7 Explosive 'Catfish' Reveals That Didn’t Go Well (Part 2) | Ranked: Catfish

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- [Antonnio] You look dumb as hell. - [Alfred] Okay. - [Antonnio] You look dumb as hell. - Okay - And the reason why you can't find this person is because I'm Adonis, bitch. (dramatic music) - [Antonnio] Yes, I am Adonis. - [Alfred] Bitch-- - (female gasping) (beep) Oh my word. Stop guys, no, no, no, no. (garage door opening) - [Nev] What's this? (dramatic music) Um, what? (dramatic music) - Hi. - Ew, what the (beep)? - Who is this? - Hi, I'm Joey. How are you? - Oh, your name is Joey? - No, I'm Mikey. - Oh, your name is Mikey. - Yeah. -Hi - Oh my god. (dramatic music) So sad. - [Jane] Hi, Jane. - Hi, nice to meet you. - [Nev] Wait, you know each other? - We used to be best friends back in the day. - So hold on a second. What's the, what was the whole point of this? - Well, I wanted to break his heart like I got mine broken. - Oh, yeah he had this like notion out of nowhere that I slept with his now ex-boyfriend. - Out of nowhere even though I witnessed it you know, with my two eyes in person. - Your boyfriend was trying to get with me. You're obsessed with me. You need to stop (sigh). - First of all, put your hand down, it's not that serious. - No, because I don't want to (beep) look at you. - [Mikey] So don't look at me. - [Mike] What's under your (beep) makeup? - Look the other way. There's plenty of space in the world. - Because this is a reality show, not a (beep) horror show. - I can't stand you. - I can't stand looking at you (laughing). Oh my god. - So don't. - Oh my god. - Jesus. Like, don't. - Oh my god. (suspenseful music) - Okay, time out. - Yeah. - Mikey, you and Mike had been pretty good friends and at some point in your past, you had a boyfriend and you're pretty sure that that boyfriend slept or hooked up - Um, I witnessed it but he is going to deny it. So let him, whatever, that's-- - Did you make out with or-- - No, I never did. He wanted to get with me. - It doesn't matter. - I didn't want any part of it. He groped me and that was it. I had no part of it. Not wanting anything to do with it - [Mikey] Okay. - [Nev] All right so, so-- - And then what happened after that? You left? Or-- - I didn't, I didn't leave the party. Of course not, but like-- - But it didn't, did it go any further? - It didn't go any further with him, no. - But, how long ago was this that something happened? - It was like winter. - Is that when Joey started, winter? When did Joey start? - March. - So your relationship ended because of what happened at that party? - Uh, yeah. - And then you found him on Grinder and broke his heart as a sort of revenge. - Yeah. (dramatic sound) - So, who's Joey? Whose picture is that? - Some random guy. - Yeah. - That I found on Instagram. I don't even know him. - Okay. - I don't know. I think it's just, it's a sad story. You went five months talking to me and it got you nowhere. I'm still living my best life ever in California. You're still here-- - Are you really though? - I am. - Is living your best life living off of sugar daddies? - I really don't think it's fair for you to be judging him right now. You just... - [Mike] Yeah, you kind of-- - Took five months of his life - [Joey] Really? - And kind of up ended it. - He took my relationship and ended it so, - Even if I did - Like if you-- - get with your boyfriend, it wouldn't matter because I would have done it much better than you anyway. I'm going to beat you at everything you ever do for your entire life. You will always be uglier, older, disgusting. - Okay, you're like covered in like Cheeto dust. - [Dallas] It better not be him - Wait, where, how did you, where have you seen that guy before? - Just like living in an alley. - No, seriously? - [Dallas] I swear it better not be that (beep) guy. Don't come over here, dude. - It look like he's coming over here. He is walking back this direction - (beep) my life, bro. I swear, y'all are (beep) kidding, bro. (dramatic music) - Hello. - [Tallulah] Hi. - Oh my gosh, bro. - [Nev] What's your name? - William. - [Nev] William. - [Tallulah] Hi. - Hi, Nev. - [Dallas] Oh, (beep) bro. - This is Tallulah. - Hi, I'm Tallulah. