7 Types of Equity to Help You Make Millions

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so I recently posted a picture of Jeff Bezos on my Instagram account highlighting the fact that Amazon has increased value in the last hundred and sixty five days by four hundred billion dollars and the floodgates opened up with comments and everybody started saying this man Jeff Bezos who's worth 150 160 billion dollars doesn't pay his five hundred and sixty three thousand employees well they're on welfare similar to what happened with Walmart but the comments that I keep hearing over and over again that is an absolute cop-out from people is the following you need money to make money it takes money to make money all of these people that like to hide behind the idea of that rich people started off with money here's a fact for you only fifteen percent of millionaires in America inherited their millions of dollars eighty five percent ourself may matter of fact having money is one of seven ways of having equity today I'm going to share with you the other six so look when we hear the word equity we think about real estate I have equity in a home equity in the property of equity in stocks of equity in bonds have equity in cash that's equity right we only think about equity as money if the only source of equity you have is money you are one-dimensional let me put it to you this way if you the only thing you have is money because somebody died and your family left you 17 million dollars and that's the only thing you have and mario has the other six elements of equity long term in the marketplace there is no way in the world you have the same amount of value as Mario's on a marketplace so having said that your goal watching this is as I go through the other six is to ask yourself which one of these do I have because if you want to make yourself irreplaceable if you want to make yourself the highest value in a marketplace your goal is to be able to have as many of these seven as possible not just one of the seven which is money but also the other six so having said that let me get into the other six elements of equity number two so I want you to think about a son a daughter just inherited seventeen million dollars but this kid has been spoiled 22 years old never had a job before lazy as hell dad died mom died they get them right they have no clue how to work you know how quickly that money is gonna disappear out of their hands let me give you another example of this how many times have you seen somebody won the lotto fifty eight million dollar winner two hundred twenty million dollar winner three years later money disappears because they don't have the second part which is sweat equity here's what happens when you have sweat equity when you have sweat equity you're not afraid of working 16-hour days for six months straight you have a certain mindset a certain thickness your skin is thick you have a certainly dark fighter you can't explain to other people I can't give a sixteen-year-old kid a million dollars say go to school to get sweat equity you're not gonna get it I can give a twenty eight-year-old after they got a degree let's just say they're very small but they've never had a job saying I'm gonna put a half a million dollars into you to go to this program to learn more real hard works all about you either have sweat equity or you don't by the way one of the seven forms of equity is what equity this is why sometimes a person would sweat equity who's hungry wanted to go to the top like this they passed up a multi-millionaire who's absolutely lazy number three so let me explain you the next one here and wait that probably won't make sense to you go back to high school okay think about the kid whose parents were very wealthy and he would come to school on a 5 Series BMW right it's kind of gone my gosh this kid man he's he's a nerd not really cool nobody knows who he is but he's got the 5 Series BMW always had to mj's you know the J's on $175 you're kind of like weren't you Shawn Kemp like me size 13 you really size 13 you know what I'm talking about right but this kid who comes from a wealthy family always wanted to be part of the in-crowd that twenty two friends who were tight hanging out together on Fridays going out you know with the girls and everybody were like oh that's the cool crowd they wanted this kid with the BMW wealthy family wants to be in that group but couldn't make it in that group even with this BMW why that group has social capital they have social and morale equity there's a bond right let me explain to you a little bit more say I get a group of six people they've known each other for eight years they're fought their friends they have something they want to build together but they work very very good together I can't pay six other brilliant minds ten million bucks and say I want you to have the same kind of morale as these other six people have it's just money not gonna buy that morale you either have it or you don't have it - a lot of investors who come in and they look at a group they can't find this often they can't find a group that run well together when there is something like this in the room that's called social and moral equity let me tell you it's one of the seven can't buy it you either see it and you have it or you don't have it number four here's another one for you let's just have a business can us okay and I want to go on invest in - I don't know let's pick China I want to go invest into a market and Central America that I think is gonna come up I want to go investment to South Africa they're going through struggles right now a recession but I think they're gonna come back up I'm gonna go buy some you know stress properties right if I go by myself and I don't know the culture of China of South Africa or pick a place in Central America I don't have that equity but if I take somebody with me who speaks the language of Mandarin who lived in China for 22 years who went to school there knows everything I need him more