7 Security Build Hacks vs Wither Skeletons - Minecraft

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well then let's get started rumor has it that an army of wither skeletons will attack us tonight our solution is to construct an anti-wither skeleton security system for our house we need defenses right away wither skeletons are no joke right that's why we're building six different security measures to protect us let's go great what's number one number one is a cactus pufferfish defense system let's build it we'll use cactus which are plants that are covered in spikes it hurts if you bump into one yep that's why we'll use cactus just like this to cover the perimeter of our house the thick layer of cactus will act as a protective barrier okay okay i like it the cactus aren't supposed to be touching all right so instead we'll build the cactus barrier with two separate rows this way when they try to pass between the cactus the wither skeletons will bump into the spikes wow a natural security system that's the best yeah this time we're using nature to protect ourselves wonderful this is great we'll just plant the cactus along here yep that's far enough all the way around hurry up hurry right the wither skeletons are coming [Music] there we're all finished is that it for number one nope there's more to it mikey i almost forgot what else the pufferfish i got them ready for a reason yeah what for well it's possible to pass between the cactus and it's likely that the wither skeletons will be able to walk straight through and up to our house that's why i'm digging a hole in the ground between the cactus and filling the hole with water to make a moat around the property it'll be the spikiest mode ever [Music] i just have to fill in the gap like this [Music] great now then mikey it's time to fill in the moat with some puffer fish what puffer fish you heard me right if you get too close to pufferfish they'll poison you whoa so now when the wither skeletons try to squeeze through the gaps they'll be hit with an overwhelming attack of puffer fish poison i get it now let's fill up the mouth between the cactus and the puffer fish it's a double layered security measure wow great plan that's good enough right the cactus pufferfish defense system is complete now then i think a giant pitfall trap will be a good choice for number two pitfall in the unlikely event that any wither skeletons break through our cactus pufferfish defense system yeah i was thinking we might want to drop them into a really big hole oh like this [Music] is this right yep that should do it a pitbull trap this enormous is really something just look at the size of it whoa what a view yeah we're gonna make the hole around this big all right let's clear out the hole we're digging down into the void [Music] perfect wow we finished with the hole it's so deep it's a massive pitfall trap whoa sweet time to set up the rest of the trap first off we'll need lots and lots of tnt then we're gonna need some sand a bit of redstone and a few repeaters i think it's supposed to go like this that's good well this is how we're gonna build the trap okay i'll do my best fill it up with tnt let's hurry all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so far we finished everything including the wires yep clear one side okay there now watch how i lay these repeaters down the entire side [Music] then i'll add some more redstone dust oh [Music] i'll set it up like this [Applause] [Music] perfect nice [Music] here too [Music] all right i'll finish it off with a lever right here sure almost done almost just a little more sure does that look alright hmm okay to make it easy to tell where the trap is the next step is to mark off the edge of where the trap begins good idea let's mark it off with gold blocks nice [Music] incredible all finished it's done now then that should do it for the giant pitfall trap just don't pull the lever by mistake don't worry i won't lay a finger on it we don't want any accidents to happen we'd have to redo everything no thanks now then all of the space inside of the gold lines is the pitfall trap so whatever happens stay out of it we're gonna trap every wither skeleton that walks over it yay now our second security measure is finished sweet number three iron golem security guards just in case our first two security measures fail i'd like to add another layer to our defenses i think we should hire some bodyguards bodyguards are reliable yeah but when i say bodyguards i really mean iron golems as for materials we'll need fences sticky pistons redstone repeaters and a lever last but not least we'll also need some iron blocks and pumpkins too with all this we can make our very own iron golem ranch does that sound good to you mikey cool we can leave the iron golems here to stand by until we finish building everything then if the wither skeletons manage to break through our defenses we'll open the gates and have the iron golems to fight for us wow that's amazing so right around here right here just like that cool there we go how about we put another gate over on this side [Music] we'll make it separate there perfect oh thanks mikey now it's time to start setting up the redstone circuit for the gate okay here we go [Music] i'll place the lever here [Music] next i'll need to connect the redstone on this side too wow it's so complicated [Music] okay this gate closes now i need to close the other gate i'll just extend the circuit [Music] there wow awesome this lever opens both gates nice nice now we can finish the golems you prepared mikey just place the pumpkin heads on the iron blocks to create iron golems wow i feel so safe let's keep making more this is the ultimate security yeah iron golems are incredibly strong fighters maybe they're strong enough to destroy the wither skeletons that's probably good enough it's a pretty big crowd of iron golems they look strong it's reassuring i feel so safe well that's it for the iron golem security guards number four a beacon what's the scariest thing about wither skeletons uh they're really strong well they're really really strong wither skeletons combat abilities are way better than most other mobs as for us we don't stand a chance unless we can become stronger that's why we need to make a beacon sure let's make our beacon out of gold this time wait a sec mikey one two three four five six seven eight nine make it nine by nine okay just like a pyramid build it so that it's pointing up to the sky wow that was quick ours is the most powerful beacon type wow yeah now to place the beacon on the very top of the pyramid oh awesome the power is flowing through me the last thing i need to do is insert a gold ingot into the beacon then i can activate our special bonuses wonderful for our first power-up let's start with regeneration then for the second one let's do resistance let's do it nice there we go now as long as we're close to the beacon we'll have increased defense levels and increased regeneration so we'll be able to heal