#919 Three Tier Geode Resin Cake Stand Start To Finish Tutorial

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[Music] g'day guys welcome back look what i've got my biggest project yet a three tier cake stand i'm gonna attempt to do so very exciting this is a 20 centimeter round 25 centimeter and 30 centimeter so 8 inch um 10 12 inch i think that's what it is um i'm using my new resin today you resin that's a two part it's you resin cast so i weighed because i haven't used it before i weighed it out on well i measured it out on a scale so i put it into this measuring cup i measured 100 grams and the small bottle weighs 100 grams the big bottle weighs 110 grams so now all i have to do is weigh it and i'm right i've actually got just under 1300 grams of resin here and i'm gonna do you saw that little coaster that i did my practice on so blues turquoise and gold i have added a little bit of custom craft white and some pigment paste turquoise blue as i go through and i'll talk to you about the colors but we'll get started this resin must tell you this resin has um where is it they sent me this sheet with it which is fantastic it is um food well it's heat resistant to 110 degrees 230 degrees fahrenheit when it's cured so you can put a nice hot cuppa on it not that you would on a cake stand but if you're doing coasters um it tells you here you've got a 50 to 55 minute working time um depends on the on the you know the temperature of your room obviously but i shouldn't be more than say well hopefully i shouldn't be more than 40 minutes i'll get a wriggle on okay so i'm going to start with the navy it is archery creations deep as you're right so that's that one and i'm going to put a little bit around the outside of each of these hopefully i won't knock these over i didn't know where to put them just a little bit obviously the the bigger rounds will need a little bit more it really annoys me like when people do these and they put the same amount around the bigger ones as they do the smaller ones so obviously it needs more because it's bigger hey it's going to go around hopefully i've got enough i didn't make up too much because i know that this navy blue is quite strong whoa knocking over things it's quite strong so i didn't want to make up too too much because when i did my little coaster test yeah it really took over didn't it did you guys see that now i'm sorry if this is going to be a bit of a longer video but i can't stop start stop start um because i don't want to take my gloves off every time to like pause my camera so bear with me i'm doing this for me for some fun and you know you guys are most welcome to watch but um yeah i'm just i'm not going to be you know rushing through it i want to try and enjoy the process so that's my navy gone and i'm going to push it into the little sides there make sure it's all pushed in just so that we get an even pattern once i start doing my little puddles so the next thing i think i will do i really don't know i don't know i don't know i'm going to wipe these each of these so i can use them again i'm just going to get a paper towel here i'm just going to wipe them and then i can put them aside and i can use them again um now i wasn't sure if i should put my hmm i don't know i'll just put a puddle of gold actually let's not do a puddle let's just do a little ring oh no oh let's go for it let's do a puddle why not i have no idea so obviously a smaller puddle there a bigger puddle there and then you the big daddy i feel like goldilocks and three bears you can have a bigger puddle again all right so there's a little bit gold left so i can do another layer if i want to um now what i'll do i'll do this so that gold is the glitter gold from artie sue just put it there so you can see it hopefully you can see it is that still in frame nope that's no good is it i'll put it there for now anyway so you can see what it is oh there we go i'll try and keep it in frame all right now the blue is also by artie sue it is called electric blue so that's that one there so let's do a puddle of electric blue and hopefully that will push the gold out i don't know i'm kind of thinking i probably should have put the gold around the edge i'm gonna actually let's do that let's put a little bit of gold around the edge because i do want some gold around the edge do that i did want the gold around the edges there and it's all going to mingle together anyway and join up a tiny bit of gold left oh look there's not much electric blue left i might as well just use it no point saving it it's not enough to do another layer i have kept some clear resin um in case i i decide i want to do another layer of something i've got some of my clear resin left in there i've got two cups of this turquoise i think what i'll do now is start doing my little my little puddles so i've got my cast and craft it's about it's probably a third of a cup there and i got three drops of that so let's do a puddle i don't normally do this but i wanted to see if i can get some pretty reactions hopefully that's not too much okay then after that one the oops i did it the wrong way the pigment paste this one is i'll get the bottle in a minute i'm just hoping that white might do something pretty with the um electric blue it's kind of coming this way i don't know i i have got a pop stick under there right now this one oh that's the um the pigment paste was by lores and it's called turquoise blue and now i've just got in this one i've got some pinata alcohol ink in teal that's that one put some of that in that's going to push everything out hopefully we'll get to the edges hopefully haven't got to the edges just yet okay so that's that one gone now i'm gonna put on this gorgeous creature here by lores it is called turquoise blue and i'll put that in the middle as i said i've got two cups of this because i really want lots of turquoise in this i haven't got too much paste in there so hard to know you know you can practice on a little coaster but when it comes to these big guys you really have no idea so now i've got i'm going to do