7 Reasons Why a Christian CANNOT Lose Their Salvation | LIVE STREAM

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hey there hey there welcome welcome welcome it is tuesday 12 o'clock p.m central standard time and i am so excited to be here today guys we're gonna have a great time uh i can already look at the comments and i can see that you guys are already having some spirited discussions in there about once saved always saved eternal security whatever you want to call it and so hopefully today uh this live stream as well as people who watching this on the replay hopefully you'll get a clearer understanding of this ever so controversial topic that people argue about back and forth people have all sorts of different ideas behind it people using scripture to support their positions and all of those things so hopefully today i will hopefully win some of you all over but also clarify some things that uh you all may be a little bit confused about so i'm really really excited i spent some time putting this together for you so hopefully you'll stay with me throughout the entire presentation and i'll take some questions afterwards as well now before we jump into all of this i just want to let you guys know if you are looking for a community an online community where you can join me every single month for a very in-depth bible study my wife does a women's bible study as well i do a monthly q a inside of this community there's monthly challenges designed to help you grow in your faith as well if you are interested in learning a little bit more about our community all right so what you can do is you can go to the link that's in the description of this video uh down in the description and you can learn about what we believe is becoming quickly the number one christian community in the world it's not a facebook group it's off of facebook so if you don't like facebook that's fine but as you can see here you can introduce yourself there's a chat you can have praise and prayer reports here where you can share your prayer requests and your praise reports here you can see all of our replays of all of our monthly bible studies all of our events that we're going to have here's where our monthly challenges are so every single month we have a new challenge designed to help you grow in your walk with god ladies here's your group where you can get to know some other ladies and rub shoulders you can have a bible study with my wife once a month so i'm not going to spend much more time on that but i really wanted to let you guys know that we are super excited about this community and also uh it's not a free community right it costs a little bit but this will be your way if you want to really support our ministry believe in what we're doing you can also get some benefit out of it as well so with all of that being said guys we are going to jump right in i don't want to waste your time today so let's get going um i am going to uh let's get over here to our slides all right so we this is this is what we want to cover today guys we want to cover what i believe are the seven pillars of eternal security seven pillars of eternal security and so what we're going to be doing all right is we're going to be building this house right here so this is why i need you to really really stay with me throughout the next 40 minutes 45 minutes or so because for each one of these pillars we're going to put a word and that word is going to start with the letter p so you can make it very i made it very very easy for you to remember and so every one of those pillars is what i believe is a critical aspect or a critical um a piece of the puzzle if you will to correctly understanding the doctrine of eternal security all right we're going to deal with some of the conflicts and different things that people are dealing with with regard to this all right now if you're watching this on the replay just know as always time stamps for this video will be in the description available a couple hours after this live stream ends so i'll upload those a little bit later and also guys this is not just an interpret this is not just a uh an exercise in theology all right how you understand and interpret the doctrine of eternal security really determines how you function as a christian so this is not just oh i just want to fill my head with a bunch of knowledge no no this determines how you're actually going to live your life as a christian okay i'll get to that in just a moment but before we do i also want to set the expectation today that we're not going to cover every single verse that seeks to contradict this doctrine because you're going to have some people in the chat they're going to say what about this verse what about that verse we're gonna come back and do a part two where i'm literally gonna analyze every single verse that people typically use to try to suggest that you can lose your salvation and i'm gonna address all of those verses in a separate live stream so if i don't get to all the verses today don't worry about that we'll get to those now here it is we respect other viewpoints on this controversial topic all right so if you have a different viewpoint i'm not angry at you look you're my brother and sister in christ i respect you right and we understand that there's a lot of different viewpoints here now the key that i want to encourage you to leave here with is not to go to the extreme i want to encourage you to avoid the extremes and what do i mean by extremes well let me explain it to you all right normally whenever you have this type of discussion about once saved always saved or can a christian lose of salvation people typically go to one of two extremes extreme number one is what we call license and license says well hey you know what since i'm saved i can live whatever i can live however i want to live