Best Of Teen Mom: Maci’s Most Memorable Moments | Teen Mom OG

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- Oh, thank you. Hey, my name is Maci. I'm 16, I live in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and I'm a total overachiever. I get good grades, I play softball, and I'm even on the cheerleading squad. But don't let that fool you, I do have a wild side. I'm all about dirt bikes. My boyfriend Ryan started chasing me when I was a sophomore. I wasn't into him at first because he rides four wheelers which to me are not cool but eventually he swept me off my feet. He even put a ring on my finger. (cheering) All my friends are psyched for senior year but I'm graduating early and moving in with Ryan because I'm pregnant. (engine rumbling) Ryan, I think it's time. - Time for what? - We have to go to the hospital. (tires screeching) (tense music) (soft chatter) (tense music) Giving birth to my baby was the hardest thing I've ever done. I kicked and screamed through over 30 hours of non-stop pain until finally. (screaming) (baby crying) (bell tolling) Are you ready? - [Ryan] So ready. - [Announcer] Maci DeShane. (cheering) - Thank you, thank you. (applauding) (cheering) Bentley, he's ruinin' 'em. - He's not ruinin' 'em but he's uncomfortable in this old stinky sweater. (upbeat music) (camera shutter clicking) - Benny. Hey, hey, Benny. Oh my goodness, it's kindergarten Bentley. Are you really big enough to go to kindergarten? You think? (upbeat music) - We're gonna follow you up to the entrance to the school and then we'll hang back. - Okay. (grunts) All right. Benny, I cannot believe you're goin' to kindergarten. - Then I'll know how to read. (upbeat music) - [Maci] Here. ♪ I'm feelin' higher than the sunrise ♪ ♪ Feelin' lovelier than midnight ♪ ♪ And I wouldn't change a thing ♪ ♪ I'm standin' taller now than ever ♪ - Should we tell them? - I guess so. - Sorry what, what are you guys talkin' about? - We got a surprise. We're havin' a baby. - Seriously? - [Taylor] Yeah. - Oh my god, are you kidding? - No. - [Adrian] That's amazing. - Congratulations. - [Taylor] Thank you. Thank you. - [Maci] Thank you. - [Taylor] Appreciate, thank you. - That was real life. - Yeah. - Oh my god, that's like a miracle. - Thank you. - Thank you. - It's awesome. - [Maci] Oh, we have pictures. It's the bright white ball. - This is so weird to me, it's so frickin' exciting. - [Taylor] And it's crazy. - [Cameraman] So how long have you guys known? - A week. - A week. Went to the doctor on Wednesday and it's still early so, like, we're literally, my parents know, his parents know, and y'all know. Like, nobody else knows. - Lemme see the ring. Oh my god it's so (bleep) awesome. - [Taylor] Dang. - [Kiki] How many diamonds is in that thing? - I think 84. - Oh my god. It is so awesome 'cause it's so Maci. - I know, she's so non-traditional that. - That's non-traditional. - [Ryan] Yeah. - But hot. - [Ryan] Turned out perfect. - [Kiki] We're in cahoots. - [Ryan] Bunch of liars. - Are you freakin' out all? - Not yet but I probably will be once we get down there. Hey, can I ask you something? - No way, babe! (uplifting music) Really? Oh my god. - [Ryan] Will you marry me? - Yes, of course. ♪ Even if the sky comes crashing ♪ Oh my goodness. Finally (bleep). - Okay, let's get started. So I know we're looking for the perfect dress today. Can you tell me anything that you're interested in as in style-wise? - The top can have beading and lace and things like that but the bottom I want as plain. - [Blonde Bridal Assistant] Very simple. - And simple as possible. - Perfect, obviously you will not be pregnant at the time of your wedding, so. - Yeah. - We'll definitely be able to try everything on. - Yeah. - So at least we can talk about the fits and things that you like, too. - Okay. - So, come on over. - Oh, see that. (upbeat music) - It was like this kind of all the way down. - All the way down, yep. Okay, let's move onto the next. Just hold the front here so you don't trip and we'll head right