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[Music] nothing says Britain more than nope nope keep going oh yes there it is a nice cup of tea [Music] we know we have China to thank for introducing tea to the Western world but how did it make its way to England and become the cultural obsession is today well that's all thanks to one Portuguese woman the year 1662 the person Catherine of Braganza she just won the hand of England's King Charles the second with the help of a very large dowry including money treasures and spices this worthwhile trade made her the Queen of England Scotland and Ireland when she arrived to her new homeland she brought with her packets of loose leaf tea in crates labeled transport Dervis aromatic us it's a theory that this was later Berube ated to te a t now t could all be found in england but was only really used for medicinal purposes catherine continued drinking tea to her heart's content and as the new royal everything about her including her beverage habits was copied by other ladies desperate to be just like their idol another thing catherine brought to the table from portugal was the idea of tea drinking experience she popularized the use of porcelain tea cups and mugs but the end of the 17th century much of British aristocracy were enjoying the hot beverage and soon enough so was everyone else today while tea can be found pretty much everywhere it remains a special daily pastime for Brits hmm so carry on and drink tea people of England [Music] a legend around this chalk is that it's impossible to write a false theorem I assume the special ingredients where's angel tears mathematicians from all the top schools very frequently is it it's a cult favorite as soon as I used it I was a convert the chalk is one of the best-kept secrets in the math world it's the rolls-royce of truck [Music] hagoromo is a brand of Japanese chalk the way it flows on a board is a bit hard to describe in words it's really hard to get only get it from Japan you need a Japanese person to bring it back for you I discovered it when I went to visit the University of Tokyo and one of the professor's there said to me you know we have better chalk than you do in the States and I said oh go on chalk his chalk and so I tried it out and I was surprised to find that he was right I tried it I thought was phenomenal it's the densest it erases the cleanest that leaves the nicest line if you use bad chalk often you've depressed really hard for anyone to see what you're writing so using hagoromo on a good board it doesn't really feel like you're working hard to write when I'm teaching I get a feeling of energy confidence and the chalk absolutely helps slowly the math world has become aware of this and it became a bit of a fad in some circles it was like maybe four years ago the word came out that the company was going out of business I sort of jokingly referred to it as a chalk apocalypse so I immediately started hoarding up as much as I could I order three boxes of hagoromo and kept in my office and used it very sparingly I should have bought more but I have friends have bought boxes and boxes and boxes of the stuff they might very well be set for the rest of their career we felt like 1506 that's a lot of days four sticks a day I think I'm gonna make it I have probably a ten your supplies still at home buy calculated how many boxes what I need to last for 10 or 15 years I didn't want to become a talk to you later but I did like the idea that I could be the first stick is free chalk dealer on the block in my department I was probably selling it regularly to maybe eight to ten colleagues I would reach into my cupboard in my office and pull out another box and we do the deal in my office and we all had a chalk fix and we still do the original hygroma chalk is slowly disappearing a few years ago a Korean company bought their formulas and did the best job of faithfully reproducing and agree it was mixed emotions I was happy to know that it would still be made but I was a little disappointed that I was less clever than I thought I was in many ways mathematics is like craftsmanship in some ways it's like artistry in some ways it's like science but there's a real car aft side to giving a beautiful lecture on a blackboard mathematicians admire this in each other and like teams the best tools for it there's incredible value to this but the value isn't using it up not hoarding it [Music] [Music] [Applause] for millions of Japanese people springtime means one thing baseball but what a fan probably doesn't think about what happens to all those broken baseball bats well one chopsticks manufacturer as an answer [Music] [Applause] now my world up and humor Schmid's sure level HOF Thomas Reisch a tireless name thank you Miss Rita Nate yeah well you got your semester put it's great the rationalists what about the bra sizes would be indeed a partial good study but totally needy room as I quit tomorrow no soon as you start a word from the eye odometry was popular for making fine wooden products and professional baseball bats but because of forestry mismanagement the species was in trouble how about his name tomorrow my see so could you talk audio to them another actinides name Shimbun de que c'est laptops now how are ya q Nova Toronto not not lucky okay Thank You pancakes and is named after an k0 symbol okay that happens instead of contributing to the problem mr. attorney had an idea [Music] though there has been no passion of chiral disorder with that mr. Cattani put his plan into motion worried about to kill than the equity today tengo Cola for Giovanni question what about tonight you know what is the path to core al Qaeda and only morning with the profits from these baseball chopsticks mr. irani has joined baseball leagues and teams to donate to a group planting a new forest of Adamo treats infection ah Sam Okinawan a chromo McConkey Oh tomorrow you're shaking I see Hank you're not an economist irony which generally catheter - owatta chasuble serious name [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's plastic it's most likely beige and it sounds like this chances are if you grew up in the United States you've played a recorder it was a non negotiable part of your elementary school education and for that you can thank this guy Carl Orff a passionate German composer originally the recorder was handcrafted wooden and made for the highest of society even Vivaldi and Bach wrote pieces for the recorder it doesn't rely on a reed or strings just breath it's in the flute family in the 1960s the recorders started being produced out of plastic cheap plastic so how did it become the clumsy awkward sound we all used to play that's where Orff comes in he saw the recorder as an easy way to get kids to start playing music the logic was simple the recorder relies on rhythm rather than memorization if you can sing you most likely can play it or had the best of intentions to inspire the next generation of musicians and even though they can sometimes be annoying our hats are off to you sir for changing the course of music education for generations to come [Music] let's play a game think of a famous painting guess what you just thought of me today I'm the world's most renowned work of art but it wasn't always this way my story is full of surprises and it all began in a studio in Florida [Music] well here's the master himself Leonardo da Vinci he worked on me on and off for a few years towards the end of his career you're a minor work my dear some interesting shading nothing more we'll just see about that over the next 300 years I hung quietly in French palaces and royal bathrooms the things I've seen Oh Jude until finally I was noticed by a man who had already made quite a name for himself when Napoleon chose me to hang on his bedroom while people took notice I look forward to sleeping with you master he after he had his whole exile from France thing they tossed me on a wall at the Louvre but at this point I was still just another Renaissance portrait until one night Menma I was stolen it was pandemonium Paris within an uproar the police hauled people in left and raped the hysteria hit a fever pitch when the police suspected and interrogated one of the most famous artists in the world Pablo Picasso jacooz the Picasso was innocent the thief turned out to be an Italian carpenter he was cotton flooring and I returned to the Louvre from that day forward I became the darling of the art world everyone wanted to see Napoleon's da Vinci painting Picasso was suspected of stealing soon tourists crowded in and most people forgot why I was famous in the first place that might raise some eyebrows but not mine since I don't have any oh you didn't notice I don't have any eyebrows I told you I'm full of surprises
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 1,705,729
Rating: 4.8963122 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, great big reels, new releases, why, questions, burning questions, human condition, weird & fun knowledge
Id: sZdE-jDiNb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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