Baby Food Challenge w/ Markiplier, Wade, and Jesse

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to the baby food challenge with Wayne and Jessica say I hey guys say hi welcome to the baby food challenge with Wade and Jesse alright guys hi great ok so what we're gonna do is we got a bunch of baby food that's been the labels have been removed but the answers are on the bottom so I got this from the idea of the game grumps livestream where we did pretty much the same thing we're gonna get baby food we're gonna look at it we're gonna open it smell it try to guess what flavor it is and then take a big ol spoonful and see if we were right can we get the first baby food please thank you lovely uh thank you the assistance the soon to go guys you've already cracked it open so I'm assuming oh you got the jar ha ha ha ha I can smell it from here holy crap oh let me give a whiff of that ooh smells like my first thought to be stupid why beef stew carrots maybe potatoes ok carrots and potatoes beef stew ok did you already start eating or something ok I heard I heard smacking lips over on my red bottoms up it's good give us some input here come on give us some input is Carol Channing your guru good ok what like every church pew its mucus feed bakley's beautiful religion whew ah makes sense some babies dewd free puke fish okay so look on the bottom or was it mixed vegetables and chicken dinner I'm not bad I can't be that bad it was worth take something just so good actually I think it's like some banana some banana yeah you be like a fruit cup banana and apples bananas apples up there like two or three fruity ones here and then the rest are all beef chicken vegetable dinners maybe sweet potatoes maybe some apples I'm not sure okay like a little left over that's not bad I can't I can't place it face of it banana plum and grape that was delicious who's really good I like that one why are you going to him the good ones challenge really go guys really hope it's what it is I'm tasting it I really hope it's a speech in here somewhere it's another fruity one sweet potato corn oh I'm here oh oh anyway thanks so much for that what do you think of it I don't I take you to hurry up Oh God oh that is straight-up dog food is he gonna live with that let me finish new potatoes I get I I knew there was a good reason why we have them handing it out to us more than what I'm using baby oh god no don't puke don't puke nope you got camera Telegraph room smiling hello again I don't play anymore I guess I'm gonna share something suffering here Oh Jesse oh so bad haha I literally always vomited yeah me too oh my god oh wow oh wow he's like it are you like what is wrong with you wrong with you okay yeah oh I already looked at what it is Oh what is it sweet potatoes and Turkey oh that should have been delish you like sweet potatoes and chicken she got like horn co-speaker dozen corn that's what yet okay well it's like smells like tomato sauce is it that's probably worse yeah seems like a tomato broth all right here we go bland ah not as bad as that one though not as bad as our cuz I literally have trouble keeping yours dad we only had to do three what is wrong with her didn't you actually have a story Jessie where you ate baby food until you were like 12 years old okay okay wait well what ages eighth grade uh thirteen oh yeah good for you congratulations that's why he's winning at the shows and this one was chicken and rice oh boy okay ones are so bad so bad that's all I've had is meat oh that's like applesauce that might be the apple the straight-up applesauce at my own I think that's literally Apple so what is happening with this challenge wha-ha-ha-ha-ha like apples oh yeah oh why he's up against one and he hates it Apple meal apple cinnamon and oatmeal oh we got some of that that sounds great yeah please pass that down oh that is delicious no straight-up delicious merge the texture they got me at first dammit Oh yummy okay oh this smells fantastic that is some kind of fruity concoction from heaven that's not bad Sally I've get lots of you Oh all right what is it I don't know Apple they do a banana and each of them know I'm doing exactly Apple strawberry banana okay strawberry to be jumbo got okay good enough all right this one looks like straight straight green giant jizz that's got a hint to Peas yeah it's got a berry that's all he's something that's Peas that's a whole lot of peas carrots peas it peas baby lettuce jdbc he's heard you also have peas I really hope my so bad look well that's not Peas not bees I don't know what that is but that's not bees are P snow peas little pretty think it is Jessie you gotta go ahead jesu what's here guess my receipts better than coming out of the Green Jones - clang gasps that's real to be honest what is it what do you think I think well there's no way that's two minutes spinach okay maybe some Spanish green beans all like oh that was bad bad our green beans are literally my like arch-nemesis and uh Thank You Janelle e1 let's move I picked up eating your girlfriend so anyway that was the baby food challenge Thank You Jessie and Wade for trying that out with me how was it I like some of it yeah yeah some of it babies don't have it all that bad don't eat the meat ones yeah for some reason when they try to feed babies meat it doesn't work out too well literally I think that's exactly how they make dog and they just mix it in with a little yeah all right so either way thank you everybody so much for watching thank you all for joining us if you want to see more challenges in the future let us know what you would like to see and check out some of the other challenges that we've done we also got Matthias Sheldon's coming up real soon yes whisper challenge part 2 all right thank you guys again and as always we'll see you in the next video bye bye would you please feel the lipstick hahaha mizzle that's your stupid name yeah
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,050,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Markiplier, Baby Food, Baby Food Challenge, Challenge, Challenge Video, Challenge Fail, Eating Baby Food, Adults Eating Baby Food, Markiplier Challenge, Baby Food Challenge Markiplier, gross, gross food, eating gross food, jumpscare
Id: v0wmuN52B3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2015
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