What to Do When You Struggle to Forgive Yourself

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you well hey hey hey everyone Allen here so excited to hang out with you guys today and I believe we are live and if you can see me if you can hear me okay he did all right sorry about that guys I did not mute my my computer so it was coming through there do me a favor if you can see me if you can hear me okay give me a thumbs up let me know that everything is coming through and we are good to go a simple thumbs up or a simple hey I'm excited about this let me know let me know if the audio is good let me know if the video is good you can see me and hear me okay let me give a few shout outs here good to see Christopher Davis how are you sir Ranger what's up the Lord child a good to see you Cooper meek let's see here Priscilla thank you for the confirmation there Lord child John there robloxian how are you good to see you on here as well and let's see nay whom says everything is good triple thumbs up for Cooper meek Roberto Solano good to see you on here thank you a whole bunch of thumbs-up from Roger Paris Kylene let me know where you guys are tuning in from as a matter of fact give me the country let me know where this broadcast is going out to let me know Adrian thank you so much for the confirmation and we'll get started here shortly hey Camille bel from Jamaica hey my wife and I went to Jamaica a couple years ago and had a blast we absolutely loved it and we want to go back but we have two kids and so yeah we have to plan that out let's see Priscilla's coming from Louisiana hey that's what I'm talking about some good food in Louisiana Christopher Davis from Las Vegas and yes nee whom yes you were named after the book in the Bible awesome t-shirt from San Antonio and the house not too far away from me in Dallas and we got some people up in Canada Vancouver the Lord's child Nick hedges is from Virginia Benjamin is right around the way from Virginia hey Robo Matic in England I've never been to England but definitely want to and we've got Glory and gaze grace okay everybody's chiming in Mississippi a Poplar Mississippi Kansas City here we go awesome hey Curt Branson my editor he is on here awesome to see him on here as well Bronx New York been to New York a couple of times absolutely love it want to go back just as soon as I possibly can we got Trinidad Columbia Charlotte and the list goes on and on all right guys so I want to respect your time because I know that time is precious so we want to jump right on into our livestream and gods kind of put this on my heart because you know one of the things that you know one of the things that is really really you know one of the things that really really is on my heart is the fact that so many people email me a lot of times and they're like hey you know what I'm struggling with guilt I'm struggling with shame I'm struggling with things I've done I feel bad about my past well let me just share with you that I've been there I understand I have that have had that experience right where you've done something and you just feel like man if people only knew what I did man they would probably wouldn't think I'm a Christian and I don't feel like I can pray I don't feel like I could worship I don't feel like I can lift my hands I don't feel like I can share my faith because I am a fake I'm a phony and maybe other people don't see it but I see it okay so what I want to do in this livestream is I just want to take a passes of Scripture and I just want to spend some time encouraging you if you are at this point or have ever been struggling with shame and guilt alright and so here's we're going to do let me just first start off with a couple of things first of all thank you all so much this channel would not be where it is today without your love without your support without your sharing your comments your subscribing telling your friends about it your engagement on YouTube so thank you so much I love all of you so much thank you so much and then also update on me real quick my wife and I just gave birth about three weeks ago actually four weeks ago actually today is he's one month old actually was born July third and so we are so excited about our son we're great great grateful to God for a healthy baby and then comments guys I'm doing my best to actually respond to as many comments as I possibly can as soon as I get like a hundred of them a thousand of them come in so just be with bear with me please forgive me for not being able to get to all them I get them as many as I can t-shirts yes some of you been asking about these t-shirts they are on the way we're in the process of getting those so I will keep your name on file if you want a t-shirt let me know you can send me an email to info at Allen Park com all right and invite your friends be part of this community as well so what we're gonna do today guys we are going to do a couple of things I'm gonna say a short prayer and then what we're gonna do is we are going to take a look at one of my favorite stories in the Bible Luke chapter 7 37 excuse me 36 through 50 I'm gonna do a little bit of teach in about 20 minutes going through this passage of Scripture and then we'll spend some time you guys can ask me anything with it whether it's related to this topic or unrelated and then we'll be out of here okay so hopefully you'll enjoy this live stream and let me know if you want me to do more of them so I've entitled this message what do you do when you can't forgive yourself right the enemy just to let you know he wants you to live in shame he wants you to live in guilt because he knows that if he can keep you wrapped up in your shame and your guilt then he knows that you will be an ineffective Christian he knows that he can't steal your salvation from you but the next best thing is to get you to be an ineffective Christian which basically makes you as useful to God as someone who is not saved if he can keep you from sharing your testimony with other people because you're too ashamed to share it or he can keep you from sharing your faith with people because you're afraid of people thinking that you're a phony he can keep you from lifting your hands in worship he can keep you from reading your Bible because you feel like a fake and a phony he keeps you from praying because you don't feel like you're worthy to receive anything from God in your prayers then my friend he's got your number and today we want to free you up from that okay here we go let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you so much for this day we give you praise glory and honor I thank you so much for this wonderful passage of Scripture God we're gonna dive in we love you I pray that you would use it to encourage us if we're struggling with guilt and shame in Jesus name we pray amen all right so what I want to do in this livestream is not only teach the scriptures but I want to show you the process for how to study the Bible that is huge right so I want to teach it as if I was teaching you how to study the Bible so anytime you open up a passage of Scripture you have to look at the context so we're gonna spend a couple of minutes looking at the context so who wrote the Gospel of Luke well obviously a man named Luke and what do we know about Luke he was the only Gentile writer in all of Scripture the rest of the entire Bible was written by Jews God's chosen people Luke is the only writer scripture who actually is Gentile which is significant and let me explain why he was also a physician as well as the only Gentile writer of Scripture Luke understood the feeling of being an outcast because the Jews who were God's chosen people they did not like the Gentiles they made the Gentiles feel like they were outcasts like they were second-class citizens and so that Luke understood that firsthand so what did he do he under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote a gospel that was tailored specifically to groups of people who felt like they were in outcast groups of people who then Society for all intents and purposes told that they were no good right so these there's some specific stories in the Book of Luke that are unique to the book of Luke that are not found in Matthew Mark and John why because Luke is trying to write a gospel to show that Jesus came not just for the religious people not just for the Jews but he came for the down-and-out he came for the people that messed up their lives people who made mistakes people who jacked up their lives and that's the reason why you find stories like the prodigal son who wasted his life away that's not found in mark it's not found in Matthew it's not found in John that's why you have the story of this prostitute woman that we're going to read about in Luke chapter 7 that's why you have the story of the Good Samaritan and you have these other stories in the Gospel of Luke people who messed up their lives people purrs different things like that groups of people that were pushed away and yet Luke highlights these people and highlights Jesus love for them okay let's keep going all right so what is the setting that we have here let's read it in verse 36 when one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him he went to the Pharisees house and reclined at the table all right let's stop right there okay first you have to know what a Pharisee is so if you're studying the Bible this is how you do it every every time you come across a word that you don't understand you go get a Bible dictionary and you look up that word okay so if you don't know what a Pharisee is now would be the time to look that up a Pharisee is a member of the highest religious group or sect within Judaism these guys were super super religious they knew the Bible backwards and forwards they were very judgmental they were very elitist and they were focused on external righteousness the only thing they cared about is how I look on the outside they failed to look inward in terms of what their heart was doing they focused on how externally righteous is they could do which is the reason why Jesus had so much conflict with these guys okay now I need you to imagine this now okay go with me on a journey if you have to close your eyes do that all right but imagine this there there there's a room of people there there because they are looking to try to see these two theological heavyweights you have this Pharisee who knows the word and he invites Jesus a rabbi a known rabbi over to his house and this was typical in this day where these two theological Bible teachers if you will would have these theological discussions or debates and this was like a popular topic and a popular event in that day and so if you imagine you have this house filled with guests that were invited by Simon and Jesus is the is the honored guest okay so just just imagine that get that that that picture in your mind okay now now from from everybody surprised here comes this woman just walking in to a public event okay imagine if the president I don't know had some guests over at the