in just a moment I come back I present my token and I take my [Music] food thank you so much so I have my Korean barbecue right here but that is not enough for one course I need one more food right here we've come to a personal Patti St I have never seen such a thing I've seen omelette stations but here you can order Pate to your taste they have a bunch of ingredients here let's take a look is that croutons I'm such an idiot I want to be like croutons don't go on Patti it's tku they have shrimp they have bean sprouts lemon onion peanuts coriander tomato lots and lots of stuff right here he's got a little Grill he adds some oil he puts in a couple of shrimp could I have more shrimp yeah can I have a little bit more shrimp okay and then one more shrimp that's good that's enough shrimp guys this is challenging I understand an omelette requires an egg but uh I don't know how to make Pat Tha you going to help me so he gets some onions he puts that on there he stir those about he puts a little bit of oil and then this right here we have some liquefied egg that's going to get cooked up next ah he introduces the 27 shrimp and then now he's working in some Patti noodles he puts in some greens some bean sprouts Tamarind sauce next he mixes it about I think this is actually more shrimp than Patti he puts a lemon some coriander and we got some peanuts and fried shallots thank you sir let's go eat come to look at this first let me give you a tour of this plate I like what they've done here they've taken the concept of Korean barbecue and they boiled it down to one plate you can get beef or pork I went with the pork belly this is a radish kimchi this is called suu I'm going to put in a beautiful thin pork belly a little bit of kimchi hit it with some samjung close that up and let's throw it back oh man I've been taken back to Korea it's all the familiar same flavors is delicious and it's the only time that it's actually okay to eat lettuce at a buffet a nice fresh crunch from the lettuce heavy pork and spicy Sam Jong sauce absolutely delicious 10 out of 10 but right here come take a look at this bad boy nobody in their right mind would ever make a Pattie like this it has far too many shrimp but that's the fun of this place you can do dumb stuff you can be creative and by creative I mean you can be a bit of a piggy all right right here I got three shrimps and a little bit of noodles [Music] cheers there so many shrimp it's bouncy it's delicious soft rice noodles and just a Patti sauce that is unbelievable here's the best part this is a judgment free buffet if I was at a typical Thai restaurant and I said hey can I have 32 shrimp in my Pat thae I feel like they would judge a little bit here I'm guessing they get all types of crazy requests oh wow you see the remnants of that turkey there's almost nothing left it looks like Piranha's got to it here's the turkey an hour and 9 minutes ago big fat Plum juicy that is what happens if you wait on the buffet you got to be competitive you have to pretend you're civilized yeah everything's cool but the reality is I'm going to get get this meat before the next person we have a few things so we have prime rib here we have chimy churri roasted lamb and pineapple it's one of my favorite Meats oh a big beautiful skewer of prime rib so he slides off one of the Prime ribs he debones it he's cutting beautiful thin slices oh yeah that's looking nice he takes off a couple of slices for me throws that on a plate oh and that's going to go in the oven back there so he's going to give that a little bit of a Sizzle you can actually see the fire going right now just going to crisp it up a little bit on the side he's going to hit me with a little bit of this thick blue cheese sauce that looks incredible sir thank you so much all right so now we have some land animals I need some water animals too I'm talking about fish hello sir do you have Sashimi oh you can make a plate for me right now can I have salmon and tuna all right so we've got some tuna here some salmon and he's going to get me a little bit of squid too thank you sir let's go eat all right folks right here we have Coors 4 it looks pretty dang good and it looks fresh no smell that's how we want our fish to smell like nothing I'm going to hit it with a little bit of wasabi and soy sauce and throw her B oh my God Rich delicious soft that's how you want your salmon sashimi to taste here's why this is special first of all this is probably the best quality Sashimi I've seen at any Buffet ever of all if you go to Austin Texas for example and go to a Japanese restaurant you are going to pay $6 for one piece but here unlimited you could just eat all the fish you want and dye of mercury poisoning it's beautiful right here we have Optimus Prime Rib not really a chop food I just realized now this part looks the best cuz it's got that nice roasted exterior perhaps even a posterior oh this is one of the most expensive cuts you're going to find here in this restaurant what's the opposite of prime huh look at this guy hello sir what do you have um I'm two really I can just take it from you do you ever have foreigners here who don't know what ballute is yes and do you tell them yes you shouldn't tell them let them be surprised thank you very much I'm going to show you what that is in just a moment but first the prime rim [Music] very nice it doesn't need a sauce even it's so Smoky the fact that they just hit it with a little bit of fire right before they give it to you it's warm it's smoky it's got that nice Char it's very lean but still very soft at the same time I'm going to put these items to the side so I want to show you something special that I just received from a gentleman here it is called Balo ladies and gentlemen right here we have Balo now if you don't know what this is this is a duck egg but it's not just any duck egg inside there is ack fetus that is partially developed we might open this and see wings and a butt in a face oh no I ruined it already you're supposed to hit the top and then sip the soup but the Ballo guy is gone I can make up for this error peel off a little bit of the shell and there's going to be some overflowing liquid you sip the soup it tastes like Duck Soup it's nice now you slowly oh wow that is looking pretty developed oh my God are you guys seeing what I'm seeing here that is nearly a full-term duck that is the head you're supposed to not really look at the body part we got everything here we got a head