25 Stars In Hollywood Who Were Drunk All The Time

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behind the glitz and glamour of Hollywood's golden ARA lies a darker often unspoken reality many of Hollywood's most iconic figures battled silently with alcohol addiction while some managed to keep their careers on track others saw their lives and careers fall apart due to their drinking some even cause scandals by being blatantly drunk on set so without further Ado here are the 25 worst alcoholics in Hollywood history one Frank Sinatra aside from being one of the most iconic singers of his generation Frank Sinatra is also pretty well known because of his crazy alcohol addiction yep you heard that right in fact sources revealed that he prefers Jack Daniels any time of the day but wait there's more because he is very specific when it comes to the way he wants his drink to be made his signature concoction consisted of four ice cubes two fingers of Jack and a splash of water in the classic rocks glass rumor has it that he would even drink an entire bottle of Jack Daniels daily much to the astonishment of his doctor Sinatra's life was a Perpetual spectacle embodied in the classic films he was part of however things take a drastic turn whenever he gets drunk and sources revealed that his temperament could change dramatically leading to clashes with journalists or other cast members there was even a time when his ex-wife reportedly hid herself in their room after witnessing him drink Jin which indicated a turn toward aggressiveness if you're wondering how terrible his booze addiction is let's just say he his close friends and a few Hollywood Elites have jokingly called themselves the American Olympic drinking Squad Sinatra died in 1998 at the age of 82 leaving a legacy that was inextricably linked to his love of booze he was put to rest with a bottle of Jack Daniels in his casket A fitting homage to his long-standing affection with the Beloved whiskey two Richard Burton can you believe that during the height of his drunkenness in the 1970s Burton consumed two to three bottles of vodka every day as a result he developed a terrible reputation in the Golden Age of Hollywood for his openly excessive drinking with little regard for Public Image in fact he once shamelessly assured a director that he would refrain from drinking on their project only to clarify that this meant restricting himself to one bottle of vodka per day Burton even claimed that he considered himself sober after drinking two bottles and we all know it was anything but becoming sober right despite his personal troubles Burton gave an outstanding performance in the 1966 picture who's Afraid of Virginia wolf his outstanding performance won him an Oscar nomination but his drinking continued to torment him this was evident during the making of the clansmen when he had to film several sequences while seated or lying down owing to his poor balance following the conclusion of filming Burton bravely checked himself self into a lockdown Recovery Center to tackle his addiction during a turbulent divorce from Elizabeth Taylor he eventually dedicated to sobriety nevertheless the toll of his years of heavy drinking had already taken its toll and Burton died of liver ceros and renal failure in 1984 three Joan Crawford after marrying the CEO of PepsiCo Joan Crawford was appointed as the company's official Ambassador leveraging her celebrity status for business advantage and you'll be surprised at the perks that came with being the ambassador of one of the biggest soda companies back then and of course Crawford made sure to take advantage of that as Pepsi's Ambassador she went on global tours during these tours the actress had very specific beverage requests at each stop which included two five of Schoff one five of old Forester Bourbon One five of scotch one five of beef eater Jin two bottles of champagne and naturally a case of Pepsi but I think we can all agree that she would barely take a sip from her Pepsi and preferred to indulge in her alcohol of choice four Leonard nemoy nemoy was best known as Mr Spock but behind his beloved character he struggled with alcohol addiction while filming the legendary Star Trek series even nemoy admits that he used alcohol to cope with the difficult and long days on production on the other side William Shatner Nemo's co-star remarked that Nemo used alcohol as a shield against the enormous expectations of Fame and what began as one drink grew into a pattern of addiction driven by his proclivity for Addictive Behavior luckily nemoy decided it was time to get treatment and undergo Rehabilitation to address his alcoholism right after the filming for for Star Trek was done however this was proven a failure despite his efforts to conquer this problem nemoy eventually succumbed to another habit smoking this eventually took his life at the age of 83 his reputation as Mr Spock lives on but his personal challenges serve as a sobering reminder of the real hardships that underpin the great characters we adore five Elizabeth Taylor Elizabeth Taylor was famous for her beauty and Brilliance during the Hollywood Golden Age despite her success she struggled with drinking and opioid addiction for many years in 1983 she made news as the first celebrity to