and god will still save me because after all i'm saved by grace i cannot lose my salvation i can do what i want to do i can live however i want to live i can sin as much as i want to right and that is one extreme and that's why i say the way you interpret this will determine how you actually live your life as a christian right so you want to make sure that you don't go to that extreme all right you don't want to make sure that you're not going to extreme when you're partying all the time and you're doing all these different things because you know that you can get away with it and you can still go to heaven or at least you think you can we'll talk about that a little bit later but the next extreme that you want to avoid all right actually let me let me explain why that that extreme is is one that you really cannot do because paul says well then should we keep on sinning so that god can show us more and more of his wonderful grace paul says of course not since we have died to sin how can we continue to live in it so paul makes it very clear that it is incongruent for a christian to say that they are christian and make a conscious decision to live in consistent unconfessed and unrepentant sin he says that is inconsistent with the picture of being a christian now we also want to make sure that we avoid extreme number two which is legalism and legalism says that they're on the other side and they say well in order for me to be saved i have to work hard i have to obey a list of rules and therefore earn my way into heaven by good works this person essentially lives in fear that they're going to be judged right they live in fear that they're going to be judged they don't have a peace they don't have the assurance of their salvation because they're always worried that they haven't done enough they're always worried that they've sinned too much or maybe they've they finally got to the point where they've sinned just a number of times beyond what god will forgive them for and as a result they've lost their salvation and we need to avoid this particular extreme because this also violates scripture the bible says in galatians 5 we're going to be in the word today y'all we're going to be in the words i encourage you to write these scriptures down all right the bible says for freedom christ has set us free he has set us free so we can be free right so he says what stand firm then and don't submit again to a yoke of slavery don't go backwards to being enslaved by all these laws and rules and regulations and all this stuff he says no christ has died to set you free okay so let me just give you a definition a definition may not be the definition but a definition of what we mean when we say eternal security eternal security is the gift of assurance notice it's a gift that god gives to the believer to assure you right from god to the believer allowing the believer to operate from a place of freedom and faith rather than fear and condemnation thank you so much for daryl for the super chat appreciate your support financially for this ministry i appreciate that so notice how i phrased that it's a gift that god gives you and i so that whenever we're operating with god right we're not operating in with regards to fear and condemnation living our lives where we're condemned all the time right but it truly allows us to interact with god on a level where we have faith and we have freedom right and that is what we want to look at now let's get into these seven pillars seven pillars of eternal security pillar number one that i want to build on this house is perseverance okay so maybe if you're a visual learner and you have a you're taking notes all right and you you want to write this make a little house right all right this is this is the first pillar of sevens that's why you gotta stay with me today because this is the first pillar of seven and this is the pillar of perseverance perseverance now i'm gonna explain all of these as we go i'm wired up y'all i'm excited let's get into this okay now perseverance is the idea that those who are truly born again will be noticed empowered by the spirit to continue to believe until the day they die all right so let me explain that right this idea of perseverance is the idea that people who are truly christians we're not taking about people who say they're christian but people who are truly christians the holy spirit will give you the power to endure the holy spirit will give you the power to persevere all the way until the end okay so let's look at some scriptures here because i don't want you to take my word i want you to look at the scriptures notice what the bible says in philippians 2. therefore my dear friends just as you have always obeyed so now not only in my presence but even more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling now notice this is a lot of times where people stop reading the verse and they say see the bible says you have to work out your own salvation first of all notice what it does not say it does not say work for your salvation no no no it says work out your salvation right in other words god has already given you the gift of salvation now work it out but you don't have to work for it right now keep let's keep going because you have to read the next verse notice who it is that's empowering you and i to work out our salvation it says here for it is god who is working in you both to will and to work according to his good purpose so notice that it's not you trying to come up with your own strength right it's not you trying to muster up the strength to be able to to be a better christian it is god's spirit empowering you to be able to work out your salvation okay so let's look at the next one now there's where our first piece of controversy comes in today in this conversation we got one early what about the person who