How to Make a Million Dollars a Year

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[Music] according to 2017 tax returns in America over 500,000 people made a million dollar year income in America 500,000 people made over a million dollar income now here's a kicker Mount Everest people say oh my gosh you know he reached the top of Mount Everest do you know how many people have done it out of 7 billion people 4,000 only out of 326 million people in America 500,000 people have made a million dollar income that means it's so much easier to make a million dollar your income then climb Mount ever since some people think a million dollar your income is such a big deal not anymore today in America now keep this in mind before I get into it I'm gonna have a PDF for you I'm gonna give you two different sides in this episode one is gonna be the logical side I'll give you the math the other one's gonna be the emotional side which is a part that most people struggle with but this is a guy giving you this video this message here I've never lived in a house I've always lived in an apartment my parents got a divorce I barely graduated from high school I went to the u.s. army because every counselor I had told me military is the best way for you because you can go to the army you can come out be a cop or five Friday and you'll be set with a pension would benefits with all this other stuff and you don't need to worry about everything else because schooling and success for everybody else is not gonna work for some other like you Patrick so I wonder military route no.1 my family's ever made over six figures we've never owned or lived in a house with a swimming pool or backyard nothing we've never owned a condo that I've lived in ever okay so that was my life fast-forward the moment I figured out this formula and I trusted it this formula and I trust which I'm gonna share with you and by the way this is not one of these clickbait go on this webinar because I'm gonna show you this program that for only $19.99 and you buy this program i'ma show you how to be a millionaire this is free content to you but it's gonna make you Millions you'll see by the time I'm done this formula got me a Ferrari a Lambo you know Porsche a Don or Rolls Royce a house a 15,000 score for I've traveled all over the place more importantly family my dad's been all over the world I've surprised my dad my mom in the craziest way that they couldn't even believe and more than anything else outside of all this other stuff when family need of money money's in the bank account when I wanted to experience unique moments where people that matter to me the most money's in the bank account when I wanted to be able to do things when crisis happened for people on my family I had money in the bank account you're watching this listen to me you will do better for the world being a millionaire than doing better for the world somebody making 3040 thousand dollars per year you you need to figure out a way how to make a million dollar income because it is that important to make that kind of money today because it's free to figure out a way to do it today and I'm gonna give it to you now let me get into it before I do questions thoughts comments comment below and if you haven't subscribed to the number one channel on youtube click on the subscribe button for entrepreneurship once we cross a million subs we're doing our first live event with all the value tenors around the world makes your clips to subscribe button and join a notification squad okay so let's get right into it so there are two areas that you need to figure out in order for you to make a million dollar your income one is the logical side that has to do with math the other one is the emotional side that has to do with belief we'll get into this which is going to be some unique stuff you have not heard before but let me explain the logic side so here's the math side when it comes down to coins we have a half a dollar coin $0.50 we have a quarter twenty-five cents a dime that's ten cents a nickel that's five cents and a penny that's one cent right how many different combinations of coins makes up a dollar here's what I mean by if I have two 50 cent half a dollar coins that's one dollar if I have four quarters that's a dollar five ten dimes that's a dollar if I have 20 nickels that's a dollar if I have 50 pennies two quarters that's a dollar how many combinations can I come up with to make up a dollar you know what the number is two hundred and ninety three different ways I can come up with a dollar what's my point to you to make a million dollar your income there's so many different ways they can break down the math to make a million dollar income I'm gonna give you examples on three different industries for you to say okay now I get it on what I need to do to make a million dollar your income because you gotta know the formula on how to make a million dollar income so let's go over here right now mario together let's look at the first one the first one is just sales so pick any product that you want to sell you don't have to it can be insurance it can be any you're selling that's $1,000 sale so if your average commission is $1,000 how many personal sales do you need to make in a month to make a million out of your income the number is $1,000 is your average Commission sale you need to make eighty-three sales which is eighty-three thousand dollars per month times 12 months you're making roughly a million dollar your income that's if you sold everything personally now you may be watching us in st. Pat there's no way in the world I can sell 83 these a month that's why you may need a team or sales team if you become a sales team if that average sale that everybody says there's $1,000 if your sales manager and a broker maybe the average Commission by sales made by a rep to you is 250 dollars which means 250 dollars if the average sale to you is that the Commission you make your cut you need 332 sales made by everybody to come up with 83,000 dollars that becomes a million dollar income so now what you're solving for is what three hundred and thirty-two sales how do you make three hundred and thirty-two sales basic math I did get five people that sell sixty six of these products per month i defined ten that do thirty three twenty who do