White House and it was a private event and only people who were invited were supposed to be there and this woman who is scantily dressed has very little clothes on who clearly people can see as a prostitute just storms into his meeting that's what we're dealing with right here okay let's read it first 37 a woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisees house so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume okay so notice this we know and everybody else knew there that she lived a sinful life Simon knew it the guests knew it apparently she was very well known so maybe some of the men there may have used her services in that day okay so we don't know but we know that she was a sinful woman and she just comes in and interrupts this Pharisees dinner okay all right so stick with me here all right here we go so I want to check back and make sure that there's no live there's no okay no lag or anything okay good so notice some observations here Luke right away sets up a contrast between a sinful woman and a highly religious Pharisee so you can see where this story is going okay there's this super religious guy over here and then this woman who's very known to be sinful just interrupts his dinner okay now this woman was breaking protocol with the society on several different levels number one she was a woman okay now in this day and age that wouldn't mean anything but in that day women just weren't invited to such events they were home raising children doing things like that and this was typically reserved for men so the first thing that she did that surprised everyone is she came in a woman came to one of these events that was huge okay but the second thing is not only was she a woman she was a sinful woman and this was a religious event this was for this was for righteous people this was for pure people this was for people who were spiritual and religious this woman was far from that all right the third thing she was uninvited nobody invited her right but yet she came anyway and there to everybody's surprise in shock she touches a holy man of God well in that day that would have made Jesus unclean right to be touched by a sinful woman like that right and and the fact that Jesus doesn't tell her to stop then that brings into question is Jesus really who he says he is so so this is the picture that I want you to get in your mind okay and this is the idea that I want to leave with you today if you don't get anything else out of this live stream you can't change your past but you can change your future you can't start you can't go back and and and and do it over again okay you can't change the abortion that you had you can't change the number of people that you slept with you can't change the experiences that you've had you can't change the suicidal attempts the drugs that you've taken you can't change the people that you've hurt in your past none of that can change right so by staying locked up in that prison of guilt and shame that's where the enemy wants you right but you can do something about the future and I want to suggest three things from this passive scripture very quickly that you can do if you are trying to overcome guilt and shame number one is to serve okay notice what this woman does as she stood behind him at his feet weeping she began to do four things she wet his feet with her tears she wiped them with her hair she kissed them and poured perfume on them now you're thinking what in the world is this woman doing why is she doing this all right let me break it down in this day people would wear open-toed sandals shoes and if they walked any distance their feet would get dirty so it was customary in those days for a guest excuse me for someone who is the homeowner if you had guests over to your house that you would either a wash their feet because their feet were dirty or you would have one of your servants in your house wash their feet well we're gonna see in a moment that Simon the guest didn't do any of that and this woman saw that Jesus had a need for his feet to be to be washed and instead of using water as Martin Luther says she uses heart water right she is crying profusely as a matter of fact I have down here that one of the observations here that one of the things that I looked up is the Greek word that is used here for weeping is actually the same word that's used for rain showers this was not just a little cry this woman was crying her heart out right she was in so much she was she was so joyful for being the forgiveness that Jesus had given her or it was going to bestow on her or that she had heard that Jesus gave to other people that she was in tears her her heart was was was was raining with with just with just tears right and so notice she takes it upon herself to serve Jesus she wet his feet and then instead of using a towel she takes down her hair which by the way was a was what was a was something that would have been frowned on in that society okay I have it down here having a woman having her hair down was a sign of promiscuity because in that day a woman's hair was only supposed to be seen by her husband which is why they were head coverings in that day it was like it would be like a woman who maybe took off her shirt in this day we would be shocked if a woman did that in church right because what's under a woman's shirt is only supposed to be seen by her husband that's how it was in that day with hair but this woman did not care because she wanted to serve Jesus she didn't care about what anybody was thinking about she cared about Jesus okay so notice something else she also went above and beyond okay she went above and beyond Nick thank you for the super chat appreciate that she went I'll go back to the chats in just a little bit but she went above and beyond notice all she really needed to do was to wash his feet and then dry his feet that was it but she went beyond she kneeled down she kissed his feet and then she poured perfume on his feet which we're gonna get to in a second which leads me to this idea here if you are struggling with shame and guilt the first thing that you want to do because you can't change your past you can only change your future is to show God how grateful you of his grace by serving him for the rest of your life that's all you can do right so if you want to show God that you are thankful for His mercy and His grace in your life because you're in tune with your sin and you know you've done some things in the past just serve use your spiritual gifts use your talents use your ability use everything that God is giving you and simply serve let me give you a cross reference and once again trying to demonstrate how to study the Bible you always want to look at what the other parts of the Bible have to say to help you understand the passage that you are studying I teach this in my course Bible study made easy it's a six-hour course that shows you how to do all this stuff literally everything I'm doing now I teach you step-by-step how to do it inside my course for six hours Bible study made easy as in the letters easy calm but notice Romans 12:1 that Paul says therefore I urge you brothers and sisters look at this in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to god this is your true and proper worship Paul says look in light of all the mercy that God has on your life he says in view of God's mercy so if you know that God has been merciful to you Paul says in view of that in knowledge of that offer your bodies to God as a living sacrifice that God Here I am I'm ready to serve alright now the question I want the first question I want to ask you is how much are you willing to serve if you are if you're not involved at your church or if you're not doing missions work or you're not sharing your faith on a regular basis or you're not actively engaged in ministry then show God how much great helmet how thankful you are of his grace by serving here's the second thing I want to leave with you today not only did she serve Jesus but she sacrificed for Jesus here it is alright now we read this a woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisees house so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume that doesn't mean anything to you and I but notice to hold on with me as she stood behind him at his feet weeping she began to wet his feet with her tears and then she wiped them with her hair and here it is poured perfume on them he may say oh that's no big deal uh yeah it is because if you know anything about an alabaster jar in that day it was very expensive jar it was believed to be worth upwards of a year's wages wrap your mind around that for just a second right all right here is this woman she's clearly probably destitute because she in that day she probably didn't just grow up wanting to be a prostitute she probably didn't just say hey this is my life's dream she probably had to hire herself out to be a prostitute to make ends meet and all she has to show for it is this alabaster jar of perfume which is worth upwards of a year's wages and she breaks it and she and all of this perfume comes out and she uses that perfume to anoint Jesus feet are you kidding me are you getting what I'm saying listen this woman was willing to sacrifice something that meant a lot to her right so the question I want to ask all of us is how many of us would be willing to sacrifice a year's worth of wages right for the advancement of the kingdom just saying Jesus I love you so much I'm so thankful for your grace I'm so thankful for your mercy that I am willing to give you something that is so valuable to me this woman sacrifice for Jesus so the second thing I want to leave you with today is if you're struggling with guilt and shame how do you overcome that you overcome that by realizing number one you can't do anything to your past you can only change your future okay you do that by serving and then now you say God I am going to spend the rest of my life sacrificing for you I'm gonna give up things that are valuable to me so that I can make you happy so that I can please you that may mean you may have to sacrifice your time that may mean you may have to sacrifice a promotion on your job so that you can spend more time with God or spend more time with their family or use your gifts in church so if your church may ask you to be a leader or something like that and you have to decide between man am I gonna do that or am I going to take a promotion that's gonna take me away from our family I'm gonna make more money but I'm gonna be away from church I'm not gonna be involved you know what that's it God may be calling you to sacrifice something so and then financially God may be asking you to give up something financial to advance the kingdom okay here we go the story is getting good guys all right hope you're staying with me here all right here we go thank you Scott guys for all the super chats I really appreciate that I'm gonna get back and thank every single one of you as soon as we get off of this livestream okay I'm not a livestream but as soon as we get