some more because i've run out so i made up extra of this because i thought i would need it um there's a little bit of gold left in there what will we do next oh i don't know what have i got left let's do i haven't got any more gold but i can mix up more gold should we put more gold in it's hard to se hard to tell um um let's do a little bit more of the oh you guys i'm so indecisive i don't know what to do next all right let's do a little bit of the pigment paste just a little bit this time not too big a puddle but bigger than that one and then you can have a little bit bigger grain and i'm trying to get in the middle and then we'll go with the white obviously you need more because you're bigger okay and now i've got some clear it's gonna do i want clear yet yeah let's put some clearing push that out push it all out to the edges now i'm looking at the size of what i've got left there and trying to keep them a bit equal i'm going to put some more clear into my cup so i kind of want darkest around the outside and then going into lighter in the middle okay so now i think i better torch let's torch i'm going to move all these bottles out of the way now you've seen them i've told you about them they're in my way okay let's see make sure i'm still taping heels right then a torch get rid of all the little bubbles it's not funny though what the goal does it sort of comes up to the surface and it's like it's floating i'm liking these little striation patterns we're getting why is it always a hair always okay um now i don't think i want to do any more pigment pastes um i might even make up some more of this turquoise because i really want the turquoise i've got a tiny bit of gold left it's really not much point using it is there um all right let me pour some more turquoise in i might need to make up some more i'm not sure yet see this one hasn't got as big a puddle so it really needs a little bit more i'm going to make up a little bit more of the the turquoise i don't need very much so i'm just going to do half a half a spoon and i've still got some clear resin in here so we really only need enough to finish this circle puddle because it didn't have as much and i didn't want to do any more of the blue the electric blue because it's um i think it's going to be dark enough i'd rather have the turquoise looking good so far you guys well this is this is nerve-wracking i tell you it's such a lot of resin to waste if it doesn't work i can see over here in the corner my goal is already coming up over the edge which i'm hoping will happen that's what i wanted to have a little bit of gold poking through i don't know about this squiggles on the top though like why does it do that i don't know why it does that i just don't know all right that's enough stirring now i need to pour this in here because this didn't have quite enough okay um oh i forgot my gold leaf i forgot my gold leaf i forgot my gold leaf hang on let me wipe my hands i'm putting some gold leaf in the center look at the edges look how it does that it's just weird and another hair okay let me touch it again so i can see bubbles because i've just mixed this one up hopefully it will start reacting as well as like these ones have see how it's all coming back into the middle and i better get a wriggle on actually because i don't want to ruin my striation patterns you're very bubbly yes you are now um i'm going to keep keep some clear that should be enough um that's for my gold my gold leaf and i'm going to put the rest of my clear in here so this is it this is all i've got you probably can we see you might be able to see it's going to get all of that out that's all i've got left get it all in there i'm going to knead every last little drop i didn't make up enough to totally fill these because i thought just in case i want to do a top coat like with a little bit of extra gold or something i don't want to fill them all the way so let's put in some clear i don't need any more gold let's pop in some more clear try and get it in the middle julie still not looking that turquoise see that's the color i want see that in the bottom there that's the color i want in the middle i shouldn't be using all this up i should be saving some [Music] i just think i have to poke down some of my um my gold leaf now let me get my gold leaf out see how the navy takes over like it's it's really quite strong it really is and i only put a tiny bit on just picking up some gold leaf with the end of my wet stick there because there's no way i'm going to be able to pick it up with wet gloves it's just not going to happen i'm trying not to let it fall into anywhere it's not supposed to fall but i may well do a flood coat over the top tomorrow if i if i end up losing all my gold like i always do see it's closing in already but if you wait until it starts setting up a little bit before you put your gold in it kind of doesn't sink stays on top but you know me i'm too impatient to wait but i may do a flood coat so i'm happy that we've got that pale center i am happy i'm happy that we're getting some gold around the edges that makes me happy i love the striations that makes me happy too so i don't know where's the electric blue is it kind of just mixing in with that it's really hard to know all right i'm going to pour some gold into the center of each i don't like that stuff that floats on the top i don't know what that is i really don't know what that is see look at that i wish i could like scoop it off this is why i think i might do a flood then i can cover those bits with yeah see like it's just sunk you can't even see it's in there so it's kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it put a little bit of clear over the top of that but i think it's just going to flow back into the middle so i dare say i will be doing a flood coat tomorrow i don't know i i don't know how people get a clear a clear center maybe i'm using like too much color and not enough clear not sure anyway that's all my colors done done and dusted now let me wipe my hands and then i'll torch again but um yeah can you