Daniel's AMAZING 70-Week Prophecy EXPLAINED!

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hey hey hey everybody alan parr happy friday oh my goodness you guys have no idea how pumped up and how excited i am to teach through daniel's 70 week prophecy all right you guys voted for it so it's here all right it's here we're going to dig into the scriptures word for word verse by verse chunk by chunk we're going to break this prophecy down so it's gonna be super exciting even if you're not really familiar with daniel chapter nine you're gonna have a good time today i promise you that so um do me a favor uh if you can hear me okay and see me okay let me know in the chat that the video is good to go and the audio is good and we will know to proceed all right uh let me know if this is good to go jeff dunlop says this is live or recorded this is live it is august 27th 11 a.m central standard time okay so we are live all right so just give me a thumbs up and let me know uh and somebody said hey i have to get a calculator yes you may have to go grab a calculator for this particular live stream today because as you're going to see there's a lot of different things we're going to be looking into all right people say video and audio is good everything is good here wonderful guys so listen we've got a lot of stuff to cover today and so i'm not going to waste your time i want to reward you for showing up on time and i feel bad for the people who are going to be late because if you miss even a little bit of this prophecy you could actually be behind so we're going to jump in we're going to reward those of you who came uh on time all right so as you guys know from my live streams i like to always use slides whenever i am teaching because statistics show that you remember more and you grasp more uh in terms of what you see and what you hear and so i love to use it plus it keeps me on track as well okay so today guys we are going to be tackling what i believe is the most fantastic the most amazing and the most difficult prophecy that is found in the entire bible and if we can unpeel it if we can unpack it and get some sort of understanding on it your minds are going to be blown alright so that is what we're here to do today now a few things that i want to just talk about here all right a few things that we want to talk about here first and foremost a couple of opening thoughts number one all right is uh here it is where is it at all right i should be coming up here all right there we go let me uh one second guys my clicker's not coming working here all right here we go number one all right so you may need to watch this again and again to truly understand the concepts okay this is a very very deep and detailed prophecy and so when we're doing it live you don't have the option of pausing it and rewinding it and checking everything so you may need to watch this again and again to fully grasp and get everything that we are trying to cover today the second thing is i want to acknowledge that there are multiple interpretations of this prophecy due to the difficulty in translating the hebrew language so i'm acknowledging that up front that what i'm going to present to you today is what i personally believe is the most accurate interpretation of this but i'm acknowledging that there are other interpretations that have validity as well and then the third thing that i really want to encourage you all today is listen if you tune out and fool around you're going to be confused so i love the comments i want you guys to engage i want you to talk but if you're just fooling around and you're missing some of the things that i'm going to really uh try to teach you today you're going to be lost so i really need you to stick with me today all right thank you for the super chat uh earl taylor i appreciate that i really need you guys to follow tune in block out any and all distractions because this is a very difficult passage of scripture but i'm gonna do my best to break it down for you as best i can all right so with all of that being said if you're watching this on the replay timestamps are going to be below this video so that you can advance to different parts i don't know why you'd want to do that because in order to understand the stuff later you really need to understand everything before but for your convenience i am going to put timestamps in the description of the video now with that being said guys we're going to jump in and pray heavenly father i thank you so much for this amazing passage of scripture i thank you that you have confirmed everything that you are going to do in the lives of your people moving forward god i pray that you would fill me with your spirit to be uh to be empowered to teach this passage and i pray that it would fall on good soil and people's hearts are ready and excited to learn it's in christ then we pray and give thanks amen okay so now guys after understanding this prophecy that we're getting ready to jump into today if i've done my job well today there are two things that i am convinced you are going to leave here convinced of these two things number one jesus christ is who he said he is he is the messiah you are going to leave here convinced more than ever knowing that jesus is who he said he is by the accuracy of this prophecy but the second thing that if you've ever had any questions about whether man wrote the bible or whether it was written by god or inspired by god and you're questioning whether this bible this book that we have in our hands is truly the word of god that question will be eliminated for you today because when you see how accurate and how precise this prophecy is there is no possible way that a human mind can sit down and conceive and write out what's going to happen next week next year 10 years from now let alone centuries in the future there's no possible way for a human mind to be able to do that and you will be convinced if i do my job well today that this book that we call the bible is indeed the word of god all right so uh we're going to jump in here and let's look at the context first of daniel chapter 9 verses 24 through 27. that's the passage of scripture that we're going to be looking at so if you have your smartphones or if you have your bible you're going to want to turn to daniel chapter 9 verses 24 through 27. now here is the key daniel has already received visions from god about gentile history non-jewish history he records those visions in daniel chapter 2 daniel chapter 7 and daniel chapter 8. we went into extreme depth in terms of these gentile nations when we did our live stream on the book of