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Is Ethan ok? He seemed very annoyed

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2017 🗫︎ replies
Mark: Balalallalallalaa. Tyler: I betcha you're smudging the hell out of the lens right now. Mark: Balalallalallalaa. *Mark breathing onto lens* *quiet wiping noises* *Mark kisses lens* *whispers* Love you Mark: Want to try to get through this video without saying the word penis? Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome back to the Balloon Animal Challenge. I'm joined once again by Wingus and Dingus over here. Say hi guys. Ethan: Hey! Tyler: Hi I'm Tyler. Mark: Nah, that's Dingus. This is Wingus Ethan: Hi, I'm Wingus. Mark: There we go, see? Ethan: With a 'W.' So we're back with the balloon animal challenge, we've got more balloons here, and we've got more suggestions from- again? Notice how I stopped holding it like that. Tyler: Oh! Mark: There you go. Tyler: I just didn't want to squeak it! Mark: You keep going Wingus!-- Alright, so, we're gonna be making more balloon animals but this time, instead of making your favorite animals into balloon form, we've got a list of your least favorite animals, so OoOoOoOo! Beware if you have specific phobias of the animals that you're not gonna- you don't know but you're gonna see. Oooh Ethan: It's always coming back home! *Mark and Ethan Laugh* *Mark and Tyler inhaling/sucking in air* Mark: We're starting with one, but here's the twist Look at that. [Ethan:Hey!] Wow, that's a helium tank so you notice these- Ethan: Aren't filled with helium, they're not. Tyler: That's a lie. Mark: I can't believe you lie to your fans, man. Tyler: There you go! Mark: WWHHOOOAAAA- *Tyler laughing* Mark: We're gonna start the round with this one balloon but every other balloon that we're gonna need in this whole thing you have to run back there, grab one of the balloons around the balloon pile, and make another balloon. Tyler: Ethan, throw those pumps away! *Ethan 'struggling' to throw those pumps away* Mark: Don't pump me. Ethan: Got 'em. Mark: Anyway we're gonna be using the helium tank to fill these up. So in order to do that we're gonna need a little more time than we had before. Before we had one minute- or something like that. Some arbitrary number that some asshole like changed in the last second But this time we're gonna get two minutes to be able to make these balloons into balloon animals. Are you ready Wingus? Ethan: *burps* Yeah-ya. Mark: Are you ready Dingus? Tyler: Sure. Mark: So let's get to - ballooning. What's our first suggestion? *balloon squeaking* Ethan: Seagulls... Tyler: Like multiple?? Ethan: If you want Amy, offscreen: It says Ethan: Okay, ready, [Mark: No] I'm ready Mark: I'm not- wait. Everyone visualize what you're gonna make. Just visualize. Don't make it yet. Okay, are you ready? Three, two, one, go! *Happy music plays while balloons squeak* Mark: I'm scared again! I forgot. *Happy music and balloon squeaks continue* Mark: How much time we got? Kathryn off-screen: 30 seconds. *Music and squeaks* Mark: How much time? Kathryn off-screen: What? Mark: How much time? Kathryn: 20. *Music and squeaks* Amy, Offscreen: Time! Mark: Time! Hands -hands off! Hands off! What do you have to say for yourself, Mister? Ethan, with high helium-voice: Hello! Seagulls. The rats of the air! Coming in from the sea, if you will. Up here, we have: the wings! The feet! The tail! A creation, created, none other, than by the- L-Lucifer himself. Mark: Alright, so what we have here is an Atlantic seagull. Uh, not here native to the Los Angeles area You can see uh, the-the bill on the Atlantic seagull is very- not quite as Pronounced as the Pacific seagulls that we all commonly associate from the Hollywood movies. It's actually got large, loping ears to scoop air in through its ears and then flap out of its broad, very broad, Wingies here. The actually like interesting thing about the Atlantic seagull is that it has a rudder It steers through the air carving like an elegant gazelle of the sky Not the rats of the sky you swine, the Gazelle of the sky Ethan: I'm not the swine, its the 'gulls Mark: They're very Graceful creatures, and of course these are its trademark droppings. Cah-Caw-cah-Caw-cah-Caw! *Fart noise* Tyler interrupting: Seagull droppings aren't white- Gah-shut up! Cah-Caw-cah-Caw-cah-Caw! *Fart noise* Cah-caw-cah-caw-cah-caw! the Atlantic seagulls' droppings, are white. Show us what you got. *Mark laughing* The snakes of the sky. *Laughter* Tyler: This is the head