7 Ways to Steal My Wife's DIAMONDS in Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chanceisboss81 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is 7 extreme ways to steal your wife's diamonds I've just got five stacks of diamonds and I am going to turn chuckles against Briana oh my god the first way we're going to be sealing my lovely wife's diamonds is with this this is a fake clothing store I have conveniently built right outside of Briana's house as you can see it is very official there's even a sign that says it's a clothing store and look at this you cannot tell me that this does not look legit but first we must graft the coal with the empty box and it is literally just going to make a fake box dress that brainy is going to purchase with her diamonds I got a bit like the present looks really good now we spawned the clothing shop keeper ah ha ha hey there what am i selling today you are going to be selling a fake box dress there you go I can't believe this shop keeper is willing to work with me when I'm doing something so terrible there's about a 50/50 chance Briana actually buys this brand it's pretty smart so I don't know if she's gonna fall for this uh who go pretty go okay you guys so I just walked outside of my house and I see something beautiful I don't remember ever seeing this beautiful store in my life I have a lot of diamonds to spend so uh what kind of store is this if this actually works you guys have got to leave a like on this video okay no excuses whatsoever no sheshe went inside she's checking out the clothing store sign I love dressing up pretty Preston likes when I dress up pretty that's why I wear my royal eb merch all the time so uh let's see Oh oh my goodness oh she's good did you guys see that she's got diamonds in her hand oh this is perfect what can I do for you today I would like a dress please plain and simple that's an expensive one I'm afraid it'll cost you all your diamonds sir ma'am sir ma'am I can't really tell if your ma'am or sir I have like 64 64 64 64 6-4 that's like twenty five trillion diamonds or he's fine fine just take take all the diamonds take all of the diamonds just give me the dress that'll do it here's that dress you wanted that is a pretty box okay I am feeling pretty good about this decision oh no wait wait wait wait she's got the box in her hand guys I didn't even try it on before I got it what if this doesn't fit me oh I'm sprintin always rented does that mean she actually use her diamonds to buy the fake dress no no no there's no way there's no way I just got five stacks of diamonds from the shopkeeper breathe yo okay I need to have an actual talk with Brianna after this video because we share money which means we share diamonds so she just gave half of my diamonds to the shopkeeper for a box of coal this remote control I'm holding in my hand right now will allow me to swap brains with Brianna but before I do something incredibly dangerous like this I need you to take the device or watching this video on turn it vertically like this and make the red subscribe button great otherwise the brain swapping isn't gonna work three two one yay wait what I was just guarding my diamonds and now I just popped out of my house and my arm looks tick wait why am i Preston I didn't spray tan today this does not look flattering Oh oh my gosh okay I'm actually Briana this is so weird now that we're Breanna I need to find where she's got her diamonds hidden come on what jess is it I know it's a lot of these breathe you can't hide your diamonds for me forever oh wait four stacks of diamonds okay now now that we've got Briana's diamonds we need to hide them ASAP where do I want to put these diamonds what is that in my inventory brain swapping remote what does that even mean who I'm gonna throw them into the pond Breanna might swap brains in me at any moment come on come on run run run I don't want her to notice the diamonds if Breanna brain swaps with me now she's literally gonna be in a pond and be so confused I feel like I still feel the same but I don't look the same I am clicking this back hold on I have to return back to my house and make sure my diamonds are not stolen she swapped Breanna just swapped with me which means all the diamonds are still there let's go this is probably the best way you could ever steal diamonds from anybody I'm actually shocked that worked I was a little bit nervous at first but I'm glad it managed to work you might think I'm crazy but I know this next one is going to work this is a vacuum salesman for whatever reason Breanna loves vacuums to the point where it actually is a little bit strange I'm going to place this vacuum salesperson on her doorstep to distract her so that way I can steal her diamonds okay let's go let's go oh I don't normally get visitors here vacuum salesman hello are you looking to buy brand-new vacuum today no I mean there's this thing called Amazon she's actually talking to a vacuum salesman do vacuum door-to-door salesman even exist in 2020 there is no way I'm fine I mean I have a vacuum are you sure there are top quality vacuums best on the market first of all you don't want to mouth and I don't need a vacuum where's the chest yes yes oh my gosh five stacks of diamonds this time why are you not leaving my house come on everyone could use a new vacuum your place is looking a bit dusty that's rude no sir if you are trying to make me buy something don't insult my house I'll give you the best deal possible never-before-seen deals no meanwhile Bri is still talking Breanna never says no to a new vacuum but if you thought this is a good way to steal brain as diamonds wait till you see the next one apparently people look everywhere for diamonds nowadays including dress shops so we are going to place these diamonds here in this chest and hope they are safe I do have my lovely companion chuckles here he is precious he is basically the only man chicken man chicken that I can trust nowadays but he has been doing a lot of guarding of diamonds today even though it hasn't been successful he's been trying so you know what I'm going to lead him outside so chuckles can get a little bit of fresh air this is no ordinary chicken this is chuckles Breanna's special pet chicken and I am going to turn chuckles against Brianna I'm gonna teach them how to steal Breanna's diamonds for me okay first things we have to do feed chuckles some seed so he loves us now I'm gonna place down a chest put some iron and diamond inside of it chuckles this is what I want this diamond okay I can't tell if your looks gonna be chuckles but I need you to go steal Briana's diamonds Oh oh there we go yes wait no no no no you pulled out the iron ingot no I don't want the ironing and I want the diamond we want the diamondden yes yes no that's the gold chuckles what are you doing