daniel so if you really want a crash course on the book of daniel you're going to want to go back to my youtube channel and watch the book of daniel where i break it down in about 90 minutes and we go into a lot of depth in terms of the gentile world history but guess what in daniel chapter 9 god focuses in on the history of the jewish people or should i say not the history but really the future if you will of the of the jewish people specifically and so that is the context of this particular prophecy which we're getting ready to see in just a moment so now if you have your bibles let's read verse one we're just doing context okay now stay with me throughout this entire prophecy i promise it's gonna all make sense as we go along i promise you that verse one in the first year of darius the son of hazureth of a hazardous now i skipped over some stuff and i'm skipping to this part i daniel perceived in the books the number of years that according to the word of the lord to jeremiah the prophet must pass before the end of the desolations of jerusalem namely 70 years now i don't have time to unpack all of that but let me just briefly break it down to you god through the prophet jeremiah had prophesied that god's people were going to be displaced from their land they were going to be taken into captivity by the babylonians that happened in around 605 bc so now daniel some 70 years later because god told jeremiah but you're only going to be in captivity for 70 years after 70 years i'm going to bring you back into the land so that you can rebuild it all right so now daniel because he's a good bible student he looks at the calendar and he's like whoa it's 5 36 bc that's about 70 years from when we got here god is getting ready to take us back to the land it's about time for us to roll up our sleeves and get back to jerusalem so that we can start to rebuild it so we know from context and from history that the year in which daniel is writing this prophecy the year in which gabriel gives him this vision or this prophecy is 536 bc now why is that important it is important because to wrap your mind around the fact that daniel's this prophecy that we're getting ready to go into extreme depth is prophesied over five centuries before the coming of christ this isn't something that was prophesied a week or two before jesus was was born this is five centuries before that's how we know that what we're getting ready to go through is indeed the word of god and not the word of man so if any one of you have ever cut an onion before this is what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna be peeling back layers and layers and layers of this prophecy with every word that is that is spoken in this prophecy another little layer is peeled back another layer is peeled back and it goes back and back and back until we peel the entire onion that's what we're going to do in the next 45 minutes or so okay so daniel's 70 week prophecy we're going to break it down into four things number one all right is the period we're going to talk about the time period that daniel's prophecy is going to cover and then number two we're going to talk about the people who are the people that daniel's prophecy is specifically concerning all right and then number three we're going to look at the purpose what is it that god was intending to do during this prophecy but then we're going to spend about 80 to 90 percent of our time today unpacking and unpeeling the actual prophecy itself so the period the people the purpose and then the prophecy that's where we are going okay so now let's start with the period of the prophecy oh man you guys are in for it today this is exciting oh my goodness i'm so pumped i don't even know what to do here we go it says 70 weeks have been decreed let's just stop right there we're not going to go fast today we're going to take our time to break it down to make sure you get every little nut and bolt that this passage is talking about so right off the bat right off the bat we see that there's a time period that's given 70 weeks are decreed now the question that you have to ask is is 70 weeks really just 490 days is god giving a prophecy and saying hey i'm just going to tell you about the next 490 days it says 70 weeks so what exactly is happening here well it turns out that in jewish culture the word weak is actually translated as a seven or a set of sevens and so if you go back to leviticus chapter 25 verse 8 it's very clear that they understood that the hebrew word weak simply means a set of seven years let's read it you shall count seven weeks of years seven times seven years so that the time of the seven weeks of years shall give you 49 years madara thank you for the super chat i appreciate that so now we're very clear that seven weeks isn't 49 days seven weeks is seven sets of seven years which according to leviticus chapter 25 is 49 years so now we understand the code that is being used throughout this passage one week is really equivalent to seven full years so now that is the reason why translations like the new living translation they just take all the confusion out they're like weeks are confusing let's just write it what it is the period of 70 sets of seven has been decreed okay so whenever you see 70 sets of 7 just replace that with 490 years 490 years so 70 weeks equals 490 years all right so that's the important thing that you have to get so let's keep reading a period of 70 sets of 7 or 490 years has been decreed decreed now what is the word decreed actually mean the hebrew word for decreed actually means to cut off or to decide or to determine or to conclude so basically what's happening is this here is our first timeline and what we're going to do over the next 40 45 minutes or so is we're going to fill in this timeline with all sorts of information so that by the time we end this prophecy it's going to be filled in but right now all we know is that the gabriel says to daniel i'm going to tell you about a period of 490 years that's all we know and there's 490 years that have been cut off or determined or decreed that's all we know at this time so i'm going to be giving you throughout this my translation of this so that it will hopefully click and make more sense to you so let me give you alan parr's translation daniel my brother i'm about to explain to you a total of 490 future years so daniel bro pay close attention that's what gabriel is telling daniel i'm about to tell you about 490 years that are going to occur at some point in the future now let's keep going number two the people who are the people that this prophecy is directed to well it