once believed and turns away from the faith completely all right all right here we go because some of you you this is what's on your mind right now you're thinking wow i i have a family member i have a friend and they used to be in the church they used to believe they used to worship they used to pray but now they have completely denounced the faith they have completely given up on christianity right and they've turned to some other religion so what about them what does the bible say about them well i'm glad you asked let's deal with that all right because clearly they did not persevere right well let's talk about it first john 2 19 says this they went out from us now what does that mean they left they left the faith right but they did not belong to us so john makes it very clear that those who are leaving them were never belonging in the first place they did not belong to us now notice let's read it for if they had belonged to us they would have remained with us so there it is right there it couldn't be any more clearer if they were truly christians if they were truly in our number if they truly belong to us they would have continued they would have persevered they would have remained with us now let's keep reading however they went out so that purpose it might be made clear that none of them belongs to us right so when people leave the faith it doesn't matter what their experience is they might have had some tasted some aspect of it right but this verse along with some others that we're going to read in just a second make it very clear that they were not truly born again in the first place that is my position at least all right now let's read some other ones now matthew 7 not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my father in heaven let's keep going on that day many will say to me lord lord didn't we prophesy in your name see they had experiences spiritual experiences drive out demons in your name and do many miracles in your name then i will announce to them i don't know you anymore no wait wait wait wait wait wait is that what it says no no no it says i never knew you it doesn't say that i knew you at one point but because you did these things and turned away i don't know you anymore no jesus says he's i never knew you we never had a relationship you were never there right you were never a child of god so depart from me you law breakers now let's keep going so the question becomes this can somebody actually say they're a christian turn away from the faith and actually go to heaven that is not consistent with what the bible says notice what the bible says so everyone who acknowledges me before men in other words says i'm a christian right i also will acknowledge before my father who is in heaven but notice but whoever denies me before men i also will deny before my father who is in heaven so you see that it's right it's very clear he says if you claim to be a christian if you believe then when you get to heaven i'm going to acknowledge you before my father but if you deny the faith then you're going to be denied from the father in other words you're not a genuine christian you never were right you never were if you deny the faith all right let's keep going all right so eternal security i want to make sure you understand what it is not eternal security is not someone who recites the sinner's prayer so for all intents and purposes people think they're christian and then they denounce the faith and they can still go to heaven that is not eternal security right that's not what it teaches you can't recite some prayer and and then go and denounce the faith and then still go to heaven that the bible does not teach that all right the bible does not teach that now we're going to build the second of seven pillars on this house here we go question uh thank you so much for the super chat i appreciate that now if you don't read it quickly if you read it too fast you're going to think it's the same word pillar number one all right let's just look at it pillar number one is perseverance right now pillar number two is excuse me preservation preservation all right now let's deal with that and let's look at it now preservation refers to god's ability to keep protect or preserve those who are truly his from stumbling falling or turning away from the faith so let's be clear perseverance is god's spirit will empower you to persevere if you're truly saved preservation is god's power who he's so powerful that he's not just powerful enough to save you he's powerful enough to keep you saved as well now once again let's take a look at some scriptures notice what this says philippians 1 6 i am sure of this paul says i'm confident you could take it to the bank it's as good as done that he who started a good work in you will carry it to completion until you sin 564 times wait wait no no that's not what it says no i am sure of this that he started a good work and you will carry it on into completion until you turn away from the no that's not what it says oh it says until the day of christ jesus so if god truly did start a good work in you he will carry it on to completion that's it you could take it to the bank right the question is did he start a good work in you the question is the answer the question is not did he start a good work and then quit no god didn't quit if he starts a work of salvation he's going to finish that work now jude 24 i saw somebody in the comments and they wrote this down this is a great verse now to him who is able to protect you from stumbling and to make you stand woo he is able to protect you from stumbling okay and he's able to make you stand this is a work of god he will make you stand in the presence of his glory without blemish and with great joy let's keep going first peter 1 5 you are being guarded by god's power through faith for