100 Hours in Tehran, Iran!! (Full Documentary) Tehran Food Tour!!

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welcome to Tehran this country used to be called Persia but now it's one of the most misunderstood places on Earth and it's not hard to see why when you look at the news but in this documentary I'm going to show you a different side of Iran a side you've never seen before I'm taking you into the capital city Tehran with my boy Mr taster we'll be exploring Edon culture and history and meeting some of the nicest people I've ever met in my travels we're also eating the best Irani food on the planet Gourmet sabzi kubide tachin Doug and my favorite kale Pache I swear I'm about to draw all over this floor it's so good so let's skip the rest of the intro and let's go to Tehran Iran good morning everyone I hope you're all doing well this is David Hoffman from David's been here coming at you from beautiful Tehran Iran today I'm super excited because I'm here my boy yes welcome to your husband thank you so much thank you so what are we doing this afternoon this morning actually we are here for foreign you're gonna have the whole head of ship you ready man I'm ready I'm ready guys let's go inside with a little jet lag I barely slept last night here we go all right my man so when someone enters he hits the the belt yeah yeah he hits the bell and yeah look at that so what's this you're gonna have oh you're gonna have chicks you can have everything ready here's everything everything it's really delicious you've got the bread in here and we're gonna have the meat juice first and then the whole head so this is traditionally eating like a four in the morning 4 AM to 10 in the morning right people eat this in the middle of the night crazy right but amazing so this like lifts you up it brings you back to life yeah it's so heavy [Laughter] [Laughter] look at that that's all meat that's off the leg right me from the leg so the brain they pulled out like the cheeks all the ears oh my gosh the whole head I'm extremely excited you know this is an exotic dish but it's traditional here the eyes too [Music] so tasty oh my gosh so much flavor it just went down so fast scrambles it it's like a scrambled egg in there so you got me you got organs wow everything together it's like a big mix so what's that just like fat on the sides of the soup and bread juice and the mix is going on top on top I promise that's mine oh my gosh it looks so good oh it's hot oh and right here is Ali my man is gonna be with me the whole trip Ali is always helpful seriously you already get it thank you so much so you're gonna break up all the bread yeah so which type of bread is this I think it's the one from next door you can't you can't see how they cook it okay yes it's a nice crispy bread so what are the seeds it has like yeah let's try it oh wow all right my man so how do we start this yeah we just just go in try it I know okay messy let's keep bringing more huh on top ready um I love it oh man even more delicious I mean it's delicious so many flavors here yeah yeah foreign's a lot of stews right lots of stews [Music] good doing here look at this oh my God so traditionally they eat this at four in the morning why is that just in the middle of the night it just makes them too as strong to start the day so basically people they're starting working that early yeah wow I mean what a mix on so you have what we have the ears in here we have brain over here the head in here I mean what makes it really like come together is the bread right it binds it together and the official thing about it is normally on Fridays the family gathering together and one person going to get the cattle departure and bring it home and they share it together that's a day asleep garlic it's like yeah thank you for 30 years ago from 30 years ago I'm like what is this I really thought he was like bringing his kidney or liver here but because like the color is so amazing so it is extra he brought me the head just to decoration here amazing so Mr taster have you ever seen anybody do this to try it it's not bad [Laughter] there's another part to this just a starter what's the main head is over there I thought that was it I hate the whole thing I found what you were doing I thought eating in Spanish in this huh yeah so we're eating this yeah and that's the last part of this so we're starting with the cheeks the ears wow just takes the part the ears so easily what was up it's so good that's the trunk while it's hot so it pulls everything out of that head and he puts the jaw right there too it's for decorations oh my gosh it's wild I love it though I love it wow so what did you add next just more oil is that oil oh my gosh some pepper some what is that salt zaffron no way let's go to the table wow I don't even fit this in there I guess we'll remove the head you ready I'm ready so the first thing was just a scramble of organs right this is the actual sheep head yeah the whole thing wow as you can see that's the brain that's the tongue the Jaws yeah for the decoration you never do it to be honest with you but Mr Martin is do I smell cinnamon here oh yeah saffron too it's a saffron okay you ready to taste I'm ready I'm ready let's take the bread like that okay so I'll get a piece of bread too take it like that nice piece okay and should we start with the brain or let's go with the meat with the meat oh my gosh it looks so good so rich huh what a mix here I'll try and grab as much as I can okay [Music] wow with the bread too oh my God slow cooked yeah for the park from night it takes like seven hours to make it like this wow I mean the meat is unreal yeah what else they put in here because it's a mix of broth and [Music] [Music] from here [Music] oh wow you're like doctors like doctors here like a surgeon going in you know it's exotic but it's so tasty every single bite is just another level yeah different tastes different tastes yeah seriously you ready [Music] oh wow so jealous right so soft I've had ears before and they're more like hard to get through that fell apart like butter melting melting wow the brain yeah and the thing is you get four here because you're getting so much bread if you're just eating this straight it won't be so bad right normally a whole head is for the family for five six people so they're having to use together okay and then they will have the tongue my mom is a fan of tongue [Music] and I was kind of boy so every single person in the family like one part like one part sometimes we fight for the tongue I'd say I'm fan of the brain oh that's right the brain is like the ultimate oh my gosh oh man he's like taking it apart here wow and it's for you it's for me yeah ah oh it's the tastiest brand I've ever had in my life I think with the cinnamon and saffron somebody enhances so much flavor right yeah I'm cooking it for seven hours that would be like that wow if we eat this whole thing we're gonna go to sleep here so this is what we're gonna have this too we're trying everything here this is too much I'll take it I'll take it um oh my gosh that's so good it's so fatty so oily too much too much guys right here oh yeah get some of the meat you have to usually of course eat it with the bread but eating it straight so good I think we still have to try this should we try this yeah I'm ready it's amazing isn't it amazing I love it everything tastes So Different yeah it was so soft yeah it's so soft as it's the texture is different compared to other parts of ship's head it's so nice good for for the legs and muscles I've never had like meat with cinnamon on top yeah it's a nice it like it really besides me they don't like cinnamon with Meats we like the Pew the pure yeah yeah of course of course part of me well you know what if we're gonna finish here I'll just take some more brain okay it's the best it's gonna be an amazing trip you're gonna wash your hands it's so oily with this meat of course all the brain oh my gosh it's just like sticky all right lemonade yeah I'll have a lemonade for sure yeah for watching right and one go yeah okay okay let's do it one two three oh it's hard with the gas you're getting old yeah I can't do this anymore I gotta open a hole here all right so we're good yeah so where to next uh we're going to the bazaar okay we're going to Muslim nice tattoo lots of Iranian Foods we're gonna have fun let's go let's go I'm ready I'm ready oh I'm full forward to the bazaar we have to digest a little bit with some tea right and next to it we have like a sugar stick right it's crystallized sugar and saffron and so you said I just stir it right just Stir It this yeah do you like okay so let me so that's sweetens it right so right now there's no sugar in it this is the Stick of sugar mmm nice very nice so they don't give you a pocket of sugar they give you a sugar stick and you just do this and it sort of slowly melts right so some people drink it like this I'd rather with a stick right okay a whole sugar wow it's way sweeter of course sugar but it's incredible let's put it in there like that yeah oh I love this tea this is very nice nice black tea for digesting you know it's right now 11 15 in the morning we're gonna be at the bazaar around 12 . It's gotta digest relax and enjoy my first day here in Iran so happy so happy thank you so much Mercy Mercy John yeah no sir John No Sir John and that was sheep head still the best so good but I would recommend four in the morning they're going to sleep right yeah I don't know oh yeah that was nice what do we have here what is this one [Music] rose water it's amazing what mustard Orange Blossom I mean it is a huge mix of things I mean it gives you energy right yeah right this is better than Red Bull all right oh this is very nice really delicious and tasty and I I I wish all of your country around to try this this once when I saw it I was like it must have orange it has some seeds but then when it hits you it's like the rose the abundance of Rose here at the very end you have all the seeds yeah very nice for summertime you know it decreases blood pressure exactly it is actually traditional juice to actually make the summer time much more comfortable yeah yeah because if you're walking around the heat you need this to cool down yeah that's it my man I'll see you soon so we are going for San Diego for it really famous one you already had in your chips head okay so there's a lot of bakeries in the area we saw one coming in they make a certain type of bread this one's different this is the one we just had right we just had and it's the best bread in Iran I tell you in the world actually and it's right here yeah okay we're going to the bakery oh wow it's like slanted huh it's on it's on a slant yeah look at this guys there's bread put some water on it right oh you gotta be careful here look at this oh man what a long stick this pole it's like the longest pull ever when I go to see the bread my hair is going it's like that you don't have any hair I'm very lucky this is incredible I've never seen a bakery like this first time seeing this is gonna put some seeds where's the sesame seeds oh and that's where you get the batter okay okay I didn't see that oh he's smoothing out the Rocks so with that big stick he's smoothing out the Rocks making it really really flat then they put a dough on top of the rocks and then let it sit there for like three four minutes it's really really quick and they pull it out right yeah and that's it okay this is normal uh bread but there are some other extra sandwiches like for example Sesame and also mustard and other things like that actually so different seeds yeah yeah so these are added up to the bread and of course so depends on what seeds you want it's it's tastier and more expensive of course right this is for us for us more bread foreign [Music] you got the feet you have every single part of the face it's amazing it really is amazing and then around it there's like two bakeries I mean the experience here is phenomenal you have to try it and if you want you can come here at four in the morning four yeah four in the morning you should you must have it they started to serve it at night or in the afternoon as well wow but I prefer to have it in the morning because you can either sleep after that or you can't go to work I mean it's really really heavy if you have the full thing you will go to sleep right after guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give me a thumbs up leave a comment below I'll see the next travel food Adventure here in Tehran we're going to the Grand Bazaar next let's go foreign [Music] [Applause] what's up guys David Hoffman here from David's bin here coming tonight from beautiful Tehran ilang my boy Mr Tasty hey we're about to enter the Grand Bazaar and we're gonna go eat yeah we're gonna go to Muslim they've got tachin which is really famous here lots of stews we're gonna taste over there lots of Kebabs are you ready guys I'm ready let's go inside so the Grand Bazaar is the place that everybody comes to buy their daily Goods right that's right in some area we have the handicraft very nice furniture carpet but here you see the people usually from different parts of the captions to buy their daily stuff and for daily uses so here we have like a lot of so kitchenware we have a lot of clothing uh the cops here yeah cups thank you so much thank you thank you everything this is for yogurt for example you mix up water and yogurt together to to make the traditional juice do in parsing do so you can mix up wheat and sugar and butter to make some cake for example got it by the housewives amazing guys so these are for like tiny kebabs right it is one dollar so I'm gonna take this I'm gonna take it home I'm gonna also take a honeycomb one I'm gonna take two of these actually do I need the one as a crack Walnut I don't need the Walnut I don't need the one on it well I'll probably take another one of the kebabs that's good I think right yet so my friend's gonna help me out yeah no worries no worries so spent like three dollars right yes that's perfect yeah this is cool because I can do this with kebabs so I do a lot of Kebabs at home okay and but I don't have that and that's beautiful so tiny ones for my daughters right I was gonna love this this is not for actually the Kebab on charcoal this is uh to make Kebab in the pan frying pan in the frying pan yeah okay even better and you getting stopped everywhere yeah this is a celebrity right here man is amazing just like the one in Istanbul super super long we haven't even entered any alleys yet I mean it just doesn't end they got scarves they have kitchenware whoa and these guys passing by with this so This reminds me a lot of the colors they use in Uzbekistan with the same like Islamic architecture right Blues lots of yellows but the intricate designs and then over here as well this is like in mosque right it's usually like that right the architecture is the same as we got for the Friday mosques and it had been taken to the bazaars and even to the Palaces and to the private house so it started with the in the mosque and then it started approved in the Grand Mosque first and then taken by people when we entered the Grand Bazaar we went down a huge alley once we made it left we made here to the team Che which is like a courtyard which can find like shops and Chambers that are exactly the same it's still the same things right yeah that's right okay so the people quite very very comfortable when they get to this area for one at the top and they can get the price they can compare the prices