7 Sins but I do way more than 7 sins

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JackBudi 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing seven sins yeah i don't feel like i need to explain much from the uh the intro screen here and also i can't because i never played it before i was just looking for weird ps2 games and yep this sure as hell looks weird all right start a new game i'm expecting something like the sims um but i don't really know what this game is at all welcome to apple city buddy come on move your butt go see the nice young lady and invite her out it's as easy as abc okay this game is already a bit odd my god what the hell is with the walking controls jesus christ okay would you like to date me wait press triangle to sit on the couch with your new girlfriend we're already dating miss dummy a very nice person oh she's only a tutorial character to actually teach me how to play okay well that's disappointing i thought i'd finally made it in this game and got a girlfriend tell some lame joke yeah do that one oh my god what the hell i tell a bad joke just he slaps me and asks me if i'm new in apple city i can see why they call you miss dummy uh tell another lame joke okay again she just gets pissed off it's a bit small here what are you saying what what do you mean by that chit chit-chat about the weather that's nice he puts on some cologne weather's mild for no [ __ ] reason with the cologne look on the top left and you'll see that the pink gauge level has increased it's the sex gauge it means that your girlfriend has aroused you by the way the blue gauge is your stress level and the red gauge is your violence level i just want to max out my violence level see what happens keep telling jokes what a great joke oh she likes that now [ __ ] sake this is so uncomfortable see you later i'm busy doing stuff wait it's time to earn some money rob your girlfriend essentially is what it said okay pick some pockets i don't think this is really earning money and i get a little mini game for it okay all i had to do was push some buttons didn't really seem like it was worth loading for that mini game did it can i leave now i want to go out into the real world i'm done with my imaginary girlfriend i thought it was past that stage of my life wait it says that i'm feeling guilty wash the dishes to do a good deed and put my mind at ease okay i'm gonna start robbing people and then i'll just do dishes afterwards okay i'm ready to get out there and start my something or other come on let's get going yeah go to the next chapter don't read yeah just keep going i'm starting to think the world might actually be flat when you look at it from up here i mean most of it is flat okay this level is called sucks not sure what that's supposed to mean but i assume it involves this nice lady over here plenty of pretty green is needed to launch my assault on apple city wait his assault well i thought we were just gonna like try and get a girlfriend not like attack the city oh he's actually got a real job now fair play i thought we were just gonna continue robbing coats i mean that did seem easy to be fair and if it just takes some washing some dishes to forget all about it not bad take a customer to a stall i can do this you stop stalling let's go to the stall grope [Music] why is this in the game what the she irritates me it comes up on the screen nothing about me needing to be arrested or anything okay she's still willing to follow me what the [ __ ] is this game the thing is i don't think i've ever even seen it in stores so i'm really confused maybe it was like not in europe i don't know i've taken her into my boss's room i'm gonna sit down my mom is here and she wants me to get a promotion okay he he wants me gone don't worry i'll piss on the plant as revenge it's a mini game aim the stream and kill the bugs wow this is peak gaming i could be playing red dead redemption 2 right now but no i'd much rather play this this is the only game that doesn't piss me off what a cool game success i think i got a ton of it on the floor i was just waving it around okay well the plant is glowing i think it's thriving off what i fed it with i have something wonderful to show you please follow me that doesn't sound worrying at all i i don't know what i'm doing lady i'm really sorry it's my first day enter the fitting room maybe all right come in here i'm not sure what i'm doing please follow me where the hell am i supposed to take this lady can i show you this sing something to attract the customer i'm free like a river oh god i'm pissed off that this didn't work i didn't even knock it over where the hell am i supposed to take them take a customer to a stall i've already done that tried to sell clothes why it's my job pens off me i didn't do anything i'm just trying to sell you some clothes get to know your customer better and build a tight bond so that means it's okay for her to slap me to be fair like i deserved it but she doesn't know that i'll take a drink yeah nice not sure where he even got that it might have been some of the cologne or something oh god i'm drunk on the job and my boss is coming down and now i have a mini game for some reason maybe i'll get to piss on my boss go puke but don't spill anything on the way up after one drink it's like a person that just says oh i don't really drink much there's one sip of beer and it's drunk immediately you can puke discreetly like a true gentleman it says i don't know if that was discreet okay shoes yes your feet are delightful that's what i say when i'm trying to sell shoes to people and you just start dodging them i've done five of the seven sins i can't remember what's next maybe envy i haven't been envious of anyone yet lost okay use the left analog stick to follow your target and enjoy the view all right i'm gonna have a black screen at this part so you can see what i'm doing but um let's just say you wouldn't be proud of me how i'm getting these points okay i'm not proud of myself i'm gonna go straight to church after this and confess my sins i'll bring the game along so it's easy to explain i've got other articles to show you okay i don't understand why i have to build a relationship why can't i just sell her something like a normal sales assistant reach the flirt level with a customer all right my guy's violence