7 Second Challenge

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and I'm here with Wade and Mathias and Jessi over there say hi guys be more enthused se we're playing the seven second challenge which was made by Dan and Phil it's actually an app that we're playing on her phone that you can get today I'm not sponsored by but hey it's it's their dam filler crew guys how tall Danny fell yeah uh seven foot and eight three yeah seven foot and a three they are literally Giants they make the four foot seven guy that I am feel so tiny in comparison like I feel intimidated by just being around OMG mark are you really four foot seven yes I got my phone right here to seven second challenge basically you have seven seconds to do whatever the app tells you if you don't do it you failed it if you do it you nailed it but do 5 squats and make an eagle noise with each one go holy me woah oh yeah they sure the chair is gonna bring I just pull my strippers okay good job he nailed it hey put up a graphic this is nailed it say the most random sentence you can come up with go Ziggy zaggy Philly Polly's pigs on a stick with lots of toys and all that stuff boy was there a verb what were the zig zaggy pigs doing okay I got free fails I fail yeah there was no Ferb down is random invent a superhero with a useless power and name them underpants man with the power to melt cheese power yes ah power what you're done putting wishes enough underpants man is already a super here you idiot yeah yes yeah Cat Man fans who's that dude it's captain under isn't that like the whole book series cat Marvel you feel knowing what that is wait for real here we go ready invent flip then we were to do someone to do five animal impressions and name them as you go ah giraffe Oh sheep goat blur bear hoorah tiger rawr okay goat was not what he failed god damn it make the highest pitched noise you can go higher describe a cloud without using the words rain or sky go fluffy white particles here Wow that is it really good give me a give me a nice cloud like nailed it what three things would you do if you swap bodies with the opposite sex boobs touch ha ha ha ice cream dance on skates I wouldn't touch give me an ax fail then oh no that was a good nail failed it eat a huge invisible plate of spaghetti and finish it nailed it but at what cost make up three lies about yourself I am the best I'm not a photographer and I too late you that's uh I wasn't lying on the world I am the word was it what I failed it yeah that was correct Wow gimme it failed it on a bratwurst because he's the worst wage out of my mouth Beckett an imaginary cat down from a tree using only your feet and elbows go okay it just looks like you're like riding a bicycle all over everything okay everybody everybody who has a cat knows it does not come when you call right I'm all right no cats don't respond I'm gonna do them be riding a bike up the truth dance like an angry Swan Creek leak leak leak you're gonna welded say five compliments about yourself oh I'm so handsome my muscles oho so huge I don't even work out I got muscle I've got a really great voice and look my hair is fantastic feels like a calm down how did he get it wrong cuz they were all lies it was all true give a speech as if you were just voted the president of pizza wait president a penis they're going already uh pig sighs delicious thank you I see that one evil boy happy you Nicholas three jobs you'd rather cry for hours than do teaching YouTube and fail in a boo oh give this video a like if you failed it calculate how many seconds are in seven minutes it's 420 I think yeah that's right Wow sing a song about bricks go Briggs or the foundation of my world they are so good and great nail thank you be a chair for the person holding the phone what Oh touch your toes then high-five me five times go at once you don't know how to count dude five for those four to lay the mat and roll the team bad boy walk like an astronaut on the moon here look back there no one can see what you're doing and you're shaking your ass in my face as unpleasant on all counts Oh God boo get up I do an impression of two antelope escaping a cheetah Go Go who's the goat yeah I like the giggling at the end of your scream did you just get out of I should say three things you wouldn't say in front of your grandparents go um Wow look at that booty uh Benny got back you to Athens and you still fail uh uh uh uh uh it's not say to you it's saying in front of your grandpa my grandma that was the seven second challenge we really hope you enjoyed it if you did let us know down in the comments below maybe leave a like for these guys here thank you all so much for joining us and remember this Dan and Phil's app you can find it on the App Store I think it's $2 when I got it so thank you again and check out the thises channel for another challenge we did it prior to this so thanks again everybody and as always we'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,052,520
Rating: 4.9790792 out of 5
Keywords: 7 second challenge, funny moments, 7 second challenge markiplier, challenge video, markiplier, markiplier challenge, challenge, funny
Id: 5aDdn50n034
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2015
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