7 Features Planned Years Before Added in Minecraft

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hey what's going on guys my name is Anthony I can't believe is nearly December already 2018 has gone so quickly but anyways today I'm going to be bringing you guys features that were planned years before being added into Minecraft now if you guys do enjoy today's video then be sure to give this video a like rating now if this video is able to hit over 5,000 likes then I will upload a part two to this video but anyways guys enough of me rambling let's go ahead and get straight into today's video I hope you all enjoy it the lantern is a new block that's been added in the 1.14 snapshot on November 15th 2018 now it's pretty much a new block that emits light similar to the torch but it has a light level of 15 whereas the torch has a light level of 14 lanterns can be placed on top or hanging under most solid blocks and it is simply crafted by using one torch in the middle surrounded by eight iron nuggets lanterns will most likely be used as the new light source for the lamp posts in MPC villages rather than having just a piece of wall attached to a fence in the village despite lanterns being added recently in 2018 they were actually planned a years prior to their addition in Minecraft okay guys so back in the earlier days of Minecraft all the way back in October 2010 knotch had actually planned to add lanterns into the game however he also planned to make changes to torches where they would burn out after a certain amount of time and you'd have to relight them with flint and steel but of course both of these things didn't happen the lantern was not added at the time in 2010 and the torch burning out feature didn't happen either so it took 8 years for the lantern to finally be added after being planned in 2010 Joe wildung is a gameplay mechanic within minecraft that allows the player to hold two items or blocks simultaneously in their hand this feature was added into the game in July 2015 as part of the 1.9 combat update players can put the item in the offhand slot in the inventory or they can press the F key on their keyboard to automatically equip it in their offhand this feature is a very useful addition into the game as it allows for a lot of multitasking such as mining for the pickaxe while holding torches and placing them now despite the feature of dual wielding being added in July 2015 it was actually planned to be added a lot sooner into the game rewind all the way back to July 2011 during the beta stage of minecraft minecraft developer Jeb actually stated that not was working on a dual wielding feature for items despite this being mentioned though we didn't see the dual wielding feature being added into the game until four years later in 2015 the lectern is a brand new blog that has been added in the Minecraft 1.14 update on October 31st 2018 now they look like this and they currently have no functionality in the game at the moment however it is safe to assume that the purpose of the lectern is to act as a standard for written books so that they can be read a lot more easily despite lectins being added into minecraft in October 2018 they were actually planned to be added into the game a lot earlier that's right guys if we time-travel all the way back to August 2012 the lectin was actually an old project of Minecraft developer dinner bones now the images you see on-screen our early prototype textures for the lectin and dinner bones said he was well on his way to creating this blog until he ran into a few problems with the blog and decided to scrap the idea in December 2013 dinnerbone stated on reddit that he did revisit the lectin block but scrapped them again because he said that something about them just didn't feel right fast forward all the way to October 2018 and electon has finally officially made its way into the game rabbits are harmless a passive mobs apart from the killer bunny of course bird they don't spawn naturally anyway so it doesn't matter but yeah rabbits were added in July 2014 in the 1.8 update the skin for the rabbit is based on the biome they spawn in and the behavior is as you might expect they will pretty much just hop around aimlessly as you can see but rabbits were actually planned to be added into the game a lot earlier than 2014 that's right guys back in the earlier days of Minecraft all the way back in May 2009 rabbits were originally an idea for a mob in the survival test phase they would spawn randomly and jump around and when attacked they would pop into many pieces and start bleeding now I don't know about you guys but that idea concept for the rabbit just sounds a little bit dark and disturbing and at the time rabbits were ultimately not added due to negative feedback but yeah fast forward five years later rabbits were officially added into the game in one point a it's trivia time trivia time is the part of the video where you guys will show me your Minecraft knowledge by me asking you a random minecraft fact question the new pillager beasts mob has the same health as an iron golem true or false the answer for the trivia time question will be found on my Twitter so be sure to follow me on Twitter in the description fish are common passive mobs that can be found swimming around in oceans and rivers now they come in four main variants which are called salmon pufferfish and of course tropical fish now they were added in 2017 as part of the update aquatic and they have been a very welcomed addition into the game ever sin now we have had fish as an item in the game since minecraft alpha all the way back in 2010 but the feature of fish swimming around as a mob was also planned to be added a lot sooner than in 2017 that's right guys rewind all the way back to October 2010 a Minecraft developer knotch at the time showed interest in adding fish as a passive mom however in the end fish were only added as an item and there was no code in the game for a fish mob so yeah it was pretty much just an idea but it didn't actually happen others are a passive sometimes neutral mob that have been added in the 1.14 update on october 24 2000 and 18 they spawn in jungle buoyant more specifically the bamboo forest biome within Jungle buoyant and yeah they look like this pandas have many different personality types and there's even a rare brown panda within the game as well but if you want to know more about pandas that I've made an entire video on them now these bamboo loving animals were added in 2018 like I said but they were planned to be added a lot earlier into Minecraft that's right guys back in the earlier days of Minecraft all the way back in April 2012 minecraft developer Dinnerbone stated that he wanted to add pandas into the game once he was used to skinning and animating them fast-forward a year later in December 2013 Dinnerbone stated once again that he showed interest in adding pandas pandas were then finally announced at Minecon Earth in September 2018 and officially added in October 2018 so yeah pandas are now in the game they were planned for a very long time raw mutton is a food item that is dropped by sheep when they are killed and you can cook the raw mutton into cooked mutton and eat it to restore a lot of hunger points now mutton was added into Minecraft in the 1.8 update in June 2014 however they were originally planned to be added a lot earlier now if we rewind all the way back to September 2011 this was when a beta 1.8 was released now a lot of new food items were added in this update such as chickens being able to drop raw chicken and cows being able to drop raw beef now Jeb also mentioned in September 2011 that he would add mutton into the game to be dropped by sheep but it never happened for some reason so yea mutton was planned to be added a lot earlier along with the other food items in 2011 but for some reason it was added three years later in 2014 but anyways everybody that just about does it for today's video about features within Minecraft that were planned at years before being added I can't believe they took such a long time to add these features into the game but yeah I really hope you guys enjoyed this video and/or found it informative again if you enjoyed it then be sure to give this video a like and yeah by the way guys I'm going to be using my Twitter and Instagram accounts a lot more now so if you want to keep up to date with all my new videos and real life stuff about me then be sure to follow me on there links will be found in the description below but anyways everybody I am going to go now because I have a lot more videos to make view all because December is coming up and I want to try and upload at least three to four videos a week in December because I don't know I just really want to go all out on YouTube in December ready for Christmas and things like that so yeah I've got to get to work so think it was so much of what to the video everybody again I really hope you all enjoyed it and I will see you all in my next one goodbye [Music]
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 636,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, features, planned, years, before, added, minecraft features planned years before added, Features Planned Years Before Added in Minecraft, 7 Features Planned Years Before Added in Minecraft, minecraft features, minecraft features added, minecraft removed features, minecraft 1.14 update, minecraft lantern, minecraft lectern, feature, update, add, removed, changed, item, block, things you didn't know about minecraft, minecraft features that changed, minecraft features that were removed
Id: cC4dCk1SKIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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