tells you let's peel back another layer let's peel back another layer and let's keep reading a period of 70 sets of seven 490 years has been decreed okay now we get some more information for your people daniel and your holy city so now we get a little bit more information and we understand that the scope of this prophecy is directed to the jewish people only not christians not gentiles jewish people only says daniel for your people and your city jerusalem that's the only people that this prophecy is directed to that's it it's about the jewish people in the city of jerusalem so let me give you my translation again daniel i'm about to tell you about a set of 490 years in the future that concerns your people and your city pay close attention so daniel if you want to know what's going to happen to your brothers and sisters the jewish lineage and your city of jerusalem pay close attention because the angel says i'm about to break it down for you okay now let's keep going number three the purpose what is the purpose of this prophecy what is it that god is trying to accomplish well god tells daniel now stay with me because we're going to get the good stuff is from 25-27 but we're laying the foundation here god tells daniel six specific things that he purposes to do for the jewish people let's quickly run through them in verse 24b it says to finish their rebellion to put an end to their sin to atone for their guilt all right so let's let's let's break that down a little bit okay so we understand now looking back through history that the jewish people rejected jesus christ at his first coming they rejected him as the coming messiah they don't believe that he is the coming messiah but what this prophecy is promising is that there will come a day in the future where they will no longer rebel or reject the lord jesus christ god will forgive their sin and he will make atonement or covering for their sin now we know this has not happened they told me part has happened through jesus christ on the cross but we know that this has not yet happened in history because as of today august 27 2021 the jews still largely reject the lord jesus christ but what this is saying is that daniel one day in the future god is going to make it so that your people are no longer going to reject me and i'm going to put an end to their rebellion against me and their rejection of me okay does this make sense so far hopefully it's making sense now let's keep going because he now adds a fourth purpose to bring in everlasting righteousness now you and i both know that that's not happening right now we don't see righteousness happening in the world and we certainly know that the jewish people are not characterized by having a right relationship with god which is what the word righteousness really means so we know that part of this prophecy has not yet been fulfilled that's what i'm trying to get you to see part of this prophecy has not yet been fulfilled but it will be fulfilled in that one day the jewish people will be characterized by righteousness and the whole world will be characterized by righteousness we'll get to that in just a moment stay with me now it says to confirm the prophetic vision now because this is a hebrew language there are multiple translations that i'm going to introduce you to throughout this prophecy one possibility saying all prophecy will be fulfilled meaning hey there's gonna come a time where every single prophecy that has been spoken about the messiah or about the jewish people or in general is going to be fulfilled i'm going to fill it up i'm going to seal that prophecy up or it could be there's no further prophecy that's ever going to be needed ever again when jesus christ comes all right so so so one of those two i think both are possible here we're not going to get bogged down on that so let's keep going on so here's my translation now my updated translation daniel the jewish people and the city of jerusalem y'all got about 490 future years left where i'm going to be dealing with you all specifically during this time daniel i will remove their rebellion of me i will atone for their sin i will make them live righteously and i'm going to fulfill every prophecy and promise made to them that is what i see is the translation of this first verse all right so now now we're going to jump into the fourth and final part of this prophecy and this is where i said we're going to camp out for about the next 30 to 40 minutes this is where your mind is gonna start to be blown here we go so now let's read it now listen and understand verse 25. seven sets of seven plus 62 sets of seven will pass now some of you all don't like math i'm going to try to make it real easy for you all right but so far now we get some more information we've peeled back a little bit more of the layer of the onion and now daniel gives us some more information now so before when our timeline looked like this just a blank timeline with 490 years that has been decreed now we must update our timeline and we're going to be updating this timeline throughout this entire live stream now we understand that for some reason that we don't know yet this gabriel gives daniel this vision where he breaks up the 490 years or the 70 sets of seven into three subsets look what it says it says here there will be seven sets of seven and then they're going to be a set of 62 sevens which seven plus 62 is 69 which means there's one set of seven left one or seven plus 62 plus one is 70. now converting that into years for all of you math lovers that means that there's going to be a set of 49 years followed by a set of 434 years 62 times 7 all right and then there's gonna be one set of seven years at the end talk about all this in just a moment so that's all we know that's all we know there's nothing more than that okay now let's keep going it's gonna get good this is gonna get good all right so now the question naturally is why why does daniel separate the 490 years or 70 weeks in this way why didn't he just say this is going to be 490 years why did he separate it into three subsets well let's let's keep going and let's keep reading let's peel back a few more layers now let's let's continue to read it says now listen and understand seven sets of seven plus 62 sets of seven will pass now pay attention to this next part from the time the command is given to rebuild jerusalem until a ruler the anointed one comes let me read that again that is the key that unlocks this entire prophecy there's going to be a seven sets of seven plus 62 sets of 7 will pass from the time the command is given to rebuild jerusalem until the ruler