willingly seek treatment at the Betty Ford Center Betty Ford the wife of then US President Gerald Ford created this Rehabilitation Institution it was founded to assist those battling with addiction inspired by Betty Ford's own recovery path Taylor's Brave choice to address her addiction not only represented a watershed moment in her own life but also had a tremendous influence on countless others who were secretly struggling with similar issues she helped to destigmatize addiction and shed light on the route to recovery by publicly admitting her struggles and seeking treatment Taylor now free of addiction acquired a new purpose Beyond AC ing lobbying for AIDS awareness prevention and research with her Newfound platform she used her celebrity and influence to promote awareness and funds for research and treatment initiatives in this sense Elizabeth Taylor's path from addiction to activism represents a journey from Darkness to light encouraging millions of Americans to seek assistance and providing hope to those in need six Carrie Grant Carrie Grant famed for his Suave onscreen manner struggled with alcoholism in the 1950s and sought therapy to conquer it however his path to recovery took an unexpected turn when his doctor recommended LSD a then new medication Grant found consolation and Enlightenment in LSD induced psychedelic experiences and embraced the wonderful adventures they provided he even introduced it to some of his friends including Judy balabin the daughter of Paramount's president who said I figured if it was good enough for Carrie Grant it was good enough for me it is estimated that Grant received approximately 100 sessions of therapy as part of his treatment although unusual this technique changed his view on life and increased his overall satisfaction Grant lived a peaceful life until his death at the age of 82 creating a legacy that went beyond the Silver Screen to Encompass his personal Triumph Against Addiction seven Oliver Reed Oliver Reed had a fascinating presence in cinema and enthralled viewers with with his portrayals of many Infamous villains aside from that he was known for his beautiful blue eyes and facial scars which he obtained after a bar brawl while inebriated furthermore The Spectator cannot ignore his great acting talents which were sadly obscured by his alcoholism Reed Rose to prominence for his roles in the Three Musketeers Trilogy Oliver Twist Treasure Island and Gladiator among 120 other films unfortunately he died after finishing his work on Gladiator as a result of a drinking competition with royal Navy men at a Malta Tavern before all this he was Hollywood's most sought-after actor even Ridley Scott personally chose Reed for the legendary part of proximo and Gladiator but only on the condition that he abstained from alcohol during filming however he got into a fight that will completely change his life Reed needed 63 stitches for it because of the permanent scar it created he thought his cinematic career had ended but it wasn't so he went out on his own and did what he liked best being the life of the party Reed attended a pub one evening before finishing filming his last film Gladiator and drank eight bottles of beer three bottles of rum and many shots of whiskey unfortunately he suffered a heart attack and died shortly afterward what's surprising is that when asked to reflect on his exciting life Reed regularly cited a single regret not having emptied every Pub's Beverages and not having slept with every woman in the world world eight Michael Landon Michael Landon well known for his classic roles in Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie epitomized the wholesome respected character on television for decades however underneath the facade lay a fight with alcohol and vum addiction casting a Paul over his Flawless image while his co-workers were aware of his drinking habits to some level they were unaware of how much he consumed while on location Landon would secretly mix whiskey into his coffee and vodka into other beverages flawlessly integrating his addiction into his everyday routine even when filming was completed he would continue to indulge at the neighborhood Pub drinking as if there was no tomorrow Melissa Gilbert who portrayed his onscreen daughter in Little House on the Prairie reflected on her childhood and said that she was ignorant of Landon's hidden vodka sipping from his coffee mug she remarked I'm sure he's one reason why I almost always picked men who smelled like Al alol in addition to his alcohol and painkiller addiction Landon smoked an astonishing four packs of unfiltered cigarettes per day most likely contributing to the onset of pancreatic cancer which eventually claimed his life at the young age of 54 nine Dean Martin Dean Martin was the definition of cool and his appearance LED everyone to assume he was a heavy drinker he once stated I feel sorry for people who don't drink because when they wake up in the morning that's as good as they're going to feel all day as a result much of Martin's onstage character centered on the notion of a cheerful genial Drinker however his daughter and close friends have claimed that it was all a performance with Martin frequently drinking nothing but apple juice from his glass it turns out that the simple presence