sixteen of these or get forty sales rep that do eight of these to make a million dollar income this is any sales industry now looks like a real estate here's real estate say the average home you sell it's five hundred thousand dollars the commission that's paid to you as an agent is six percent your cut the total Commission is thirty thousand dollars your cut is 70 percent 70 percent of that thirty thousand dollar Commission because your broker keeps the 30 percent that's $21,000 you need to make four of those sales per month to make eighty four thousand dollars a month times 12 months you make a million eight thousand dollars per year now you may say well my average home size is not half a million dollars it's a quarter million dollars no problem you need eight sales well the average home size I sell is a million not alone they need to sales it doesn't matter figure out the math for yourself if you're a broker and you have real estate agents working for you how much total do you need to sell for you to make your 30% cut of a million dollar income here's what it is if the Commission's $30,000 your cut 30% that's $9,000 you take as a broker which means you need 10 sales to be made that's $90,000 for a total of a million 80,000 per year right so how do you break that down well you need five real estate agents per month that make two sales a month for you at a half a million dollars to make 90 grand a month or you need ten real estate agents that work for you that make a sale of a half a million dollars per month for you to make a million eight per year the formula is there now here's another one some of you guys that are engineers you run an IT firm or consulting firm and the average hourly is a hundred and fifty dollars this could be a law firm this could be an IT from this could be consulting firm but the average hour that you charge I come to you I need you to design this software for me you say it's gonna be around 300 hours 300 hours times 150 hours $150 per hour I'm paying you $45,000 I'm just kind of giving you Matthew and a $450,000 I'm giving a Matthew you're right so if the average hour is 150 your engineer that works for you because you sold the contract there's a lot of people that sell these contracts who don't know anything about coding or IT they sell the contract if the average engineer who works for you make $75 your cut is $75 that means you need roughly 1100 hours in a month to make eighty three thousand dollars per month to make a million dollar income so the formula you solve for is what 1100 hours so 1100 hours divided by four weeks is roughly two hundred seventy five hours that's 40 hours per week with seven consultants if you have seven consultants doing 40 hours a week of you making $75 per profit on the hour you are making a million dollar income do you see what I'm showing you here this is the mathematical formula by the way this is boring but it's exciting when you get a paper and pen you start writing out your format oh my gosh this is all I need to do make a million dollar income what do I need to do make two million or three million or five million or ten million that's the pure math it's so easy to do but this is logic this will not get it done I know a lot of smart intelligent illogical people with four-year degrees who met you know mastered calculus precalculus who have this down but they have problems with this next part and by the way this this is 20% of the work this is 80% let's get on to the emotion set so here's the emotion side on the emotion side you have multiple different areas let me start off with the first one here and this is by far the biggest challenge people have and that is belief in order for somebody to make this kind of money million-dollar income you're not gonna make it if you don't believe it so you say well Pat how do I get a chance to believe this I never in my wildest dreams nobody my family made this kind of money I've not been around people that make this kind of money how can I make this kind of money here's the kicker you need to master the art of future truth now what is future truth a lot of people have a hard time with this let me explain so imagine if you have a lot of doubt you don't believe in you right you're like I don't know about this you know this is great but me making a million dollar income I don't know about that yesterday I had 60 people here in my office and I said what is the big deal about making a million dollar income should have seen some people's face as well I don't really know if I'll ever make it but it's kind of cool to dream about having a big house and the cars and the freedom and a few million in the bank account but I don't know if it's for me that's because they don't believe in it that's because they don't understand the concept of future truth let me explain to you the future truth concepts some of you may never heard of uture truth before here's what it is if you're going to lie about you you may as well tell a big lie to yourself over and over and over again now at first it's very difficult let me describe this to you before you get uncomfortable for instance I am going to make a million dollar or your income now I want you to say it say it to me real quick stop say it I'm gonna give you a second say it I am going to make a million dollar your income say it again perfect let me ask you was it uncomfortable do you feel like you're lying to yourself right sometimes people show up at a counter was weird I feel like I'm lying to myself if you say I am amazing I meant to do something big with my life I'm the guy that's going to go out and be the hero to my family that's difficult for some people because they're a line but it's not a it's a current lie but it's not a future life it's a future truth it is a current lie but it's a future truth you see the more you tell a big lie to yourself over and over and over and over and over again and eventually believe it future truth is you're gonna make a million dollar income this is a belief system that is very difficult for most people to do because most people think every kind of lie is a bad light no I'm not telling you to go lie to your wife about something's you're doing on the side or light your husband about what you're doing on the side I'm telling you tell a good lie I'm gonna make a