a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time notice this god is guarding you by his power right protecting you preserving you from falling and he's preserving you for a salvation that will be later revealed in the last time let's keep going john chapter 10 i give them eternal life and we'll come back to that word in just a second and they will never perish not they will perish uh i give them eternal life and as soon as they sin they will pay no i give them eternal life and they will never ever perish no one will snatch them out of my hand now you may be thinking yeah but you can snatch yourself out of god's hand we'll get to that in a second all right all right no one will snatch them out of my hand jesus says and my father who has given them to me is greater than all no one is able to snatch them out of the father's hand so here we have here we have double security right we are secure in jesus hand right but we're also secure in the hand of the father as well all right let's keep going here romans 8 38 and 39 and this is the clincher paul says for i am persuaded once again i'm convinced you could take it to the bank that neither death nor life no look at this death nor life no so nothing that happens at death nothing that happens during your life no angels no rulers nor anything that's going on presently nor anything to come there it is see nothing that could happen in the future nothing that you could do in the future nor powers nor height nor death no watch this nor any other created thing and that includes you paul said nor any other created thing that means you and i cannot even pluck ourselves out of god's hand you know why because the holy spirit who is in us will not even create that desire to want to even leave god if you're truly saved right nothing will be able to separate us from the love of god that is in christ jesus our lord now i want to be clear about something i am not saying that as a christian you won't have doubts you won't have days where you question things right you might have questions you might have doubts you may be angry at god you may be going through all those things what i'm suggesting is if you are a genuine christian you will not get to the place where one day you make a conscious decision to completely turn your back on the faith and go follow something else okay i don't necessarily believe that at all all right now here's the idea behind this god protects those he elects if he chooses you if you are elect if you are a born-again christian he will protect you all right here we go so i heard dr michael heiser say it this way our salvation was not earned by moral perfection and therefore cannot be lost by moral imperfection i want you to get that right listen let me read it again our salvation was not earned by moral perfection and therefore cannot be lost by moral imperfection now what he's saying here is this you and i were never responsible for our own salvation ephesians 2 8 9 for as by grace you've been saved through faith and this not of yourselves it is a gift of god not by works lest any man should boast our salvation is not a product of us working it's not of ourselves it is a product of god right so because of that if we didn't do anything to earn our salvation okay yes we responded by faith but if we didn't do anything to earn our salvation how is it that we can do something to unearn our salvation if our salvation was not merited to us by our works or our moral perfection how can any moral imperfection cause us to not to be saved again okay so let's get back all right here we go pillar number three so is predestination once again they all start with the letter p so let's review all right let's review pillar number one is what we call perseverance and this is the idea that if you're truly saved it's not your ability to stay safe no it the holy spirit will empower you to continue to persevere until the end okay the second p is preservation and this is the fact that god is powerful enough not just to save you but to keep you safe and to preserve you and to keep you from stumbling keep you from falling and to protect you even from yourself all right now p number three is pre-destination pre-destination about to get into some good stuff here now what does predestination even mean predestination literally means to determine something beforehand usually for a specific purpose so let me slow down here predestination means to determine something beforehand god has determined something not he is hoping to do it he is thinking about it he is considering it or he's suggesting no no predestination means he has determined this is going to happen right now let's take a look at what god has determined these are the five links of predestination five links okay you may be familiar with these but let's look at it for those whom he foreknew now for no for new does not mean that god looked down from eternity past and said oh i know that allen is going to accept me as his savior in 1983 and so therefore uh i'm gonna just save him now no no it doesn't mean that he had he did know that but that's not what this word means for new it's just like adam knew his wife right had a relationship with her right he foreknew us now second link he pre-destined to be conformed to the image of his son so those people who god had previously foreknew right he had a relationship with them he elected them he chose them which we're going to see in just a moment he also predestined you or he predetermined beforehand that you and i were going to be conformed to the image of his son okay now let's keep going and those whom he predestined he also called that's the third link so he called you that's when you and i become aware that god is calling us for salvation and those whom he called he also justified that's the fourth link and so notice all this is in the past