of a drink and a smoke raised his reputation to Legendary proportions as a result men sought to mimic him while women wanted to be in his presence despite his public appearance Martin was a dedicated parent who was always there for dinner and normally confined himself to one beverage each evening with his wife while his profession was heavily connected with booze Martin appeared to walk a delicate line between excess and control knowing when to reain it in he died in 1995 at the age of 78 leaving behind a legacy of charm and Charisma that extended Beyond his theatrical character 10 barbar pton Barbara pton was undoubtedly a contender in the early 1950s she was a rising be list actress with links to prominent guys like Bob Hope and her husband franch oone she was originally from Minnesota before moving to Hollywood where she swiftly became one of the most well-known stars of the 1940s and 50s she even appeared with well-known performers such as James Kagney Gary Cooper and Gregory pek however her career suffered a dip and she became addicted to alcohol this resulted in the loss of her attractiveness her livelihood and several confrontations with the authorities due to public drunkenness she even began issuing bogus checks and indulging in prostitution however Payton's personal life was a mess she had affairs with practically every male she encountered as well as violent relationships stealing and several encounters with the police during the 1960s her drinking worsened leading to a miserable existence her life took a rather drastic turn when she lost custody of her kid due to her lifestyle she was then charged with public intoxication in 1962 after being spotted sleeping at a Sunset Boulevard bus station in a coat and bathing suit after that she was once again arrested for disorderly conduct while intoxicated at a boisterous afternoon party and just like that she soon began spending numerous hours at bars and pubs sadly she died at the age of 39 from heart and liver illness 11 John Barrymore this classical actor as a member of the legendary Barrymore family of performers he was a well-known personality in the early 20th century often regarded as one of the finest of all time interestingly he rose to prominence for his portrayal of sympathetic individuals struggling with alcoholism this was despite his own struggles with drinking perhaps this is why he excels in his roles although he was most renowned for his outstanding Renditions of Shakespearean parts and his riveting portrayal as Mr Mr Hyde his difficult background and subsequent years exacerbated his drinking issue in fact his second wife found him trying to drink her fragrance yes that is how terrible his addiction was in 1933 he participated in George Ker's popular comedy picture dinner at 8 in this film he portrayed one of his first drunken roles as an alcoholic actor unfortunately his career deteriorated tremendously over the years as a result of his continuous alcohol because of the negative impact on his memory he was forced to rely on Q cards to finish his roles which marked the end of his professional career sadly Barrymore died at the age of 60 eventually succumbing to drinking related diseases 12 Peter otoul it's hard to believe that someone with as dazzling brilliant blue eyes as Peter otoul could be considered one of Hollywood's most notorious drinkers in a Frank interview with David Letterman otou ascribed his drinking habits to his generation's cultural standards which emphasized alcohol intake regardless of everyday commitments he even claimed that booze helped him perform better on screen one noteworthy incident concerns the making of Lawrence of Arabia particularly the scene showing a camel raid both ul and his co-star Omar shareif were afraid of camels and chose to remain intoxicated during the performance this Choice often is dubbed liquid courage and speaks to the lengths actors might go to overcome their fears when asked about it otou just laughed at it and admitted that he could not remember much about the scene because he was so drunk well at least he didn't forget his lines right 13 Robert Shaw I think we can all agree that jaw's 1975 was a pretty chaotic production why well the cast had to deal with a lot of challenges while filming which included but definitely not limited to aggressive sharks rough seas and angry castmates for instance Robert Shaw aggravated tensions on set by drinking Scotch throughout the long filming sessions resulting intense ties with his co-star Richard dfus Shaw's constant inebriation was a recurring issue during production except for one critical sequence in which his character is shown as drunk that surely was an easy take right anyways dfus openly mentioned that he likes to see his co-star sober emphasizing his dislike for the actors in deated State one time dfus revealed he had had enough and took the liberty to dispose of a glass of alcohol from Shaw's hand and literally threw it in the ocean I think we can all agree that they should have done that since day one 14 Jan Michael Vincent Jan Michael Vincent was an icon in Hollywood he was pretty well known for his striking look and his role in the popular TV series Airwolf and you won't believe he was once the embodiment of charm in his prime his career began with an