way faster incredible yeah i think that should be a great start is our security done we still have more to do still in the event that all of this isn't enough i think we should build even more security measures the next thing we need to think about is a shelter yeah we can use obsidian as our shelter's building materials should we build it on top of the house oh sure even the floor is obsidian cool obsidian is one of the toughest blocks in minecraft it's strong enough to withstand the blast from a tnt explosion it's our last resort i don't want to use it yeah honestly i don't want to use it either but there may be no other choice whoa i'll leave a small chunk open as a window whoa it looks sturdy yep that should do it oh we still need to build something so we can get inside right how about here that works all right then this is the entrance here's the ladder nice we can climb into the shelter through here just like this this is excellent we should probably make this shelter a little more livable though let's put up some decorations and include some emergency supplies bread nice touch security measure 5 obsidian shelter is complete number six a massive tnt block what number six will be super dangerous so be extra careful while we build it i will obviously we'll need to prepare some tnt for our other materials we'll need quite a bit of white wool red wool and black wool we're going to use them to create an enormous tnt block we'll lay it out next to the house like this there it needs to look like tnt one two three four five [Music] okay whoa that's big yep we'll use the colored wool to construct the tnt pattern this is probably gonna take a while i'll help you [Music] tnt whoa wow all right yay we did it not yet the tnt isn't complete yet because yeah why because we haven't filled it in with tnt yet come on mikey let's do this thing let's do it i'll help you this tnt is incredibly dangerous so be extra careful we should only set it off in case of an absolute emergency yes sir [Music] whoa all right the tnt is all filled in now we just need to cover it careful not to set it on fire careful i don't even have anything that can start fires perfect wow that's the way to do it this is great [Music] there it's done it's done it's enormous yeah whoa amazing let's not use it that's a good plan all done we can only use it if we have no other options although this massive tnt block may be a solid security measure but we still need to figure out a way to light it up for that let's head back to our shelter sure let's go remember the window i installed in here i remember well we should put another chest inside the shelter in this chest we can store bows arrows and flint and steel as for what to do with all that take the fire starter light some fires right here and shoot arrows out of it if you shoot through fire the arrows will ignite so when it comes time to do it you can light the wool on the tnt block on fire wow that's amazing that does it for number six so it's finished yep when the time comes we can start the self-destruct mechanism and use the massive tnt block to blow away our enemies meanwhile we'll be safe in our obsidian shelter wow and with that our six security measures are complete oh splendid now let's wait for the wither skeletons to attack look wither skeletons what they're coming already looks like they brought a whole army to raid us whoa you're right it's an entire army nope oops puffer fish poison you okay mikey i've been hit we'll have to jump the gap it worked jump i made it do they see us not yet let's get closer to lure them in i'm scared well they still don't see us what they just don't care are they actually friendly is that a thing no hang on we've been spotted they're coming mikey jump over the moat it's gonna be okay they'll never be able to get through whoa what the oh you gotta be kidding me right now wow get away from me some of them are breaking through that's not good you okay i'm still alive i'm fine whoa hey try to draw them into the pitbull trap at least a bunch of them are falling this is bad here goes there the pitfall trap has been activated oh no no no no no this is so bad whoa there are even more now what do we do we use the pitfall trap mikey there's no choice it's time to release the iron golems let's do it release release them oh let's go iron golems fight out i'm hurt all right face the power of our iron golems whoa watch them go they're protecting me they may have broken through the cactus wall but these iron golems can really turn the tides for us then again with the sheer number of wither skeletons out there it doesn't look good for us stop it all right will the gulps beat them maybe we lost a couple golems iron golems already so powerful come on see they're fine go go go wait a sec we're losing golems mikey impossible are you sure huh where'd they go uh oh oh oh let's retreat to the house for now mikey these golems are done for get inside hurry get in here hang on they're right on my tail there are too many you'll be okay the beacon i don't think i'll make it mikey no sheesh oh you barely made it i hate to say it but i think we're finished the house too we prepared too much for this to happen there's no choice even though we built all those security measures we still got overrun by the wither skeleton army what do we have left our last resort let's go to the shelter it's time for the last resort the only option we have left is to detonate the massive tnt block i'm afraid there's no other way alright mikey are you ready to do this thing yeah first we light the flames flames then shoot our arrows through the fire hit the tnt oh look it's lit look huh will it work where's the boom huh the flames are spreading i think it's gonna whoa there it goes it's exploding will it destroy them i've never seen an explosion this big before wow i don't want to get caught in the blast what's going on out there i can't see no way the paintings i don't believe it they got blown off the walls wow that's crazy this is the most incredible thing i've ever seen what's going on it's still going it's unbelievable wow the sound is flying everywhere huh what hold on it's finally over wow that explosion was enormous i want to check it out but if we drop from this height we could take some heavy fall damage yeah oh we have this some water pour it in the hole mikey sure yes thanks i'm heading down what do you see wow what happened here careful wow yikes there what the wow check it out by hiding in our obsidian shelter we managed to avoid any damage from the massive explosion as for the wither skeletons we successfully destroyed them all i'd say today was a huge success yeah i agree with that said if you enjoyed this video please be sure to like and subscribe bye see you next time bye bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 24,040,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: FaN7-g2R-8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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