7 Bosses Who Would Be Unkillable If They Hung Out Somewhere Safer

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a good boss knows all the dangers in their place of work for instance my chili that's been sat in the fridge for 3 years I'm waiting to see when it becomes sentient if only certain video game bosses had this same wisdom instead of hanging out in places where they're surrounded by their greatest weakness then when you show up they choose to fight you right there in a move so spectacularly stupid that I can't believe that there were enough examples to fill an entire video here are the bosses that would be unkillable if they only hung out somewhere safer the fools enjoy spoilers for The Following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] games I have a phobia of spiders so the worst place for me to have a big fight would be in a room where spiders are abundant and easily accessed by my opponent who in this scenario is throwing spiders at me therefore I can easily sympathize with the poor 11th Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus who is found in an area lit with its greatest fear fire like all of the colossi in the game this Beast has a glowy weak spot that you have to stab with your Colossus killing sword but it's impossible to get to on account of it being covered an impenetrable Stone you can remove that obstacle however and render this this invulnerable boss highly vulnerable by taking advantage of this colossus's fear just light a torch from one of the many firet topped plins in the room and wave it in the poor thing's face with the upper hand you can H your colossal opponent towards the end of the room and trick it into stepping backwards right off a [Music] cliff a cliff who designed this room have they not heard of safety rails with the colossus's armor destroyed by the Fall you are free to jump on its back and jab at the now exposed weak spot like the world's largest and meanest mosquito as you hold on for dear life whittling down this poor creature's Health all you can think is how this would have been impossible if this room had four solid walls and wasn't lined with fire pillars that are the perfect height for jumping onto this colossus's back if I were this ossus I'd be having words with my architect is all I'm [Music] saying lava is already 100% deadly on account of it being molten rock that is fatal to humans so it seems unnecessary to also have love crafty and monstrosities burst out of it seems like Overkill to me and yet in Quake when you enter the house of khon there's a big red dude who pops out of the lava guess what his name is yes it's khon a demon looking jerk who has only a huge vertical mouth for a face how droll khon is also inconveniently invulnerable to your weapons so you can do absolutely nothing to hurt him if only the house named after this very Beast contained the secret to his own demise well it is on this list yeah you're right sure enough make it up to the mezanine level of this large chamber and you'll find three buttons two of them lower special pillars either side of conon while the third and final one switches them on revealing the pillars to be electrical and shocking the Beast stuck between them so save those rockets and Nails all you need is sufficient agility to run around pressing buttons and Clon will sink back into the lava from whence he [Music] came well if you will hang out between two electrical pylons I don't know what to tell you sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me well then how about [Laughter] these Everyone's a Critic especially on the internet where just this morning I was informed that the latte art I posted was mid but no matter what folks say online the worst critics of all are internal and a perfect example can be found in Psychonauts actress Gloria Von gut's internal critic Jasper rolls who is particularly mean I've seen some bad plays in my day but this one's an actual Menace wow harsh doubly harsh is that when you finally fight him Jasper faces you in a critique slinging theater balcony HCK which has a shield impervious to your psychic attacks but if you want to bring him crashing to the floor for an easy hit or seven all you have to do is take advantage of his only weakness the spotlight and Jasper seems to forget that in this theater where he resides there are three of them there are candles for the lights just left on the floor for you to easily pick up his own Boss music can literally lift you up to the lighting rigging and he regularly floats up after you to get you with his machine again forgetting that up here above the nose bleeds is where all the bright lights live ah that light after falling to the floor and getting absolutely wailed on by you he does take out the lights but crucially only one at a time you pay for that one spotlight take that wretched regurgitator of the sun okay no one tell him that there are two more right there Jasper makes the same mistake over and over totally unaware of the dangers in this Arena that he's been living in for years ah another Spotlight I thought I got them all his lack of situational awareness helps you destroy him and otherwise indestructible boss hey Jasper we have have some notes for how you build your next Boss Arena don't worry it's constructive criticism he James got it I have faced test after test in search of the sisters and now you have dashed it all away you certainly do not live up to your reputation Ghost of Sparta to give pereus from God of War 2 his due he at least doesn't fight you in his own trap filled abode to immediately take away his due what happens isn't any less embarrassing this Greek demigod hero of myth and Legend is hanging about in a rather Grand Grecian bath house when katos his half brother enters and the door locks behind him [Music] no that door was my only Escape clearly not a fan of family reunions which is entirely fair when Zeus is not only your dad but also the dad of your great-grandson Hercules gross katos seems entirely uninterested in perseus's discomfort or even existence looking on only in confused silence as persus delivers a speech Soliloquy so dramatic that even Shakespeare would describe it as verily a bit much are you watching me now sisters Give Me A Sign but thinking this could be another test given to him by the sisters of Fate perus challenges create us to a fight arming himself with his shield sword and Helm powerful gifts from the gods the last of which grants its wearer invisibility invisibility that's going to make this boss fight impossible I mean unless he were to challenge kattos in say a large pool of water inside a grand Grecian Bath House Perseus