almost fairy tale meeting when he caught the attention of a film Scout while serving in the California Army National Guard this chance catapulted him to Quick success allowing him to work alongside prominent performers such as Robert Conrad Brock Hudson Charles Bronson John Wayne Bert Reynolds and Robert Mitchum however what was supposed to be a career that kicked off with immense potential ended in a tragedy this was after Vincent's excessive alcohol and drug use led him down a dead end and everything happened after Vincent achieved one of the biggest milestones in his career by earning a record-breaking paycheck for his part on Airwolf making him the most paid actor in television history at the time however his enormous affluence allowed him to indulge in dangerous addictions such as cocaine and alcohol during the second and third seasons of Airwolf his addictions grew more apparent causing production delays and financial overruns ultimately leading to the show's sudden cancellation it was also reported that he was arrested for drunk driving worst he got involved in a car crash resulting in injuries such as a broken back and a loss of a leg but this doesn't end here because there were also records of domestic violence toward his girlfriend and as time went by his perfect looks and Charming face suffered from premature aging due to substance abuse before we move on if you want to see more Hollywood stories make sure to subscribe and share in the comment section below what you would like to see in the next video 15 Errol Flynn he was the epitome of charm and machismo and his role as the iconic swashbuckler in films such as Robin Hood and Captain Blood made a lasting impression behind the scenes however his life was a wild ride of decadence depravity and unrelenting Adventure this Infamous women man took pride in His image as a seductive robe a strong Warrior a cocaine fanatic and a dieh hard bottle lover Flynn found himself not just clinking drinks with Fidel Castro in Cuba but also at his Malibu Bachelor home which he shared with fellow actor David nien if you're wondering how bad his drinking habit was well let's just say he earned an interesting nickname specifically people are calling him sorosis by the Sea due to the sheer volume of alcohol consumed within the walls on his private boat however it doesn't stop here according to sources Flynn would host crazy parties driven by sex alcohol and cocaine his Devotion to the art of excess was so strong that he once strayed onto film sets while inebriated but all good things must come to an end and Flynn's pleasure was cut short when he collapsed in an elevator in his early 30s following this a medical practitioner informed him that his heart and lungs had been irreparably damaged ultimately he died due to a heart attack when he was just 50 years old 16 Humphrey Bogart Humphrey Bogart is regarded as the best male actor in the history of American cinema this was mostly because of his frequent Academy Award nominations and spectacular performances in Timeless Classics it's easy to see why Bogart garnered so much respect among Hollywood actors yet in his personal life he was renowned for frequent drinking Bogart according to one of his Pals is a pretty Pleasant man until around 11:30 p.m. close friends claim that he morphs into a different version of himself during these times he may be become Furious stubborn or even harsh and violent as his great career continued his drinking began to affect his performance he frequently came on set inebriated or with a hangover in one incident he appeared in his pajamas refusing to work and instead riding a bicycle around the Warner Brother Studios while filming the adventure picture Sahara he was reputed to hesitate to leave his dressing room until his then wife Mayo method brought him a thermos filled with martinis Bogart seldom went long without being very inebriated even when he wasn't working on a picture there was also an instance in which he drunkenly fled a restaurant with their safe and abandoned it on Beverly Hills Boulevard he also ended up in court after punching a couple of women who tried to grab the toy Panda he had taken to an elite club as a drinking buddy despite drinking alongside performers Like Richard Burton and Frank Sinatra Bogart regularly got into problems and was finally prohibited from pubs taverns and clubs his lifelong habit of drinking and smoking hurt his health in 1956 he was diagnosed with cancer and died shortly after even in his latter days he could still be seen enjoying a glass of Sher 17 William Claude dukenfield WC Fields was a renowned actor and one of America's best comedians he is most known for his Exquisite timing and hilarious grumpiness and he flawlessly integrated his real life attitude with his onscreen personas he is also renowned for his distinctive nasal voice and of course for his outgoing personality and fondness for drink Fields Rose to Fame in his mid-50s but his life nearly ended prematurely a few years later this came after his drinking had reached an extraordinary degree with stories indicating that he consumed more than two quarts of gin every day this resulted in serious health concerns including delirium tremens and after barely making it through films like poppy in 1936 and in the