A new high bar for Quest 2 games! // The BEST QUEST 2 graphics EVER

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[Music] weirdo banjo hello there everyone and welcome to red mata 2 now i know there's going to be about 400 red mata 2 videos on your youtube feed today if you watch vr creators they're going to absolutely spam the entirety of youtube with videos about this game so thank you for being here to watch my video about this game that genuinely means a lot to me now i also know that every single person's video is going to have basically the same title including mine probably all these videos are going to be called best graphics on a quest 2 game ever best quest 2 visuals insane quest 2 graphics mind blowing quest 2 visuals they're all going to be called something like that because this game does look to be pushing the quest 2 harder than it's ever been pushed and i'm really excited to see just how good this game is going to look but not only that i want to know how well it plays what's the gameplay loop like what are we actually doing here how interactive are these environments going to be because it's one thing for a game to look gorgeous it's another thing for a game to look this good and still be interactive can i still push over cups grab chairs move things around am i going to feel like i'm part of this world that's what we're here to find out today let's have a look at red mata 2 this is out today it looks like the big big hitter for august are we in august 2022 man what a mess all right let's crack on a new game in we go i'm excited here we go sasha hello wake up no you can do this i know you can but it's monday i hate mondays your eyes open my eyes do i have to press a button to open them ah i can't believe it worked sasha all right yeah alright okay are you all right yeah how do you feel of course you may have trouble speaking for a while holy mackerel i've had to transfer your mind into a different body it was our only shot at pulling you from the simulation safely i can't touch your face i know i know but you have plenty of questions and i'll tell you what i can but first let's get you out of here let's get me out here come on we have to hurry all right where are we going what's happening turn yes okay you know what i mean the graphics are pretty bloody good aren't they oh my god it's lovely it okay let's just let's take a minute i'm sure we'll see some more gorgeous sights but let's just take a minute to appreciate so we got all these reflections on both the floor and the walls and anything shiny is actually reflecting light um that's really cool that's a reflection of the room um it's yet really really nice looking holy [ __ ] if they can make i mean whatever they've done here on the quest too if they can make this kind of available to other developers i mean i don't know i mean they might have spent an incredible amount of money to to achieve this but this is this is next level um this looks better than some pcvr games i've played recently like immediately this is nice looking is there going to be a big person on this appear shazam there we go this is the atlantic union's lunar base she looks amazing the body you're in belongs to the officer keeping you in custody you're practically invisible just act normal and you won't attract unwanted attention have you put me in someone else's body again i'm an undercover operative here at this base you can just call me beta hello after the strelka m3 incident the atlantic union captured and subjected you to an experimental procedure oh yeah simulation created to extract information from deep within your mind one more day in there and we'd have lost you i'd be frazzled lucky for you the cosmo bureau entrusted me to help you escape just follow my instructions and we'll get you out of here in no time amazing faces as well the facial like cap is done by a mocap or whatever but it's really nice i'd like to see that in more games to be honest okay there's a pokeball over there it's a giant pokeball oh i have arms but no body that's really interesting i don't think i've seen that in a game before i assumed i had a whole body but i've just looked down and i realized i don't have legs or that's kind of odd but i have like full arm rigs all right okay very interesting oh man i want to go out there i want to do some moon jumping oh boy this looks so good i want all quest two games to learn this this is the problem we get one game like this and then we're spoilt like all quest two games now have to hit this bar it's a bit like moss too like moss two looked so good i was like i need everything to look this good now um we going in how about that it's like a glove huh you can operate the grippers by squeezing the triggers to grab and manipulate objects use them to open the sliding doors in front of you that's fun okay could i not have just done that with my actual hands why do i need grippers now why is you know why have i replaced my human fully functioning with claws you'll need a fuse to fix it that's fine check this out space on the lower deck the engineers always leave spares lying around lower deck lower deck can i go through here then okay that like splays out when i push it into the wall that's that's a good thing it knows it's interacting it's hitting something hard hard surface uh lower deck lower deck oh aim at the fuse pull it okay we've got some half-life alexey style grab and pull mechanics very nice pop you in