of different stuff and they can get the bargain yeah they can negotiate exactly you can always negotiate yeah we'll negotiate on this trip okay let me introduce this one you know you can grind saffron no way yeah this is for saffron in there yeah a small copper trays here wow tea here guys I think I'm gonna take this four dollars for this for the saffron grinder it will give you a discount give me a discount okay I like it I like this one okay this is the one look at how many things are in here this is incredible so you have a mix right you have some plates you have some grinders for like saffron you have some cups for tea cups for um sugar as well as like little chocolate holders here so it's just a mix of stuff and what is it made out of all copper I'm gonna get small jars here whoa what are these is actually a waste for decoration he says call for decoration you can get some flour oh perfect I mean it's amazing here the bazaar is amazing it's always like this right oh yeah yeah literally it's been taking us like half an hour to get there because he keeps getting stopped every every moment he gets a selfie let's go let's go I'm hungry man so we are going to the smallest tea house in the world smallest tea house in the world yeah no way yeah we're going right now oh man you're gonna love it I hope so all right so quick change of plans because they're in prayer right now the owner of the shop went to pray he'll be back in half an hour so we're first going to eat and then we'll come back to the Tea House at the End control I think I think this is the apricot apricot I'll try the apricot it's so juicy and meaty and it's yellow this is the best though you like it this one's too good so it sound it's moist and it's just so juicy yeah you know love it wow okay that was very nice like about my appetite yeah I'm gonna try a walnut mm-hmm good oh delicious so good so fresh for President John for the Walnut stew for the person John yeah okay try it later so many dishes we're gonna try them all okay let's go so we're walking into the jewelry market now right over here we have some gold coins we have some gold chains Gold Everywhere the very interesting area for the ladies Iranian ladies of course just walking down and go shopping hey man men too I'll buy a chain here okay let's go all right so we quickly took a tour of the jewelry area of the market beautiful off the gold silver now we're going to eat and here you are again because you keep disappearing I'm hungry now so where's the restaurant it's we call it Muslim and it's really famous here you can see the queue normally the queue is going to kill over there it's really nice restaurant we've got Tai Chin in it lots of excuse we're gonna taste and lots of Kebabs let's go inside let's go I'm hungry here we go here we go here we go is like a rice cake dish so crispy on the bottom looks amazing he's been telling me all about it okay so we're gonna go in here whoa yeah okay education is over there one kitchen is upstairs we're gonna check both kitchens and all the foods ready let's go in the kitchen here we go lamb chops and over here we have Kebab chicken tomato and then that one's lamb no that's lamb oh it's hot it's hot yes I'm boiling in here everything good yeah come here all right let's go let's go this is just uh what is this chicken chicken but he's going to put the tattoo on top I'll touch it on top okay he's putting aubergine on top aubergine so it's an eggplant yes look at that oh that's a touching wow so it's a rice cake huh oh man guys look at this look at this so you got a mix of rice Marbury and then right there you have saffron saffron and Barbies after section wow and so what's this one this is kiwide with lamb right chicken and this is bags this is lemons man sometimes this is good and tomato and tomato right in front of this kebabs it is so hot so hot I mean the Amber oh scorching this is beautiful though look at that you're done with it oh strain to butter beautiful Smoky charred buttery you gotta be careful in this kitchen there's too many things going on oh my gosh it looks incredible wow so what are we doing here we have a bunch of different kebabs this is the line right so they cook the kebabs they put them here to drench them in butter yeah and then it's going out and it's going on that's it so we're gonna eat some of this right yeah we're gonna have some kebabs we're gonna have Tai Chin we're gonna have the stews we're gonna have all this stuff in in the kitchen oh my gosh this plate looks apart from people we eat everything I like I like that here let's go to the kitchen let's go let's go guys Mercy Mercy Mercy guys Mercy thank you so much all right let's go let's go we exited one kitchen now we're going to another kitchen there's so many kitchens here they're here oh the last floor huh okay so the second floor is the dining hall third floor I think it's another dining hall and then at the fourth floor of the kitchen maybe let's see [Music] whoa he's Frozen so it's starting right here oh wow so much rice thank you wow this butter that's all butter eggs and yogurt so butter egg saffron and yogurt wow it's amazing Arts it definitely is I've never seen this in my life man crazy it's amazing and this is basmati rice right and no it's Parish General it's Persian rice so this is not basmati rice it's Persian rice in the world Patriot rice believe me I love you you're awesome all right so now he molds it right basically makes a blanket yeah and then he flattens it look at that wow dude what experience oh he's gonna cut it now that he's done molten touching he's gonna throw into the oven yeah going to the oven 20 minutes okay perfect hey Mercy Mercy Mercy One Last Time Boom thanks guys thank you oh my gosh look he's gonna take it to us I can't understand too much too much come on heaven right here guys [Music] and we've got like the chicken here but it's a factory it's a real factory look at that okay we did all the kitchen stuff now it's time to finally eat kebabs oh it's a cue huh it's a queue well look at the line guys never ending line now can we get through here oh my gosh dude anytime well you're good excuse forever huh that's the cue going on Saturday you know I love this restaurant so if you go to where we were you could sit there first and second floor I suggest coming here to the second part because it's just way more beautiful open air lots of greenery right beautiful spot oh my gosh look at that the main event okay yeah you ready so it's like a big rice cake it reminds me of cornbread in America and Cake actually yeah it's cake it's a cake so it has a garnishing on top which is basically um Barberry saffron and pistachio and then under we have rice we have eggplant and we have chicken yeah okay do you like leg or uh I like breasts I like milk that's good that's good okay so how do we do it you ready yeah yeah okay yeah take a little bit of patching okay take some of chicken so go into there it's like that's fine I'll put it on there like that okay so on top of it some coffee or eggplant so you mix them yeah got it put some of the barbaries and saffron on top he said one bite or one biter huh yeah you ready oh I'm ready [Music] oh my God give me a hug wow amazing foreign this is so unique I love the the sweetness of the eggplant coming in though yeah I love it crispy cake and fluffy good good that's even better it's so juicy yeah moist oh my God I'm glad you like it dude I love it incredible dish you know what I like about this the combinations and I never had food like this the first dish we had today never had something like that in my life you know oh the eggplant with the nut Gene this is their hearts is so delicious at home it's delicious but at home you can have much more it's like another level oh my God you know what let me get another piece some barbaries and that's a good bites oh that roasted eggplant so good are you ready so yeah for what an American bite I'm like in the clouds right now man you really live for Point next dish yes next dish please this is filling yeah this is like for three people right here this is foreign and red beans some people using white beans as well man looks so rich it's Rich everybody you have it either just paint like that or you can have it with your gourd okay or some people like me like it with onion with onion yeah okay but we skipped onion for now because we're gonna meet each other for the whole day yeah yeah we're eating all day long tomorrow I'm joking okay so let's get it yeah yeah so it takes some rice like that um so rich yeah wow but the meat you have all the herbs the sourness is coming from the there are lemon exactly and the vegetables and you know it's also very turning to the beans right try this one and the meat is melting in your mouth it is I mean this is what United is about right the stews exactly these like super thick stews but they're so flavorful wow [Music] we didn't miss Pharmacy you can't miss this dish yeah number one right number one think about it I love it too I personally can have this like no rice just have a whole Bowl you know it's phenomenal yeah it reminds me of the textures of like spinach dip yeah obviously this is a mix of herbs right herbs got the lamb in there you got the beans the lime and the key thing about the Gourmet sabzi it's very slow cooked normally our mom's putting it at night or early in the morning so it will be ready for the lunch so Vegas local that's the key to make it more delicious I'm gonna take a lot of this home with me it's that good dude I love it I love it when I get the chunks of the Lamb yeah oh man it just like melts top notch man Top Notch okay you ready yes sir I'm ready so we have lamb shank and then we have a Pulau exactly okay which is pork beans and Dill and Dill and saffron on top us always saffron yeah always you know Iran is the king of saffron of the world did you know that I I know that that's the most expensive spice on Earth yeah I gotta take you to the farm okay because you must coming in autumn autumn okay I got him yeah yeah because right now it's almost summer so we passed it so how do we started yeah yeah of course [Laughter] so do you break it up just cut it up look at that it's melting in the mouth I've never tried a rice dish with dill it's the first one oh you're gonna love it oh I love his rice dish and the damn thing melts as well yeah no no it deserves is like a whole spoon [Music] oh my God you like it the most herbal breakfast of my life yeah the saffron always tastes open up but exactly well the dill holy smokes man what are you doing to me I'll kill you yeah I do yeah bone marrow nice oh so nice I'll finish this dish no I'm joking it's a huge dish oh yeah oh man I will love I'm in love you know I thought the touching was my favorite today here that's number one really yeah it's so good it's so fresh man and that's the thing about Iran everything is fresh yeah like literally from the table exactly it's amazing well we're filling up here we're filling up do we have dessert we have dessert yeah that's really famous desserts this is a famous dessert yeah rice with saffron and that's it you ready I'm sure you're gonna be surprised my man's feeding me the whole trip wow is this Rose in here too yeah yeah there's roses Rose yeah the best rice pudding on earth right here yeah give me another bite one more bite um [Laughter] this is spectacular it's not too thick it's nice and moist but then the saffron got cinnamon right and what else was in there and roast rose water and pistachio it's not so good some sugar of course of course oh hello hello hello hello how are you oh he did yeah it's amazing he's the king well it doesn't stop always all right some tea right yeah pure Persian Tea perfect in the smallest Cafe in the world the smallest tea house in the world so what do people fit that's it it's really you can't go in there okay let's do it let's do it hello hello how are you very good excited about everybody thank you let's do it let's do it let's have some tea the smallest fish in the world no way look at that what that's it yeah so we can go inside just stay right here it is awesome oh a gift from me [Music] so give me a coin that says this is his tea house is 1918 memorable coin welcome to Iran amazing yeah this is nice mint lemon saffron mint lemon saffron tea this is amazing since 1918 and his father's right there right yeah yeah so this is uh what like third generation well it's him all of us okay for a little bit there wow this for me yes okay perfect Mercy you came outside test over here over here okay okay so where are we going where are we going it's your seat right there and your teeth oh my gosh so I'm gonna show you how to drink it and they will wash it okay so you take that you put here like that yeah it's too hot or yeah it cools down when you put in a little plate [Music] you ready I'm ready I'm ready okay so my turn to try to see right put this in your mouth yeah yeah oh it's hot make it like that like that oh yeah all right I'll do it one more time oh very nice oh I love this lemon team but it's still so piping hot it's so different with a sugar in your mouth like that the sugar just dissolves incredible but this is really the only way to do it 15 degrees [Music] oh it's incredible oh amazing team hey guys here's with tea but it's okay it's amazing how many of you are passing by everybody's stopping in for a photo this is so cool I love his tea shop oh there's so many different flavors here this one what flavor is this tart just like shrimp tart it's good very nice oh it doesn't stop it it's amazing it's amazing hey my friend enjoy it enjoy it thank you what a great day what a great experience yeah great experience yeah yeah this is amazing I love it I mean the whole thing the setting where we are sit here relax maybe have a shisha no I'm joking I love it but you guys uh smoke Shisha and Iran right oh yeah you guys love it guys thank you so much thank you oh man thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you hey thank you thank you Mercy Mercy thank you to bring me you're attaching we are touching which is the rice cake we have four masabzi this is I mean that rice dish with dill with the lamb shank phenomenal and the kebabs and the kebabs well guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment below because of me him and we'll see on the next adventure here in Tehran let's go let's go let's go foreign [Music] [Applause] good evening guys David Hoffman here from David's been here my boy Mr taster how are you all right my man we're at your restaurant yeah it's not actually my restaurant but because I came here a couple of years ago and there were only three people inside and now there are 73 working in this restaurant so you basically exploded their business yeah yeah wow this is Street kebabs here right which is which is lamb meat and they put butter on top and it's coming from adebill which is my granddad was living in hardeville city of Iran north west of Iran next to tapris and they speak uh ozarki or Turkish so today is May 27 2022 today's the Champions League final Real Madrid versus Liverpool so after we eat it so they're gonna add maybe one more here so after this we're gonna go straight to have some shisha watch the game it's gonna be like I found my friend I spoke to him if he can have singer sing for you as well this is amazing I'm so excited I'm very excited too let's go inside let's try something let's go let's go no straight up this is his restaurant it's not really his restaurant but his face is everywhere look at it it's