[1184] ERA “Maximum Security” Padlock With Magnetic and Concentric Pins Picked and Gutted

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this is the lockpicking lawyer and what i have for you today is a high security padlock that i believe is only sold in the uk it's from era's professional lineup of locks and they gave it a very descriptive and generic sounding name it's the maximum security rectangular padlock and even though this appears to have been made in the same taiwanese factory that makes locks for at least a half dozen different brands this is anything but generic we have a sliding bolt design with a 90 millimeter wide hardened steel lock body and a well protected 11 millimeter molybdenum alloy shackle but what sets this lock apart is the core it's a dimple design with four pin and pin chambers and one pin that can only be set with a magnet like the small one you see embedded right here on the key it's a core that'll stop all but a very small group of very skilled and knowledgeable pickers though it's shy of what i would consider a truly elite lock so let's see what it takes to pick this open and then i'll take it apart to show you what's inside before we start i'm going to set aside a small magnet from the collection i keep just for locks like this you'll see how i use that in just a moment we're going to use a z bar as a turning tool and to pick the pin in pin chambers i'll be using this multi-pick flag okay nothing on two three four is binding click on the outer pin maybe a little something on the inner pin number five okay click out of five and both the inner and outer pins feel set pulling back a bit number four drop down i set that again number three is binding click there and on number two yup number two got a little bit of movement there going back to three click on the outer pin nothing on four nothing on five back to the beginning number two drop down again there we go two feel set click on the inner pin on number three it feels set so does four and five i think we may have all the pin in pin chamber set let's pick up this small magnet now and i'm going to place it exactly where the little magnet would be on the key release tension just a little bit and i believe we just set the magnetic pin you may have noticed i got a little bit more motion on the core that probably means we just have some inner driver pins left i just set one on two nothing on three and there we go one on four we appear to have gotten this open okay let's retrieve that small magnet out of the keyway and then we can take it apart so i can show you what's inside to disassemble this we need to remove an allen screw that is only accessible after the shackle is open now we need to remove this security nut doesn't seem to be coming out easily let's give it a little bit of a tap with a mallet there we go now we should be able to remove the security cover and the core to take the core apart we have two screws on the back let's actually lock this back up okay let's remove those screws now now all we should need to finish taking this apart is the key and a follower okay you can see our four pin in pin chambers and then on front is the magnetic pin you'll see if i pull the key out just a little bit that magnetic pin will pop up it's made out of steel so a magnet will pull it back down okay let's drop everything out here including this little slug of steel down in the bottom of the keyway i'm not entirely sure what that's for okay we dropped the magnetic pin out chamber one i'm sorry two three four and five let's separate the inner and outer pins now now let's get the driver pins there shouldn't be anything on slot one oh i see what we have there's just this is not really a driver pin it's just something with a hole on it into which that magnetic pin will fit okay we have an interesting arrangement for the pins it looks like the inner and outer pins have separate springs i'll probably take them apart a little bit differently on the others here's the outer pin and where's the inner pin not sure where that inner pin went it falled there we go outer pin and inner pen okay nothing else unusual about this if we look at the core we can see there are a couple of anti-drill pins here and here that's addition in addition to the drill protection you see in the form of this hardened steel spinner okay folks let me give you a little close-up of everything here now i don't want to give you the wrong impression about this lock it didn't take too long for me to get in but as i said before it's going to be a very different story even with a lot of experienced pickers to put it differently this is a lock that i would consider using in any case that's all i have for you today on this era maximum security rectangular padlock if you do have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 1,356,990
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Id: miVxAoav6cU
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Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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