there job done oh i think fans of um sci-fi adventures are going to be very happy very very happy with this come on yes okay this is a perfect chance for you to practice using your suits built-in thrusters how boost yourself with a jet pack until you run out of energy okay right we have a jet pack and we can just jet back over these gaps that's a much bigger gap the right stick to break midair this will increase your precision when landing okay break press the right as in like press it in okay all right we'll see i don't need to break like i didn't even need to use that that was fine okay i like this little jet pack this is cute [Music] easy does it your jet pack can make it trust me on this one i don't think i can make that holding forward until you reach the other side okay keep boosting when you run out of energy okay okay just keep going just keep going and believe just believe you just gotta believe good job very nice now i think right now against early days super early days my only gripe is i wish i had a full body rig i wish i could look down and see legs it's a it's a little i i really appreciate that we have arms i mean that's that's good um because i would have hated for it to just be floating hands the more vr games i play the more i hate floating hands so the arms is really good that does add more immersion because that's that's you know that's right it's bending the right way with my arm but it's just odd to look down and see nothing and if you look back far enough you can see the cut-off point between the arm you can see that they are floating arms it's like a museum a funky little museum scanning tool press the face buttons on the left side to cycle between your different tools oh okay uh all right scan additional information scanner try it out this will help to refresh your memories scan things okay dusty chessboard uh a simple toolbox the only companion a true volgravian worker could ever need but this part is that me and looks a bit like me um who does it look that reminds me of someone i just say me because it's a bold man with a beard okay that's not me or like the laser um you're closer that's amazing so the laser you can move around when it hits the thing it starts scanning wouldn't handle hammer no information about that cool do i have to scan everything in here huh who are you arena strelka and three's resident biologist she was killed shortly before the incident took place oh that's a shame arena and stars were romantically involved oh okay right so we can pick things up can we break things yeah gravity's a bit weird but we can break things quickly check the uh hold on she loved the soil and now the soil loves her in return farewell comrade that's a bit you know morbid she's dead is she what's that syringe with some red residue oh we don't like that let's get rid of that okay yeah we can throw things around that's happened faded flower smash it yes yes okay it's passing the interaction test which is great um can i switch back to that can i grab that and i smash them together one one so yeah okay that's cool oh yes yes okay right we're having a good time now we're having a good time now that things can be thrown around i love that i'd have that on my wall at home like have you got a version of this i can have can you send me one like a press kit or something and just stick it on the stick it on the wall it's cool i like it i think i think we're done in here aren't we let's just see if we can go over here maybe we have to interact with everything in the room that'll be a oh no oh no oh no maybe i have to scan uh this looks ominous silver eagle a symbol of freedom inherited from one of the most influential nations of the atlantic union is it america i bet it's america they love eagles volgravian space suit belonging to sasha that's mine give me give me oh it's cooler come here oh this is cool give me your foot thank you that's it put your foot on the table there we go will you just move book stay there that's it much more casual i like it i like it ah this is me okay so the burnt out ones are me that's why it's covered up ah who's this sasha your true identity they led you to believe you were someone else in order to increase the simulations chance of success okay that sound what's that bleeping weird hello there shouldn't be anything still operational sasha let me see if you can find out where it's coming from i can see where it's coming from over here use the right gripper to detach the interface tool on the left side once detached oh look at this little jelly wire love that plug that in there okay we're hacking we're hacking receiving it's oh expand information please oh oh i like it it all feels really nice to play i like all this this is just great sos signal biggity's alive we're talking stars it's stars volkov i'm a man i'm not a lady that that's not possible he was presumed dead oh wait sasha's been put in a different person's body it's a distress signal there's a man voice but lady okay that's great news okay unless sasha's a guy's name i wonder if the whole game's set on this planet i don't think it is because i've seen like very red vistas um oh oh oh what what hurt me did i sound too close to the i don't know what hurt me yeah i've seen some kind of landscapes and vistas that look very different to this kind of very rare with big planets over overhead and i'm getting in a ship now so i'm assuming i'm flying somewhere let's fly to the place and save