4 Unexpected DOUBLE Catfish Reveals | Ranked: Catfish

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- You catfished me! - Well, you catfished him, too. - Yeah, but still, though. - [Nev] Hold on, hold on, hold on. So you had a fake profile and messaged her fake profile? - Tell me a bit more about Alyx. - Pretty great guy! We like the same music. We tell each other we love each other like, a good 50 times a day. Then we, just, talk on the phone until we fall asleep. ♪ The world is ours when my hand's in yours ♪ ♪ The world is ours when my hand's in yours ♪ - So you were talking to Alyx with a different name and with a different picture? - [Kya] Yeah. - [Nev] But I guess you've never Skyped? - Uh, no, 'cause he doesn't have a computer of his own, so he had no way to Skype. - And, so, what was his reaction when you told him the truth and, I guess, sent him a picture of yourself. - He pretty much told me, "I don't care what you look like, I love you for you," and we just moved on from that. - Have you ever been in love with someone? - Not like this, no. - Like, maybe, he could be the on-- - Possibly marry him, yes. - A lot on the line here. It's pretty amazing. We'd love to help. - That would be awesome. (laughing) - We're here? Oh. - Hi - Hey. - Hi. - I'm Nev. - Dani. - Hey. - Hey. - Hi. - Hey. (ominous music) - So how come you didn't tell me the truth when I told you? - [Dani] I was just nervous and didn't want to lose you. I just wanted to tell you in person. - But, as I always told you, I'm not going anywhere, no matter what. - I know it's-- - You can't get rid of me. - It's just, still, in the back of my mind. That just, that flag like, no, don't do it, but I told you now. - Yeah. - We can go sit around back there. I'm like shaking. I'm like Ah! - [Nev] Obviously, you're not exactly the person in the photographs. - Yeah (laughs). - So you're transgender? - Yes. - How long have you known that? - I think I was six. I might have been younger. I knew something wasn't right about me. At the time, I didn't know what transgender was but, I felt like, I'm not who I'm supposed to be. I'm different from the other kids. I didn't know how to voice it or how to really make it but, When I turned 18 I was like fine, I'm gonna shave my head. (beep) it. I'm gonna dress how I want. I'm gonna buy my own clothes, do what I want to do and, yeah, I did that and then I wrote my parents a letter, when I was 20 and now, they've kinda started accepting it more. Right now, I'm going through hormone replacement therapy. I had my first shot last Friday. - [Nev] Wow. - So I'm currently a week and two days on testosterone. - How many shots? - [Dani] I have to do it for the rest of my life. - Oh. - I'll just go less and less throughout my lifetime. - [Nev] So that's, you've committed to that, which is a big decision. - Yes. That surgery wise, I will get a, the full hysterectomy done and the mastectomy done. I don't know about anything else yet. I'm, usually really good about telling people I'm trans, in the beginning, like, within the first week. Most of the time they walk out. So I'm just used to it, but I was just afraid of losing her. I had this bond with her in such a short time that, I've never had with anybody else, that, it was just like, I need to do what I need to do to keep this for as long as I can. I don't want to (bleep) it up. I don't want to lose it. So, that's why I just kept going with it. - What are your feelings, I guess now, about that? - I mean, I have no problem with it. You're still a man to me so. - That's all that matters. - [Kya] That doesn't change anything. I care about his personality, not the looks. Except I like red heads so, looks plus. Added on to that. (laughs) - Oh. - Oh. Hey! - Hi. - [Nev] Wow, what's up? - Hey, what's up with you guys? - Shawny - [Nev] Nice to meet you. - [Max] Tell us a little bit about yourself. - I work, actually, in beauty. I sell makeup and lotions and soaps and things like that. - I like soap. - Well, your mom used to have to rinse your mouth out with soap a lot so, the flavor would matter. - That's true. - So you live in Rochester now. Is that where you grew up? - [Shawny] Yes, this is where I grew up. - Okay. - Born and raised. - Any kids? - I have three kids. - [Both] Wow. - [Nev] And what's up with your baby daddy? - We're not together. - Take us back, y'know, five months ago, when you got this random phone call, kinda how everything progressed from there. - So, I was selling my soaps and things like that, and so, every once and a while I, y'know, I'd get a call. And, I got a call from Jack. I let it go to voicemail. I text him. I wanted to know, y'know, like, if he had any inquiries. He's so funny. He just sorta started like, kinda flirting with me. And, I thought it was funny, I did it back. - Wow. - What was his line? Like, I'm feeling really dirty, do you have any soap? (laughing) Clean me up. - I'm a dirty boy. - [Max] Yeah. Can you tell us a little bit about him? - He lives here in Rochester too. - He lives in Rochester - Wait, time out. Why haven't you guys met? - He works a lot and I'm busy with my kids. - Do you talk to him on the phone? - No we don't. - You only texted? - We only text. - Yeah, but he called you once. - Yeah, but she didn't answer. You're a smart woman. You know that that's