come on chuckles you can do this yes yes yeah oh my gosh I can't believe this is working don't forget the plan chuckles and Breanna calls you back inside you take the diamonds back to Papa capisce y'all chuckles has been gone for far too long I have been shaken --less for chuckles please come back or I'll cry the only downside of this is what if chuckles tells Brianna what my master plan is chuckles don't you dare betray me I will turn you into chicken tenders he's so smart okay well know that you're back I feel okay to watch some TV you know it's okay no worries I'm gonna watch the TV what is this oh no he's gonna bring his house for a long time I don't know if he's gotten the diamonds chuckles chuckles wait wait oh my gosh no no no no does he have the diamonds oh good chuckles here's some more seeds oh but you can have all the seeds you want for the rest of your life chuckles that could not have worked any more perfect maybe I need to consider getting a pet chicken I mean I know Briana and I are married so we share pets but if I had a chicken what would I name him okay yeah but have you ever gotten me diamonds I didn't think so knock knock Breanna she must be gone this is perfect this is the shulker box transformer it will allow me to turn into a shulker box where hopefully Breanna will put her diamonds inside of y'all chuckles I love you so much thank you for your help you know bold noble chicken can we get some chicken emojis in the comments for chuckles ladies and gentlemen oh if I was Brianna I would definitely put my diamonds in the basement in the shulker box right next to the fireplace oh yeah this is exactly how I'm going to look to Brianna if you guys didn't see it I did this once as a chest and got my little sister's diamonds I'll put some of my diamonds in this chest because I shouldn't make sure that these are all set in place and that they are secured and ready to go but will it work as a choker versus Brianna only time will tell I'm sure at this point bran is becoming a little bit worried about her diamonds because they keep all disappearing so I just hope she puts him in the shulker box but there's a good chance she doesn't but if she does you have to promise me you will go and check out Preston Stiles dot-com we've got the I break hoodie the ice cream team the pizza hoodie and so many other epic products that you guys have got to check out okay and also floopy is available on Amazon for purchase if you guys want to check it out search Floop on Amazon uh I just hope we're not waiting as a shelter box for too long I've got plenty of other ideas on how to steal Brianna's diamonds oh that was a long day of mining you know when people are constantly trying to steal your diamonds there's this thing called mining a lot to it for diamonds but look I've been pretty successful I think the problem though is I've just been using regular chest that's why they're so easy to steal from there's no looks there's no chuckles in front of the chests because I just had him leave the last time they were stolen from it's definitely because it is just too easy you guys have just gotta find something better to hide my diamonds in it may take a little while but I'm sure there's a better option Bri put it in the Joker box what are you waiting for it what is this shocker box shulker soul kerr guys how do you even say that I don't know but look at the sneaky this is oh I've used one of these in like a park or one time nobody would suspect thing if I put my time in sin here yes this is perfect Shh don't tell anybody don't tell anybody I know y'all just saw me but I have to hurry up be with chuckles and act non suspicious hey wait how many diamonds did she have three stacks of diamonds you can tell my wife is getting a little bit low on diamonds the last couple of times I got like five sets at this time we only got three now I just gotta find a way to get out of here I'll see you guys in a second like most girls my wife loves cute things and that's why I have this the diamond rabbits spawn egg this rabbit is a trained professional to steal diamonds and bring it back to me and I mean plots come on buddies are so cute there's no way brand is gonna say no to letting this into our house put it down oh it's even blue I totally forgot that come on Bri notice the bunny notice the diamond bunny it's gone all the way to her porch nice chuckles looks really sad something's wrong chuckles are you okay I don't feel like he's normal he he normally like walks up to me and like smiles and it's cute but I feel like he's something's wrong maybe me losing diamonds is affecting him too oh dude I love that would just hopped inside of her house yes yes look look at that love connection right there first time ever seen chicken and bunny love wheat Beluga I have some carrots for you I bet you're starving just from being so cute let me go grab those carrots the best part about this is Bree thinks it's a cute bunny but it's a highly trained and skilled professional who just wants to steal diamonds don't already this is crazy okay although now I'm starting to feel kind of bad for Brianna is anybody else you guys I'm gonna let you in on a very large secret have you heard of an impenetrable bunker that was very difficult to say I am tired of my diamonds being stolen so I've created this inconspicuous hole it is very very hard to get into because you must have this vault key yeah as you can see I'm pretty serious about stealing diamonds from Breanna this is the diamond stealer 3000 and it drills any direction okay look at this look dude hold on can we tear up the old shop oh my gosh we are demolishing the shop holy cow I've been storing all my diamonds in the impenetrable vault and nobody can get into it except for me cuz I have the key and I am going to store all the rest of my diamonds in this chest and nobody is allowed to get in here a little birdie aka chuckles told me Brianna has a secret vault under her house where she stores all of her diamonds this whole time I felt bad about stealing them but she has a hidden vault with even more diamonds that we could ever imagine and we are going to steal them we're going deep boys where is this bunker you can't keep it from me Breanna there it is I see the obsidian oh my god knew it was you this entire summer dinner all the draw okay to drill for some reason it's not damaging Breanna let's give the diamonds and let's get out boys come on yes there's so many diamonds here to collect do not forget to call me within the first 60 minutes because your comments will be featured right here
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 25,397,209
Rating: 4.9113121 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: BnhpIqQXmW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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