my friend all right i need to take care of before i get out of here i'll contact you just as soon as you've entered orbit no worries gorgeous game for getting me out of here i hate flying oh that is the slowest ignition i've ever seen in my life especially considering this is like a space oh as actually quite it's quite quick actually okay oh oh i can't look out the windows anymore what am i supposed to do now what the hell is that is that where i'm going sasha looks that way what can you tell me about the place it's a classified scientific research facility orbiting saturn okay okay why would stars go there well according to his file before being transferred three stars was first stationed it's where he and arena both met he supervised base operations and assisted with project lazarus right we're going to land on the big rock destination oh ready i'm in the rings of bloody saturn oh it's gorgeous it is so nice looking i've never done this before don't worry it's all automated just enjoy the ride more games like this please yes yes stunning stuff i think to be honest we're about to have a good few months of great looking games because walking dead chapter 2 is going to look amazing as well among us has kind of like a cartoony vibe but it looks very faithful to the original game and that's fine by me this is stunning ghostbusters hopefully will be gorgeous from end dreams i think we could see some really top-tier quest two titles over the next few months all right let me out i want to get out there i want to see it through a not scratched up window oh man the really impressive thing it is yes the ship is still broadcasting the distress signal what the flip now the really impressive thing about this game um from a technical standpoint and for just like my own my own brain is um oh god this is gorgeous this is so good um is the fact that i'm actually capturing this with full rate capture on on the quest so you should be seeing a nice high frame rate i'm capturing in 1920 by 1080 using the new um capture tools i mean usually that pushes the quest pretty hard i've tried to capture games that look far less impressive than this with those parameters and the quest struggles uh it can't do it but this is handling it beautifully main power is out and systems are damaged beyond repair this thing hasn't flown in a while he's been here for a while then with the transmission delay okay right let's rock and roll how do we run is it a click in yeah click in um push that the access terminal is working but the entrance is locked doors won't open attacking exactly there must be a way to unlock them hack it can we hack it okay it's not oh hold on welcome to the top station please press the button below to open the door okay that isn't that isn't working though station main entrance yeah okay i get it i get it yeah there's there is something down okay hold on there is something over here actually there's like a lower platform i did see that so maybe if we float down there with the jet pack here we go look down here maybe there's something down here oh that's floaty oh okay because of the gravity you just immediately start floating so if we ah it's a lift it's a lift okay okay right so let's okay so all right so that's me to get back up okay for now we need to go over here break break break flip this this is gonna be a big hit um on the quest for everyone really i think regardless of the kind of games you play um i think you'll have a great time with this it's just just a technical marvel and it seems to be like a well-paced adventure exploration game and it will have light puzzle elements much like the first one um okay we got that let's pull that out into there connecting press x hack it move the cursor find the correct position oh what the hell grab that and then what what is going on here what the hell what the hell am i doing okay i don't know how i did that that was a lot of just moving things around and hoping for the best ah very confused sending me a message the virtual logic assistance drive tapping into my suit systems via the access point bomberman greeting stranger trying to get in the naughty way i see yeah that's me didn't they teach you not to fiddle around with ai security protocols no one's ever taught me that please stop it no i'm coming in whether you want me to or not uh cabinet status disabled can we enable it go thank you um cool right oh wow he's really strong look at that i guess it's because of the gravity you don't have to worry about things being too heavy for you to pick up ah here we go here we go i knew there'd be one of these somewhere up we go ah come on you get it round the top side that's it that's it i thought there'd be one of these somewhere because that looked like i needed one on there uh plonk that on that [Music] very cool very very cool i have no idea how the um lock puzzle works i i i i couldn't tell you even if you asked me i think you just you just wiggle it around until uh until it works hope for the best prepare for the worst hope for the best we go oh i should better get in now open worked hell yeah let's get inside in we go [Music] what's this scrolls and the weak crown tosca's emblem symbolizing knowledge and wisdom all right i like the um you're a noisy door and you're probably gonna be just as noisy i really like the scanning mechanic it reminds me a lot of metroid prime just going around and documenting everything oh i'm going blind my eyes stop this