me everywhere all right straight into the kitchen whoa look at this beautiful kebabs oh oh it looks so good this is really all for us all for us oh my gosh it's another butter lots of butter wow look at the amount of butter he's buddy it's amazing my man this is too much this is gonna be the best oh it's a lot of butter wow wow amazing amount of Sesame huh my mouth is watering man oh my gosh where are you going [Music] I'll show you guys something look at this look at this wall so it's Mr Tasty with everybody I think I saw Trevor I saw Trevor right here Trevor's here Trevor's up there how many times Trevor come here this is phenomenal who else we got here a lot of celebrities right so the walls are packed with Mr taster and a bunch of celebrities over here we have a little the fish tank this is incredible oh I can't wait to try these kebabs just kebabs are going to be out of this world and we got some what some yogurt with Mr taster all the rice look at this a mountain it's amazing guys I'm gonna do the same thing they did but with the rice so two bowls oh like that one more just slab it on top oh look at the amount of butter oh no but hold on hold on the butteriest pepper ever this is gonna be an explosion of flavor before we start with this incredible Kebab platter we're trying some olives so it's like it's like Olive paste right there's pomegranate pomegranate [Laughter] where's this been all my life oh my gosh it was like a Nutty paste with olives we call it uh it's from north of Iran you're the best I would eat this all day every day I love it I love it it's so nutty you've been feeding me all day no I'm driving hahaha right let's start with that one it's the same actually yeah yeah but I'm gonna make it with a pie for with the bread okay and so this Bread is made upstairs right where we're gonna film it as well okay there and then some tomato oh this is like it's Mr taste there yeah yeah it's it's just my signature it's your style your style so put some pepper and look at that a little bit of onion onion take it okay have it so onion and first this one and then go for another one okay [Music] um wow it was Unreal everything's So Fresh So Good [Music] what a combination it's like smoky it's charred as buttery a little bit of spices and pepper nice Tomatoes like almost like a salsa because it's burst it's amazing in it really amazing this is so unique it's so juicy with the onions it's just done oh dude it's incredible did you invent this so next bite is going to be changer we have two changes okay and then so that's just meat right just chunks of meat we're gonna always break it like that [Music] um try this one then oh wow hey you ready I'm ready [Music] [Music] wow what a big bite huh I loved it to the side yeah get more butter chili oh it's like it's like so dressing but I can't pick it up foreign I've got a plan for you once you say tell me okay yeah do it oh my gosh it's like the biggest Kebab of all time [Laughter] what a monster but the amount of butter is nuts laughs I gotta make it hard look um buttered yeah amazing amazing I'm just gonna grab a piece here [Music] so good it's too big isn't it that's too big but I love the bread it looks like almost spongy yeah it's really juicy when we have this bread out look at this bread yeah little heart all right so same thing here but with rice right and then what is this it's a yogurt and mint okay and butter and so again this is like another like palette cleanser right in a way you will go to sleep straight away after drinking it yeah just a little bit yeah that's good that's good that's good A little sour a little bitter yeah that's good so this one how do we do it so take the spoon spoon and four okay so we have it like this to break half the rice I'm guessing the Tomato some tomato and some pepper wow say that let me get a pepper I love the combinations right if I can get it it's a little hard here all right you ready ready [Music] is amazing saffron butter it's like everything you need right just have to change it to change it element but they're gonna bite [Music] more um oh more is coming more give up already done oh my God that's a lot of food yeah that's a lot I mean isn't something so special about the way they combine everything yeah let's do it let's do it what do you like to get personally like this the most yeah yeah I never loved it oh man the mince meat and get some of the rice on top which one [Music] um it's true like above heaven right here [Music] wow so some people can't eat as much meat I could eat all of it I won't stop personally like me I don't fill up that much if I cut the rice cut the bread all the meat man this straight into his mouth [Music] why not right wow I feel like you hit a wall right it's like oh my God forced to come more to go work to come from us to have this camera okay it's definitely worth it just for this one yeah I think first day you get here come here for this is incredible so how long they've been in business [Music] 10 years 10 years congratulations this is so good I'm in love with it I'm gonna write this like top Kebab well this is the first Kebab I try so far done this yeah and what do we have here what are these yes it's really nice garlic yogurt yeah well that's powdered yogurt you know I've been to Lebanon so it reminds me of a lot of flavors yeah very garlic country right yeah no it's good it's good it's different of course if you don't like garlic you won't be able to eat this maybe this will open up wow maybe like this you guys dip it um how's that it's so tasty that Bread's awesome yeah sesame seeds nice and crispy I love crispy breads most breads here are like this right very thin this one called lavash okay and barberry in the morning okay these are the three tops so you guys don't have lavash right like Armenian lavash or similar this one is lavish yeah similar yeah because they have it like it's almost like a sheet more like this paperish style you know it's the same yeah all right guys we're gonna go take a small break we're gonna go upstairs to the bakery to see them making the lavash bread no problem no problem let's do it it's so nice you're so nice sir okay guys Salaam Salam Salam salsa makes a tiny little air pockets right wow it's amazing so now he's gonna make a heart so he has a flat in it for that machine suppressor just gonna put it on the little pillow foreign [Music] [Applause] I can't even believe it he like literally shaped out the heart and cut it up and look at how crispy this lavash bread is so crispy and what'd you put on top there's like a what is this a sesame seeds and oregano conjug okay conjug don't know it's another herb right corn Jack how fast it goes how many minutes one minute so I have to go around two times most likely because it already got super crispy in that one rotation from his heart to me it's amazing it's amazing wow that was so good so cool [Music] these guys are too kind too kind thank you thank you no that was so good that lavash bread the way they make it so simple so delicious wow what ingredients right the main thing with bread is the water and the dough where that comes from makes it really good I think Mr tasters finishing my food did you finish the food yeah you know for me guys I can't I can't leave without having more of this yeah with the butter [Music] um probably the best one I ever had in my life best well it's too good too good taking photos non-stop here let's do it let's do it all right guys thank you so much look at this guy he doesn't stop oh man again one more time thank you so much thank you I see you next time next time thank you Mercy Mercy it's for me no you're too much man you're too much guys this is crazy he just gave me honey and honeycomb to take home but like a kilo yes you're too much thank you so much thank you people are too kind here thank you thank you thank you so much Mr taster we did it we did it finally wow and this is our bus this is what we're riding in all the way down to shiras oh this is amazing oh wow it's like uh from Shiro's it's almost six hours to Bath sex oh now we're gonna take a little break and then we're gonna have some shisha live music and the game tonight [Music] hello [Music] [Music] this is I love it [Music] it's been a while this is you hard it's 11 minutes [Music] oh [Music] the guy literally came here for me it's crazy [Music] today so you always get this overseers tubes right [Music] oh it's nice nice country [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you think of this place amazing huh yeah quite amazing this is such a beautiful restaurant like I love the core yeah super luxurious we're all having just fruit and tea because it's so late it's uh it's almost midnight it's 11 15 11 20. the game starts right now we're gonna probably watch this the first half same relay this thing finishes like two in the morning so who do you got winning obviously real right yes wow you shouldn't miss it it's the best this dish is so good he's always treating me here oh my gosh it looks amazing oh I love it it's such a good dish man so much herbs and lemon here as well right yeah it's unreal and then on the trip I'm gonna count how many times you feed me so you go for Liverpool this is the best one right here this is this is a Nutty herbal meaty stew mm-hmm [Laughter] you like an onion onions all day so the game wasn't late about half an hour so it's midnight when they started and we're trying some like lemon juice oh good good melon huh it's like pure pure so good oh man it's halftime unfortunately it was offsized the goal so it's over no no it's a no no zero zero well so today we went to Casa kebabs yeah the best kebabs ever kebabs in a bowl you have it with rice you have the bread it's his spot he started it basically he went there when they were three people not a 70. 73 73 people I mean some of the tastiest kebabs of my life you know it's the first Kebab I try here so I think it's the best so far yeah we're gonna try a lot of kebabs on this trip though yeah and then after that we came here we watched the game we had some some shisha again I loved it I love it it's so good and uh yeah Mr taster thank you so much thank you that was a good night well guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did thumbs up comment below it's kind of my boy right here Mr taster follow me on Instagram that's what he needs to love follow my YouTube Channel please love you guys good night [Applause] [Music] [Applause] super hey everyone this is David Hoffman from David's been here with Mr tastering today it is uh 10 in the morning and we're gonna go on a little breakfast tour 11. it's 11. one hour delay we're starting a little late unfortunately big traffic jams here in Tehran we're gonna have some breakfast so what is breakfast here is it old Cafe it's called fat Cafe in tajusha square which is next to tajushbazar we're gonna go for home page and omelette and egg they got dizzy as well but we're going to try Disney somewhere else and we've got that many oceans there we're gonna throw in there okay you ready I'm ready laughs all right so let's go upstairs and after this we're gonna also see the bazaar and this is one of the most famous squares in the city all right let's go let's go look at this beautiful this is like an old school Cafe right we've been here a bit forever oh yeah amazing how you doing hello salaam they get some eggs here smells so good all right so we're gonna start off with some omelette these eggs are heavy on oil basically the pan is full of oil then he puts two eggs inside and next to it he has like some tomato paste right [Music] and garlic wow looks good it smells great I'm a huge fan of eggs with tomato so good with bread you guys have bread of course yeah yeah bread Barberry bread it's gonna be good so light spices in here right yes wow look at that egg is that for us let's go let's go I'm hungry it's time for some Persian omelette Ali Ali how you doing good morning good morning having some tea out and there's Breakfast I'm ready to go you ready yeah so first let's start with the egg okay yours this is mine so he's dip it in here dip it in here like that get all that yolk yeah look at the bite get a big bite but it's bread nice and fluffy this is Fluffy that most of the birds have had yeah on the breads are very very thin and crispy this is super nice look nice and doughy right and over here we have the Tomato right yeah this one is look at this guys omelette this is incredible you ready yeah I'm ready as much as possible Right oh [Music] um wow Tomato's like next level not wow no wow that was like oh it's so good and it's light nice and oily giving to Mr Ali it's not fair we eat all the time and he's watching us I know he knows watching oh yeah don't do that oh is the onion right yeah so sharp yeah oh my gosh crazy combination huh love it I'm gonna waste of the day huh foreign if you want to you can mix it yeah it's amazing this it's like sugar stick yeah so where do they make this because you were saying it's a different uh like in yads or something right there material is making it I love a setting here super old school Cafe like a Persian Cafe yeah incredible so what else do they serve just eggs and um and uh for lunch they serve I think dizzy dizzy some other foods have the polo yeah I didn't know that we did many many foods here we should go for lunch this is the best eggs so you come here a lot no no [Music] oh last time it was a Trevor so Trevor James was here he was arranging on that food exactly [Music] oh wow is that eggs and eggs and tomato as well already yeah yeah so it's almost like a I don't even know like a poached egg Sweet Tomato right that's what's happening here okay so they put it here oh it's super super hot I love this type of place right super relaxing super chill and they open early I'm sure but we got here a little late it's okay and you see many old people is like yeah yeah a lot of regulars right they've been coming here for you know 50 years you guys paprika I personally love paprika really yeah yeah a nice spice right it's red pepper I think yeah I think it's a mix right red pepper yeah oh so it's not paprika no no okay I thought it was a bigger like a little scoop oh yeah and if you want it more spicy I like it I love it oh wow [Music] red pepper mmm it's almost like a little spicy pepper it's phenomenal though yeah it's a little spicy oh yeah dig enough for the teeth this tea is so good oh you know it was a great day yeah great day when in Real Madrid won a la Madrid we almost finished and they brought us some lavash look at this beautiful lavash love it just a bunch of little air pockets break it like that this is the best [Music] so pick it up super thin nice and oily fluffy then I'm gonna add some red peppers [Music] so light oh it's incredible let's just go with that get everything what a great day no no you're good right pleasure hey thanks man thank you so much pleasure pleasure awesome thank you guys thank you so much pleasure so what was the price foreign that's less than one dollar per dish incredible super affordable must come here I'm full but we have a lot of eating to do is next door and send me the ash right downstairs oh my God is super filling yeah all right and this is it right next door yes exactly [Music] oh so what is it it's like noodles chickpeas beans chickpeas vegetables wow that's incredible really famous yet wow what's that curd curd mint onion that's it and that's the dish right here oh with some lavash yeah incredible thick haleem put some some clarified butter right there some ghee well