through this story okay here we go we're going doing good guys verse 39 when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this he said to himself if this man were a prophet let's stop right there if wait are you kidding me if this man were prophet so already he is skeptical of who Jesus is he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is that she is a sinner okay let's break this down so we've already analyzed a woman okay now we're gonna switch and we're gonna analyze Simon okay so you have three characters in this story you have the center you have Simon and you have the Savior Jesus Christ okay so we already dealt with the center now we're gonna look at the story from the perspective of Simon the Pharisee a couple of observations first of all Simon was more focused on her external look than her internal heart okay here is this woman who just came in and literally poured out her heart and soul on Jesus and you're looking at what she looked like on the outside he looked completely past her heart and what she was doing to serve and sacrifice for Jesus and simply look to her on the outside so you know what she's got her hair down she's scantily dressed she looks like she just came off the street she's a sinner he just judged her right then and there right and isn't that what some of us do when we meet people who are not like us oftentimes we pass judgment on them simply because of how they look when we have no idea what's going on in their heart okay and then when we do that we are looking and operating more like Simon the Pharisee than we are a Christian note a second of all he was cynical about who Jesus was he had not yet himself accepted that Jesus Christ was a prophet but for first and foremost the Messiah and the savior of the world he was judgmental about this woman and her past and he was unwelcoming right he didn't welcome Jesus into his house which we're gonna see in just a second and then Jesus says you know what this will be a good time to tell a parable Simon because you you're not getting a you noticed you're not seeing what's happening okay I'm sorry about your little dinner I'm sorry that this woman came and ruined your dinner party I'm sorry Simon but it's a time it's time for me to take over so Jesus says hey Simon I have something to tell you he says okay tell me teacher he says hey two people owed money to a certain money lender one of them owed five hundred denarii and the other fifty neither of them had the money to pay him back they read that again that's key to the whole story right neither of them had the money to pay this guy back so he forgave the debts of both now Simon which one of them you think would love him more I love Jesus question him because he questions in such a way you can't answer in any other way Simon replied well I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven he and Jesus says yep you've judged correctly right all right let's keep going both people owed a large sum of money that they could not repay both people were forgiven insurmountable amounts of money okay now notice this we're gonna come back to this well actually I'll go through it now here's the problem in the story all right I'm getting ahead of myself III get ahead myself here we go here's the problem in a story both Simon and this woman were both sinners okay the problem is that Simon automatically saw himself as a fifty Denari sinner this woman understood that she was a five-hundred daenerys Center she knew she jacked up she knew she had messed up Simon had not yet come to that realization because he had judged all sins simply by external and not internal but the whole point is the same whether you're 50 to Daenerys center or whether you're a 500 Daenerys center it doesn't matter you don't have enough to prepay right so no matter how you see yourself you're still in the same boat as everybody else unable to pay God back enough for however many sins you think you have okay so enough 44 Jesus now addresses Simon after he tells him his parable he says he turns to the woman it says do you see this woman let's stop right there he says Simon do you even see her or do you even see her look you are so concerned about your dinner-party impressing your little guests having this little discussion with me that this woman came in looking for greys looking for gift for forgiveness looking for compassion and and and and and mercy and and and you just judge her do you even see her I came into your house you did not give me any water for my feet so your unwelcoming you should have given me that but she wet me with wet met wet my feet with her tears she wiped them with her hair you did not give me a kiss that was customerís like shaking hands right and those days instead of shaking hands when somebody came over the house you would give them a kiss a friendly kiss he says you didn't even do that but this woman from the time I entered has not stopped kissing my feet verse 46 you did not put oil on my head it was customary to give them like some lotion or some oil to just refresh themselves because it was hot and they had just came from the outside he says you didn't do that but she has poured perfume on my feet therefore I tell you verse 47 her sent her many sins have been forgiven he says hey I admit they are many this woman has sinned many time but they are forgiven as her great love has shown but whoever has been forgiven little loves little let me rephrase that whoever thinks they've been forgiven little will love little whoever believes that they have been forgiven little will love little if you don't see the depths of your sin you are going to love God your love for God is going to be minimal but when you understand that you are jacked up I'm jacked up man I made some stupid decisions y'all I'm gonna tell you that right now I made some dumb decisions in my life there was just the reason why I'm right here standing for you passionate about teaching God's Word passionate about doing the beat ministry passionate about doing everything because I know I made some stupid decisions in my life and it's only by the grace of God it's only by the mercy of God that he's had on my life that I'm here today and because I understand that I want to spend the rest of my days every single moment I can telling other people about the grace of God y'all making me preach it up in here okay but basically what Jesus is saying is that hey if you think you've been forgiven little and you know what you're gonna love God little but if you know that you're a 500 daenerys Center oh man you are going to love God with all your heart okay here it is a couple of observations sometimes it's the ones who are the most religious that are the most judgmental and unforgiving isn't that interesting right you got a lot of people that are just religious and you'd think they would be the ones that would love God the most when a lot of times it's the people who hacked up their lives who know they're jacked up who actually love God the most and then notice that Jesus exposes his misunderstanding of forgiveness he says hey you don't understand you're also a 500 daenerys senator - Simon the bralette problem is she knows it and you don't that's the problem all right and then Jesus exposes his lazy faith he says hey if you have faith in Him demonstrate it she has she's giving me kisses on my feet she's giving me perfumed my feet she has washed my feet what have you done haven't done anything which demonstrates and a lot of Christians today they say they have faith but where are their works right this woman not only had faith in Jesus but she demonstrated by her works all right here we go second question I want to leave you with is how much are you willing to sacrifice so if you say man but the power I'm struggling with guilt struggling with shame you just don't know what I've done I've made some stupid decision okay God fine I get that you can't change your past but now I'm going to forward in your future how much are you willing to sacrifice to show God how grateful you are of his grace okay here it is we're getting ready to finish up Jesus now finishes this whole story by addressing the woman he says in verse 30 47 therefore I tell you her many sins have been forgiven verse 48 then jesus said to her your sins are forgiven notice this Jesus acknowledges the magnitude of her sins so if Jesus were talking to you today he would say you know what I know of your many sins I know what you've done but they are forgiven listen you don't have to carry that weight around anymore you don't have to carry that way to that abortion you don't have to carry that weight of the premise qeh t you don't have to carry that weight of the bad decisions that you've made you don't have to carry that weight of all the pornography that you've watched you don't have to carry that weight anymore because Jesus said you are forgiven okay he forgives her sin I want you to notice something here who forgives her he does she can't forgive herself which is one of the things I want to bring up when people say oh man I just can't forget myself that's right you can't right you don't have the power to forgive yourself only Jesus can forgive you so even if you don't feel forgiven you already are if you if you have asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins at some point in your life then that means you are already forgiven or let's say you messed up last night and immediately after you did if you confess your sin you don't have to go around thinking now I can't forgive myself you're right you can't you can't but Jesus can and he will every time first John 1:9 if you confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins and to cleanse you of all unrighteousness alright we on the home stretch the third thing that you need to do if you are struggling with guilt and shame has not only spend the rest of your life serving God the second thing spend the rest of your life sacrificing for God but then third surrender your life to God here it is verse 15 jesus said to the woman your faith has saved you go in peace go in peace okay so notice Jesus says hey I want to comfort you I want you to go in peace I don't want you to go anymore with guilt and shame and despair and condemnation and conviction no he says you can leave my presence right now with all the stuff that you've done with all that baggage with all those men that you've slept with the prostitution all that stuff you can be at peace but notice this also I jumped outside of here went to John 8:11 a similar story of woman who was caught in adultery and in that story Jesus deals with her and he says go now and leave your life of sin now that's a little different so to this woman he says go in peace but to that woman he says hey leave your life of sin meaning yes I'm forgiving you yes I'm giving you grace yes I'm giving you mercy but don't go and do it again don't go back to it right go leave your life of sin don't take advantage of my grace and mercy by doing the same thing again and again so the best way that you can show