pretty weird. - That is weird but at this point, I've fallen for whoever I've been talking to, honestly. I'm in love. I am very emotionally invested in this relationship, but lately he hasn't been texting me back. And when he does, it's like late at night. It makes me wonder, am I the only person he's talking to? - You don't know jack. (laughs) - Oh. - What? - [Nev] Got someone on a bike. - Definite first. - That's a suspect. - [Nev] I'm feeling this biker. - [Max] Wait, that looks like the guy in the pictures. - Kinda does, right? - [Max] Oh, wait, he's dismounted. - [Nev] That does look like the guy from the picture. Do you know this person? You know this person? Do you know this person? - Yeah. - [Nev] You're in trouble. Someone's lying. - It's your ex-husband? (bleep) No way, is it really your ex-husband? Unbelievable. - So you were lying to us. - You did catfish us. - Hey, I'm Nev. Why don't you just tell us what's going on. - Did you know it was her? - No, not 'til I got like right by this tree right here. - No. - I thought, like, this was gonna be a first time meet. (talking over each other) - Didn't she tell you her name via the texts? Did she say "Hi, my name is Shawny?" - I said my name was Shawny. - Yes. - Right. - This is not Shawny. - [Nev] I don't understand. - [Max] What's your name? - Ebony - [Max] Your name is not Shawny? - No. - Why wouldn't you tell us that? - [Ebony] Because I thought that you guys wouldn't help me. - Help you do what? - I'm trying to get my family back together. - You did catfish us. You were right! - I was right! Kind of. - [Nev] What the hell is going on here? - Well, It all started when I got a new phone and, I called Brandon. - Is that your actual name? - Yeah. - He didn't answer the phone but, he text back later that night tryna see who I was. He told me his name was Jack. - Why didn't you just say your name? - I didn't know who it was. I'm not bout to just give anybody my real name. - Y'know I didn't tell him who I was. - I just want to get this straight. So you got a new phone? - Yeah. - Called Brandon and you didn't answer? - No. - You then texted, 'Who is this?' That's how this all started. - [Ebony] Yeah, We weren't talking at the time. We were in the process of separating then. - Wait, so hold on, what did you think for five months, when you couldn't get this girl on the phone? - She said she was doing music so I figured, like, maybe. And she talked about traveling a lot so I figured-- - You, "Shawny" was doing music and traveling a lot. You took every chapter out of the catfish book. - You catfished us. - Well he catfished me and I catfished him back. - When did he catfish you? - 'Cause he told me his name was Jack. - That's because you're some stranger hitting him up all y'know. - Yeah. - Well what's the deal with Talli. - That's my boyfriend - No it's not. - He know he's my guy. Y'know, we dating. We together. - How long have you been talking to him? - I met him 'bout a year ago. - Where'd you meet him? - I met him online, actually. But we do more talking on the phone. That's how I know it's real because, most guys text you but he actually wants to hear my voice. - And do you love him? - Yeah, I mean you see me just, y'know blushing talking about him. I get butterflies. - Do you have any doubts that Talli is who he says he is? - I mean why would I? I mean I don't think he'll do that to me because, just from, y'know, I done told him everything about me. And y'know, he done told me everything about him. In a relationship, you gotta have trust. You gotta have trust. If you ain't got trust then you don't got nothing. So, why doubt a person that you wanna be with, that you love that say they love you. Why doubt a person? Okay, I know this is crazy but, I wasn't really honest with Talli in the first place. I was kinda like, texting him from a fake profile. - Sheklia! - Crazy. I know, I know, I know. - This definitely changes things. So this whole time, you haven't been trying that hard to meet him, because-- - Right - Oh man. - I made the fake profile to spy on my ex and Talli just text me and yeah so... - Javantaye really has no idea? - He has no idea. - We gotta tell him. - Oh my god. - [Nev] Oh boy. Got a little bit of a curve ball here. - I got something that I need to tell you. Me and Talli haven't met and we haven't FaceTimed each other, because I've been talking to him from a fake profile. - So you catfishing him? - Kinda sorta, like-- - I mean, pretty much. - Yeah, pretty much. - Oh my god what? - What are the pictures that you've been using? - I just googled black girl and this picture popped up. - [Nev] That's all you've shown him the whole time? - Yes, he thinks I'm this girl named Kerry Taylor. - That's messed up. - Does Kerry speak any differently? - Yeah. - [Nev] What does she sound like? - Hello? Hi, baby. (all laugh) - Wow. - I see something - Someone's coming. - [Nev] Oh, How you doing? - [Talli] How you doing? - Just so we're clear, you're the person that Kerry has been talking to? - Yes. - So, I think you should just come out here and we can sort all this out. Come on out here. - [Sheklia] What? - This is Kerry. - Oh my (beep) god. - [Talli] Are you serious? - Really Terrance? - I mean I didn't know it was you. - You know this guy? - This is crazy. - Damn. - How do you