7 Egg Dishes, From Octopus Eggs to Ostrich Eggs | Around the World

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[Music] i'm beryl joined by my puppy asha hello and this week we're looking at eggs there are a lot of ways to cook an egg and that's because they're versatile egg dishes can be found on every corner of this planet so when i made this episode i decided to give myself one hard rule to follow no chicken egg dishes so things get a little funky in this episode i like it i hope you guys do too i spoke to seven people in seven countries to see different eggs and their dishes around the world so this is the egg episode in making this episode i decided two things number one i wanted to find as many different eggs as possible and number two like i said before no chicken eggs so with that in mind let's get cracking i rubbed that one the dish is a traditional south african ostrich egg which is set in a pan fried up with ingredients like budovers onions and eggs escamoles [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] we're going to start with the largest egg of the bunch an ostrich egg from a breakfast dish in south africa the ostrich egg is obviously special to the country it's the egg of the biggest bird in the world and the egg weighs in at about 1.5 kilograms which is the equivalent to 24 to 27 chicken eggs my name is peter de jacob and i'm from stellenbosch we are making an ostrich egg crustless quiche it's a typical dish in south africa especially for breakfast my mother-in-law actually taught me how to make this dish she grew up on a farm that had a lot of ostriches we get these eggs from any of the ostrich ranchers here in south africa to crack the egg i usually use a serrated knife to run it around the tip of the egg and then you use either the heel of a knife or a cleaver and you just chop all the way around the egg until that weakened piece comes straight off and loosens itself from the shell and then you pierce through the little film on the inside then you add the beaten egg into the pan you turn down the heat to a low and you leave the egg to simmer in the pan and then once it's litified you take it out of the pan you cut it up into wedges and then you serve it with a green herb salsa the egg tastes a little bit eggier it almost tastes as what an egg smells like it's got a more venison game like flavor but still very much egg i like eating these eggs because number one it feeds a lot of people and number two it's got a wonderful rich flavor next up let's go with the smallest snail eggs it's a thing on france [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] exclusively [Music] [Music] moving from land to sea in japan octopus eggs are hard to find delicacy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for a midday break duck eggs are an important part of this tea in indonesia [Music] foreign in sri lanka they're cooking up fish eggs but not the type of caviar you might expect [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] foreign known as mexican caviar these eggs come from small insects ants [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] and lastly it's a repeat egg the duck but a completely different presentation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this episode was a little bit different from episodes past where usually i try to find a through line and in this one i tried to differentiate them all but i think that the thesis of the series still holds up we saw all of this wonderful variance around this one word the egg and i know that some of the dishes might have been a little bit out there but the point of this series is to open our minds and explore the world through food because food can be a lot of things and eggs can be a lot more than just the typical chicken egg we eat this dish on special occasions especially when we have a lot of friends around or you have to cook breakfast for many people it's a wonderful egg to feed a lot of people [Music] it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] francis
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 1,647,073
Rating: 4.888597 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, new releases, food & drink, food, drink, flavors, around the world, egg, eggs, breakfast, ostrich eggs, snail eggs, octopus eggs, tea, duck egg, travel, countries, Japan, south africa, France, Indonesia
Id: qrgrPHUGInU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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