70s Classic TV Bloopers and Goofs

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let's go back and time to relive the good old days of classic television in the 1970s with wonderful bloopers and Goofs that'll bring back all your memories of the 7s action comedy and even Saturday morning fun have some laughs when actors flood their lines and look at Goose that made it into the actual shows that sometimes reveal what was going on behind the scenes some of which we only now see thanks to bigger and better TV set screens are you ready to get started oh that never hurts to ask let's head back to the 1970s not now hey in the 1970s nobody was cooler than the fonds in the happy dayss game even though they technically lived in the ' 50s and the 60s Bo anyway oh golly g f well I only said one golly G he tried to send Elaine home now I did it again it's I okay here we go take it to the same place I get so confused with so many hi Mom hi Dad oh golly gon I only said one golly G hey he tried to send El Lane home that's not the F she's not play guessing games while chewing you remember the girl with a motorcycle all dressed in pink pinky put pinky [Music] [Applause] P oh golly G I only said one goly g no Joanie go upstairs and study or you can forget about Friday night and Jenny pickos I'm a lawn right so I just take a a friend of the shiv so let's get him shiple Hoy I tell you if I knew I was going to say well don't worry they'll do better next year are you kidding last year wait hold it what is the m window featuring in my window rather featuring all the uh the uh whatever the heck it is say pick up hey Richard the F she [Applause] not in my straw isn't that wonderful you do that again wait till Ronnie gets all the way in a little get I hope you folks don't have any plans until later this even L every keep your fingers crossed and AC oh this is it okay ready action must never I failed watch out take back hey Richie the F did not play guessing games while chewing Richie Richie would be right if he knew the next how they could play at the annual leopard Lodge ho do B just not play ging [Applause] G we got that L fine pull them down that look look I'll take it right back as a matter of fact I'm putting these gloves on backwards we got this one ready and action hey Richard the F do not play guessing games hey Richard the F do not play guessing games we were just discussing how great you all say oh thank you very much we wouldn't have a group without Joanie oh you'll be so sucessful do you have a wedding how about early tomorrow morning first thing I'll be there at 6: a.m. n don't don't show how you fo let's start over we had a cave in can you get us out almost immediately don't move for some strange reason in this episode from the new Scooby-Doo movies from the 1970s Fred seems to be disappearing and this actually made it to the Final Cut do you remember the 70s Saturday morning superhero car wonderbug sometimes during the flying scenes the gang would turn into dolls of course this weird issue wasn't for Saturday mornings alone even Wonder Woman would turn into a doll sometimes when she was in the invisible plane help in the episode snapped a man is robbed in it's up the Wonder buug and the Gang to get the crook but to me the goof here is the surprisingly slow speed that the crook is running I mean if you're going to be a crook or shouldn't you be able to run fast enough to get away I don't know maybe this guy was a smoker stop it with the super slippery sliding stop well I guess the lesson was that crime doesn't pay especially if you're a slow Runner in this scene where Wonder bug catches the crooks with his seat belts I'm pretty sure the bad guys actually clamp the seat belts together themselves well this is how they usually spell schlep in this pick from the intro it looks like they left out to see I wonder maybe they just couldn't make up their mind quite how to spell it Monster Squad aired Saturday mornings on NBC from September 11th 1976 to September 3rd 1977 Monster Squad featured a sort of comedic superhero team of monsters that do good deeds and fight bad guys in order to make up for the misdeeds of their past the monster Heroes included Dracula Wolfman and the Frankenstein's monster according to the show Walt criminology student who was also a night Watchman at a wax museum built a crime computer that somehow brought to life wax statues of the legendary monsters in the show The Monsters all seem to have the memories of the real monsters which lead you to believe that somehow they are the real deal that's been brought back to life now The Wolf Man called The Werewolf in the intro that also I have a gun that won't stop me with silver bullets that will stop me went by the name of Bruce W wolf he was played by Buck calion most likely due to copyright reasons they may have not realized at the beginning of production the wolf man's name on his plaque changed several times it went from wolf man is one word to wolf man is two words and also is just werewolf the really strange thing is though is how that within the same introduction scene the titles of the monsters change from being painted onto their pedestals to being posted signs come on you guys work time oh and also likely due to copyright reasons Frankenstein's bolts were on top of his head instead of in neck unfortunately the president is in town and we'll have to take a quick news [Music] break that presid aun man to do that look he's the ultimate