over here to the platform. - I'm already tired. - All right, go ahead and face the mirror Maci. - That top is gorgeous. - Nice heavy breakfast. - That top is what, is you. - It is gorgeous. How do we like the scalloped bottom? - [Maci] I mean, it's pretty but I wouldn't choose the bottom. - Yeah. - Okay, let's move on to the next. Was it full skirt? - [Maci] It was very Cinderella. - [Blonde Bridal Assistant] Uh huh and you loved that one. - [Maci] I, this is the one. There ya go, winner. - We decided this is the one. (women laughing) - Selfie. Say hi, papa. - That's a good job. - What do you think about your baby brother? - Good. ♪ We will all be born again ♪ - You gon' teach him anything? - Don't know, how to play baseball. - How to play baseball. What else? ♪ We are beautiful ♪ ♪ We are beautiful ♪ - Look at him. Are you so excited? ♪ Oh I had a dream last night. ♪ - [Maci] It's the cutest pooper ever. ♪ We are beautiful ♪ ♪ We are beautiful ♪ - Come here, hurry, so we can put Jayde's hat on. She's gon' break it. Hi JJ. (upbeat music) Can you say happy birthday? (baby babbling) Surprise! - Hi! - Happy birthday. - Happy birthday. - Hi. (smooches) Gimme a kiss, Bentley, thank you. And sit. - [Taylor] Now you gotta blow out your candles so we don't burn the house down. - You wanna blow 'em out? We can eat 'em in just a second, ready? (baby screeching) Yay! (smooches) Thanks guys. - You're welcome. Were you surprised? - Yes. I knew somethin' was goin' on. I was confused. - Well, it was like tryin' to organize a circus act but. - Well, that's how our, pretty much everyday life is, so. - And I was the ringmaster. Jayde's the bearded lady, 'cause she's got a cupcake beard. Happy birthday. - Thank you very much. ♪ Throw your arms around someone ♪ Oh my god! Y'all did so good. I've never done this before. (shrieking) (laughing) Perfect. (females chattering) This is so awesome, y'all. - Ready, ready? - Yeah, I'm standing next to Chickle and Keelie. In heels. Love ya! Thank ya, love you. - You're welcome. - I can't believe it. I'm gonna be Miss McKinney. - Mrs. Do you feel like a real bride? - I don't know if it'll hit me until, probably, the bachelorette party. - [Keelie] Yeah. Hey, we're gonna let Maci start opening gifts. (crinkling) - Oh, I like this. Oh yes, coasters. Thank you. Wait, what am I supposed to do? Try to get it off without breaking it? - [Keelie] If you break a bow, it's a baby. - Let's break all of them. - [Keelie] Did you just break one on purpose? - I'm breaking three on purpose. - [Keelie] That means you're gonna have three more. It doesn't count the ones you already have. - Yes it does! - No, it doesn't work like that. It doesn't work like that. Don't break any more. - Did you have fun? (chuckles) - For once it's not a baby shower. - I know. (laughing) I'm glad to be here. - Good. Are y'all coming to the wedding? - Yes, absolutely. - [Maci] Have you. - I've reserved. - I sent Ryan an invitation but I don't know if he got it. - I'll ask him. - Hey Ryan. Thanks for coming. - Oh, you're welcome. - Thank you so much. - What's up man? - I couldn't keep up with your vows, man, but I tried. - Nah, (bleep). - I love you so much. - Oh congrats. - Thank you so much for coming. - Oh my god I wasn't gonna miss it. - It means so much to me. - [Photographer] Everybody smile. (upbeat music) - Smile at daddy. - [Emcee] For the first time, Mr. And Mrs. McKinney. (upbeat R&B music) (cheering) - Hey, just real quick, while we have everybody quiet. I got Maci one more wedding gift but I wanted to wait until now to give it so everybody could see it and, so, if we can go ahead and go with it. Maci, do you wanna turn around? - [Maci] Do I need to sit? - Hey Maci, this is the Josh Abbott Band and Taylor reached out to us and wanted us to play at your wedding. Unfortunately, we're pretty busy on the road and we have another gig but we wanted to do somethin' special for you guys. Congratulations and this is for you. - No way. (upbeat country music) You really got them to do this? (upbeat