what is going on you're hurting me ah are you okay no i'm dying it's nothing just like it is something i'm fine what okay this gas stuff is bad they're infecting me or something it's not good let me out i really um really like the design of all the sci-fi elements as well it doesn't have that kind of cold clinical modern day sci-fi feeling to it it's kind of got like uh it's kind of got like a 60s aesthetic like kind of what sci-fi what people thought things were going to look like in the future in things like the jetsons you know it's kind of got that smooth edges yeah i like it a lot what's this hold your close to the base of your tools handle to store it oh in here oh it was it though hold on where is it um greetings again unknown intruder okay i didn't think you'd have the nerve to show up is this for me as well clearly i was wrong is this how we talk to each other through notes because it's infuriating hello incoming message all right oh who am i fooling the system has been offline for weeks now i knew it lately the maintenance and care once invested in this station have been non-existent at best right so you want me to come and fix it that's usually the the drill in these kind of games the terminal has been taken upon us great okay we can fix it and fix it yeah yeah look maybe done yeah fixed some components look damaged maybe not all together let's see what i can do is that med back that's a med bay i need like maintenance bay uh scan that maybe we'll get like a map or something cargo bay plans and its current container layout someone needed to get the other side and left a marked path oh okay so there's a path through the thingy can i draw on here no oh a shame what a shame but i can take this cup and this cup won't break right because it's made of plastic or metal um okay can am i getting any of these oh there we go there we go there is the monitor that i need fantastic plug that in no okay we need a fuse as well get in there right we know that one's fine that one's working okay need a fuse as well ah that is probably something we need and this can i store that i can can is that something we need as well maybe could be good it could be good take it just in case do we need a hammer probably not can i go in here aha okay i can go in here that's cool right i have the monitor a bit i have that thing it's just the fuse i need it's just a fuse hello spacesuits any fuses in here i need one i want to scan everything as well i say do you feel worthy of joining the vol volgravian elite and listen out and make your motherland proud i reckon there might be something in one of these lockers whoa loads of things in there how the hell did that worm ever get posted at tosca okay i never liked him something about him he's always felt off hold on sasha scan poliakov's id keycard to load his credentials see it i think there it is there it is hold on can i take this and put that in this and carry it around yes i can right okay so let's take that out put that in there as well yeah a little basket of goodies look at that okay means have to hold less things um chessboard oh it folds open look at that amazing picture of people playing chess who are they uh father and son immortalized memories of a happy past beautiful and this i'm sorry it's just that i'm feeling a little bit dizzy lately slight discomfort and nausea irena ah the level of detail in this is so good is that there's biggie bam and a lady who's the lady photograph of arena and stass together they look happy they look they look so happy look so what is this thing acquiring security code oh i need that security code acquired from poliankov wicked what's in here cigars this is so good god checking you gotta check okay nothing in there let me just before i use it let's have a quick you can clean the toilet the future of gaming is here you can clean the bloody toilet and then you can put that back close the lid and crack on with your day oh almost fallen out okay first things first we put the fuse in the thing easy okay can i take that and can i take a fuse please fuse in the thing you come here that's it put you back into my little box and now we put the panel on hold on oh oh no it's gone through what are the chances in that happening that's it's amazing that it can do that it's amazing that the game has the logic to do that that's actually quite incredible um let me take that that's a bug i bet the devs never found uh pop that on there and i think we just put the screen on right screen on yeah okay screen in i made a bloody monitor look at that monitor creating simulator what a legend give me my toolbox back oh yeah it's got such a great art style look at it really unique it isn't just cold because so many sci-fi products and games and films now just like cold metallic corridors the alien was very good at kind of carving its own path with the white and the kind of it almost looked like a padded cell um but this has got a very specific vibe it's actually reminding me of death loop um which i think was 60s i think it's like a 60s vibe oh my god look at that the lighting in this game is um actually quite incredible like the way it reflects off everything look at it it's even on my even my scanners yeah they've done something magic here vertical robot have done something matt this reminds me a lot of death loop it's even like the same color palette um what's wrong holy [ __ ] blood stains what's that stars what's that a bullet okay let's