God how appreciative you are of His grace is through a surrendered life of obedience so the last question I want to ask you today is this how much are you willing to surrender your life to God right that is how you can show God how thankful you are as grace okay a few applications and then Q&A time all right if we're looking at the woman what are some applications that I personally drew from this store number one Jesus accepts us no matter what our past mistakes were even if other people don't okay Simon and his guests may not have accepted this woman because she looked different and she was a prostitute but Jesus did so you may be watching this video right now and maybe you're struggling with homosexuality you know what if you confess that sin to God and you turn your life over we'll forgive you Jesus will forgive you and he loves you and accepts you no matter what your past is yes I said it he loves you no matter what your past is right if you're struggling with pornography he loves you and accepts you no matter who you are no matter what your past is even if other people don't this is the statement I want you to leave with you are fully known and fully loved God fully knows you and he fully loves you a couple another couple of other things how much am I willing to sacrifice financially we already talked about that am i allowing my sin to drive me towards Jesus or away from him notice this woman had a choice she could have said man I am too sinful Jesus doesn't want me Jesus isn't gonna forgive me man if he only knew what I've done which he does anyway right he knows everything then may I'm just gonna stay away from Jesus I'm not gonna pray I'm not gonna fast I'm not gonna go to church I'm not gonna worship right but no this woman did the opposite she was struggling with guilt shame and despair and yet she allowed that sin to draw her closer to Jesus she moved closer to Jesus instead of going away so whenever you're struggling with sin and shame and guilt allow that to move you closer to Jesus and not away okay here we go am i comfortable publicly worshipping God even though I know people around me are uncomfortable right so when I'm in church and if God has done something great in my life am I too ashamed to worship because I'm afraid of what other people are going to say or do I lift my hands and praise God not caring what people around me are gonna think that's what this woman did right she didn't care about who was watching her because she was thankful she was grateful here it is the more I understand the depth of my sin and how much God has forgiven me the greater my worship will be that's the reason why when I worship when I'm in my car sometimes I break down and cry in tears when I'm listening to my worship music because I know firsthand how much God loves me and is forgiving me okay another thing am i loving God with my actions and not just my mouth okay it's one thing to say oh god I love you it's another thing to serve Him and sacrifice for him and show him how much I love them alright we're almost done guys thank you so much here we go here we go last thing now from the standpoint of the Pharisee do I see myself as a 500 Denari center or a 50 Denari Center okay all of us on here should see ourselves as a 500 Arizona that's the whole point of the story right is that even if we don't realize it we're still that 500 an Arri Center I heard somebody say this way let's say you and I are standing on the Grand Canyon we're standing on one side of the Grand Canyon and you try to throw a rock to the other side I try to throw a rock to the other side right you may throw your rock further than me but neither one of us are gonna be able to throw that rock across the Grand Canyon we're gonna fall short every single time that's what Jesus is trying to get us to see here you may fart throw it a little further but man compared to how far we need to go we're both falling short alright number two have I invited Jesus into my home but not into my heart okay this Simon did that he invited Jesus into his home but not I wanted to stay away from the Fraser Fir inviting me to my heart but I think you guys understand what I'm saying allowing him to take over my life okay third thing how do I look at people who have made mistakes that I haven't made see that's a big one Simon hadn't been a prostitute so he made it looked at this woman with judgment with with disdain right is that how I look at people who have made mistakes that are different than me you got to check your heart on that and see if that is what you do okay am I'm more concerned about looking good on the outside than I am an internal heart change alright and then how do I look at other people whose worship may seem to be too expressive let's say you're at this dinner party and this woman storms in do you look at her and say you know what it doesn't take all that or do you say wow you know what God must have done something amazing supernatural in this woman's life and she is grateful so let me just not pass judgment on her and let her get her praise on right so the next time you're a church and somebody breaks out and prays unless it's somebody who does it every week then we got to deal with that but if it is somebody who just breaks out and prays you don't know what God has done in that person's life what that person has gone through that week that has caused them to break out and praise so just don't judge them just let him go all right now last one I think is this am i guilty of doing the bare minimum to get by in this Christian life that was Simon oh well I invited you into my home Jesus that should be good enough this woman demonstrates the type of service that we should do she went above and beyond what was expected of her all right guys that's all I got all right that was a lot longer than 20 minutes but y'all know me I get kind of excited and I get caught up so let's go ahead and go to the chat and what are your thoughts guys thoughts let me jump into this chat right here Alex Bell says is there a way for us to contact you with personal Bible questions instead of the public forum yes I will do my best to answer them but if you go to info at Allen Park com let me put it here in the chat info at Allen Park com that is my email address and you can feel free to send me an email there I'll do my best to try to answer them let me go back and see something here just acknowledge all the super chats first and foremost oh man I didn't let me get all the way back but let's just say thank you so much for the super chats guys you guys have no idea how much that helps the ministry move forward you guys may not know this but there's a lot of needs there's a lot of financial need to keep this ministry going I hardly well I never asked for any financial support ever on any whether it's my website or anything like that so your contributions and your your help financially really really help to pay for things like some of the services that I have to use some of the programs that I have to use to host some of my programs some of the graphic design work that I have to pay for the video editing and stuff like that all of that is stuff I just spent my own money with so thank you so much for the super chats we really really appreciate that so much so let me acknowledge that Nick hedges thank you so much for the $5 super chat I really really appreciate that so much Alex bail $10 thank you so much Alex I really appreciate that so very much TJ $5 thank you so much I really appreciate that so much let's see who else Alex thank you so much dollar ninety-nine man thank you so much every little bit helps I appreciate you thank you so much Alex I really appreciate that so much let's see who else gave super chat Alex Bell another $5 from Alex Bell thank you so much Alex you are a blessing from God I really appreciate you all so so much okay let me see if I can go back here and answer some of the questions that you all had let's see here I think I saw a question about eating pork let's see here Dada let's see here thank you so much for the congratulations on the baby okay lukewarm Christian Nick had just says here okay yes Camille Bible study made easy yes yes similar story there and Luke yes yes yes well I talked about it quite a bit there okay let's see here where is the story about Paul what book I'm not sure Alan Kurdi Gnaeus I'm not sure what what your question you were asking may want to ask that again okay let me go down here thank somebody asked about good all right let me just go down here about halfway through someone asked about eating pork oh what's the highest minecraft as what's the highest I can donate you can donate as much as you want I guess I'm not too familiar I'm not too sure about that so I'm not sure what the highest is you can donate so okay Leslie says feeling bad about sin Oh Alan Shh we shouldn't eat pork right okay there we go that's a question I'm gonna okay so Alan um eating pork okay this is my perspective on him okay God clearly knew something that that was that we didn't right so in the Old Testament when he set up dietary restrictions and he said you shouldn't eat meat you shouldn't eat meat that comes from these animals you shouldn't eat this type of stuff right it is because there are things in that food that are just not good for us right we admit it we accept it let's be honest that is true right so when God set that up an Old Testament he obviously knew that and in his wisdom he told them not to eat it now b-but there is nothing sinful about eating pork and when you look at the New Testament because we are no longer under the Old Testament law which is what last week's video was all about you say have scriptures in there that talks about we should eat anything that's sold in the meat market you have scriptures that talk about Jesus has made all foods clean we have scriptures that talk about it is not what goes into a man's mouth that makes him unclean but it is what comes out of that man's mouth that makes him unclean and so clearly the New Testament teaches a matter fact Romans 14 says we shouldn't judge people based on what we eat all right so very clearly it's clear that in New Testament times it is not a sin to eat meat however you have to make the choice or choice to figure out whether it's it's the best decision for your health for you to eat this type of meat so for you for you you made to say I'd know you you know I'm not gonna eat that cuz it's not good for my health me I'm just not there yet okay I eat meat I eat pork I eat bacon I eat burgers ribs everything all parts of the pig is it the best for me probably not but it tastes good to me all right so I'm sorry I know that's bad advice it's just but it's not a sin to eat pork all right let's see here we're no longer under the law so that's the idea a couple of super chats just came in thank you so much Eric J $24.99 thank you so much Eric I really appreciate that Wow very very very very generous thank you so much Stephen Phillips ten dollars thank you so much too even I really appreciate that so