mate rookie error Perseus who should have waited to challenge kattos on Solid ground or heck even just legged it out the other end of this room through one of the many huge gaps in the stone pillars decides to make us stand against the ghost of Sparta in a large pool of water completely giving away his location with every single step I'm over [Music] here instead of an impossible fight against an invisible enemy you can easily find pereus beat him up and break his special helmet from the gods rendering him even easier to find well at least that's the most embarrassing thing that will happen to Perseus [Music] today I stand corrected we'll have to push him back off the edge you want to shout that louder I don't think he heard us it is not too late turn back flee the 2008 Prince of Persia has you playing as the prince an agile and athletic person who is mostly built for shimming around parkour routs and not for fighting large corrupted collections of stones so imagine your horror when you and your magically powered companion elica have multiple alterations with the warrior once a great king and now a large corrupted collection of stones luckily for you the warrior is terrible at choosing where to take a stand everywhere he picks a fight with you in the city of light is home to some environmental hazard that is perfect for smashing up big Angry Stone monsters like him push him into the pillar you want to give him a backrub just do it in one arena there are a whole bunch of crumbly pillars that elica and the prince can lure him towards and push him into I hope he keeps crawling for this in another room elica and the prince can push him into a cage like the warrior is an angry cat being tricked into go into the Vet rather than a huge terrifying Stone Golem trying to squish you I don't think he's Happ but most stupidly of all anytime he squares up against you on a nice big platform there is always at least one Edge where you guessed it elica and the prince can push him right off okay the health and safety inspector would have a field day with this place after the final push in the final fight the warrior falls into this liquid which we can only assume is gasoline seeing as he comes back totally on fire good now he's on fire at this point you just have to keep eler and the prince out of his reach on this crumbling platform as the Warriors Health literally Burns away and you wonder why he ever agreed to live in a place clearly so hazardous to his health maybe the rent was cheap or sne to a good school yeah that do it one my boys have been yapping about some big mysterious dude running around cracking skull and and and this is it you're a monkey wrench in my operation some scrawny rat with a stick statement lighting is a wonderful thing to have in your home I mean it literally brightens the place up one video game villain who seems to have taken this to heart is mugshot a huge brute in Sly Cooper and the thius racunas who clearly likes to skip leg day I feel transgressed and violated let's rock when you face him in his fancy Penthouse mug shot's unique Crystal lighting system pops up literally through the once solid floor this apartment has some glaring floors hey but they don't just destroy the carpeting when they appear if you decide to turn on the lights by hitting all the mirrors surrounding them the concentrated beams of light create so much heat that they destroy the guns that mugshot is trying to shoot you with my beautiful gun is destroyed this is extremely helpful for you seeing as mug shot is impossible to damage in any other way being totally impervious to attacks from your cane mug shot's too strong for your cane you're going to have to find some other way to stop him so imagine your relief when upon retrieving new weapons mugot retreats to the mezzanine level where there are yep you guessed it even more crystals and mirrors for you to totally ruin his day with all you need to do to beat this guy is flip all the mirrors on this level too before flipping the one surrounding the crystal chandelier he climbs up to next with every mirror flip proving that maybe he should have just stuck to normal light bulbs rather than ones that get hot enough to melt metal this is impossible a little pipsqueak like you beating a big strong Bruiser like me it ain't right I think he needs to lose the shot at the end of his name because after buying that lighting system he's revealed himself to be an absolute mug while we've already spoken of Warriors katos and pereus we must not forget the coolest of ancient Greek Heroes Zena Warrior Princess unlike kattos Zena is on a quest to redeem herself by using her Warrior skills to help others and appeared a whole generation earlier than him on the PS1 in a game called you guessed it Zena Warrior Princess in this game Zena is armed with her sword and shakum but neither can help her when master of black sorcery and I think affordable bookcase from Ikea calabra opens up the ground right underneath her feet this drops her into daan's Lair a honking Great Dragon that will definitely shrug off any slice from a sword or shakum fortunately for you daan lives in a death trap that he refuses to tidy up no not my bedroom see when you fall you land next to two Scrolls just laying there one reads to defeat daan look to the ceiling your weapons are there and ready to fall and next to it is another hint of daan slows down to absorb the heat of the lava pools he is vulnerable then I have a lot of ideas for a dream home and none of them is a howto guide by the front door and how to easily murder me but sure enough on the ceiling of the cave is a collection of large pointy stall typ set directly above daan's much loved lava pools so all you have to do is guide daan over said pools and whack the stall ties above him with Zena shakum while he's enjoying the heat repeat this a couple more times and daan the terrifying unbeatable Dragon ends up easily beaten up by his own home the bigger they are the harder they fall this is why I removed the precarious Shand a that I had hanging over my hot tub just wasn't worth the risk classy though so glossy M the the chili starting moving on its own I think yes breathing the next phase of my plan for world domination is complete the only thing remaining is for you the viewer to click one of these two videos up here one from here on outside extra 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Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 207,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming, outside xbox
Id: R8AkTx94Crk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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