scan that let's get some information here find what's going on uh auto surgeon you know i want the bullet no the bullet extracted bullet traces of dry blood in it okay so he's been shot um let's get this out that's it plug it in oh i love this it's quite slow paced very puzzly very exploration heavy um very much my kind of thing uh port offline no power detected okay that's fine let's get some power going shall we um okay switch to that um or liquid in there look at that it's got that kind of half-life alex moving liquid uh walking dead did it really well as well actually oh and you can interact with everything it's that's a big positive for me huge pause look at that yeah huge huge positive for me brilliant brilliant stuff jesus schematics of the alexey auto surgeon trace of dry blood are splattered all over the blueprint there's blood everywhere it's an eye checking thing yeah visual acuity chart um leather log book can we read that no okay what's that there really small look even at the small vials i've got liquid in them i'll pop that there um there's gonna be power somewhere i'll be able to power this thing on ah there it is there it is there it is power power move that out of the way oh that's where i came in okay stay there stay there stay there oh yes okay grab grab or flip an l oh it's like a bioshock thing um yep just like a bioshock thing okay that way that's better yes there we go whoa okay very nice we've got power in the machine now so we can boot it up or hack it i guess there we go here we go uh let's read these slots corrupt brilliant corrupt brilliant corrupt brilliant ah okay whoa holy hell okay he was having a bad time he still had all his clothes on though which is strange they removed the bullet he got up and he went through there i guess the machine was lucky to be alive and his condition looks stable i'm glad to hear he's okay i am a bit worried not gonna lie i am a bit worried i like this effect as well this kind of um mosaic glass it kind of looks all blurry really cool i think this is clever as well because although this is taking some processing power to do the lighting the reflections it's quite clear that i think this is in my opinion it feels like this is a way for it to process and create the next area because you're held in these quite long quite long loading sections between rooms and the blurry glass kind of means that it could be a blurry projected image which isn't necessarily the room while it's loading the room in i i feel like that's what it's doing purely because you're held in these rooms for quite a while it's the same here like i don't think that is the room i think um or it's like a really low quality version of the room and then it tidies it up before you load in seen stuff like that before like i remember dead space use the elevators to load in areas very clever um auxiliary power generator a small portable version okay can i take this no it's fine very similar to the first game if you played red mata one you'd already know what you're getting into um heavy exploration puzzle elements very story driven and just very good looking very good looking a terribly sorry intruder but that door is currently locked there's no way to proceed do you see that retinal scanner only authorized personnel are allowed to access such a pity it's been great fun thus far too bad you have to leave now don't let the airlock hit you on your way out you little cheeky bastard what if i do my eye anyway you let me in no okay so we need somebody's eyeball we need somebody's eyeball access denied yeah i know piss off all right someone's eyes gotta be around here somewhere let's just keep looking oh i'm probably gonna wrap this video up soon because i'm probably coming up to the hour and a quarter hour and 20 minute mark and i like to kind of get around about that much gameplay for my first impressions i might i might do this as a series i might do a full playthrough of this one um because i'm really enjoying it is that the same red matter we found on stroke hand three here it is it's the same all right has got to be related to the red matter that's true for what purpose what did you want to achieve not a clue but you may be able to find out okay can i scan that should probably scan that's important isn't it unidentified element not in database it's the bloody red matter mate that's the whole reason we're playing the video game fairly long loading sequence here we go while it actually makes the room in there look good kind of processes it um creates it i think that's what's happening yeah an absolute technical marvel um on the quest too um and not just a visual achievement you can still interact with everything in the environment you pick things up you can throw them around objects will break you can scan them it's it's actually quite a complex exploration and puzzle game um so it isn't just all looks no substance it is substance as well which is great to find out because i think that might have been a few people's concerns when something is built almost exclusively on the fact that it looks good it's kind of like okay what else what else does it do um no power no power and i like the puzzles in this um what is this blood bank oh my god a blood bank blank screen okay how do we get the power on seems to be leading this way i'll solve this room and then we'll wrap it up can we go in here i bet it's gonna be the most complex room ever it looks bloody complicated uh