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - [Dallas] Nah, bro. - So-- - I (beep) knew it was some bull (beep) but this is beyond me bro - [Nev] But hold on, wait let's just get an explain-- so what's going on? - I saw him a few times on like, around town slut walk a few times and some Amber Rose events. - [Nev] Okay, so do you, you have some mutual social circles - Yeah, I've seen him a few times and I was like, you know, I thought he was a really hot guy and he's posting all these photos of his like ass on Instagram and Tumblr and whatever and I was with my friend, Safari and we were on social media drunk and she was like, "You should totally DM him," and I'm like, "Oh my god, I'm so nervous. I couldn't do such a thing, like I don't think he's gay." She's like, "Well just look at how he's posting his photos on Instagram. He's got an only fans page that he uses to, you know, target the gay community." (dramatic music) - [Nev] Wait a second, only fans. What's that? - Dallas is always posting his nudes, um you can subscribe to his stuff. - [Nev] And people subscribe and he'll post special content? Do you have subscribers? - Yeah. (dramatic music) - And Safari said, "Like, why don't I just give him my number - That's stupid bro - And then it's really your number." - Who was he texting with? - Me. - [Nev] But then why approach him as a woman? - I feel like girls can make a guy feel comfortable like, let's say a threesome or foursome you know, I could have been that fourth person in his threesome. - That's (beep) weird, bro. I'm sorry. - So, you asked about a threesome. He even said he would be down. Then you suggested the roommate, not you. - But he was okay with that. - Why not suggest yourself and then say, "Okay Safari, let's go meet him." Like why not see if it actually could happen? - We were going to do that and then "Catfish" came out of nowhere. - Okay, so the plan was-- - [William] To eventually get to that Because these guys are so... - (exasperated laugh) this is beyond me, bro. - Most of his fans are gay. - But that ain't got nothing to do with my, what I like. - It kind of feels like you're trying to blame him for the fact that you lied and pretended to be something - No, and it's not lying I'm not pretending to be someone-- - You've been pretending to be Safari for two months. - You a Catfish Catfish, bro. - [Williams] No... -This is some... - [Nev] Wait a second, - [William] No no no no no no no - [Nev] but surely... wait, but surely you (exasperated sigh) understand that it still feels like you... don't think you did anything wrong. - I didn't do anything maliciously, I wasn't asking for money. - That's true. - So, if I wasn't doing done of those things, I don't feel like in a sense of I was doing any harm. We didn't mean for someone to call "Catfish". - Just ask me and be like, "Bro, are you gay? Do you get down?" And I would have been like, "No," and it would have ended right there. (dramatic music) - [Nev] 'Kay, here goes nothin' (dramatic music continues) (knocking on door) (garage door opening) - [Justin] Nev, Nev! - [Nev] Uh-oh. - [Cherie] Oh, get me the (beep) out of here. No. (dramatic music) No, that, nah, absolutely dead Like I got to be Boo-Boo the fool. Like, no. - You really fell for this? - [Cherie] No. - [Nev] Who is this? - No, an old friend of mine - [Man in Garage] You forgot me right? who doesn't know his place. - You forgot me? - [Cherie] We ready to go? - [Nev] What's going on? Who is this guy? - Somebody I was literally just old friends with. - [Nev] What happened? - [Cherie] Yeah. - She asked to borrow some money from me and I haven't heard from her since. - That is so childish. - All right, so hold on a second. What's your name? - My name's Buddy. - [Nev] And you guys go back as friends. - [Buddy] Right - [Cherie] Only a little bit. About three or four years, but we're honestly not that close. - About five years, since 2012. - Okay, so you guys were friends. - Uh-huh, we used to hang out and talk (beep) together - And close enough that you lent her some money here and there. - [Nev] About how much do you think you lent her? - A couple hundred dollars. - First of all, I didn't ask you for anything. This man blew up my phone one day and I didn't answer so he went into my account and paid my bill and then told me I need to pay him back because he thought that my phone was off. Now I'm borrowing money from you? - You definitely asked, you needed help - You didn't specifically say, "Can I borrow money?" He just-- - I didn't ask him to pay my bill. - It said it was off. - So wait, so what, what did you want? - I wanted my money back. That's all this was for. That's what started Avion. (dramatic music) There was several days where she said, "I'll bring your money this day." "Oh, my check's funny." "I'll bring you money this day." "My commission check's short." "I'll bring you money this day," and it's been months and I haven't heard a word from you - Because I'm not - [Buddy] Because at - friends with you - [Buddy] this point - anymore. - [Buddy] you're saying it's - Do you really think - [Buddy] about being friends - that the money had something - [Buddy] It's not about-- - to do with it? - [Buddy] It has everything - You're a (beep) friend - [Buddy] to do with it on my side when you said - [Cherie] Like you're all pressed for our friendship - on your word - I don't care - [Buddy] When you say, "I have $50 for you - [Cherie] I don't care. - [Buddy] On Friday because I owe you - [Cherie] My word is is that I don't (beep) with you - [Buddy] And then I don't hear from you hear from you and you spent the money. You spent the lift money to go see this fake person, but you