very much okay so now I've caught up feel free to post your questions guys just post them and as soon as I see them I am going to respond as quickly as I possibly can Jeffrey says is it best to have a physical Bible then the Bible app great question Jeffrey um I'm old school I'm old school I used the Bible app I used this phone but I like to highlight my Bible I like to write in my Bible I like to underline I like to date it right I've got a couple of Bibles that I've retired literally because I've read through them a couple times I've marked them up so much I'm not boasting about marking us so much there's very little room on the page to do any more writing which is how I know that I need to retire that Bible get another Bible I love that because now I can go back to those Bibles I can pass those Bibles down to my kids that have notes in them right and and so I can go back to those Bibles and I can see what God was doing in my life in those times and I can just reflect it's pretty much I use my Bibles as a journal instead of writing in a journal I write in my Bibles when there's a passive scripture that hits me that God spoke to me and I just you know I just write so I like to have a physical Bible but I also use the Bible apps as well okay let's see here Camille says please do more live videos you know what Camille I feel you on that I need to do more live and I am going to do more live thank you for that encouragement it's just a matter of finding the time to do them but I'm definitely going to I love live actually love live more the recorded ones because I get to interact with you all and I'm also more myself okay then I am the recording ones Tiffany thank you so much for the $10 I really appreciate that once again every little bit helps to keep this ministry running thank you so much Dylan says how do you get to the point where you don't care about what people think of you so you can be unashamed of Jesus so the Bible talks about God is a God of order so when I go to church I don't praise God out of order yeah I don't slap people around and run around the church or anything like that but what I do is you know what I shout sometimes I sayin I praise because as I read in the scriptures those are all acceptable forms of worship when you go to the Old Testament look at the Psalms look at David David says several times kneel before the Lord bow before the Lord dance before the lord shout unto the Lord with a voice of triumph praise God write it let everything that breath praise God so I'm sorry but you know a dubbin you're gonna have to ask your question again I must have missed that so I'm so sorry but yeah when once again when I think about what God has done for me sometimes you get so overwhelmed with grateful with gratitude that it just comes out you just get be thankful and you just praise God for it let's see here dubbing can you ask this question again mr. Delaney will this live video be saved absolutely it will I think in about an hour after this stream is over you'll see it on my page and you'll be able to go back and watch it or share it with friends or whatever but yes one thing I love about YouTube live is that automatically archives and saves every live video that you do so that is an awesome thing all right okay let's see what else and which oh good question Lola in which order should we read the Bible okay man you guys have asked some great questions okay here we go so here's a few routes you could go okay one route you could do is what's called the chronological Bible okay there's a couple of Bibles out there because that are called chronological Bibles and one of which is called the Reese chronological Bible now understand that if you buy this this is a excuse me this is one man's interpretation of the chronology of the Bible so what cool thing about it is is that it it rearranges the verses of the Bible and the books of the Bible and the stories of the Bible and puts them in what they believe is the perfect chronological order let me give an example the book of Job many scholars believe was before the life of Abraham I don't know if you knew that or not but even though job is in the middle of the Bible in terms of its position the timing of it and the setting of it is actually before the Abraham was born so if I'm reading a chronological Bible I may see the book of Job towards the beginning of the Bible and then you may see the very first verse of the entire Bible instead of Genesis 1:1 you got John 1:1 which says in the beginning was the word and Word was with God and the Word was God right that verse says that Jesus existed throughout all eternity so yes that should be the first verse in the Bible but then you have Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth well before he created heavens the earth Jesus was right so John 1:1 and then Genesis 1:1 okay so so now if you don't have a chronological Bible what I would probably do would be if I'm just starting out as a new Christian I would probably read the Gospel of John first because it's the easiest and the best gospel to get to know Jesus I probably would do that first and then I would read all the Gospels because I want to get to know my Savior as best I possibly can and then I would branch out from there okay okay how do you stop sin confess sin confess your opinion Greg medley says Nathan says when did you first become a Christian I can answer that real quick I became a Christian first when I was eight years old my father led me to the Lord my sister and I as well and I was baptized right after that Greg medley how do you stop your sin okay here it is when the pain of your sin is greater than the pleasure you get from it you will stop okay let me repeat that when the pain from of your sin is greater than whatever pleasure you get from it you are going to stop so whenever you realize how painful and destructive this sin is in your spiritual life it may be ruining your family it may be ruining your Bible study with God it may be ruining your mood it may be ruining your attitude it may be ruining your job it may be ruining your relationships or your dating relationship when you realize the destruction that this sin is taking over in your life it will be easier to stop that sin I didn't say is easy I say it's gonna be easier okay okay not your average says this always confused me about the Trinity who do we pray for I always pray directing to God and ending prayer through His Son Jesus Christ but who but do we pray to Jesus directly and what about the Holy Spirit it is so interesting you ask that question I was actually getting ready to do a video on that should we pray to Jesus her to God here's my perspective okay generally that pattern is to pray to God through the son and by the spirit all right let me repeat that again we pray to God through the son and by the spirit let me explain that okay we are directing our prayers to God the Father how and why do we have the access to pray to God the Father it's through the son meaning it's because we have a relationship with Jesus Christ first and foremost that even gives us the right to pray to God the Father so we pray to God the Father by way of and through and by the by having access because of our relationship with Jesus Christ which is why we say in Jesus name Amen and then finally we pray by the Spirit which means we don't pray in our physical strength we pray by the power of the Holy Spirit which means he's gonna bring back things to your remembrance as you are praying things that maybe you and your human spirit weren't weren't really thinking about he's gonna bring it back to you he's gonna remind you he's gonna show you how to pray for people he's gonna empower you to pray God's will over other people's lives and your life and so that is the general formula you pray to the Father through the son and by the spirit now let's say you mess up one day you prayed Jesus I think our God is sovereign enough to hear your prayer to know your heart and he's gonna answer your prayer alright so that's my perspective there another super check came in and that was looks like there's 777 from someone biker for Christ thank you so much for the super chat that is such a blessing thank you so much I really appreciate that so much how do I deal with guilt and anxiety well guilt we just talked about today anxiety you know that's a tough one you know you want to look at what's causing the anxiety and you know kind of how you can you know how you can take some things off your plate maybe to to kind of relieve you from some of the anxiety that you are dealing with and Nick says this is going to sound bad but I'm so glad to see all the struggling here not because struggling is a good thing it just feels so good that I'm not alone Nick I feel your brother I feel you thank you for being real like you said you're not glad that people are struggling but sometimes it feels good to know that you're not in the game by yourself Nick we're all struggling me even I'm struggling your pastor is struggling right your parents are struggling everyone is struggling which is why Jesus had to come because he knew we couldn't make it on our own right that's why he had to come so thank you for the honesty man you're not alone okay be encouraged today be encouraged John Doe says hello Denzel haha that's funny I get that all the time dumpin says please man look at the question dubbing man I am sorry these questions are coming in so fast that yours is going off the screen so please do me a favor copy and paste it I'm so sorry copy and paste it one more time and just ask it I'm so sorry yeah you have to resubmit your question cuz I'm I'm answering them as I see them come in now Lola says you've helped me so much with your videos god bless you thank you so much Lola I appreciate it it's a privilege and an honor for me to use to make the videos so I said I consider my honor and privilege gum gamabunta Allen I face the sin of masturbation and lust and I always hid my sins and I know I must tell my family about it but I don't have the courage in fear that they would judge me you know what thank you my brother for being or sister I don't know for being honest about this sin this is a sin that you know people have struggled with I'll be honest with you I struggle with it at times whenever I was single before I got married okay so I'm I don't have any shame to share with that with you I did I struggled with it as a single guy okay it didn't overcome me I wasn't enslaved to it but there were times and seasons in my life as a single guy that I struggled with us so you're not alone okay and yes I gone on record publicly to say that a lot of Christians wouldn't I know a lot of pastors wouldn't but you know what they're lying okay they just too ashamed to share with you their struggles I'm not too ashamed okay but there's victory you can experience victory in your life I have a friend of mine who struggled with masturbation for a long time and right before he got married for the a year before he got married he decided to stop masturbating and