difference in the world and you don't believe it but say 2 million times you're gonna end up believing it I'm meant to do some special in my life there's no way in the world God put me on this planet to just be a regular guy no way the blood in here is boiling I want to do something big with my life this guy was put on this planet to make a difference say it over and over and over and over and over and over again convince everybody in the world the entire team you're just trying to convince one person and that is you and that's the game of future truth and for some of you that are maybe making $4,000 a month for the last 20 years you really need to start lying to yourself you you I'm talking to you you really need to start this moment start telling a lie to yourself on how special of a human being you are over and don't expect anybody else to do it for instance let me say honey I wish you would have told me more nicer things mom how come you don't tell me nicer things dad how come you don't tell me nicer things don't wait on them start with you number two perspective here's what I mean by perspective sometimes you need to make the big small did you notice how I started a video and what did I say I said that according to last year's tax returns in America over half a million people made a million dollar income I said that then what did I say total amount of people that a climb Mount Everest is how many four thousand that perspective to you made the big small you need to do that over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until like why am I thinking this is such a big deal to make a million dollar income it is not because you finally got perspective you put things in perspective and you're over and over and over and over again making a big small making a big small making a big small making a big small making a big smile until eventually this is not a big that we're going to do this as well number three number three question everything everything when your mom and dad say something and it doesn't make any sense my heart and not everybody's gonna make millions honey it's not us to make millions don't say don't sit there and let him say it stop them listen mom I don't believe you dad I don't want to believe you bro I don't want to believe you dude I'm not with you I don't want to buy into that concept say it to them question them challenge them don't let them get away with the by saying it around you because if you sit there and you don't question that thing that means you bought into it that means you believed it you got a question and stuff you tell yourself stop yourself wait a minute is that even true I don't believe you you to yourself I don't believe what you're saying but I don't want to believe you I'm telling that by what you just said right now question every single thing why do I believe this way why do I think this way why am i wide this way is that thinking even right why don't I even do this we had a meeting last week with my step this is a different meeting than yesterday yesterday's was sales last buttocks was staff and one of our employees they were required every one of them was required to read the book principle and if they didn't read it some of them were gonna get fired and you know we had the meeting and I know some people had this is harsh look there's a few things with me I may look like a guy on video you like and all this other stuff working with me on a daily basis the expectation on standard is see I expect you to perform that's the reason we create an incredible environment where people love being around but the expectation of performance is very very high and the pressure is very high to perform working improve a few same person every three to six months you don't need to be in this company to go to a different place so I was speaking about this and one lady said well you know in this book what I took away from this book was the fact that I think sometimes in companies the executives need to understand that everybody's different and not everybody you know does this and does that I said I said ma'am stop I said did you even read the book you know I didn't read the book I said why is it that the first thing you got out of the book is how you can fix everybody around you instead of how you can fix you you see the only way your income is gonna grow is by focusing all the things that you got to do on you to improve if you fix you everybody else around you is gonna be fine but you gotta fix you and ask as the following question I said here's a question for you I said what's the most money you've ever made in a year don't say it publicly just think about that number what is the most money ever made in a year then I said go back ten years ago how much has that income change and why why why has that income now changed that much if 10 years ago you were making 16 bucks an hour 10 years later you making 16 bucks an hour why is that why is your market you know value in the marketplace the same thing is it everybody's folk is it the government's fault that your boss's fault your parents fault your kids fault your spouse as well or your fault everything here comes back to you and it's so hard to do but you got to face the truth you ain't gonna make a million dollar your income you don't face the truth and realize the issues right here and the last item to cover over here to my left to your right is guaranteed formula for success if you notice it's got a little bit of green in it and it's got a little bit of red in it because it's a combination of emotion and logic it's the four things I always talk about my guaranteed formula for success that is 100% proven for my life and other people have taught out work out improve outlast and out strategies again out work out improve outlast out strategize what you're looking on the screen here on the screen look at those four again what you're looking on on the screen here which of those four things that you're looking at the out work out improve outlets out strategize which of those four things do you think comes last meaning you'll learn the latter the latest it's out strategize why because that requires a lot of experience it's like you got to go through like a general in the war right you got to go through so many different words to learn different strategies and what