Is Once Saved Always Saved Biblical?

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one of the most popular questions that I continue to get asked on this channel is once you are saved are you always saved or can you as a Christian make the conscious choice to walk away from God thus forfeiting your own salvation that is what we want to talk about today on the beat hey my friend welcome to the beat my name is Alan Parr thank you so much for tuning in if this is your first time here on this channel we answer frequently asked questions about the Christian faith like this particular video we talk about dating and relationships from a Christian perspective and we do all sorts of other Bible based videos as well so if you're new consider subscribing so as I said in the intro this question has come up so many times in the comments section on a variety of videos on this channel so I did a video about two years ago on this subject but I want to circle back and actually go through it in more detail so here is all I ask from you take your time and go through this entire video watch it from start to finish and if you disagree I ask that you provide a very humble and respectful comment in the comment section below using scripture because no offense we're not interested in what you think is fair or what is logical we want to see what God has to say so I'm gonna provide for you seven reasons why I believe that the Bible teaches that once you become a genuine follower of Jesus Christ it is absolutely impossible for you to lose your salvation but before we get there first John chapter 5 verse 13 says this I'm writing you these things so that you may know that you have eternal life so I don't believe that it's God's will for us to be wandering around in the spiritual life questioning and doubting our salvation no I believe that God wants us to have the assurance to know a hundred percent that when we die we're going to go to heaven number one the biggest objection that I often hear to this doctrine of eternal security or better known to you may be as once saved always save is this idea that you know what somebody can become a Christian give their life to Jesus Christ and then spend the rest of their life living in sin my friend this is a severe misunderstanding of the doctrine of once a always saves a matter of fact the Apostle Paul dealt with this in Romans chapter 5 where he's talking about God's grace and at the end of Romans chapter 5 he says this he says where sin increased grace increased even more so that sounds on the surface like he's saying you know what wherever there is sin God's gonna have more grace for you in other words you can't outs in God's grace so you know what this is a license for you to sin and do whatever you want to do because you'll never be able to send more than God's grace and because the Apostle Paul anticipates the evil thinking that we're gonna have and so Paul says by no means no that is not what I'm teaching in matter of fact he goes on to say how can we who died to sin continue to live in it any longer so Paul is essentially saying here it is preposterous to think that somebody could experience true authentic regeneration and then go spend the rest of their lives living in sin number two is because our salvation is described in the Bible as being eternal one of the famous verses in the Bible John 3:16 which says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whosoever believes on him should not perish but here it is shall have eternal life so in other words he doesn't say you shall have this eternal life until you sin you should have this internal life until you decide to walk away no this is a promise straight from God it says you know what whenever I save you you have eternal life and there's nothing that can change that the third reason that I believe you cannot lose your salvation is because of a doctrine taught in the Bible called the preservation of the Saints now I'm going to break that down essentially all that means is that if God is strong enough to save you then that means he's powerful enough to keep you from falling away now I'm gonna read several verses here and I'm gonna slowly explain each one Jude chapter 1 verse 24 it says this to him speaking to God who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy so this verse clearly says that God is powerful enough to keep you from stumbling or falling away from him another very strong scripture that supports the idea of once saved always say is John chapter 10 verse 28 and 29 which says this I give them eternal life and they shall never perish now watch this no one will snatch them out of my hand verse 29 my father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one can snatch them out of my father's hands I and the father are one so notice it says no one is powerful enough to snatch us out of God's hands now I know what you're thinking you're gonna say you know what but yeah we can take ourselves out of God's hand you know what we cannot do that because it clearly says no one can take us out of his hand and that means we are included in the no one if God wanted to say no one but the believer can snatch us out of his hands or no one but the Christian can snatch us out of his hands then he would have said that we need to be careful not to add certain things to the scripture that it doesn't say the next passage of Scripture is a very very strong proof that we cannot lose our salvation John chapter 6 verses 37 through 40 it says this all those the father gives me will come to me and whoever comes to me I will never drive away for I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of the one who sent me and this is the will of him who sent me that I shall hear it is lose none of all those he has given me but raised them up at the last day so you know what Jesus is saying here he's saying every single believer throughout the history of time that my father has entrusted to me not only have I not cast them out but I have not lost one of them in other words he's saying I've got an undefeated record every believer that's come to me I've not ever lost one and then the final scripture Philippians chapter 1 verse 6 says this being confident of this that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus in other words once again he's not saying until you decide to walk away from God he's saying you know what when God starts to do a