see can you see that stuff that's kind of floating on top i don't like that i'm going to push it all into the middle i wonder if i could just like scoop it off it's like it's a almost like a waste product sitting on top i'll put it into the middle because that's where i'm going to drill the hole anyway and then when i do my flood coat tomorrow i'll cover that up with some gold leaf because you can't see the gold leaf anymore can you it's just it's just gone it's all been covered up so that was pointless so let's torch lots of bubbles in the middle i'm liking those striations i don't want to disrupt them at all it's funny how i've got more area over there and not there i i don't know why maybe maybe it's got something to do with my table not being level or maybe it's just the way i've poured i i don't know if there's something in there try and get it out like in the same direction of your striations don't go across the side i don't know what to do next oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh but look at the navy taking over you guys see i didn't want that i just wanted a tiny bit of navy and i wanted a lot of this turquoise and i had two cups of turquoise i had half a cup of navy and it's still going crazy and taking over i'm going to take it down for a bit of a close-up and then i'm going to cover these babies up so that we don't get any hair or fluff on them i will come back to you tomorrow i think that's just a bit of gold i'll leave that i'll come back to you tomorrow and i'm going to do the flood coat with um some more of that because you know you saw it just sunk and then we can cover up those little bits so um i wonder if i can touch my camera with these gloves on i don't want to take them off because i have to clean up still let me wipe my hands again um and see if i can take you down don't drop your phone in it okay now i have to try and touch the screen and then put it on auto focus it's hard with gloves on isn't it okay so i wonder if i'll get those see i've got the blue popping through on the side there but not up there i wonder if it will eventually now through the camera it looks more blue in the center but it is more turquoise oh my gosh look at those striations you guys haven't got a lot of gold coming through i was kind of hoping to get more gold this one's got more gold stand over here so the ring lights away this one's got more gold it's kind of floating on top i can't get very good shots hang on i'm going to turn off the ring light i turn the ring light off but i've still got the overhead light there which leaves that little white dot there but i can't help that i hope the gold comes through on that right hand side as well to balance what's going on on the left there i can see a tiny little bit coming through but i don't know if it will or not this one this one's more this one's got it all the way around so it can't be the fact that my table's not straight because this one's got it this one isn't it weird how i've got had dark on the outside but then the lights popping through the light blue i don't know it's just confusing but i do like that gold and i do like that turquoise center i've got gold on the outside and then gold in the middle i should have put another ring of gold in maybe next time next time she says this was nerve-wracking i don't know if i want to do this again and i used up so much resin look my bottles are nearly half full or i have gone already oh my gosh all right i'm going to leave it there um i'll come back tomorrow and do the little flood coat with the gold and we'll see how they've changed this is exciting it's so scary though all right i'll see you tomorrow hey guys i'm back i'm so excited have a look at these babies i wish they weren't pink around the outside but try and get the overall impression there now the gold that i had along the edge it's kind of all gone um let's start with the baby one first have a little look now all the gold that was on the edges has kind of sunk you probably can't see it but there's a little bit of gold there and it was my first time really using the white paste and i think i added a bit too much because the colors look a little bit sort of dulled down and pale because of all the white see all this here this is white so anyway we'll see we'll see hey i won't judge it just yet oh they come out really easily look at that it's pop right out um oh i haven't got a glove on better get a glove hang on one sec i'm not prepared i just got home from work yeah i just got home from work and um i'm just so keen to take these out i was gonna wait for tomorrow morning but i can't wait i've got to do it now okay let's put that one over there and uh flood coat looks lovely with the gold on top do you remember how it looked without the gold on top now through my screen it does look a lot more blue when i'm looking at it in real life it's turquoise but i don't know they just look more excuse me more blue through the screen all right let's flip her over and see what we've got oh there's all the gold okay so we wouldn't have it that way but i need to find a gold that's not going to sink and it's very sparkly and all but no and there's the navy around the outside but yeah it doesn't doesn't look very nice on the back so that will be the front for sure um but yeah i'll have to find a gold that doesn't sink does anyone know of a gold that's going to sit on top and not sink let's do the next one the mummy one oh they're just about popping out all by themselves i guess resin shrinks a little bit as it dries so they just pop out so easily pull that off it's heavy that mold so there we go same thing there's a little bit of gold along the edges there but um not very much you can see the striations they've got quite a lot of white in them so i've got a little bit of a little bit of transparency i'm waving to you a little bit of transparency through the center i wish you could see the aqua though the turquoise it just looks blue so anyway there's that one when i put them when i when i set them all up and put them outside you'll see the true