know this guy? - We dated like, 10, 11 years ago. - What? - This is crazy. - This ain't right. That's what it is. - It's not right? You catfished me. - Well, you catfished him, too. - Yeah, but still though. - Hold on, hold on, hold on. So you had a fake profile. - Yes. - And messaged her fake profile, and it just so happens, that you guys actually used to date? - Man that was a long time ago. - It was so long ago. - Are you serious, man? - Oh my god. - You, wait, timeout. You used to live in St. Louis? - I used to live with my mother in St. Louis. - Okay. - I mean this is a first. - I'm like, Oh my (beep) this is crazy. This was you the whole time? - You guys, this is destiny. - No. - Uh uh. - [Nev] How long were you guys-- - It was a bad bad relationship. - It was a bad relationship. - Yes it was. - Yes it was really bad. - While we were together he had three kids on me You told me you don't even have any kids. You have a lot of kids. - How many kids do you have? - I got four. - He had all those kids on me. - Really? - Yes. He was just a H-O-E. That's all he was. - [Max] Talli-hoe - Talli-hoe. - There you go. - How did you make the Talli profile? - It wasn't originally me. It was one of my friends. He made the profile. - Do I know your friend? - Donnell or- - [Sheklia] Donnell? - I'd rather not say his name. - Wait, how did the profile start? - I had a buddy who was using the profile to get females off of it. - [Nev] Why was he using Talli's picture? - That's something I don't know and I asked him about it he was like "Man, look, it's just getting me females." So, I'm like, Okay, cool. - You know. - You don't know Talli? - Nah, I don't really know. - [Nev] How long have you been using the account? - [Terrance] About a year and a half. - Who was using it before you? - One of my friends was using it. - So it's just like a community thing that you just pass on? - [Nev] I don't understand why you guys like using this profile. Why don't you just make a new one? - [Max] 'Cause this one works. - So what do you get out of this? - Definitely didn't get what I wanted. - I need a break. - Are you from Michigan? - Yes, I've lived in Pontiac my entire life. - [Nev] What do you do for work? - I work in house keeping. - Oh - At a hotel. I'm just kinda taking it as it goes because I've come a long way from where I was, even a couple years ago. - Oh, how so? - When I was with my ex, It had just gotten to the point to where I kinda lost my way so, I'm just trying to build myself back up, now. - Very toxic relationship. - How long were you in that relationship? - Um, almost eight years. - [Nev] Whoa. - It was pretty bad. - When did you break up with your ex? - Almost three years ago. - Okay. - Well we still, even after we broke up, we still kinda went back and forth for about a year. - And so, right about the time that you finished finished with him, was around the time that you met Jose. - Yes. - Where did you meet him? - On Facebook. My ex, that we just got done talking about, he was going behind my back, sleeping with my sister. So, I created a page and I was using her picture pretending, basically, to be her. - [Max] To be her, Wow. - That's how I found out for sure that those two were sleeping around. - You set up a fake profile of your sister, to talk to your ex boyfriend? - Yes. - What did you say to him? - Just would send him a message, 'Hey, what's up?' He went into detail. - So he, right away was like, 'Oh, it's so great seeing you, last night'. - [Mandy] Exactly, no exactly. - Oh my goodness! - They had plans to meet at-- - No. - Meet up at a hotel and he sent the message to the page like, "Hey, are you still coming?" I went there and I caught them. - [Max & Nev] Oh! - Like seeing them-- - You went and you caught them? - Yes - In the bed? - Yes, literally, yes. - That's messed up. - That's why I made the page in the beginning. - So that's why you made the profile which makes sense. So how do you go from catching your boyfriend to using that fake page to meet someone else? - I guess I was just at a low point in my life. - Did you think that your sister was prettier. - Well, yeah. The guy I was in love with for eight years left me and was sleeping with her. - But you and your sister look very similar. - [Max] So why were you getting so much attention as... - [Mandy] Yeah but I have Because I have my own Facebook page and like, my real page and I don't get... - Do you put yourself out there on your Facebook page and, do you post photos you feel you look sexy in? - Quinton is dying a little inside. - I know he is. (all laugh) - And you don't get the same response that you got when you made the page for your sister? - Yes, so, I kinda just took it and ran with it, I guess you could say. - All right. - I know it's wrong. I know. - All right, so tell us about Jose. - He sent me a friend request. He doesn't live too far so I kinda just accepted him. It just started off kinda small talk. I told him what was going on with my ex and stuff like that. And he just kinda told me like, "You don't need jerks like that in your life. "You can do better." He was just, like, so cool and so down to earth and understanding. It just seems like he genuinely cares. I can talk to him about anything and he doesn't judge me. I haven't found that with another guy. - What are