of the seagull with the beak it's actually beautifully done- um, if I do say so myself and, this particular seagull got stuck in a trash can um of sorts. A can that was left on the beach by us humans and littering so it is forever stuck and trapped and it's *Softly* dying. Mark: oh. Tyler: It's realistic because that's the sad truth Ethan: Garbage just like the garbage on the beach Mark: What are we gonna do with these balloons after we're done? You wanna throw 'em in the ocean? *Ethan blowing up a balloon* Tyler: Nooo. Mark: Alright well yours is garbage so it's pretty much associated that you would make that, So According to our panel of judges here- wait I'm gonna leave. Let's leave it here. It'll be like a gallery we'll, We'll leave the art here and then we'll just hope that some art critics will walk by and then judge them thusly Kathryn, offscreen: We're judging you now. Mark: Did you guys judge walking by last time? Kathryn, offscreen: No, I'm not- Amy, offscreen: No, we didn't. Mark: Oh Ethan: Which one? Mark: Which one? Amy, offscreen: Uhh, Mark's Mark: YEAHHHHHHH Ethan: Well that was a bad choice. Mark: Well, it wa- hey, shh, wow. Don't criticize the judges. Respect the judges Tyler: I'm gonna take a gander and say that's the proboscis. You, DON't- hey don't touch its proboscis jeez *Mark flicking the balloon's proboscis* *cartoonish POP! when Mark takes the balloon out of his mouth* Mark: That's the proboscis. Ethan: Yuck. Yuck. Yuck Mark, laughing: And there you have it! Ethan: That's the worst thing you've ever done Mark, laughing: Bla-dow! Mark, laughing: That's the proboscis. Anyway... *Balloons squeaking* AUUHHHH...OOHHHH Tyler: Your pink Dingus is- your pink Wingus is attacking my red Dingus. Mark, petting Ethan's shoulder: Don't make fun of my pink Wingus Ethan: Yeah, don't make fun of his pink Wingus. Mark: Okay, we got a new new one and we're ready to go *Everyone laughing* Ethan: THAT'S FUN! *Tyler laughing* Ethan: This brings a whole- this is what the- original idea was. Mark: Yeah! Mark: Oh, that's so- *starts laughing at Tyler's balloon* *Mark continues laughing* AHAHAHO, HoHoHO, HeHe, HEHAHA- Okay. Tyler: Hey, mine dances like some- like a ballerina! Mark:NO! *All laugh* Ethan: Sabotage!! Amy, offscreen: Your animal, is. Ethan: Frog... Mark: This was a bad choice. *Tyler laughs* Amy, offscreen: 3 2 1 go! Mark: OH JEEZ OK ALRIGHT *Balloons squeaking* *Happy music and balloons squeak during the 'creation period'* Mark: Hands off!! Ethan: I didn't touch you! Mark: *balloon escapes Mark's grasp*: AAAAHHHHAHHHHAHAAA *Ethan laughs at his own idea* Mark, distressed: What happened??? Amy, off screen: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, [Mark: UH AHH!!] TIME! Mark: Okay. Tyler? Tyler, possibly imitating Ethan: Sure! So, as you know what the Frog baby tiny little tail butt, little doo-dad, right up-bu-bup here, Tyler: It's nice little, like, it's got like a wee butt thing Tyler: And this unfortunate frog ran into an accident Tyler: And his- he was born with his legs merged with his head, his front legs are merged with his head Tyler: so his legs are like little up here, tied to his head Tyler: and all hes got is weird legs and he just kinda scooches on his face Mark: Your balloons are so sad :( Tyler: ...So mean *Mark having spasms* Mark: Mine is uh Mark: I call it 'The Journey of a Life of a Frog' Mark: Right? Okay, so let's start from the very beginning of a frog's life. The eggs, chained many eggs together all in a spawning pool. Mark: Strung together, vulnerable, pink, fleshy. *Ethan's unsure disapproval* Mark, whispering: Anything could happen Mark: Could be lost at any- *Ethan knocks a balloon away* AHH! Ethan: Anything can happen Mark: That was sabotage, I'd like to point out to the judges that was very much sabotage Ethan: No, no, no, I was explaining how anything can happen (Sure~) Mark: Anything can happen, tragedy can strike... Ethan: Art- Mark: Art is tragedy Mark: OK *Ethan giggling* Ethan: It's drawn to you Mark: It's drawn to me, ok- Mark: SHH *blows air* *smooch* Mark: Ok- so Mark: As you can see... Mark: It starts its life as a tadpole Mark: Journeying from the small egg, growing until it reaches tadpole status Mark: AND then, it takes its first crawling moments out from the waters edge Mark: Just like reminiscing the very basis of life itself when WE crawled from the ocean as just small fishy-fishy!! Mark: And then Mark: When it gets on land Mark: It is... *awkward noises* Mark: Not born because it's already been born, but