the anointed one comes so the question now becomes when was the command given okay so let me explain what's happening here daniel is in babylon he's been there for 70 years why because his people rebelled against god offered their children in sacrifice uh offered different uh offerings to worship other gods idolatry immorality you name it so god removed them from their land and in 605 bc god allowed nebuchadnezzar to come down and literally destroy the city of jerusalem and the temple so now there it's time for them to return to the land and rebuild everything right so now the question becomes when will this happen so here's my translation so far daniel from the time when some ruler allows your people to return to their land and rebuild it until some anointed ruler arrives on the scene there's going to be 49 plus 434 years or 483 years that's all we know so all we know is that when a command is given y'all can go back and rebuild and when some anointed ruler shows up on the scene there's going to be 483 years exactly in between that time all right so the question now that we have to raise here is when was the command given to rebuild jerusalem when what year what did that happen when did when was that because that's the key that unlocks the entire prophecy well let me give you three possibilities the people stay with me now as a history lesson stay with me don't don't get lost the people from babylon returned to jerusalem in three waves led by three major leaders the first was a guy by the name of zerubbabel and in 538 bc king cyrus said y'all can go back i'm freeing y'all y'all free y'all released y'all can go back no longer are you going to hold you in bonded you go back and rebuild your land you can read about that in ezra chapter one but then later on possibly number two is in 457 bc another guy received a command by a king by the name of artaxerxes king of persia and he also told ezra to go back and rebuild the land he said ezra you're free you go back and rebuild the land and rebuild the people all right now there's a third possibility you may recognize this guy's name is nehemiah in 445 bc he was given permission he was given permission to return there was no decree but he was given permission to return and rebuild the land so the question that scholars have debated throughout the years is which of these three commands are in view in this prophecy okay now for our purposes we're going to use 457 bc because i believe that is the most accurate time period and if you go to biblehub.com and look at their chronology site you can see that it's been proven in history that in 457 bc there was a command that was given to ezra to go back and return and rebuild the land so we're going to use as our starting point for the year in which the command was given to be 457 bc that is our starting point of this prophecy everything else is going to unfold so we got to update our timeline y'all we got to update our timeline because now we have a starting point the clock is ticking from 457 bc the clock is ticking and the question is is god going to fulfill this prophecy in the way that he wrote it to daniel okay so we now see that in 457 bc there was a command to rebuild the land so let's keep going now let's fill back another layer it says here seven sets of seven plus 62 sets of seven will pass from the time the command is given to rebuild jerusalem until a ruler the anointed one comes ooh boy do you see this all right if you don't see it we're going to see it in just a moment the question now is who is this anointed one that is supposed to come you probably know who this is if you don't i'm introduce them to you his name is jesus because the hebrew word here for the anointed one is the hebrew word mashiach mashiach which is translated as the messiah the messiah is the one who is the anointed one who is the ruler who is to come do you see this so now the question is when did jesus come well guess what scholars believe that in 27 a.d this is pretty much documented in history that that is the exact year when jesus christ began his public ministry now let's just see how close we get this is going to literally blow your mind let's see how close we get here okay so once again going back to bible hub chronology so you don't think i'm making these numbers up okay this is documented that in 27 a.d jesus was tempted he called his first disciples and he and he basically accepted his public messiah ship if you will now watch this if you start at 457 this is where you're going to get your calculators out and check brother al make sure i'm not making any numbers up if you start at 457 bc and you subtract 49 years and then subtract another 434 years and then minus one more a year let me say brother allen you fooling with the numbers why are you minus another year let me explain because between 1 bc and 180 there was only one year in between 1 bc and 180 they did not count year 0 as a year so you have to skip over year 0. so if you start at when the command was given in 457 bc you subtract the 49 years the 7 the seven sets of seven then you subtract another 434 years that's 62 times seven and then minus one year because they skip year zero look where you end up 27 a.d do you see this are you seeing this here is a prophecy by daniel where god says over five centuries before jesus the messiah is going to come daniel i'm going to tell you the exact year that the messiah is going to arrive on the scene in his public ministry you cannot tell me that a human mind would be able to put something like this together and this prophecy is only getting started do you see it all right all right i hope you see that okay now let's keep going now let's keep going because now the the question is okay this anointed one is you sure it's jesus well think about it the text says that that he's gonna this person is gonna bring in everlasting righteousness they're gonna atone for sin we know that jesus is going to bring in everlasting righteousness in the millennial kingdom revelation 20. we also know that jesus atoned for sin on the cross and we also know that jesus is going to fulfill all the prophecy so we know that this anointed one must be referring to jesus himself the messiah but now the question becomes why is he separating this into three subsets why didn't he just say 69 weeks and one week why didn't he just say 483 years and seven years why does he separate 49 and then 434 and then seven why does he do that you're about to find out this is gonna blow your mind even more okay now let's keep reading see you gotta you keep reading you peel back more layers of the prophecy let's keep