works and what tactics work and what doesn't work that's something you got to be working on right however the other three out work if a guy works 80 hours a week and you work 40 hours a week you can't compete with that guy if some if you yourself are reading 234 books a month and you develop in your mind and your competitor is not and you only read one or two and you study in industry articles and all the subs and they're not you know you're studying how to recruit CEO CFO CEO CMOS what is the best way to stretch this million dollar investment that I got to make this happen who should I talk to to be part of a group for mentors and CEOs group and all these who should I network with what Comino should I be a part of who's the best engineers IT firm to hire what are these competitors don't what are some of the guys that are not even in my market if you start studying those industries somebody else isn't it's tough to compete with you and then outlast some people work 80 hours a week for a year and that's great but they can't work 80 hours a week for three years some Arcadia a week for three years but you work 80 hours a week for five years you outlasted the guy that the three years are one year they can't compete with you because the compounding effort favors you so these four things that you look at on the screen require one thing and that's discipline and the discipline part you don't hear a lot about that's the things people do when nobody else sees that's when you win again there's a part of this that's logical there's a part of this that's emotional let me get to the last part here and wrap up the session here so you got all these different things imagine this part here would you and I talk and think about it this way what if you at the end of its video what if you watching this you said it makes sense I'm gonna apply some of this stuff okay I'm gonna sit down and figure out my math I'm gonna do it okay and I'm gonna sit down and question my beliefs I'm gonna sit down and talk about the future truth I'm gonna find a big lie and say it over and over and over again by oh I want you to tweet me your big lie on to it or at Patrick big David tweet me your big lie and my favorite lie I'm gonna retweet a few of them you tweet me your biggest lie at Patrick mid David what is your big lie what is your future truth you start working on your perspective making a big small you start questioning everything challenging you're thinking you face the truth you make a game plan to out work out and prove out last hour strategize you start making a million dollar income and you become one of those 500,000 people in America that make a million dollar income you may be in another different country you're making a million dollar income because principles are evergreen in all the countries outside of communism and socialism what if you apply those concepts and you started improving what if you did that what would happen to you what happens if you make a million dollar your income are you better for your family are you better for your community are you better for your parents your friends your kids are you better for society are you better for your friends are you better for everybody more importantly are you better for you do you have better doctors for you do you live in a better community you give more money to charity do you get more money to communities do you feel better about yourself do you wake up in the morning and once you figure out this entire formula do you really think you can go back to being a regular person like you used to be do you really think you can go back and take up some of your bad habits if you make this thing too consistent thing now it's easy to go back and being bad but don't you think you're gonna start living a whole different life is it not worth it to make a decision to do this you see the reality is of everybody watching this maybe 1% of you is actually gonna apply the things we talk maybe 1% of everybody watching is gonna apply the stuff that we're talking about most people are just gonna go boom boom they skipped you went back to work or you went back to a whole different thing and you'll say I'm gonna get back to this later on today put a reminder and you forget about like everybody else does a few of you are gonna watch us and you're gonna say stop everything I'm taking a break hey I need a break 20 minute break 30 minute break go grab it because your emotions are high start writing start asking right this whole for me we're gonna have a PDF below for you to get and start writing all this stuff if that's you I've got two other videos for you to watch 111 skills of a millionaire the 11 skills millionaires master you got to watch this one and another one is how to really become a millionaire not how to make a million dollar and come how to really become a millionaire you need to watch how to really become a millionaire you need to watch 11 skills every millionaire masters you do those things and go through the PDF and start applying these concepts to 3 6 12 months from now not only are you not gonna recognize yourself none of your friends and family is gonna start recognizing yourself and all of a sudden you gonna send me a message on Facebook Instagram Twitter st. Pat I just cross a million dollar income how I asked you how's it feel how's it feel it was it as hard as you thought it was gonna be it was hard but not as hard as I thought it was gonna be and I'm making a million dollar income and by the way I can't wait for you to do it you I'm talking to you the serious one you I can't wait for you to do I can't wait for your dreams to become a reality I can't wait for it I cannot wait for you to experience this and tell me about it or you're two years three years five years from now anyways you want the PDF click on the link below questions thoughts comment comment below and if you haven't subscribed to the channel click on the subscribe button right here to my left take everybody well bye [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 693,229
Rating: 4.8908896 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, how to be a millionaire, how to make a million, millionaire, how to be rich
Id: rxJmSK0nJw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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