what is that it's a different seeds huh yeah sesame seeds at the very end so it's sugar cinnamon all right Ali are you ready for this I'm excited last time I had Halima I was in Pakistan it's been a while so we're sitting over here over there nice oh this is great love this place are you ready for this I'm ready to be honest I'm super excited for that one that one looks yeah it looks it looks incredible let's switch let's switch wow so it's mint onion curd and curd and under it we have the chickpeas we have the noodles we have beans wow vegetables just mix right again normally mom's cooking it much better than outside but okay of course I mean home cooked meals is very different right and do I eat it with the lavash um not really not really okay so then we just go in yeah me too man you ready I'm ready Cheers Cheers love it oh my gosh it's so good oh man combination of flavors here right the curd like makes it a little lighter right yeah [Music] I gave you more of this okay next one yeah so it's a halim it's coming from and they put famous here on top but in Tehran they're having Sesame um cinnamon and sugar oh wow so let me get a little sweet with that all right yeah and you know more is sticky it means more meat more meat of course more delicious but you can't see that wow look how sticky it is guys it's like a very pasty yeah and many people using it in Ramadan they have ostrich there and mostly we're using it in the morning so you have to have it like before nine o'clock in the morning look at that oh it's gonna be a nice sweet haleem look at that some people they don't have it with sugar somebody put salt in there salt instead but I'm fan of sugar always she's gonna mix it well right yeah make everything go throughout do that you ready I'm ready let's go wow they're not sticky it is tasty yeah let me get a good amount here yeah it's like noodle oh my gosh all right ready I'm not ready let's go the cinnamon oh it's so sweet it's freaking ridiculous yeah it's the most negative halim I've ever had you're ready yeah yeah very nice oh wow I love it it's like the ultimate halim if you have a sweet tooth this is your jam yeah and if you go to my shopping You're Gonna Love More yeah but it's still good though wow I'll tell you so far my favorite dish is this of the morning really yeah yeah this is amazing wow it was funny that you thought you're gonna love that one and then you love this one more well when you hit me with cinnamon uh yeah it's like well give me cinnamon all day also nice with the sesame seeds right yeah best Salem I've ever had good fantastic doing some weight yeah I love it I love it the bread is just there for decoration [Music] so if you're hungry you add the bread so I mean I think with this what you could do is go like this I never do that never no but people do it right um I don't know I don't think so foreign oh we're so good together I'm so delicious wow that is filling this is also a very old restaurant right yeah it's beautiful I love it super highly ceilings lots of decorations right yeah super cute Decor the celebrity here always taking selfies all right let's go let's go what do we have here Goji Subs okay so let's try this let's try it together it's gonna wash it really fast this is great so right when you enter here lots of fruits and vegetables oh look at that so good oh man so refreshing Source out so here entering the bazaar you have a bunch of fruits and vegetables and right here we have grape leaves this is what they use to roll a Dolmas right dolmatis yes and here how do you make the doma with meat and rice meat and rice okay yeah so every country does it differently obviously Greece turkey very big there this is the best I love it you must throw it in Iran because dulma here is far Delicious from other countries yeah yeah maybe some saffron in it I'm sure let's go let's go so what's the name of this Bazaar this is Market in the north of Tehran and it is one of the very interesting area for the tourists to get around to see the actual market and different stuff that are carried in the market yeah so local produce right local people here it is a very nice area to see the local people so housewives getting around to actually buy their needs so it is very uh nice area for everybody yeah so it's one main alley right and on the left on the right you're going to see a lot of date vendors spices it's very different actually this Market is not a market it is a religious place called Tech here it is okay a gathering area for the holy month of mahram that we just get some morning for the death of the third Imam and then it is quite different from other markets oh remember look at that vendor over there oh look at that that's the evil eyes everywhere let's go see that let's go let's go let's go over here we have a amazing Dave vendor lots of dates hey guys how you doing looks so good I'll come back later I'll try some and uh over here more spices walnuts you have all the rose oh wow I can't wait to have some rose water rose water in the South we'll see more of this yeah this is too good yeah wow smells incredible the fragrance everything's fresh right here we have you know lettuce we have spinach we have garlic what else we have onions a bunch of stuff right this vendor has a lot of evil eyes up here this is Turkish these are Iran right these are Iranian made or Irani made amazing so I love them so what's the price again you said like two and three dollars right two dollars two dollars okay I'm gonna take three uh for my daughters let me see what do you got beautiful colors I think I I like the red so I'll take one red yeah I mean that's beautiful that's very nice okay and then I'll take this one okay yeah it's very special right yeah my friend Mercy Mercy love it love it thank you so much thank you Mercy Mercy yes yes let's keep going you back where are you I was just waiting around so what do we have here just fruits and vegetables clothing right so this place really doesn't end huh just a mix of everything you got souvenirs you have clothing you have stuff for kids you have lots of fruits vegetables and over here it's super bright look at this it's so bright yeah I've only had blackberries and cranberries raspberries it's amazing taking one more it's too good more selfies over here trying to escape the crowds oh wow so what is this this is a mosque and this is the minaret is not actually a must a holy Shrine okay wow it is of course very similar to the mouth and the architecture is the same we have the Menards we have the Dome the Arches the toilevers the calligraphy but the difference is we have the actually the tomb of a holy person that this one goes to the brother of eight Imam inches for the colors guys gorgeous it really reminds me of Uzbekistan this is just stunning here is a very huge chandelier here wow the calligraphy the sign of old and uh you know pre and post Islamic era in Iran here we see for example the domes date back to Jose zamigira The Arches the walls date back to very Islamic era so it's a very nice uh you know combination of old ancient Iranian architecture here so we just entered this like mirror room a prison session so we're going to be really really quiet we just want to show you how gorgeous this is look at this it's just like it's like beautiful shining shining no it's worth it I loved it yeah and that's our mini tour of tadres area so we had two breakfasts we had eggs with tomato with bread phenomenal after that we had the halim and then we explored the bazaar we saw the Shrine we had gorgeous hats go your subs the green or the unripe peach we also had the white Berry I mean this place is a must definitely come here in the morning between 9 A.M and midday walk around explore and eat lots of people don't have fun yeah you're gonna have lots of fun guys I hope you enjoyed the video if you love you guys come to Iran come here I'm waiting for you if you enjoy the video thumbs up comment below subscribe to him me and we'll see in the next one thumbs up here in Tehran let's go oh [Music] [Applause] good afternoon guys David Hoffman here from David's bin here coming at you from beautiful Tehran with Mr taster is Mr taster here we're going on the ultimate lunch tour right now yeah what are we doing we are in Shandy's Jordan it's really famous in my shot uh if you if you talk about shaundice you remember the shish kebab large shish kebab and also lamb shanks oh amazing and they are the best in the world I promise you never had it like this in in the whole world I promise that and then after this we're going to two other spots we're going for dizzy which is a really famous traditional dish in Iran and also we're going to San restaurant with lots of Kebabs as well you never met these kebabs before okay okay here we go [Applause] [Music] David a pleasure David pleasure pleasure thank you thank you now this is fancy hello hello this place was amazing this place is amazing it's a huge Banquet Hall look at this huge incredible hello David pleasure nice to meet you nice to meet you amazing amazing the king of love wow I can't wait he said the best lamb Shanker the best lamb chops done yeah you always serve tea with some you know sweets right he said this one's from Yachts this one mostly from yes and we have the chance to try it in yes if you try it oh my gosh it's fresh it's like a block it's almost like a super condensed sugar cookie right mostly sugar and so Rose I think I'm not sure Rose bottle yes Rose so good that one is very delicious just a try I'm gonna try half right oh yeah super dense mm-hmm so decadent oh my gosh to you with all this sugar great combo because I have no sugar in here so that's Sugar Rush right here yeah it sweetens it up my friend Mercy thank you thank you so much thank you all right kitchen let's go straight to the kitchen and see the lamb chops and the tachin the touching the best rice cake all right and you're in the kitchen oh wow look at this guys the lamb chops whoa hello oh Scooby-Doo right [Music] oh it's bigger that one guys it's an inferno in here amazing super hot we have like 150 lamb chops right here we have lumbe lumbe is it called so it's a little different but it's still a mix of beef and Lambs yeah perfect wow wow it is incredibly hot here the Amber is hitting you wow it's incredible and these guys literally have to cover their face because it's so hot foreign so good look at the amount of juiciness coming out of those beautiful and then they come with the lamb chops now yeah wow wow oh my gosh I've never seen this much I won't lie I was excited for the lamb chops but the lamb shank that's ridiculous I mean in this Incredible Oil the fats wow the smell in here the aroma just pops the chicken the lamb chops right she's in the fire all day all right I'm out of here all right let's go eat ready ready thank you thank you ready let's go let's go let's go eat so we're going back upstairs going VIP right York VIP no you're a VIP okay okay wow so this is the VIP room gorgeous I mean this is like the ultimate lap of luxury room beautiful super high ceilings lots of chandeliers I mean this is where you come if you want to go on a date for sure as soon as we walked in lights are super dim the music is super loud obviously they changed that for me but um yeah it's definitely a place you should visit but we're gonna go back downstairs and get with the mix of people let's go back in all right guys we have so many delicious things here we got the lamb chops lamb shank touching we have the low man and we have some more rice it's bigger version of kubidy bigger version of this one right here this is phenomenal okay so how do we start yeah we start with the rice one little one well buttery rice that's funny I smell it oh wow it smells so good melted man smells so good then they put some pomegranate on top too a little bit of pomegranates right no it's a Barbers On barbaries Barbies not Barbara Barbara Barbara isn't saffron okay well this is a raw egg yeah what look at that I'm poor fishing other than that so you're getting rid of the egg white yeah out okay yellow section so the yolk yeah the yolk is going on on top of the rice oh my gosh are you serious yeah try it oh my gosh this is gonna be amazing it's gonna make it like a glue yeah tomato okay perfect like that should get a lot of that yeah you ready tomato paste yeah let's go so rice with the Tomato okay and take it in your hand and the Lamb Chop yeah together okay ready ready oh my gosh the best rice of all time right here thank you combination out of this world wow the bone the rice is like it's all like glued together now these lamb chops though so good so juicy tender yeah for me I already eat lamb chop every day yeah I've had so many some amazing rice dishes this one is like top three now really oh my gosh the egg yolk [Music] somebody mixing some beef in it as well but this one is pure lamb you taste it yeah and with the rice together oh what a dish we've got so much amazing food in two days this is up there and over here we haven't even tried this yeah touching look at this all the rice crispy layer on the bottom so crispy egg and saffron this one I think it's the better one yeah oh my gosh I don't think they do this but I'll try everything a little bit on top crazy combo yes it is time for the lamb shank and the bone marrow right there yeah give it to me it's like give you for me [Laughter] you know I'll do it yeah go away isn't it it melts yeah it's literally nothing enough how is it the best one of all time oh it's good it's so juicy yeah it's a little sweet too a little sweet okay here I go oh my gosh love it have some please yeah I'm gonna cut right here look yeah look at that look it just Falls please [Music] oh this bit that bit yeah yeah that's the best part of it go for it right then how's it it's like so oily juicy and fatty let's mix it with some rice right foreign and you know what I'm gonna do it even better [Music] the meat the pot the oils in this dress into the touching makes it crunchy give me more oh and it's nice right here um onion caramelized onions right yeah onions coming on food this restaurant's a must this is too good Are You full ah man come on [Music] all right it's hard being a taster it's also hard being an eater that was phenomenal I am popping so much good food thank you so much guys thank you thank you so much guys thank you so much thank you thank you let's go let's go tomorrow I can't anymore I mean I would come back here for the lamp thing for sure thank you so much thank you thank you thank you all right let's go let's go break from food not break from exploring after a 20 minute drive we made it here to the famous dizzy yeah we're having with the family for Friday lunch because it's almost a holiday we have it and then we asleep come on all right let's go let's go hello hello David pleasure nice to meet you well it is amazing wow look at this loving this restaurant reminding me like a Greek tavern you know white blue but now we're going straight into the kitchen all right all right oh my gosh what is that that's it yeah cool it's hot it's boiling yeah so that's this right yes that's it it's coming to the table so we can have the meat food first and then then we mash um potato and meat lamb some fat in it got tomato chickpeas beans we mash it all together so it's all cooking in these pots yeah extremely hot it's it's a long cooked as well so it's slow cooked exactly wow guys the snow here the lamb tomato four hours four hours slow cook four hours this is unreal I've never seen this in my life yeah look this is