reading in verse 25 it says jerusalem will be rebuilt with streets and strong defenses despite the perilous times so now we see that even though nebuchadnezzar had destroyed the temple and the city of jerusalem in 605 bc god predicts and prophesies that it will be rebuilt again now when was it rebuilt watch this watch this okay now according to barnes and several other trustworthy bible commentators the historian priedu declared nehemiah's last action in rebuilding the city occurred now watch this now in the 15th year of the persian ruler darius nothus history tells us that there's a persian ruler named darius that reigned between 423 and 403 now if you subtract 15 years from when he started in 423 you get to the year 408 now watch this this guy's 15th year was the 49th year from the 457 bc decree oh my goodness josephus the jewish historian also seems to support this idea in his remarks about the death of nehemiah are you seeing this this is the accuracy of bible prophecy at its best notice now let's keep going because he gives you a little bit more information he says that jerusalem will be rebuilt with streets and strong defenses and it will be real easy and they won't experience any oppression or any sort of any sort of division or anything that's not what it says it says that when they try to rebuild the city they are going to come up against oppression against some sort of restriction conflict because it says it will be rebuilt despite the perilous times now watch this because this is how scripture helps to interpret scripture we're going somewhere notice if you go to nehemiah chapter four you may remember this there was a guy i call him a hater his name was sam bled he was a hater he did not want the jews to rebuild the temple in the land and rebuild the city sam balet was very angry when he learned that we were rebuilding the wall he flew into a rage and mocked the jews does that sound like perilous times absolutely it does and it was difficult for them to rebuild it daniel prophesies that it's going to be difficult for them to rebuild the temple now let's keep moving on so now we got to update our timeline we got to update our timeline do you see this so let's review the command was given to rebuild the land in 457 bc 49 years later the land the city the temple everything was complete in 408 bc which is exactly 49 years after the original command was given for them to return okay so that's all we know and we also know that in 27 a.d jesus christ began his public ministry okay so that that's all we know right now so let's keep going oh but look at this whoa but after the 62 weeks messiah shall be cut off but not for himself now notice that the prophecy tells us when the messiah is going to come but the prophecy does not specify when the messiah will die it just says sometime after the 62 weeks or let me break it down after the 483 years he's going to be cut off that word cut off actually means to exterminate or to destroy the messiah is going to be destroyed or exterminated but not for himself hmm not for anything that he has done not because he was evil not because he was sinful he's going to be dying on behalf of other people now this is where scripture helps to interpret scripture because now we see isaiah's prophecy perfectly aligning with uh daniel's prophecy you see because another prophecy you may be familiar with is in isaiah chapter 53 where it says but he jesus the messiah was pierced for our transgressions i love it past tense isaiah said it's already happened even though 700 some years in the future he writes it as if it's ever already happened in past tense even though jesus had not yet been on the scene he said it's as good as done he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities and upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his wounds we are healed that sounds like somebody that was cut off but not for himself not for anything he did but because of something that we have done now there's another translation here let me keep going so paul also confirms it for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of god so it's very clear that he's cut off not for himself but there's another alternate translation here in the new living translation and it says this because remember this is hebrew language and they're trying to translate it and it's not always easy to translate it so now the new living translators translate it this way they say after this period of 62 sets of seven the anointed one that's the messiah meshiach will be killed watch this appearing to have accomplished nothing now guess what guys i'll be honest i don't know which translation is right but i know they're both accurate it will appear on the surface that he died for nothing that there was nothing that came out of his death and he didn't die on his own behalf are you seeing this now watch this it gets better let's peel back another layer and let's keep reading verse 26 and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary its end shall come with a flood and to the end there shall be war and what in the world is what wait a second the temple in the city of jerusalem just got rebuilt in 408 and now you're trying to tell me it's going to be destroyed again daniel predicts it okay now watch this not only does daniel predict that the city and the temple in jerusalem that was rebuilt in 408 by nebuchadnezzar ezra zerubbabel is one day going to be destroyed at some time in the future daniel predicts this in 536 bc he predicts it now jesus also predicts this as well and jesus says as jesus was leaving the temple grounds his disciples pointed out to him the various temple buildings but he responded do you see all these buildings i tell you the truth they will be completely demolished not one stone will be left on top of another jesus says you see this temple it's going to be destroyed it's going to be totally destroyed now watch this if you go to google and you type in when was jerusalem and the temple destroyed what you see is ad70 is when the temple was destroyed this is after jesus death crucifixion resurrection so we see that history is now proving that daniel's prophecy word for word is coming to pass just as he predicted now let's keep going we got to peel back another layer we got to peel back another layer because it says now and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city in the sanctuary hmm so now we know not only that the city of jerusalem and the temple will be destroyed but now daniel gives us some more information and he tells us who is going to be responsible for destroying the temple and the city