tense not will justifier will call right or will preach no no he justified you which means he declared you as righteous he made you right in the sight of god and those whom he justified he also glorified now what does glorified mean it means that we will be in glory or in heaven with jesus christ but notice he speaks of it as past tense it says here he's already done it it's as good as done it's in the past right he's already done these things so let me ask you a question how can god determine something beforehand how can god determine beforehand that he's going to conform you to the image of christ and you turn away from the faith that means that you would be overriding what god had previously determined let me go through that again how is it if god said we just read it in the verse if god says i have predetermined that you will be in the process of being conformed or sanctified or made look made to look like jesus christ i have predetermined that you're going to be in that continuum of growing in christ how can you and i turn away from the faith if god is determined beforehand this is what he's going to do if that is possible that means you and i have the power to override something that god has already previously determined i don't think we have that power okay now let's keep going remember we said that god called us well let's look at what the bible says about when what happens when god calls somebody since god's gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable right when he calls us it is irrevocable when god calls a man or woman to salvation it is irrevocable now yes i understand the context here is talking about israel and all of that all right but we can extract the same principle here all right now let's keep going look at a couple other scriptures about predestination he has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works see nothing you and i can do can't work for it but according to his own purpose and grace now watch this which was given to us in christ jesus before time began see this is the reason why this idea that you can do something to lose your salvation is not biblical because when god saved you your whole life flashed before his eyes right away he knew you were going to do what you do right he knew you were going to sin last night he knew that you were he knows that you're going to sin a week from now two weeks from now right so to suggest that you can do something to lose your salvation would suggest that god is not all-knowing because if god was all-knowing how could you sin how could god save you and then you sin and god changes his mind says oh man if i would have known allen was going to do that man i didn't know i thought he was going to only sin 200 times but now he's up to 463 oh no i man i gotta unsave him no god knew how many how god knows what you're going to do right and so because of that if god truly saves you with full knowledge of what your life is going to look like he's already predetermined that he is going to choose you and he did this before time began okay let's look at it again ephesians 1 4 for he chose us in him before the foundation of the world there it is god now listen i know people have problems with election all right but there's too many scriptures in the bible to suggest that election is not a proper doctrine right it says here that god chose those you and i before the foundation of the world now we can get into romans chapter 9 where it talks about god chose um uh uh esau uh jacob and esau and determined what's gonna happen there before they even did anything right or wrong right okay so let's get let's keep going so predestination once again implies for knowledge you can't predetermine something if you don't know ahead of time right so to suggest that a believer can forfeit their own salvation implies that this forfeiture was hidden from the mind of god that is why a true christian is not forfeiting their salvation they were not saved to begin with if they are forfeiting or trying to forfeit okay now pillar number four is propitiation propitiation so you want to write that down propitiation it's a fancy word we're going to talk about what it means in just a moment all right but we're building the house we're building the eternal security house pillar number one is perseverance that is the doctrine that you and i if you're truly christian are going to continue to persevere in the faith and we will never get to a point where you totally give up on the faith because the spirit of god is empowering you pillar number two is preservation this is saying that god is powerful enough to keep us from stumbling and turning back pillar number three is that god has already predetermined ahead of time that he was going to save you and he was going to keep you and he was going to call you and he was going to justify you and he was going to conform you to the image of christ this is all predetermined beforehand so nothing you and i can do can change what god has already predetermined all right and p number four is propitiation now propitiation is a fancy theological word that is synonymous basically with atonement which is the idea that god's wrath against us has been appeased or satisfied god is no longer angry with you and i he's no longer uh angry he's not angry with us there's no wrath against us we're not standing in judgment or condemnation before god right so i'm gonna break this down and explain this this is the key in the old testament they could never have assurance of salvation because they always had to bring another sacrifice to atone for their sins so let me explain what i mean here in the old testament no they could not have a uh assurance of their salvation because they they even though yes they had to believe in yahweh they had to believe in god in order to get their sins forgiven they