work of sanctification and regeneration in your heart he is committed to bringing that work to completion until we get to see Jesus Christ face to face the fourth reason why a Christian can loser salvation is this doctrine called the perseverance of the saints not the preservation but the perseverance and this is the idea that if you are genuinely truly authentically a Christian you are going to continue along the path and you're going to continue to follow God and endure until the end John 14:15 says if you love me you will obey my commands 1st John chapter 2 verse 4 says whoever says I know him but does not do what he commands is a liar and the truth is not in that person so once again he's not saying our lives need to be perfect but he is saying that if you are a Christian you are going to show some fruits some tangible signs and you are going to persevere into the end the fifth reason is because of the omniscience of God so this is the idea that whenever you get saved God knows every single thing that you are going to do from the beginning of your life all the way to the end all the crazy decisions all the bad stuff and so if God knows all of that then why would he save somebody with full knowledge that one day they're gonna turn away from them it doesn't make sense it's not consistent with the idea of God's omniscience nor is it consistent with the idea that Jesus said earlier in this video where he said all of the ones that God has given to me I will not lose one of them number six is a very very important one and this is the idea that Christianity is not a works based religion Ephesians 2:8 and 9 says this for it is by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not from yourselves it is the gift of God not by works so that no one can boast so notice what he's saying here three things your salvation did not originate from you it originated from God second of all your salvation has absolutely no dependence on your works and your performance and then third of all it is a gift given from God to you so to say that you have to continue keeping up some perfect standard or continue to work in order to somehow get into God's graces is to suggest that Christianity is now a works based religion which now makes it the same as all of the other different religions in the world what you're saying when people say you can lose your salvation but they don't realize that they're saying it is this Jesus the work that you did on the cross was not severe to cover all of my sins it was sufficient to cover some of these sins over here that I think are forgiven but oh no this big one over here certainly you cannot cover that particular sin and so if I continue to do these things maybe I'll get into heaven but once I do this well you know what Jesus didn't cover that my friend this is not what the Bible teaches the Bible says that all of our sin past present future was nailed to the cross and forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ and number seven is this idea of election I save this one to the end because a lot of people struggle with this doctrine and this is the idea that God chooses some people for special purposes and that is his business there's a couple scriptures that I want to leave with you Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 says this for he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight so it says very clearly here that God had his mark on you before the foundation of the world which means that your salvation has nothing to do with whether you do good things or bad things it has to do with God's purpose in your life but here's another very convincing scripture about this idea that God does choose some people whether we like it or not for his own purposes speaking of Jacob and Esau in the book of Romans chapter 9 verse 11 says this but before they were born before they had done anything good or bad she received a message from God this message shows that God chooses people according to his own purposes he calls people but not according to their good or bad works now I'm not going to go too far down the rabbit trail of election because some people say you know what that means that God had everything set up in the beginning and they chose people that he wanted and then other people he sent to hell no the Bible does not support or teach the idea that God sends people to hell so my friend instead of seeing this doctrine of eternal security as a license to sin and do whatever you want to do instead see it as a reason to praise God that God has chosen you he's protected you and he's going to keep you until the day of salvation another thing that I want to say is this please don't let this doctrine divide us any further listen the enemy wants to divide the church and get us to argue about all these different things points of doctrine it's not worth it look if you believe something surely that doesn't mean that you're going to hell if I believe something different that doesn't make me a false teacher or false prophet or that I'm going to hell look we need to come together and celebrate the things that we do agree on and not spend all of our time arguing about theological matters if you found this video helpful in any way feel free to share it with a friend also if you haven't done so already I would love it if you would subscribe check out some of the other videos on this channel also if you want to learn how to study the Bible step-by-step I have a new course that I just released a couple of weeks ago you can go to Bible study made easy calm and learn all about it people are loving it so far and I would love for you to join the Kois and also join the Facebook community thank you all so much for watching I'll see you next time on the beat
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Views: 304,945
Rating: 4.7551293 out of 5
Keywords: can a genuine christian lose their salvation, can a real christian lose their salvation, what is once saved always saved, what is eternal security, can a christian fall from grace, what is the perseverance of the saints, what is the preservation of the saints, can a christian lose salvation debate, can christians have assurance of their salvation, how can i know i'm saved for sure, how to be sure you're going to heaven, thebeatagp, the beat by allen parr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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