music) Yeah, love it. (upbeat country music) How'd you talk them into this? - I know some people. (upbeat country music) (screaming) (upbeat country music) - Good luck. (upbeat country music) (shouting) - Do you know who she is? That's Ryan's girlfriend. (screaming) (upbeat country music) (upbeat music) - [Taylor] Who's got the crazy, let's go sky dive, yeah! (upbeat music) (muffled chatter) (upbeat music) - Oh my god that was (bleep). (upbeat music) (whooping) That was the coolest (bleep) thing. - Big smile, gimme some. (whooping) Yeah! (upbeat music) Gonna take a hug now, we get a couple. - That was so cool, yeah. - What'd you think about your birthday present? - Let's do it again. I'm leaving tomorrow so I wanna spend as much time with my family as possible. Did you do me some sticks? - Yep. (upbeat music) Oh, I almost stepped in fresh dog poop. - Everything is in dog poop, you'll get over it. I leave for Nicaragua in a couple days. Well, what do you think about me actually doing it? - Scary sorta. - Scary? - It's gonna be scary. - Yeah. - You're scared for me to go? - Yeah. - Well, you don' think I can make it? - Um, no. - What? You don't think I can make it? - Uh uh, well, I'm kinda worried about your partner, might tap out maybe. - Do you think my partner will tap out? - Maybe. - You think if my partner taps out then maybe I won't make it. - Maybe. - Well, I can tell ya right now tappin' out is not gonna happen. Do you remember before T-Money moved here and really before I met him even but definitely before he moved here. It was just me and you. - Uh huh. - [Maci] All the time, right? - Uh huh. - So, I can survive without a man. I promise. If you have great people in your life, that's just a bonus but what if the people in your life aren't that great and all you've got is yourself. And you need to be able to count on yourself right? To keep ya happy. To help ya survive, you know? Whether I'm doin' it by myself or with my partner. I'm not quittin' baby, okay? You gonna miss me? - Mmhm. - Hey, trust me when I say, look at me. I promise I'm gonna miss you a whole lot more than you're gonna miss me. (uplifting music) - We're welcoming our friend to the PCOS movement, Maci Bookout. (applauding) (cheering) - Thank you. So, I was here for the first advocacy day last year and we all come here and we're intimidated and it's scary and we don't know what we're doing but this is your story. This is the things that you deal with. Remember all the women that aren't here. We're speaking for everyone with PCOS, not just us. I'm glad my speech went well and I'm heading over to Capital Hill with some of the other advocates where I'm meeting with my state congressman. He's on a committee that can approve funding for PCOS so I have to get him to support our cause. - Ask him to cosponsor the resolution. - Okay. - Which makes September PCOS Awareness Month, officially. - Okay. - There is also a bill that hasn't been introduced yet that calls for more research for PCOS so tell him why more research is needed. - Yeah, okay. - Okay? (tense music) (cheering) We did it! - How did it go? - [Maci] Wonderful. - Yeah? - I got like a yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, like literally tell me what you need and he was writing them all down, the numbers for it. - Isn't that great? - [Maci] Oh so good. - I'm so excited. - Yay. - Yeah good job. - Go us! - Yeah. - [Maci] All right.
Channel: MTV's Teen Mom
Views: 780,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best of Teen Mom, maci's most memorable moments, maci teen mom, teen mom og maci, then & now, then and now, most memorable, compilation, Teen Mom, Teen Mom OG, series, original girls, 16 and pregnant, Maci, Amber, Catelynn, motherhood, challenge, young mothers, moms, marriage, relationships, family, adoption, finances, high school, college, job, leah, carly, bentley, sophia, Bristol, Cheyenne, MTV
Id: 8ROT65IyjeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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