politician though he's got his hand off wants to you know there's something familiar about this well they say time repeats [Music] itself the episode bitter herbs has a lot of great special effects for a Saturday morning show in the 70s and it has a few misses and a few a few goose while this scene of Captain Marvel looks cool there's something about it that just doesn't seem right like it's breaking all the laws of nature I mean shouldn't he be picking up the truck from the middle not the end like that and this part of the scene makes me feel like Captain Mar just went into the Land of the Lost now did you catch the Goof in this shot so in this shot of course Cat Marvel is supposed to still be lifting the truck you noticed that one of his hands is actually empty yes I know what you're thinking that perhaps in the 70s with the curvature of the screen of a television set back then may not have been able to see this don't know very possible but definitely see it now you know it kind of looks like cat Marvel's praying for rain or something doesn't it I don't think so everybody loves the challenge of the Super Friends I mean that's one of my favorites but in the episode rest in peace we're supposed to believe that Batman has been killed by the Legion of Doom later in this episode The Super Friends take refuge at a heavily guarded Marine base where Batman is shown standing with the others even though we the viewers are supposed to believe Batman's dead at this point at least until the big reveal at the end we destroyed you all no you didn't Lor at one point Superman is thought to be killed and his body is brought to the Marine base where a Hawkman loses his pants and Green Lantern is seen without his shirt on holy cow what is going on here this is a Saturday Morning Show and wait why is it that half the Super Friends don't wear pants anyway the delion of Doom robbed them of half their clothing but even Brainiac knows he needs some jeans or pants or something I just want some pants a decent bear of bands Ros to 30,000 legga cycles and triang that's Black Vulcan he's lost his sleeves from one scene to the next I think Superman's trying to help him find them I've scanned millions of square miles and haven't found a thing if you thought the Super Friends Goose were mindboggling you want to check out the the goose that happened when Batman teamed up with Scooby-Doo see [Music] anything there were two Batman meet Scooby-Doo episodes created for the 70 series The New Scooby-Doo movies for some reason in both episodes Batman's neck is exposed in a way that Batman never has been seen before or after that I know of but in one scene they actually got it right and colored in Batman's neck and then sometimes they forgot Robin's insignia amazing batman absolutely mindboggling there must be an explanation in one scene the Mr machine's name is backwards Batman's gloves disappear and reappear a second [Music] later he's not in the next aisle see anything at this point you have to wonder if they are messing with us or if this is some sort of test I'm just not sure those devious devils it's like how many things can you spot that are wrong in this one picture see anything I mean first of all Batman has no glove which I mean I can see they maybe forgot to draw the glove but then he's got this ring on his finger which makes no sense of course he has no Batman Insignia as well amazing batman absolutely mindboggling there must be an explanation Robin this could be a case of group hypnosis next we have a mystery that's almost as bad as the time that the Super Friends lost Aquaman in the Hall of Justice Shaggy Scooby-Doo where are you where do you think they could have gone who knows I think I just solved this mystery there's Shaggy and Scooby must be in the back red Stephie FMA wait up I don't know about you but my mind is blown there's something fishy about this precisely Robin this isn't the only time they've done this Velma disappeared I'm going to disappear too back here we've got to find that girl come on spread out let's find her come on spread out let's find her I sure hope they can find VMA you know these are some detectives and mystery solvers Batman can't even keep track of his pants and when those poor deluded villains arrive they'll find a reception committee waiting for them us well I know I'd definitely run the other way if I saw those two coming here it [Music] goes didn't the penguin just throw his umbrella into the Batman balloon uhoh overpowering my muscles I can't seem to control them in the episode Super Friends versus Super Friends Aquaman has been captured or has he it's been over an hour and there's no sign of Aquaman or the diving bell it's been over an hour and there's no sign of Aquaman or the diving bell the signal ring locator should spot him anywhere on Earth he's right there for crying out loud holy radar screens there's no sign of it seriously he he's right there Aquaman's ring is either malfunctioning or something is trapping its beam how could you not see him we'll split up and search he was standing right next to you you two stay here if you receive any message from Aquaman contact us immediately of course they did find Aquaman later but they lost Batman's original trunks somehow and Batman got so upset by it that he gained weight and his logo turned into some sort of Ink Spot and that's not the last time Batman's logo got out of whack just taken over the SP oil reserves in Saudi Arabia