color i am going to paint the edges i don't know if you want to see me do it i don't think you need to see me do it i've done it that many times i'm going to paint the edges with this gold and then i'll set them up i'll have to drill holes my husband went back up to the mines this morning i said oh can you leave me your drill and put a six millimeter drill bit on it for me so that i can drill a hole so yes i'll have a go at that well this is a big daddy oh look at you oh aren't you gorgeous look at it isn't it gorgeous i do love them i'm just to be you know if i have to be a little bit critical it's just this white i guess that's gone through here i don't know maybe you guys would would like it um i don't know i love the gold on top it looks very light at the moment i guess the back is going to be the same yep there's all the the gold never mind that's okay we can have go with the top um so yeah i will give it a um the edges okay they're quite thick i don't think i probably needed to use that much resin i'm gonna if when i do this again i'm actually gonna cut down on the amount of resin i use because it's a lot and if i want to make a lot of these i can't keep using so much resin with each one it's just it's just too expensive so i don't think they need to be that thick that's almost a centimeter all right enough of my chit chat there they are i'm going to paint the edges and then i'll show you the finished product all right see you soon i wasn't going to film this but then i thought i'll just show you what i'm doing here i've got this sitting on my cake turntable that i use for when i do my spin art and i've got a couple a few of these little plastic containers sitting on top and then i can just do that i think it's just easier if i can turn this you know paint the edges turn this and then i'll pick it up and then over there behind i've got these sitting here that i'll i'll put it down on when when i've finished painting it so that's the idea and i'm just going to dab into the lid i've got my glove on so that if i do touch the resin i won't leave any fingerprints this just brings the the cake stand kind of just brings it up a little bit higher for me as well and it just makes it so much easier and you can just paint and turn paint and turn because it's quite a big area i'm just using this paintbrush it's quite a hard bristle but it's the only one i've got so i just thought i'll i'll use that so it goes on pretty quick if you make a mistake if you paint somewhere you shouldn't um i try to wipe it off just when i did a little bit earlier i tried to wipe it off with just a baby wipe but it didn't work i had to put some alcohol onto it but maybe some acetane just be really careful though if your resin hasn't quite set if you rub too hard you'll actually um you know take the top layer of resin off and leave it dense so just be careful of that so that's that's the edge i won't do the whole thing but now normally i use this to do the the top edge but let's see what happens if i can do it with the brush not quite sure how to do this i don't want to do a thick line maybe i can just i don't know maybe put it put the brush along the edge there like that how's that oh that's it's not a very thick line though i think i need a thicker line than that anyway i'll just persist with it i'm not quite sure how thick i want it i don't want it too thick but i'll just do that so i'm just using the underside of the brush putting some paint on it and then using the underside of that brush just to do the edge and i should hold it down here rather than on the actual resin oops see i made a mistake there a bit of a blob you could take it off straight away but if you leave it on any longer you're gonna have to have some alcohol or the acetate to take it off it's a little bit tricky i haven't done this with the paintbrush before so still learning there's a tiny little rim on on here and i'm getting my paintbrush just on the inside of that rim and that seems to be working how's that looking trial and error really don't want it too thick i think it's working around we go where we stop nobody knows this is fun i think i'm doing okay so anyway there we go um i'll finish it off and then i'll i'll do my little video for you and show you what they look like together you don't want to see me drill holes do you no i'm gonna measure the center and put a little hole in the center all right i might you never know i might i might let you watch me do it for the first time i've never done it before so don't laugh at me all right i'll see you soon either way wish me luck morning everyone i've got you outside on my deck it's very sunny morning although it's a cold chilly winter's morning here in queensland australia now i've got my three cake stand trays there i'm going to work out where the center is i'm just going to use this little ruler i've got my marker so bear with me right so that is if i go 20 half of that is 10. i'm just going to put a little dot there and then the other way where's my daughter halfway is there it's a bit tricky but i don't know if this is the correct way of doing it i have no idea i'm just going to put a few dots on and then i can i'm sure if it's half a centimeter like half a centimeter out it's not going to matter i'm sure there is a better way of doing this but i don't know what it is anyway there's a few little dots there so that's probably going to be i think roughly where my hole is going to be remember to see that one's there yeah i'm just going to do it about there i think oh my gosh right let's move these out of the way i'll do those later i think that's roughly where it's going to be i've got my drill hubby left it for me before he went away so i'm gonna have a go at it i don't even know how to turn it on oh it's on already okay cool so these are the set that i bought to go with it excuse my dogs now this little end here is a five millimeter and my drill bit is a a six millimeter so i have no idea if i should be using the same size drill bit but i don't want it to be too tight so i've gone up one size right