Mutant Spider VS The Most Secure Minecraft House

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Nico this house we built looks so good I know right I'm so proud of this me too oh gosh why is there so many spiders out here oh my gosh again these spiders are getting so annoying I know right where are they even coming from we've been dealing with those all day maybe from that cave over there oh what wait since when was there a cave there I have no idea oh my gosh there's a spider literally right there okay yeah I definitely think it's coming from there let's go check it out where is he going to oh this place looks so gross I know I don't like this oh my gosh what the heck there's so many cobwebs here I know what's behind here oh my gosh Nico get out get out oh my gosh break the cobwebs come on come on come on Nico it's a mutant spider get out of here get out of here oh no okay we gotta go what was that cash that was a mutant spider and it's gonna break out of that cave at any time oh no we need to protect our house so it doesn't get attacked yup and we're gonna do that by building some traps so first of all Nico the spider's easily gonna be able to break through this door oh yeah you're right it's just the Play-Doh wooden door yep so we're gonna break it and we're gonna get something called a scanner door okay and what this is gonna do is scan our eyes to let us in whoa wait I can't get in oh my gosh what so that means I need to place my old door right here yup there we go now we have our own retina doors yup this is my door and this is your door cash okay now that we did this we're gonna have to build some more defenses so let's go back out okay sounds good and now we're gonna build a lava moat whoa that sounds so scary so grab a lava Bucket from your inventory and we're gonna come all the way out here and start digging and now we're gonna go all around the entire house just like this so does that mean I'll just meet you at the very end cash yep I'll see you on the other side race you there Nico yeah I'll beat your cash no you will not okay I gotta go a little faster come on Nico you are not gonna beat me I'm going Speedy what do you mean we'll see about that and look I already made it to the middle what how did you beat me because I'm so much better and now Nico grab your lava bucket and we're gonna start filling this entire thing in with lava I gotta be very careful this is really hot yep and I'm gonna meet you at the front again Nico make sure to get every block gotcha cash I never miss blocks oh yeah we'll see about that all right beat you there come on I'm almost there let's go and yes I made it to the middle again what how are you so fast I don't know Nico I'm just better than you and Nico it looks like you missed a spot over here so I'm gonna have to fix that for you this what there's no way oh gosh um I might have missed some places too this is not good let's just fill these in okay no one saw a thing okay now let's grab some slabs from our inventory and we're gonna create a little bridge over just so we can get across let's go but Nico I don't think this is gonna be enough yeah me neither that spider was really big yeah I don't like that cave very much what do you think about setting up some gear in there oh yeah that would be really smart cash okay the first thing I think we should do is get some Stone mines whoa and this is gonna look like regular Stone but once the spider steps on it it's gonna explode all right what oh gosh Nico what did you do why did I do that all right let's fix this up okay anyways now that we know it works let's go inside this cave and we're gonna replace some of this stone with mines oh gosh I gotta be very careful here yup and I'm not gonna get near that spider because I don't really like it but next I'm gonna get a security camera for my inventory and let's get a camera Monitor and now I'm gonna come up near this spider and place a security camera right here so now when we go out here I can just press camera one and I can check on the spider and oh my gosh that thing is terrifying that's really good now we know when the spider's gonna Escape or not yep and here you go Nico I'll give you a camera monitor too thank you cash next I think it's time to build some laser walls oh my gosh that sounds so cool I know right so we're gonna grab some laser blocks from our inventory and now let's go inside here and we're gonna place them all along the ground just like this okay let's meet at the back again Nico I'll beat you there again gotcha cash I am so fast at this look no way Nico beats me this time come on let's go what what the heck I beat you cash oh gosh uh what the heck okay now that we got that fixed we're gonna build a little entrance just like this okay and now along the top we're gonna play some more laser blocks so it's gonna create some laser walls oh gosh these look really scary I we gotta make hair not to run into these cash yup these do a lot of damage image so let's just put these all around the back again here we go almost there and there we go this looks so cool now yeah I know right oh my gosh no way the spider's gonna get through this no way okay but next we need to make ourselves some sort of Armory so we can get geared up oh my gosh you're right so let's go back through our Skinner doors again got it and now we're gonna dig down straight from here just like this oh my gosh are we making a secret bucker cash yup now let's just dig out like this and for this we can actually use a command so let's get our wand and we're gonna dig all the way out here and just cut all of this there we go whoa this looks so cool so now we can start to build our Armory so for this let's get some dispensers from our inventory offense and some pressure plates now we're just gonna build two dispensers right here two right here and two right here and we can also Place one under us just like that and now we're gonna get a full set of diamond armor from our inventory there we go and let's also get a diamond battle ax whoa this looks so so cool and look at this Nico there's something called a diamond Boomerang what the heck oh my gosh this is gonna be so useful what it comes back to me every time that looks so cool I know right okay let's add this to our dispenser here we go and perfect there we go now we have a full dispensary so now let's just grab a fence right here and put a pressure plate on top and now when we walk into this we should get fully armored up just like that whoa oh my gosh I'm gonna build one for me on this side okay okay