we got feathers cheers mhm some parts are gooey and some parts are a bit tough so that is ballute time for our next course we are just entering the seafood section and the plates here are laughable too small there is crab right here then we've got some muscles As you move further along you will see the lobsters too this is called a slipper Lobster and this is a frog crab could I please have two slipper lobsters and then one frog crab thank you so much it looks amazing I got two left sides somehow there's still room for one more plate we're in the French zone right now they have a load of pizza and pastas over here then as you head this way towards the pizza oven they have a big beautiful ham right here they're slicing that leg of ham big bold beautiful salty slices on top she's putting a little bit of red wine sauce all right let's go eat all right guys here we are with Co 800 I'm not sure I lost track let's start with this right here that's a nice piece fatty Grine delicious salt pink in the middle and a little bit of a red wine reduction oh my God it's really good it's succulent it's moist it's juicy as heck I just want to like keep it in my refrigerator and then tomorrow add some butter and bread and make a delicious ham sandwich that's very delicious let's talk about the seafood I don't know why they gave me two left sides okay so they look kind of like this they have these huge antenna right here and they have big beautiful juicy tails cheers it tastes okay I think you got to be smart when you're at the seafood area you got to eat what everyone else is eating a lot of these were remaining I think people might not know what they are and they're scared this right here I did a video about this a long time ago in Vietnam cool got it not a problem it's got these weird eyeballs that suck back into it skull out right I wish my eyes could do that this is a seu that takes a lot of patience and you have to not mind eating a bit of shell too all right that is I think a respectable amount of crab meat Clean safe I like it it's a little bit sweet it's a little bit mushy it's fine I'm UNS satisfied I'm going to go up there and get something else from the seafood section if somebody wanted to get the most bang for their Buck the most value where are they hanging out if you want like the Highlight or the food I would say the expensive or more luxurious food for for sure Saturday night like tonight we'll go for the fagra of course behind here you can see a big pile of them big delicious fatty duck or goose livers back there on the flat top that is going to meet us at the table soon and we go for the lobster Lobster yeah bone or main lobster tonight is bostone lobsters all right right here I've got some Lobster I got a couple of left sides it's my favorite side of the lobster my final question Chef I don't want to take too much of your time what is it that separates this from other premium high-end buffets I think what giv us the different experience it's the wide selection and the comfort of the outlet and I hope what will make the difference it's also the guest interaction with our staff we are do a maxximum to train then to make the guest experience very satisfactory course 1,557 I got a couple of lobsters I wasn't super happy with the seafood the first round so let's see how this one is it looks pretty decent let's give it a shot that tastes better I like it Filipinos please tell me what I'm missing what should I be dipping my Lobster in if I was in the USA I would have hot butter if I was in Vietnam I would have fish sauce or some kind of a green SE sefood sauce let me know downstairs in the comments down below right here this is got to be one of the most expensive things on the menu for w gr this is a very special ingredient it's something that's very expensive and very controversial it's a naughty food because they have to force feed the Ducks I'm going to hit it on a little bit of bread take a look it's smeared it's beautiful it's freshly seared let's try it out [Music] cheers M very nice I'm telling you this is a buffet where you can really get your money's worth that is delicious it's fatty it's seared in almost crisp on the outside then exploding with fatty goodness on the inside Perfection last we have our dessert course right here they have an ice cream section they have a multitude of toppings that can go on top over here even more desserts fruit that's technically not a dessert if you grew up in the USA but over here fondue fountains okay so right here they have marshmallows on a stick so she starts right here milk chocolate and then she had some marshmallow in some white chocolate and then over here dark chocolate right in the fondue fountain oh my God thank you I just want to put my face in there so bad I don't think they allow that three different types of chocolate I love white chocolate more than dark chocolate and it's not I believe we need a diversity of chocolates every chocolate is important and they all have important contributions to society [Music] cheers very sweet it's a marshmallow soaked in liquid chocolate that is something lady would love for me it's a little bit on the sweet side but still delicious so that is our dessert from here I'm going to step outside and tell you if this Buffet is worth the price boom guys that is the end of the video that is the most expensive buffet that you will find here in Manila in the Philippines next time you are in Manila make a reservation here at Sophie ta and go to this buffet there's so many fun interactive food experiences that you can have here whether it's make your own Pat Tha whether it's somebody making Korean meat for you anyways that is it for this video let me know which food you wish you could try the most downstairs in the comments down below otherwise that is it for this one thank you so much for watching I will see you next time aace it's not a real train it's a fake train but I will attempt to drive it anyways ah I'm drunk I'm going to drunk drive this train if you love Indian food then you're going to love our new channel best ever food Indian subscribe now for weekly videos showcasing the most unique street food from around the country and
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,052,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vVXTnpHSx3c
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Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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