your feelings for him? - I've told him I love him before. - I just hope it's who he says he is so that, my mom can be happy. - I actually tried to send him a picture of myself, And he would say stuff like, "Oh, you look like you gained a little weight." He wasn't mean about it. - So he has seen pictures of you thinking it's your sister. - Yeah. - [Nev] Okay. - Do you talk on the phone? - Just text. - You ever heard his voice? Just text? - He doesn't have a phone. - So the entire relationship, between you and Jose, has just been over messenger? - So you don't even have a phone number for him. - What? - I know it sounds bad. - There's no way he doesn't have a phone. You haven't pushed him enough to actually try. - Can I explain something? It's hard to push him when I'm using a fake picture. - [Nev] Wait, what? - Do we know you? You're from the Derek episode. Right, you had the hair. You had a shaved head. - Wait a second, What? Wait, what's your name again? - Chasity. - Chastity! - [Nev] Derek, this is Chasity. - I started the page so I could start documenting, for court reasons. For the safety of my children. I'd rather my daughter's dad not have visitation. - You look great. - Why, thank you. - [Nev] How much weight did you lose? - [Chasity] 130. I had weight-loss surgery. - Wow - Okay, you are you the catfish? - I am. - What? - The season of ghosts past. - Wait so what are you doing? - Why are you mixed up in this? - Do you know Mandy? - Mandy is actually my cousin. - What? - We're not really close. We didn't grow up together. - Why are you catfishing her? - I thought it was her sister's page. - Oh, why are you catfishing your other cousin? - She was friends with one of my exes. - Who's your ex? So who cares if-- - It had something to do with my kids. - [Max] That's what she did the first time. - The last time we saw you, you had a fake profile to spy on your baby daddy. Did you delete that page? - [Chasity] Yeah. - But you still wanted to keep tabs on your baby daddy, so you made the Jose page and friended Mandy's sister? - Mhm, and then I found out when she said, "My name's Mandy." - [Nev] Wait, when did she say that? - Uh, like a few weeks. - You were like "Uh oh, she's catfishing as her sister." - Yeah. - Who is that? - Holy Crap. - [Nev] Why don't we discuss what's going on here. - [Mandy] Yeah, please. - Who is this? - [Mandy] Chasity. - 'kay but who is Chasity? - Family from your grandpa's side. - [Nev] Let me fill you in. - What's up? - Chasity, who, by the way, has been on catfish before, in season two, we met Chasity because, she had been catfishing a guy. She had created a fake girl profile in order to spy on her baby daddy. Couple years ago, she heard that maybe your sister was hanging out with her baby daddy. So she friended your fake page thinking it was actually your sister. - Oh, Whoa. - Then I figured out that you were, actually, pretending to be your sister and just kinda went along with it because of our conversations. - You could have just, asked her to, like, hang out or something, like. - That's where it shoulda went. There's a lot of family issues. - We didn't really grow up together. - And some of the family might not even be happy if I was friends with her. - This is a very awkward situation. - It's really cold out here. - Can we go inside? - Yes, come in. - [Nev] How do you feel about this, Mandy? - I don't know. - Clearly, you're upset. - I really don't know what to say. I'm really humiliated, by my family, once again. I'm like, mad and confused and hurt, embarrassed, all in one and I'm like kinda freaking out like anxiety, because of the personal things that I've told her. Not Jose. - I mean, I would never tell any of your secrets. That's personal and that would be something really hurtful to do to someone. - I would appreciate that, if you don't. - Why continue for so long? There's a version of this where it's like, "I'll either tell her right away or "I'll shut the account down." - I didn't really wanna shut down the account and blow my cover. I was still friends with my ex on there. - That makes sense when you say it but, then when you think of two years, you wouldn't have kept on doing this to the extent that you did if you weren't getting something very valuable out of it. - It made me feel good that I could help her and she was someone to talk to. - Did you ever feel like you were just in too deep? - Yeah, like, I didn't know how to like, backward it, like, it was already too far into... - After a while, you should have just told me. I don't know how to react, right now. Yeah. I have a hard time talking in front of people, and then, it's hard 'cause my son is here. - [Max] You wanna talk here with just her? - [Mandy] That would be good. - [Max] Okay, we could do that. - Family full of catfishers.
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 1,408,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: double catfish, dramatic catfish, catfish victims, MTV, catfish, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, reveals, best of, reveal, catfish season 7, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, max joseph, relationship, honest, reality, Elle King, MTV Ranked
Id: w_hm6Q4y9vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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