for an entire year before he got married he did not masturbate right so it is it is possible to actually do it now I will encourage you this I don't know if you are looking to get married or if you're married for that matter but if you're not I really want to strongly encourage you to get married because that is God's outlet for your sexual desire there is no other outlet all right here we go Alan Carr Dania says good night all right Alan a good night to you you must be in England or something god bless you my friend and we got the same name so I like you already let's say yes Nick Hodges says whoever was dealing with anxiety I have a 40 minute sermon on my channel about anxiety yes thank you for my new there was something on there that I could we could use about a woman who couldn't have children yes go back and watch that is a video look in my audio sermons playlist and I'll see if I can put on the chat here but it's a story about a woman in First Samuel Chapter one named Hannah who was dealing with anxiety you definitely want to go back and watch that sermon okay is crying part of the Holy Spirit absolutely sometimes yeah sometimes we will you know whether it's crying because of feeling guilty over our sin or crying because we're so thankful for God's forgiveness or just crying because God did something great in our lives so certainly indeed Matt Matt said thanks for the videos out and appreciate it okay Camille says please read if God speaks through intimacy how do I hear exactly what he says is it through his word or audible okay so I you know I'm not gonna say that God cannot speak audibly but it certainly isn't a one of his most popular ways of speaking to us today so the most popular ways is you know obviously through his word that's how he speaks to me he can speak to me through other people he can speak to me through prayer sometimes as I pray he can speak to me through his spirit just by reminding me of something maybe I forgot something and he brought up to my mind or maybe I'm getting ready to make a decision and he brings back some scripture in my mind that I hadn't read in a while or maybe he just speaks to me like if I'm tempted to say something to my wife that I shouldn't say I will hear the Spirit of God saying Alan don't say that don't say that don't open your mouth to say that right so he speaks to us in a variety of ways in my opinion the closer we get to God the more we're hearing speak let's see here I mean it's try to hit up as many questions as possible dubbing reposted his question at 6:28 uh dubbing let me see let me go back and get dubbins question here cuz oh okay let me see here dubbing to honor your father and your mother do you have to follow all other expectations please help I've been struggling a lot if I was to lay down would my parents want to want me to lay down is it a sin okay not sure I understand about that part but honor your father and mother which basically means yeah as long as you're in there under their roof is to do whatever they want you to do assuming that it does not violate any biblical principles right so if they telling you to curse god then no you don't do that your first allegiance is to God the Father alright but outside of that next thing that you should do is do whatever it is they you know are asking you to do alright because you know they're providing for you and the Bible talks about honoring your father and mother okay it says you'll have a long long life now obviously that's a general principle it's not a promise but it's a principle okay Kevin Walton thank you so much for the $20 super chat man you guys are so generous thank you all so much I really appreciate that so much Kevin that was very generous of you Kevin says can you do a video regarding having a child out of wedlock please you know specifically I want to know do me a favor send me an email info at Allen Park comm in terms of what you want me exactly to deal with and address about that topic and I'll see if I can come up with something or just send you a message so let me know about that okay let's see here Charles D is the universe 6,000 years old okay that's the question we have to do a video on in terms of the age of the earth okay I'm not gonna try to answer that one here look Nikita says how do you handle people calling you a hypocrite when you are a babe in Christ and your heart desire is to please God but you still fall short great question great question man yes you trying to live for God used to be in the world now you coming out the world you're trying to live for God and you know people call you well you hypocrite I know who used to be I know what you used to do you know what haters gonna hate go on in Jesus name right start surrounding yourself with people who are like-minded leave that old crowd alone don't let their their influence hinder you from doing what God has called you to do alright so just go forward in Jesus name and you know don't don't let their negative talk keep you down the Bible says bad company corrupts good morals okay so so you want to you know really just separate yourself from them in any way and put yourself around people who are like-minded people who are going to encourage you say yeah girl I was struggling too but we we saved and we're forgiven in Jesus name all right all right Dylan productions and okay adjusting my crown Oh Clayton Jennings let's see here Dylan productions is it okay if I don't know the exact date and time that I got saved I saw a video from Clayton Jennings titled are you really saved yeah that's okay for you to it doesn't matter you know whether you know exactly date in time the question is what do you believe now what do you believe about Jesus today okay you know telling people the exact date and time I think that's nice but I don't remember the date I got say I remember the year I was eight years old but you know I don't think it's important for you to know the exact date and time okay ah Michael rain no so how can I stop committing the same sin over and over again Satan is making me feel that it's okay to do it just because I'm a teenager but when I do I'm the end and the end I'm fooled oh gee Jean de scole is reckless love biblical my wife and I just had a big old conversation about that I'm gonna come back to him in a second okay yeah my wife's downstairs right now she's joking but a good question see see my wife didn't think that people asked that question I lost that people asking that question okay I don't I want to go back and address real quick the question about teenager you know how do you stop the same scent I have a video help I'm stuck in sinning or I'm stuck in the same sin please help search for that one and see if that helps you because I've addressed some things you can do when you're stuck in sin is reckless love biblical alright yeah if you're not familiar there's a very very popular song out now call reckless love and it's probably just it's all over the churches if you if you are going to a CCM a contemporary Christian Church more than likely your church is probably sucking this song okay um I'm not gonna give my full treatment to the song on this live stream but I will say this a couple of things every single song that's out here that's popular is not biblical what I mean by that is they may move you they may move you to tears they may make you feel good but whenever you out just analyze the words of the song the words of those songs may not match up perfectly with the scriptures and because a lot of people are going more by feeling and how the song makes me feel they overlook the meaning of what the song is actually all about my little son is crying so y'all just tune that out now reckless love okay the biggest complaint an attack on this song is the title right is God's love reckless right is nowhere is the word reckless in any dictionary and in any context ever used in a positive context the word reckless is always negative unstable someone that doesn't give regard for their for their the consequences of their actions like for instance someone who's driving recklessly is someone who's out of control doesn't care about what's going on so the question is is that the best word to describe God is his love recklessness is anything about God reckless and so that's my issue with with the psalm you know do I like the song yeah I do but I got some issues with a couple of words and that song that kind of give me some pause okay okay another super chat just came in from mr. Phil Fox Thank You mr. Phil for the ten dollars you all are so generous thank you so much god bless you so much Phil I appreciate that and because you did I want to ask you a question as well not just because of that because it's highlighted here my wife cannot forgive herself and get over the guilt of past sin how can we answer her beyond the forgiveness of God you know and I think that's what this video was really all about I don't know if you were here for the whole video but you know you just got to encourage her and say hey you can't go back from this past but you can start ahead right now in the future and you can do you know you can you can start living your life today for God okay so you know once again that's the biggest thing don't live in guilt and despair when you do that you're letting the enemy have the victory in your life the enemy wants you to keep collect quiet so that you don't share your testimony with other people because then he's getting the victory on the front end on the end on the back end what do I mean by that he's getting the victory on the front end because he caused he you know you did he'll you know there's some destruction to happen and pain it happen in your life because of a temptation that maybe he put in your life so he got the victory there but now he's getting the victory on the back end as well because there's people out there that need to hear your story but because we're too ashamed to share our story he's getting the victory there as well so don't let him get the victory all right another lena says what is reckless love you can just youtube that song and it's a popular worship song that's out right now and you can just listen to this song Oh Christian Neil $10 thank you for your content god bless you sir thank you so much for the $10 super chair we really appreciate you so very much god bless you thank you so much Elijah moon says how bad will persecution get in America man I don't know but thank God that we read all not experiencing the type of persecution that they're experiencing on other parts of the world that is for sure so praise God for that okay let us see Jason Johnson I want the Holy Spirit I believe in speaking in tongues but I don't I cry when I hear six scripture and singing I know if you don't receive it you are not saved Oh Jason man my mom my brother I got to correct you there man man I'm not sure what type of church you're going to man but that's false doctrine I got to correct you right away that's false teaching right there man let me correct several things there first of all and I could