always had to come and bring another sacrifice another sacrifice right i'm not saying they weren't saved i'm saying they really didn't have the assurance of their salvation because they they always had to bring another sacrifice right but here's the idea okay notice what it says here in hebrews 10 but in the sacrifices this is talking about the old testament sacrifices there is a reminder of sins year after year so that's what the what i was just saying is that when they continue to bring these sacrifices again and again and again all it did was remind them of their sin again and again and again so they didn't have the assurance but i want you to contrast i want you to contrast now the sacrifices in the old testament with the sacrifice that jesus made for by one offering he has perfected forever those who are sanctified do you see that see jesus did we jesus made one offering right jesus jesus performed one sacrifice and that one sacrifice notice this now be careful cleansed and covered all sins past present and future for those who place their faith in jesus christ so you and i don't have to wonder or hope oh is my next sin going to be covered oh man i didn't bring the right sacrifice oh man i i man it's been three days i didn't bring a sacrifice i gotta go no we don't have to hope because jesus propitiation jesus sacrifice on the cross atoned for all of our sins past present and future okay so here's the question that i really want to challenge people who say that a person can lose their salvation based on some sort of sinful behavior was jesus sacrificed on the cross only sufficient to cover some of our sins but not all okay i gotta stop and camp out there for a second people who say that a christian can lose their salvation based on a certain number of sins first of all nobody has identified what sins constitute losing your salvation and which ones don't second of all nobody has taught nobody has been able to determine exactly how many sins you can commit before you lose your salvation right so so all of this is very nebulous but the point is this to suggest that you can sin a certain number of times and now i need to be careful here remember that one of the pillars is that eternal security is not a license to sin it's not a license system so i'm not teaching license licentiousness right but what i'm saying is to suggest that you can just um that you can uh um uh that you can lose your salvation based on a certain number of sins is an offense and a rejection of the finished work of jesus christ on the cross what you're saying when you don't realize you're saying it is this jesus the work that you did on the cross it was good it was a good starting point right but it wasn't good enough because it only covered sins 583 but now that i sin 584 times that's not your your your sacrifice on the cross doesn't cover me after that right um uh i don't know it's like uh it's like if your parents give you some money and they say hey i'm to give you 200 now you can go shopping right uh you can go shopping but anything you buy after 200 is on you anything under 200 you can use the money right that's what we're saying whenever we say okay well some sort of sin that i can commit is going to cause me to lose my salvation you're saying god i'll take jesus i'll take your sacrifice up to a certain point right and then i'm gonna i'm gonna take it from there god because i don't think you've covered since 583 and beyond so i'm gonna have to work i'm gonna have to earn the rest of my salvation that is not what propitiation means either jesus sinned either jesus excuse me either jesus sacrifice covers all your sins past present and future or it covers none of your sins okay all right so we've already talked about this when exactly does a person lose their salvation nobody can answer that question okay now let's let's build the fifth fifth pillar is the pillar of permanence the pillar of permanence okay so once again pillar number one is perseverance pillar number two is preservation pillar number three is predestination pillar number four is pro propitiation and pillar number five this is going to be relatively quick one is permanence now what do we mean by permanence what do we mean by permanence here we go permanence involves looking at the meaning of the word eternal which describes our salvation this is an important one okay all right here we go notice what john chapter 5 says jesus says this truly i tell you anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has temporary life no has eternal life oh okay everlasting life permanent life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life to suggest that you can lose your salvation would be to deny that the word eternal means permanent see let me let me keep going our salvation in the bible is not described as temporal or conditional but rather it is described as eternal either it's eternal or it's not right either it's eternal or it's not let's look at another scripture ah actually okay uh okay i actually had a scripture i must have left it somewhere all right but it's either eternal or it's not all right so to suggest that we can lose our salvation would be to say that i will give you life as long as you obey uh you do need to obey for those who love god jesus will obey his commands but as long as you uh sin this number of times well as soon as you say that person loses salvation that means that there's their uh their salvation was not eternal it was temporal it was conditional but that's not how the bible explains or describes our salvation okay now the next one is the word promises promises oh this is a good one this is a good one all right so i want you to put this on the sixth pillar of this eternal security building the first as we review perseverance god will empower you to persevere if you are a true christian