of jerusalem now he doesn't say the name of these people but hold on stay with me he says because the people of the prince who is to come now watch this now okay who are the people of the prince who is to come who will destroy the temple and the city of jerusalem well guess what if you go and do a google search and you type in who destroyed jerusalem in 70 a.d it says the romans the romans are the ones that destroyed the city of jerusalem notice it says the romans destroyed much of the city including the second temple totally destroyed it all right so now we understand we understand something now this can only mean one thing stay with me the prince who is to come in this verse must be someone who emerges from the roman empire let me let me rewind that it says in this verse that the people of the prince who is to come is going to destroy the city and its sanctuary so that means the prince must be related or connected to the same people who destroyed the city of jerusalem and the temple we know from google and from history that the romans were the ones who destroyed the city of jerusalem in 70 a.d that means that this prince that he's talking about in this passage has got to be someone who emerges from the roman empire i'm going somewhere stay with me now what did daniel say about the roman empire all right so now we got to go back a little bit travel back a couple of chapters in daniel chapter 7 and he gives us some information about the roman empire okay we're we're going somewhere here all right we're going somewhere and if you go back to chapter seven you'll understand that god gave daniel a vision of four beasts each of those beasts we talked about this in my overview of the book of daniel go back and watch that each of these four beasts represented a future gentile power first you had the babylonians they were conquered by the medes and the persians the third beast was the greeks by alexander the great and the fourth beast that conquered all of them was the romans and they were the ones that were in power at the time of christ see that that's another prophecy right there that we talked about in the book of daniel he god gave daniel a clear blueprint of every world power that was going to be in power for the next 500 600 years or so 700 years or so now watch this okay let's keep going don't get lost yet on me now all right so let's see now what daniel said about this roman empire he said as for the fourth beast there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth that's the romans which shall be different from all the kingdoms and it shall devour the whole earth and trample it down and break it to pieces we know that the roman empire did just that as for the ten horns out of this kingdom ten kings shall rise now watch this watch this and another shall arise after them he shall be different from the former ones he shall put down three kings he shall speak words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the most high and shall think to change the times and the law some of you know where we're going here and they shall be given into his hand for a time times and a half a time now who is he talking about here he's talking about none other than the antichrist the antichrist all right the antichrist is the one who is getting ready to talk about in daniel chapter nine now let's update our timeline here let's update our timeline let's review in 457 bc the command was given to ezra to go back and rebuild the land 49 years later under the hand of nehemiah they completed the rebuilding of the land the wall the temple in jerusalem in 408 bc but then if you add another 434 years we see that jesus christ accepted his public ministry on 27 a.d but then we also now add something extra the time extra to the timeline is that in 70 a.d the city and the temple were destroyed all right so now let's keep going all right now the question remains now what about the final seven years of this prophecy i mean it's a 70 week profit it's a 490 year prophecy we've only covered the first 483 years what about the last seven years i'm glad you asked that question let's keep going the question that should be in your mind is why did daniel introduce a gap between the 69th week and the 70th week he could have just said it's going to be 70 years or 70 weeks could have just said 490 years or he could have just said it was gonna be 49 years and however many 490 minus 49 is right i don't i don't want to think about but but why did he separate the 69th week from the 70th week i'm so glad you asked that question because my friend this is going to blow your mind stay with me now because in between daniel's 69th week and then and the start of daniel's 70th week so let me break it down in years in be after the 434 years when christ comes and then there's a seven year period left in between these there's a gap of time called the church age the church age is the time that we're living in now now you may say brother allen i don't know about that hold on hold on you got to give me some scripture how do you know that how do you know there's a gap between the 69th week and the seventh i'm not buying that i'm glad that you asked watch this let's jump to the new testament and let's look at how the apostle paul describes his ministry watch this when you read this ephesians 3 you can perceive my insight into the what the mystery of christ which was not made known to the sons of men in other generations as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles paul says there is a mystery that god has kept hidden from all other sons in all the previous generations god did not reveal this mystery but he's revealing it to me now now what is the mystery what is the mystery he tells you the mystery in verse 9. and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in god who created all things okay so we see here that that is the mystery let me go back a little bit okay i'm sorry the mystery i'm sorry guys the mystery is that the gentiles were going to be included as fellow heirs okay i i've skipped i've skipped forward okay i'm sorry and the prophets by the spirit this mystery is that the gentiles are fellow heirs members of the same body and partakers of the promise in christ jesus through the gospel do you see that the the mystery that was hidden to all prophets hidden from isaiah hidden from ezekiel hidden from jeremiah hidden from hosea hidden from amos hidden from elijah nobody under under in the old testament understood this because god didn't reveal it to them god did not reveal to any of them that there was going to be a period of time where the gentiles were going to