the fan the key thing look it's ugly bubbly I love it man I love it oh my God okay guys let's go to the table they're gonna show us a little show right hello hello look at this guy awesome guys thank you so much all right let's go let's go Mercy Mercy Mercy this restaurant is full of these beautiful paintings what is this [Music] of the country actually written several hundred years ago several decades ago from fourth Century it was called fertility of the things it's got like a tomato a cucumber onion and meat yeah there it is let me explain it for you he's putting fat and mash it and then adding the juice after that and he's going to mash potato and beans and oh wow dude this is incredible he's mixing and mixing mixing the meat the beans everything in there wow it's almost like a puree it's so exciting it is exciting this is gonna be incredible like it reminds me of Harlem it's a person to get the fat right does the part on Top get all this fat put it in here yeah and then get some of this right yeah basically oily and then just mix with it oh with that actually yeah it's like an oily scramble of fat okay no I eat straight they're on top oh crumbly okay okay perfect so keep crumbling yeah nice so this is what you guys do in a lot of these dishes right just crumble just hold it right there yeah to be honest I don't know how to do this I'm trying my best here oh but as far as piping hot oh and then next up I gotta go in here and just match everything right yeah oh my gosh that oil [Music] guys the mix here chickpeas beans potato whoa it's popping out it's still so hot this is gonna be insane still super hot mix it we shouldn't see any water in it oh no it has to be like completely covered in bread put some more bread like that see we need much more than that oh wow so you just gotta like bind it with bread yeah there's a famous song singing about disease oh yeah about dizzy chemicals or greens or onions or we can't have any pickles or chili pickles or onion because so you put this into it no no on the side no no it's up to you you know you eat it you know you can put it in there but for greens you should have it in your hand like that and have it like that and then oh wow wow [Music] one two three foreign [Laughter] [Music] you can have it with chili as well so let's try with chili of course it's chili pickles and for me as well it's super spicy super spicy yeah you ready I'm ready I don't know how spicy it is because I love this place let's go [Music] oh yeah spicy oh wow it's hot in it it's hot but I love it together right it's burning my the return this thing is like mouth water in this dish so we tried it because we tried it with greens and you kind of have it it's a little of onion that's far better I love it is really good I love onions I just bought it though wow [Music] oh man this is incredible it's like a bread stew with fat yeah basically it's like yeah that's filling huge meal but we haven't even got to this yet right no exactly okay you know you know Friday normally we have this dish on Friday we have in other days as well but Friday lunch is the best time because holiday so you can go to a sleep a certain way after this meal so it's nice this is heavy the one you're making you is sleepy as well and they do make me even sleepy as well so go straight to bed after having dizzy [Music] well it's nice I mean it's a little sour of course it's it's more watery yogurt right exactly so this and then now we jump into this guy yeah it's cool let's go how do we do it I'll show you oh it's beautiful some juice some juice on top yeah oh what was that okay we normally use forks but now we just put the bread on top like that okay you ready I'm ready you remind me of halim the textures right no it's completely different completely different okay it's me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what a combination I really wish we would tried it without the cinnamon but that's how you have to have it right always with cinnamon it's like mashed up meat without cinnamon straightener oh that's for you bro it's for you I'm good just one bite no don't have it all together yeah that's enough oh man the lamb [Laughter] [Music] means mashed meat mashed meat well you can see all the different things in there right so we have some beans chickpeas as well some people putting drug on you and the right lemon as well do I love them as well yeah some some places no no no it's for you it's okay put the bread oh I'm full what do we have here a special sweet you're gonna love it special sweet yeah it's really famous for Ramadan normally people having it after as on adventures yeah breaking the fast basically yeah go back let's try this sweet yeah this is follow me in so it's like a nice crispy dough with sugar syrup yeah true I'm sure you make the sweetness video great combo nice so it's really crispy doughy inside and lots of sugar syrup yeah basically a diabetics nightmare exactly very nice in Ramadan when they break the fast usually with sweets right dates most places use dates right yeah but you also you have this amazing well so far two restaurants one to go right Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy guys Mercy oh guys my belly is full this was fantastic though oh dizzy dizzy Mercy Mercy Mercy oh it's so far so good oh I'm ready you know what's funny for me once I get there I see the food I start salivating my stomach opens up I tell you you're going to be more surprised next time okay okay to be honest I need to walk but it's good to be in a bus with this heat one more spot one more spots too much food yeah we're going to caprese yeah and next to Adam and they got amazing Foods trust me yeah they got lots of Kebabs very nice rice they're close they're close hello hello David pleasure [Music] hey a skillet Kebab yeah he's going to make in front of you okay perfect yeah let's do it it's really good he's expert all right so he's cutting this piece of beef in half oh wow it's pounding it incredible thank you he's making a skillet cover for one one side is we call it and then the other side is mincible so it's coming on top it's it's a piece of art a saffron wow so he's just drenching that chicken and saffron he's sizing it huh yeah making sure it's exactly the size of this um I forgot what the name of it is but it's usually for fish right this [Applause] so now he's going to cover it with the minced lamb [Applause] after watching this process for about 10 minutes now he's going to move the meat the Kebab onto this uh this Kebab cage all right let's see it let's see it okay whoa foreign straight to the grill now let's go let's go so what is he adding there onion juice onion juice the second dish is unended for the first time because I had it here and we called it party Polo or mix Polo it's mixed up Kobe bag butter stomach tomato going all together in one dish and then we mix it like that okay also it's peel and tomatoes yeah they're taking their skin off the starter makes pull out they got some grilled tomatoes and they peeled them and now they're mashed and they were dicing them into small pieces right Lobster tomato juice everywhere this is gonna be mixed with the rice with the butter oh it's gonna be so good it's taborism so much you see it's red oh you know I was full now I'm opening my habitat again butter tomato is coming no way what for David we're gonna kill him in Iran before with food with food and then he's gonna go on there that's insane he actually dices it up all right he cuts it wow look at all that lamb my mouth is seriously watering right now look at the juices oh Tomatoes it's amazing seriously it's very creamy right now look at that the oils tomato and then some more uh let's make it a bit soury yeah but I love the color changes everything right the redness oh no he mixes it together yeah the Irani uh right right it's one of the most expensive races in Iran you can see how big it is the smell [Laughter] it's gorgeous it's the best rice in the world yeah that's it didn't shake it he's gonna dance with it it's too hot it's too hot for me no it's good it's good yeah like this I know I know it's like it's a little tough but okay let's fix it perfect yes this is so hot don't worry don't worry I'll try I try my best can I shake it as well [Music] [Applause] I like want to stick my hand in it oh my gosh it smells incredible wow look at all the mix yeah oh okay okay let's go let's go eat well we're missing the kebab foreign [Music] so Cherry with rice wow it's gonna be like a pink pulao [Music] completely red man that Aroma yeah and the smoke coming out of there he's gonna add something else more cherries some juices I was just gonna heat it up a little bit yeah a little simmer wow beautiful rice gosh he's gonna put the neck of the lamb in there thank you where are we now they're making the bread here you making a bread here oh I love this because this is there's like the Rocks right yeah just gonna grab the dough with sesame seeds we just left it there like that get up right here into this oven [Applause] how do you say hot in uh in Farsi I'm like melting away coffee coffee and that's it oh the Rocks fell huh yeah I'm sure it's delicious yeah okay let's go eat something yeah are you ready we have a lot of food to go okay Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy okay let's go eat guys three more dishes three more a lot of butter I'm not a big butter guy but wow Lamb with cherry pulao yeah [Music] so colorful incredible man what's he doing he's mixing the yogurt and the water yogurt and water it's sour what is this pepper inside yeah spicy and tingling yeah so you ready yeah I'm gonna try the Cherry Pulau so we've got Nick here we've got onion cherry polo rice and almond statue perfect so just mix it like that yeah so it's gonna be like a mix of crunchy sweet fatty meat love it okay you ready I'm ready I'm ready too I'm more than ready wow [Music] wow the cherries oh my gosh and that neck just falls apart I never had flavor like this in rice no all right one last bite yeah yeah I'm good [Music] um Bravo I know this one's gonna be yeah even better thank you let's dig it right here one two three and uh look at that look at this oh my gosh it's a mountain I guess it's gonna go in one time right yeah you ready I'm ready I'm like beyond ready what am I grabbing here you can have either back kebabs yeah it could be there let's go [Music] wow so moist ah it's meaty turn the back yeah the bag it's so soft the rice the Tomato throughout with the Sunmark yeah sumac it's a must-have oh my gosh and the name is made by Mr taster yeah mix pulao I'm gonna get a tiny bit more guys you know like yeah you're gonna lift it this thing the main part is underneath oh sure because of the butter it's going down so let's have this one the red bottom yeah foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so we make every single person even the owner of restaurant hungry we influenced your hunger this is one side is the other side is back to above more butter is it really doing that like what is he doing to me you need to mix it yeah so much better in this country this Rises getting better wow which is mince meat on one side and basketball on the other side so we're gonna have it with rice okay take some of the Tomato to the inside right yeah and chili some chili all together with your eyes and so all together like that oh wow okay let's do it you ready yeah there's two good really that's another it's too yummy it's so yummy mmm it's like nice and Smoky the butter and the rice enhances the flavor even more man I love this little pepper special thank you wow that was even better um so juicy like bounces Mr taster that is it man the ultimate yeah uh Irani food tour we're doing the three spots oh my gosh again lamb chops um then we head over here these three dishes I mean everything was so unique every dish was different from anything we had yesterday yeah I don't know my favorites was everything everything well done yeah if you didn't know any better you would think I waited way more than what I do where's the second stomach okay I hope you enjoyed this video exploring Tehran food with Mr taster that was epic come to your own guys I'm waiting for you and I'm sure you're gonna love it thumbs up comment below subscribe oh we'll see you later [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good evening guys David Hoffman from David's been here beautiful Tehran Iran with Mr Tasty today we're not tasting anything I'm recording my hair cutting his hair I should call myself as a many people telling me that you're you're looking like Danny DeVito so maybe one day I shave Like You It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia but we're not there so I've done this around the world many times Pakistan India Trinidad Oman Miami I'm gonna get a haircut here in Iran and shave full shave full beard shave yeah let's go let's go let's have a surprise for me as well all right let's go inside it's like a luxury barber shop right here my man you're good you look tired and this is the guy what's your name my friend okay let's do this oh let's go oh I'm gonna sleep right here I'm excited let's see hopefully they give me a little massage I doubt it though they were telling me here in Persia there's no real massages at the barber shops they don't really do that but maybe do like a facial maybe a little waxing and ready oh okay all right so let me put this guy here [Music] no English because he will find what we're gonna do with him [Laughter] okay oh you're funny you're party man torching it what's he doing oh oh it's hot [Laughter] what's happening I smell like burnt skin I've seen India I didn't get it done India but I've seen it yeah yeah wow so he basically just like burnt all my hair off the ears this is like three weeks man it does smell like burnt hair my whole thing oh yeah [Music] well that feels so good shaving cream it's funny everybody's like why do you get haircuts all over the world you have no hair [Laughter] no but the shaved experience you know it's going slow oh it feels good [Music] there's no better feeling than having that razor against my head wow Mr Jason you never shave your head right you never shaved right you did yeah I mean it would definitely change the way people see you yeah Mr Tasty you know the thing is he gets tough so much that if you shave his head no one recognize him [Laughter] oh man that blade yeah right there on the top that that always tickles right there it's nice though this guy's so delicate it feels so slow job guys [Music] this is nice straight up I'm going to sleep [Music] this is my therapy right here going to barber shop and tell him all my problems only problem is I can't speak with him he doesn't speak English no English espanol Italian nine nine all right there you know how they learn in America how to shave heads in The Barbers they get a balloon shaving cream and if you don't pop it you could do it good yeah so the first you know few months I'd cut myself a lot in the shower now I could do it like with my eyes closed I just do it now I do it myself in the shower like every other day give it let it grow a little bit Yeah so easy because I just put shaving cream and then I touch to see if I missed like did he miss yeah he missed a little bit it's gonna have to do it a little bit more oh that's one ooh alcohol huh what do you think so we go for four shave if I have a full shave man I'm gonna change into a little kid good okay I'm gonna be your son [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah I said I said to him