big broadcast in 1938 Paramount terminated him despite his persistent alcoholism Fields had a significant recuperation phase around that time he became a regular on the popular radio show Chase and sandborn hour in 1937 where he found peace and the relatively easy task of radio broadcasting this radio popularity allowed him to preserve his celebrity status while his health recovered finally allowing him to return to cinema fields spent the remaining 22 months of his life at the LA and Cena sanatorium in Pasadena California on Christmas Day 1946 the holiday he claimed to loathe he had a catastrophic gastrointestinal Hemorrhage and died at the age of 66 18 Bernard Lee Bernard Lee had a very active career in the Performing Arts with a half century of experience as an actor and over 100 film and television performances to his credit he began his Adventure at the age of six dabbling with Stage Productions before becoming well known in the film industry undoubtedly his most major success was portraying the role of M the commander of the British secret service in 11 James Bond films however Lee's personal life was marked by tragedy the tragic death of his loving wife in a home fire a horrific mugging and unsolved financial problems drove him into a condition of misery and alcoholism his addiction was believed to be so serious that during breaks from filming the Edgar Wallace television series he was confined to his dressing room to avoid drinking alcohol despite these measures Lee allegedly found a method to satisfy his craving by employing someone to send a straw Through the Keyhole allowing him to drink syruptitious in fact famed heavy drinker Richard Burton allegedly claimed that he couldn't match Lee's tolerance for alcohol when Lee had outrank him Lee died at the age of 73 from stomach cancer which was most likely caused by his heavy alcohol consumption 19 Gail Russell Gail Russell was an actress who never aspired to become famous but she found herself in the Limelight because of her jaw-dropping appearance as a timid and introverted youngster she preferred the Solitude of her room to socializing but when a Paramount executive saw her attractiveness her mother persuaded her to do a screening test Russell then married actor guy Madison in 1949 despite reports that she was romantically involved with her co-star John way pain her marriage to Madison was difficult resulting in divorce in 1954 Russell's drinking increased around this period and her film career came to a halt in 1952 Wayne's divorce case aggravated her drinking resulting in several arrests for drunk driving she decided to seek help and went to a sanitarium in Seattle for therapy Russell made a comeback in 1955 following her divorce with a role in seven men from now produced by John Wayne she went on to feature numerous more films but her struggle with alcohol remained things took a dramatic turn when she was discovered dead in her Los Angeles residence the cause of death was listed as acute and chronic alcoholism 20 Spencer Tracy let me first ask you a question have you ever imagined seeing the word alcohol being on every page of someone's biography well alcohol had a significant influence in the troubled life of iconic actor Spencer Tracy that James Curtis has used the word a couple times throughout his biography Tracy's fight with alcohol was both damaging and wellknown doctor's records from a 1942 visit to John's Hopkins provide Insight on Tracy's drinking history stating that he would begin on alcoholic Retreats after finishing a film which lasted around a week or 10 days every 8 months despite understanding the consequences Tracy couldn't resist the temptation of booze this is why he would isolate himself in luxurious hotels skipping engagements and frustrating everyone around him Tracy's remorse about his drunkenness quickly became a source of misery fueling his destructive conduct even after 5 years of abstinence he admits to craving martinis anytime he sees them his buddy director Joseph mantz acknowledged Tracy's shame and the importance of it in his fight with alcoholism Tracy's struggle was characterized by intense sorrow humiliation and self-inflicted scars from his addiction which left an everlasting impact on his life and profession 21 Bella loosi the renowned horror performer has a turbulent and sad story when it comes to alcohol you can even say it's his personal Horror Story in his latter years he developed morphine addiction as well as a reputation for drinking his drug and alcohol usage had a negative impact on his mental health resulting in distressing instances that demonstrated his spiral Into Darkness one event on a movie movie Set exemplified loso's problem with alcohol director Ed Wood who had worked with Los Losi on multiple films saw him lying behind a curtain gripped by his addiction tears poured down the ghost's face as he clutched a revolver aiming squarely at the director in that emotional moment legosi said haunting words to Wood adding Eddie I'm going to die tonight and I want to take you with me without a doubt it was a terrible representation of loso's misery and Desperation but wood who had struggled with alcoholism knew the depths of loso's Anguish in reality he knew exactly what Losi needed at that time it was to find peace