we've got to try to stop him come on what in blazing Kryptonite is happening here wait a minute I can't go in there peace TSH come on I'm just a Corporal you think that let hit well you could do better than that what he coming to you I don't know what I'm going to say the Trashy Substances Act sir really Burns some men forget their lines now what got this man walking into the stream 7 miles down the road Colonel I would have made a made I'll be back okay does when you consider that each one of them had a specific well it does when you consider that each one of them had a specific talent to contribute to a major keep going well it does well it does when you consider that each one of them had a specific talent to contribute to a major thank you Mr Spicer you know you could lose your license for this plus a little dangerously huh but Bill who' you have the most fun with no doubt about it one one lady a wonderful actress by the name of Jessica Walter I couldn't look at it but what she'd fall down she doing right right all right then we should have a phony run with your Mooney C then we should have a phony run with your motor car then we should have a phony run with your money car if I stay I go up for life what's the attraction I'll tell you what the attraction is uh what is the attraction why did you say that I don't know why I say that why do I say that how Works does the father resign or is the quid just kit quid just kit now this is a stunt where the actor should have taken a fall but he forgot he's already got parents I didn't to say there wouldn't be problems but Jim his parents are def the Jim his parents are desperately trying to find him they camped out at the police station right now the cops just call me and ask if it's any of us does this look like a woman out of shape to you H put it down your right to my right there and AC I'm sorry you had to see this too what happened we failed the moer he said sh in the episode the Martians are coming the Martians are coming uh no not that Martian but that would have been totally awesome the Goof comes when Jamie Summers is being chased by UFO as it gets closer and closer it gets a little too close and it gets ahead of her but really it's supposed to still be behind her it's kind of weird keep in mind this thing is actually a helicopter that's in Disguise as a UFO of course if it actually got in front of her it'd be much larger on the screen well then she picks up a rock and throws it at it at first it looks normal notice as The Rock turns in the air like a rock would if you actually threw it in the air then right before it hits the UFO slh helicopter it just looks like a picture of a rock that's moving across the screen not rotating or anything like a rock would normally do in the third season episode deadly music the bonic woman has a underwater adventure and look over here I found one of the markers I'll go get the steel rods I hate to say it but I don't think it's humanly possible to talk that clear underwater with a tube in your mouth I think it'd have to be a full face mask in order for them to be able to communicate as effectively as they are in this situation Campell we read you loud and clear a little later in the episode jimie gets attacked by a shark but how did the yellow rope get on the shark's tail like that it wasn't on there a second ago while the bonic woman never dealt with time travel per se in this scene from the episode long live the king there seems to be some kind of wonky time Jump involving Oscar notice he's putting his gun into his holster in this part of the scene then he walks over to Jamie and for some reason he's putting his gun in into his holster again as if he had never done it the second season episode The Night Demon has a sort of a Scooby-Doo Vibe going on as Jamie discovers an empty monster costume she later wears herself to scare the same Crooks that were using it before in earlier scenes keep in mind Jamie herself wears this costume later so we know it's empty right now or it's supposed to be but if you look carefully you can see the creatur's eyes are actually moving now that's spooky somebody's playing games in the episode Jamie Shield the bonic woman is in pursuit of criminal types when the police calls her to wreck the truck she's driving the weird thing is the truck is on fire and there's a dude standing behind the truck like it's no big deal see him on the very right in sort of a blue his shirt I sure hope he got out of there now let's go back a little farther to the six men R man bonic woman part two episode and this one you'll notice that the six-man R man and bonic woman are jumping over a fence but there's a ladder over to the left a your left which they use to jump over with and that's according to commentary from Kenneth Johnson the writer of this episode in the episode welcome home Jamie the bonic woman tears a phone book in two in order to scare her class in the behavior I'm honestly never thought of this as a kid but I don't really think it would be possible considering Jamie only has one super strong Bic arm now Superman I could believe as you'll recall George Reeves did this trick years before in the 1950s the bonic woman in the six-man our man may have also borrowed another trick and that is reversing the film from a leap down to make it appear the hero is leaping up to Greater Heights on this trick they give Lindsay a can lid covered over with tinfoil to enable her to cut it with her thumbnail