than he needs me because without him I can't get into that community because what his equity is culture and community he speaks the language he understands the culture I don't I could have a hundred million dollars I need him that's another form of equity number five here's another one for you say I got seventeen million dollars I'm a rich guy I got money I got a lot of money right but I don't know the right people and I meet this cat who's got all the right contacts in a community I'm trying to get into a Silicon Valley I'm not a Silicon Valley guy I'm an Austen guy maybe I'm a Silicon Valley guy I want to get into Hollywood different communities right and I meet somebody his name is Sean Parker my name is Mark Zuckerberg Sean Parker introduces me to crowd that I'm not a part of that crowd helps me build a multi hundred billion dollar company and Sean Parker makes a billion dollars a couple billion dollars because what Sean Parker had was the contact and the connections that I didn't have I was a basic nerd in Harvard who was brilliant Sean Parker was a cool cat who at the context and the connections that is a complete different form of equity that's why sometimes a Rolodex or the cell phone contacts there's a lot of equity in it even though it's not money number six so I want you to think about a kid graduates out of high school goes to college and he decides to study this exciting topic of bonds for 1516 years can you imagine like you wake up today saying I am so excited to study everything about bonds or stock market or all these data man this excites me right whoo and the right man wants to do that well somebody does you know what you call that specialized skill that is a form of equity because a specialized skill needs a person with money the person with money needs a person with specialized skill let me explain a little bit more for you the movie Big Short it's a story of Michael burry right aka Christian Bale plays the role this is the guy that when he was a kid a football player tackled him his eyeball fell out and he becomes fascinated with numbers and he studies numbers and he notices that sums happened with the subprime market there's gonna be a collapse here and he tells his investors this is a nerd he studies numbers he tells the investors two billion dollars let's put into it was put in the market let's buy everything short what are you talking about yes the market are you telling me the markets gonna collapse yes I'm a nerd but I know it's gonna collapse we're gonna go to billion and he goes to billion in everybody thinks he's nuts specialized skill multi-billionaire you know what happens billions are made this specialized skill guy that was obsessed about studying numbers for years now has a net worth of 300 million dollars how did it happen specialized skill another form of equity and number seven let's say your name is angry charlie yeah or Henry Sharia right and you for the longest time we're living in Germany and all of a sudden you get arrested right and you go to prison called The Devil's Island and anybody goes to Devil's Island you psychologically lose it they give you all this medicine you go crazy and you somehow someway find a way to escape Devil's Island and you make it back to the country and you have all this intellectual property things you save your name is Patti on the writings the articles paintings all of these things you collected to getting you say I want to tell this story to the world and you go to Hollywood you produce a movie called Papillon and the reason why you have equity is because you have intellectual property that's another form of equity by the way when I'm talking intellectual property I'm talking about you can own domains or a hundred different domains and you have a domain that somebody needs to buy one day that's intellectual property you have a script that you've written took you ten years to write intellectual property have a patent you have a trademark intellectual property have an idea intellectual property that meets with a person with money in other context and we go out there and produce this product and we make millions together so look now that you know there's seven different forms of equity you got to ask yourself which of the seven do you have yourself or is it two of them is that one of them is that six are you seven is that four what other ways can you increase your forms of equity to increase your value in the marketplace by the way Mario has produced a PDF for you to download click on the link below you'll be able to download the PDF and ask yourself and score yourself on which of the seven you have and for those people who are watching this video in the same pad it makes sense maybe I am using money as a cop-out and I'm trying to find a way to say this is why I'm not rich this is why I'm not wealthy if you agree with the concept talked about in this video I want you to go on Twitter and tweet the following if you think it takes money to make money you are simply looking for a cop-out and tag me I want the world to understand this message that there are different forms of equity to attract money it's not just money to make money again if you haven't subscribed to the channel do so if you want to be part of notifications click on that alert button right next to it any other comments thoughts comment below thanks for watching and love you take care buh-bye hey look at me if you are still saying it takes money to make money and that's your way to cop out knock it off come on stop making excuses get out there and find one of these other six equities to have so you go out there and attract the people with money
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 197,129
Rating: 4.9202561 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, 7 Types of Equity to Help You Make Millions, multiple streams of income, how to increase net worth, how to make money
Id: ITeMEIgu6qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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