spend a ton of time on it first of all if you are saved if you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you've placed your faith in Jesus Christ you have the Holy Spirit he is a gift that God gives you at the moment you get saved you don't have to get Terry for him you don't have to wait for him he is given to you the moment you get saved Ephesians 1 says you're sealed by the Holy Spirit okay second thing okay the speaking in tongues is not the only demonstration or was where I'm looking for evidence if you will of the Holy Spirit okay that's a very small view of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit helps us pray he reminds us he convicts us he encourages us he teaches us as we're studying the Bible to help us understand the Bible he comforts us he helps us live out the fruit of the Spirit love joy peace patience gentleness kindness meekness self-control so there are many ministries of the holding for he empowers us right now I am speaking to you not from my own strength I am being empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak to you that is one of the things that the Holy Spirit does in our lives so men if the God gives you the gift of speaking in tongues and fine but don't don't make that a goal for you okay focus more on the fruit of the Spirit rather than the gifts of the Spirit all right that's just my short take on that thank you so much for the super chat again let's see here mazhai Oh 1999 thanks for making videos I'm not a perfect Christian none of us are I work every Sunday no problem try to find a church that has Saturday services so I miss church a lot but you seriously help me a lot thank you so much Missouri I really appreciate that it touches my heart I appreciate that so much Lola says do we have to read every single word of the Old Testament some things are not valid for us well you certainly said read the whole Old Testament but yes as I just put a video out it last week not every part of the Old Testament still valid for us today Charles Dee says I believe reckless depends on the context it reminds me of that movie taken that guy has reckless love for his daughter because he was willing to do anything to find her I feel you I feel you Charles I feel you that's exactly what my wife said she was arguing we were arguing back and forth you know and not really arguing but she was saying the same thing she was like hey look at the context of which that song was written and yokes you know just describe somebody who's willing to do anything whatever it takes to get to love somebody so I feel you I feel you Charles all right let's see here not your average I know we're supposed to love one another but what if you have a loved one that is toxic and doesn't care and it causes you to fall short you know what you can love from a distance you can love that person but you don't have to be reconciled with that person you know so go from there okay adjusting my crown says I posted my question four times I am so sorry here we go just my crown I got it now thank you I fast every Sunday from 6 to 6 and I have no idea what to do when I fast I normally sleep or read the Bible I was told God talks to you while you were fasting okay good question I think this is your question but yeah I have to have a video on fasting what's the Bible teach about fasting what's the purpose of fasting go check out that video as well but on another note you know whenever you fast it's just a time for you to connect with God to pray to study his word to cleanse your mind confess your sins and you know we fast to get closer to God but it doesn't mean that every time we fast we're gonna get some revelation from God that he's gonna just open up the sky and just pour down this revelation but it is something that we should do on a regular basis and I think you're doing great at doing that and I trust that as you are doing that God's gonna speak to you as you read the Bible so thank you for sharing that okay okay Nick says does God already know who will go to heaven and hell it says God delays his return in hopes that more will be saved but doesn't he already know who will be saved and who won't man Nick you need to go to seminary brother that's some hard those are some hard questions out there but I love it yes God knows who's going to go to heaven and he'll be and the reason why he does is because the Bible talks about Jesus being the author and finisher of our faith notice those words he is the author and finisher of our faith meaning he is the one who enables us to have faith and he's the one that's gonna help us to finish with faith right the Bible talks about Ephesians 1:4 says before the foundation of the world God chose some - God chose us to be predestined in love and to be adopted as his sons and so to suggest that God doesn't know something would create a huge theological problem because now you're saying God is not all-knowing or are not omniscient right and we know that definitely from Psalm 139 where talks about God knows a ton of word before it's ever on our tongue and he knows what we're gonna do so the Bible clearly teaches that God is all-knowing so to suggest that there's something that he doesn't know would be a false teaching okay so yes he does know who is gonna go to heaven and hell' however you have to balance that with the fact that the Bible teaches that you know that there is freewill and that you know we do have you know the opportunity to accept Christ as our Savior okay now how the sovereignty of God and the free will of man coincide is a debate that theologians have been discussing for centuries and it's never going to be solved okay so good question uh okay let's see here Jacoby Sullivan's did you see my question no but let me go back and see if I can find it Jacoby adjusting my crown is it wrong to be outspoken no absolutely not but just speak the truth in love is what the Bible says Ephesians 4:15 Jacoby I'm trying to find your question but there's so many of them Jacoby I can't find it maybe repost it if you're not getting your question answered just copy it to like Microsoft Word or something and just paste it on oh oh okay here you go Jacoby have you ever prayed and after you finished praying you forgot what you per had said no I've never had that experience I've had this happen a few times it's like I prayed too fast but honestly I was praying slowly I've never had that actual experience typically I know what I've prayed for and what not Jakub mark was he just talking about predestined for free will yes okay and then once again Bible teaches both but it's hard to harmonize them big time Richard Perez reposted 11 times if I got baptized I'm sorry Richard if I got baptized as a kid and again when I was 14 with no understanding now being saved do I need to get rebaptised at the age of third no no no if you've been baptized once and you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior then that's all okay but if you feel like you had an experience in your life where you were you know you you were you know rededicated your life to God you know I still don't think you need to get baptized again but if you want to go before your church and say hey you know what you know I've strayed away I've surrendered my life back to God then fine but now if you start doing that too often then that means you probably don't understand you know what it means to have God's grace over your life because every time you sin you know you don't have to get you know Bri baptized and whatnot okay a couple of super chats it just came through Sheryl Jackson $24.99 thank you so much for the videos god bless you and your family howdy okay so Cheryl you are yes you are part of one of my groups I think it's about to stay made easy but you you're you have a different name other than Cheryl I can't remember what it is right now post it down below cuz I can so I can know how do you deal with people that say toxic unbiblical things love them encourage them correct them if they give you the right to do so you know but you know I would say be patient with them the Bible talks about that we should those who are strong should bear with those who are weak so we need to be patient with them we need to pray for them you know I wouldn't put myself around them too much you know because their negativity may spill over to you but I would say love them correct them don't be afraid to engage them in conversation and show them where they are wrong specifically it's a if it's a biblical thing it was a theological thing you know being be encouraged engage them I'm out of no problem showing people where I believe they're wrong in Scripture I may not always be perfectly right but I do believe what I'm preaching and what I'm teaching so I'll engage them okay all right a couple more questions guys we're gonna go to six o'clock that gives me 10 more minutes that'll make this livestream go 90 minutes and and then we'll go from there who young blest says how do you stop thinking too much about your old crush if you're dating someone new I guess um well man you know if you are dating someone now and you're still constantly thinking about your other ex you may have to question how strong your feelings are for the person that you're dating now because if the person you're dating now just blows you away then you know yeah you have some thoughts about the used today but you know there should be no there should be no comparison between how you feel about the new person compare it to the opers and if not you're going backwards right if you're not if you're not dating somebody better now than you were before then you know you may want to reconsider the relationship okay go girl go even before he made them yes he feeds one for okay all right here we go is my dad being the worker in house biblical or in other words is he supposed to provide for the family because my earthly father doesn't believe in God doesn't matter if he doesn't believe in God he's still fulfilling his role as a father and that is to provide for your family and so therefore you know whether he's a Christian or not I commend him for stepping up to the plate and you know taking care of his family so Lola says which false teaching do you hate cuz everyone thinks it's right oh that's an easy one for me I can go on and on about this name it in claimant theology Word of Faith theology speak those things into existence theology health and wealth theology I hate it I absolutely hate that false teaching because it sets us up for our failure it sets us up for disappointment it promises people promises people things that God never promised and it makes God Outlook it makes it more than likely more than more often than not it makes God to look like a liar because people think Oh God promised me to be rich but then when they don't get rich they say they blame God or God promised me to be healed or they promised my mother to be healed and they promised that God promised that my son we're gonna be healed and then whenever the person is not they get angry at God and say well God