sure I know you probably wouldn't have noticed this on an old TV but it's interesting at least to figure out how they did things in that same episode when Steve and Jamie are on the phone you hear the sound of them hanging up but neither one of them has yet goodbye [Music] goodbye now watch what happens to the S pul when Jamie pulls it out of the ground and uses it as a weapon it seems to change constantly the sign on the pole disappears and then it comes back [Music] again in the episode Jim's mother Oscar seems to be a bit confused hello Jamie I've been trying to reach you where are you now Oscar shouldn't you know where she's at since you're the one that called her I'm here to make a point I feel wet and miserable what your baby feels and wet diapers but here's driving no no oh no you don't I'm here to make a point I'm sitting in myself to remind you that sitting around in wet pants feels miserable and that's how your baby feels in wet diapers miserable his pants get wet again and again and then he has to sit around in them but now there's new ring he did this for 3 days I'm here to catch theonia the six-man arm man was one of the greatest shows of all time and one of my favorites growing up but even a perfect show has its technical Goofs small they may be sometimes they're actually kind of funny when you think about them you take this first goof Steve Austin has just been in plane crash in the desert his eyes have been temporarily blinded even his bonic guy in this scene Austin is asking a passenger if he's seen any air rescue of course the script says no at this point it's too early in the show for a rescue but yet if you look really carefully you'll notice the cinder either needs glasses or this is a goof because thanks to high def video we can see a plane flying in the background at the exact moment the senator claims there are no planes in the air any sign of air rescue no at least not yet well you want to give it to me straight in the episode active piracy Steve Austin jumps into the water clearly wearing green socks but in the water it appears he's wearing flippers now where in the world he get those but then when he gets out of the water he's completely Barefoot okay he could have took his socks off in the water I get that but still in the same episode the bad guys take off in a boat and there's only four of them but just a few seconds later they get another passenger from somewhere I don't know where in the episode Stranger in broken Fork Steve Austin jumps from a moving truck but who lands is definitely a stunt man and definitely not Lee Majors even though he played a stuntman in his next series to fogy in the season 3 episode The Return of De bonic woman part two Steve has nothing with him when he first starts running towards the bad guys compound where the bonic woman is already yet as he gets near to plant suddenly he's wearing a sideb and his shoes have changed from dark to White I wonder if it had anything to do with the tendency back then to reuse stock footage I mean I know they used to have stars wear the same clothing over and over again so they could reuse old shots think of Bonanza or Gilligan Allen in season 3's the deadly test there's this really cool scene where the six-man arm man throws a rocket at a van with a bad guy in it but if you look really closely you can see that the rocket is actually on a visible wire as it heads towards the van before it explodes and season 3 is the secret of big fit part one if you look really closely you can see crew members hanging out on the side now on this scene this is where the six-man our man is chased Bigfoot he's went into the mountain he passes out and the aliens are Wheeling him in in his gurny just keep a close eye on the gurnie on the reflections and you'll see the crew members staring back at you in season 4's death probe part one the probe attacks a farmer the farmer shoots at the probe and then does what people always do in old movies when they run out of bullets they throw the gun at the monster or Superman or whoever it is instead of reloading it uh the probe grabs the shotgun and then starts to turn it it's then we see what looks to be a gloved hand helping the probe's arm turn look at the bottom right and we'll slow it down so you can see it a little bit clearer see if you can spot this goof from season 4's episode Danny's Inferno Austin jumps off a tall building that is under construction with a teenager on his back CU he's in a big hurry to get away from the badass and stop a bomb from blowing up a [Music] dam did you spot the goo let's slow it down just a little bit more notice that the kid's legs on Austin's back have shrunk dramatically it's obvious that the kid has turned into a dummy you know the stuffed plastic kind there's lots more classic TV goof to come now here's Lindsay Wagner with a lapse of bionic memory right I'll hold I just talked with Colonel Austin and we demand that you give us a chance to save Kur Oscar this happens to be a security matter Miss Summers now don't cause another problem problem Kakao kak you know I've been practicing those those exercises that that that you gave me and and made me feel a lot more relaxed when come in touch with myself uh uh they it's nice that was no accident and neither is this it's all part of his plan to make some kind of a Ron real on the Wonder Woman episode screaming javelins which guest stars Rick Springfield and Henry Gibson as the villain Gibson is