meter is filling really fast i don't know why go piss on the plant it'll cam your violence down i've already pissed on the plant oh my god what's going on jesus christ he said i can't take these idiots anymore oh my god he's having a full-on breakdown just because i didn't leave him piss in the plants i guess i lost i don't know this game is so confusing like why is it even a game i really hope i don't have to start again i mean all the sins are full now i've done everything oh okay good it's just continuing sorry about that mental breakdown man but i'm back now would you like to buy something look it's too expensive for you [ __ ] [Laughter] i really want to select stuff like that but i just can't i need this pair to end it's annoying me oh no she's getting pissed off oh now my guy's getting pissed off hands off i didn't actually touch you thank christ i won't leave unless i purchase something well i'm trying to sell you something can we work together here sell something anything no you don't want to you don't want to [ __ ] buy anything do you i'm not leaving till i purchase something but i won't buy anything how about a fish do you wanna do you wanna buy a fish can i sell you a fish look perfume no [ __ ] off lady okay good okay i'm dealing with this woman i didn't want to deal with the other woman we got to a bad start you're my favorite customer like tommy wiseau who made this game it's like someone played the sims and was like this game doesn't have enough groping it just went off and made their own she's in love with me will you please buy something oh my god okay finally i made a 50 sale after all of that increase your relationship level you need a high one for them to spend sell expensive items she doesn't seem to want to buy anything expensive no you'll have to come to this side to my good side i don't want to sell facing the other way buy one of these and i'll try them on with you okay i don't think they'll fit you dude she doesn't even want that no one wants that for more intimacy there's the fitting room yep we're gonna try many things on look at her posing like that surely people will be freaked out let me undress are you impressed yet is she gonna stay dressed i don't understand what's happening if ever john caldwell jr should learn who's that what the hell she's confessing she's robbed the place now my guy doesn't really care i don't think he cares about his job at all if i'm honest if anything he's happy that she robbed the place i'm just praying to god it doesn't pop up mini-game and start loading that's all i'm hoping for please [ __ ] [ __ ] i had a feeling this was gonna happen no i don't wanna do this this isn't gonna just be this video demonetized it's gonna be the whole [ __ ] channel no this is gonna have to be a [ __ ] black screen as well i'm afraid it's nothing that revealing it's just it's not really safe for youtube i don't think oh yeah of course that would be the only mini game i fail it happens the most guys leave me alone what's my job now do i just sell stuff okay yeah i just need to sell stuff all right follow me come on you like me enough to buy expensive [ __ ] now right boss please get out of the way i'm trying to do stuff here miss i'm sorry can you just get out of here i'm trying to your feet are delightful just say that to her i just want to deal with my current customer i think she might buy something nice or at least steal something okay there you go you bought some shoes great this turns me on for some reason would you mind lending me one thousand dollars i just met her and she went from i don't wanna buy something for fifty dollars that's too expensive to here's a loan of a thousand dollars steal something really expensive for fiona like here take this you deserve it instead of paying the store just pay me money oh would you mind lending me another thousand dollars i hope this is just stuck in a loop and i can just keep asking for money yes here you are my love i met her like 15 minutes ago she's obsessed you got it lover boy first sell and grab the cash grope and send them to seventh heaven one last effort and everything will be working smoothly it's open season i don't understand any of that i'm here to collect my socks takings give it to me now [ __ ] sake look at the amount he took off me most of that was a [ __ ] loan ah steal something for her again and then just ask for more money ask for another thousand this is a good loop it'll just take some time because i can't speed up the conversation you may ask for money if you desire she just offers money randomly and that seems to turn on my guy that's the only thing that does turn him on he apparently had issues in the fitting room but once she offers money those issues just go away enough you've reached the bounds of an honest day's work was that an honest day's work you work your ass off and the boss fills his pockets start and go on to the next mission yeah god damn no it's like have fun with the girls and then continue with that no i don't want any fun i want to [ __ ] go home immediately no you're not coming with me get out of here lady fiona caldwell does not want to follow you do you still want to leave yeah she just wants to stay there all day wasting her money she's a zombie home look at the water cash in his hands like you know it's supposed to be alone right my god i've got like no furniture all right let's go on to the next chapter yep leave my playmates behind and no problem you think she matters to me not even slightly mediacorp tv casting director or am i finally getting a cool job so we want to be famous do we yes please i think i deserve it yup okay i've gotten an acting job now all of a sudden this was very fast i think we're missing a chunk of the story basically my job is to trick celebrities into hooking up with me and filming it i don't really think this is really acting you're like a hunter in the savannah the game is plentiful choose a chick and approach her softly get to love level with the girl at the eden club you first woman i see i'm supposed to be dancing with her not in front of her at least turn to face or something all right no you're making her go around all right she ditched i am not surprised what about you lady you want to dance with me nope again not surprised show those fools who's the daddy okay try that what are you