now let's check our camera again to make sure the spider is still there and yes he's still in there oh my gosh he is so creepy looking oh gosh cash okay so we gotta build some more traps before he gets out okay now let's get some ladders from our inventory and we're gonna place them going up just like this so now we have a way up and down but since I want this to be a secret we're gonna get some ghost blocks from our inventory and place them just like this so now if you walk through the floor here it'll take you to our secret basement whoa this is super secret I know right but now I think it's time to build another trap and this one's gonna be a fireball launcher whoa so let's get some dispensers again from our inventory and some Redstone and some Fireballs now all we have to do is play some dispensers along the top just like this and now we can fill all of these up with some Fireballs whoa let's make sure to get every single one and now finally we're gonna play some slabs underneath that are gonna go down just like this okay now we can put redstone on top of all these dispensers and they're gonna lead down all the way to the ground just like this and now meet me in the middle Nico got it cash there we go now let's just place a lever here so when we activate this it should activate a ton of fireballs oh my gosh this is gonna be so good to get the spider I know right this is gonna be so perfect okay so now that our Fireball launcher is done we're gonna build a Minefield so when the spider tries to get to us it's gonna have to step on a bunch of Mines so let's get some of these mines from our inventory and we're gonna start placing them everywhere here we go this looks good good and now Nico if you'll demonstrate how these things work got it cash I'll just run over like this oh gosh this is gonna be so effective oh my gosh that was such a big explosion I know right let's put all this fire out and we're gonna fill all of this in with dirt again here we go this is gonna be so effective against the spider okay this looks perfect okay but I still don't think that these defenses are enough so we're gonna build some guards let's get some iron blocks from our inventory and now let's get some pumpkins and we're gonna build some iron golems on the side of our base so let's get some fences from our inventory these are gonna be super deadly yup and now we're just gonna build a big fence just right here oh my gosh here we go and now we can start to build some Iron Golems these are gonna be super powerful I know right this looks so good but now we need a way to let them out so let's get some sticky pistons from our inventory some Redstone torches and some Redstone repeaters now we're just gonna go right here and place some sticky pistons along the bottom now we can play some Redstone torches to active invade them whoa and then finally some repeaters going into the back now all of this will connect to Redstone and now if we get a lever right here when we flick it it should lower all of the fences whoa that's so cool cash get the red so Master yep okay but don't let them out yet oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh push them in push him in push it back in there we go okay we can't let him out yet because we still have some more traps to build what's next so in case all of these traps fail we're gonna have to have a last resort and what's that gonna be cash for that we're gonna build a huge TNT bomb in the sky whoa so let's get some blocks from our inventory and some Redstone torches and now we're gonna create a redstone elevator that goes up just like this and we're gonna make this go really high and does this carry the Redstone signal upwards yup as you can see every other torch is turning off which means the Redstone signal is being carried up let's go and okay this looks tall enough now we're just gonna build out with wood just like this and we're gonna make this go across the entire Island but for this we could just get our wand now we can just select this as our first position and this is our second and we can set this to Oak planks there we go this looks so good whoa now finally let's get some TNT from our inventory and we're gonna place it all along the top just like this what but for this we could do a command again so let's select this one and this one and now let's just do slash set TNT boom this is gonna be so dangerous cash I know right we have to be very careful but lastly this isn't going to activate without any Redstone so we're gonna have to place this all along the top got it make sure to get every block Nico I never miss cash okay almost done and there we go now the entire thing is filled with redstone let's go but Nico this signal won't carry across the entire thing so we're gonna have to place a bunch of repeaters everywhere to make sure the signal gets all the way out oh you're right cash I didn't even think about that yup so let's just get all of these spots there we go and that looks perfect yep okay now we're gonna create a really long Redstone clock so when we activate it at the the bottom it's not going to reach the top until a very long time so we're going to set it up like this and make sure every repeater has four ticks there we go that looks good for the first row but one row is not enough we're gonna make it go another one and we're gonna do one more just like this this looks perfect now let's check to see if this works cash okay so now if we set a redstone signal like this it'll travel through the entire clock and it's gonna take a really long time to get to the other side which will give us enough time to escape yep so now we're just gonna connect this side all the way up to the TNT mechanism and this side will be connected to a button in the wall here we go we'll make it go up and the button is going to be right here we gotta make sure not to press that cache whatever we do yup so that's why I'm gonna get a sign and I'm gonna place it above the button saying do not press so now we know okay this is looking so good so far but now once we activate this TNT we're gonna need an escape plan now this is gonna be really easy we're gonna create a big hole right here in the laser wall just like this and we're gonna make it lead outside and over here we're gonna place a chest which is gonna contain a mini bike and when you open this crate it spawns your very own vehicle what yup so I'm gonna put mine in here and Nico you can choose whichever vehicle you want whoa okay and I found one called the dude buggies what sounds so cool a dune