therefore he got the desired scotch and served losoi his favorite drink th Lugosi took a drink of the soothing Elixir the pistol was dropped and the tension began to ease 22 Lon Cheney Jr known for his talent as a character actor fans were shocked after knowing that Cheney actually battled with alcoholism and depression his heavy drinking took a toll on his health leading to cancer and liver disease but before he succumbed to his vies he had a pretty glamorous career but also a messy one after filming Abbott and Castello Meet Frankenstein he attempted suicide but let's be honest Cheney's Journey was tragic especially because of his drinking habits which got him into trouble most of the time for instance he got banned from William Randolph Hurst Mansion for trying to get Mary and davies's drunk but people still loved him and despite accusations of being drunk during a live TV show some defended his performance as professional 33 Albert finny The Talented English actor recognized for his outstanding performances in films such as Tom Jones murder on the Orient Express and Aaron Brockovich had a distinguished career that left an indelible effect on the world of Cinema however he was harboring a personal demon finny was a big drinker for most of of his life indulging in many pints at lunchtime and Beyond reflecting on his life he once acknowledged openly how much he drank and while he had a good time most of the time he began to question how he was still able to do so as he Grew Older after being diagnosed with kidney cancer in 1984 he bravely decided to give up drinking fortunately he survived the ailment and proceeded to enchant the audience with his incredible performance he worked until 2012 but finny died in 2019 at the age of 82 leaving behind a legacy of Great Performances that served as a reminder of the emotional difficulties he battled throughout his life 24 bradrick Crawford brck Crawford well known for his role as Chief Matthews in the television series Highway Patrol struggled with alcoholism throughout his career and did you know that participating in the weekly program intensified his difficulty forcing the cast and crew to discover methods to accommodate his condition as a result everyone involved in the production became creative some scenes that appeared as if Crawford was casually leaning against a wall are actually shot while he lay on the floor they even creatively rebuilt the set to provide the illusion of an erect wall when viewed from above unfortunately Crawford's own troubles with alcohol paralleled those of his character he was arrested multiple times and charged with DUI which resulted in his driver's license being suspended ironically he became known within the California Highway Patrol or CHP as old 5002 referring to the police radio code indicating intoxicated driving even on site Crawford bribed staff to deliver in booze generating friction with the show's production company and strain ties with both the CHP his drinking grew so problematic that the program had to rely on its CHP technical adviser to keep him sober in the end alcohol took its toll on Crawford leaving a lasting impact on his personal and professional life 25 gig Young on the early afternoon of October 19th 1978 the accomplished American actor recognized for his award-winning performances unexpectedly passed away this occurred after young pointed a handgun at the back of his wife Kim Schmidt's head and fired the trigger killing her instantaneously following this awful crime young 64 turned the pistol on himself and took his own life they' just been married for 3 weeks marking Kim Young's fifth wife and by now I know most of you are asking what could have motivated someone to do such heinous acts honestly no one is sure about the motive and young carried the reason to his final resting place but one thing is certain he had a difficult life which most people believe contributed to his actions not to mention how Young's career has been hampered by the negative effects of booze and medications his addiction to Valium along with high alcohol usage had a negative impact on his work life he was even expelled off the set of the comedy picture Blazing Saddles on the first day of filming owing to a collapse induced by substance usage just think how horrible he was at his vices at that stage despite his personal struggles young managed to deliver memorable performances including his notable role in the Twilight Zone however his career was not enough to keep him afloat as he continued to struggle shrugging off his problem with alcohol because of this he tragically ended his own life with a 38 caliber bullet while tragic these stories Shall Serve as a somber reminder of the devastating impact of substance abuse on individuals and their loved ones that's it for Hollywood's biggest boozers don't forget to like subscribe and check out our next video for more Hollywood stories
Channel: Hollywood Uncovered
Views: 1,425,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollywood, Golden Age, old hollywood celebrities, then and now, 1960s, 1970s, Hollywood Stars Who Where Drunk All The Time, The Worst Alcoholics in Hollywood History
Id: 6C8IjUaazwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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