is that blood oh okay toxic i think it says probably on there because it's just blood organic resin bottle shut up it's blood it's quite clearly blood okay oh what the hell is this is teeth and eyes oh because i need an eye don't i okay so a bottle goes into the thing and then you pick a certain pattern to get the thing that you want you can do two right okay this is complicated as all hell it's really print a setup is that what this is this is a 3d printer [Music] yep 3d printer organic 3d printer okay so that actually makes a lot of sense um i can open that okay so a bottle goes in there is it this one connection established let's hack oh no not this again please no never again i don't understand this i guess you grab it and you just move it until things are okay ah okay i'm like okay i kind of understand it but at the same time i really don't um give me all the data give me all the data come here even that's 3d i'll look for anything that might be screen has got depth hello wait what did you just do i can't believe it you mocked me entirely for fun perhaps all right showdown calm down and that was some highly sensitive information you just sent out there intruder i should have known better you reeked of trouble from the moment you first set foot in this base yeah you're absolutely unhinged i'm afraid uh blood bank on organic 3d printer on thank you yep that's in right i'm pretty confident that was the right thing and then we need to do the right symbols so eyeballs is like two [Music] what can what goes in here is this where the thing comes out when it's printed i think it is yeah um um okay it can only go in certain ones so ah interesting can only go where like the magnets are and you'd want to be there for an eyeball and what are you for oh my god what is happening now right it's going to grab what are you getting what are you getting for me oh vial of blood why oh that goes uh-huh [Music] all right okay ah so that goes in the thing in here right goes in here yes okay but now if i press print it's to print me i think anyway it's going to print me i don't know i think that will be no that's it that would be an eyeball that'd be an eyeball that'd be an eyeball whoa come on now organic 3d printer we're living in the future we're living in the bloody future we're not going to be pretty scared i'm just not seeing the connection to the red matter this is it's a proper little eyeball that is so cool is it done is it done hold on that's fantastic right so i store that now and i guess that's what i show to the thing it's in everybody game i appreciate it because i love the shining so much but my word every game has that after the fall has it as well yeah this is shaping up to be one of the best quest two games this year um easily and we are heading into the very intense part of the year where there's a lot of big releases but this the polish on this and it isn't just about the polish yes it's gorgeous but yeah the interactions the pacing so far the puzzles they're not too easy they're not too hard the narrative well voice acted uh the faces when we've seen them beautifully captured glowingly positive so far um i think you're gonna need to be into your sci-fi space dramas peter do you read me oh my god i'm in the upside down um yeah i think you you're gonna have to be into your space sci-fi dramas and your puzzle games to really appreciate it but i would urge everyone who has a quest to at least check it out the first one i think is still on sale if you haven't played that fantastic game but this just dwarfs it in terms of visual fidelity oh my god this is terrifying all of a sudden i'm literally in the upside down i did not expect this um i hope i snap out of it the red matters clearly broken out of containment ah hello giant orb how are we today great day for a murder can i oh ah ah flashbang my eyes been bloody flashbanged sasha can you hear me yep i'm back yes yeah weird i'm here oh thank goodness for a second what happened your vitals are off the charts yeah nice saw a big giant orb thing oh yeah i'm seeing things you'll feel better soon if bloody worked i didn't need to make two eyeballs but who cares i'm the king of the world right i'm leaving it here i hope you've enjoyed this video please let me know down in the comments if you'd like me to continue a play through play the whole game i'm happy to i'm absolutely loving this game um so i am happy to play more this is red mata 2 it's out today on the quest 2 store and not only is it a gorgeous visual feast it might just be one of the best quest 2 games this year in terms of visual fidelity pacing voice acting face capture interactivity yeah setting art style sense of style in general very impressive hope you've enjoyed take care of yourselves see you soon for another one goodbye bye
Channel: Beardo Benjo
Views: 27,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Quest 2, The Best Quest 2, Best Quest 2 Graphics, New Quest 2, New Quest 2 Games, New Quest 2 Games 2022, Best Quest 2 Games, New VR Games, New VR, New VR Games 2022, Beardo, Benjo, Red Matter 2, Red Matter 2 Quest 2, Red Matter 2 Quest 2 Gameplay, VR Gameplay, Quest 2 Graphics, VR Sci Fi, VR Sci Fi Games, Red Matter VR, Red Matter 2 VR, VR, Best VR, Best VR Graphics, Mind Blowing, Mind Blowing VR, VR Adventure Games, VR Space Game, VR Spacewalk, Red Matter 2 Part 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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