be the light they were going to be the main group of people that god was going to use to fulfill his plan god didn't show that to any of them he kept it hidden so from an old testament prophet's perspective there is no gap there is there it's just it's just one long period of time because they didn't have any understanding that there was going to be a church age or a gap that's not revealed in the old testament in any way shape or form paul said god kept it hidden from all of those people and now he revealed it to me and that's my ministry is to to reach the gentiles it was hidden for ages in god so you may say well well why why why why is there a gap here's the clincher here's the clincher okay we're whining home now remember back in verse 24 it says a period of 70 sets of sevens has been decreed for who the jewish people in the city of jerusalem the prophecy that daniel gives is not concerning the gentiles that's why daniel didn't go into any depth about what was going to happen between the 69th week and the 70th week because right now we're living in a time where god is primarily using the gentiles because the jews have been set aside they're on the shelf because they rejected the lord jesus christ at his first coming and so god is primarily dealing and working through the gentiles but there will be a time in the future where god is going to confirm all of his promises and he is going to use the nation of israel romans 11 all israel will be saved so on and so forth now let's keep going okay why must there be a gap between the 69th and 70th week it's because the promises made in verse 24 have not been fulfilled yet for daniel's people so we know that there must be a future seven year period we know that this could not have been happened now because this these prophecies about uh them uh not rejecting the lord jesus christ and them experiencing the atonement for their sins and there being everlasting righteousness and putting an end to their sin we know that's not happened yet so that must mean that it must happen sometime in the future now let's keep going okay so now let's read the last verse of this passage the ruler who i believe is the antichrist will make a treaty or a covenant with the people for a period of one set of seven but after half this time he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings stay with me we're going somewhere and as a climax to all of his terrible deeds see it talks about this rule or whatever he does going to do terrible deeds he will set up a sacrilegious object thank you for the super chat i appreciate everyone that causes desecration until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him do you see this okay now watch this the new testament also confirms that the the exact same thing that daniel said it says in 2nd thessalonians 2 about the antichrist he opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of god proclaiming himself to be god paul says this antichrist figure who is to come is one day going to enter into the temple that's going to be rebuilt in jerusalem and he is going to set up some sort of sacrilegious object probably an idol of himself and he is going to demand to be worshipped and if you do not worship him you are going to receive the mark of the beast right if you don't worship him or uh if you if you do worship him okay so uh proclaiming himself to be god so if you do worship him you receive the mark of the beast all right so that's the idea so he he's gonna he's gonna do something in the temple that set up some sort of sacrilegious uh right that's gonna cause an abomination all right now let's keep going now once again i don't believe this is jesus some people will say this is jesus there's no record of jesus making a seven year covenant with his people any covenant that jesus makes with us is everlasting the ruler is from the romans and not the jews right this ruler says it's from the prince of the people who are going to destroy the temple we know the jews didn't destroy their own is the romans destroyed the temple and then the text speaks of this fate being poured out on some sort of defiler okay now watch this now daniel also confirms some of the activities of the antichrist let's go back and read it and we're almost done guys we're almost done and he shall put down three kings he shall speak words against the most high that's what the antichrist is going to do and shall wear out the saints of the most high and shall think to do what change the times and the law now watch this and they shall be given into his hand for a time that's one year times that's two more years so now we're three years time is one year times is two that's three years and a half a time that's three and a half years that's three and a half years so what does that mean well we know that the bible says in daniel i don't have it on the screen but if you go back and look at verse 27 it says that he is going to confirm a covenant with the people but in the middle of that week he's going to put an end to sacrifices and offerings in the middle of the seven year tribulation period the antichrist is going to turn see he at first he's going to create a peace treaty where he's going to probably promise the protection of the jewish people which as we know what's going on over in the world they would be desperate to sign a peace treaty where this rural world ruler is gonna promise to protect them a treaty a peace treaty and he's gonna win their allegiance on his side but then in the middle of the seven year tribulation period he's gonna turn on them and he's gonna put a end to their sacrifices he's going to put an end to their worship and he's going to set up an idol a sacrifice sacrilegious object in the temple of god he's going to demand that he be worshipped and if you do not worship him you are not going to be able to buy and sell but guess what the bible says the fate that is poured out on him and what is that fate revelation 19 20 says this and the beast was captured and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped its image these two the false prophet and the antichrist were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur my friends let's finish our timeline out right now this is the last couple slides i have and we're done let's go through the whole prophecy again in 457 bc documented history shows that there was a command that was given to ezra to go back and rebuild the land 49 years later history shows us that nehemiah had finished his rebuilding work in jerusalem in 408 bc that's the first seven sets of seven then for the next 434 years that's 62 sets of 7 they are waiting