make him ugly so somebody would look at us as well no you guys are good what are you talking about it's too much do you want to shape or are you okay I think we should okay we should I think we should after four days five days it will come back yeah yeah let's do it [Music] do with the machine it's better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] um wow [Music] good God [Music] yes he's gonna wax my nose and my ears oh yeah that is like three weeks ago oh it's hot so the purpose of this is to take all those extra little hairs out of the ears and the nose as you get older you grow a lot in both look at that my ear is full of hot hot wax oh the other year now it's hot it was like scorching it's good though it's gonna take off all his little hairs oh yeah yeah you gotta do it too man foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] oh oh my God look at that oh thank you I'm like crying let's get this one that's good let's get it oh yeah hi oh that hurts that hurts oh it feels like he pulled out all the wax out of my ear like my real wax you know oh dude I better like I hope I don't believe one minute yeah oh [Applause] oh my gosh oh my gosh this is for the blackheads [Laughter] okay I'm Craig that really hurt the nose man you're happy I'm like laughing on fire oh my God you ready oh oh my gosh [Music] oh oh [Music] good man take a breeze yeah yeah I can breathe oh he's gonna pull it off oh that was hot wax that's good now I'm clean for a few days right yeah is that it yeah that's it no more right no more oh yeah bro my nose oh it's bleeding it's okay it's okay it's all good bro yeah it's good it's good all right after that amazing wax experience he's gonna wash my head now okay okay Mr taste was outside with fans laughing he's funny okay let's go I feel like everything hurts what do you think crazy right oh that was crazy experience [Music] job oh yeah yeah 100 years old I know I told you it's crazy oh my gosh a little further ahead yeah right there okay yes [Music] oh my gosh oh this is a head massage man [Music] that died oh my gosh [Music] that was good that was good oh I didn't really think there's some bikes yeah it's okay oh massage [Music] oh my gosh [Music] this is what it's about guys this is why I did the haircut experience in every country [Music] my man my man that was amazing amazing would have been good so what do I owe him I don't even know what do they draw 20 years old that's it literally like I'm a chameleon when I remove the hair I dropped 10 15 years I'm really 36 when I look nah I live like 25 25. 95 yeah Mr taser what do you think nice oh yeah I'm a kid now I'm a kid yeah well that was the ultimate Irani or Irani haircut experience did you like it oh I loved it man I loved it this was amazing got a head shave beard trim got the wax the wax was the ultimate part of this experience and then the massage at the end you didn't even see him and when he when he washed my head Hi man thank you so much guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did comment subscribe everything oh that felt good man [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] and you can go to the mountains having food Street Foods another restaurant and the weather is really cool isn't it my brother is perfect yeah it's perfect it was pretty hot it was May 28th today right yeah it's entering summer yeah it's cool here this is a hill right so you're walking up the hill and the left and the right you'll see so many different vendors we have popcorn we have sweets we have souvenirs we have restaurants fruit letters fruit leathers yeah look at that what it's amazing fruit lettuce these are fruit letters okay so what is fruit leather I mean it's just basically like like almost like caramelized fruits yeah look at that I'll try one let me try something my friend is so generous gave us we're better already oh yeah that one sorry good it's so good super sweet it's like leather right very rubbery yeah but it's so delicious and it's sour as well and then when we were going to the school we were buying it from the supermarket I mean it's amazing wow so so many different flavors right I'm gonna try another one have to we're gonna don't worry guys we're keeping him it's so sour that one that's right oh I'm the best one is it the best one the best one wow hey super sour though I said the most sourest one which one's that one it's another Berry I guess I'll try it good it was good but none of me on this one I like the sourest one the most that one's the best one yeah yeah they're all good though well it's infinite here so you have popcorn here and just street corn I think yeah it's like corn on the cob right it's just roasted corn yeah it's going to make it efficient what is he doing he's putting into a box [Music] whoa what is this I've never seen this before in my life yeah what is that I mean it's a little infernal right there was that water it was that ghee or something water and salt oh now he threw salt on top whoa this is like Ancient Man don't you guys know this isn't a pedestrian-only street cars do pass through here so be careful yeah selfie I'll take it for you guys [Music] that's piping hot it's gonna taste different huh yeah mmm so after he roasted the corn in that oven pulled it out put butter and then he's adding salt oh it's hot oh my god oh man oh it's the best roasted corn ever it was big corn nice and salty too mm-hmm oh I love it let's go oh my God oh my God I love it so salty a little ham on this thing I had no idea because it is good right wow I loved it I love it too manly and I can't stop here what mm-hmm I love corn there's no good properties in this thing but it's okay how much was it doesn't stop huh really something I'll tell you guys that was the tastiest corn I've had in my life I don't know what they did in that oven but wow so good I just I don't even know it was like so buttery and salty and Smoky at the same time what an incredible corn corn on the cob right here you have to try it now this place coming alive oh my God this guy has like a billion masks oh man you scared me man I was scary yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] oh my gosh scary huh where is he go where'd he go okay dude I get rid of this I'm okay what is he doing to me oh my God he's pushing me what is he doing I look like the Mr taste Mercy Mercy Mercy that's it no I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay you scared me dude very aggressive oh there's Mr Chaser yeah and what is this it's like spicy what what is that these are broad beans it's just beans yeah like green beans you're gonna have a spice on it oh wow this is not the way man right man you can't pick it up one by one yeah they're spicy spicy that's a pretty bus from spicy paprika it was good red pepper I mean they were really really chunky that's that's phenomenal Wow Let's Go I mean it doesn't end look at this wow so we're seeing a lot of the same right oh they have it right here yes you're lucky yes so we have kidney liver what else we got I'm literally in the smoke oh I love that oh charcoal so good oh it's popping finally we found it he was so disappointed you could see from his face but we've got kidney I was disappointed guys and liver and fat and fat yes we're gonna have good finish all right my turn my turn yeah look at that give her that smoke that twist them all turn them off oh I try my best dude you know I'm not a chef I'm only an eater on top oh the fan top that's good that's good have fun food's ready oh with some lavash oh wow amazing let's do this yeah I'm ready so what we've got here I think this one is kidney we're gonna throw it I love kidney okay so let's grab a piece like that I love kidney you have a lot of the iron right yeah with the lava cheers oh no you salted I'm moving so tender all right dude he did it perfectly yeah perfect next one next one what do you think fat what do you want to go with um there's a lot of fat here let's go for liver liver yeah yes would you like to try to fight with it or about with it yeah I guess this is going to be amazing what put those on the bottom wow wow I know kidney I like the combination combination is amazing a little bit making it warm so juicy do you want some drink yeah just water for me water thank you I'm looking for the heart the heart which is the heart I think no that's kidney no that that was a liver actually I think that's hard it's hard yeah yeah because the way he cut it right yeah oh you can't even it's like stuck try this one which is this one oh amazing amazing oh my gosh guys I'm in love here it's too much good stuff I'm gonna go to fat now get a piece of fat right here just fat alone incredible like Shawarma of organs [Music] dude the juices are like flowing out of the lavash wow for me make me another one dude give him like three different ones oh yeah this is what you need to do yeah yeah oh for me yeah dude everything's in here everything everything absolutely everything um this is for Ali oh my gosh this is unreal yeah deliver the heart [Music] um [Music] let's do it just don't put my eye out [Music] I know I shoved it in my mouth guys but you need all the flavor the juices the lime with the bread I'm gonna get some of that butter on top [Music] oh there's an animal here it's good it's so special right oh my gosh you loved it I loved it yeah let's keep poking things here for you more more oh my gosh one more [Laughter] mm-hmm I'm full man a photo but for organs this is Persia yeah the real Persian organs it is one more no it's you man I'm done well maybe one more five foreign [Music] twenty dollars twenty dollars I think it's a great deal for all the organs we ate I mean that's a lot we over ate here yeah and we haven't been charged by anybody else everybody else comp this yeah crazy crazy so what's next next going home no there are two restaurants I want to just to show you from outside oh nice they got really nice view here beautiful these are them they look they have a huge building I mean they're amazing right and it's cool for your restaurant it's really nice beautiful I mean this is where the street ends huh yeah so that's why there's so many cars coming up because they come and park here yeah they come and park here and they they can walk order to go to the mountains or they can come and sit here and have dinner and lunch okay yeah well I think we're done head back down okay good night well guys I hope you enjoyed this video of darban yeah amazing spot so it's a nice strip going up a mountain right from here you can go up to the funicular you can come to restaurants you can eat street food some guys I hope you enjoy this video if you did please give me a thumbs up comment below it's kind of me to him we get stopped every second every second with this guy he's like a Non-Stop look at this What's Happening Here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good morning guys David Hoffman here from David's bin here coming at you from qualm yeah and today we're here at like a tourist complex it's like right off the highway on the way down oh yeah and we're gonna try Sohan which is a really famous Suite in Rome they are waiting for us they're waiting for us yes they're doing it right here in the factory look at this so this is the traditional Suite made in this city it is incredible it's like a mix of Rose saffron cardamom I mean it is absolutely phenomenal I was in here like 20 minutes ago and they were like nah you guys have to do a video on this place it is amazing all right here we go here we go look at the smell of cardamom huh yes and that's the bother so you just threw butter in there yeah was that almonds yeah so what what is it tell me about this so honey that's amazing I tell you if you've got diabetes just have it just in in in small small quantities yeah yeah for sure for sure all right so watch this guy he's gonna pull it out right now wow look at that so pasty huh so he's stirring it up yeah super thick has more butter right more ghee right clarified butter [Music] more butter it's non-stop butter in there definitely not the healthiest sweet but I'm sure it's delicious oh wow it just keeps rotating it over and over and over I mean here we go so that caught him in wow so now he's like rolling it up it's beautiful it's oh the smell right the aroma the cardamom oh my gosh and it's so hot so now he's rolling them out into small balls he uses his like molder right look at that beautiful molder and here we go and it's not ready yet now is the fun part now that it sit there for like two minutes then they start smashing them look look oh so this is actually the first part of the process right he poured in the batter right so it's wheatgrass he said right wheatgrass yeah egg cardamom Sugar Sugar yeah it's basically like a nice thick cookie at the end right exactly so now they put it in here for 20 minutes it goes it stirs right in this hot baths right because it's heat on the bottom yeah and then after that they put it over here and now is the fun part right all right let's go let's go sorry the process is a little complicated we're gonna try it yeah I'm ready I'm ready let's try one oh look at the bus like that Soul fries um it's thick but you taste everything Rose saffron carbon he just told me they they have some Sohan for diabetics as well oh yeah yeah I didn't know that so there's no sugar no sugar wow this is incredible so tasty oh I know I know it's too good to have more man that cardamom wow the best we have tried anytime so far I've been all with this one the next step once they rolled it out and flatten them they're gonna smash them then they're going to add pistachios and they're gonna add almonds right that's the process oh here we go here we go love this the amount of pistachios they put is unreal look at that They smash it into it it's like literally infused into this thick cookie this is like the ultimate cooking of cookies he's cutting it right here look at that he's molding it he's letting me do it yeah no way yeah you're gonna make Sohan I'm gonna make so hot and all right here we go so I get the smash oh this is heavy this is so heavy oh yeah glove for sure all right no no left left okay okay the left's touching it right of course of course okay so oh it's so hot okay so right I'll flip it okay now now smash more more um less hard less hard okay so done I'm gonna destroy it all right good man good and then get some pistachios so so you get the pistachios they do it in sections but and then just go yeah so they're doing sections because if not it pops out right this was extra pistachios extra pistachios on this one and now we get some almonds right this is my I went home beautiful good no maybe some more so what's this oh oh now I I basically mold it okay so I shape it so oh no no no no are you hard okay now done and then look at that oh that's mine huh [Music] beautiful you're gonna like cake I'll have a cake thank you so much this is amazing okay enough work for me awesome awesome yeah oh man my hands are full of like butter man it's so much so much butter that was amazing I mean the whole process is so cool I've never seen like this it feels like especially that part similar to halwa but not the same thing you know this is more like industrial right I mean what experience here come on let me show you something so he threw he's throwing some of the batter look at the the excess he's throwing it back in the access uh cookie right just throws it back into the batter and it mixes in really well and then after all this process once it's all done he molds it and then