doing oh okay here's wrath apparently okay now i've taken off my shirt and i'm going pretty extreme i think the dance floor is a bit too empty to be this sort of thing i think i'm having a bit of a mental breakdown stop fooling around okay this is gonna kick me out oh great i'm having a mini game is he gonna beat me up in this mini game anger play slap your face wait i don't know how to dodge okay did i just knock him out that woman's just [ __ ] standing there i failed i'm a lover not a fighter well actually no i'm not i'm basically nothing my guy is useless he's a sex offender who should be in jail and that's about it i think we're having a meal together now i just sat with this lady she doesn't even know who i am well it's kind of a dull topic i said let's check out the menu she hates everything i say knock fork off the table she likes this oh no what's the mini game gonna be oh no all right you're gonna have to miss this out as well your lucky [ __ ] success i'm really good at that one no i'm next clip follow me we're going somewhere else i don't think she'll follow i don't think she's any interest in me whatsoever wait maybe maybe she does come here no she's going the other way i do not blame her they immediately just ditch anytime i try and get involved with them she sat on an empty table let me join hello i would like to have a meal with you yes she likes me already you choose dessert i trust your good taste the woman behind me is like she said that exact same thing to me my guy's violence meter is really high head right for the bathroom and killed some bugs kill the bugs in the john that'll cam your nerves uh if you'll excuse me for a second oh great this one follows me all right play pearl harbor i don't know what that means why is this place filled with bugs i'm glad i took the woman with me for once this time and now she can watch me just not even be able to get the piss in the bowl it's just all over the floor success good at least i impressed her now i can turn around and be like look at success you like me yet come on let's go back to dinner or something i don't know we hardly know each other we were already sitting with each other a while ago come back here you fecker oh thank god okay we're dancing together yeah just clap at her she loves that just act like a [ __ ] seal i suppose we've invented a new sort of dance here i bet fortnite are going to steal this i'm going to sue him if they do even though i didn't make the dance but i showed it to him ah come on that was on purpose i just sat down and then she gets right up again you're nice you're awfully stupid but nice well micah seems to take whatever he doesn't really mind okay he just said check this out baby and started freaking out and she did not like that for some reason well stop there do you know who i am well no to be honest i paid for a meal but i think we're just playing pretend because nothing actually came out on the plates i'm having a tea party would you like to join she's probably doing it just out of fear in case i snap i'm so happy i'm gonna go see daddy what i just paid for a meal for you god she annoys me and i can't even understand what she's saying it's just her voice i know the indian from the village purple that's gotta impress her oh god my guy is freaking out oh no no no no no no don't do anything rash now come on we'll go kill bugs in the bathroom stop it okay he's fleeing he's fleeing the scene to be honest she was very annoying i'm gonna blame her on that and not me or my guy hey sorry about that mental breakdown you want to dance some more i'm kind of quirky like that i'm so random the internet in 2013 would have loved me check this out michael johnson taught me this i think my guy is just really old he doesn't know any of these celebrities see that guy next to the pope that's me i'm surprised he didn't call him the pepe or something there we go a little peck on the lips is that what we needed my guy's getting really angry again leave the eden club take your new fling home and let the show begin oh okay yeah let's let's go home okay we're live the camera's recording where is she am i alone did i not bring her with me to be fair she's fairly forgettable i wouldn't be surprised if i forgot her look at these cameras how is she not gonna notice them well she didn't even come home with me anyway so i guess i failed my mission i don't know what the [ __ ] i just punched her my guy just laughed it off that really count down his violence meter all right you can either come with me this time or you can stay there i don't really care at this point she's annoying me now well she's been annoying me for a while but everything about her is just very frustrating okay she actually came back with me this time do stuff in front of the camera be careful the live sign must be flashing okay first of all i got to like get rid of some stress because you [ __ ] stressed me out something fierce i meant just lie down by myself if you don't mind but okay oh god she's irritating me i'm gonna get really pissed off i gotta get up [Laughter] gobble everything in sight yeah that'll do yeah this is how i imagined our night would go how about you honey i'm standing in the toilet does that still count as good yeah that's success okay great i no longer love you and i'm telling daddy oh great fantastic guy i'll give you permission to freak out at this point there we go i screamed and i'm throwing vodka at her that's really helped my violence meet her though all right well i hope that's enough footage for our show i'm leaving now i just got me being abusive on my own cameras for tv now i will go to jail and it's a happy ending all right well we're gonna end it there oh this game is frustrating it's so slow to play it's so difficult but i hope you guys enjoyed me being extremely frustrated and i guess i will see you next time appreciate you as always folks bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,414,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, 7 Sins, seven deadly sins, the seven deadly sins, seven deadly sins s2, funny videos, seven deadly sins lets play, seven deadly sins ps2, seven deadly sins pc, 7 sins gameplay, 7 sins ps2, 7 sins pc, 7sins ps2, 7sins pc
Id: 5Nqz_i03MQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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