buggy mine's called a mini bike but it's definitely gonna be better cash no it's not well a dune buggy does sound pretty cool but Nico these things are gonna need some gas too oh how are we gonna do that cash we're gonna build a gas station and it's gonna be right here so let's get some stone slabs from our inventory okay and some brick walls and now we're gonna create a little Shack here that's gonna go up like this out all the way over here whoa and now finally we'll just get our stone slabs and we're gonna play some over top just like this got it cash and while you do the roof Nico I'm gonna replace the floor with this too that's good here we go replacing the floor and there we go all done this is looking so cool I know right now we're gonna have to build a gas station so we can fuel up so let's grab a gas pump from our inventory and I'm gonna Place mine right here there we go whoa and Nico I'll Place one for you too so we can both fuel up and it says zero percent fully up so I think we need to put some fuel in there oh yeah you're right oh my gosh wait that only did two percent what the heck we need a lot of fuel buckets yup here take these cash I got it don't worry I'm filling it up I'll give me the fuel let's go now this one whoa this looks so cool in there I know right okay so now we have our own fuel which is good but after we fill up on gas where are we gonna go oh yeah you're right I think we need to make a garage yeah you're right and where should we build it I think out there is perfect yup okay so let's go all the way out here and what do you think we should make our garage out of I'm thinking iron blocks that's such a good idea okay let's grab some iron blocks from our inventory and now we'll get some trap doors too and let's start to build this garage I'll build my side and you build yours gotcha cash okay here's the frame perfect and now let's create the back of it just like this and this will hopefully keep our vehicles safe while the TNT goes off yup this is gonna be so good I know right and I have an idea let's get some glass panes from our inventory and place them just along the side so now we can look into each other's garages oh yeah you're right okay now we'll just create a little ramp way perfect and now we're gonna play some trap doors along the top to make it look like the garage is open that's super smart cash what this looks so good all right now that we have our garage we can't really Drive our vehicles on the grass can we oh yeah you're right we need to make a road and okay what block do you think we should use for the road I think we should use black concrete and yellow concrete oh that is such a good idea we can create roads to each of our garages so let's go out like this and hold on we could just do this with a command so let's grab our wand and we're gonna select all the way just like this and set it to Black Kong concrete there we go now I'm just gonna create some yellow lines in the middle to make it look like a real Road oh my gosh this is gonna look so cool this makes us look like we're in an actual City I know right this looks so cool and boom there we go and now I'm just gonna grab some iron bars for my inventory and I'm gonna place them along this side so we can't go too of course and also it'll protect us for the spider yup oh what was that explosion I just heard oh gosh wait let me check I think the mutant spider stepped out of mine it's gone Nico oh my gosh I I don't know where it went oh gosh yes oh my gosh Nico it's already out it's out all right it's attacking us it's stepping on mines okay oh gosh okay Nico we need to go get armored up oh gosh go that was quick go in the house come on come on the Skinner doors let's go that thing is huge cash all right go inside of our secret base yup okay ready armor up in three two one go yo now we have all of our gear so let's go fight this thing cash we gotta defeat it and here cash take some shares wait why do we need this because the spider is going to spawn cobwebs oh you're right and we can use this to break through okay this spider's all the way over there we gotta get this thing to protect our house let's Attract it with the boomerang oh my gosh I completely forgot we had these things let's go what you got spider oh my gosh oh gosh oh no oh he's mad Nico he's mad get him to step on a mine what come on oh let's go let's go okay Nico just leave him in front of the base I'll get him with some Fireballs Fireball watches come on I'm trying to get him yes I got him oh gosh oh no no no no no Nico don't let him do the lasers oh my gosh that's not working cash he's huge he's glad to for the wall no how did he climb over it oh my gosh release the Iron Golems Nico oh my gosh there's a bunch of cobwebs come on break and break it use the shears it's fine come on let's go oh my gosh Nico the spider's here okay come on all right goes go go it's no use there's so many cobwebs he's killing our Iron Golems oh my gosh Nico is that our last mechanism cash I think it is and it's already out again oh my gosh I'm just gonna use my boomerang come on oh gosh it's on me Nico oh gosh Come on come on oh my gosh I'm almost dead I need to eat my Apple let's go okay Nico I can't distract him anymore I think we have to press the button oh gosh I'll get the vehicles ready okay you do that come on I'm going to press the button I open oh my gosh and what the heck my dune buggy is so small okay I pressed the button now we need to fuel up quickly Nico come on come on oh gosh this spider no he's here come on I'll distract him for you cash okay I'm riding out of here Nico let's go oh gosh this spider I'm out of here too oh my gosh I'm in the garage Nico come on Nico quickly the spider's still in there come on oh my gosh the teensy's falling what the heck oh guys oh my gosh what the heck our entire base is gone and gosh I'm pretty sure the spider's gone too yeah where did you last see it I'm pretty sure it was around here I think it got exploded by the explosion oh my gosh I hate spiders I hope I never see that thing again that means we won let's go but Nico look at our house oh gosh uh looks like we're gonna have to live in our garages from now on yup at least I still have you cash and my dune buggy that thing's so tiny if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: Cash
Views: 9,028,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Mutant Spider VS the most secure minecraft house
Id: RkBk_o5caLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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