it goes from here into this huge line from there they're gonna get this Packaging all right this is the packaging they put it in here and you can buy it so what does it cost for for this do you know the price four dollars and you get two of them right because they're stacked oh my gosh I should take I should take more than two let's just take a few more I bought one right maybe we stick more it's so good I'm gonna try two here I guess I'll try it that's for you that was or me here we go let me get this this is so fun it is like a pizza it's like a pizza cookie with every single amazing ingredient on earth right here right no no it's good it's good right sort of good sort of good not the best I'll try one more time all right that was better right and you get all the cookies all the excess cookie right here you take that and you throw it back into the batter amazing amazing foreign it's ready okay here we go here we go last step in the process packaging he's gonna just push around over it we're gonna put it through and they're gonna seal it with the top that's it [Music] no yeah that's for me well the one I made they gave it to me as a gift so we're gonna have it later thank you so much Mercy Mercy guys Mercy Mercy amazing amazing amazing thank you so much and that's the process of how they make Sohan one of the most delicious cookies you will ever have Rose saffron butter Garden egg oh my gosh it's so good I mean this is a must when you're driving from Tehran down to Shiraz on the way down to kashan you stop in home like here five kilometer to home five kilometers this is like a big uh I guess it's like a rest stop it's like also like a shopping list yeah you can have lunch here breakfast they have sweets but this is why you should come here to see this they got nice burgers as well we might have a burger later but guys I hope you enjoyed seeing this process about this beautiful Iranian sweet is made Iranian Iranian Iranian all right guys I hope you liked it if you did thumbs up comment below subscribe to my channel to him as well YouTube YouTube [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the new guys David Hoffman here from David's been here coming at you from beautiful kashan Iran or my friend Mr taster so what are we doing today Mr Taylor the city of rosewater we are going to sarayama HUB which is a historical house we're gonna have believe me it's one of the most beautiful stews in the world you ready for that well you lost my mind with the rose water I'm so excited I love rose water this is the city of rose water do you want to have lunch we're gonna explore the house and then we're gonna see the process of how they make rose water exactly okay you ready I'm ready let's go inside let's go and it's hot in kashan yeah it is beautiful it's like a desert city right yeah so it's built in this fashion right so this is like made out of mud right we have to live in here that's why it feels like this right like it's too hot right now this is beautiful so this is how all the houses are here right this type of architecture very nice and then you have these beautiful like um I guess like this is how they close the house right that's right we have the door knockers just take a door knockers that are web taken by men and women separately each one got different sounds so I'm a man and I take this one so and oh wow the people inside could distinguish between the Texas look at this guys incredible the courtyard right Duncan Courtyard the beautiful pomegranate trees roses and a very beautiful glass server here and two Southwest trees on the top that are the similar eternity in old person culture okay so that was the courtyard really beautiful and then here is the restaurant and wow this is stunning store right there so this is called the hall it's a special room holding ceremonies festivals and special rituals okay beautiful nice yeah I mean I love it the ceilings are incredible lots of mirrors right on faster and the same class that she was very quite typical in culture in 19th century okay and we have different doors here and that's why we have for example the five door chambers that is very typical luxurious room in the sunny architecture look at this the mirror Hall amazing this house was built in the 18th century then 2000 they gave it over to the tourism organization and then private sector rebuilt it for a hotel right yeah and here we go we have our lunch well we're still missing the main dish but we have three different like appetizers and the salad right yeah so what are these three actually this one is garlic yogurt and so you've got mint on top and oh roses actual rose petals perfect so like they're all like shaved rose petals right same thing here same thing there this one has chives this one has cucumbers then here we have a salad with croutons cucumber tomato more chives and pomegranate sauce right exactly normally you put in your plate or you can have it once you have your food you can have the whole Bowl and then these we have like three drinks so they're all rose water drinks right and not all of them I think it's cucumber it's your Governor it is yeah so they gave me three for me this one too yeah this one guys look how beautiful it is it's like full of like Little Seeds yeah um you should mix it yeah mix it together oh this is amazing oh rose water you guys you have no idea look at all the seeds just floating around yeah that's good oh wow so refreshing so refreshing oh exactly what I wanted to say with the heat outside yeah um and you guys do a lot of rose petals in dishes yeah I've seen yeah wow this is incredible if you see saffron everywhere in the country in caution everything with roses you can't see that okay so how do we start season it's just getting finished it's finished yeah yeah so right now is like May 29th so season finishes like last week really right yeah it's only for one month only one month yeah so you have to come like eight late April exactly early so come in the beginning of May because April you have Ramadan so you don't want to be here for that time you want to be here this year was April though yeah yeah in Carson they use a third bread look it's almost like a cracker yeah so you dip it yeah put some rolls and mint oh wow it's amazing the rose and the mint together of course oh here it is here it is and that's the main dish right yeah it looks beautiful so what do we got here up which is beans and lamb it's really delicious we're gonna put it on chibi Polo which is still right it's really famous in cushion you must have Iran and we've got a shifter so Mark so we've got meatball and also a sauce which made them like stomach did you have so much yesterday we think about do you remember so Mac yeah yeah like a red powder twice yeah red powder yeah it's really famous in caution only you can find it in Kasha so Mr taster how do we start this you ready I'm ready I'm ready oh [Music] oh look at that incredible yeah okay that is phenomenal yeah just covered it just drowned it in this incredible stew and you you can't see it's a sticky you know yeah it's very sticky yeah and all lamb fresh lamb beans it's a slow cookies there and look at that wow look at that rice so we get some of the Lamb still rice and beans these are like Flavor sensation I've never had before my life as well oh my gosh the dill the lamb chunky beans amazing amazing yeah what is this let's go my man let's try this yeah let's go together look at that oh man the dill yeah I love the dill get some of this some meat oh yes you ready I love you guys put dill and rice so much flavor no oh man it is lamb it melts oh lover oh gosh I'm in love with this food you know what's crazy to me because I've had Persian food before yeah but nothing like impressions mmm look at that Crocs man the beans are very chunky yeah my dad's get a bunch this is beyond good and what do we have in front of us some meatballs so we're gonna try the lamb boss but he said you know what let's get another one let's put it on top right so we're gonna put it right on top of the rice oh man I don't know how you can eat this and that but you could try it right um you know what if you want more like that right yeah oh lamb you want some more all right [Music] it fell apart yeah oh man mangle right here look at this no success [Music] mmm no oh I love a scooter right here look at this big chunk of lamb I'm so happy it's the only meal I'm having today [Laughter] how crispy it is in the bottom crispy as well right wrong so there's two layers of crispiness we call it package it's upload down with our price too good so the one thing we haven't tried is this one right yeah it's a um it's got cucumber in it walnuts roses mint and raisins look look at that oh so beautiful the Roses I love that element to this nice and pinkish lots of roses here to the ultimate yogurt yeah [Music] The Taste of tatsuki yeah get walnuts it's an amazing mixture wow yeah and do you mix that with the rice at all or no you can put it like that this one how does it mix oh so now we got these beautiful little meatballs yeah so let's see how we do this wow so lamb balls on top of rice just throw the gravy on top yeah look at that mm-hmm okay yeah you ready ready would you like to try it let's go wow look at this it's for you it's for me yeah oh man it's sour isn't it I've never tasting meatballs like this really these lamb balls so soft like literally crumbles in your mouth the gray sour isn't it sour and it's mint right it's been in here it's mint in it and the sourness is coming from the smoke in sumac yeah I personally think this might be better than the last dish really yeah it's the gravy man yeah the grave is good and then we call it as well another name oh we're ready to go look at the mint right there get some of that break this ball up a little bit but how soft they are and I love the crispiness of the rice yeah that's a that's a thing you guys do here I've never seen this anywhere else in the world the crispy rice like that so tasty the crunch this is good it's great food all right engraving yeah nice and Rich wow we're definitely eating a lot right you're eating I mean I feel hungry I know I know [Music] Mr taster and I are really enjoying this one yes sir shifter so much you ready done let's go to see the Roses let's go it's nice so we're gonna go inside the store look at this beautiful guys look at all these antiques beautiful bowls you have a huge pottery look at these old phones super old it's like from the 1950s 1960s so 95 of the things here are antiques right yeah five percent are new so you have some old TVs thing it's the oldest oh that that Pottery right there that big vase yeah so that it's obviously to hold water right all this is to hold water and over here as you can see this is new right these cute little mirrors my daughters I think this would be cool and David do you want anything you know what now that he says it what about I I like this for my daughters over there over there okay Ceramics antique ceramics okay guys so we're buying this these beautiful ones for my daughter look at this love the colors so this is all done here right all done in this in the city yes beautiful so what's the price what does that say on it 150 000 Thomas or one million 500 000 days it's about five dollars five dollars okay okay so it's a deal thank you thank you merci merci beaucoup let's see Mercy goodbye thank you so much Mercy Mercy ciao ciao now you guys know when you come to the restaurant run you step outside you have this beautiful antique shop question that's the name of the shop antique shop beautiful spot buy yourself some gifts or for your kids for sure let's keep going let's go see how rose water is made so we've been driving for about uh 20 minutes that's about 30 minutes to get where we're going which are like houses right so this area as you can see once we exit the city there's lots of beautiful mountains super arid dry but really really gorgeous I mean look at this beautiful mountain range over here and as we're driving you're going to see a lot of Rose I guess vendors like rose uh guys selling roses right it rose water they're just like trying to stop the car right they're all making roses and Rose Water over there it's almost 15 minutes guys so we're entering the village now we're gonna be there in a few minutes can't wait I'm gonna drink like 10 gallons of rose water right now I'm gonna have um Rose perfume as well Rose perfume as well yeah oh no way so we're gonna keep some for David it's really expensive is it yeah I'm not sure if he said that the hospitality here in Persia is amazing too much I mean look at all the stuff we have up here we go let's go let's go rose water look at this the waterfall right there yeah oh my gosh it's a nice spring and what is all rose water right there so you're saying when it's seasoned you can't even walk in the street right walking the streets wow so all we have here are small vendors with uh fruit leather a fruit leather and Rose roses out of breath on the way up a few vendors with spices right here's what we came here for for the Roses oh it's gonna be so good that's cinnamon right there cinnamon roses dried lime all right let's go there's the house right here yeah it's the house right here Celebrity Status right here whoa whoa whoa all right I need to dive in there look at that look at the amount of roses yeah right here water I'll take my shoes off yeah I'll walk in with him yeah and I just clear a path this is amazing look at all the Roses look at that oh [Laughter] it's amazing you guys have no idea the Roman here whoa it's too much wow oh my gosh it was amazing this is like being at the beach just with roses instead of sand [Music] oh my gosh go to sleep here you're already dead all right oh yeah what a nice pillow I feel like I'm getting high off the fumes of the Roses [Music] it's a lot of roses right [Music] yeah [Laughter] it's too much it's like five pounds of roses on me oh mashallah it's amazing amazing amazing you got my my rose crown beautiful right beautiful oh it's amazing fresh rose water huh oh my gosh oh Mercy oh so refreshing oh come on right here I would choke like five gallons of this wow wow wow I'm in shock here oh my gosh amazing wow this is the best water on Earth right here and then we're gonna see a heart you know like that how is it it's like this yeah yeah it's like that with flowers Mr taster approved right here as you can see This Is How They distill the rose water so to put the Roses inside the vapor goes through into water and that's how you make rose water simple process but obviously a little complex right oh my gosh right here you can smell it the Roses has Pure Vapor from Rose and then it goes into the water and that's what we get what they're doing right over there the bottlinger right all right let's go Mr chaser wow so we're in the back of the village here huh this is somebody's house okay this is amazing going upstairs oh guys entering this house the amount of roses in here man this is unreal unreal oh wow roses in the shape of a heart love I love you it's amazing yeah that's for a try yes Ali right here is amazing so this is his shop he sells obviously rose water look at the Rose heart right here let's try it a minute you're here oh this is like perfume this is like almost like perfume it's good yes it's good it's nice it's nice it's very good put on the coffee on the tea oh yeah yeah give it some nice fragrance for something to eat so Mr taser and I already have our crowns so he's making this one for better very nice we all look good right