FINISH MY SENTENCE CHALLENGE | Markiplier, Wade, Matthias & Jesse

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How's it going guys I am Matthias. This is Mark, Wade and Jesse. And today we are going to be doing The Finish My Sentence Challenge. I did a previous one with Jacksepticeye, link in the description below. One person says one word and the other person has to say the next word until we finish the sentence and it gets crazy, it gets wacky Probably some penis jokes knowing these guys What! Wait a minute, woah, woah, woah Point at that guy over there WHAT!? ME!? Also, go check out another challenge over on Mark's channel, The Whisper Challenge Part 2, Part 2 We are gonna to start with you, and we're gonna go counter-clockwise We have to come up with a word as fast as possible, alright ya ready, GO. PENIS. *all sighing and laughing* Can't Wait, I thought it was goin' this way Counter-clockwise, I said counter-clockwise, OH ok nevermind then sorry Let's restart, Let's just restart Wee-wee isn't large enough for my mom *all laughing* Oh, OK, that is the end of that sentence! JESSE NO! This is your first time in a video you can't start it this way! I mean, I'm a fan of your mom jokes but that one was directed at yourself dude PG, we're gonna do this PG SHOES are great when Tobuscus did mom. ACTUAL LYRICS: Tell Me Why? Aint Nothin but a mistake. So let's just ban the words mom, wee-wee, and penis Ok You said two of those. Yeah, you're the one that started... Those three words are now banned. Can we start the video over? Nope! Clowns honk their nose at children when they cry. Well that's just... accurate. -Yeah. That's just true. Well, I'm sorry. - I'm proud of us! Airplanes don't fly well because stewardesses interrupt pants-less Always with the pants off!?! I don't think they get this game very well. Video games are fun because brothers often dance well pants-less Baseball is a fantabulous sport except when aliens land down field Shut up! I'm trying my best! Its like downfield? If you point down the field going like "Oo those aliens we'd they land? Down the field" The outfield Markiplier is not :( tall or- or handsome especially when you take his Oh boy Shoes off punch his face with a sloppy '-' hambuger. Oh, its my turn again? Wade wishes he danced as well as Beyoncé because Beyoncé is hot. Squishy Yep, starting a new one. Hands Squishy hands touch squishy people all over their squishy bottoms. Eww There you go! Yay... Squirrels run up trees eating snuts Snuts? What's a snut? Its like a slut and nut in the same thing. What?! Wow! Wow! Girls couldn't grow *dramatic music* boobs... I knew it! I knew it! How did I know it?! How? Oh man, alright guys. If you enjoyed this video make sure-- Wait wait wait hang on here... I - I wanna try and experiment without these two idiots ok He wants to be better than Jacksepticeye Wade and Jesse are now dead. Its a tragic tale it's not that tragic But now we will continue in their place ok shhhhh Wade your're dead Floppy big I've discovered this isn't any better arms wave fast through time WADE!! ow that, like echoed so hard in my ear Joey, Joey can he..... odysseus had only one problem and ninety-nine !@#$% sure MARK! What? I was not expecting that oh, ok sure you weren't cats what, no ain't I'm giving you you're word What!? Odysseus had one problem and ninety-nine !@#$% ain't one ohh - yeah there you go I thought that's where you were going! That's what I thought you were doing too Why didn't it not make sense when I interjected that! When Cats the musical ran over *Silence* You're vetoed out of here You're dead too, you're dead too Lady and tramp lady and Gaga won't play with Drake while he's using cocaine I was heading toward Disco stick but I didnt get to use that Whole point of this is: you don't get to use what you want Just like Lady, the tramp Gaga cocaine is..n't a good drug for children yes...Sub Byran Come on you're in I'm my schools, uh, one word champion i don't believe that for a second Today in time it took everyone extra time to place baseballs all over the sofa because sofas and cotton don't really feel good. *WHY!* Fired, you're vetoed get out, please get out, get out, get out I will NEVER see those pecs again when you take your pants off What!? because pecs are not on your legs. It makes sense It does It makes sense Alright, Wade you get one last try, you one last try Cars can't drive well because toucans fly super low when they eat babies because placenta What? What? Can we fire the guy who's hosting this? Can I just do this by myself and just say random sentences? Do it ..go You start with placentas go Placentas are nutitrious and when eat them you gain the babies powers. And there we have it ladies and gentlemen Alright guys if you enjoyed this video, make sure you give this a like and go check out the other challenge that we did over on Mark's channel with Wade and Jesse, big thanks to everyone involved and J-fred and Byran, everyone's links down in the desciption below Ok, High Five.
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 6,181,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matthias, matthiasiam, comedy, humor, lol, funny, hilarious, markiplier, reactions, funny reactions, mark, wade, lordminion777, challenge, laugh, fun, joke, finish my sentence, jacksepticeye, silly, finish my sentence challenge, collaboration, collab, Challenge
Id: z07FIr_UChE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2015
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