seen skydiving at the very beginning of the episode beautiful as ever what was it General MC said did you notice anything off I have returned have you noticed anything different now my old friend Diana Prince we see what they did is they mixed in footage of someone really skydiving and the studio shot of Gibson but they they forgot to give him a mask like the skydiver was wearing in the real footage looks like Gibson is taking his mask off and on to give his diabolical monologue what was it General M said now on the original Wonder Woman Goose video that I've done I posted this already but I forgot one really important thing to mention and that's that Gibson wasn't wearing a parachute I was worrying about the mask and forgot all about the fact that he didn't have a parachute on now that's a goof now I bet you're wondering what in the world could have been wrong with this transformation scene from the same episode wellever now again when Diana Prince does her transformation into Wonder Woman things in the background appear and then they [Music] disappear in this case it was the trash can kind of makes you wonder if her transformation somehow destroys things that are in the [Music] vicinity I don't really think of this as a goof it's just something interesting that I read when Wonder Woman leaps up through a window several stories up there's a mattress there for it to land on I mention it's not because it's what I call a mistake it's not really noticeable but it's interesting to see how they did things back then you know in case you want to LEAP up several stories in the air through a window you really should consider having a mattress on the floor to soften your [Music] [Music] Landing once in the building one woman throws two bad guys down the hall well one is a bad woman but still the point is they both go flying and land out of our view but just for a second you can see the mattress they land on stick out in into view you know being a stunt man would have been fun back then except for the jumping off tall buildings I wouldn't like that but that that would have been a little too much for me but the play fighting and landing on mattresses and stuff that would have been that would have been a lot of fun now check this out if you keep your eye on the shadow when the guy is thrown across the hall and lands you can see the shadow of the mattress give in he's landing on it's pretty cool arrange for full cooperation from British intelligence goodbye next in the episode knockout Diana Prince changes clothes before she turns into Wonder Woman without actually changing clothes notice when Linda Carter's stunt double jumps out of the car she's wearing a purple dress but when they show Diana Prince transform into Wonder Woman she's wearing blue jeans I guess they hoped we wouldn't notice up yours well that wasn't very nice the incredible hul starring Bill Bixby when it crash through the door your left arm go it's half healed I know it's one of the characteristics of a metamorphosis of my metamorphosis I've seen other Metamorphoses saw I turned into a banana once now Bill Bixby was such a great actor but in this next scene he's supposed to be really serious but he fubs up one word one word and it messes up everything stop it Jack is a good man he's also an egg beater that makes him very [Music] dangerous okay in the episode life and death in this scene we see the Hulk jumping down An Elevator Shaft according to my research this is a stuntman inste lerno but that's not the reason I think this could be considered a goof or a blooper it's just the way he's jumping down the Elevator Shaft it's almost like he's disco dancing the Boogie wogie or something in a second TV movie The Incredible Hulk faces is a bear unfortunately he loses half of his skin or his skin color onto the bear I bet you didn't know that the Incredible Hulk sometimes wears green tights in order to keep his feet [Music] warm in the first season episode Terror and Time Square if you look closely you'll notice that L fno is wearing green sneakers which of course you can't blame him from wearing shoes while running down the dirty streets of 1970s New York now the only really big goof I can't forgive of this episode is the fact they missed a golden opportunity to have the Hulk meet Spider-Man who was at least supposed to be in New York City on screen in actuality they filmed most of that Series in LA but still it fit the Hulk's location in the story and could have been the very first major Marvel Superhero team up on screen this scen from this episode episod safety wires are visible as the Hulk pulls up two puny humans in a pilot episode The Hulk attempts to save a little girl from drowning who clearly is actually a grown stunt woman being a big Cobra Kai Rocky fan I couldn't pass this one up even if it is a little bit small in the first season episode final round the great Martin Cove guest stars you know him as the big bad guy from the Cobra CA Series in the crow of kid movies John cre of all things Cove plays a boxer named Rocky not to be confused with stallon Rocky by the way Cove also starred with Stallone in the second Rambo movie now the Goof occurs when Rocky is thrown against what is supposed to be a brick wall that gives in like you know a wall built for a stage the really interesting thing about this episode of course is that sto Cove actually plays a good guy huh I guess I'll just leave that in it's a a blooper on a video about bloopers