second pillar is preservation and that's the idea that god is powerful not just enough to save you but he's powerful enough to keep you saved the third is predestination god has already predetermined certain things beforehand the fourth is propitiation is the fact that jesus death on the cross was good enough to cover all of our sins and not just some permanent the word eternal does not describe anything as temporal or conditional but it describes our pr salvation as permanent and then promises god has made certain promises to you and i don't so to suggest that we can lose our salvation you must also at the same time say that god is a promise breaker that god is going to break some of his promises let's take a look see god has made certain promises to the believer for us to lose or forfeit our salvation would imply that god would have to renege on those promises and i want you to think about whether it's in god's character to renege on his promises let's keep let's look at some things let's look at some promises in him you also were sealed now that means it's a done deal god has put his seal over you with the promised here it is promised holy spirit when you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and when you believed so god has given you a promise of salvation now let's keep reading now let's keep reading what was the promise of his salvation the holy spirit the holy spirit is the down payment of our inheritance until you sin too many times no until you have doubts no until the redemption of the possession to the praise of his glory so let me say it this way let me say it this way when you purchase a house you have to put down what's called a down payment and that down payment is your way of expressing your intent to make full payment or take full possession of this house at a later date so you're putting down earnest money you're putting down something that says i am serious about uh about taking full possession of this i'm promising you right so god is saying i'm giving you the holy spirit as my promise as the first installment as a down payment to show you that i am promising that i am going to take full possession of you later at the time of redemption and glory right so to suggest that you can lose your salvation would suggest that god is a person who breaks his promises that he says i gave you the holy spirit ah i'm gonna take him back again right i'm gonna take him back because you sin too many times right so once again it just doesn't line up with scripture y'all it doesn't line up with scripture but let's keep going okay let's keep going hebrews 8 6 but jesus has now obtained a superior ministry and to that degree he is the mediator of a better covenant which has been established on better promises now i got to break this down i'm going to leave this scripture on the screen i'm going to break this down just a second in the old testament okay let me see if i can say it this way hmm many of the covenants that god made in the old testament some of the covenants that god made known as old testament were conditional right if you do this then i will do my part that's called a bilateral covenant you must do this and i must do and i will do that but it's conditioned upon what you do and i'll do that right an example would be when god said if you obey me and do all these things then i'll bless you i'll keep you in your land right so this okay now there's another type of covenant it's called a unilateral covenant a unilateral covenant is when god makes a covenant and the people don't have to do anything god is going to fulfill that covenant no matter what perfect example would be the noah covenant god says i have made a covenant with you that i will never destroy the earth again through water it doesn't matter what you do i am making a covenant that i'm never going to destroy the earth ever again guess what what the writer of hebrews is saying is that our covenant of salvation as new testament christians was built on much better promises than those in the old testament this new covenant that we're in it's a better covenant it's a better covenant it's built on better promises because it's unilateral god is saying i will do this for you now if you don't believe me let's read about it okay the new testament church is under the new covenant that was promised to israel in the old testament so we are grafted in right we're grafted in so we're we benefit from the new covenant because we're grafted in this is an unconditional covenant all right i need to make sure i explain that it's unconditional meaning when we accept it's conditioned upon we accept our we accept salvation by faith okay that's fine but for those who accept by faith god is covenant himself in this way notice what it says i will make now i want you to know to count how many times god says i will i will make a permanent there is that word again permanent covenant with them not temporal i will never turn away from doing good to them that's and now watch this and i will put fear of me in their hearts so they will never again turn away from me do you see that god says i will put fear in their hearts so they will never again turn away from me now i'm just reading what's on the screen does this sound like somebody can lose their salvation when god says i'm making a covenant that i am going to put the fear of god in people's hearts so that they will never turn away from me permanent covenant the promises of god promises of god here's the seventh final pillar that we're gonna do today seventh and final pillar i want you to write down the word prayers prayers okay prayers now what do we mean by this this is the seventh one and then i'm gonna take some questions and we're done all right perseverance preservation predestination propitiation permanence promises prayer let me say brother allen what do you