7 Fun Achievements Only Curious Players Will Get

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Coool, oh Ellen, booooo

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/nuttyprofwd 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies
they say that curiosity killed the cat but in video games it often gives you some gamer score or a nice shiny trophy instead sucks to be you cats while some achievements take so much planning you might need to use a literal calendar others can be stumbled upon if you just stop and think what would happen if i did this some games just like to reward players for messing about in their games even if it is a bit silly so sit back and enjoy the achievement bloops and trophy pops that you only get for giving in to your curiosity [Music] human full flat is a physics-based puzzle game that encourages players to play about in its levels by throwing more achievements at them than you can shake a stick at see what we did there this game constantly rewards players for testing what the game's physics will let them do such as seeing how high you can stack boxes seeing how far you can ride around in a dumpster like the little trash goblin you are and of course seeing if you can safely fling yourself across a ravine using a catapult [Music] turns out the answer is yes yes you can but our favorite achievement is found in the very first level where you stumble across this uh beautiful fountain being londoners we can't help but try to recreate the iconic look of a pigeon sitting on a statue's noggin and it seems the developers knew that because what are we rewarded with for clambering up onto the statue's head but 10 gamer score and the achievement pigeon simulator have to say that's pretty cool get it coo because pigeon look you try writing this stuff every week dark both figuratively and literally you'd probably think there isn't much room in little nightmares for light-hearted japes unless you consider it a jape to get snapped up and most likely eaten by some horrible spaghetti arm man yeah like that however this game does have opportunities for levity rewarding players with achievements for messing about in the more the horrible sea vessel you're trapped on for example if you decide to jump on a bed a few times to see if you can get some height you gain 50g and the achievement highly sprung you'd jump even higher if you knew what slept there and fun times over now i'm back in fear mode but another even more generous achievement can be earned in chapter two where six has to clamber over a grand piano now whenever we see a piano in a game we can't help but go up and see if we can play it so of course we gave it a go here and [Music] yes you can play the piano well i say play you can make noises with it and not only are you rewarded with those noises but also a whopping 150g achievement six's song [Applause] so many keys yet none to unlock your cage ah piano keys i see what you did there now back to trying to escape the spaghetti arm man oh god i really wish it was the other kind of keys good morning and welcome to yet another day of space adventure if there's one thing you must do on a ship it's keep it ship shape and the spaceship you run around in in a hat in time is certainly that even if one room is basically a giant pillow pit okay two seconds i'm doing that again one reason why it's so clean is because you have some help from this little roomba style robo vacuum and if you're like us as soon as you see it you'll immediately want to recreate every hoover related cat video on the internet on the vacuum for long enough however and it rewards you with sweet sweet gamer score [Music] again yes you're awarded the achievement vacuum vandal for riding this poor little appliance which going by the effort we can see is clearly not designed to carry the weight of a little human girl and her bloody massive hat oh fine let's go sit down [Music] if i fit i sit okay the developers of this game really need to spend less time looking at cat memes lara croft is no stranger to diving headfirst into dangerous situations for instance in rise of the tomb raider where she's constantly nearly getting killed but she's also known for literally diving headfirst thanks to her beautiful swan dives which i'm sure even tom daley would praise her for oh god rise of the tomb raider's gorgeous environments provide lots of wonderful diving spots for lara to plunge off with the confidence of someone who definitely has private health insurance but one diving spot that only inquisitive players might find is in the geothermal valley farmstead here there's a well full of water and right next to it is a hut whose roof sticks out towards it in a way that two adventurous minds looks like some beautiful makeshift diving board try and swan dive off of this and yes lara performs the perfect dive and players who decide to utilize lara skills in this unique way are rewarded with the aptly named achievement for my next trick i mean what a hell of a trick right okay time to try the big tower next ouch okay maybe that was one step too far for today find your step here beckoned i wouldn't want the colossi's failure to claim any more lives than it already has it is not here by choice or our choice anyways such questions would be better suited for the primos suffice it to say that this was made in anticipation of something that never occurred if you were to build a giant city in the sky the one thing you'd probably not include is a big hole in the middle that people can easily fall through but tell that to the colossian kingdoms of amoler reckoning's teeth of naros dlc these giants built idilla a beautiful city that they raised up from the ground in order to escape the monsters of the world below however the city's main concourse is unfinished they had planned to house a large mystical artifact to really set the whole place off but since that didn't go to plan there's a large distinctly unmystical hole instead budget cuts am i right and have they fenced this off for people's safety no this heavenwood haven relies on word of mouth with many of the locals warning you to stay away from the edge of the rather large sky pit watch your step up here in the concourse it is a long way down but the thing is if you tell someone not to do something enough times eventually they'll start to get curious i mean if they really wanted you not to go into the big hole they'd surely have put up even some rudimentary barriers by now and hey this game doesn't let you jump off things unless they're safe so you do a run-up leap into the abyss and you of course immediately die gaining the i regret nothing achievement five gamer score and the knowledge that you acquired the only fall death in the game now well maybe it's safer when the mystical artifact is in place [Music] okay someone really needs to tell these people about railings of all the stories people wrote about barbara's death i'm surprised edie saved this one when at risk of being killed by murderers on the loose it's probably not advisable to stop and play a game of pool but tell that to curious players of what remains of edith finch when walking through the cel shaded version of your great aunt's last night alive you make your way down into the finch basement where you pick up an abandoned crutch then at the bottom of the stairs you turn to see a pool table and if you think about it a crutch is basically the same thing as a pool cue at least that's what i tried to explain to the local pub landlord before he finally banned me for life so some players might want to see if they can use their makeshift cue to pot a few balls and also get a load of ugly cans out the way in the process to be fair great aunt barbara's shots could do with some work as she tends to just swing wildly but totally tidy that tabletop and you'll get [Music] yes a trophy for clearing all the balls off the pool table even if like us you only pocketed one and the rest just ended up on the floor what we're setting a home alone style trap for murderers and you can't prove otherwise [Music] half-life alex is less a video game and more the developers valve just showing off in vr the clever bastards it's full of rewarding moments for players who want to mess around with its physics for example see my genuine and complete joy finding out i could put a traffic cone on my head big moment for river medway fans however valve were not content with just giving us the pure joy of messing about with items in vr no they also popped in an achievement for curious players right at the start of the game when you wander into alex's little hideout you'll find a snark a horrible exploding alien bug thing in a jar cool enough but next to it you'll also find a container labeled not coffee shake this over the jars top and oh joy of choice the little bug will jump up to nibble away not only is this adorable but it also earns you the beautifully punny achievement good grub yes he is a good grub yes he is yes he is after this you'll find yourself shaking all sorts of things in the game to see what happens that is until you pick up a bottle and see that the liquid physics in this game is so good that you'll become hypnotized wow again valve the clever bastards so those were some of the achievements that only the extremely curious players out there will get can you think of any other examples if so drop a note in the comments and if you enjoyed this well i have great news this is a great news day for you because we've made so many videos like this before that uh that are you know similar in in vibe so check them out a few of them are on screen now and if you enjoyed this then you know what i'm gonna say it's it's the old like and subscribe but we really would appreciate it alright thanks very much for watching goodbye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 482,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, list video, a hat in time, rise of the tomb raider, achievements, funny achievements, curiosity, curious, little nightmares, kingdoms of amalur, reckoning, human fall flat
Id: AoTdvooJAxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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