for the messiah to come in 27 a.d the messiah shows up on the scene he was born or before that but he accepts his public ministry he's baptized he's tempted he calls his first disciples he's crucified somewhere around 30 or 31 a.d that's a whole conversation for another day right we're not gonna get into that one right now all right but there's this gap of time called the church age one of the major things that happened in the church age was in 70 a.d the temple was destroyed by the romans we know that from history and daniel also prophesies it that leaves us one set of seven years to remain and that my friends is what most scholars believe is the seven year tribulation period and in between the 69th week and the 70th week is this hidden age called the church age that no old testament prophet could ever have predicted because god had kept it hidden from everyone else throughout history and revealed it to paul and the holy apostles there's a seven year tribulation period where the antichrist is going to form a covenant with god's people the israelites but it's during that time that many of the israelites are going to come to faith and they're going to be some of the main evangelists that are going to evangelize the world at that time and in the middle of that seven year period he is going to break that covenant and he is going to change their laws and change their worship and then my friends all of the promises that have not yet been fulfilled in daniel's prophecy shall be fulfilled in the 1 000 year millennial reign everlasting righteousness atonement for sin no more rebellion for the jewish people putting an end to their sin sealing up all prophecy my friends that is what i believe as best i understand it right now in august 27 2021 an understanding of what i believe is the most accurate most precise prophecy and probably the most difficult prophecy in the entire bible so my friends i've got one last slide here final thoughts first and foremost i acknowledge that there are several different interpretations of this passage i went through all of them i looked at the pros and cons the objections of every single one of these interpretations in my preparation for this and what i presented to you today is what i believe is the most accurate but i respect those who see things differently all right the bible must also have been inspired by a divine author a divine author that's what i wanted you to get from this live stream to know for sure that there's no human mind that could have come up with this type of prophecy it had to have been a divine mind if you try to sit down right now and write down what's going to happen a month from now you'd have no idea where to start the fact that this detailed prophecy was given no matter which of the num one remind you no matter which interpretation you choose we all agree that the messiah was going to come he's going to be cut off right and we know that that was prophesied over 500 years before christ came so that proves that jesus indeed is the messiah that he said he was okay now if you get a chance i'm not going to go through it now and some of you probably thought i forgot about this but if you get a chance go look up a guy by the name of sir robert anderson sir robert anderson has a totally different interpretation of this passage where he literally calculated the actual day in which jesus christ was going to ride into jerusalem on a donkey it's called the triumphal entry and he broke it down into some 173 thousand five hundred something days or whatever and his is interesting but there's some flaws in his interpretation and that's why i didn't go with that particular one because some of his dates don't match up and so therefore but if you really wanna dig into this deeper go study the 445 bc interpretation where they believe that that is the date that the command was given and nehemiah went go study the people who don't believe that there is any uh these these uh this timeline is exact literal years and it's just non-literal and they take it more of a 538 bc timeline right so go back go have a little bit of fun with this uh check it out and when you do let me know in the comment section what your thoughts are okay so guys that's it all right i hope you enjoyed that and i'm gonna take some questions now from you all in the comments section and wow the comment section is going crazy let me jump in and and uh and see this all right so that is before we get into the comments guys let me just say a couple of things uh let me just say a couple of things here first all right first and foremost if you are wanting to learn how to study the bible and take your bible study to the next level and break it down we do have a course that you can take it's called bible study made easy right you can learn more about it at biblestudymadeez.com check it out right there all right if you are looking to support the ministry right and you want to be a monthly supporter or want to give a one-time donation you really believe in what we're doing and you would love to help us continue to put out more free content every week then we would love it we would be honored if you would take some time to pray about how you might be able to support our ministry it really helps us be able to hire staff and to really build this ministry up and create a team of people that can help us move this thing along so if god puts it on your heart thank you for every one of you who left a super chat on this live stream i appreciate it i'm sorry if i didn't acknowledge you by name but just know that i appreciated that i was trying to stay into the flow of my teaching but i thank you for the super chat and if you want to support us further no pressure if not please support us by praying but you can go to alanparr.com support finally if you are looking to get one of our cool t-shirts or this mug or a hat that you see in the back you can pick that up by clicking the link in the description of this video where it says go to our merchandise store okay so all that stuff is out of the way now it's time to take some questions
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 44,289
Rating: 4.9198489 out of 5
Keywords: allen parr, bible prophecy, bible study, end times, end times prophecy, end times 2021, end times signs, daniel 9 explained, daniel's prophecy, the book of daniel explained, 70th week of daniel kjv, end times bible, daniels 70 weeks, last days, daniel 9 24-27
Id: MN9HKi7wS2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 52sec (4012 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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