mean by prayer okay this is the clincher right here did you know that jesus right now in this very moment is sitting at the right hand of the father praying or interceding on behalf of the saints right now that's what he's doing he's talking to our heavenly father and he's praying and interceding for you and i right we do not have a high priest that is not able to sympathize with our weakness but one who is tempted and tried in all things and yet without sin the book of hebrews says that now notice what it says therefore because he's praying for us therefore he is able to save to some degree no he's able to save for a time being no he is able to save completely those who come to god through him since he always lives not sometimes not every so often jesus is always living to intercede for them and he's able to save you and i completely is what the text says now here's my question i want to challenge you with are jesus prayers of intercession not enough to keep us from falling does jesus pray something to the father and the father not not listen right huh let's see if jesus prayers are are are powerful john 11 jesus then jesus raised his eyes and said father i thank you that you heard me i know that you always hear me so that's the first premise jesus says father thank you for hearing my prayer speaking of lazarus raising from the dead all right but he says i know that you always hear me so we know that jesus that god the father always responds and always hears the prayers of jesus now notice this what is jesus praying right now john chapter 17 upper room discourse jesus prayed this at this time and i believe he's praying something similar today holy father keep through your name those whom you have given me he's praying that he would that we would that we would be kept that the father would keep us that they may be one as we are this is what he's praying okay this is what he is praying so guys that is all i have today all right hopefully that makes more sense to you as it relates to this idea of eternal security once saved always saved perseverance of the saints preservation of the saints right guys i just i hope and pray that whatever wherever you land on this issue that you make sure you utilize scripture to truly truly back up what you believe and why you believe it once again i respect other views but i really want to encourage you to to truly um to truly embrace and study out this doctrine of eternal security now i'm going to take your questions in just a minute but a couple things remember we are going to come back at some point in the very near future maybe in a couple weeks and we're going to do another live stream where i'm going to literally take as many verses as i possibly can find that people say you can lose your salvation and i'm going to try to debunk all of those verses on that live stream okay so if you want me to do that let me know in the chat or in the comments or whatever all right and then once again guys i know i mentioned this earlier but guys we are so excited about our brand new online christian community we are so excited about it and if this is something that you want to be a part of guys we really really encourage you to go to the link that's in the description of this particular video and you can join our community it's also a way for you to support our ministry and what we're doing but really it's so much more than that listen every month i do a live 90-minute bible study where we go deep into the word of god where i teach you how to study the bible i also do a 90-minute q a session where i answer all your questions you can submit your questions ahead of time my wife does a women's bible study every single month so the ladies have their own special group here's a picture of her right there look look at all this interaction guys women are sharing out and sharing what god has done for them you can also share your prayer requests and your praise reports right here you can also there's also subject-specific groups we're getting ready to launch our man cave so that's just for men we're going to be dealing with issues that only men deal with we've got challenges like read through the bible in one year we're taking people through the bible in one year uh we got all sorts of things guys we're so excited about it so if this is something that you are interested in we encourage you to click the link below this video uh in the description and check it out alright so also uh real quick guys also if you are looking to try to support our ministry uh we don't typically ask for financial support on the videos or anything like that but we would we would love it if you would prayerfully consider look guys we've got a team of people right that that make this whole thing happen it's not just allen got a team of about 11 to 12 people on our team and we've got some big goals we've got some big plans of what we want to do to help reach the world for christ but we can't do without your help right so if if you're feeling like god is really blessing you and god is um impressing upon your spirit uh to to support us if you feel like you're you're growing spiritually from this ministry we would really be honored if you would pray about how god might be able to uh allow you to support what we're doing here it's non-profit so it's a 501c3 you can write that off if that's something that you want to do okay
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 79,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eternal security, once saved always saved, once saved always saved debate, can a christian lose their salvation, can you lose your salvation, james white, john macarthur
Id: yztsKEsR248
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 22sec (3382 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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