yeah thank you Victor $25 what are you going to do go for [Applause] it low cost just go I guess we'll go back to doing what I do best I guess we'll go back to doing what I do best show off when do we get started when do we get started that's my line when do we get started that's my line you say whenever whenever you like whenever you like I keep good stuff yeah I like this I'm ready I'm ready I swear to God I'm ready we're off like every other kid that grew up in the 70s and 80s the Dukes of Hazard was one of my favorite shows okay in the very first episode Coter steals a police car and he's being chased by the Dukes but as he drives by it is a police officer in the car and you can tell by the star that's on his shoulder and they didn't really reveal the fact that it was cter until cter wrecks the car this next scene could have been meant for a new Twilight Zone Revival because either the Dukes drove so fast they went back in time and passed themselves or they went into a parallel Dimension or maybe the crew just left an extra General Lee lying around in the second season episode The Ghost of General Lee Rosco thanks to Duke's drowned along with the general so the Dukes pretend to be ghost and RAM Rosco's patrol [Music] car now noce the general looks to have sustained some damage even to the point of the hood popping open but then in the next scene the general pulls away without a scratch of course I've always suspected the general was able to heal [Music] itself of course we know that in real life every time the general jumped the Dodge Charger that played the general was dead even though as far as we saw the Dukes just drove on like nothing ever happened and you wonder why 69 Dodge Chargers are so hard to find these [Music] days [Music] the next explosive goof occurs on the episode The Runaway and this is the episode where the Duke boys run Daisy's Road Runner right off a cliff and you know I always like that car better than the Jeep now as you can see the Dukes are clearly alone in the car which looks to be in the studio oh before I continue on this one quite a few of you all pointed out the last time I posted this on the Duke's Goose video that it looks like someone left the drinking cup on Daisy's Hood towards the far right on the bottom so I guess we should believe the Dukes were really driving real real slow or they super glued that cup to the hood now I always wondered why did they ever sh shoot those outdoor scenes indoors on these TV shows well anyways just as the Duke boys jump out of the vehicle suddenly a mysterious figure pops out of nowhere I sure hope he was a stunt man and knew what he was doing cuz you know that car just goes right off the cliff and into a big fiery explosion this next scene is what I would call sort of a narrative goof I guess because it just doesn't make sense okay so Spider-Man climbs down the building to save this guy who's about to fall out the window and instead of pushing the guy back inside the building through the window for some reason he grabs the guy and climbs back up to the top of building and sets the dude on top of the building which kind of doesn't I mean it really doesn't make sense I mean why would you do that unless it just looked better on film they thought by the second episode Spider-Man starts wearing his utility belt and his web shooters on the outside for some reason I don't know why but but he does I actually liked it better on the pilot when he had the more traditional looking uh Spider-Man costume but it's kind of interesting because there's a lot of times when he's walking across the roof when he'll have his utility Bel on or have the web shooter on you can clearly see it and then off a sudden it's gone because they used the the clip from the pilot and it's back on again as I said their practical effects were really great back then but some some things like I guess green screens weren't so great like you take this scene here where Spider-Man jumps out the helicopter it looks good especially when they're showing an actual stunt man and stuff but this one part where he looks like he's just sort of I don't know laying flat on the table it's evidently a green screen effect it really kind of stands out this next series was in itself a goof the whole thing come on Rob to the B Legends of the superheroes could have been fine as a Saturday Morning series I mean as a kid I thought it was super neat but as a potential Prime Time series it was the cheapest thing ever broadcast maybe it was intended as a couple of specials I guess I I don't know I I'm not sure but I do know Adam West regretted being involved for Nostalgia purposes it's fun but boy is it Goofy the only thing it really has going for it is Adam West and Bert Ward they didn't even get the original Captain Marvel from the Shazam series either one of them they did get Frank Goran as the Riddler which was cool but boy was this show cheap looking the Saturday morning Shazam series was way ahead of it in quality and this was Prime Time thank you so much for watching this video please subscribe if you haven't already hit the bell for future notifications uh like comment let me know what you thought about the video what can I do to make videos better in the future y'all have a great day
Channel: Tvcrazyman
Views: 987,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8Vfplw1zM_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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