and i've got a board here um so that i can drill into it and not into my table so wish me luck i'm just going to go there this is scary oh i'm doing it i'm doing it [Music] i wasn't sure if it was gonna like slide oh look at all that look at my resin coming out [Music] am i through oh lots of little curly bits i don't know if i'm through or not i'll go a little bit more i'm just pressing very lightly oh more curly bits am i through oh no i'm not through yet okay keep going i guess until no more curly bits come out and go a little bit faster oh okay we're through ah now what i'm stuck oh there we go see this is why i should just stick to nursing and painting i'm no good with tools but look i made a hole all right now let's see if it fits so this is going to be that'll be the top one that sits like that so this one will come underneath poke through oh wow i'm glad i did the six mil you guys so that'll go there like that and then this will go on to that but i have got some little washes and things that i've got to use they're in here so let's have a look i don't know what that one's for actually i think that's i think that goes on on the bottom and that goes on the bottom as well underneath and then the resin goes on top and then these go on top however i've got one two three four five six okay that means there's one on the bottom and one on the top that makes sense i think okay so let's do that and then that would go in there and then i think there's another one that would sit on top like that and then that one should just sit there so it's got a one of those little rubber things on each side look you guys i'm doing it i'm doing it so that all the shadows and things but it's a bright light today all right there we go i've done one put it over there now i'm just going to mark the others where the center is so that i don't bore you i'll be i'll be back right oh here i go with the second one i've got my little dot there i'll try and hold it as straight as i can and hang on to this a little bit more confident this time i'll go a bit faster and i'll stop once it pulls back and i know i'm right through hey oh like that all right look at that i did it i'm getting better you guys all right that's that one done and the big daddy better just clean that off okay i'm gonna have to google how to make a you know how to find a center because it was a bit tricky going measuring it all the way around it's going to be a way maybe i'll make like a template because i'll be doing these again so if i make a template out of paper then i can just pop the paper down and i'll know where my middle is so i'll work on doing templates all right let me just clean this up where's my tissue those of you that you know know how to do this feel free to fast forward and i just thought i'll show the whole process rather than stopping and starting and stopping and starting okay so now i think this is what you do on the bottom it's got the screw and then the metal washer and then that little rubber thing so i think that goes underneath i didn't take into consideration that that might be thicker oh no it's okay phew it's okay now that is obviously going to lift my last um tray up off the table isn't it so i thought i'd put some of these bumpers on and hopefully that will just stop it from you know doing this it might wobble because that's going to be sticking up in the middle do you reckon that's a good idea isn't it just peel those off i'll put these on my coaster as well i think i'll just do actually i might need some more let's do normally on the coasters i do um spore but this is bigger so i'm going to put a few more on otherwise it's going to wobble i'm sure of it because of that center and we don't want that right so that's them there just buy them from ebay just on a piece of paper um silicone bumpers all right so that sits like that that'll stop it wobbling too much all right now the next thing i think i need to put one of those on it's not going to give me much room these i've got from ebay as well i'm an ebay shopper i don't know if this is going to have enough space see i made it quite thick i'm going to have to have to take that enough to take one of these um washes off i think i poured my my resin too thick excuse me i'm just gonna take off this white one i'm still learning but i definitely don't want to pour my resin this thick again because it was a lot of resin like yeah it's a lot to use and i don't think we need to have it that thick so i've taken the white one off the bottom and that should give me enough room to screw that in yes it does i'm just holding the bottom there but trying to stop it from moving all right so that's that one look it's working now the next one let me just dust him off because he's got some resin swirly bits on him okay um now i've got two more of these guys left so one there to support the back that goes there has this one got one yeah that one's already got one so that there another little white one on top i wanted to zoom you out now don't i can hear the birds in the background all right well here we go put that on hang on still you still can't see let me let me zoom you right out that's my backyard my lower deck anyway all right can you see now can we see can we see only just all right let's screw this one on i'm going to hold on to that one actually i'll hold on to the the bottom oops now i'm just i'm just twirling hang on i think i need someone to hold one for me while i'll do the other one i know it's working i'll twist that way and then i'll twist this one the opposite way since i haven't got anyone to hold it for me oh no look just have to turn the top i have no idea you guys i have no idea it was turning so so you
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 401,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #resincakestand, #threetierresincakestand, #geoderesincakestand, #hoetomakeacakestand
Id: jnJ3joi9SME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 44sec (2864 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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