7 Games That - We’re Calling It - Are Now in Development Hell

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picture this you're watching the latest summer batch of games announcements maybe a watch party on someone's couch or alone in the dark surrounded by a mountain of snacks hey no judgment we've all been there then a cool game gets announced and you spend every waking moment obsessing over each new trailer and update that drops about your new Most Wanted game then the trailers dry up followed by silence you try to convince yourself it's fine that you haven't heard from the devs in years because they're obviously very busy and then finally it becomes clear that the game is neither finished nor cancelled but a worse third thing it's stuck in the fiery depths of development hell trapped in an eternally incomplete state so I'm here to break the news about these next games that I'm calling it are currently languishing in development hell just in case you were holding on to Hope sorry the corporations gave us [Music] Solutions a better world [Music] and we welcome them into our lives much like Perfect Dark itself the development of the perfect dark remake has been shrouded in a cloak of mystery and Intrigue launched in the year 2000 the original Perfect Dark was a highly acclaimed firstperson shooter from the makers of the eternally beloved golden i7 in which you play cat suited super spy Joanna [Music] dark two decades later the Remake was announced at the games Awards with a teaser trailer from Dev Studio the initiative that showed a whole load of nothing did you find the answers you were looking for agent dark not yet this is just the beginning that was neither perfect nor dark not only did we have to swallow that giant nothing Burger but it also set us up for a long torturous wait for further news in the 4 years since the announcement the only updates we you received on the perfect dark remake have been the Studio's partnership with the folks at Crystal Dynamics who are ostensibly co-developing the game plus a bunch of high-profile departures from the team nothing gets me hyped like high-profile departures more recently a report from IGN shared the frustrating news that the project has made little meaningful progress since that trailer in 2020 and the project has hit roadblock after roadblock you know what can't be stopped by a roadblock my hype train with the total lack of positive updates I wouldn't count on ripping around with your laptop gun or stalking the deepest depths of the skidar ruins before 2026 at the [Music] earliest I for one will definitely have not lost interest by [Applause] [Music] [Applause] then it's about Bloody time let's see what we've got paging can we get that text on screen please all Beyond Good and Evil fans it might be time to give up on the squel pipe dream for the foreseeable future paging this character's name is Paige the original game legendary among its fans came out in 2003 you play as Charming photojournalist Jade who used her skills of sleuthing and martial Artistry to uncover a disturbing alien conspiracy and no we don't mean like the people trying to Naruto run into Area 51 although the original Beyond Good and Evil wasn't a commercial smash it quickly became a cult hit to the point the publisher Ubisoft saw fit to green light a sequel and announc it in 2008 with a cinematic trailer of a pig snorting a wasp as enticing an image as it [Music] [Applause] sounds and then we heard basically nothing for nearly a decade until at E3 2017 UB dropped a new trailer re- revealing Beyond Good and Evil 2 now a prequel to the original game with a flash cinematic [Music] trailer we all agreed this was very exciting and more fool us when we got a second even flashier trailer the following year we dared to Hope beong good and evil might someday be real jade things went sideways when after a flurry of developer live streams in 2018 some with honest to goodness actual gameplay from an early build the updates petered out and ever since Ubisoft have been frustratingly vague on the timeline for us getting our hands on the BGE prequel of our dreams in fact in 201 22 Beyond Good and Evil 2 became the video game with the longest development in history surpassing even Duke Nukem Forever which took 14 years to struggle over the finish line and say what you like about Juke nukan forever no one can deny that it is unlike Beyond Good and Evil 2 a video game that exists box quote for you there if you are desperate to Pal around with Jaden paig again you'll have to console yourself for now with the remastered Beyond Good and Evil 20th anniversary edition due out this year which is let me check 21 years after the original yeah that tracks as part of the venerable Metroid series Metroid Prime is the firstperson 3D Subs series that starting with Metroid Prime 1 on the GameCube in 2002 put us inside the helmet of saran's power suit now the first three Metroid Prime games came out in quick succession with Metroid Prime 2 in 2004 and Metroid Prime 3 in 2007 but since then the only Prime we've had is the viral energy drink that kept me awake and alert throughout 2022 what a year got a lot done you've slept since right what's that talking bottle of prime Nintendo first unveiled Metroid Prime 4 at E3 2017 with an announcement trailer that was less a trailer and more a number four floating in space which wouldn't have been so bad if the game had then proceeded to be made and released which friends it was not in 2019 Nintendo announced that they weren't satisfied with how development was going at Bandai Namco so they scrapped their progress and restarted it with Retro Studios the developer behind the previous primes and since then crickets this all bodess pretty terribly for Metroid Prime 4 a fact that even 2021 surprisingly scary Metroid dread couldn't make us forget see nothing because I'm still thinking about Metroid Prime 4 or possibly because I've damaged my adrenaline receptors with too many energy drinks either way nice try Nintendo hi I'm Chris Roberts ever since I saw Star Wars as a wide-eyed eight-year-old I dreamt of being a hot shot pilot saving the Galaxy or a lovable Rogue making my way across the cosmos it inspired me to make win commander and has influenced everything I've done since then 10 years ago after 20 years of making games I was burned out so I took a break but I never stopped playing games nor loving them and now I'm ready to come back and I'd like to show you something I've been working on there's never been a game quite like Star Citizen and possibly there never will be a game quite like Star Citizen given that 12 years after this fabulously ambitious space Sim MMO debuted on Kickstarter and 10 years after it blew through its originally intended launch date it remains as unfinished as this