The POOR to RICH Story In Minecraft Challenge - Maizen Mizen Mazien JJ and Mikey

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yeah I'm starving food anything here what are you kidding me I only have one piece of bread left I guess I'll eat it I'm so hungry I'm hungry all the time these days [Music] hey oh Mikey it's unbelievable what am I gonna do it's insane huh what's wrong Mikey oh by the way sorry I ate the last bread uh why just just come what do you mean it doesn't matter something incredible [Music] huh is that money what's all this money wow it is money what is this Mikey the little together Clap The Hang On Mikey yeah how much is there how much did we win we won 10 million 10 million dollars but that's 10 million this is 10 million dollars yes we could live easily and never run out there was something I always wanted to do if I won and we're gonna do it now you bought a lot of cakes my dream if I ever got rich was to eat as many snacks as I could cookies too tastes so good I'm kind of hungry so I guess I'll have some yeah I will I bought fireworks too oh yeah whoa fireworks let's eat yum I guess we really are having a snack party this is the best oh this one looks good I'm so happy my dream has finally come true uh this is our new house that's right I remembered that I always wanted to live in a mansion okay it cost five million but I couldn't help myself five million wow so much although yeah this house is really cool I know right this place is so huge I can't take it all in oh automatic doors whoa that's right it's fancy inside too wow there's an indoor waterfall it's amazing this house is too big whoa all right oh yum a fireplace too oh okay scrumptious yes please [Music] Mikey this house is really amazing yep but you spent five million JJ we're okay we still have five million dollars left it's fine I guess so five million out of 10 million I guess 5 million is enough yep don't think about it and just have fun we even have a pool let's go play okay oh what a pool and a diving board let's try it let's do it whoa let's have fun wow a house with a diving board that's what five million dollars will buy isn't it great all right I'm gonna dive off oil around yeah wow I can do that all day [Music] man this is the best yeah wow this looks really expensive these clothes are cool I feel like a real king now here you are wow here I am sitting on my Throne nice oh JJ the royal family has tried ER wanna look for it really I get treasure yeah let's find it yeah let's go apparently it's hidden somewhere in the castle huh a royal treasure that must be let's see I guess we just have to look this door let's check oh wow this is cool where is it which way do we go oh hold on this path goes further down let's try it let's go where is that treasure the Royal Family's treasure I'd like to see that where is it it belongs to us now yeah [Music] this place is like a maze is it down here a little treasure oh it's a dead end maybe this way [Music] oh wait this area has a security system there's lava and lasers that's pretty suss totally let's go Mikey we just need to make a running jump oh hang on that door looks suspicious let's try it all right be the treasury right yeah this is the hidden Royal treasury definitely let's open it open huh wow this is unbelievable I wonder how much it's worth a whole lot this is even more than I imagined it's crazy see and it all belongs to us Mikey [Music] oh I just noticed look behind you yeah there's some great security here oh wow those are turrets whoa Mikey I think the turrets must shoot non-royalty if anyone not in the royal family enters they're the target that's great yeah wow there's so much food here whoa so much awesome and everything is so fancy too all this delicious food is the best yeah oh Friday wow this much oh there's even cookies we get to eat like this every day yeah yeah let's eat it oh let's try eat up I couldn't eat another bite I think we over ate a little bit Mikey definitely we're done eating let's go exercise let's play The Royal way let's go yeah what a great day this is the bathing area really even the bathtub is huge this place is the best I'm glad you became king I never even dared to dream that we could live the rest of our lives like this and yeah I had so much fun today I'm so glad I can finally live in a mansion yep what an awesome mansion it's the best It is Well Mikey it's been a long day let's sleep huh I wanted to do first I almost forgot so important watch this look what is it it's a door ready sure click whoa it opened and inside what is it it's a safe for our precious money oh it's a safe it does seem extremely secure whoa all right I get it now we're keeping our money in here yep all right it's an incredible number of dollar bills so that's what five million dollars looks like well let's sleep let's sleep be sure to close it yeah okay let's close this one too close it Security on now no one can steal from us whoa okay peace of mind let's call it a night all right the bedroom is really something oh whoa it really is amazing oh wow the beds are so soft [Music] we'll sleep well in these all right well good night Mikey I'm sleeping night oh JJ oh what's up Mikey I went shopping today what did you buy yep yep huh wow your clothes look so expensive thanks I bought some for you too take them here oh thanks you bought these for me try them whoa I think they'll look good whoa I look cool neat we look like Nobles thanks Mikey sure so cool there's something else I want to show you come on what what else do you want to show me follow me this is it huh I splurged check it out I couldn't help myself whoa hang on these cars look really expensive each car cost 1 million dollars huh what that's so much they are cool though let's ride Mikey let's cruise in an expensive car whoa sweet and why don't you drive Mikey sure so cool right whoa awesome we could go anywhere yep I could live like this forever yeah wow isn't this great this is the best I love the feel of the road hungry and I think I'll make a reservation at a fancy restaurant on that note Mikey yeah we've been using money non-stop do you know how much we have left I think we should start using our money wisely so we don't run out huh we had 10 million dollars right but we could never use it all up chili Mikey I'm a bit worried how about we go check on the safe sure all right how much is left let's check let's see all right so we still have a lot right huh it's left only one million no only one million one million we had 10 million but now most of it is gone Mikey Mikey at this pace we're gonna run out of money fast which means we need to start living more frugally let's skip the expensive restaurant today you mean that we can't live all fancy anymore no Mikey let's give up on extravagance let's leave the safe Mikey okay and let's close it behind us all right Mikey yeah don't touch the remaining million without me from now on we have to discuss our expenses I understand Frugal Living ooh oh something woke me in the middle of the night huh Mikey's gone what let's go look for him where is he what's he doing be a winner I'm begging everything is riding on this no no [Music] no I wonder what's wrong and I guess that Mikey is playing a game or something he's really into it well whatever [Music] at least he can't spend our money in a game good for Mikey for finding a hobby that doesn't cost money well I'm going back to sleep yep Mikey was really into that game I'm ready to sleep again night it's morning nice weather again okay huh Mikey's still not back what's he up to it's morning oh Mikey huh Mikey what's wrong oh you seem really hooked on that game last night did you even sleep JJ actually last night I was trying to earn our money back by investing online huh yeah you weren't playing a game you were trying to earn back our money that's right see I wanted to use our one million to get back our 10 million but I lost everything huh [Music] what everything's back to the way it was I guess yep so we can still have fun without money every day
Channel: Funny Mikey
Views: 789,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft funny, maizen minecraft, jj maizen, zenichi maizen, mikey maizen, jj and mikey, mikey and jj, maizen, mizen, jj and mikey parody, jj, mikey, mikey turtle, mine craft, funny minecraft, maizen parody, maizen challenge, jj mikey, maizen bro, jj and mike, maizen mikey jj, mikey and gigi, mike and jj, maizen jjj, maizen shapeshift, maizen prank, maizne, The POOR to RICH Story In Minecraft, maizen rich, maizen poor to rich, maizen poor vs rich, maizen story
Id: c1EhO6pKiV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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