couldn't put the money in your friend's hand. - You know what I owe you? A goodbye and a have a nice mother (beep) day. (dramatic music) - Loyda. - Loyda, I'm Nev. - Juan. - Thank you for, uh, having us over. - Oh, you're welcome. - Your daughter's been having a relationship with Ramon for quite some time now. He wanted to come over here and ask you guys some questions just so we could try to walk away from this at least knowing sort of, the whole picture. As far as you knew, your daughter was in a relationship with Ramon. - Yes. - [Nev] Did you know that she was pretending to be somebody else? - Yes. (dramatic music) I was aware of the whole thing. - This is my sister and I love her to death, but Im'ma say it regardless, Loyda flat out lied to Ramon. - [Nev] This guy was sending gifts, very generous gifts-- - [Mother] He wanted to - [Juan] I just want to-- - [Nev] To a girl who he thought - [Max] Sure, he wanted to - [Nev] Right... Didn't it bother you that there was a guy who was sending your daughter lots of things and he thought he was sending it to somebody else? - No, no, no, cut it right there. When he start sending her expensive gift like, for example, the Wii, Loyda mentioned to me, "Mommy, I think this is going too far." She decide to tell him the truth and he stop her and told her, "I don't want to hear it." (dramatic music) - I didn't want to get that face out of my head and uh, everything, that name. (dramatic music) Well, they looked at your page, your real page and found a picture of a ring and a message that looked like it was from me. - He sent her that ring. - I never sent her a ring, at all. - When Loyda open the envelope, it had your name on it. You did send that to her, Ramon. - I never sent her a ring. - If he's saying he didn't send it, sorry to tell you Ramon, somebody pretend to be him and he doesn't know. - Loyda, you want to explain that to your mom for us? - What? - How that all happened. - What happened? - The ring. - The ring? - Ramon gave you money. - It was birthday money. - You went online, you bought yourself a ring, you mailed it to yourself and then in front of your mother, you lied to her and told her he had sent it to you. Am I wrong? - Are you surprised though that she sent the ring? - Whatever. - No, not whatever. It's important, these details are important. - No, whatever. - You're not really hearing everything. - [Mother] Yes I am. - No you're not. - [Mother] Yes I am. - [Max] Your daughter's a liar. - My daughter's a liar? What about Ramon? - Ramon has his own issues to deal with - I can see that. - [Nev] okay. And part of what I hope we can do today is everybody admits their issues. I encourage you to take this opportunity to take responsibility for what you've done. Same to you, okay? I'm just here to try and encourage both of you to be honest with yourselves. (dramatic music) - Why don't we, why don't we come over here? - That's Alexis? (sigh) - So, Nicole... -mm hmm? - this is Jesus, and you are the person he's been talking to... Is that right? - Mm hmm - Okay... (dramatic music) - So what's been going on here because we got a whole story from Amanda. Clearly, you're not the girl in the pictures right? - No, Amanda made the profile okay... - Wait, Amanda made the profile? - Amanda made the profile years ago, she was doing this and that, she used to be my best friend. She's not anymore. - Hold on, so you're saying that when Jesus started talking to Alexis, he was actually talking to Amanda? - He was talking to her and then I took over. - [Nev] How long have you been the profile? - Probably talking to him a little over a year. - [Nev] So pretty much the whole time. - Yeah, yeah. - [Nev] And it was you in the video chat, right? - It was me. - [Nev] Okay, so you are the Catfish. (dramatic music) Who's the girl in the Alexis profile? - That's my cousin, those are her pictures. - Oh, you used pictures of your cousin. - Yes, that's quote unquote, Alexis. - And she knew you were using her pictures or not? - No, Amanda didn't tell her nothing. Amanda befriended her like a friend, you know, "Hey, let's do this together." I said okay, you know I agreed to it. - [Nev] And what about this Nicole person? - [Nicole] That was my daughter, Nicky. - [Nev] You used pictures of your daughter? - Yeah. - Does your daughter know that you're using her pictures? - No... - [Nev] What about your other daughter, Alissa that you told Jesus about? - Yeah, who's Alissa? - Alis... That's Amanda's daughter. - You said it was your daughter. - Yeah, but don't yell at me. That's Amanda's daughter. (dramatic music) - Oh right, Amanda. Said you guys got into a big fight because you sent pictures of her kids to some guy in prison. - First of all, she's the one that gave me the pictures to send to him. Second of all, Amanda was-- - [Nev] So you did send pictures of her daughter to - [Nicole] To nobody - [Nev] somebody in prison - [Nicole] in prison. She was in this the whole time. I