it's REBORN Mark: As a frog Mark: Here, the giant...head staring at you Mark: Here *flicks the head like a juvenile* Mark: I- *starts losing composure as he flicks the head again before putting it in his mouth* Mark: There Mark: We have *mwah* Mark: Going back to the egg *Laughter in the background* Mark: It's an adult.. Mark: And it goes back...lays an egg Mark: The journey- the CYCLE continues anew Ethan: Dude you really know how to bullshit. *Mark and Ethan cackling* Mark: Look at this! *whispers* look at this... That's a frog. Tyler: It's a frog... Mark: It's everything that a frog is and more it's all that a frog could be Tyler: Ethan- Ethan: Look me in the eyes. [Off-screen mumbling] Ethan: huSHHSHshhh... Let me explain... When you think of a frog, what do you think of? Those big, big legs. And what about those big legs? That THICC ASS! ;) [Mark cackling] Ethan, laughing: As shown... As shown in this representation Need I say more? Tyler: Those STRONK glutes. Mark: J-judges... Amy: Ethan! Kat: Ethan wins! [Mark sighs] Ethan: Thank you, thank you. Would you like to inspect? Tyler: Looks like a frog! Mark: Th-that's clearly ass biased, even though I myself would vote for that Mark: Huh? Kathryn: If you put it through the hole, it could have been a big frog tongue. Mark: oohhh *blehp* That would have been a better way to go Ethan: I'm a fly, flying through the rain forest. Mark: I'm a frog Ethan: who thinks he's safe Mark: hoping- oh- oh!- Ethan: Bah!! A frog! [Tons of squeaking and Mark laughing] So, Ethan, uh, in his absolute ignorance Decided that he was gonna be a dummy and not get a balloon- and I mean like... Ethan: I'm waiting to see what the prompt is! So I can correct - choose the correct color I was explaining my-my theory. I'm waiting- Mark, interrupting: Guys look at mine! Ethan: I'm waiting to see what the prompt is so I can...correct- use the correct color So the score is one for me one for Ethan - [weird burp-yell]- nothing for Tyler yet But there is every possibility that he can redeem himself [Quietly] What's the next suggestion? Ethan: 'Kay Amy: Three, two, one, go! [Mark groaning] Mark: No...No! Hurry up, you stupid asshole! Kathryn: That's time. Tyler: Mine's- mine's a long boi monkey, and as you know those baboons that have red asses have some blue accents as learned by the Lion King Um, with those profound lines up here- that you got it right there And this is its face. And then of course he's got to have his legs and the giant huge profound red buttocks Mark: Question! Amy: That butt looks a lot like a frog. Ethan: Did you reu-- you can't Ethan: recycle Tyler: There was never a rule about that! Ethan: You cant recycle. That's cheating- we have to use new balloons. Tyler: That was never made clear Mark: That is- that is a- that is a rule Tyler:It was never said! Mark: it was never said aloud, but if it was said aloud in the last one then Then the rules carry over from last time Ethan: I think that's a given. Mark: Alright, We'll leave it up to the final judges to make the final decision. I call this one Baboon in Winter. A tragic story if ever there was one. There was no food that fall, didn't have time to prepare left out, foraging on its own lost Galloping through the trees trying to make its way, the snow started creeping in, the cold winds bit to the bone *softer* Bit to the butt. Clawing its way through a river, seeing one salmon still left, not touched by bear. Ah! Can it get close? It's trying desperately! Ahhhhhh! Frozen, didn't make it. Family; starving back home. Red butt, now frozen blue A tragedy if ever there was one And- That lil' penis. Ethan: Ahh, You said penis. Tyler: You broke the rule. Mark: Damn it! You were- we were doing so good. Also You literally all you have to do is explain what it looks like you don't have to give a backstory- Mark: Look! my art has so much more to it Tyler: I will say one thing Mark: God damn it Tyler: I- I Will say one thing Monkeys don't live around bears Mark: I said baboon! Amy, offscreen: The prompt was monkey, for the record. Monkey with the red ass. Mark: Yeah monkey stupid Ethan: All right, well mine Pretty basic to be honest. We've got the big-the big head You know, they've got to use their noggin. Next- next to humans; monkeys are some of the most smart species in the animal kingdom He's got big big head, he's also got arms to climb trees with and whatnot then You know it, we love it, that big-big, the legs... And the ass. I was going for- I know we were talking about the big /red/ ass but I think that it's a little bit more accurate that it would have a pinkish hue because it's closer to the skin tones of...the-the the apes and whatnot. That's pretty much my- Mark: what's the blue thing? Ah! Ethan: Yes an elastic band, to... Mark: Like a lobster, you gotta keep the ass cheeks closed Ethan: Nononono! Like uh, like it's workin' out- It's like working out the glutes, you know those elastic bands you use? Ethan: You know Mark: No Tyler: I see the kool-aid man. Ethan: Well see what you want to see art is subjective. Tyler: I'd like to point out, mine's the only one with a red ass. Ethan: I mean- That Is also true, minimal offer. What?! *Tyler smacks his balloon* Why?! Mark: It's the leg thing! Amy: Yeah. He's doing the same thing over and over, that can't count over and over again! Ethan: Well listen this one was Specifically to monkey with the red ass. Mark: You've stolen this from- his family. Ethan: Well, you didn't win. My monkey won, obviously, and I think everybody knows it including yourself. You're just too afraid to admit. What is the next prompt? Mark: Wait hang on let me show you, you take the proboscis, insert it Anyway. Well what do you want a tied balloon, or a full balloon? Your next animal is That's the plan, plans, plan everybody. Girls: 3, 2, 1 Time. *laughter as Tyler dies a little inside* Ethan: Just a dude with a boner. *Laughter* Ethan: Explain. Mark: Yeah, I'll go first. Tyler seems indisposed, so what's the first thing you think of when you think of a kangaroo, right? Ethan: big dick That's the first thing what's the second thing you think of when you think of a kangaroo, right? Its ability to kick. it's got huge footers. It's got crazy... It's got crazy like ahhh potential like right. Okay, so I wanted to start from Kind of like just feeling where the balloon took me. It's giving. It's doing that You know the emoji that goes *makes emoji face* you know that emoji So it's doing a little bit of that with his tongue like *emoji face* oh, yeah And then these are its ears, cause that's the other thing that kangaroo is known for, its big ears It's got a big snoot. Got big ears. Little sassy. And, uh... Great kickers. Mark: Yep. Ethan: I'll go next, uh, cause I think Tyler should go last. So when I think of a kangaroo I immediately think of the big old ears, big old ears Just like - kind of like a bunny rabbit, but an Australian bunny rabbit, and the next thing I think of is that big pouch that the little babies go in. Obviously this mother here hasn't had a child quite yet But, ah, 'tis the season Don't get too- *uncomfortable stuttering* Don't do it. wait I'm not done So the big pouch for the baby to go in, the big ears, this one lost its legs in a *fishes for an answer* Jungle accident... Mark: Nope. *laughter* Ethan: I just love the immediate denial, just "That didn't happen." So yeah, that's my kangaroo, hope that you take it into consideration it also, uh, doubles as a toilet. So, take what you will... Tyler: *quietly* That's mine... That's the pouch, that's it's face with big ears. And, it's hiding behind a rock... Ready to pounce and kick you in the face. Amy: *offscreen* What's the orange? Tyler: It' cactus desert Mark: *laughs* The sunset on a summer's eve. Amy: *offscreen* We like Tyler's. *Complaints from Mark and Ethan* Ethan: Even I wanted Mark to win! Yeah, wait, hang on, wait- Mark: *as kangaroo balloon* This is bullshit! I'm outta here! Wait this looks like something I made in Spore. Be free! *Laughter from everyone* Tyler: He's oh...HE'S A CEILING CRAWLER! Mark: So, Ethan won, he has two points. I have one, Tyler has one point. This is the parade of our creations Not in, uh, perfect harmony here, but I think it's good to end this one off with a little bit of a song. What should we sing? Ethan: *Singing with helium* Do you wanna build a snowmaaan? M: Wait. Fucking hell. E: Sorry. Mark, Ethan and Tyler: *Singing with helium* Do you wanna build a snowman? Doesn't have to be a snowmaaan... E: *Singing with helium* Okay, bye... *Mark dies* (Subscribe to Markiplier) (Caption writers in the description) (Caption fixes by Phoebe, Me) (Extra fixes by Daydream)
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,070,189
Rating: 4.9646673 out of 5
Keywords: balloon animal challenge, challenge videos, funny videos, funny, friends, collab, laughing, youtubers, hilarious, competition, race, markiplier, helium
Id: bSWvQw8MX0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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