you promised this in your word which he didn't and so therefore you I don't love you anymore you're not who you say you are it causes more damage than good and it also puts the focus back on on us rather than on God thing and what I mean by that is the focus should be on how much I can do for God not God how much you can do for me it flips the focus the focuses should not be God I am concerned about how much you can do for me that's what I'm in it's for how much can you bless me financially how much can you heal me how much can you make my life easy and fun and happy no the focus should be on how can I do what is best for you and then finally I hate it because it reverses their the roles right we don't tell god what to do he tells us what to do we don't tell God God I'm speaking today that you're gonna give me a job where you go how you gonna tell God that how are we gonna tell God what he's supposed to do right think about that think about how crazy that sounds God I'm claiming that you're gonna do this for me what by what right how are you gonna claim that God's gonna do anything for you right if it's not in the Bible right so you know I have issues with this name it and claim it speak those things into existence okay first of all if you look at Romans or what is it Romans chapter oh I forget the chapter but if you just look at that verse calling those things that are not as though they are that verse is completely taken out of context it says it's first of all it speaking about the creation of the world and it's talking about God and it even says in that verse God who caused those things that are not as though they are nowhere in that verse does it say that we can call those things that are not as though they are nowhere it says it is the context is talking about God who has the power to speak those things which are not which was the world the creation as though they are it's it's pointing back to creation and as saying God has the power to say let there be light and there was light let there be earth and let there was earth and then there was earth right nowhere in that verse does it say we can do it so unless you believe your God then we don't have the power to speak those things into existence and to call those things that are not as though they are it this is an example of how people hear other things that sound spiritual and sound cliche ish in the church that are not biblical and because we don't look in the Bible because we do not read our Bibles because we do not read the actual verses in the Bible for themselves we go by what we hear and what we hear is not always biblical okay I'm done with that all right Jennifer dawn rich unpardonable sin the only unpardonable sin mr. Fox thank you so much for the super chat $5.00 really appreciate it keeps this ministry going strong helps so much I really appreciate that god bless you I love Hebrews 12:1 and 2 Jennifer dawn rich says I had to leave her a few minutes I was wondering if you were able to get to my question about the unpardonable sin I didn't I see that question but I can address it right now the Bible talks about the unpardonable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit or a rejection of the Holy Spirit and that is the only sin in the Bible that talks about unpardonable and all that simply means if you look at the context of that is whenever we reject and first of all Christians cannot cannot commit the unpardonable sin only uh non-christians can and the unpardonable sin or the unforgivable sin or the only sin that cannot be forgiven is if I'm a non-believer and I reject the Holy Spirit's invitation for salvation that's the unforgivable sin right so if I go to church and I'm a non-christian and the the the the invitation is given for me to be a Christian I feel it in my heart I know I should write I know I'm jacked up I know I need something or in someone outside of myself to save me from my jacked up life and I reject that invitation that means that I can't be saved right if I go on rejecting that invitation that is the unforgivable sin okay go from there let's see here mr. par how do I have an encounter with the Holy Spirit Jean Disko you know what by reading his word by allowing the Holy Spirit to bring back to your remembrance what you've read in the word that's an encounter by turning away from temptation that's an encounter because the Holy Spirit can give you strength by sharing your faith with someone else because you may not know the word to say but whenever you get in front of that person God spirit gives you the words to say that's an encounter turning away from a temptation that you normally would yield to and give in to but the Holy Spirit enables you to say no to that when you normally say yes to it that's an encounter with the Holy Spirit using your gifts in an area that you may not feel strong but you sense him empowering you to do it that's an encounter with the Holy Spirit the fruit of the Spirit love joy peace patience gentleness that's an encounter with always spirit there's so many ways the Holy Spirit moves in our lives okay Cynthia August says thank you for clearing that up about calling things out yeah yeah I had to clear that up witness 45 I'm addicted to two different substances that I desperately want to get off of but both take a long time to get off of I feel horrible going to church and not being able to get off of these you need to keep going to church okay because by okay what did the Bible what did Jesus say I came for what the healthy not this not those who are well right Church is for people who are jacked up people who make mistakes alright so keep going keep keep trying keep pressing alright and trust that God will free you in time Cynthia August says pastor Alan why have you not answered my question about when God called you and your pastor say no he didn't okay so when God calls you and you have a pastor says no he didn't I'm sorry okay so the question I would have there would be or the answer to answer your question you know if you know that God has called you and that pastor does not acknowledge that call then you know you may want to go to a different church or you know ask some other people to see if they believe that God has called you to the ministry but you know you don't want to be be careful when I say this it is nice to have a pastor that endorses you but it's not necessary okay but it is nice to have someone above you that endorses the call that God has on your life I hope that helps okay we are one more minute guys and then we are going to take off here Oh mr. Delaney number 33 is a good one to end on Allen how would you explain being born of water and the spirit okay many just say water baptism and Holy Spirit but I think it has something to do is equal 36 okay I have a different take on this and it's not my own original one it's one that's very popular but this comes from John chapter 3 when Jesus was saying hey you know you must be born of water and of the Spirit what I believe the interpretation there is this whenever you are and I are physically born right what happens a woman's water breaks right her water breaks so we are born of water right we are born of water so that means we have been born into this world but to be born again means you have to be born of the Spirit so in order to be born again you have to be born physically born of water right water birth right but also born spiritually as well now some people may take may not take it that way it's fine no problem if you interpret it differently but I believe that's what is the what what is talking about there some people also refer to it as you know water baptism but the reason why I don't take it that way is because baptism doesn't save you right you don't have to be baptized in order to be saved although it is a command to be baptized and if you're not you're living in disobedience to God but let's say you get saved and on your way home you pass away before you got a chance to be baptized you're already saved because you've already given your life to Jesus Christ and place your faith in Jesus Christ all right Josiah said can you grant my request I know that you had mentioned about doing a video an Old Testament chronological order I would definitely look at that and see if that's something I can do that actually is a great idea to be honest with you I'll definitely consider that pastor Cynthia says thank you Pastor Alan Oh Jennifer Don Rich thank you so much for the $2 super chat thank you so much I really appreciate that every bit helps to keep this ministry going I really appreciate let's see here priscila $2 thank you so much I felt moved to do this thank you for your teaching thank you thank you so much I really appreciate that glory t is Judas Iscariot in heaven or hell you know what I try not to get into these questions because I don't know but I will say this it's this it seems to suggest that he went to hell because it talks about he was the one that the you know son of perdition and one that was doomed for destruction and things like that so you know if we take it that way it seems to me he would be in hell but that doesn't mean he lost his salvation because it doesn't say anywhere that he was truly saved to begin with okay just because he was a disciple you know he was one of Jesus chosen twelve maybe he wasn't saved to begin with okay so all right guys I have enjoyed this livestream but I am going to go and spend the evening with my family now please pray for me I am going to be traveling next week to a great church in Washington where I'm gonna be speaking 12 times 10 lessons from Monday through Friday and 2 on Sunday so just keep me in prayer and if you have a church out there that you want me to come speak at you know feel free to fill out a speaking request form on my website Allen Park calm you can go there and fill out a request if you have a youth conference or a marriage conference or a men's conference or Women's Conference or anything or just a Sunday morning I do speak outside of YouTube okay I do preach teach do all of that do conferences so if I can serve a role in your church feel free to talk to your pastor invite me that I would love to be a part of what you're doing all right okay once again guys I will be signing off and I love you all thank you so much for the super chats I really appreciate your help financially it really makes a difference you have no idea so god bless you all and let's see if we can do this again real soon okay maybe next week I'll hop on and try to give you some more notice god bless love you bye bye
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 13,955
Rating: 4.930131 out of 5
Keywords: how to forgive yourself, how to deal with shame and guilt, what the bible says about guilt, what the bible says about shame, how to forgive yourself for abortion, how to forgive yourself for sexual sin
Id: PIb0uebBE1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 33sec (5613 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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