don't know what she's talking about. - The bottom line is, Alexis is not real. You're talking for a year plus to this young man and the idea was to make a fake profile to talk to guys to see if you could get them to give you money? - Yeah. Amanda's being a total bitch and I hate her right now. - Enough about Amanda. You're the one here who is telling that you have been scamming lots of guys pretending to be Alexis, then like you're the Catfish. - I'm not innocent, I'm far from innocent, but don't make me look like I'm a (beep) bad person. On (beep) national TV. Cause I can easily just get up and walk away real quick and I won't care. - So you don't care about him at all? - I care for him as a friend. - You guys were saying, "I love you." - As a friend, you can't tell a friend you love them? - Oh, right, but you knew that he was more in love than just like a friend. - Yeah, but it was just like I wanted a friendship. - You have to care about him if you, a year is a long time to talk to anybody-- - Really? I have to when nobody gives a (beep) about you, you don't got to care about nobody. You don't know my life story. You don't know what I've been through. I've been through a lot of (beep). I've been in the foster care, I've been adopted - [Jesus] I have too. - I've been in and out of jail since I was 11 years old. Okay, I've gone through a lot of (beep), okay Jesus? I've been through a lot - I have too. - I've had my ass dragged from one end to the other okay, if you don't want to talk to me at the end of the (beep) day, oh well, so be it. I'm still gonna be me. I'm still gonna move on. I'm gonna do me and my kids and that's the bottom (beep) line to it. And if you believe Amanda, then you're (beep) dumber than I thought.- - [Female Host] Oh my god. - But you lied. - [Female Host] I honestly don't believe anything that you're saying. (dramatic music) - I mean, what you did is not okay. Take some (beep) responsibility for yourself. You realize what you're doing is really (beep) up. - I'm done, I'm done with this situation. I'm done, I'm gonna walk away because I'm about to cuss your ass out real quick. So I'm done with this, I don't want to talk about it. Thank you. Okay, I'm already done. - Just let her be, just let her be guys. - How you doing? - I'm doing all right. - [Nev] Good to see you - [Woman That Walked Up] Kind of, feeling nervous. Good to see you too. - So we're just waiting trying to figure out what the heck's going on here. It's not you is it? - No... [Cami] So you're not Jordan? - No, I'm not Jordan. - [Cami] You're not Jordan? (dramatic music) - Well, it's two thirty. - You ain't heard from him? - No. - You want to know why you ain't heard from him? Because I'm Jordan. (dramatic sound) Stupid bitch. - [Nev] What? - [Cece] Yeah. - [Angel] Are you serious? - [Cece] Yeah. - [Nev] I don't understand. So you made the profile. It's been you the whole time. - Yep - Why would you do this for this long? - It don't matter how long I been doing it. You had it coming. - What did she have coming? - This girl been stealing dudes from me for years. How does it feel because it don't feel good, right? It don't feel good. - [Angel] What is, what is this? - So, you created the profile - [Cece] Yes I did. - To match with her because you knew she was on Tinder. - I was eventually gonna tell her, but she wanted to meet Jordan so here I am. - [Nev] Who's, what are these guys that you stole? Is that true or-- - I don't know what she's talking about. - You don't? Use your brain. You don't know? You stole three dudes from me, Angel. - I didn't steal anybody from you. - Roy, Troy and Chris. - What? - I guess this would have been like, years ago? - Yes. - There were some guys that you started talking to, relationships or these were guys that you would-- - I wasn't in a relationship, but we were talking and then they start talking. These are the people that could have been potential for me. Oh, oh, I'm drunk, I'm drunk, I was sitting on his lap. That's (beep) you don't do. Once she was at a party. She magically appeared on his lap. It didn't feel good. - I don't think it's that unusual for someone who's 18, 19 to sit on a guy's lap, like that stuff is... you're young - Well let's put it like this, that's (beep) you don't do. - And that's not cool and you're right - That's (beep) I don't do. - But now the (beep) you have done is like, pretend to be your best friend's boyfriend-- - I can be dumb, she can be dumb too. - Okay, first of all, they tried to talk to me - Okay, just like you said - [Angel] It's not like I tried to... - It's the girl code. You don't do (beep) like that. - Can you just stop acting stupid? - How am I being stupid? - [Angel] Bitch you better, oh my god (beep) - I swear, - [Nev] Hold on, hold on - [Angel] I'm gonna knock you the (beep) out - [Cece] Do it, do it! - if you don't get out of my face. - [Cece] Your not gonna do nothing, you a dumb ass (beep) for talking to - [Nev] All