sentence I'm currently this isn't to say development hasn't been happening by all accounts development on Star Citizen is happening out the Wazoo in developer Cloud Imperium Studios all over the world but epic Ambitions plus feature creep plus hundreds of millions of crowdfunding dollars make for a sprawling evolving project with multiple complex Parts but no actual release date at time of writing a large and hungry Star Citizen Community playing the Alpha Testing version of the game and shelling out for its DLC shows the appetite for its massively multiplayer malange of realistic space Sim Space combat and Space Trading endures even as other disillusioned and skeptical supporters have backed off over the years how much longer will they have to wait for Star Citizen to emerge from its Alpha and Early Access phases as Star Citizen 1.0 no one is saying and no sensible person is betting but in March Chief exec Chris Roberts did write that they are ready to finally push for the finish line which is almost as good as a commercial release date isn't it peace is a lie that is what the Sith believe they promised power now they wield it Lan's balers Gate 3 has been showered with praise Game of the Year rewards and racy fan like nobody's business and for good reason you know I've always been an admirer of the physical form necks ribs thighs don't make me choose a favorite oh I'm going to be a while it's likely you sunk 100 plus hours into Romancing anyone who would give you the time of day and making complex moral decisions and now that it's over you perhaps like me have been left with a B gate three shaped hole in your heart my doctor says it's not faithful and to get out of her office with your rekindled love of the genre and chatting up your party members now would be the perfect time you might think to revisit the revered BioWare RPG Star Wars nights of the Old Republic especially when there's a graphically overhauled PS5 remake on the cards well we hate to be the ones to break it to you but the nights of the Old Republic remake that was unveiled back in 2021 has gone seriously awall since this reveal trailer featuring the iconic Jennifer hail original voice of bastila Shan we Face the greatest Sith in [Music] Generations they must be stopped fem Shep in Star Wars that gives me an idea for some fan art of the very few updates we've had on the game since the bad news is that the Remake was put on pause in 2022 when aspia the studio originally assigned development Duty fired the art director and design director and was then itself taken off the project which went to Studio saber interactive the slightly better and very recent news is that saber interactive has since been sold by Shady Giant games conglomerate embracer group and taken Knights of the Old Republic along with it so maybe someday you'll get to smooch bastila Shan in 4k but probably not soon at least we'll always have my drawings get [Music] off one thing I love about Hollow night fans is every time a game showcase rolls around you folks are front and center loudly hoping wishing and pleading for silk song you still show up to the Indie worlds and the Nintendo directs with hope in your heart for this longed for sequel to 2017's hollow night and every time you're left empty-handed that's the kind of resilience and optimism this world needs and I salute it and yet I can't help but notice we're still not playing silk song Some 5 years after the game was announced now developing an entire video game is no small feat and team Cherry the studio behind Hollow Knight is the smallest on this list and I've have no doubt that comes with challenges of its own but when in 2022 Hollow Knight silk song won the unity award for most anticipated game the dev team accepted their Accolade by saying it can't be too much longer surely surely you tell me team Cherry with the game having sailed past its previously slated 2023 release window there's precious little to go on with silk song except for a general it'll be ready when it's ready Vibe but given its total absence from the very recent Nintendo Indie World Showcase it may not be time to hold your breath don't do it Hollow night fans the world needs you you probably figured out that you need to drink blood you can't just do whatever you want cities are carved up by political factions never tell anyone about what you are see vampires are extremely territorial unwittingly poaching someone's territory and suddenly F we have one rule you don't break the Masquerade you'd be forgiven for thinking vampire the Masquerade bloodlines 2 had come out already after all in the 5 years since it was announced we've had Myriad Games come out attached to the same vampire the Masquerade IP including two visual novels four interactive fiction games a VR game a battle royale and an RPG that can get confusing I'm a monster what about you now that wasn't Bloodlines 2 but this is or rather was the first look that we had back in 2019 the fact is this highly anticipated sequel to the 2004 cult classic got somewhat stalled over the course of developments along a rocky road of delays and Senior Star firings that came after those tantalizing early looks um welcome to the first day of the rest of your death having fun yet last September however it was announced that Bloodlines 2 had changed hands from Deb Studio hard suit labs to the Chinese room the studio behind evocative Explorer mup everyone's gone to the Rapture so after months of Silence we've got a new release window of fall 2024 that's promising but as a suitably skeptical vampire wannabe I'll believe it when I see it you know what they say once bitten twice shy or Among Us Kindred Once Bitten Twice drained of all your blood and left folded up in a dumpster less catchy I know so those are some of the games uh that we're as of filming still waiting for hey maybe by the time we film this and it comes out uh one of the games will be announced like the dates or maybe it will just Sur prize drop maybe yeah that would be that that I mean that you know that would that would happen out now oh no oh man to downlo you a cop ofk oh God it's here it's sorry no we I I don't know we don't know but uh if you're still waiting for these games by the time this video comes out hey why not fill up your uh time rather than hoping and hoping and hoping and waiting you can enjoy wonderful videos that are out right now there's one from outside extra this lovely Channel and one from outside Xbox the lovely Channel where Andy faren is usually residing not anymore I'm playing silk song Oh what oh man
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 281,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming, outside xbox
Id: U1m32SS2Hw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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