good good good right there yeah at least the only one missing one I'll give mine okay this is for David we're gonna make rose water from this beautiful roses okay so we're going back downstairs let's go let's go to make rose water it takes a long time they started at 11 in the morning they're going to be done in around an hour so we're gonna go out see the waterfall see a few things come back and see them taking it out and then starting the process again so let's go through the waterfall follow me for me try this it's a big piece of cake it's a lot of cake it's like super sticky of course crumbly nutty yeah expensive we spent at least four hours a day in selfies what do we have here actually they call it four months it means mass is great but because yeah saffron I think Sesame and coconut so so it's four layers this is pistachio almond Rose and walnut so the mix is amazing you're gonna love it oh my gosh that's a big piece yeah oh wow oh my gosh it's really strong making it really Stronger Yeah Yeah I've never seen a cake with this many layers and this many mix of nuts whoa okay would you like I want to try but small piece that's a massive piece man oh man [Music] saffron so many nuts sticky so much sugar is so good it's so good so here we have another huge mix cake with nuts right this one looks delicious it looks so thick and dense oh my gosh so nutty oh my gosh look at this thing that's a mountain it's for me no give me a piece a piece of smart small piece small piece too much man too much oh oh make some nuts right so nutty sticky there has to be honey what's in this cake was amazing as you see we have lots of things all together here walnuts almonds pistachio black seeds Sesame and honey and dates just also foreign so good okay he's he's giving me another one I don't know what this is cardamom for sectors a lot softer oh wow delicious mashallah no oh my God [Music] bam okay Missy ciao ciao all right let's go let's go up to the Midway get closer views don't walk around it a kid almost slipped and fell very slippery there but it's beautiful it's huge I mean the breeze comes through right now the Sun is setting the best time it comes right now right yeah exactly very nice well my friend let's go see how the rose water is made that's good hey guys we're here can't wait to do this let's make some rose water so they're gonna open it up and they're gonna change the flowers okay guys so like every other distillation in the world they always have to seal it with like some mud right here they use I don't even looks like so like it makes a clay and grass right and then uh so he opens it up takes it apart they took out the rose water right now they're gonna open it actually it was it was with the with the flowers oh flowers they use the flowers that have been distilled to as the mud as a sealer they put they put like at 11 o'clock and it's finished so they're gonna change it they're gonna put new flowers in they're gonna take it out and what what they were taking out from here it was the flowers they got the rose water from it so it's finished wow is it rubbish now it's rubbish yeah yeah it's obvious it's still like like bubbling as you can see it's bubbling and that's the vapor coming out right still coming out oh yeah oh wow it's not so good good so yeah yeah it's my turn um all right oh it's heavy oh it's so heavy and the steam's still coming out oh look at this oh sorry sorry about that I messed up you made a mess just gotta get rid of some of that rose water right there it's okay it's good right yeah take this off oh okay done well done done really oh it's heavy it's heavy it's heavy [Music] wow okay let's do this oh oh my gosh oh guys look how much is in there oh so if they put water in it it's a normal rose water but if they put rose water instead of water then it's gonna be too artiche which is really a strong one really nice one now that he added the rose water he's gonna close it seal it and then it's another eight hour process amazing so once you cover it with a big brick he added the big pot in the water he closed it then he added the vapor you know the pipes right the two pipes and now he's gonna turn on the fire he then seals the pot and what he uses is now like a cream or like some mud right what he uses is roses that were just in here so once we took them out use the same ones to seal basically he reuses everything right very eco-friendly and that's the process now we wait like another eight ten hours and it's all done let's see you know this is the oil of rose water and they use it for perfume it's really expensive you can see it like that and they send it to France and it cost like 4 000 Euro to six thousand Euros per kilo per kilo oh my gosh oh it's Heaven yeah it's Heaven incredible and that's it guys right yeah we did it we did it finally wrote the mother what a great day so we had lunch traditional luncheon right and Rose Water in a traditional house in Clash Royale amazing guys you should definitely come out here only about a two hour drive from Tehran uh two and a half two and a half yeah quick easy and we can do as a day trip I suggest doing it on the way down to each round yeah all right guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did thumbs up comment below subscribe my channel for more awesome travel content we'll see the next one or no still okay tomorrow yeah okay okay we're going to the farm yeah I don't even know where I am thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] assalam everyone this is David Hoffman from David's been here coming here from Corvette right outside of kashan Iran today you'd see the rose gardens and to see how rose water is made in a factory I'm right here with my friend going straight to the gardens Mr taster is gonna meet us up right now he's in the bus behind us let's go love this amazing people here in Persia number one number one oh it's amazing oh what a beautiful day it's really hot here in kashan in the mornings nice breeze afternoon really really hot that's it right here we made it it's for me no way I guess because I'm bald he's like you have to hit this the scarf on your head oh yes it was good right looks good I don't understand what he's saying beautiful gorgeous oh amazing thank you so much thank you so much all right let's go see the rose yeah yeah here we go oh wow right here you have some of the Roses right beautiful oh incredible hello so these are the rose gardens right so big bushes get the Roses so right now they're picking them they're just picking them off yeah yeah if you are in the Rose Farms in Harvey it's it's almost out of season they're telling me that two days ago it was lots of flowers but it's the season is going to be finished really soon so when is season typically um like April May because right now is the last day of May so it's done right so by June no more flowers no more flowers in June it depends on the weather if it's cold then the flower is coming a bit uh you know later so yeah it's getting finished but um it's almost May so April May but four weeks only only four weeks only four weeks oh wow yeah uh this is the private garden and so it means that the owner can carry the flowers from here to the Factory The Factory is distilled Rose butter and after that they can get back the rose water and they can get it back home or they can sell to other shopkeepers or other people in kashan or in Islam nice do I look good yeah yeah you look good it's nice right here yeah little Rose wow oh the Roma it's like a fragrance it's hitting you like straight up perfume it's a whole area of like this side of the town like this yeah just Gardens if we go for Rabbi and the rawhip garden if 20 hectares is so big 20 hectares like this crazy and this is nothing right this is just a few this is very small very small very small just imagine 11 million trees 11 million trees wow but I mean in terms of like the the bush right yeah it's really just packed like in in the full season two days ago three days ago no way it's all man pink oh pink wow this is gorgeous we were lucky yeah I thought you're gonna miss it you thought I was gonna miss it because I phoned him they said there's no flowers anymore no way yeah so May 29th yeah or May 31 31st May 31st we made it we made it yeah he's saying that the sun is making my skin black it's really hot compared to caution it's much warmer yeah yeah during the day it's extremely hot we got here to kashan like I think like 1 p.m yesterday and it was boiling it was like 42 43 uh Celsius really really hot over 100 degrees Fahrenheit right now it's cool you know nine in the morning we actually got here a little late should have been here at seven in the morning but it's all good people are still picking the flowers beautiful oh look at this get a red one in here oh that's not that's not a rose foreign thank you Mercy Mercy amazing learn experience here I'll never forget this and never forget this in my life wow beautiful people hey Missy Missy let me see Mercy hey my friend Mercy all right let's go how made to the factory yeah let's go wow love it here this is truly beautiful man just incredible I'll never forget this man for an experience you know it's funny Just Roses but being here with the people yeah different things amazing we're gonna go with run it are we going in that car do we fit in this car what we're going inside inside okay yeah that's an experience right here it's very dusty all right guys let's get back on the bus we've got about a 10 minute drive back to the factory rose water can drink it all day oh it's like roses everywhere everywhere yeah everywhere incredible and what are these mountains here so many mountains it's just Hills or like yeah just Hills right beautiful no I know but it really changes the scenery right I love it whether it's hot during the day cold at night it's like a desert environment so what are we gonna do at this Factory see the process rose water yeah 500 kilo roses 500 kilo water wow and sometimes 500 kilo roses some sometimes 500 kilo Rose Waters oh okay so there's enough water so it's double double yeah that's gonna be great so these mountains are called the Zagros Mountain range from Western Iran all the way down to Southeast whoa [Music] [Music] oh yes it's amazing I love the Persian music man incredible okay we're going to the factory wow oh my gosh the rose the smell so we're doing a little backwards right this is the bottling side of the rose water Factory here you got the plastic bottles you get full of rose water as you can see right here and then it goes through the top and then at the very end it goes out and gets shipped but let's go to the beginning right let's see how they boil the water this is where it is still the rose water whoa look at that amount of roses I think it's a lot of roses oh my gosh this is amazing I've never seen this I've been in a lot of factories but never went like this it's very different this is incredible these are huge bats we saw a process yesterday at a house and that was Tiny these are monsters oh my gosh let me see I don't even see the taster guys look at this so many flowers so many roses but it's so hot right here there's steam coming out it's easily 100 degrees I'm about to like break sweats oh but the smell of the aroma flowers nothing like it [Music] oh let's do this too much amazing this is so cool okay one bag [Applause] I'm gonna do better this time I know I know your food is crazy this is awesome man okay so the bass you see behind me are closed they're gonna go for three hours and then the road water is done so it's 500 kilos of roses 500 kilos of water or rose water they do rose water when it comes even sweeter so now they started to boil we're gonna close the top and then let's go for three hours okay ready ready ready and the process continues and continues so over there we have 500 kilo bats these are one ton bats and they just keep going right so they keep adding flour you know roses they close same thing again and again and again until everything's done three hours later it all comes out and then they repeat that's it thing next we're gonna see the bottling one more time and then try the rose water can't wait it's gonna be amazing so many roses so many look at this I can't even do that he does all this all day long eight hours a day strong man hey Masala mashallah let's go let's go inside here and this is the main purpose yeah wow expensive really expensive this one's almost 6 000 Euros yeah oh we came back to the bottling okay so here's the labels this is where they put the labels on the bottles wow it's amazing man David it's 12 percent anymore would be better and bitter more delicious more delicious so 22 of rose right oh yes got it so we saw how they made rose water then they put it through the bottling process it bottles into plastic bottles then they label it from their packaging from there gets shipped out to all of Persia right to all of Iran exactly to divorce to the world yeah of course and this is bottle but they got very luxury packages as well okay you're gonna see that oh yeah I gotta try some man I'm gonna try at least one bottle give me a bottle yeah it's a little better cheers it's a little bitter yeah I think it needs some more right yeah yeah you know the thing you have is mixture with sugar with other stuff as well yeah it is pure yeah pure yeah yeah so yesterday I bought some at the house and it was the one we tried was a mix of three different things right like orange blossom Rose exactly and then something else right but have you even use it in some desert like show Lizard it's really good yeah you can use it everywhere I mean you eat rose and drink Rose all over again especially but in all Iran yeah all right we have one more thing to see here one more thing we're gonna try some very very special rose water guys what is this the Sultan's house this is like an oasis in the middle of the desert incredible oh wow I would jump in that pool and Rose Water more water all right let's try it oh oh wow wow wow huh oh my gosh it's incredible amazing so all you did was add sugar and water yeah and it's just like Sweet Rose Water yeah this is definitely pure hey my friend thank you so much thank you for bringing me thank you thank you oh nothing like this nothing like this place in the rose water Factory drinking rose water the Pierce you can get I never forget this wow oh wow what is that for me yeah no way it's with pure gold 24 Karat today for me yeah for you no way guys this is unreal don't eat too much gold no no this is amazing I'm gonna give this to my father my father deserves it the real gold is the rose water for us for sure wow natural rose water with and rawhip Robbie yeah that's the brand right so Robbie's the brand guys I hope you enjoyed this video seeing how rose water is produced here in Persia Iran so where are we right now we are in near kashan so we are going yesterday to this one straight to this one well guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did thumbs up comment below subscribe to my channel And subscribe to him [Applause] [Music] oh foreign [Music]
Channel: Davidsbeenhere
Views: 939,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davidsbeenhere, tehran, tehran iran, davidsbeenhere iran, iran, iranian food, persian food, tehran food, food in tehran, tehran travel, iran food, food in iran, travel tehran, tehran vlog, travel
Id: CE6ET8v9Dvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 18sec (13218 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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