right, all right - some stupid ass dude on the internet - [Nev] Why don't we just-- - [Angel] I'm gonna lay you out. - You gonna lay me out? I want you to go right ahead. - All right all right. - No one's laying anyone out. - I want you to do it right now. - Stop you guys. - Laura, why don't you go over there with Angel - I'm ready to go. - [Angel] This is stupid. - I'm done talking to her. Who gonna take me home, Nev? - [Nev] We can, we can... someone can take you home. - [Cece] I'm ready to go. I'm done with this (beep), man. - [Male] Hey Alfred. (dramatic music) - [Alfred] (beep) what the (beep)? - [Nev] Who is this? - It's Antonnio. - [Alfred] What are you doing here? - [Antonnio] I heard "Catfish" was in town. - [Alfred] What that got to do with you? - Why are they here? - Get in your car, go home. - So you really going to leave? - Get in your car and go home. - Can I talk to you over there? - Why? - For five minute? - For what? - So I can talk to you. I don't need everybody else in my business. I don't need that. - [Cami] Hold on, hold on, hold on. - [Antonnio] No, why are they here? - [Nev] It's all right, why don't you go back inside and I'll explain to Antonnio what we're doing here. - You're Antonnio. - Yeah. - I'm Cami, nice to meet you. - [Alfred] This is what I was telling y'all. It's like, you see what I'm saying? - [Nev] I understand. He's probably just jealous and upset. - He's always (beep) jealous. That's what I'm talking about. - It is Alfred's business... But... we're just... we're here to help. - This is a perfect opportunity to just say you know what, - I told y'all - I don't need that. - I told y'all. - Yeah but, you don't need that anymore. - I told y'all. - It's not your responsibility. So why don't you go out there and let him know how you feel? - What do you have to say? - Why are you bringing "Catfish" out here? Am I not good enough for you? Like, why you trying to meet somebody that you don't even know? - Look at this bull (beep) that you pulling right now. You hear something from Sanfra and you coming at me. - It's been five years. Five years is a long ass time for you to throw it away on somebody you don't even know? - And it's all been you it's been about you. - [Antonnio] But you don't even know this person. - It doesn't matter. - It'd be different if you knew this person, but you don't even know this person. - [Alfred] So that's my point - So you're going to leave me over somebody that you don't even know. - You damn right I would. - That's stupid as hell. - and, what you going to do about it - That's crazy as (beep) - You look dumb as hell. - [Alfred] And that's fine - [Antonnio] You look dumb as hell. - [Alfred] Okay. - [Antonnio] You look dumb as hell. - [Alfred] Okay. - And the reason why you can't find this person is because I'm Adonis, bitch. (dramatic music) Yes, I am Adonis. - Bitch! (shriek) - [Cami] Oh my god. Stop guys, no, no, no, no, no. (dramatic music) (muffled speaking) - Nev, please let me get up Nev let me get up, - [Cami] It's not worth it. - He better be lying, y'all. - [Cami] It's not worth it. - He better be lying. He better be lying. - [Nev] Hold on, hold on, hold on one second. - He better be lying bro. (sad music) (sobbing) - Sit with me. - I'm tired of him. - Take a seat, sit with me. - I'm tired, Nev. Nev, I'm tired. - Let's take a second, all right. - (gasp) He better be lying, Nev. - We're not going to get anywhere right now. Everyone's upset. - Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm okay. That (beep) is crazy. He's mad at me because he's been cheatin' on me. This is just too much. I can't talk, I'm bout to go. I can't do this. - Please get home safely. - I am. (car door shuts) - I just want to know, is he lying? - Do you want me to go ask him that? - Please, - Can you just stay here for a minute? - Find out if he's lying, please. - All right, just wait for me one second, right here, okay? (suspenseful music) - [Cami] He says he needs to leave. - Did you talk to him at all? - Yeah, I did, but he doesn't wanna... - Hey, just really fast, is it true, you said at the very end, right before you guys started fighting that you are Adonis. - I am Adonis. - That's true? - That's true. - So you made the profile? - Yes. - And it's been you talking to him the whole time? Why did you do that? - I needed facts. - In terms of him like, cheating? - So cheating on me, so talking to other people behind my back, I needed facts.
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 1,624,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: explosive, reveals, dramatic catfish, catfish victims, MTV, catfish, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, best of, reveal, catfish season 7, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, max joseph, relationship, honest, reality, Elle King, MTV Ranked
Id: sW6uFkngOoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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